Saints names for boys in January: meaning, origin, patron saint. Orthodox male names in January according to the church calendar - complete list

IN modern world Calendars are so diverse that there are editions for every taste and every hobby. We are used to early years use dates and numbers to build personal plans, but our ancestors tied their thousand-year-old customs to numbers. One of these traditions is to choose a name for the baby in honor of the great martyr, whose birth is commemorated nearby.

This custom is still believed today. It is considered if you pick up boys names by church calendar 2018 to your son or girls names according to the 2018 church calendar to his daughter in honor of the martyr of the same name, then this image will accompany the child everywhere in his unconscious childhood. Next, you need to teach the child to turn to his protector.

Some believe that the Guardian Angel, who is given from above at baptism, is the intercessor who accompanies everywhere. But, if you believe the descriptions of the Angel in the Bible and what other data there is about angels, we can say that this is nothing more than conscience. That is, at baptism we receive the Spirit, which prompts us to do the right things, and if we are wrong, our conscience will tell us about it.

In any case, this cannot be stated, because there is no reliable data, but only human assumptions. Angels are God’s helpers, but why can’t they be the souls whom the Almighty took to work for him?

Name days according to the church calendar- this is the memory of the martyr in whose name we were named. As a rule, the name day determines the day of death of the great martyr, who at one time invested a lot of time and effort in Christianity. There may be more than one such day in a year, because often not only days of death are celebrated, but also the reburial of relics or miraculous phenomena after death.

How to recognize your defender?

To get to know your family names by month according to the 2018 church calendar worth contacting any Orthodox church. If you are comfortable with the Internet, you can make a corresponding request in a search engine.

It may happen that you do not find your names according to the church calendar 2018. The entire list contains Greek and Old Slavonic names. If your name is not common, such as Angelica, then your patron saint is identified as Angelina.

Names for girls according to the 2018 church calendar are varied, you can always find, if not the right name, one that is consonant with it. This is a normal practice that works all over the world.

Evdokia is suitable for the name Dina, Fotinia is consonant with Svetlana. Male names according to the church calendar are chosen in the same way as women's.

Often, when baptizing a baby, the holy father immediately baptizes in the name of a certain Saint, whom you choose together, under his control.

When to celebrate the personal day and angels?

Since these are two different events, you can decide to highlight both or just one in your life. Named dates occur several times in a liturgical year (depending on the number of memorials) or in one chosen by you.

Angel Day is strictly your moment of baptism, which reminds you of the gift from God and the salvation of your soul from the devil. Many people remember and also celebrate this event.

Our ancestors traditionally glorified all the days of reverence; they believed that only thanks to the patron saints they live on this earth, are healthy and have the benefits that they have. And this is true, because we are nothing without our creator and it is important for us to constantly turn to Him in prayer through our patrons or directly.

How to celebrate and what to give?

On the day of their name day or the anniversary of baptism, Orthodox Christians go to church, turn to God, confess, take communion, reevaluate their lives, and draw new conclusions. Towards evening, people gather with family or like-minded people for a modest dinner or tea. Since pre-revolutionary times, it has been traditional to treat loved ones with a birthday cake, which the hostess bakes herself. If fasting occurs on this day, you should postpone the celebration or make it modest, for example, bake Lenten cookies and treat guests to tea.

In ancient times, it was a tradition to bake pies and loaves on this day; there is even a corresponding song. IN tsarist times invited all the local people to a feast. They treated us to various pies, sweet and savory, and had a whole lot of fun with performances by acrobats, jesters and dancing.

Angel Day was celebrated by going to church and praying. Today, few people know when he was baptized, so all personal events are celebrated together.

Is prayer to the Patron Saint necessary?

To feel the help of your intercessor, it is important to turn to him in prayer. When we pick up a man or female names according to the church calendar then we must understand which saint we will pray to. For example, the name Anna was very common. There are more than five martyrs with this name in the church calendar. It is better to immediately read about their lives in order to know which of them to mention.

What name to choose for the baby? Should we take into account fleeting fashion or age-old cultural traditions? The answers are in the article. As a bonus: a detailed table with the names of the boys and the patron saints for January.

Saints - not just a church calendar indicating the days of remembrance of saints and the circle church holidays. This is, first of all, Short story Christianity, since each name in this calendar is associated with some person or event important to Orthodoxy.
By naming your baby after the Saints, you allow him to become part of Orthodox traditions.

