Taurus m. Restraint - one of the characteristic features of a man of a Taurus. Attitude Male Taurus for love, sex, marriage and family

Taurus is the first sign of the Earth's element in the zodiacal circle. Therefore, for Men-Taurus, the characteristic of the sign so explicitly displays the connection with the Earth. In the literal sense, the Earth and everything connected with it is a source of force and inspiration. Garden-garden, cottage and the like for the representative of this sign - not a grievous work, but the ability to recharge the energy. In the figurative sense, the Earth implies some landiness, even the primitiveness of desires, the main of which are safety, food and comfortable accommodation.


Male-Taurus has a difficult character. Calm is the main component. In addition to him, persistence is being stubbornly, thanks to which a male Taurus seeks success in almost all his undertakings, be it studying, a career of an office worker or promotion of its own business. Noble, mature, responsible, balanced - a lot of good qualities at the representative of this sign. But there are disadvantages: slowness, conservatism and stubbornness.


Male Taurus in love is open and honest. He is an incorrigible romantic, Lancelot, ready to make a feat for his Guinea. To the elect, a male-taurus refers with great trepidation, especially if she is replied to him. Flowers, gifts, gentle kisses - a representative of this sign knows how to care beautifully, especially for a woman to whom a long time looked after, before understanding that she was his fate.


A woman will need some time to understand what a man is in marriage, because it takes time to make a decision. It is usually delayed by a candidate and bouquet period, but you should not hurry and push the calf. I realized that they were trying to lead, always a calm and balanced man will come into rabies and will remind a bull that rushes onto a red rag, despicable everything in his path. It is better to enjoy romance until there is an opportunity, because marriage with a representative of this zodiac sign is a bit boring, monotonous, ordinary. Male Taurus does not like to change himself and change his way of life. The manifestations of love in marriage will not flowers and words, but actions and tenderness of intimate relationships.

Intimate relations

Hidden and closed in the daily life of a man-Taurus in intimate relationships is transformed. In sex, as anywhere else, sensuality is manifested, peculiar only by representatives of this sign of the zodiac. An insatiable, gentle and patient lover who also loves experimenting. Surprisingly, a conservative Taurus refers to love classes as art and knows how to deliver partner pleasure. By the way, to live with a woman who has a headache constantly, such a man will not be. Let the divorce for the Male-Taurus is tormented, but life without sex is more painful in a hundred times.

A family

For a man-Taurus family is of great importance. He does not like big and noisy companies, communication with unfamiliar people and hiking. The best rest, in his opinion, is the time spent with relatives or close friends in a cozy and familiar home setting. A woman who is located next to a Taurus, will also have to break the parties, but the game is worth the candle. In return, she will find a faithful, economic and generous husband who will not shake either a new thing, nor on expensive perfumes for his beloved wife. And all this against the background of financial stability, reliability, confidence in the future, which guarantees his companion a man-Taurus.

Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Zodiac sign Male Characteristic Cons - the most complete description, only proved theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Each person has both congenital and acquired character traits. Some of them will be associated with the surroundings and social status, others - are assumed to be a sign of the zodiac, under which a person is born. Consider the nature of the Taurus on the horoscope and its pros and cons.

What is the character of the Taurus on the horoscope

First of all, it is usually considered splashing and good-natured people. But if their patience is tested for too long, the calves can be angry to such an extent that they will become indomitable and uncontrollable.

The main advantages of calves are the naturalness, reliability, inborn charm and sensuality, the passion for all beautiful, loyalty and tenderness, simplicity in communication and balance. They also possess the courage and determination, practicality, acute intelligence and hard work. Tales and analytical mind are characteristic, well-developed intelligence, as well as good memory and commitment in fulfilling their promises.

The main negative aspects of their nature include maximum conservatism and slowness, stubbornness and materialistic attitude to life. In addition, the Tales are powerful, jealous, in their opinion and have the psychology of owners.

Typically, in the nature of the Taurus peaceful and patient. The need for harmony makes them put up with many, but terrible when their patience comes to an end. Tales do not like controversy, especially in an increased tone and do not bring disharmonic life.

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Earth elements gives Taurons with practicality, force, perseverance and patience. Those who were born under this sign know exactly what they want and purposefully work in order to achieve this.

At the same time, they do not regret their forces and do not rely on a happy accident or good luck. In most cases, all efforts do not disappear in the gift, but allow the calves to achieve a lot, become secured and reputable in society people.

Features of the character of Taland

The main features of the character of Taurus on the horoscope include the practicality and ability to embody the ideas from the spiritual sphere in the material. Their activities are always aimed at building, create and strengthen, and their actions are always guided by common sense. Ensures the nature of the body and emotional stability and balance.

They are materialists and pragmatics, for whom pleasure, prosperity and comfort above all. It should also be noted that on the way to well-being and delight, calves are able to overcome any obstacles, but their goal is not greed and passion for the accumulation. The main thing for them is the need for calm and comfort.

Objectivity is important for calves, they do not like to reflect, less religious than other signs of the zodiac, have excellent memory, keep the word. They annoy themselves and other indecisiveness, reluctance to deal with a variable situation. They should overcome the opinion that the whole world revolves around them, loyalty should be learn.

They are hidden when it comes to their personal affairs, even if they are talkative. Generous, but at the same time greedy, owners. It is necessary to learn the right balance: "Giving - to take". Hands have a common reason, simplicity, pragmatic intellectuality. The feelings of the Taurus is sharper than other signs.

Most of the energy of the Taurus is spent on purchasing control over all situations in his life. He believes that material well-being will provide him with a safe existence, which in turn means happiness. His tendency to own the opposite efforts he takes to make life comfortable for his loved ones.

His generous nature is worthy of admiration, and he should develop a sense of pride in this regard. He also tries to excessively control all those who surround it, not so much for the power that it gives him how much for their own interests.

He should not invest his emotions in people who are not worthy of his trust. He must understand that everyone has to develop a sense of own interests in itself and learn to act for themselves without help.

Family Taurus

The positive qualities of Tales as satellites of life can be attributed to what they are:

- adore the house and always dream of our own nest, they appreciate comfort and enjoy the usual surroundings;

- very patient, rarely can be restless, nervous, cruel or vengeful, possess an excellent sense of humor, devoted to their family and friendly;

- Do not limit the rules of sorcels of spouses, respects them, are reliable and faithful, very rarely bred;

- Perfection for their children, they use their authority, although they require observance of discipline;

- Attentive to the needs of the family and rarely regret money, but they think about tomorrow.

