Kestin What does interact with alcohol. Kestin rapid dissolution. Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Today we will talk about Kestin as one of the effective means of allergies. Or not effective? Let's figure it out.

Allergic diseases are currently in one or another manifestation more than the most inhabitants of the planet.

Developing allergy significantly changes not at the best side of the human well-being, negatively reflects on the working capacity and learning of new knowledge.

It is always dangerous for people and some complications of allergies and therefore the treatment of a certain irritant that arises constantly or periodically the symptoms of the intolerance of a certain stimulus is always necessary.

The pharmacological industry is constantly developing and producing new antihistamine drugs, the Kestin medication includes the latter group.

The positive properties of antihistamine Kestin are estimated quite a large number of people with allergic reactions and this suggests that the medicine has the necessary therapeutic activity.

Kestin - composition of the drug and mechanism of action

Kestine is produced in two forms - tablets and syrup.

The tableted form of the drug is intended for patients over 12 years old.

Syrup can be used to eliminate manifestations, starting from the sixth year old.

Tablets are produced in two kinds, that is, they can be in a film or lyophilized shell.

Lyophilized tablets quickly develop their healing properties and begin to work under the influence of moisturizing.

The main active substance of the drug is the Ebastine related to the histamine H1 receptor blockers, there is a drug with a similar name, which is a complete analogue of the Kestin.

Any allergic reaction in the body proceeds with the formation of inflammation mediators, which primarily refers to histamine.

Under the influence of this substance, all signs of an allergic reaction are developing, that is, the swelling of the tissues occurs, the development of the mucous membrane is increasing, irritation appears and.

In order to achieve the disappearance of these symptoms, it is necessary to interrupt the development of inflammation mediators and antihistamines for the mechanism of their action are designed specifically for this.

Ebastin enchanting has a pronounced antihistamine activity, its full action occurs after one hour after the reception.

The overall treatment course is determined by the cessation of signs of an allergic reaction.

In the treatment of some patients, a four-week course of therapy with this medicine was prescribed and the pronounced side effects were not observed.

What is the difference between Kestin from other antihistamine drugs

Currently there are quite a lot of different aimed at eliminating allergies or on its warning.

It is quite difficult to choose to choose enough and correctly implement it only under the guidance of the doctor after passing all the research.

Medicine Kestin should also be spelled out to use an allergist and first of all it is assigned to treatment:

  • Year-round or seasonal rhinitis, arising under the influence of different groups of allergens;
  • Allergic conjunctivitis;
  • Under the swelling of the quincĂ© and the urticaria. Also treating an allergic disease caused by physical factors, that is, straight, cold, overheating;
  • Any diseases developing under the influence of the histamine produced in the body.

The reception of Kestin provides a quick therapeutic effect, a noticeable decrease in symptoms is observed after one hour after taking the desired therapeutic dose.

Kestin medicine is different and a number of additional benefits:

  • The drug can be taken once a day, its therapeutic effect continues for 48 hours;
  • With long-term treatment, the kestine uses an intermittent treatment scheme. The medicine needs to drink daily in the desired dosage for 5 days, then take a break for two days. Such use was made possible due to the fact that with long-term reception, the ebastin accumulates in the body and then its therapeutic, antihistamine effect has been expressed for 72 hours;
  • The medicine is not necessary to drink water, the tablet is easily and quickly dissolved in the oral cavity under the influence of saliva enzymes. Due to this Kestin is convenient when used on travel;
  • The drug does not affect the reaction rate and therefore the treatment of them is possible when controlling vehicles and other complex mechanisms.

When prescribing medication, the doctor should take into account the use of other medicines by the patient and in accordance with this select the therapy scheme.

How to apply Kestin

You can use Kestin for medicinal purposes, regardless of food intake, the medicine does not need to be rooted with water.

When opening the package, caution must be taken, since the tablets are quite fragile and easily broken down under pressure.

Treatment begins with a dose of 10 mg if the desired effect is not observed, then the dosage is raised to 20 mg per day.

