Can a cat feel when a person feels bad? Is cat love a fiction? What kind of people do cats like? The broken dreams of a police dog

Recently I was asked a question: “Tell me, how can I tell if my cat loves me?” Really, how? I thought about it because I had never asked myself this question. We had to think about it together. It turned out that life circumstances This man’s situation was such that, not being able to get a dog, he got a cat... He is sure that he loves her, although he admits that he is far from adoration, and thinks that she treats him simply as a breadwinner.

I realized that there was no mutual understanding between the owner and the cat, and I was ready to bet that the cat was showing him her attention and friendship, but he simply missed these signals. There are at least five well known characteristic features who talk about special relationship between human and cat, but many who grew up with dogs have little or no exposure to cats, do not understand cat language, and are not prepared for the intricacies of cat behavior.


If a cat rubs its head against your legs, arms, or even your face, there is more to it than just a need to “mark” its owner as its property. It is well known that all cats mark their territory in one way or another, marking everything and everyone who is on it. But why does the animal use its claws in some cases and in others? - urine, and thirdly - the secret of special glands concentrated in the head area? The point is that these are different marks. The cat leaves the secretion of the glands located on the face only on well-known, studied objects, animals and people who do not pose a danger to it. The smell of the secretion, by the way, is elusive to the human sense of smell. The presence of such identification marks allows the cat to feel confident in the environment, because they make objects familiar to the animal. By pressing its muzzle to your legs, wrapping its tail around you, the cat seems to be saying: “Hello, you are an old friend of mine.” I consider this behavior to be the first sign of a cat's friendly disposition towards humans and one of the characteristic ways of expressing gratitude.


Cats love warm places to sleep and rest. But comfort - is not the only motive that drives your cat when she chooses a place to sit or lie down. Sometimes she is not very comfortable, but she is with you. Some people like to perch on the back of the couch next to your head while you're watching TV, or on the computer keyboard while you're surfing the Internet, or on your lap while you're trying to read. For some reason she doesn’t find a more convenient place at this moment... Do you get the idea? If your cat chooses a place next to you, although it usually sleeps in others, more convenient places, know - this is a manifestation of love for you.


Cats do not like staring, but they will calmly tolerate a person’s gaze and can stare at someone they trust for a long time. If you can maintain visual contact with your cat for a long time - it means that you are a special person to her. It's just like a kiss. In cats this does not happen to everyone, it is a sign of trust and cat love.



Everyone knows about this sign of attention. Of course, purring is a clear sign of feline friendliness, but cats also make these sounds when they are sick or injured, during childbirth, or even when dying. Many experts in cat ethology say that a cat’s purr, like a human’s smile, can express greeting, pleasure or supplication. A cat can purr in different ways, but there is a special type of these sounds dear to our hearts, which she reserves only for those close to her. - it is a deep, rich hum that expresses only one thing: “I love you.”

Today, no one will be surprised by the fact that pets, and especially cats, can sense the approach of trouble. It has long been proven that before an earthquake these animals show active anxiety. People who live in seismically active zones rely on the instincts of cats. In the same way, animals sense the approaching death of their owner. There are two versions of why cats feel the approach of death.

First version. A person who is about to die emits a certain “death” smell that animals can sense. Scientists say that this smell contains an admixture of the smell of blood, but people do not feel it. Cats and some other animals, sensing this “death” smell, go into a riot: they begin to worry, run around the house without a break, etc. But there is one interesting point here: animals also feel the unnatural death of a person - murder, death in an accident, and so on. What smells might such people have?

The second version suggests that these animals have highly developed intuition, the so-called cat's sixth sense. People who have this feeling are called clairvoyants. There is an assumption that intuition adapts to a person’s energy field. Cats are unwittingly manipulated by the fate of their owners. IN in this case there is no mysticism, we are talking about the close energetic connection between animal and human.

A scary story from life. Eyewitness account Inna

This strange incident occurred in the mid-seventies. I lived in a large communal apartment with my gray cat Tosha. Our relations with our neighbors were friendly: no one got under anyone’s skin, no one imposed their own rules, and quarrels were rare. Everyone loved Tosha, even though he was a big fan of pranks.