As for the negative sides of the calves in the family, then they can be attributed to the fact that they are:

- stubborn as much as possible, but they themselves consider themselves patient solid owners;

- may be a bit boring due to their silence and restraint, love to find and indulge their weaknesses, and sometimes become indifferent and selfish;

- not always able to take advantage of the favorable situations, they are confused and depress changes in the situation, and they are regarding the repair as a feud for their part;

- Sometimes their needs and desires can only wear a practical character that does not most effect on the relationship with a partner.

The character of the sign of the Taurus and its features are interesting. It is believed that those who were born under the sign of the Taurus are lucky. Gifted by the energy of Venus, the masters of harmony, beauty, love and prosperity, they are simply created in order to be successful. Yes, and the nature of such a person allows you to succeed in almost everything: in finance, knowledge, spiritual values, in love and friends.

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What you need to learn to the calf to become happy

1. Most of its energy, the Taurus consumes to take control of all situations that happen to him. He considers the material well-being by the key to safe existence and happiness. But at the same time takes a lot of effort not only for the sake of himself, but also to improve the lives of their loved ones. His generous natura is worthy of admiration and he should develop a sense of pride in himself on this occasion.

2. It is trying to control everyone who surrounds it, and not so for the sake of power, as for the sake of their own interests. Taurus should not invest too many of his forces for the benefit of those who truly not worthy of confidence. He must understand that each person must independently develop a sense of personal interests and learn to act independently.

3. The determination of calves to live, without making mistakes, often leads to failures and fear of what they do not correspond to the selected criteria. Therefore, each Taurus needs to learn to be freed from doubt in itself.

The double influence of Venus and the Moon causes sensitivity and sentimentality, which gives a calm and confident taste. He loves a good, but well-stitched clothing, rich silk and wool, leaving the right to extravagance for the oily. Does not like necklaces, hard collars and ties, loves perfume with a tender smell. Saves clothes for a short time, turns to the same style, if he believes that he suits him.

Trust your perception, inner conviction, based on more feelings than on the conclusion. By the nature of the Tales - cautious observers who prefer to look again in advance before take a step.

Pluses and cons of Tales

Such a fiery sign of the zodiac as a calf has, as any other sign of the zodiacal system has its own advantages and disadvantages of character. In general, the calves can be characterized as good, smart people who use their own energy in all their affairs and endeavors and are always ready to postpone themselves for the material well-being of themselves and their family. In order to find a complete mutual understanding with calves, it is necessary to seek the individual approach to each of them for a very long time. However, if a person still gets to earn the trust of the Taurus, you can be guaranteed confident in loyalty and sincerity of representatives of this sign.

Characteristic advantages and advantages of calves

Before talking about the positive qualities of Tales, it is worth noting that the representatives of this sign are accurate and straightforwards. That is why, if the Taurus fleeily offended his interlocutor in a word or act, it will not be at all to testify that he really wanted to conceall a person or hurt him. The positive qualities of calves can be attributed:

- incredible perseverance. Holding for any case, and regardless of its complexity, the calves will fully try to finish started with the best results. And it is worth noting that so much perseverance like that of the Tales, there is not one of the other sign of the zodiac.

- Friendly, warmth. In the event that the conversation and communication in general will flow in gentle and good-natured colors, the calves may seem pretty friendly and grateful people.

- Ability to art, creative activity. Part of the creative abilities and talents of Tales, was given to representatives of this sign to more from nature. However, in the event that the calves will develop creative deposits in themselves, they can achieve the highest peaks.

- The presence of passion, strong desire. It is worth noting that it is the Tales that are the most passionate and gusty representatives of the entire zodiacal system. Very often, Tales are passionate and insatiable lovers.

- The desire to live a real day. Tales are pretty realistic natures, they always perceive things, and the world as a whole is exactly what it is, without unnecessary illusions, fantasies and romanticism.

- Pleasant appearance, attraction. In general, the calves are inherent in a special original appearance, but not pronounced beauty. Due to the fact that the representatives of this sign are able to arrange people to themselves, they may seem to others much more beautiful and more attractive than they are actually.

- Love to give and give more than getting. It should be emphasized that the shoulders do not like to swap in words and flatter their parmers. Instead of beautiful words, representatives of this sign, especially a man, love to give expensive gifts.

- The presence of a strong flow of vital energy. Given the fact that the calves are very rarely spending energy into the wrong direction, for the main and most important life affairs and obligations, Tales are always ready to give all their strength and life resources.

- Love for tenderness and caresses. It is worth noting that, despite the fact that verbally, the calves do not like to express their real emotions, but people are very sensitive and grateful to caressing and gentle touchs.

- Love for the family, married debt. Tales, in most cases are alolyubs, so if the Taurus loves truly, its second half may not doubt the loyalty and self-dedication of his partner.

Negative qualities of Tales

One of the main negative qualities of the Taurus is their quick temper and the desire to break all and all in the gusts of rage and anger. However, so that the people-tortens show their aggression, they need to provoke them for a very long time, annoy and annoy. To other negative qualities, the Taurus can be attributed:

- Too strong concentration on earnings. In some cases, people can put the material benefit, much higher than sincere. However, this quality can be explained by the fact that the calves are realistic people who know the only sense in what they do themselves.

- Dependence on comfort. In order for the calves to feel in their plate they need to fully equip the apartment under themselves. In the house there should be only the most modern technique and furniture on which they are always happy to earn themselves.

- The desire to hide your success from people. Quite often in a unconscious or friendly circle of communication, the calves try to seem like a lazy person who only speaks of their desires and does not move to their incarnation into reality.

- No desire to make complements. By virtue of his character, the calves will not cut on what a person looks like, even if his interlocutor looks really good.

- Stubbornness and loss of interest. In the event that the efforts of the calves will not be compensated by the return and material revenue, very quickly representatives of this sign lose any interest in an unpromising work.

Despite all the advantages and disadvantages of calves, it is possible to find an approach and doubt each representative of this sign. However, in the event that the tanks will interfere, try to lead and reproach in anything, then they will be able to fully demonstrate their real sort of essence.