Children from 12 to 15 years old are treated only with a dose of 10 mg per day. The same dosage must be respected by patients with severe liver function disorders.

In other cases, the drug is accepted by the usual scheme. It is also necessary to take into account that the use of Kestin in some cases is contraindicated.

The medicine is not assigned:

  • Pregnant women and women feeding breastfeeding. The clinical trials of this group of patients were not conducted, and therefore the Ebastin will affect the development of the fetus, they cannot say reliably;
  • The drug in the tablets is not used until the child has been achieved by the child of the twelve age.

In rare cases, patients have a headache, insignificant dizziness, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, drowsiness, or on the contrary, insomnia.

If these changes are strongly concerned and do not pass within a few days, the doctor can reduce the daily dose.

The drug overdose is reflected on the change in the work of the CNS, the pronounced symptoms of poisoning occurs when it is used in a dose of 300 mg, which exceeds the one-time dose almost 15 times.

Antidote for medication does not exist, so at overdose use symptomatic therapy.

In case of random use of several antihistamine tablets at once, it is necessary to rinse the stomach as quickly as possible.

Kestin and other groups of drugs

Antihistamine Drug Kestin, produced in the form of film tablets, incompatible:

  • With antifungal medications, such as fluconazole, ketoconazole;
  • Antibiotics from the group of macrolides;
  • With the preparation used in the treatment of asthma - theophylline;
  • Indirect anticoagulants;
  • With anti-sized cimetidine;
  • With preparation diazepam;
  • With medications made using ethanol.


Tablets were lyophilized are not prescribed simultaneously with ketoconazole and erythromycin, but can be used with those drugs with which the use of tablets in the film is contraindicated.

Lyophilized kestine can be consumed on the background of moderate doses of alcohol.

When prescribing the medication, the allergist should know what is still treated by his patient. This will avoid unwanted reactions and increase the likelihood of the effectiveness of the appointed therapy.

In pharmacies, the drug is available in a free sale, it is possible to store it under normal conditions, when the temperature in the room does not exceed 25 degrees.

Main and frequently used kestine analogues

In cases where the Kestin for any indications of contraindicated or when used, unwanted reactions occurred, the doctor selects the analogues, that is, drugs with a similar mechanism of action.

The main analogues of Kestin include:

  • Blockers H1-histamine receptors based on other active substances. These are such medicines as phenyatil, diazoline, diprage, SEMPRACK, ASTELONG, SUPRADIN;
  • Stabilizers Membranes of Fat Cells - Intal, Legrolyn, Sodium Non-Culturally. This group of drugs prevents the exit of histamine and other mediators of allergic inflammation from the fat cells.

Select analogs, as well as Kestin himself, should only doctor.

An independent purpose almost never allows you to eliminate all the manifestations of allergies and moreover may be complicated by other pathologies.

Alcohol and antihistamines are incompatible. During the fight against the disease, it is necessary to abandon alcoholic beverages to avoid dangerous side effects.

Alcohol and antihistamines are incompatible.

Antihistamines are applied to the treatment of allergic conditions. These drugs block H1 histamine receptors, due to which the action of histamine is suppressed, which is the main mediator of most allergic manifestations. In addition, they have sedative and hypnotic effects, the body temperature decreases.

Preparations of 1 generation:

Is it possible to take Tuese and alcohol at the same time? What is it dangerous?

The intolerance to alcohol is an indication for the purpose of antihistamine drugs.

Preparations of 2 generations:

Preparations of 3 generations:

It is undesirable to take antihistamines and alcohol at the same time. The consequences of mixing these drugs and alcoholic beverages depend on the type of medicine. The most dangerous preparations of the first generation when mixed with alcohol.

This is especially true for the reception of large doses of alcohol. But the use of in moderation, about 30 ml of ethanol per day, will not lead to strong negative consequences. It should be borne in mind that in each case the disease and the body are special. And for this reason, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.

As a result of simultaneous reception with alcohol, antiallergic preparations enhance the effect of alcohol on the body and cause a negative reaction.

