Simple books in Spanish pdf. Short stories - learning Spanish. La misteriosa desaparicion de la marquesita de Loria. The mysterious disappearance of the young Marquise de Loria

Texto en español "Mi amiga"
Spanish text "My Girlfriend"

Read the following text. Translate each sentence and memorize new words.

Mi amiga

Mi amiga se llama Elena. Tiene 19 años. Es de Moscú como yo. Es una chica muy buena y simpática. Es alta, delgada y rubia. Tiene el pelo largo y los ojos marrones. Siempre lleva un vestido largo que es muy bonito y cuando se pone zapatos de tacón alto, parece todavía más alta.

Es mi mejor amiga. La conozco desde muy pequeña, porque vive en una casa cerca de la mía. Siempre estamos juntas. Ella me conoce muy bien porque siempre le cuento toda mi vida. Nos vemos casi cada día. A veces voy a visitarla a su casa y a veces ella viene a mi casa a verme. Pasamos muchas horas jugando y hablando. Cuando no tenemos mucho tiempo para vernos, nos llamamos por teléfono o charlamos en internet.

Por desgracia, ella estudia en otra universidad y ahora nos vemos menos. A veces después de las clases quedamos en una cafetería y tomamos una taza de café o de té. Me siento muy feliz cuando ella está al lado.

Elena me entiende muy bien. Cuando tengo problemas, me ayuda mucho. Yo también la ayudo en los momentos difíciles de su vida.

Sus padres son buena gente y a veces me invitan a cenar a su casa. Y si es muy tarde, me permiten pasar la noche allí.

Los mejores momentos de nuestra amistad son las vacaciones. Nos gusta ir de compras, cocinar juntas o ver nuestras películas preferidas. Nosotras tenemos los mismos gustos.

Hoy me ha llamado y me ha dicho que ha comprado dos camisas nuevas que son absolutamente iguales - una para ella y otra para mí. Estoy muy alegre y muy feliz. Creo que mañana le compro un bolso del mismo color que el mío. Somos como dos hermanas.

Me gusta mucho mi amiga y es la única en todo el mundo.

My girlfriend

My friend's name is Elena. She's 19 years old. She is from Moscow, like me. She is a very nice and sweet girl. She is tall, slender and light. She has long hair and brown eyes. She always wears a long dress that is very pretty, and when she puts on high heels, she looks even taller.

She is my best friend. I know her from a very young age, because she lives in a house next to mine. We are always together. She knows me very well, because I always tell her all my life. We see each other almost every day. Sometimes I go to visit her, sometimes she comes to me. We spend many hours playing and talking. When we don't have much time to see each other, we call up on the phone or chat on the Internet.

Unfortunately, she is studying at another university, and now we see each other less. Sometimes after school we meet in a cafe and have a cup of coffee or tea. I feel very happy when she is around.

Elena understands me very well. When I have problems, she helps me a lot. I also help her in difficult moments of her life.

Her parents are good people, and sometimes I am invited to dine with them. And if it's too late, then they allow me to spend the night there.

The best moments of our friendship are holidays. We enjoy shopping, cooking together, or watching our favorite movies. We have the same tastes.

Today she called me and said that she bought two new T-shirts that are exactly the same - one for herself and the other for me. I am very glad and happy. I think that tomorrow I will buy her a bag the same color as mine. We are like two sisters.

I really like my friend, and she is the only one in the whole world.