How to choose a name for a child according to the church calendar?

Many parents complain that the names in the Saints do not always correspond to what they want. In addition, many names in the Saints are quite dissonant (from the point of view modern man). But this does not mean that parents have no choice.
You can choose a name according to the Saints, focusing on several key dates:

  1. On the baby's date of birth
  2. For dates between the date of birth and the date of baptism of the child
  3. On the date of the baby’s baptism and a few days ahead from the date of baptism

Important: our ancestors considered the day of naming a child to be the eighth day from the date of his birth.

Choosing a name for a boy according to the Saints

Agree, having 30-40 dates with names at your disposal, you can always choose a wonderful name for your baby. The main thing is that the fate and deeds of the saint, whose name you are going to name the baby, inspire both him and you to a life full of light, wisdom and creativity.

Choosing a name for the youngest member of the family usually causes heated debate. The wise remark of Theophan the Recluse will reconcile all the relatives and friends of the baby: “Here the matter will be without any human considerations, as God wills: for birthdays are in the hands of God.”

Rely on the wisdom of the Elder and open the Saints and continue reading the article. Below you will find names for boys corresponding to the Orthodox calendar for January. The tables also contain information about the meaning of each name, its origin, and the patron saint of the name.

Boys' names according to the Saints - January: meaning, origin, patron saint

January is a harsh month and this cannot but affect children born this month. Among the virtues of January babies: patience, determination and restraint. You can see names in other months in the articles: , ,

Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Michael biblical Who's like God Holy Martyr Michael the Theologian, presbyter
Nikita from Greek winner Holy Martyr Nikita Belevsky, Bishop
Peter from Greek stone, rock Presentation of St. Peter, Metropolitan
Prokop from Greek Procopius naked sword Blessed Procopius
Sergey from Etruscan highly respected Holy Martyr Sergius Tsvetkov, deacon (new martyr)
Feofan from Greek Epiphany Saint Theophan, Bishop of Monemvasia
Filaret from Greek lover of virtue Saint Philaret, Metropolitan of Kyiv
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Basil from Greek regal
David from Hebrew Darling Martyr David of Dvinsky, Armenian
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy Holy Martyr John Smirnov, hieromonk (new martyr)
Makar from Greek blissful, happy Holy Martyr Macarius Mironov, hieromonk (new martyr)
Nahum biblical comforting Saint Naum of Ohrid
Paul from Latin small, junior Venerable Paul of Neocaesarea, bishop, preacher
Basil from Greek regal Holy Martyr Vasily Spassky, priest

Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. IN Orthodox traditions It is not customary to name children after Jesus Christ. If you nevertheless chose the name Jesus for your son, then the patron saint of the baby will be the holy righteous Joshua (but the name day date will not be January 7!)

Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Alexander from Greek defender

1. Holy Martyr Alexander Volkov, priest (new martyr)

2. Holy Martyr Alexander Krylov, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Basil from Greek regal Venerable Martyr Vasily Mazurenko, hieromonk (new martyr)
Gregory from Greek awake Holy Martyr Grigory Serbarinov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
David biblical Darling Reverend David
Dmitriy from Greek belonging to Demeter Holy Martyr Dimitri Chistoserdov, Archpriest (New Martyr)

from Evfimy,

from Greek

pious Holy Martyr Euthymius of Sardia, Bishop
Joseph biblical God will multiply Apostle Joseph Barsabas
Konstantin from Greek permanent, persistent Venerable Constantine of Sinadia (Phrygian)
Leonid from Greek descended from a lion Holy Martyr Leonid Antoshchenko, Bishop of Mari (new martyr)
Michael biblical who is like God

1. Holy Martyr Mikhail Smirnov, deacon (new martyr)

2. Holy Martyr Mikhail Cheltsov, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Nicodemus from Greek victorious people Venerable Nicodemus of Tismania, Romanian
Nikolai from Greek conqueror of nations

1. Holy Martyr Nicholas Zalessky, priest

2. Holy Martyr Nikolai Tarbeev, priest

Osip from the biblical Joseph God will multiply
Yakov from the biblical Jacob hot on the heels
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Alexander from Greek defender