A high probability of fainting and even coma, taking into account the fact that alcohol has a soothing effect, acting on the brain.

Under the influence of alcohol, hepatotoxic effects on antihistamine liver occurs. The work of the liver enzyme aldehydehydrogenase is disturbed, and the organ is poisoned with decay products. This is capable of leading to medication hepatitis.

When drinking alcoholic beverages during the reception of tablets, ethanol reduces the effectiveness of medicines, itself being an allergen. In case of intolerance of ethyl alcohol, the digestion system does not cope with the enrolled alcohol, acetaldehyde is accumulated in the body. It causes alcoholic allergies.

The likelihood is high that alcohol will change the properties of the drug and the body's response will be unpredictable. Disturbances in the work of the heart are possible, the heart rate failures in the form of a rapid heartbeat, a sharp increase in blood pressure, up to a hypertensive crisis.

The incompatibility of antihistamine and ethyl alcohol enhances the effect of medication to the central nervous system and is able to lead to a state of motorcycling or strong inhibition, there is a risk of halucinations. It is possible to increase the negative reactions observed after the use of alcoholic beverages, including hangover syndrome.

For the treatment of many colds with ORVI symptoms, combined anti-infinite drugs are used, which include anti-allergenic components. And in such cases should be immediately abandoned by alcohol consumption.

Many people wonder: Claritin and alcohol - compatibility of these means possible or not? Opinions of specialists in this case disagree. Doctors argue that the effect of alcohol on the reception of the drug is associated with the development of serious side effects. They negatively affect the central nervous system, the work of the brain and other internal organs, for example, liver, kidneys or heart. There is also an opposite opinion, according to which the alcoholic beverages can be taken during the reception of clarin. It is necessary to combine them or not, let's try to figure it out in this article.

Claritin is an effective generation antihistamine. The main indication to its use is hypersensitivity caused by allergic reactions.

The tool is prescribed when diagnosing the following pathological processes in the patient:

  • rhinitis having an allergic character;
  • seasonal allergic manifestation;
  • chronic urticarized or other reactions of an allergic organism;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • atopia caused by insect bite.

The active substance of the drug, Loratadine, blocks H1-histamine receptors and nerve nodes. Thanks to him, allergy symptoms are eliminated in the shortest possible time. At the same time, the substance itself does not penetrate the bloodstream.

In case of individual intolerance, the antihistamine drug Claritin is able to provoke the development of the following side effects:

  • fatigurity;
  • skin rashes on the body;
  • headaches;
  • heartbeat rapid;
  • nervous excitement;
  • failure in the work of the liver and stomach;
  • nausea.

Most antihistamine drugs are poorly combined with alcoholic beverages. Such interaction can provoke the development of side effects such as drowsiness, severe headache or dizziness.

Clinical picture

What do the doctors about antihistamine means

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Emelyanov G.V. Medical practice: more than 30 years.
Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body lead to the emergence of most fatal diseases. And it all begins with the fact that the person appears in the nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, in some cases who suffocate.

Every year 7 million people dies Because of allergies, and the scale of the lesion is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmacy corporations sell expensive medicines that only remove the symptoms, thereby enhancing people on this or that drug. That is why there are such a high percentage of diseases in these countries and so many people are tormented by "non-working" drugs.

The exceptions are modern antiallergic medicines of the last generation. These include the drug Telfast, Claritin, as well as their analogues (zoda, Loratadine, Loridin, Kestin and some others).

Thus, in the instructions for the use of Claritin it is indicated that it does not affect the central nervous system, the brain operation, as well as the speed of psychomotor reactions. In accordance with these people taking the drug, it is allowed to manage vehicles, as well as working with mechanisms that represent a potential danger. It is believed that it is possible to combine the drug with alcoholic beverages, because it does not fall into the blood. It is noted that it does not contribute to the negative impact on the CNS.

Despite this, simultaneously use both means is not recommended. Each organism is individual, and no specialist will be able to guarantee the lack of side effects and complications caused by such a combination.