Zodiac horoscope Taland

Symbol: Bull (winged), cow (winged)

Flowers: Lily of Lily, Lilac

Talisman: Owl, Golden Taurus

Happy days: Monday, Friday

Unsuccessful day: Tuesday

Happy numbers: 2, 4, 16 and all numbers divided by 6

General characteristic of the sign

The ruling planet of the Taurus - Venus, has a strong influence on him. A typical Taurus is a warm, friendly, gentle and passionate man, although it is not for him to say this. Bull is a fairly accurate symbol of this sign, to achieve its goals, the Taurus uses mainly strength and perseverance. Tales are often kind and kroot people, with mild traits, but in no case should you tease them: the calves are very difficult to pour out, but if it was possible to do it - angry, they start to twist everything around themselves.

Most calves are true connoisseurs of music and art, especially their beauty of the human body is attracted. As a rule, the calves are passionate and tireless lovers, superior to their unsaturacy of the zodiac signs, they have such a large margin of vitality that sexual intercourse is something like a sedative, which allows you to lose strength and relax.

Tales of pragmatics and very materialistic, they often go to things that bring money, but, nevertheless, they do not allow them to take power over themselves. People of this sign love and appreciate their own comfort, and, if possible, try to surround themselves with modern devices that facilitate their life and the life of their loved ones. Taurus knows the price of things well, and more importantly - they are able to choose among all things exactly those that will be the most qualitative and possible even cheaper their analogues. The planet Governor of Taurus, Venus, brings happiness and success by hanging his charm, which attracts the whole world to him.

Often, the Tales produces a certain tendency to complacency and laziness, they seem to say: "I can achieve everything, but I do not want." And in general, this is not boasting - the Taurus can really minimize the mountains and achieve everything he wants, but usually it is manifested only in contentment from the awareness of its capabilities. Such quality is sometimes strongly manifested in the insufficient demonstration of his feelings - there are no habit of talking compliments and just a pleasant word with your beloved. Most people of this sign are successfully replaced by poetic speeches (although many of them are a fair poetic gift) expensive gifts. Calves should be remembered that even though they love them and grateful for it, nevertheless, they need to learn how to show their feelings more sensually.

There are a huge stock of vitality, but they rarely spend them on impractical things from their point of view. Each effort spent should be rewarded, otherwise the calf will upset and will lose interest in this case at all. But nevertheless, if the Taurus seriously began to do something, nothing could prevent him. Although the calf is difficult to understand others, in general, he is a positive sign. People of this sign are very friendly, although they are a bit boring because of the restraint and silence of their character.

Decades of sign

First decade: From April 21st to May 1st. Taurus, born in this decade, patronize Mercury. Due to its influence, the calves of this decade have great mental abilities and a tendency to commercial and agricultural enterprises. Nevertheless, they are often prone to melancholy.

Second decade: From the 2nd to May 11th. Indecisive romance born under the auspices of the moon, to dream. They are noble, but indecisive, and it is often preventing them in life. Their interests are often literature, and, oddly enough, politics.

Third decade: 12th - May 21. During this period, misanthropes and pessimists who avoid material difficulties are born. Their Patron Planet is Saturn. Because of his influence, the calves of this decade are becoming inordinary, they are prone to despondency, fear poverty and love loneliness.

Colors of sign

Tales are very diverse people. Usually they have many of the most different talents - the ability to music, drawing, acting. The calves have everything in order to succeed in life - besides talent, they also have non-real endurance, the ability to carry out loads. In the depths of the soul, the main thing for many representatives of this sign is a calm and quiet family life. Tales try to find their cozy nest and bring the person there, with whom they want to live all their lives.

The most successful choice for the Taurus is blue. He seems to emphasize all your best qualities - calm, patience, sincerity and loyalty. It is the blue color that will bring you good luck in all matters at work and at home. Try to bring it to the items of clothing and interior.

The patron of all Tales is Planet Venus. It is she gives all those whom she cares, such qualities as kindness, peacefulness, friendliness. In the best way you can emphasize these qualities with pink color. It is possible with the help of red - however it is too aggressive. But the pink will have to be just right, it will help to find comfort and calm, reliable friends in life.

Two more happy colors for calves - green and yellow. They help prevent laziness, apathy and depression. They also help to direct the efforts and energy of the Taurus in the useful course.

Stones Taland

Useful stones for Tales: Agat raises the mood and adds confidence; Sapphire pacifies temperament and soothes; Avenant brings good luck in affairs and love; Emerald improves relationships with others; Chalacedon makes the character of the Taurus more positive and purposeful; Quartz suppresses a negative associated with love affairs and, finally, turquoise protects against temptations and betrayal. You can read more about useful and dangerous stones on the Taurus Stones page.

Pluses of sign

Taurus is a rather peaceful person, even in our time, when everyone strives to surpass the rest of what it would not be worth it. Due to its inner strength and ability to concentrate on something specific they are easily achieved. Taurus often succeed in those cases that require considerable perseverance and time. They often have ideas that at first seem rather insignificant, but soon turn into grand projects. Taurizers are very faithful and several conservative people, entered into marriage, they rarely divorce. The people of this sign of the zodiac are faithful to her beloved person in everything. Relationships with calves resemble a calm river with a smooth flow - no shake, nerves and strokes are not foreseen. People born under the sign of Taurus are ideal for marriage and a long relationship.

Cons sign

The main consoles are strong stubbornness, some indifference and selfishness, but the main disadvantage - constant indulging in their own weaknesses and desires. There is another disadvantage: excessive caution - if the people of this sign fails, it is mainly due to their insecurity and inability to take advantage of the case. In personal relationships, Tales often brings some irregularity, they must show more attention to the partner if they want to keep it. Women of this sign love to talk, and men sometimes are forced to listen to them constantly. As for men 'carts, then they are very loved to flatter - their partners are sometimes forced to literally force themselves to invent something caressing those hearing. Tales often intolerant to someone else's criticism when she directly concerns them or affects something important.

Zodiac sign Taurus (man): Characteristic, compatibility

Zodiac sign Taurus-man is a very interesting person with a unique character. He has a lot of his personal features that sometimes seem to some people strange. But not all representatives of the sign possess the same extraordinary characters. It all depends on the decade into which the man was born.

Tales of the first decade

So, these personalities were born in the period from the 20th to the 30th of April. The calves born in this time interval possess all the characteristics of this zodiac sign in the purest form. These are personalities whose interests are directed to the material world. In principle, any guy, whose sign of the zodiac - Taurus is striving for sufficiency. A man born this decade is distinguished by a business grip and always tries to benefit, whatever it concerned. Material wealth is very important for them. Plus, it matters comfort and comfort in their home. Although, honestly, they begin to lapish their lives after twenty years. Before that, they prefer to have fun and have fun at a complete coil, without thinking about the future. And then it is already beginning to combine pleasant with useful, like all normal people.