Palabras nuevas:

llevar - to wear
ponerse - to put on
un tacón - heel
zapatos de tacón alto - high-heeled shoes
parecer - to appear
desde pequeño / a - since childhood
juntos - together
contar - to tell (yo c ue nto- I am telling)
verse - to see
ir a visitar / ver a alguien - to visit someone
pasar - to conduct
por desgracia - unfortunately
quedar - make an appointment, meet
permitir - to allow
la amistad - friendship
ir de compras - go shopping
el mismo - the same, the same
igual - the same
único is the only one
el mundo - world

Ejercicio 2
Come up with your 10 questions about this text

Ejercicio 3
Translate sentences into Spanish

1. We see each other often;
2. Where are we going to meet tonight?
3. I visit my parents every week;
4. We spend our time telling the news;
5. I invite you to my home for breakfast;
6. Louis always tells the same stories;
7. It's late, we allow you to stay and spend the night with us;
8. These sisters are exactly the same;
9. He is the only specialist I know in the city;
10. What do you wear before leaving the house?
11. Do you wear high heels?

1. Alphabet

The Spanish alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet with the addition of one letter and two digraphs: ch, ll, ñ ... Accent marks are sometimes placed above the vowels, but they are not transmitted during transcription. Letters k and w found only in words of foreign origin.

2. Transliteration

Some of the Spanish letters are transmitted into Russian unambiguously:

b b ll eh r R
сh h m m s with
d d n n t T
f f ñ ny v v
j NS p NS x cop
k To q To z with

3. Letter combinations with U

Combinations of letters in which the letter u not readable: guege, guihi, quiki, queke... For example: MiguelMiguel, EnriqueEnrique.

Sometimes you can find a record güegue.

Letter combination gua transmitted in transcription as gua: GuatemalaGuatemala.

4. G, C, H

Before the front vowels ( i and e) withwith, gNS: CesarCesar, ÁngelAngel.

In other contexts cTo, gG: CubaCuba, GabonGabon.

Letter h in transcription is not transmitted, with the exception of the traditional spellings of some geographical names: HaitiHaiti, HondurasHonduras and etc.

Only some of these exceptions are known to the "transcriptor".

5. Vowels after LL, Ñ, Y

In all cases lleh, ñ ny... If followed by a vowel a or u, then it is transmitted according to the rules: llaley, ñanya, llupour, ñunew.

At the beginning of a word, a letter y together with the following vowel, it is transmitted as one Russian letter: yaI am, yee, yoe, yuNS... So, YoelYoel.

In the middle of a word in the composition of diphthongs, the letter yth, and yaya, yuyu.

Between consonants, at the end of a word after a consonant, and as a separate word yand: JilyHealy.

6.I as part of diphthongs

At the end of a word iaand I... Exceptions are surnames and male personal names in which i constitutes a separate syllable and is stressed - in such cases, two transcription options are possible: iaua, iaand I... For example: GarciaGarcia (Garcia)... In the middle of a word always iaua.

"Transcriptor" always translates iaand I at the ends of words unknown to him.

After consonants ieth: FierroFierro.

After vowels ith: RaimundoRaimundo.

7. A couple more notes

At the beginning of a word eNS: EstebanEsteban... In other contexts ee.

Names and names of foreign origin may contain tz, in this case tzc.

If you are a new Spanish learner looking for interesting and easy reading and listening materials, then you will be interested in learning about the Aventura Joven Spanish language book series.

The Aventura Joven series tells the story of an adventure that takes place with a group of teenage friends: Mónica, Guillermo, Laura, Sergio and Martín. Reading stories about them, you will get to know them better, as well as discover many facets of life in modern Spain. In the books, along with narration, you will find a series of notes to help you understand the texts better and to explain some important cultural points.

This series of books in Spanish is very well suited for beginners to learn Spanish. That's why:

  • books are written in simple language
  • books are for levels A1 and A2
  • the books have a lot of dialogues in live Spanish
  • interesting books (who don't like adventures)
  • there are a lot of words and phrases in the books, having learned which you can use them when communicating in Spanish with native speakers
  • each book is accompanied by an audiobook, which allows you to practice your understanding of the Spanish language by ear

Where can I get these books? Everything is very simple here. The books can be downloaded for free from the links below:

  • Misterio en las Alpujarras - Level A1. A group of friends who went on an excursion to las Alpujarras (Granada) are experiencing unusual events that endanger their lives.
  • Persecución en Madrid - Level A1. A group of friends meet in Madrid. By a strange coincidence, one of them becomes the object of an exciting street chase.
  • Perdidos en el Camino del Inca - level A1. A group of young men and women have an exhilarating adventure following the Inca Road on their journey to celebrate the end of their course in Peru.
  • La chica de Mar del Plata - level A2. The guys from the institute in Berselon travel to Argentina to play in the school football championship. There they meet a mysterious girl ...
  • El fantasma del instituto - level A2. A series of strange events change the daily routine of the institute. are we talking about the paranormal?
  • El monstruo del rock - level A2. Friends take part in the Bilbao Rock Festival. One of them is kidnapped by a dangerous organization.

Download and read!

If you want to enhance your reading experience and improve your listening comprehension, I also recommend purchasing audio versions of these books from They are relatively inexpensive. Follow this link (I am in no way affiliated with this online store, most likely there are other places where you can find these audiobooks, if you want to find a cheaper option - google).

Despite the fact that these books are intended for levels A1 and A2, the audiobooks are read at a fairly fast pace. Therefore, if you are a very, very beginner, I recommend reading and listening first.

If you are starting to learn Spanish, and if you want to learn how to learn this language most effectively on your own, or you take courses or study with a teacher, but are looking for additional ways to effectively learn foreign languages, I invite you to, where you will get many useful recommendations on how to improve the effectiveness of learning a foreign language.

Mi nombre es - my name is ... (see the conjugation of the verb ser)

Tengo 11 años - I'm 11 years old, literally 11 years old (see the conjugation of the verb tener - to have)

Vivo en - I live in (see conjugation of the verb vivir)

con mi padre, madre, dos hermanos y tres hermanas - with my father, mother, two brothers and three sisters

Mis abuelos también viven con nosotros - my grandparents also live with us

la familia es muy importante - family is very important, literally - family is very important

Es común tener abuelos, tías, tíos y / o primos viviendo en la misma casa - it is generally accepted to have grandmothers, aunts, uncles and cousins ​​living in the same house.

Mis tías, tíos y primos también viven cerca - my aunts, uncles and cousins ​​also live nearby

Nos vemos a menudo - we see each other often

Mi hermano mayor es programador de computadoras - my older brother is a programmer

Ahora mismo, él está en Australia - right now he is in Australia

Su compañía lo envió allá por un año - his company sent him there for one year

Todos lo extrañamos mucho - we miss him very much

Le escribimos cartas cada semana - we write him letters every week

Yo quiero que él venga a casa pronto - I want him to come home soon

So, from this text it is clear that the same grammatical rules are constantly repeated and there is not much variety. You don't need to know all the grammar of the Spanish language to tell your conversation partner about your life. It is enough to know the basics of grammar to be able to talk about what you want.

For those who are learning English, there is this text in English. You can try to tell this text in two languages.

My name is Sangeeta. I am 11. I live in New Delhi, India with my father, mother, two brothers and three sisters. My grandparents also live with us. In India, family is very important. It is common to have grandparents, aunts, uncles and / or cousins ​​living in the same house. My aunts, uncles and cousins ​​also live nearby. We see each other often. My older brother is a computer programmer. Right now, he is in Australia. His company sent him there for one year. We all miss him a lot. We write him letters every week. I want him to come home soon.


¡Hola! Mi nombre es Ana. Tengo veinticinco años. Vivo en Miami, Florida con mi esposo y dos hijos. Tengo un hijo en kínder y una hija en primer grado. Ambos van a una escuela pública. Mi esposo es mecánico. Los fines de semana, él trabaja en un restaurante lavando platos. El restaurante usualmente tiene más clientes los fines de semana, entonces necesitan gente extra para lavar platos.