Even the most modern drugs in applied with alcohol are able to develop a number of unpleasant manifestations:

  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • headaches.

Depending on the gentle of a person, as well as a temporary segment, the antihistamine agent and alcohol can be taken in the following cases:

  1. Men - 24 hours before the planned use of alcohol.
  2. Women - 48 hours before drinking alcohol.
  3. After 20 hours and more after the adoption of alcohol (for men).
  4. After 24 hours and more after alcohol consumption (for women).
  5. When conducting a course of therapy, Claritine men and women can be accepted alcohol 30 days after the end of treatment.

Extremely unwanted alcohol and medicine combination in cases if:

  1. There is a course of medication therapy (using Claritin).
  2. There are chronic diseases, as well as liver pathologies, hearts, vessels.
  3. Allergic woman is in position (especially for the 1st trimester of pregnancy).

To alcoholic beverages that are able to negatively affect the human body include beer, champagne, wine, vodka, brandy, etc.

Even one dose of alcohol contributes to the development of side effects.

Depending on the beverage, the dosage is calculated as follows (in ml.):

  • beer - 350;
  • malt drink - 250;
  • wine table - 150;
  • port - 100;
  • brandy - 45;
  • vodka - 45.

The calculated calculations use the average. It is characterized by an average degree of alcohol intoxication, and is calculated, based on body weight of 65 kg.

The use of clarin and alcohol affects not only the flow of allergic pathology, but also at the work of the internal systems and organs.

The drug negatively affects the work of the liver, however, like alcohol. The simultaneous use of these substances significantly increases the load on the organ. Such a combination can cause serious disorders in its operation. It is especially important to remember people suffering from liver failure.

When combining clarin with alcoholic drug molecules, close interaction with alcohol derivative - ethanol. Such a tandem involves intoxicating the body, the manifestations of which can become strong headaches, redness of the skin, tachycardia, an increase in blood pressure.

In the event that a person still abused alcohol during the application of Claritin, specialists recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. Stop further consumption of alcohol.
  2. Follow the recommendations specified in the instructions for using the medication (in the Contraindications section).
  3. Drink as much water as possible over the next 4 hours.

With one-time abuse of alcohol, the risk of complications is insignificant. The body can affect both the outer and systemic drug.

As for the effects of alcohol use for an allergic disease, it is possible to considerable aggravation of the state of the patient. Alcohol contributes to the expansion of vessels, while developing tissue soloity. All this leads to a sharp increase in the body's allergic reaction.

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We draw conclusions

Allergy is a disease that is characterized by a violation of the work of the immune system associated with the recognition of a potential threat to the body. Subsequently, there is a violation of the work of tissues and organs characteristic of the inflammatory process. The phenomena of allergies are determined by the fact that the body takes attempts to get rid of those substances that he considers malicious.

This leads to the development of numerous allergy symptoms:

  • Sweet throat or oral cavity.
  • It is hard to swallow and / or talk.
  • Rash on any body site.
  • Redness and itching the skin.
  • Spasms in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting.
  • Sudden feeling of weakness.
  • A sharp decrease in blood pressure.
  • Weak and fast pulse.
  • Dizziness and loss of consciousness.
Even one of these symptoms should make thinking. And if there are two of them, do not doubt - you have an allergy.

How to treat allergies when there are a big number of medicines that cost huge money?

Most of the drugs will not bring any benefit, and some may even harm! At the moment, the only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of allergies is.

Until February 26. Institute of Allergology and Cline Immunology, together with the Ministry of Health, hold the program " Without allergies". In which the drug is available in just 149 rubles , all residents of the city and the region!

"Kestin" is the newest antihistamine drug produced by the Japanese pharmaceutical company "Takeda". This drug begins to work hour after reception and retains its operation within 48 hours. Its effectiveness and security is proved by many studies of foreign and Russian scientific laboratories.

Trade names of the drug "Kestin"

Basic information about the preparation: indications, dosage, side effects, etc.