Tales of the second decade

These people were born in the period from the first tenth of May of the month. Intellectual mindset, rather buying emotional component and not quite a stable mood - that's what you can say about the guy whose sign of the zodiac is Taurus. A man born during this period, all his feelings seemed to miss through the brain. The goals are often changing, as well as priorities, but he always tries to fulfill them. These are pretty talented people who can succeed in almost all areas, starting with literature, ending with jurisprudence.

Tales, born at the end of the month

From the 11th of May to the 20th, people, whose sign of the Zodiac Taurus also appears. A man born these days is distinguished by restraint and strict, rational character. It is very ambitious, but only in terms of career, on emotions is very stingy. Of all the calves are the most restrained and reasonable. They think exclusively head: they do not trust feelings. It turns out magnificent careerists, and that they really have it - it is necessary for them.

Relationship and zodiac sign

Taurus-man whose characteristic is pretty rich and original, is a very passionate lover and a devoted partner. It applies to relationships with all seriousness. Tales do not change girls like gloves, they are looking for the very sole that would like to spend their whole life. By the way, they have a very well developed flavor in this regard. Even if there is a chance to start a relationship with an insanely beautiful girl, in case of a bad premonition, they will not take advantage of them.

Relations they are completely given, without the balance and require the same. It is important to them that the chosen one belonged to him. That is the sign of the zodiac Taurus. A man whose characteristics tells about different qualities of this person, very jealous. Sometimes he overtakes a stick because of his principle. In particular, highly jealousy is manifested at the beginning of relations. But then he begins to trust his chosen and becomes calmer. She just needs to endure this period and, of course, not to give reasons for jealousy. Although sometimes such attacks happen without any reasons.

Taurus as a person

So, the first thing that should be said about these guys is what they are reliable. And besides faithful. Of these, beautiful friends are obtained who will come to the rescue at any time of the day, good caring husbands and, of course, business partners.

It should be noted that these people have golden hands. They will be able to repair almost whatever: they have the abilities of them. If they take for the fact that they are really wondering, success is secured.

In the usual friendly communication, the Taurus is represented by the company's soul. He tells interesting stories, joking, having fun. And when it is necessary, manifests its intellectual abilities that cannot be not surprised. Taurus will never shine with his knowledge just like that - he does not need it. However, at those moments where it is necessary - necessarily. He will share his knowledge, tells the mass of everything interesting. Communication with this person is not only entertaining, it is also useful.

Zodiac sign Taurus-man: Compatible with women

So, the taste of these guys on girls is pretty sophisticated. It is important for them that she was beautiful, good, understanding, economic, faithful and, of course, loved him, believed and told absolutely everything that happens to her. Many demands, but they find their love. The signs of the zodiac, suitable to the men, are scales, fish, crayfish and sometimes scorpions. It is these girls who can endure the ambiguous character of their elect, find a compromise and wait for harmony in relationships. With the rest it will be difficult, especially with freedom-loving Aquariols, hot-tempered Aries and proud lioness.

This is a very interesting person with a unique character. He has a lot of his personal features that sometimes seem to some people strange. But not all representatives of the sign possess the same extraordinary characters. It all depends on the decade into which the man was born.

Tales of the first decade

So, these personalities were born in the period from the 20th to the 30th of April. The calves born in this time interval possess all the characteristics of this zodiac sign in the purest form. These are personalities whose interests are directed to the material world. In principle, any guy, whose sign of the zodiac - Taurus is striving for sufficiency. A man born this decade is distinguished by a business grip and always tries to benefit, whatever it concerned. Material wealth is very important for them. Plus, it matters comfort and comfort in their home. Although, honestly, they begin to lapish their lives after twenty years. Before that, they prefer to have fun and have fun at a complete coil, without thinking about the future. And then it is already beginning to combine pleasant with useful, like all normal people.

Tales of the second decade

These people were born in the period from the first tenth of May of the month. Intellectual mindset, rather buying emotional component and not quite a stable mood - that's what you can say about the guy whose sign of the zodiac is Taurus. A man born during this period, all his feelings seemed to miss through the brain. The goals are often changing, as well as priorities, but he always tries to fulfill them. These are pretty talented people who can succeed in almost all areas, starting with literature, ending with jurisprudence.

Tales, born at the end of the month

From the 11th of May to the 20th, people, whose sign of the Zodiac Taurus also appears. A man born these days is distinguished by restraint and strict, rational character. It is very ambitious, but only in terms of career, on emotions is very stingy. Of all the calves are the most restrained and reasonable. They think exclusively head: they do not trust feelings. It turns out magnificent careerists, and that they really have it - it is necessary for them.

Relationship and zodiac sign

Taurus-man whose characteristic is pretty rich and original, is a very passionate lover and a devoted partner. It applies to relationships with all seriousness. Tales do not change girls like gloves, they are looking for the very sole that would like to spend their whole life. By the way, they have a very well developed flavor in this regard. Even if there is a chance to start a relationship with an insanely beautiful girl, in case of a bad premonition, they will not take advantage of them.
Relations they are completely given, without the balance and require the same. It is important to them that the chosen one belonged to him. That is the sign of the zodiac Taurus. A man whose characteristics tells about different qualities of this person, very jealous. Sometimes he overtakes a stick because of his principle. In particular, highly jealousy is manifested at the beginning of relations. But then he begins to trust his chosen and becomes calmer. She just needs to endure this period and, of course, not to give reasons for jealousy. Although sometimes such attacks happen without any reasons.

Taurus as a person

So, the first thing that should be said about these guys is what they are reliable. And besides faithful. Of these, beautiful friends are obtained who will come to the rescue at any time of the day, good caring husbands and, of course, business partners.
It should be noted that these people have golden hands. They will be able to repair almost whatever: they have the abilities of them. If they take for the fact that they are really wondering, success is secured.

In the usual friendly communication, the Taurus is represented by the company's soul. He tells interesting stories, joking, having fun. And when it is necessary, manifests its intellectual abilities that cannot be not surprised. Taurus will never shine with his knowledge just like that - he does not need it. However, at those moments where it is necessary - necessarily. He will share his knowledge, tells the mass of everything interesting. Communication with this person is not only entertaining, it is also useful.