Mi nombre es Ana - my name is Anya

Tengo veinticinco años - I'm 25 years old

Vivo en Miami, Florida con mi esposo y dos hijos. - I live in Miami, Florida with my husband and two children

Tengo un hijo en kínder y una hija en primer grado - a son goes to kindergarten, a daughter to first grade (literally: I have a son in kínder and a daughter in first grade)

Ambos van a una escuela pública - both go to public school

Mi esposo es mecánico - my husband is a mechanic

Los fines de semana, él trabaja en un restaurante lavando platos - on weekends he works in a restaurant, washes dishes.

El restaurante usualmente tiene más clientes los fines de semana, entonces necesitan gente extra para lavar platos - the restaurant usually has a lot of visitors on weekends and therefore needs extra people to wash the dishes.

Hello! My name is Ana. I am twenty-five years old. I live in Miami, Florida with my husband and two children. I have one son in kindergarten and one daughter in first grade. They both attend public school. My husband is a mechanic. On weekends, he works at a restaurant as a dishwasher. The restaurant usually gets more customers on weekends, so they need extra people to wash dishes.



Carolina escribe un correo electrónico (email) a su amiga acerca del trabajo:

"Hola Cristina, siento no haberte llamado por tanto tiempo. ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo está tu nuevo apartamento? He estado muy ocupada en el trabajo. Llego a la oficina a las 7 am y me voy alrededor de las 6:30 pm. Sólo tengo media hora para el almuerzo y un descanso de cinco minutos en la mañana y en la tarde.Estoy muy cansada cuando llego a casa así que sólo como, veo algo de televisión y me voy a la cama.E la oficina, estoy en el teléfono todo el día, escuchando las quejas de los clientes y entrándolas en nuestro sistema de computadoras. se han resuelto todavía.No sé cuanto tiempo más pueda hacer esto.Necesito unas vacaciones, o mejor aún, ¡necesito otro trabajo! Te llamaré este fin de semana.

Carolina "

Carolina escribe un correo electrónico (email) a su amiga acerca del trabajo - Carolina writes an email about work to her friend

"Hola Cristina, siento no haberte llamado por tanto tiempo - hello Christina, sorry I didn't call you for a long time.

¿Cómo estás? - How are you?

¿Cómo está tu nuevo apartamento? - How is your new apartment?

He estado muy ocupada en el trabajo - I was very busy at work

Llego a la oficina a las 7 am y me voy alrededor de las 6:30 pm - I came to the office at 7, and left it in the evening at 6.30

Sólo tengo media hora para el almuerzo y un descanso de cinco minutos en la mañana y en la tarde - I have half an hour for lunch, and a 5 minute break in the morning and afternoon

Estoy muy cansada cuando llego a casa así que sólo como, veo algo de televisión y me voy a la cama - I am very tired when I come home, so I just eat, watch a little TV and go to sleep

En la oficina, estoy en el teléfono todo el día, escuchando las quejas de los clientes y entrándolas en nuestro sistema de computadoras - in the office, I’m on my phone all day, listening to customer complaints and entering them into our computer system

Al final del día tengo que escribir un resumen de todas las llamadas que recibí durante el día y darle a mi jefe un informe de las quejas que no se han resuelto todavía. - at the end of the day, I need to summarize all the calls that I received during the day and tell my boss about the status of the calls that remained unresolved.

No sé cuanto tiempo más pueda hacer esto - I don't know how long I can do it

Necesito unas vacaciones, o mejor aún, ¡necesito otro trabajo! - I need a vacation, or even better, I need another job!

Te llamaré este fin de semana - I'll call you at the end of the week


This text is in English for English learners.

Carolina writes an email to her friend about work:

"Hi Cristina, I am sorry I haven't called you for so long. How are you? How is your new apartment? I have been very busy at work. I arrive at the office at 7 am and leave at around 6:30 pm. I just get half an hour for lunch and a five-minute break in the morning and in the afternoon. I am very tired when I get home so I just eat, watch some television and go to bed. In the office, I am on the phone all day, listening to customer complaints and entering them into our computer system.At the end of the day I have to write a summary of all the calls I received during the day and give my boss a status on the complaints that are not yet resolved. I do not know how much longer I can do this. I need a vacation, or even better, I need another job! I'll call you this weekend.