1. Holy Martyr Alexander Cicero, priest (new martyr)

2. Holy Martyr Alexander Dagaev, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Arkady from Greek resident of Arcadia Holy Martyr Arkady Reshetnikov, deacon (new martyr)
Dorofei from Greek God's gift Holy Martyr Dorotheos of Melitino
Efim from Greek Euthymius pious Martyr Euthymius of Nicomedia
Ignat from Latin fiery Venerable Ignatius Lomsky, Yaroslavl
Leonid from Greek descended from a lion Holy Martyr Leonid Vmktorov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Nikanor from Greek contemplating victory Holy Martyr Nikanor, Apostle from the 70s
Nicodemus from Greek victorious people Holy Martyr Nicodemus of Belgorod, Bishop (New Martyr)
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy Venerable John of Pechersk, monk
Benjamin from Hebrew Benjamin son of the right hand, beloved son Reverend Benjamin
Georgy / Egor from Greek tiller Saint George of Nicomedia, bishop
Lavr, Lavrentiy bay tree Venerable Lavrentiy of Chernigov
Mark from Latin hammer Venerable Mark of Pechersk
Thaddeus from Greek / from Hebrew gift of God/praise Venerable Thaddeus the Confessor
Theophilus from Greek God-loving

1. Venerable Theofl of Pechersk, recluse

2. Venerable Theophilus of Omuch

Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Alexander from Greek defender

1. Holy Martyr Alexander Organov, priest (new martyr)

2. Holy Martyr Alexander Trapitsyn, Archbishop (new martyr)

Bogdan from Greek Theodotus given by God Holy Martyr Theodotus
Basil from Greek regal

1. Saint Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia

2. Holy Martyr Basil of Ankyria (Caesarea)

Vyacheslav from the ancient Slavs. most glorious Holy Martyr Vyacheslav Infantov, priest (new martyr)
Gregory from Greek awake Saint Gregory of Nazianzus the Elder (Theologian), bishop
Eremey from Hebrew Jeremiah exalted by God / may the Lord exalt Venerable Martyr Jeremiah Leonov, monk (new martyr)
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy

1. Holy Martyr John Suldin, priest (new martyr)

2. Holy Martyr John Smirnov, priest (new martyr)

Michael biblical Who's like God Holy Martyr Michael Bleiwe, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Nikolai from Greek conqueror of nations Holy Martyr Nikolai Bezhanitsky, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Peter from Greek stone, rock Martyr Peter of the Peloponnese
Plato from Greek wide Holy Martyr Platon (Kulbush) of Revel, Bishop (New Martyr)
Trofim from Greek breadwinner Holy Martyr Trofim Myachin, priest (new martyr)
Theodosius from Greek Theodosius God-given Venerable Theodosius of Triglia, abbot
Yakov from the biblical Jacob hot on the heels Holy Martyr Jacob Alferov, priest (new martyr)
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Basil from Greek regal Martyr Vasily Petrov (new martyr)
Kozma from Greek world order, universe Saint Cosmas of Constantinople, Archbishop
Mark from Latin hammer Reverend Mark Deaf
Modest from Latin modest, unpretentious Holy Martyr Modest
Peter from Greek stone, rock Venerable Peter of Rome
Seraphim from Hebrew fire Angel Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, wonderworker
Sergey from Etruscan highly respected Holy Martyr Sergius
Sidor from Isidore gift of Isis Blessed Righteous Isidore
Sylvester from Latin forest Saint Sylvester, Pope
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Alexander from Greek defender

1. Holy Martyr Alexander, Bishop

2. Holy Martyr Alexander Skalsky, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Aristarch from Greek best boss Holy Martyr Aristarchus of Alamea, Bishop
Artem / Artemy from Greek healthy, unharmed Apostle from 70 Artem of Listria, bishop
Arkhip from Greek chief rider Apostle from 70 Archippus
Afanasy from Greek immortal Venerable Athanasius of Syandemsky, Vologda
Denis from Greek Dionysus God of fertility and winemaking Holy Martyr Dionysius the Areopagite of Athens, Bishop
Efim from Greek Euthymius pious Venerable Martyr Euthymius of Vatopedi, abbot
Zosim from Greek heading out Venerable Martyr Zosimus of Cilicia, hermit
Joseph / Osip biblical God will multiply Apostle from 70 Joseph Barsabas
Carp from Greek fetus Apostle from 70 Carp
Clement / Klim

from Greek /

from Latin

grapevine / gracious Apostle Clement from 70, Bishop of Rome
Kondrat / Kondratiy from Greek square, broad shouldered Apostle from 70 Kondrat of Athens
Luke from Latin light Apostle Luke 70
Mark from Latin hammer Apostle from 70 Mark John the Evangelist, bishop
Nikolai from Greek conqueror of nations Holy Martyr Nikolai Maslov, priest (new martyr)
Ostap from Greek Eustathius stable Saint Eustathius the First of Serbia, Archbishop
Paul from Latin small, junior Holy Martyr Pavel Filitsyn, priest (new martyr)
Prokhor from Greek started singing Apostle from 70 Prochorus of Nicomedia, bishop
Rodion from Greek Herodion hero, heroic Apostle from 70 Herodion of Patras, bishop
Semyon from Simeon listening