But one day something incredible happened to this friendly fluffy ball. He wandered around the room, then abruptly stopped, looking somewhere into emptiness, his fur stood on end, and the cat screamed like a wild animal. A few seconds later he hid under the sofa. I thought that Tosha had gone crazy, I was afraid to approach him.

About fifteen minutes passed. There was a knock on the door and an excited neighbor Alla looked in. She began to talk quickly about some window, about a neighbor Peter, about a man on the asphalt...

There is no doubt that cats love us as much as we love them. If you are not one of the people who views these furry creatures favorably, then this will be hard for you to believe. And all because kittens show their affection in ways other than people. And in fact, even offensive antics pet can express eternal love. So, your cat loves you if he does the following things.

He purrs

All cats express love and affection through purring. Listen to the sounds your furry pet makes. They can accommodate a wide range of volumes, from soft and subtle to loud as a truck. Thus, cats express a different range of feelings, from delight to anxiety. However, rest assured, if your pet begins to purr in your presence, this means that he loves you.

He rolls from side to side at your feet

If a furry animal rolls from side to side at your feet, it is also showing its affection.
This way he can greet you or ask for some attention. Know that by exposing his tummy, he puts himself in a vulnerable position. And this means that he trusts you completely.

The cat rubs or butts your cheek

When your furry pet rubs its face against your cheek or butts you, this behavior also indicates affection. If you notice this behavior from your cat towards other cats or even dogs, don't be surprised. Cats are capable of loving not only people.

He sharpens his claws on upholstered furniture

If your furniture is completely worn out by a cat’s claws, this does not mean at all that this is how he sharpens his “weapons”. Leaving heavy scratches and puffs on upholstered furniture, he shows you how well he lives in this house. In addition, the fluffy leaves its scent through its claws, which means it marks its territory. You've probably noticed that damage to furniture occurs in the places you love most, and the cat will never sharpen its claws in a place specially designated for this. Of course, because he is so attached to his owner.

Trampling on various parts of the body

Do you think that if a kitten has literally trampled a whole path on your stomach, then he is asking you for something? This statement is only partly true. It turns out that kittens love to “milk” their mother cat by kneading her abdomen with their claws. But also in adult life this habit stays with our pets. This way they show that they feel safe and relaxed. They are as comfortable with you as they were with their own mother in childhood.

He brings you a gift

Cats are born hunters, and this cannot be taken away from them. They chase rolling toys, laser fire, sparrows and mice. Having brought another bird from the street to your door, he shares the spoils with you and thanks you for your boundless love. Don't forget to praise the furry animal for showing such incredible generosity. He needs this so much. Otherwise, the cat may be offended, and you will be left without “gifts” in the future.

Fluffy animal plays with you

Cats can express their love through playing with their owner. At a young age, kittens play for so long that they never seem to get tired. They can scratch, bite and get real pleasure from it. The family member who receives more attention is usually the animal’s favorite.

He sleeps on your lap

It's no secret that cats sleep a lot. Scientists have calculated that they can spend up to 16 hours sleeping every day.
At the same time, they feel the most vulnerable and defenseless, so they choose only the most suitable for relaxation. safe place. Well, if the cat lay down on your lap and fell asleep sweetly, this means that she feels completely safe next to her owner.

He's looking at you

The kitten's eyes, in proportion to its body, are very large. And if human body had the same proportions, then we would have eyes with a slit of 20 centimeters. Cats are very protective of their eyes, which is why they are not used to making eye contact with someone. And if you catch yourself feeling that the cat is literally following you with his eyes, this indicates his complete trust. Zoologists sometimes call this gaze pet"cat's kiss" If you notice that the cat blinks during the exchange of glances, do the same in response.

The cat shows you its furry butt

Sometimes this cat habit seems ridiculous to us. Why did the cat raise its tail again and poke its butt in the owner’s face? The answer is simple. This is how she shows you her trust and affection, and also greets you. Know that she will not perform this ritual with the “first person she meets.” You are among the chosen ones. This habit also takes its roots from cat childhood, when kittens thus greeted their mother returning from the hunt.

He meows

If a cat meows loudly and persistently for a long time, this does not mean at all that he wants to drive you crazy. Know that cats do not even communicate with each other by meowing; for this purpose, special chants are provided in the form of howls. Meowing is intended solely for communication with humans. Do you like to talk to people who are deeply unpleasant to you? Of course no. So cats communicate exclusively with pleasant people. You can be proud that you are among the chosen caste. Tip: next time don’t forget to give your pet some milk. Maybe this will save your ears from heartbreaking screams.