Zodiac sign Taurus-man: Compatible with women

So, the taste of these guys on girls is pretty sophisticated. It is important for them that she was beautiful, good, understanding, economic, faithful and, of course, loved him, believed and told absolutely everything that happens to her. Many demands, but they find their love. The signs of the zodiac, suitable to the men, are scales, fish, crayfish and sometimes scorpions. It is these girls who can endure the ambiguous character of their elect, find a compromise and wait for harmony in relationships. With the rest it will be difficult, especially with freedom-loving Aquariols, hot-tempered Aries and proud lioness.

About women-tales

Well, finally, it is worth saying a few words about the representatives of the beautiful sex. Compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Woman's Taurus and Male Scales - this is what is really perfect relationships. They have everything: passion, love, tenderness, mutual understanding. It is achieved, however, after a while, because to begin with, they need to get used to each other.

Compatibility Horoscope: Zodiac sign Taurus Guy Characteristic - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Male Taurus is slow and pretty pedantic. He has an analytical warehouse of the mind and externally does not look like a person who can express his emotions.

But all this is just the qualities that all who surround him. In the soul he is a real romantic, who is looking for sincere and beautiful relationships.

The representative of this zodiac sign is not in a hurry in the choice of the second half, and when the one is the only one, becomes the most attentive companion of life. It is this man that remembers all the significant dates and gives dear gifts.

The nature of the Taurus of the man is such that he is confident, calm and always achieves the goal. Despite the fact of independence, this man can be excessively passive and stubborn.

Male Taurus: Characteristics

Male sign of zodiac Taurus carefully cares about his children, raises them with patience and love. He will not scold his child for a bad assessment, and he will be engaged in him in order to improve his knowledge.

Taurus is a representative of the earthly element, but it does not prevent him from being a romantic that will invite his half to concerts, exhibitions, and sometimes it will be taken out on nature.

The representative of this zodiac sign is characterized by a pedantic character and does not tolerate chaos in his house. His wife should be ready to always keep the house in full purity and cook perfectly.

This man loves to give luxurious gifts, and if his lady can become his ideal and forgive him his little shortcomings, not only his attention and affection, but also of financial wealth.

Character of Male Taurus

Male Taurus does not tolerate criticism and objections about his decisions. In his presentation, a man must lead in relations, making money, to solve the most important questions, and his lady will have to agree with him in everything and in no case criticize.

Despite the calm character, the Taurus may not be angry and then can talk a lot of offensive. Nevertheless, remember that his anger goes very quickly and then his conscience will begin to be tormented.

It is worse if he himself is offended by his half. Taurus can make a mistake for a very long time, and this precipitate will undoubtedly affect further relations.

If the lady wants to keep this man next, she should remain not only feminine and mysterious, but also delicate and tactical, because the calf loves girls with a highlight.

Taurus: characteristics and description

Find out the most interesting thing about Taurus. This information will help you to succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Taurus Guy - Characteristics

What is the characteristic of a guy - Taurus? He tries to take everything that is possible and to use all earthly joys and pleasures, paying for this reasonable price. "Money - Engine Total!" - This is the motto of the Taurus. And it he knows from early childhood, and then this knowledge will become his worldview. And it usually believes only the facts and things that can be really able to feel, feel like love here.

The guy Taurus is its characteristic

The woman of the Taurus becomes his property and often turns into an inventory of love. Major hopes, goals and desires are money, property, land plots, savings record, and often something crumpled too.

Taurus a guy is unlike others - you will always learn about such a quality: they are usually eating a lot. They love to eat very much. Love for food is poured into the fact that there are many cooks among the carts, owners or restaurants workers. The guy-Taurus is a very charming, attentive and caring person, with a great sense of responsibility and debt.

In communication causes a sense of reliability and strength, which is waiting for both others. He is gentle, gentle, sometimes sentimental. In family life, it takes the position of the leader. If you agree with him and make what he considers it right, peace and harmony awaits you. But if it surfaches your resistance - take care of.

What is the character of a guy Taurus

The cornerstone in his psyche is unshakable confidence in his male dignity. He does not need to confirm this for himself or for others. He also does not need needs to emphasize his male dignity of dubious methods, such as alcohol abuse, gambling, intake rudeness and rigidity, thirst for power and dominance.

Nature awarded a guy - Taurus is a very hardy nervous system, but nevertheless so that this system is stable, he needs money - this is the basic condition for its stability and material confidence. He needs money, material security. Money often get rid of the Taurus from Labor: They are lazy, they don't really like to work.

And quite big money make it possible to spend your life in the festival. Taurus is not a groundless dreamer, like an alarm, not a hearty, like a lion, and not the Creator of air locks in pink clouds - Aries. By choosing you in my wife, he will first introduce you to approve the plan of the house in which you will live. This house will not be like a castle of Aries, but it will be real, good and reliably insured.

If the guy Taurus becomes your husband, you will not have anything worried about anything, your future will fall into reliable hands and you yourself, while laughing, laughing, you will remember air locks and passionate sighs under the moon of your former fans. Husband - Taurus a reliable acquisition, and you never regret it in life.

Male Taurus: Horoscope and Characteristics

Sex in his life

Men - Tales love comfort and attach great importance to the surrounding atmosphere during sex. If it is possible, they will prefer with a luxurious apartment or a wild beach in a sunset.

  • Zodiac sign Taurus: Male

    Taurus is a strong, good and calm person. So he seems to others and is the same in real life. Also add volitional character and confidence. It may impress that this is the perfect satellite, but it is not devoid of flaws. There is no hurry in his movements, it is not in a hurry. Zodiac looks roasting. The man has a beautiful figure, although the body is devoid of cubes adorable by girls. Taurus can spoil his appearance only with a tendency to overeat. He's seemed to be ordered to love. And round and soft features in a male appearance is a gift of Venus.

    They try to seduce, so they acquire jeans in touching and do not butt the upper buttons on the shirt. Also, do not mind visor and demonstrate your material status. Taurus often wears gold chains, expensive hours and rings.

    Calf: characteristic Behavior

    He is used to be silent, and therefore in an unfamiliar company does not show its essence in any way. But if he among his relatives, with whom she has repeatedly communicated, it becomes a soul of the company. Loves to joke and have fun. However, he likes his free time only with proven people, which includes his whole family. Children and wife are the main values. In the appearance of the Taurus, you can understand how things are going on the personal front and in relatives. After all, precisely from their well-being, he draws his mental strength.