1. Apostle from 70 Simeon of Jerusalem

2. Apostle from 70 Simeon Niger

Stepan from Greek Stefan crown, diadem

1. Apostle from 70 Stephen the First Martyr, Archdeacon

2. Holy Martyr Stefan Ponomarev, Archpriest (New Martyr)

Terenty Roman family name smooth, polite Apostle from 70 Terentius of Iconice, bishop
Timofey from Greek God-worshipping Apostle from 70 Timothy of Ephesus, bishop
Trofim from Greek breadwinner Apostle Trophim from 70
Thaddeus from Greek Theodore gift of God Apostle Thaddeus 70
Philip from Greek someone who loves horses

1. Apostle Philip from 70

2. Holy Martyr Philip Grigoriev, Archpriest

Yakov from the biblical Jacob hot on the heels Apostle from 70 James
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Gregory from Greek awake Venerable Gregory of Akritsky
Joseph / Osip biblical God will multiply Martyr Joseph Bespalov (new martyr)
Matvey from New Testament Matthew bestowed by God Martyr Matthew Gusev (new martyr)
Novel from Latin Roman

1. Venerable Martyr Romanus of Carpenisium

2. Holy Martyr Romanus the Lacedaemonian

Sergey from Etruscan highly respected Holy Martyr Sergius Lavrov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Thomas biblical twin Saint Thomas
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Anton From Greek or Latin Holy Martyr Anton of Egypt
Victor from Latin winner Holy Martyr Viktor Usov, priest (new martyr)
Vladimir from Old Russian the one who owns the world Holy Martyr Vladimir Pasternatsky, Archpriest
Georgy / Egor from Greek tiller Rev. George Hozevit
Gregory from Greek awake Saint-like martyr Gregory of Pechersk, wonderworker
Dmitriy from Greek belonging to Demeter Holy Martyr Demetrius Plyshevsky, priest
Eugene from Greek noble Martyr Eugene
Emelyan from Greek affectionate, flattering Venerable Emilian of Kizicheskiy, Venerable
Ilya biblical My God is Yahweh Venerable Elijah of Egypt
Michael biblical Who's like God Saint Michael Rozov, priest (new martyr)
Julian / Julius Roman family name Holy Martyr Julian of Egypt, abbot
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Zakhar from the biblical Zechariah memory of the Lord / man Martyr Zachary
Paul from Latin small, junior Holy Martyr Pavel Nikolsky, priest (new martyr)
Panteley from Greek all-merciful Holy Martyr Panteleimon
Peter from Greek stone, rock Saint Peter of Sebaste, bishop
Philip from Greek someone who loves horses Philip II (Fedor Kolychev) Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus'
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Anatoly from Greek resident of Anatolia Holy Martyr Anatoly Grisyuk, Metropolitan (New Martyr)
Gregory from Greek awake Saint Gregory of Nyssa, bishop
Zinovy from Greek one who lives according to the will of Zeus Holy Martyr Zinovy ​​(New Martyr)
Makar from Greek blissful, happy Venerable Macarius of Pisemsky
Paul from Latin small, junior Venerable Pavel Obnorsky (Kovelsky)
Peter from Greek stone, rock Holy Martyr Peter Uspensky, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Vitaly from Latin vital Venerable Vitaly of Gazsky
Vladimir from Old Russian the one who owns the world Holy Martyr Vladimir Fokin, priest (new martyr)
Joseph / Osip biblical God will multiply Saint Joseph of Cappadocia
Michael biblical Who's like God Saint Klopsky (Novgorod)
Nikolai from Greek conqueror of nations Holy Martyr Nicholas Matsievsky, priest (new martyr)
from Greek Stefan crown, diadem Holy Righteous Stephen
Terenty Roman family name smooth, polite Holy Martyr Terentius
Fedor from Greek God's gift Holy Martyr Theodore Antipin, priest
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Afanasy from Greek immortal Holy Martyr Athanasius
Maksim from Latin greatest Rev. Maxim Kavsokalivit
Nikifor from Greek the one who brings victory Venerable Nikifor
Peter from Greek stone, rock Holy Martyr Peter Absalomite (Aniysky)
Yakov from the biblical Jacob hot on the heels Venerable James of Nizibia, Bishop
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Adam biblical Human Reverend Adam
Andrey from Greek courageous Righteous Andrew
Aristarch from Greek best boss Righteous Aristarchus
Benjamin from Hebrew Benjamin son of the right hand, beloved son Reverend Benjamin
David from Hebrew Darling Reverend David
from biblical John God's mercy Confessor John Kevroletin, hieroschemamonk (new martyr)
Ilya biblical My God is Yahweh Reverend Elijah
Joseph / Osip biblical God will multiply Venerable Joseph of Raifa (Analitin)
Isaac biblical he will laugh Reverend Isaac
Makar from Greek blissful, happy Venerable Macarius
Mark from Latin hammer Reverend Mark
Moses biblical one who was pulled out of the water Reverend Moses
Paul from Latin small, junior Reverend Paul
Savva from Aramaic old man Reverend Savva
Sergey from Etruscan highly respected Venerable Sergius
Stepan from Greek Stefan crown, diadem Reverend Stephen
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Varlaam from Chaldean God's Son Venerable Varlaam of Arkhangelsk (Keretsky)
Gabriel from the biblical Gabriel God is my strength Venerable Gabriel of Serbia
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy Venerable John Kushchnik
Michael biblical Who's like God Holy Martyr Mikhail Samsonov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Paul from Latin small, junior Venerable Paul of Thebes
Prokhor from Greek started singing Venerable Prokhor of Pshinsky
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Anton From Greek or Latin entering into battle, opposing