He "courts" you

If a cat licks an exposed part of your body, this does not mean that he is concerned about your hygiene. He simply expressed his affection to you and, of course, did not forget to leave his scent on your body. IN wildlife Felines are accustomed to licking every member of their family. Well, pets include their own owner, as well as all household members, in the family group.

He makes marks

You are likely to get very angry at your pet when you smell his urine in your shoe or even on your bed. Don't scold him, he didn't mean to hurt you. He simply calmed himself down after the stress associated with moving to a new apartment or long absence owner.

Tail demonstration

Did you know that a cat's favorite part of the body is the tail? A cat will never let an unpleasant person touch its tail. She will definitely grab his hand. But if she stood in the middle of the room and raised her ponytail with a pipe, this means that she invites you to dialogue and requires special attention.

Cats surround us almost everywhere, and in every second family they live at home. However, do we know everything about these animals? They have always been distinguished from other pets by their independence and daring character. We will try to take a closer look at what cats feel by studying the characteristics of the sense organs in cats.

Keen vision

A cat by nature is considered a hunter. Like humans, their vision is considered three-dimensional. However, the ray that hits the cat’s eye is reflected in many cats in a yellow-green color. Studies have shown that cats distinguish between about 6 colors, as well as 26 shades of gray. However, unlike people, cats are excellent at navigating in the dark, which allows them to hunt field mice and rodents especially actively at night.

Cat's sensitive hearing

In addition to acute vision, a cat can also rely on its hearing. Her ear is capable of detecting ultra- and infrasounds that humans cannot hear. In addition, cats only hear the sounds they want to hear, so they can sleep peacefully in very loud noise.

Note that cats have been distinguished for their mystical abilities since ancient times. At the same time, everyone probably knows how well they navigate in an unfamiliar place and can find their home without any problems. This ability is explained by the fact that cats, relying on their keen hearing and sensitive sense of smell, can very quickly find their way home. After much research, scientists can assume that cats have a kind of internal compass with which they can sense the Earth’s magnetic field.

Do cats feel natural disasters? Today there are many facts that indicate that these animals very often saved their owners from earthquakes, fires or bombings. This is explained by the fact that they are able to detect the slightest vibrations earth's crust or a barely noticeable burning smell, engine noise, etc. There is also an assumption that due to its acute hearing cats sense pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that cats, in the presence of a person, can detect the beating of his heart, and if a woman is carrying a child, the cat will hear two different beats from one person, which can greatly alert her.

Smell and taste

A cat's sense of smell plays an important role, as do hearing and vision. Basically, the sense of smell helps cats communicate with each other. So, leaving their marks by secreting glands, they inform other cats living in the neighborhood about their existence and their gender, etc.

The mustache is another sensitive organ

Also additional sensitive organs are the mustache. At the same time, the longer a cat’s ones are, the more sensitive she can feel the slightest vibrations in the air. Thanks to them, they have excellent coordination in space. For example, when moving in the dark, they can pass through many objects without hitting anything. Note that no less sensitive hairs are located above the eyebrows, on the chin and on the cat’s paws.

Mystical abilities of a cat

It is thanks to their heightened senses that cats are able to identify events that a person does not yet know about. Cats are often able to detect some human ailments. Not all cats have this ability and most often they can only notice illnesses in their owner, but very often they can be caused by sore spot man, massaging him with his soft paws. In addition, thanks to their rumbling, they can create a certain frequency of vibrations, which has a beneficial and calming effect on a person. Accordingly, the pain may subside.

There is an opinion that cats sense pregnancy. However this statement has not yet been fully proven. It also cannot be said unequivocally that cats, by their ambiguous behavior or presence, can predict the death of a person. These hypotheses are only being tested by scientists, so we will not say for sure that cats sense death.

Signs associated with cats

Here are a few signs that have long been tested by our people.

  • So, for example, men who love cats will always have beautiful and faithful wives.
  • If he constantly hides his head and licks his tail, then most likely there will be bad weather.
  • It will be frosty if the cat sleeps curled up in a ball. However, if she sleeps soundly, then it will be warm, and if she lies on her back, then it will be hot. In the wind, in a snowstorm, the cat will scratch the floor.
  • Many people know that when moving to a new apartment or house, you must first let the cat into the house. Where it is located, there will be the most favorable place for sleeping.

