The dream is that you cannot enter the church. Why do you dream about church? Dream Interpretation Church, why do you dream about seeing the Church in a dream?

The dream book calls a dream about a church a harbinger of internal growth, radical changes, and gaining authority. This symbol in a dream promises a favorable development of events, good news, and true friends. But there are other interpretations of what the temple means in dreams: you need to reconsider your attitude to life, correct your behavior, and improve.

Interpretation from the Enigma dream book

Visiting church in a dream signals: the person sleeping has forgotten about the spiritual component of his life in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In reality you also need to visit the temple.

Did you see her against the background of a blue cloudless sky, illuminated by the rays of the sun? The Enigma dream book explains: you are under the protection of a heavenly patron.

Did you dream about white, beautiful? Interpretation of the symbol: complete unity with loved ones, mutual understanding and a common vision of a happy future and the good of the family.

Did you often go there in your dreams? Do you want to get even closer to your loved one? But don't rush things - everything has its time.

Value according to Miller and Wang

Did you see a church from afar in a dream? Miller believes: you will be disappointed after the events that you are so looking forward to.

Entered a dark church? The meaning of this vision according to Miller’s dream book is that you will soon attend someone’s funeral. The plot also foreshadows vague prospects: better times will have to wait a long time.

Why dream of standing at a service and listening carefully to prayers? According to Vanga, this is a good omen. People will respect you, treat you well, listen to your opinion.

What church did you see in your dream?

Remember what she was like:

  • old - uncertain future;
  • new - spiritual growth;
  • wooden - you will have to radically change your life;
  • stone - the desire for internal change;
  • big - moral improvement;
  • small - a quick change of circumstances;
  • white, clean - new prospects;
  • black, gloomy - misfortune, failure;
  • cathedral - extraordinary luck in life;
  • monastery - you will find like-minded people and friends.

Have you seen it broken, with burnt walls? The dream book warns: there are losses and disappointments ahead, the collapse of long-term plans, divorce is possible.

Did you dream about the cathedral?

Visiting a cathedral in a dream is an excellent omen. The interpretation of the vision is as follows: there are sensible people next to you, wise people who will support you will help you achieve a lot.

Why dream of being in a place where there are many churches and cathedrals? You feel regret and guilt for your unworthy actions.

With golden domes

Did you dream about a church with domes? This means that there is a prosperous future ahead, significant successes in all areas of life, says the dream book.

We looked at the golden dome and the roof reflecting sunlight? This means: life will go without problems, and luck will accompany you everywhere. The more domes, the happier and richer the future will be.

Priests, monks in a dream

Did you see a priest in a church in a dream? Analyze and comprehend your actions. The church minister acts as a reminder of the need to find a mentor who will help you understand yourself and the needs of your soul.

Have you visited a monastery and seen a monk there? You will face trials that you must pass with dignity.

Don't be afraid of difficulties - just move forward. From time to time, everyone has to overcome trials in order to prove that the lesson learned has been learned and the person deserves something better, something new. Mobilize your determination and you will succeed.

Going to church for a sleeping person

Why does a man dream about going to church? Freud's dream book explains: the sleeping person has an unrealized passion for a certain woman.

A meal in a monastery promises the dreamer anxiety about the future. Previous mistakes, bad deeds (even if you thought they didn’t have of great importance) can cause great harm.

If a person was kicked out of a church in a dream, there are failures ahead, condemnation of others, spiritual devastation. When he saw the witch being kicked out of there, it means he was bewitched with the help of black magic.

Why does a girl dream?

Why does a girl dream of crying in a temple? The dream book says: in reality she will get married soon. But her own wedding in a church in a dream warns: she will not get married soon.

For a girl to dream of building a church means: her business acumen and practicality will attract the attention of a man who wants to marry her. The plot also promises a calm and prosperous course of affairs.

Interpretations for women

For a representative of the fair sex, being in an empty temple means, according to the dream book: you need to think about your behavior and correct yourself.