1. Venerable Anthony the Great

2. Venerable Anthony of Dymsky

3. Venerable Anthony of Krasnokholmsky

Victor from Latin winner Holy Martyr Victor Evropeytsev, priest (new martyr)

Georgy /

from Greek tiller Martyr George
Ivan from biblical John God's mercy Saint John of Rostov, bishop
Paul from Latin small, junior Holy Martyr Pavel Uspensky, priest (new martyr)
Name Origin Meaning Patron Saint
Alexander from Greek defender Holy Martyr Alexander Rusinov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Afanasy from Greek immortal

1. Saint A\Athanasius the Great

2. Venerable Athanasius of Sandem

3. Righteous Afanasy Navolotsky

Vladimir from Old Russian the one who owns the world Holy Martyr Vladimir Zubkovich, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Dmitriy from Greek belonging to Demeter Reverend Dmitry
Eugene from Greek noble Holy Martyr Eugene of Isadsky, priest (new martyr)
Emelyan from Greek affectionate, flattering Venerable Emelian
Ephraim from Semitic Ephraim prolific Saint Ephraim of Milas, bishop
Hilarion from Greek funny Venerable Hilarion
Kirill from Greek Lord Saint Cyril of Radonezh
Maksim from Latin greatest Saint Maximus the New
Michael biblical Who's like God Holy Martyr Mikhail Kargopolov, priest (new martyr)
Nikolai from Greek conqueror of nations Holy Martyr Nicholas Krasovsky, priest (new martyr)
Sergey from Etruscan highly respected Holy Martyr Sergius Lebedev, priest (new martyr)

Video: Is it possible to give a child a name not according to the church calendar? Priest Igor Silchenkov

A name is a gift from parents to a child who remains with him for life, so it is very important not to make a mistake with the choice. Today we will choose names for boys - rare and beautiful, Slavic and foreign, and we will deal with fashion trends.

When choosing a name for your son, you should not be led by emotions, follow exclusively fashion trends You have 9 months to make a choice. The first name should go well with the middle name, last name, even the initials should be harmonious so that there are no double interpretations in the future.

Individuality - you should not name your son in honor of relatives, famous people. Subconsciously, you will have high hopes for your child; not every child can bear such a load. This is especially dangerous for you acute course conflict between fathers and children in adolescence.

Avoid “neuter” names – Valya, Zhenya. Boys with such names often have to listen to a lot of ridicule from their peers, and if there is a namesake girl in the class, then your son’s life can turn into a complete nightmare.

Solid male names with a predominance of consonants - Egor, Grigory, Dmitry, endow the boy with strength and stubbornness.