Una nueva casa

A new home

Francisco está parado afuera de su nueva casa. Él alcanza su bolsillo y saca la llave. Voltea la llave en la cerradura y abre la puerta. Él entra a la sala y mira alrededor. La pintura se está desprendiendo de las paredes. No hay muebles. La casa está sucia y huele mal. Trata de abrir una ventana pero está dañada. La casa no tiene una cocina o un dormitorio, pero hay un microondas en el piso a un lado del cuarto. Él se pregunta si éste funciona. El lugar se ve terrible, pero es todo lo que él se puede permitir comprar. Él se cubre la nariz y la boca con su mano y abre la puerta del baño. ¡Está en muy mala condición!

Francisco está parado afuera de su nueva casa - Francisco stands outside his new home

l alcanza su bolsillo y saca la llave - he puts his hand in his pocket and takes out the keys

Voltea la llave en la cerradura y abre la puerta - he inserts the key into the lock and opens the door

Él entra a la sala y mira alrededor - he walks into the living room and looks around

La pintura se está desprendiendo de las paredes - paint peels off the walls

No hay muebles - there is no furniture here

La casa está sucia y huele mal - the house is dirty and smells bad

Trata de abrir una ventana pero está dañada - he tries to open the window, but it is broken

La casa no tiene una cocina o un dormitorio, pero hay un microondas en el piso a un lado del cuarto - the house does not have a kitchen or a sapaln, but there is a microwave oven on the floor on one side of the room

Él se pregunta si éste funciona - he thinks whether it works or not

El lugar se ve terrible, pero es todo lo que él se puede permitir comprar - the place looks terrible, but that's all he can afford.

Él se cubre la nariz y la boca con su mano y abre la puerta del baño - he covers his nose and mouth with his hand and opens the door to the bathroom

¡Está en muy mala condición! - it's in bad shape!

This text is in English for English learners.

Francisco stands outside his new house. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the key. He turns the key in the lock and opens the door. He steps into the living room and looks around. The paint is peeling off the walls. There is no furniture. The house is dirty and smells bad. He tries to open a window but it is broken. The house does not have a kitchen or a bedroom but there is a microwave on the floor on one side of the room. He wonders if it works. The place looks terrible but it is all he can afford. He covers his nose and mouth with his hand and opens the bathroom door. It is in bad condition.

En el Aeropuerto

At the airport

Miguel está haciendo fila en el aeropuerto. Es su turno y camina hacia el mostrador. La mujer del mostrador le pide su documento de identificación (ID) y verifica los detalles de su vuelo. Sí, él está confirmado en el vuelo 103 desde los Ángeles hacia Hawai al mediodía. Él no tiene maletas para facturar, pero tiene una maleta de mano pequeña que llevará con él. El agente imprime su pase de abordaje. Los oficiales de seguridad del aeropuerto pasan junto a él con un perro grande. El perro está olfateando alrededor del equipaje de las personas tratando de detectar drogas o explosivos. Miguel se siente aliviado cuando ve que el perro pasa junto a él sin detenerse. De repente, el perro se voltea y empieza a olfatear su maleta y ladra. El oficial de seguridad mira a Miguel. "Señor, por favor traiga su maleta y venga conmigo."

Miguel está haciendo fila en el aeropuerto - Miguel is queuing at the airport

Es su turno y camina hacia el mostrador - it's his turn and he goes to the counter

La mujer del mostrador le pide su documento de identificación (ID) y verifica los detalles de su vuelo - the woman at the counter asks for his ID and checks his flight details

Sí, él está confirmado en el vuelo 103 desde los Ángeles hacia Hawai al mediodía - yes, he was confirmed flight number 103 from Los Angeles to Hawaii at lunchtime

Él no tiene maletas para facturar, pero tiene una maleta de mano pequeña que llevará con él - he has no other bags for inspection, but he has a small carry-on luggage with him.