This table contains data from the official instructions for the drug. Full text of the instruction can be downloaded by reference below.
Pharmacological groupAntiallergic.
Basic active ingredientEbastin
Form release
  • Syrup;
  • Tablets: shell-covered and lyophysylated ..
Main indications for use
  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Hives.
Mode of applicationInside, regardless of the food reception.
Lophysylated tablets must be dissolved until complete dissolution.
Dosage in treatment
  • Tablets: 10-20 mg 1 time per day;
  • Syrup: 10-20 ml 1 time per day.
Basic contraindicationsHypersensitivity to the components of the drug, phenylketonuria.
PrecautionsWith caution in the presence of the following diseases:
  • Renal or liver failure;
  • Hypokalimia;
  • Increased Qt interval.
Incompatible drugs and food
  • Antifungal drugs;
  • Erythromycin, clarithromycin;
  • Theophylline;
  • Cimetidine;
  • Diazepam.
Basic side effectsHeadaches, dry mouth.
Terms and Storage TermsTemperature no more than 30 0 s, dark place, 3 years

The main disease that is treated

Allergies are increased sensitivity to a specific environmental factor or substance. It manifests itself in the form of a runny nose, conjunctivitis, urticaria, dermatitis, cough. The causes of the occurrence of allergies can be pollen of plants, dust, animal wool, food and much more.

But before taking the drug, it is killed in the correctness of the diagnosis, since the symptoms may be similar to the symptoms of chronic skin diseases. Then you will help the line of the Listerin funds, you can find out the information on the official website.

Mounting note

When "Kestin" receive, it is impossible to increase its dose due to the lack of antidote. Overdose can enhance side effects and aggravate the condition of the body.

Additional information about the medicine: analogue review, use in children, pregnant women and so on


  • Phenyatil;
  • Diazoline;
  • Supratine;
  • Tueva;
  • Zoda;
  • Zetrin;
  • Loratadine.
Analogues in homeopathy

  • Pills, spray luffel;
  • Drops of EDAS-131 "Rinitol";
  • Drops of EDAS-130 "Allergopent".
Analogues in folk medicineBroth of a series, laurel sheet, burdock, dandelion, chamomiles.
Application during pregnancy and breastfeedingContraindicated.
Application of the drug in childhood

  • From 6 to 12 years old is recommended syrup 5 mg per day;
  • 12 - 15 years - 10 mg tablets - 1/2 tablets 1 time per day.
Application of the drug in old ageBy appointing a doctor.
Is it possible to drink alcohol?Sharing is possible only with lyophysylated pills.
Is it possible to get behind the wheel after reception?Can.
Expected improvement in condition1 hour after reception.
If the drug does not helpAfter 5 days of reception, in the absence of improvements, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

"Kestin" is an antihistamine drug of a new generation. Its distinctive features are the lack of sedative influence on the body and the effect of addiction. Kestin has not only the speed of exposure to allergens, but also an attractive price.

For effective struggle with allergies and its manifestations, a variety of drugs have been developed, whose therapeutic effect is in blocking histamine type H1 receptors. The second-generation antiallergic drug "Kestin" (international non-accurate name - Ebastin) belongs to the average price category.

Since the active ingredient of the Ebastine is contained only in "Kestin", the analogues of this drug, similar to it in structure, does not exist. Ebastin is produced under various names, including Aleva, Ebastine, Ebatrol, Evastin, Kestine and others. The drug has good reviews.

"KESTIN": instructions for use

Pharmacological action and pharmacokinetics

"KESTIN" conducts competitive bloc H1-receptors of the Neurotiator of the histamine, resulting in decreasing the permeability of the vessels and the risk of spasm the smooth muscles of the bronchi. The drug has a long action, which manifests itself in an hour after receiving and lasts two days.

Suction occurs immediately after receiving inside. In the liver, the active substance turns into carebastine metabolite. You can accelerate the absorption and formation of Karebastin with fatty foods.