In soft names there are more vowel sounds (Ilya, Veniamin), such children are distinguished by their calmness and easy-going character.

Neutral (Andrey, Arkady, Pavel) boys with such names will be moderately purposeful and wise.

Russian names for boys are rare and beautiful

Russians and Orthodox names always remain relevant, you can choose to name your son according to the calendar if you doubt your choice.

Orthodox and ancient names for boys are rare and beautiful:

  1. - this is the name given to hardworking, persistent children, but they can be somewhat reserved, so you will have to respect their personal space from an early age. Men named Matvey often choose professions that require painstakingness, meticulousness, and concentration; they make excellent surgeons, bank employees, and athletes.
  2. Jaromir - a boy with this name will be strong, diligent, devoted.
  3. Zakhar - children are distinguished by good nature and sentimentality, compassion, very caring, with an easy-going, non-conflict character. Such boys often choose jobs that involve technology, construction, and farming.
  4. Vsevolod is prudent, lucky, his innate humor, diplomacy and sense of tact allow him to nip any unpleasant situation in the bud. From an early age, such boys get along well with people, occupy leading positions, they are stubborn but fair, and are not afraid of losing to a more worthy opponent.
  5. Gordey is the embodiment of peacefulness and optimism, outwardly modest, but inside there is a core that allows you to achieve success in life. Boys with this name are good storytellers and attentive listeners, so they never suffer from loneliness, they always have many friends.
  6. Luka is an honest, purposeful, but sometimes overly impulsive person. Boys are good tacticians, carefully think through each step, confidently move towards their intended goal, and can be uncompromising when defending their rightness.

The names still remain relevant: Platon, Mikhail, Pavel, Denis, Andrey, Nikolay, Dmitry, Lyubomir, Radomir.

Among the rare and original Old Church Slavonic names, the following can be distinguished: Lucheslav, Svetozar.

Modern names for boys are rare and beautiful

The meaning and choice of a name for a child - these requests occupy leading positions in all search engines, this problem never ceases to be relevant. According to the statistics of traffic to such resources, a rating of the most popular male names was compiled.

So, the most beautiful and popular names for boys are:

  1. Diaz or Yakov is a name for an ambitious boy, as it means “one who follows on the heels.”
  2. Matvey - gifted by God.
  3. Robert is famous, of unfading fame.
  4. Ernest is serious and strict.
  5. Janis is God's grace.
  6. Damir, Timur – translated means “iron”.
  7. Demid - ruler, ruler.

Among modern names, many have German origin- Benedict, Waldemar, Heinrich, Arnold, Karl. Such boys are distinguished by rigor, isolation, incredible determination and efficiency, which allows them to become successful businessmen, politicians, and diplomats.

Often parents, following the example of popular people, began to call their sons English names– Justin, Gary, David, Matthew. Gaining popularity and Italian names– Alessandro, Matteo, Riccardo.

Abdullah, Ali, Rustam, Omran remain popular Islamic names.

What name to choose for a boy

Boys who will be born in the coming year will be distinguished by their hard work, perseverance, and will clearly move towards their goal. They will be good family men, caring fathers, wonderful husbands. To enhance all these positive qualities, you need to choose the right name for your son; simple, Slavic, biblical, uncomplicated names are coming into fashion.

Rare and beautiful names for boys:

  1. Arseny - for such men, the family will always come first; they are happy to deal with everyday issues, raising children, and always treat their parents with respect and reverence. Boys are distinguished by courage, they always fight for justice, and do not know how to lie.
  2. Daniel is sociable, creative child, often in the future chooses a profession related to people. Men are distinguished by loyalty and constancy, choosing a life partner once and for all.
  3. Elisha is a boy with a fine mental organization, loves literature and art, but at the same time chooses work related to intellectual activity.
  4. Konstantin is a smart, inquisitive boy who, from an early age, strives to broaden his horizons as much as possible, a leader, leader and organizer. People are always drawn to such men, they consult with him, they listen to him.
  5. Kirill is a rather selfish person, but this trait will help the boy achieve success in any endeavor. Among men with this name there are many successful businessmen and tough leaders.
  6. Laurus, Lavrentiy - this name gives the boy pride, even some vanity, energy, such children achieve success in various types sports, because they constantly strive for recognition.

The following male names will also be popular this year: Clementy, Bogdan, Semyon, David, Efim, Gabriel.

