Blackcurrant five-minute jam - recipes with jelly, glasses, without water. How to cook thick and tasty blackcurrant jam

Finally, this summer, black currants have ripened! I found a similar recipe in Povarenka, but I still offer my vision of this preparation, because there are discrepancies and, in my opinion, significant. They relate to taste. Well, about the result it is up to the hostesses! I can only say that the taste of this jam turns out to be impeccable - not too harsh, not too cloying, which has been tested on all my dear and loved ones. The blanks are only enough for the season!

Ingredients for "The most delicate currant jam" Pyatiminutka ":

Recipe "Delicate currant jam" Pyatiminutka ":

So! indicated 30 minutes very conditionally, because the cooking process itself is very short, but the preparation of jars for jam is very important, because then there will be no time for this!

We take fresh currants without twigs and other debris, rinse it, measure out the required portion in a separate bowl - 7 glasses of berries and leave it to dry slightly. While the berry dries up, prepare the jars.

According to my many years of experience, it is enough to rinse the jars with soda, rinse thoroughly, and before loading the jam, put it in the microwave for a minute, whoever does not have one - hold it over the spout of a boiling kettle before droplets run down the walls. I also wash the lids and put them in a saucepan of water on the fire to be sterilized.

When the preliminary preparation is completed, we can proceed directly to the process.

I choose a 5-liter saucepan with a heavy bottom for so many ingredients, so that when the berries boil violently, our delicious delicacy does not run away from us onto the stove. I prefer to take stainless steel dishes for jam. And the sterility is higher and does not burn.

I put the saucepan on high heat. I add 3/4 cup water. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that "glass" is now a relative value. Therefore, do it easier, we do all measurements with ONE AND THE SAME GLASS! Then our proportions will be preserved. I measured everything, including the berry, with this glass.

When the water boils, gradually (!!! this is important !!!) pour sugar into it one by one, stirring patiently, trying to bring the sugar until it is completely dissolved - at least up to the 4th glass. The more patience you show in this particular moment, the better your currant will then gel when it cools down. The first secret of a successful jam is hidden in this place.

When all the sugar is dissolved, add the berry pre-measured in 7 glasses. Here lies the second secret of a successful jam. It is important not to delay the dissolution of sugar, otherwise it will quickly begin to caramelize in you, and we don't need it at all! So!

All the berries were poured into actively boiling sugar syrup at once and stir it vigorously, not paying attention to its resistance. Let me remind you that everything happens on the most active fire. It is important! We do not move away from the stove, we constantly stir the jam, otherwise it can either burn or run away from you.

And now, when the first foam starts to form, we detect 5 minutes. At the same time, put the jars in the microwave for 1 minute. With the appearance of foam and active boiling, it is important to remove the foam in a previously prepared container and not let the jam overflow the banks. To do this, sometimes you have to raise the saucepan over the fire and shake it slightly so that the foam gathers towards the center, so it is easier to collect it. Don't worry if you don't collect all the foam, this is a manifestation of boiling sugar, so when it cools, the rags will not be in the jars. But patience must be shown.

As your jam has boiled for 5 minutes over high heat, remove from heat and begin to lay out in jars. And here is one more of the secrets - experienced hostesses know this, but now I am turning to the young ones. To ensure that your work of art never blooms, always put your workpieces according to the principle "Cold to cold, and hot to hot." And one more good advice, I have been using it for a long time. When I catch it out of boiling water, I shake the roof slightly from the water and pour about 1 tbsp into it. tablespoons of vodka or something similar in strength, rinse and pour back into the glass until the next lid. And only then I twist the jar filled with hot jam to the very brim. With this approach, your bins will never deteriorate. And then they can be stored simply in the kitchen cabinet or pantry.

I put the jars under the towel until they cool completely. There is no beauty photo, because today I cooked two portions, quickly poured it into banks and to work. And what happened, I present to your judgment. I spent time from the beginning of preparing the jars to cleaning the stove - 1 hour 30 minutes.