If she saw a cross on the church and felt peace and tranquility, then in reality the dreamer is on the right path in her spiritual development. Soon she will be able to achieve her goal of self-improvement.

What did you see during your visit?

What happened when you visited church:

  • general prayer - you will find inner strength, conquer problems;
  • church singing - good news, hope for inheritance;
  • baptism - learn to sacrifice interests for the sake of others;
  • confession - you should reconsider your attitude towards life;
  • anointing with oil - you have to correct your own mistakes;
  • wedding - you will not soon find a life partner.

Why else do you dream about christenings? They signal: the dreamer needs to strengthen his reputation and more firmly defend his opinion when communicating with friends.

If a lot of people from this parish gathered for a service in a dream, according to the dream book, you will earn respect and earn authority among your friends and colleagues.

Easter, holidays

Did you dream that on Easter you were going to church and carrying Easter cakes for blessing? The dream book promises: it will come favorable period when everything starts to work out.

Hearing the melodic ringing of bells on a holiday is an omen of the fight against enemies and victory over them. Christmas chimes in a dream promise excellent prospects for businessmen. To a young man hear the bell ringing - your dream will come true.

Funeral, funeral service

Have you attended the funeral and funeral service of the deceased? The dream book suggests: some important losses, sadness, and disappointment are coming. Maybe there is a separation ahead good friend or a close friend.

Why do you dream that a dead person was lying in front of the altar, and you felt grief from the loss? In reality you will seek consolation for your soul from God. You will find him, even when everyone turns away from you.

What does destruction, flooding mean?

In a dream, did you see that they were releasing water to flood a church - like during the construction of the Dnieper reservoir? Soon events will occur that will radically change your entire life.

IN night dream did it sink due to some kind of cataclysm? This means that in reality you are not making enough effort to defend your point of view. Improve yourself, don't let yourself be easily convinced.

Did you dream that the church was falling? The dream book says: your views are wrong, and soon you will be disappointed.

Did the temple fall right before your eyes in a dream? Yours spiritual development is in a deplorable state. Deal with it immediately.

Angels and demons in the temple

Why do you dream that there is a demon in an empty church? For the sleeper, there is a danger of plunging even further into sins and mistakes. We need to reconsider our lifestyle.

Were there several devils there? The dream book indicates: the dreamer went on his own the easy way and now he cannot refuse what seems pleasant to him. But this is very harmful. Need support, help from family or friends.

If an angel was present during the service in a dream, the plot has a very favorable meaning. You will soon hear very good news.

If angels sang in church, the dreamer is under the protection of higher powers, everything will turn out great for him.

What did you happen to do?

  • come to the service - you offended someone close and you suffer;
  • writing a note about someone is a desire to make amends;
  • go out - you often act selfishly, without regard for others;
  • confess - awareness of one’s unworthy behavior;
  • take communion - you chose Right way, follow it;
  • hide there - you don’t want to act, find excuses;
  • to get married - your merits will be recognized, your work will be rewarded.

Entering from the central or secret passage - according to the dream book, it’s time to rethink your views and show more concern for others.

Did you help with the restoration of the church? This is a harbinger of restoration of relationships with a loved one. It is also a symbol of spiritual rebirth.

Strange actions

Chatting and laughing in church is a sign of well-deserved punishment for a serious offense or sin. Dancing in it means spiritual decline. After such an act, it will be very difficult for the sleeper to restore his reputation and find peace in his soul.

Why dream of sleeping in it? The dream book explains: you do not feel peace in your soul. Internal tossing and confusion prevent you from finding the right path. If you live in a church, you will live according to your conscience.

Why do you dream about church? In a dream, this image is distinguished by its diverse symbolism, which helps shed light on future events and explain past actions. Popular dream books offer the most relevant interpretations of what was seen in dreams.

Church according to Miller's dream book

Mr. Miller's dream book states that if a person had to see a church in a dream, it means that something alien, unusual, perhaps even wild awaits him in the near future.