Among the rare names, the leading positions are occupied by: Oles, Bronislav, Walter, Lev, Rinat.

Name and time of birth

Parents wonder how to choose a name depending on the time of year, and how to guess the name “according to the season.” Here are the tips.

Winter boys stubborn and domineering, if you want to soften these character traits somewhat, name your son Pavel, Vasily, Leonid.

For romantic and sublime spring boys Traditional names that give them strength and courage are suitable - Egor, Sergey, Stepan.

If your baby is due in the summer, he will be brave, fair, kind-hearted. A correctly chosen name will help enhance these qualities, best choice will become: Philip, Elizar, Yuri.

Autumn boys distrustful and self-centered, to make them more sociable and friendly, name your son Tikhon, Semyon, Nazar.


Today we figured out how to choose a rare and beautiful name for a boy, what you need to consider, how not to make a mistake.

Astrology is a subtle science that will largely determine a person’s destiny. In particular, astrologers assure that the name the baby is given depends on his life path. On the topic of how to name a child in 2018, what beautiful and successful names there are for boys and girls born in the year yellow dog, astrologers have already thought about it.

The name plays a big role in shaping the personality of a future member of society. Any name can give a child unique character traits. If parents want positive traits worsened, it is recommended to name the baby according to the month of birth. Let's look at the most successful combinations of names and seasons.

Boys born in the year of the fire dog will grow into loyal, hardworking and devoted men. Distinctive feature their character is extraordinary insight. They understand people well and see their true intentions, thanks to which they form an optimistic outlook on life from childhood.

Men born in this year are unusually hardworking, thanks to which they quickly move up the career ladder.

We invite you to look at the most popular names for children born in 2018, which is preferred by most parents:

  • Bogdan – in the present translation “given by God”;
  • Mark - a child with this name has excellent health;
  • Benjamin - this name is given to the baby if they want to emphasize that he is the beloved son of his parents;
  • Rinat is a person with supernatural abilities;
  • Alexander has been leading the ranking of the most popular male names for many years. Such kids grow up to be very purposeful;
  • Egor - beautiful name, the owner of which will quickly climb the career ladder thanks to his independence;
  • Artem is one of the most popular names; such boys are characterized by optimism and friendliness;
  • Maxim is a real role model. If you name a boy with this name, he will become a true joy for his parents.

We also present to your attention a list of the rarest male names:

  • Bronislav is a name for a strong-willed child. IN literal translation means "guardian of glory";
  • Leo is traditionally the name of a leader, curator, fair leader, meaning “king of beasts”;
  • Oles is the name of a true protector;
  • Walter is a true leader, born to lead people.

However, before giving your child rare name, think about its consonance with the patronymic. This is important, because in the future an already accomplished man may become a significant leader, and he will often be called by his first name and patronymic. In order for a name to play in a person’s favor, it must be consonant with the patronymic.

Character of a girl in 2018

A girl born in 2018 will immediately receive several wonderful qualities. She will become kind and sympathetic, and it will not be difficult for her to conquer any man’s heart. It is possible that this will be a creative person who decides to devote his life to art.

The career ladder will quickly be conquered by a girl born in the year of the yellow dog, thanks to her good memory.

Girls born in 2018 are extremely friendly. They easily put themselves in the shoes of another person, therefore they are responsive. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with such people.

Children born in this year are confident in themselves, but rather touchy. Their resentment may last a long time, but after this the girl will again become friendly and supportive.

Here is a list of the most attractive and popular baby names that are suitable for girls born in 2018:

  • Natalya is a friendly and helpful girl, literally translated as “native”;
  • Milana – attractive, “sweetheart”;
  • Vasilisa is a royal girl, a real leader, a “queen”;
  • Elizabeth is a divine and holy girl;
  • Elena is a kind, bright, fiery girl;
  • Margarita – beautiful, sympathetic, “pearl”;
  • Olesya - this name makes the girl stand out from the crowd of other people;
  • Diana – sovereign, “divine”;
  • Veronica is a very purposeful and active girl who “believes in victory”;
  • Eve - this name compares its owner with the word “life”;
  • Victoria is a name that is analogous to the famous word “victory”;
  • Ruslana is a winning girl;
  • Marina is very a tender girl, literally translated the name means “sea”.