    It is always a difficult question, because each of its own level and the limit of eccentricity. So it is impossible to generalize. But the Taurus is not inclined to such behavior. Although ... he has a couple of trumps who will pleasantly surprise you.

    Zodiac feels comfort in the rhythm, which will seem too slow down to many. There should be no turmoil and noise around. Do not even try to speed it up or push to some decision. The sign is just wielding. Because of this, many people think that they are lazy.

    Personality and characteristics

    Sexy, funny and landed tauries are ideal for those who are looking for a balanced and "real" partner. Reliable, patient, reasonable and knows how to dilute all this with sensuality and humor.

    Avoid risk and presents a reliable, tolerant and holistic person, for whom the honor is not an empty word. This is a practical and stable person with common sense.

    Appreciates tradition, loyalty and stability. He is experiencing sentimental feelings for loved ones and beloved property. It is not surprising that he does not like changes and break himself extremely difficult! The best way is to give him a few months of preparation and do everything gradually. Subsequently, the idea of \u200b\u200bchange will acquire stability and will not seem so frightening.

    The calf literally feels money, so it is understood in financial matters and may be too economical. But this is not greed, but the desire for security and confidence in the future. This is a substitution, so appreciates the defense factor, and not the possession itself. If the means in excess, then will gladly share with friends and relatives. Moreover, it is wastefully generous.

    Most men are incredibly ampful, so successfully coped with the tasks that others seem extremely boring or complex. Believe me, these qualities will play a positive role when you want to create a family.

    In his free time prefers to be in the fresh air. Loves the garden in which all his skills applies (patience, care, practicality, sequence).

    Career I. compatible with other signs

    Even in the office, the sign is not going to increase the pace. But their productivity and performance exceeds all expectations. Their energy stock is enough for the conquest of the mountains. Although even in the working environment they remain calm. They have an entrepreneurial veil, therefore among them there are many owners of their own business or successful specialists.

    It can choose among many professions and in any will manifest itself at height. Periodically Zodiac needs rest. Stops in places remote from urban noise. It is better not to interfere with his holiday, as he is very angry, if he does not give to replenish the forces.

    Compatibility of signs Will be with fishes and twins. Moreover, it will receive a response sympathy, as it guarantees stability. Two calves will work perfectly, but at their wedding does not take a walk. A bright novel will happen to Capricorn, and expect a strong marriage with cancer.

    calf in love

    This man is landed and does not fly in the clouds, but with this this is one of the most romantic representatives of the horoscope. If they decided to conquer the heart of the charming lady, they will go to the end, showing the tremendous patience. True, sometimes they do not understand that there is no chance and for a long time they are wasting the threshold. It is necessary to understand how to communicate with such a partner. After all by sign You can not say that he is not decisive. However, not in its nature make the first movements. And even compatibility will not affect it. He will demonstrate the feeling and will wait for your actions.

    Taurus sexual plan is pretty simple. Not particularly interested in fantasies, role-playing games or dirty words. Why? Yes, because he does not need all these stimulations! This is the most sensual zodiac, which is able to open the door to the world of pleasure.

    Of course, the words "sensuality" and "quality" do not add passion. But what would you choose: Fast Food or an expensive dish in a chic restaurant? It will cost without a glossy picture. This is a gentle and gentle lover. It is often shy to experiment, which causes even more pleasure if you convince try.

    Taurus is an excellent choice in the sense of marriage. He is only interested in stability. He is pleasant in communication, the faithful, balanced and with great respect refers to girls. Zodiac tries to make everyone happy. Such a man rarely goes to treason, and all because he hates changes.

    Knowing description of the signYou will realize that such a union will last long. Although the bonds are durable, but this does not mean that everything will be so simple. The sign will never allow himself to humiliate and his wife is worth remembering. Men jealous and sometimes reach the absurdity. Yes, and change their habits and inclinations is almost unrealistic.

    This is a romantic and devoted man who will share all joys and sadness with her lover and will go to extreme measures to save relationships and make a partner happy. This is a household, a wonderful parent and an excellent cook. In adolescence, you do not see anything attractive in it, but in marriage it is an indispensable qualities.

    However, it is so strongly tied to security, which shifts the owner's sap. Can bring to your hysterics with his jealousy. But, if you are sensitive, you will always feel protected and necessary next to him.

    Taurus - Domashed. For them, the house is really the fortress they build, and then fiercely protect. He will try to bring wealth to the atmosphere. Believe me, you will not be hungry for sure. If there is no need, they will try not to go out. Rather, they will call friends to themselves, rather than go themselves. Do not think what this is means Some closeness. Just he worst comfort and the familiar setting.

    This is a born father and without children, he simply does not see the meaning of existence. All souls are rejoiced more than the birth of girls and indulge their gifts. At the same time require execution of established rules. Transmit all their skills and skills to younger generation.

    This is one of the most loyal zodiacs. If you were looking for constancy and want to be confident in a partner, then this is your option! Why do you need a bad boy if there is a support and protection? It will become an excellent choice for lonely moms.

    As a stone and talisman, it is suitable for black agate, which contributes to the concentration of abilities. Amazonit will bring material well-being, and the Sardonix Stone will develop a gift of convictions in conversations with beautiful floors.

    Zodiac sign Taurus (man): Characteristic, compatibility

    Zodiac sign Taurus-man is a very interesting person with a unique character. He has a lot of his personal features that sometimes seem to some people strange. But not all representatives of the sign possess the same extraordinary characters. It all depends on the decade into which the man was born.

    Tales of the first decade

    So, these personalities were born in the period from the 20th to the 30th of April. The calves born in this time interval possess all the characteristics of this zodiac sign in the purest form. These are personalities whose interests are directed to the material world. In principle, any guy, whose sign of the zodiac - Taurus is striving for sufficiency. A man born this decade is distinguished by a business grip and always tries to benefit, whatever it concerned. Material wealth is very important for them. Plus, it matters comfort and comfort in their home. Although, honestly, they begin to lapish their lives after twenty years. Before that, they prefer to have fun and have fun at a complete coil, without thinking about the future. And then it is already beginning to combine pleasant with useful, like all normal people.