Why do we dream about church in general? There is a possibility of going to prison, but such an outcome does not necessarily have to happen to you, since the prediction can even apply to distant relatives, regardless of your relationship with them.

Did you dream about a church? You will have to show patience, during which you will also have to hide your emotions.

Church in a dream - interpretation of a dream according to Vanga

Why do you dream about the church according to Vanga? The dream book states that the image of the church cannot be characterized by one general description, so her verdict depends on the details that appeared in the vision:

  • Did you dream about a church or church attributes? The image indicates that you will experience great despair. The dream book does not give specific instructions about what these experiences may be associated with.
  • Why do you dream that you entered a church from the main or secret entrance? This is a warning that it is time to reconsider your views on life and perhaps even change your character. The vision speaks of your selfishness - you commit actions without even considering your loved ones.
  • Expect new love, as well as strengthening universal respect, in turn, is possible for those who were present in the church during the service in the dream.
  • If you dreamed that you were trying to light a candle in a church while complete chaos reigned around you or the church building was irretrievably destroyed, it means that God decided to give you the opportunity for spiritual renewal.
  • To dream of a church with boarded up doors and windows, and if there is absolutely no way to get into the building, then overwhelming melancholy and loneliness await you. Unfortunately, according to Vanga’s dream book, it is impossible to avoid such a fate.
  • If at this time you are on bad terms with a person close to you, for whom you have warm feelings, and in a dream you dreamed that you helped restore a church building, then reconciliation with him will come in the near future.

I dreamed about a church - interpretation according to the Modern Dream Book

Why do you dream about a rural church? If in a dream you happened to not only see her, but also go to work, then in the near future you will make new friends. The character of these people will fit perfectly with yours, which will lead to absolute mutual understanding.

In other words, in terms of friendship, a complete idyll will come for you - there will always be a person nearby whom you can turn to for advice or help in a situation when it is necessary.

Did you dream of an ordinary church, intact and with the right number of domes? Soon you will realize your purpose in this life. New goals and objectives will appear, in the process of solving which you will be able to better understand yourself, your character, and perhaps even discover hidden talents, which will simplify life and make it much more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Interpretation according to women's dream book

For a woman to see a church in a dream means that the time has come for repentance of sins. If earlier this did not interfere with life in any way, now there is a need to visit church or Father in order to express everything that has accumulated in the soul since ancient times.

Why else do you dream about going to church? If it is dark or closed, then you are destined for major misfortunes, which will one way or another be associated with strangers, and in some cases with your working career, if you have one.

Did you dream about a dark church? Have to attend a funeral loved one, which will negatively affect mental balance. You will feel depressed and begin to react inadequately to minor factors of irritation, and because of this, people will quickly turn away from you.

Meaning according to Azar's biblical dream book

The dream book does not imply division into specific situations, so if you saw the church in any state last, regardless of what exactly happened in the dream, the prediction will be the same.

Why do you dream about church? In the future you will experience longing and a long wait for something good. There is a high probability that in some situation you will find yourself on the losing side.

You can change your destiny - if you dreamed of a church, then immediately go to the temple and listen to the service from beginning to end. You cannot delay this; if you do not comply with the instructions within a week, then big trouble awaits you.

What does the image mean according to the wanderer’s dream book

Why do you dream of a church according to this dream book? The wanderer says that if in a dream there was a church or symbols that are somehow connected with it, then the person will experience an event that will take place in the same place.

With all this, the action itself will certainly be positive. That is, you will not have to atone for your sins or conduct a funeral service for a deceased person - most likely, a wedding or other joyful event will be associated with the church.

There is even a small chance that you will become someone whom the Lord will bless, after which the only one important matter there will be a divine service.