For those who like to name their children in an unconventional way, here is a list of rare, but no less beautiful, female names;

  • Beatrice is a girl who brings happiness;
  • Lada is a gentle, feminine nature, literally translated “sweetheart”;
  • Clara is a kind, sympathetic, “bright” girl;
  • Zlata is a real treasure, a “golden” girl;
  • Alla is majestic and powerful, literally translated as “column of light.”

A representative of the fair sex will be happy if her parents at birth give her a beautiful name, consonant with her patronymic, which, moreover, will bring her happiness and program her for success.

Name after a celebrity

Until the 70s, it was popular to name a child after a celebrity who achieved success through backbreaking work and won the love of the entire country, or even the planet.

IN Lately The fashion for celebrity names is gradually returning. Psychologists say that this is good practice.

Giving a child a name successful person, you are automatically programming it for success. This is, in a way, a direction along an already trodden path. But after this, you should not put pressure on the child, since it is quite possible that he will achieve success, only in a completely different field of activity, not related to his stellar prototype.

Calendar of names

Astrologers and even many psychologists advise naming the child in accordance with the calendar, that is, the name should suit the month of birth of the baby. The Bible advises the same. Below is a table of compatibility of names and months of birth of children.

Winter babies have a “frosty” character, so you need to choose melodious and pleasant names for them that will instill good nature in the children.JanuaryNikita, Ilya, Kirill, Daniil, Maxim, Ivan, Vasily, Seraphim, Pavel, Egor, Stepan, Artem, Anton, Timofey, Kirill, Mark, Yuri.Vasilisa, Polina, Ulyana, Tatyana, Claudia, Anastasia, Evgenia, Melania.
FebruaryValentin, German, Ignatius, Arkady, Victor, Felix, Grigory, Dmitry, Zakhar, Vsevolod, Porfiry.Veronica, Christina, Svetlana, Maria, Anna, Ksenia, Agnia.
Spring babies are often born withdrawn, so their names should give them endurance.MarchMikhail, David, Arseny, Valery, Mark, Denis, Evgeny, Fedor, Lev, Stepan, Rostislav, Makar, Fedot, Philip.Veronica, Vasilisa, Christina, Anastasia, Marianna, Margarita, Regina.
AprilDavid, Andrey, Vadim, Georgy, Stepan, Semyon, Alexander, Rodion, Ivan, Peter, Innocent, Plato, Ignat.Veronica, Alexandra, Svetlana, Sofia, Daria, Vasilisa, Irina, Larisa, Anna.
MayFedor, Joseph, Timofey, Peter, Fedor, Gleb, Makar, Andrey, Ivan, David, Roman, Boris, Nikita, Vitaly, Anatoly, Grigory, Victor.Efrosinya, Faina, Taisiya, Tamara, Maria, Valentina, Yulia, Christina, Irina.
Summer children are active, kind, cheerful and friendly from birth. Any name that enhances their merits will suit them.JuneSylvester, Julian, Mstislav, Gregory, Peter, Andrey, Roman, Gennady, Kirill, Tikhon, Konstantin, Alexander, Ivan.Anna, Maria, Nellie, Elena, Sofia, Alena, Antonina, Kira, Valeria.
JulyArseny, Stepan, Kirill, Kuzma, Mark, Denis, Yakov, Philip, Julius, Demyan, Fedor, Gury.Margarita, Valentina, Maria, Elena, Yuliana, Angelina, Zhanna, Irina.
AugustRoman, Ilya, Boris, Pavel, Tikhon, Miron, Ivan, Dmitry, Leonid, Maxim, Naum, German, Makar.Valentina, Christina, Milena, Svetlana, Maria, Anna.
Autumn children from birth have a strong and balanced character. This feature is important to emphasize.SeptemberArkady, Clement, Thomas, Maxim, Fedor, Daniel, Arkhip, Benjamin, Gregory, Athanasius.Sophia, Anna, Natalya, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Vera, Elizabeth.
OctoberMatvey, Vladimir, Grigory, Nazar, Alexey, Denis, David, Anton, Stepan, Makar.Zlata, Zinaida, Anna, Irina, Taisiya, Sofia.
NovemberJulian, Evgeny, Taras, Ignat, Kirill, Anton, Denis, Yakov, German, Valery, Fedot, Victor.Cleopatra, Claudia, Anna, Anastasia, Elizabeth.
DecemberMark, Vsevolod, Zakhar, Anton, Stepan, Vasily, Yaroslav, Semyon, Pavel.Olga, Angelina, Varvara, Marina, Ulyana, Ekaterina, Zoya, Anfisa, Varvara.