During the treatment of "Kestin" there is a gradual cumulation of Karebastin in the body, so at the end of the course therapeutic action is preserved For more than six days. With the constant use of the drug for three days, the equilibrium concentration of metabolite is set in the range of 130-160 ng / ml. The drug has no sedative effect.

The means is excreted from the body by the kidneys. Half pharmacological action is lost in 15-19 hours; With liver and renal failure, this indicator can reach 27 and 23-26 hours accordingly.

Form release

"Kestin" is presented in the following forms:

  • White tablets Or almost white in the film shell. The concentration of the active substance in the tablet is 10 or 20 mg. Ingredients: Ebastin, Cellulose, Starch, Magnesium Stearat, Lactose Monohydrate, Sodium Croskarmelloz, Titanium Dioxide. Tablets have engraving "E10" or "E20" on one of the parties.
  • Tablets lyophilized (instant) for resorption. Ingredients: Ebastin (10 mg), gelatin, mannitol, sweetener aspartame, mint flavor.
  • Transparent Syrup with Anisa. Comes in a dark glass bottle with an aluminum lid, a measuring syringe is also attached. Composition of syrup: Ebastin, glycerin, solution of sorbitol, glycerin oxycytearate, lactic acid, sodium methylpaultydroxybenzoate, water, other substances at a concentration of less than 1 mg, acidity regulator.

Indications for use

"Kestin" is prescribed for the following states:

  • allergic rhinitis of various origins,
  • allergic conjunctivitis,
  • urticaria of various origins,
  • svet Qink
  • other diseases caused by a high concentration of histamine.


Kestin's reception should be abandoned with high sensitivity to its components, as well as during pregnancy. The tests of the drug on animals confirmed the harmlessness of the ebastine for the fetus, however, there are no data on this kind of impact on the human body today. It is also not known whether the Ebastine and its metabolite of Karestin in breast milk are distinguished, so the drug should not use nursing mothers.

The medicine is contraindicated with people with lactase lactase, intolerance to lactose and glucose-galactose macabsorption.

Some forms "Kestin" ( pills for resorption in the mouth) Not prescribed in disruption of protein metabolism. Lyophilized pills are contraindicated to children and adolescents up to 15 years old, pills in the shell - children under 12 years old. For children under six years, the use of the drug is not recommended.

Patients with hypokalemia, liver or renal failure and an increased Qt interval should be taken "Kestin" with caution.

Side effects

For therapeutic doses, the drug causes little side effects. Sometimes its use leads to drowsiness, headaches and dryness in the mouth. A single cases of sinusitis and rhinitis are noted, as well as nausea, abdominal pain and sleep disorder.

The drug does not have a negative impact on the CNS, so patients are allowed to engage in activities that require high focus: for example, a driving of a car.

An overdose in which the patient feels fatigue and dryness in the mouth, can cause only the simultaneous admission of at least the thirty-fold dose of "Kestin". Since there is no drug that could weaken or neutralize the effect of the Ebastine, in the event of an overdose it is necessary to clean the stomach and treat individual symptoms.

Mode of application

"Kestin" take orally once a day. Time of food treatment does not matter. The medicine is not required to drink water. Dosage varies for children and adults:

The maximum daily dose of the drug for the treatment of patients with a violation of the liver is 10 mg.

Lyophilized tablets are designed for resorption in the mouth. They do not have the shell and in general are quite fragile, so they should be taken from blister carefully, not pressed.

Interaction with other drugs

  • fluconazole, ketoconazole and other antifungal agents,
  • erythromycin, roxitromycin and other macrolides (increase the risk an increase in Qt interval).

Revealed interaction with the following drugs:

  • anticoagulants indirect action,
  • teophylline
  • cimetidine
  • tranquilizer diazepam,
  • alcohol and alcohol-containing drugs.

Where to buy "Kestin"?

Antihistamines are usually sold in pharmacies without a recipe; Not exception and "Kestin". Prices for the drug depend on the form of release: pills with 10 mg - Eabastine content, produced in an amount of 5 pcs. In the package, there are a little more than 250 rubles - this is enough for one course of treatment. However, for frequent use and with a serious treatment of the disease, it is more profitable to choose packaging of 10 tablets with an existing substance content of 10 and 20 mg.