Church in a dream - examples of visions

  • Why dream of praying in church - soon you will have to face trouble. Most likely, this misfortune will be associated with romantic relationships, that is, we should expect either betrayal from a loved one, or his betrayal for another reason.
  • Lighting a candle in a dream means the happiness that you will soon be able to experience will be associated with material gain. At the same time, the gifts that you receive will have an absolutely pure history: either you earned them yourself, or they were given by a good person.
  • Confess in church - now you are experiencing anxiety, which is associated with a bad deed committed by you or your friend/relative. Dream Interpretations recommend confessing to real life, and after that you can feel relief.
  • A wedding in a church indicates imminent changes in the working part of your life. If you experienced good emotions during the wedding, it means that there is something waiting for you at work. significant increase or completing a long-abandoned business, and if the emotions were negative, then you shouldn’t expect anything positive in your career.
  • Did you dream of a dead person in a church with whom you somehow interacted? The vision foreshadows trouble associated with death. You may witness someone's death, but this person does not have to be related to you by blood or other relationship.
  • Why do you dream of a destroyed church? This is a bad sign. In the future, you will have to give up some major project that could bring joy and financial benefit. Refusal will not be related to your desires, but to circumstances, so, alas, it is impossible to avoid such a fate.
  • Holy water in a dream indicates that you will have to deal with a lot of alcohol. Fortunately, the prediction does not mean any trouble. On the contrary, there is a high probability that you will celebrate a joyful event.
  • If a pregnant woman dreams of a church, then unborn child will live a long, joyful and happy life. He will grow up to be a kind and bright person, and if his parents give him the name of a saint, then this happiness will be even brighter.
  • Why do you dream about a monastery? In a dream, it means that you need to spend a lot of time, effort, and possibly Money to help a loved one.
  • An old church or a destroyed one is an unfavorable sign in a dream. Dream books say that a long period of failure is coming. The disappointment will be major and will bring a number of nervous disorders that will have to be treated with the help of specialists.
  • Crying in a church in a dream means that a person has subtle and kind soul. For some people, this vision serves as a sign from above, indicating a blessing that, regardless of what happens next, life path the person will be happy.
  • Going to church in light clothes and a headdress foretells mourning in the near future. This event will be connected with the funeral in one way or another. At best, the person being buried before the Lord will turn out to be a stranger to you. If you went to church in a dark robe, it means that there will be a wedding or engagement soon.
  • I dreamed of a beautiful church - a sign that you will have to move or make repairs to the house. In this case, the event will be forced, although it will be carried by the sea positive emotions. A person close to you will live in your new home with you.
  • The black church is witnessing global changes in the world. But change, no matter how dark the vision may seem, will be good.
  • In a dream, a black church is a sign of the manifestation of psychic abilities - they must be used for good purposes after special training.
  • I dreamed about it golden church? In a dream, she warns of something large-scale and significant for several people at once. There are no clarifications about what the changes will be associated with, and it is also impossible to say for sure whether they will be positive or negative. In any case, the event will not cause death, but with its help many people will be able to understand themselves, which will contribute to changes for the better.
  • Church bells in a dream can be interpreted differently, depending on the details. If the bells in a dream are intact and polished to a shine, it means the future promises material wealth made of real gold. Psychologists and clairvoyants do not recommend selling these jewelry in the future. They must be kept as an amulet against misfortunes.

Why dream that the church bells were damaged, dirty, or were present in insufficient quantities? This means that you will experience losses financially. Depending on how severe the damage was, you can predict the scale of the losses.

Every time on the threshold of a temple (church, church, synagogue, mosque) I am tormented by the question: Should I go in or not? This article is not about religion, but about the fact that interest in culture and architecture should not offend the religious feelings of local residents. There are public and unspoken rules, compliance with which allows you to avoid the judgmental views of believers and makes the tourist a welcome guest. Most of them are obvious, I'll just give the whole list with my comments and examples. Getting in is always better than staying out.

Pokrovsky Monastery. Suzdal

Read the signs at the entrance, if there are none, look for pictures. They themselves will tell you what not to do. If they didn’t find anything, it doesn’t mean that everything is possible, they just trust you.