Do cats feel guilty?

Exhale, dear cat lovers... Overturned vases, broken plates, torn curtains and upholstered furniture - all this is about your pets. Of course, you are trying to somehow persuade them, like, why are you doing this. But, carrying out educational work“, probably for the hundredth time, you despair - do your words reach the cat’s mind? Does the cat feel any guilt?

Fear or guilt? However, not all cat owners limit themselves to educational conversations alone. When a recently purchased sofa becomes a victim of cat claws for the next (hundredth? one hundred and twentieth?) time, other means are sometimes used, such as wet towel or a broom. At some stage it seems to you: the wet rag has done its job, and now the impudent cat, with its tail between its legs and looking from under its brows, goes off to lick its wounds under the same sofa. Did you really understand why you got it? We will disappoint you! The cat simply demonstrates by its appearance that it is scared, afraid, and generally afraid of you. It can be deceiving, the language of a cat's body! You just understood what you yourself wanted to understand - the cat was ashamed of its behavior. Let's say more - the animal no longer even remembers that ten minutes ago it sharpened its claws on the sofa. What’s even more surprising is that she can’t even understand whether it’s good or bad to sharpen her claws on anything. She needed to sharpen them, and she did it. And here you appear with your brutal face. Good excuse!

What strange cats they are. Let's talk a little about the features of these interesting animals. The fact is that cats live in a single moment, that’s how they are designed. They react quite emotionally to what they have done here and now. Paying for the “sins of the past” is not said about cats. Therefore, if your pet commits “illegal” acts, in your opinion, again and again, it does not mean that you have come across a rare scoundrel acting strictly to spite you. He just doesn’t feel any emotion at all! So, you found your favorite suede jacket thoroughly torn. “This brat took revenge on me for yesterday!” No! Without any connection with the events of the recent past, a jacket caught the cat’s eye at the right moment... well, you know the rest.

Here is your cat purring sweetly, basking on your lap. Purrs while eating delicious canned tuna. Do you understand - in this moment the animal is absolutely happy, and for good reason. If a cat's tail twitches, walks from side to side, and the owner of the tail hides in the corners, she is clearly upset about something, she is in trouble. There are probably some reasons for this too. A truly angry cat behaves completely differently: its tail arches nervously, giving the impression that it is turning to stone. Some kind of guttural intrauterine growl is heard from the bowels of the cat, and the animal itself always looks into the eyes of the source of its own anger.

The power of positive reinforcement. There is such an old one English proverb: “Receiving a reward for good behavior is incomparably better than being punished for bad behavior.” So yelling and, even more so, physically punishing your cat is an absolutely thankless task, the result will always be zero. Situation: Your cat pooped on the living room carpet. It is clear that you were angry, uttering a couple of rude phrases in your hearts. The cat will understand that you are angry, and you are angry at her, but it is unlikely to understand what the nature of your anger is: well, not because she confused the carpet and the toilet! Most likely, she had a picture roughly like this lined up in her head: she chose the carpet because at that time it was the most best alternative. It seemed to her that it was necessary. Well, you, in all likelihood, decided to ask her - but why the carpet? That is, you scolded the cat, but did not solve the main problem, without explaining that it was her behavior, her very act, that was wrong, and did not teach her this.

Are there alternatives to harsh punishments? Yes, there are a few simple ones, but enough effective ways. Having caught the cat at the scene of the crime, you can: spray water on it (just not in the face); lightly push her away (if the naughty girl, for example, encroaches on your ice cream); take an empty tin can, put some coins in it and jingle them heartily. Cats hate this sound.

The cat has become completely impudent, and all these tricks don’t work? Then leave her completely alone, ignoring her in every possible way. A cunning cat will immediately realize that something is wrong and will be very scared: what about her well-fed and comfortable life? What will happen to her? Well, let's approach the question from the other side. After all, not everything about your pet is bad! She pleased you with something - don’t forget to encourage and praise her. Then again and again. Cats are smart and cunning, and they are also big suckers. Now your pet will try to perform those actions that have already earned your approval.