    Tales of the second decade

    These people were born in the period from the first tenth of May of the month. Intellectual mindset, rather buying emotional component and not quite a stable mood - that's what you can say about the guy whose sign of the zodiac is Taurus. A man born during this period, all his feelings seemed to miss through the brain. The goals are often changing, as well as priorities, but he always tries to fulfill them. These are pretty talented people who can succeed in almost all areas, starting with literature, ending with jurisprudence.

    Tales, born at the end of the month

    From the 11th of May to the 20th, people, whose sign of the Zodiac Taurus also appears. A man born these days is distinguished by restraint and strict, rational character. It is very ambitious, but only in terms of career, on emotions is very stingy. Of all the calves are the most restrained and reasonable. They think exclusively head: they do not trust feelings. It turns out magnificent careerists, and that they really have it - it is necessary for them.

    Relationship and zodiac sign

    Taurus-man whose characteristic is pretty rich and original, is a very passionate lover and a devoted partner. It applies to relationships with all seriousness. Tales do not change girls like gloves, they are looking for the very sole that would like to spend their whole life. By the way, they have a very well developed flavor in this regard. Even if there is a chance to start a relationship with an insanely beautiful girl, in case of a bad premonition, they will not take advantage of them.

    Relations they are completely given, without the balance and require the same. It is important to them that the chosen one belonged to him. That is the sign of the zodiac Taurus. A man whose characteristics tells about different qualities of this person, very jealous. Sometimes he overtakes a stick because of his principle. In particular, highly jealousy is manifested at the beginning of relations. But then he begins to trust his chosen and becomes calmer. She just needs to endure this period and, of course, not to give reasons for jealousy. Although sometimes such attacks happen without any reasons.

    Taurus as a person

    So, the first thing that should be said about these guys is what they are reliable. And besides faithful. Of these, beautiful friends are obtained who will come to the rescue at any time of the day, good caring husbands and, of course, business partners.

    It should be noted that these people have golden hands. They will be able to repair almost whatever: they have the abilities of them. If they take for the fact that they are really wondering, success is secured.

    In the usual friendly communication, the Taurus is represented by the company's soul. He tells interesting stories, joking, having fun. And when it is necessary, manifests its intellectual abilities that cannot be not surprised. Taurus will never shine with his knowledge just like that - he does not need it. However, at those moments where it is necessary - necessarily. He will share his knowledge, tells the mass of everything interesting. Communication with this person is not only entertaining, it is also useful.

    Zodiac sign Taurus-man: Compatible with women

    So, the taste of these guys on girls is pretty sophisticated. It is important for them that she was beautiful, good, understanding, economic, faithful and, of course, loved him, believed and told absolutely everything that happens to her. Many demands, but they find their love. The signs of the zodiac, suitable to the men, are scales, fish, crayfish and sometimes scorpions. It is these girls who can endure the ambiguous character of their elect, find a compromise and wait for harmony in relationships. With the rest it will be difficult, especially with freedom-loving Aquariols, hot-tempered Aries and proud lioness.

    About women-tales

    Well, finally, it is worth saying a few words about the representatives of the beautiful sex. Compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Woman's Taurus and Male Scales - this is what is really perfect relationships. They have everything: passion, love, tenderness, mutual understanding. It is achieved, however, after a while, because to begin with, they need to get used to each other.

    Mystery Character Men Taurus

    They sometimes seem incredibly closed, worn, indifferent, but emotions are a huge secret hidden deep inside. This characteristic is determined by the strong, in exaltation, moon, planet of experiences, sensations, romance. The wounded Male Taurus is the most dangerous considers to really open a person who does not even deserve confidence. About his secret, hidden emotional world, vaguely guess exclusively elected.

    Appearance and Health

    Any guy Taurus is gifted by the strong elements of the earth with excellent health, courageous beauty, strong body. With age by virtue of love for pleasures and some excesses, in combination with excessive zeal, obesity, chronic fatigue, diabetes, depression can manifest itself. The weak position of uranium, Mars, Pluto makes extremely vulnerable blood, nervous system, vessels, which leads to problems with arterial pressure, varicose veins, mental illness. The sign distinguishes the inability to open its own feelings, which increases the likelihood of angine and problems with the throat.

    Usually a male Taurus is perfectly complicated, Venus gives his lips completeness and sensuality. The earth's zodiac sign is also expressed in some squatness of the chorean figure of his representative.

    Wide shoulders, chest, narrow pelvis - common features of his figure.

    These people often have curly hard hair, a rather round face, huge expressive eyes. Powerful legs confidently step and stand firmly on Earth. Movement is slow enough, smooth, measured.

    Career and prosperity

    Practical male Taurus really knows how to make money. He is pragmatic enough to soberly assess his own capabilities and knows perfectly when the situation can benefit from the situation. Moreover, the zodiac sign under the patronage of Venus always distinguishes the favorable characteristics of the state of finance. By the way, in working with other people's money in the banking sector or accounting activities, Tales often have great success.

    Leisurely, but thoroughly they confidently build their own well-being. The paper tend to hold onto a good place, and hard work, reliability, responsibility make the prospect of building a career most likely. The calves feel deep tie with nature, working with animals, they really like the plants, and heavy physical work does not scare at all. Of the people of earthly elements, excellent designers of dishes, furniture are obtained, they are very shown professions associated with material forms - engineer, architect, builder.

    Excessive responsibility, diligence and some fanaticism in achieving a sustainable financial situation lead to strong overwork, but the male Taurus will persistently continue to move towards success. Difficulties only make it look for new solutions. The sign of the zodiac in the career is distinguished by an incredible will, ambitiousness, the strength of which eliminates obstacles, gives the ability to personally lay the way forward.

    The chiefs of calves are characterized by extreme external patience, but it is not at all to think that they do not notice the misses and squash. Testing an excerpt of such a manager is not recommended, it usually ends with sudden dismissal.

    Love, relationship, sex

    Friendship with a representative of the sign of the zodiac, the main characteristic of which constancy will be incredibly long, but to achieve trust, really get closer to this entity - an extremely difficult task. Any relationship is very difficult to give it at the beginning.

    Careful guy Taurus also thoroughly refers to the search for the girl. He is completely uninteresting in sex a frequent change of partner, a friend can be confident in reliability, constancy, loyalty, if you managed to reach close relationships. He really appreciates individuality and will not encroach on the independence of his companion - for the effective interaction of characters, a mature personality is needed. Tales really know how to fascinate. The zodiac sign is distinguished by wonderful qualities - incredible sensitivity, attentiveness, tenderness, care.