  1. Cloth. Shorts, short skirts, low necklines, and open T-shirts are not suitable. In some places (most often monasteries) visitors are offered scarves, robes, and trousers, but you can’t count on this 100%, and not everyone will wear it. In the cold season, there are no problems with “forbidden” clothing, but in the summer everyone wears shorts on vacation. For this occasion, I always have a pareo made of opaque cotton that you can wrap yourself around from head to toe.
  2. Men must remove their hats.
  3. Telephone. When entering, turn off the sound and do not speak.
  4. Photo and video. There may be a strict ban on any photography or filming, or only a restriction on the use of flash.
  5. Keep quiet.
  6. Dogs, ice cream are not allowed inside...

In popular tourist destinations, visiting temples is straightforward and very similar to visiting a museum. There are opening hours; the box office sells tickets for entrance, photography, and concerts. The further away a church is from tourist traffic, the more likely it is that it will only be open during services.

I always intuitively decide whether to go in or not, it’s best if the inner door is transparent, and if not, then you should listen first. I think few people like the presence of tourists during the service, so if you have already entered, there is no need to get into the stalls or, even worse, pretend that “everyone is yours,” photographing believers and clergy is not welcome. It happens that the church is open, and you are the only visitor, then some people have an irresistible desire to stick their nose where it shouldn’t, touch religious objects, take pictures with flash, etc. Control yourself, you know WHO sees everything.

A year ago, I was faced with the fact that in our progressive times there are people who consciously do not want to get acquainted with a “foreign” religion. Several people from our Turkish group refused to visit Blue Mosque- a world-famous landmark of Istanbul. At first I thought that they were already here, but then I realized what was going on and I felt sad. Does contemplation of beauty really contradict someone's religious beliefs?

I went on excursions to synagogues, mosques, churches, monasteries and many churches and not once did anyone try to convert me to their faith. Seeing my interest, people different countries and religions were sincerely happy to show and talk about their culture and history, because in essence these are the same museums, monuments, art galleries, observation platforms, music and exhibition halls.

The church is a place where a person comes to communicate with the Almighty.

The word church has several meanings, the two main ones are a building for ritual ceremonies and the self-name of different religious denominations, such as Orthodox Church, Catholic Church.

But we will look at in this case This concept is from the point of view of the structure itself.

Since people not only come to it with their problems, but also certain ritual actions are carried out, we need to pay attention to great amount energy that accumulates during worship.

Dream book of Gustav Hindman Miller. Interpretation of the word church

From afar you saw a church in a dream - you will wait for certain events for a very long time, but in the end they will greatly disappoint you.

We entered a church in which darkness reigned - to participation in a funeral, as well as unclear prospects and a protracted wait for better times.

Vanga's dream book. Seeing a church in a dream

The church is a symbol of despair, spiritual cleansing, repentance.

Entering a church - this dream means that the main driving motives for all your actions are selfishness and unwillingness to take into account the interests of others. The dream warns that the time has come to change your life by repenting of your sins.

To be at a worship service - you will be loved and respected by others.

An empty church, the doors of which are tightly clogged, is a harbinger of changes in life for the worse, the emergence of feelings of melancholy and hopelessness.

Being in a destroyed church, you wanted to put a candle in a candlestick - such a dream indicates that you will contribute with your life to the spiritual revival and renewal of other people.

I dreamed that you came to a church service, and there were a huge number of people there, kneeling, praying. Raising your head, you saw not a dome, but a sky filled with stars, between which a bright red month floated. As this month grew closer, your... A dream with such a plot is a harbinger of a brutal religious conflict during which blood will be shed. Most likely, your role in them will be reduced not to participation, but to observation.

If you dreamed about the help you provided during the restoration of an ancient church, this suggests that, having forgotten about old grievances, you will restore relationships with someone close to you.

Dream book of Michel Nostradamus. What is the church talking about?

The image of the church represents cultural prosperity, spirituality, and purity.

A snow-white church with golden domes is an image that communicates the future cultural flourishing of the state, universal unity, and its moral and spiritual foundations.

A destroyed church is a harbinger of illness and moral suffering.

Being present at a church service is a dream of remorse.

If you built a church, this means that you will receive a well-deserved reward for striving so hard to know the truth.