El agente imprime su pase de abordaje - the agent prints his boarding pass

Los oficiales de seguridad del aeropuerto pasan junto a él con un perro grande - airport security passes by him with a large dog

El perro está olfateando alrededor del equipaje de las personas tratando de detectar drogas o explosivos - a dog sniffs suitcases around people, trying to detect drugs or explosives

Miguel se siente aliviado cuando ve que el perro pasa junto a él sin detenerse - Miguel sighs with relief when he sees a dog walking past him

De repente, el perro se voltea y empieza a olfatear su maleta y ladra - suddenly, the dog turns and starts sniffing his bag

El oficial de seguridad mira a Miguel. "Señor, por favor traiga su maleta y venga conmigo." - the officer looks at Miguel and says: "sir, please take your bag and follow me.

This text is in English for English learners.

Miguel is standing in line at the airport. It is his turn and he walks to the counter. The lady at the counter asks him for his ID and she checks his flight details. Yes, he is confirmed on flight 103 from Los Angeles to Hawaii at noon. He does not have any bags to check in but has one small carry-on bag that he will take with him. The agent prints out his boarding pass. The airport security officers walk past him with a big dog. The dog is sniffing around people’s luggage trying to detect drugs or explosives. Miguel is relieved when he sees the dog walk past him. Suddenly, the dog turns and begins to sniff his bag and bark. The security officer looks at Miguell. "Sir, please bring your bag and come with me."

No me siento bien

I don’t feel well

Andrés no se siente bien. Estuvo en una fiesta anoche y llegó a casa a las 3 am. Tiene dolor de cabeza y siente náusea. Bebió mucho y comió demasiados camarones. Él se levanta de la cama y se da cuenta que no tiene puesto el pantalón. Mira alrededor pero no lo puede encontrar. Va al baño y busca sus pastas. No las puede encontrar. Él escucha voces. Sale del dormitorio, baja por las escaleras y entra a la cocina. Hay gente hablando y riéndose en la cocina. Él se pregunta quién más volvió a casa con él anoche. Luego se da cuenta de algo. Él no tiene escaleras en su apartamento. ¡Está en la casa de otra persona!

Andrés no se siente bien - Andrei feels bad

Estuvo en una fiesta anoche y llegó a casa a las 3 am - he was at parties last night and only got home at 3 am

Tiene dolor de cabeza y siente náusea - he feels a headache and is sick

Bebió mucho y comió demasiados camarones - he drank a lot and ate a lot of shrimp

Él se levanta de la cama y se da cuenta que no tiene puesto el pantalón - he gets out of bed and realizes that he is not wearing any pants

Mira alrededor pero no lo puede encontrar - he looks around, but cannot find them

Va al baño y busca sus pastas - he goes to the bathroom and looks for his pills

No las puede encontrar - but can't find them

Sale del dormitorio, baja por las escaleras y entra a la cocina - he leaves the bedroom and goes downstairs to the kitchen.

Hay gente hablando y riéndose en la cocina - he wonders who else came home with him last night

Luego se da cuenta de algo - he is aware of something

Él no tiene escaleras en su apartamento - he has no stairs in his apartment

¡Está en la casa de otra persona! - he's in someone's house.

This text is in English for English learners.

Andrés is not feeling well. He was at a party last night and got home at 3 am. He has a headache and feels nauseous. He had too much to drink and ate too much shrimp. He gets out of bed and realizes that he is not wearing any pants. He looks around but cannot find them. He goes into the bathroom and looks around for his pills. He cannot find them. He hears voices. He walks out of the bedroom, goes down the stairs and into the kitchen. There are people talking and laughing in the kitchen. He wonders who else came back home with him last night. Then he realizes something. He doesn’t have stairs in his apartment. He is in someone else's home!

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