How to replace the drug "Kestin"?

On a trip abroad

In the absence of an acquaintance name in a foreign pharmacy with a familiar name Kestine, other medicines that have an international non-payable name of the Ebastin should be searched. Instructions for the use of these drugs are the same as Kestin, since they are essentially synonymous drugs. The list of some medicines based on the Ebastine:

  • Egypt: Bastab, Evastine.
  • Spain: Alastina, Ebastina Combix.
  • Italy: Clever.
  • India: EBAST, EROSTIN.
  • Netherlands: Lacinet, Netan, Notaxo, Stibal.
  • Philippines: Co-Aleva, Histagone.
  • Finland: Kestine Lyo.
  • China: Si Jin, Su Di.
  • Japan: Ebastine Choseido.

In case of intolerance of components

For the replacement of "Kestin", any n1-receptor of the histamine neurotiator is suitable for replacing. When selecting analogue, you must pay attention to the generation. It is recommended to use the analogues of the second generation (Loratadine, Cetirizin) or their active metabolites of the third and fourth generations. They make it easier to make allergies and have fewer side effects. These drugs include Disloratadine and Levocetyriazine.

If the admission of "Kestina" is impossible for any reason, whether it is in another country, the individual intolerance to the auxiliary components or a valid substance, children or elderly, pregnancy, - you can find a worthy replacement. At the same time, the selection of a similar drug is best to entrust the specialist.

Itching, nasal congestion, eye redness and tearing, sneezing, redness, - these signs have become a real torment for many inhabitants of our planet. Some are seasonally, some all year round on certain products and allergens, some suffer because of working conditions. In such cases, it is most important to recognize allergen and assign adequate treatment.

In our country, there are many drugs against allergies. They are very much and classified by generation, duration of action, mechanism, and so on. In this article we will discuss the prolonged means of the second generation - "Kestin". Kestin from what the indications are taken and what analogues of the pharmacological agent are taken?

"Kestin" is a drug used against allergic reactions. Refers to the Blockers of the H1-histamine receptors of the second generation.

What does this definition mean?

First, histamine receptor blockers - means capable of reduce tissue susceptibility to allergy mediators, which in turn are highlighted by special cells of the immune system in response to the allergen in response to the body.

Reducing the susceptibility of tissues to histamine, the main manifestations of allergies - rhinitis, conjunctivitis, urticaria, swelling, and so on.

Secondly, the second-generation antihistamine medicine differs from the first generation tool with the ability to act on the central nervous system. Medications of the second generation do not pass the hematorencephalic barrier and do not have a sedative effect, which is definitely a plus.

Indications for the use of "Kestina":

  1. Allergic rhinitis (seasonal and year-round);
  2. Conjunctivitis allergic (seasonal and year-round);
  3. Itching, redness of the skin, rash (urticaria).

Active substance in the composition of hormonal or not?

Kestin composition. The main active ingredient from which the drug is Ebastin. After receiving, it is well absorbed and turns into a liver into an active substance, which further blocks the action of the histamine on the fabric, warning allergies.

Attention! Ebastin is not a hormonal substance.

It starts an hour after the reception and lasts the effect of up to 48 hours. Due to the ability to accumulate, after stopping the reception, the action is saved for 72 hours.

How the drug acts with allergies - mechanism

The main purpose of the Ebastine is the receptors of vessels and smooth muscle cells.

When allergen gets into a sensitized organism from the outside, the fat cells are beginning to react, which the structure of the allergen is remembered. They react by allocating the active mediator - histamine.

Histamine in turn causes an increase in the permeability of the vessels and the reduction of MMC. When taking inside the drug blocks receptors located in vessels and MMC. Reduces permeability, thereby reducing swelling, redness and itching. Prevents the reduction of smooth muscle cells that cause cough and other spastic sensations.