    In sex, the main characteristics are confidence, delicacy. The earthly sign of Venus does not have special qualities that promise diversity and explicit tendency to experiment, but, of course, pleasure is guaranteed both. Male Taurus focused in sex more on partners' feelings, Own feelings are secondary for him.

    The complex nature of a strong Male Taurus has one weak line - an extremely vulnerable ego. To friends and mistresses should not be contrary to him. Painfully patience does not apply to those who make the stubborn doubt their own decision. Forced Taurus to make something problematic, you can achieve an exceptionally reverse effect.

  • Text: Sasha Gluvene

    You can not believe in astrology, but from this man born under different constellations are unlikely to become similar. The site represents a cycle of articles, where it tells about what to expect from each sign of the zodiac.

    Do not consider this article as the truth in the last instance. "Ideal" representatives of any sign of the zodiac, for all 100% appropriate under the above description, in nature there is no, as there are no phlegmatics, cholerics, melancholics and sanguits in its pure form. Nevertheless, get a general idea that you are waiting for, quite real.

    Male - Taurus

    Stubborn, solid and incremental - Taurus is never in a hurry with the decision-making, but if I put a goal, it will move towards it as a coming asphalt target rink - let it slowly, but right. Argued with the Taurus - herself is more expensive. This man not only does not know how to negotiate, but it does not want to learn it in principle. "There are two points of view - one wrong, and my other," said Taurus and do not act on it. In a quarrel, he prefers to use not so much verbal arguments as the body language. Due to the fact that usually nature does not deprive the calves with strong muscles, it looks quite threatening.

    A man - Taurus is convinced that love at first sight is a non-romantic nonsense. He needed time to inflate passion, as a rule, the Taurus love is preceded by a long preparatory period. The usual "female things" type of coquetry is practically not valid.

    Taurus loves to surround himself with comfort. If he invited you to his home, everything will be like in a love novel - a lack of light, muted pleasant music, champagne - certainly served in a silver bucket with ice. All these details for it are important at no less the process of seduction and the result. Taurus is able to skip the cup-other if he sees that the lady has not yet taken a final decision, and calmly go to bed.

    Men - Taurus distinguishes the ability to deal with people. If they criticize someone, they do it constructively. Taurus does not bend hard work - the more obstacles in achieving the goals, the more interesting.

    This man is unlikely to go to sale to buy jeans cheaper, he is not ready to save on himself, because he prefers all the best. It does not matter what it is about - drinking, food or sex - everything should be "at the highest category."

    Straight and brutal tales appreciate women who do not bother with questions like "Tell me, you love me," do not require singing serenades under the window and do not recognize in that every time you do a sip of truths, dream of a ring with diamonds on the bottom of the glasses.

    A man - Taurus does not have any doubts in his own sexuality, therefore it does not matter to assert themselves for someone else's (read female) account. It is not necessary to pretend to it or adapt to his tastes. For him, the woman is beautiful as IS - in itself.

    Taurus knows the price of money and opens its (usually fat wallet) only in the case when firmly sure about the need for these spending. To no one can die the calf and its savings, if only he himself is not ready to part with them voluntarily. However, do not hurry to call this man's shine - the fact that he does not hurl money to the wind, does not mean that you do not get a diamond earrings for your birthday, a paid tour of Europe or your dream laptop.

    Despite the fact that the fastening - Taurus is always an impression of a healthy person, he needs a lot of time to recover after illness. However, in comparison with other signs of the zodiac, the Taurus is much easier to take to the doctor. He does not fall from the physicians, because instinctively feels that he must support health.

    In communication with the Taurus it is better to do without valuable instructions and regulations, even if you really want to give them. Outwardly peaceful, it easily falls into rage. Taurons are distinguished by a balloon and the inability to forgive - so do not be surprised if he will list all your pregrocheses in the mouth of the quarrel, since the acquaintance. A woman who wants to achieve something from calm threats or blackmail, is waiting for big trouble. It is better to act gently!

    A man - Taurus is inclined to jealousy, his jealousy is a passion of a collector who is not ready to part with one, even the smallest, instance of its own assembly. This is he, having cooled after the gap, seriously considers your offer to "stay friends." However, before continuing the relationship (even if you even, do you have a friend with a former lover, think three times. Taurus is a rather heavy in communication a person criticizing everyone and everything.

    The carts are quite peculiar to continue to defend their point of view when it is already lost. But very rarely do something that can benefit others, for this they are too egocentric.

    Men who were born in the first two weeks of this sign of the zodiac, as a rule, do not differ patientity. They want to receive the results "here and now", almost immediately. They strongly seek to achieve the goal that they often spend much more energy, strength, time and nerves than necessary. Those, it was born in the last two "Tent" weeks, prone to bypass maneuvers, they are "normal heroes who always go around."

    The ability to do with calves can be led by the Toreador, who does not run the bull to meet, and is patiently waiting until the bull itself approaches it.

    Taurus is the perfect option for a patient and a reasonable woman who is looking for a defender in a man and dreams to hide behind her husband, as a stone wall, from all the vitality of adversity.

    Taurus and sex

    Man - Taurus loves sex. And if other men do to relax, satisfy their thirst for power or prove their own masculinity, then the Taurus is not at all. It is interested in sex "in its pure form" - sex for sex.

    The Taurus can be called the perfect lover, he understands that he feels his partner, "starts" from the floor, but it is never in a hurry to move from Prelude to the actual act, he does not like spontaneous sex. An excellent erotic impression will slightly spoil the lack of fiction and fantasy. Do not wait for the body in bed of something exotic! He will always make love on the same proven scheme, but it will make a maximum effort to disappoint a partner.

    Some women seem to be a little robust and straightforward in sex, but you can not doubt with them. The lack of fantasy they compensate for the ability to make love infinitely long.

    If a woman wants a variety, you will have to take the initiative to your hands. Only no ultimatum - hints are quite enough. Taurus will like the luxurious fur bed, and if you dry by lips splashes of champagne from its nude skin and will be delighted at all. Taurons excite natural smells of a female body. Male - Taurus is unlikely to refuse to make you a sensual massage. Do not be surprised if he fascinates the kisses of the fingers of your feet and turn on the elements of oral sex in the prelude. Tales love to let the language! Anal sex for them is also in the order of things ..

    There are many bisexuals among the calves, they are able to maintain relationships with several partners of both sexes at the same time. Fasting in the morning with a young man, and in the evening to go on a date with a woman - it is quite natural for them.

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