The church is entwined with a snake - a sign of a threat to all humanity, the coming of a time when all human values ​​will be destroyed by evil.

If you dreamed of a castle on a church, this is a call for caution: due to isolation and love of loneliness, your loved one may feel alienated.

A church engulfed in fire is a harbinger of the fact that enmity will begin between generations and the world order will begin to collapse.

Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov. Meaning of the word church

Seeing a church is good luck;

praying in church - happiness awaits you in all matters;

go inside - you will feel remorse.

Modern dream book. Why dream about church

To see a small wooden church - a dream means that soon you will choose a place or area of ​​activity.

Entered - you will make the right choice, and you will soon be convinced of this.

Passed by - the decision that is on you this moment seems optimal, but in fact it is not.

A dream about a church altar is a guarantee that your friends will help you in finding a job or business, and you should not neglect their support.


In its basic meaning, church is a place of our communication with the Creator, the Father, a place where we are sincere and open like nowhere else.

There is always someone or something that should control us, be our conscience, be it the Higher Self or another image that we imagine.

Believers pray to God, atheists follow ideas, there is always something that is our ultimate goal.

The purpose of being here and now.

Therefore, the Church or Temple, in essence, is Us inside, this is the true Self, the source and generator of our existence.

Of course, we now have in mind precisely the image of the church in the dream.

Therefore, everything that is connected in a dream with this image is in one way or another connected with your inner true Self.

And it’s also possible that this is an attempt to cleanse yourself internally.

In contact with

Why do you dream about worship?

Spring dream book

Worship - Being at a worship service means getting rid of illnesses.

Why do you dream about worship?

Summer dream book

Singing at a service in a dream - in reality, homeliness and comfort await you.

If some unpleasant incident or fight occurred during a service, be careful, in reality you may find yourself an accomplice or witness to something completely indecent for you.

Why do you dream about worship?

Autumn dream book

To see a divine service in a dream on the night of Tuesday or Thursday - expect a promotion up the career ladder or a successful search new job.

Why do you dream about worship?

Islamic dream book

Worship in the mosque is interpreted in accordance with the place where he performed Itikaf, if he performed it in the mosque, then he will diligently do good deeds.

Why do you dream about worship?

Modern dream book

Seeing divine services in a dream means good changes in life. If you are watching a divine service in a dream from the outside, then you should wait a little, and good changes will come into your life. If you attended it yourself - higher power will soon show interest in you.

Why do you dream about worship?

Intelligent dream book

To dream of attending a divine service - Leads to the most pleasant consequences.

Being at a divine service in a dream means healing from illnesses; in other cases, you have already been forgiven.

Why do you dream about worship?

Universal dream book

If you dream that you are visiting places of pilgrimage, the dream does not necessarily mean that you are religious, although such dreams are often dreamed by believers.

Where is this place? In some desert area or in a city? Are you alone or are you surrounded by people? - Do you feel inspired and cleansed, or does going to church seem like a heavy duty to you? Are you feeling afraid?

Is there a certain belief associated with this place? - determine its meaning: perhaps you are experiencing disappointment, or perhaps you are dealing with some kind of problem that is associated with this place.

If you are in a place of worship that is not your faith, perhaps you should learn about new religions and schools.

If you dream that you are in the Vatican, the dream symbolizes power and authority. Do you feel powerful, or does someone have power over you?

If you dream of the Taj Mahal, the dream symbolizes completion; if you dream of a Japanese temple, the dream symbolizes peace and tranquility. Understand what this place symbolizes for you to determine the meaning of your dream.

Why do you dream about worship?

Dream book of the 21st century

To be present at a church service means that you will soon be offered a promotion or a new, more high paying job.

Why do you dream about worship?

Dream Interpretation Veles

Worship - expect guests.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

A dream with pleasant images is considered good sign. It promises joy from successful changes in life and travel. A monotonous dream that could not be remembered in detail indicates the low social activity of the sleeper. Predictions come true on the coming Friday or Saturday.