Forms of the release of Kestina, manufacturer

Producer "Almiral S. A." Norway.

Produced in packing with 1 or 2 blisters. Blisters are 10 tablets of 10 mg or 20 mg. White tablets, or white-yellow, in a lyophilized shell for resorption and in a smooth sheath for swallowing.

It is also possible to use in the form of a syrup. Syrup is a colorless or colorless yellow liquid with a slight smell of anise. The volume of the syrup is 60 or 120 ml, the container is made of dark transparent glass. 1 millilitré contains 1,000mg of the active substance.

How to Take Syrup Children - Dosage, Course Duration

Children are assigned mainly syrups to simplify use. Since it is difficult to swallow a tablet or grind it more often. Syrup is easier to dissolve and is practically used.

It is necessary to take strictly by appointing a doctor, following the rules for use and storage.

Children from 6 to 12 years old give 5 ml of syrup, regardless of meals. It is accepted only once a day.

Children from 12 to 15 years old to give 10 ml once a day, as much as the meal and once a day.

A full course of treatment is designed for 5 days. But other variations of deadlines are possible, since treatment in any case is compiled individually.

Kestin instructions for use. Before using it, read the annotation, make sure that a properly selected dose, packaging integrity and shelf life.

Adults are prescribed 10-20 mg per day. During clinical studies, it is proved that use during meals, and especially with fatty foods accelerates the suction of the means and its effectiveness by 50%.

After use, place the place in protected from light and children, in which the temperature does not exceed 30 degrees Celsius.

Features of use during pregnancy and gv

The study in relation to the use of medication with pregnant and nursing women was not produced. Influence on the fruit, mother and child on breast milk are not known.

For the avoidance of unwanted side effects, use during lactation and pregnancy should be stopped.

Specific contraindications has no tool. Absolute restrictions are:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the medication;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Children under 6 years old.

In these cases, the contraindicated means must be stopped.

With accuracy and compulsory medical advice, it is used in chronic kidney and liver diseases. Also, with problems with a conductive heart system.

Does Kestin interact with other medicines?

You can not appoint together with:

  1. Antifungal agent containing ketoconazole;
  2. Antibiotic medicines containing erythromycin;
  3. Alcohol-containing substances;
  4. With a blocker of histamine receptors - "cimetidine";
  5. With indirect substances depressing blood clotting;
  6. Diazepine preparations.

Interaction with other drugs is not described.

Combining antihistamine medicines and alcohol is not recommended.

There are no direct prohibiting alcoholic beverages with the preparation of recommendations. But alcohol in any case will reduce the effectiveness of treatment, and increase the toxic effects of chemicals on the body.

With a joint admission, it is possible to strengthen the side effects of the drug and an increase in the liver load.

Analogs of the drug

Kestin analogues. Similarly, it is advisable to designate antihistamine prolonged second-generation funds. These include:

  • Loratadine is a non-proprietary name of an active active ingredient, which is contained in a variety of various means, the duration of action is about 24 hours;
  • Cetirizine is also a valid substance that is characterized by speed (about 20 minutes).

In addition to the means of 2 generation, the analogues can also be called the group of antiallergic medicines of 1 generation, this is: DIMEDROL, chloropiramine, mebirdoline.

Zetrin, Supratin or Kestin - What is better?

The choice of the optimal drug is carried out by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body and its material situation.

All three above-mentioned drugs have a blocking anhybolic effect. All of them are suitable for the relief of the main symptoms of allergies.

However, they differ in addition to the main substance, first, by a large range of action, secondly, the class (which determines the effect on the central nervous system), thirdly, the speed of action.

So, the drugs of choice will be antihistamine drugs 2 class, that is, it is "zetrin" or "Kestin". The advantage of Zetrin in front of the substitute will be a high speed of starting action. Both drugs provide a good clinical effect for a long time. Both instant.

"Suprastin" is considered cheaper and simple medicine. It has a sedative effect, causing drowsiness. Clinical action The tool has about 2-3 hours. The drug is not considered prolonged.

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