I made blueberries with the same cooking principle, it turned out magically! The berries remained intact, not overdried, in a thick and not cloying syrup. Despite the fact that often blueberries turn out to be watery, but here I was just pleased with the result. And what, of course, is important for all housewives, the berry is practically "live", it turns out, keeping most of its vitamins for our loved ones !!! And the color is deeply ruby! I sincerely wish everyone joy from culinary creativity!

Preparing unusually tasty blackcurrant jam for the winter has long become a tradition. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not particularly analyze black currants for chemical composition. They just knew that this is a very useful berry, it will remove the heat and give strength. Therefore, they harvested black currants in the form of jam, carefully kept each jar of a healing potion.

Now we know what the power of black currant is. And every year we try to preserve it with the least loss of vitamins. And I really want to add a modern twist to the old traditions. Therefore, recipes for currant jam, prepared in different ways and with all kinds of additives, will come in handy.

It is no secret that more vitamins remain in such jam, which is not heat-treated. Therefore, the most popular method for making blackcurrant jam is grinding it with sugar.

You do not need to roll up such a delicacy with an iron lid. A large amount of sugar and the correct execution of the technological process will ensure reliable storage even in an apartment.

Required inventory

  1. Meat grinder or blender.
  2. Deep bowl for stirring the jam.
  3. A handy large spoon, or a wooden spatula.


  • Black currant berries - 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Step by step actions

That's the whole simple process. And as a result - a storehouse of goodies and goodies in your own pantry. The hostess has something to be proud of.

The simplest black currant jam for the winter

Many housewives cook currant jam in the simplest way. Also a good option. The jam is thick and rich. The recipe is also good in cases where there is a bountiful harvest for berries.

Required Ingredients

  • Black currant - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 800 gr.

Cooking jam

  1. Sort the berries, wash thoroughly, transfer to a colander.
  2. Pour boiling water over. You can also dip the berry colander in boiling water for a few seconds.
  3. Wait a bit for some water to run away.
  4. Place the berries in an enamel bowl, cover with sugar, set aside for a while. The berries should start juicing.
  5. After a while, gently stir the mass with a wooden spatula. This will speed up the process of juicing. The procedure must be repeated from time to time until the sugar is completely dissolved. It is best to fall asleep the berries at night, and return to the process the next day.
  6. Then the basin must be put on low heat.
  7. While stirring, let the mixture boil.
  8. Boil the jam for 15-20 minutes, turn off the heat.
  9. Distribute in a sterile container, roll up with iron lids. Allow to cool and send to storage.

Such a jam, but on a soft hump - you can lick your fingers! Cookies nervously rest on the sidelines. And the benefits of drinking tea with jam are incomparably greater.

Blackcurrant Jelly Jam

A very good recipe. The berries are soft and tender. Delicious jam, and well worth it. Try it, see for yourself.

We will need

  • Prepared currant berries - 4 cups (sorted, washed, dried)
  • Sugar - 6 glasses
  • Water - 2 glasses.

Making jam

  1. Pour the water into an enamel pot or bowl.
  2. Add half the sugar, bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  3. Put all the berries in a boiling syrup, mix, bring to a boil.
  4. Cook for 7 minutes.
  5. Add the remaining sugar, stir, boil for another 5 minutes.
  6. Spread hot on sterile jars, roll up with iron lids.

Cooking will not take you much time, and you will get a lot of pleasure.

Advice just in case. To prevent the jam from growing moldy, you need to cut a circle from the tracing paper to the size of the jar. Soak it in alcohol or vodka, put the jam on top, and then roll up the jar. There will never be mold.

Black currant jam five minutes

A wonderful jam with many benefits. Fast - the name speaks of the cooking speed. Useful - the vitamins and minerals we need are preserved as much as possible. Finally, it's just delicious.


  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • Black currant - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg (can be reduced to 1.3 kg).

Step by step process

Just like that, fast and tasteful. Enjoy your tea!

Blackcurrant jam with raspberries without cooking

Not jam, but double pleasure. In addition, a double blow to vitamin deficiency. Raspberries will slightly dilute the specific taste of currants, add their sour flavor to the jam.

How much raspberry can you add? Yes, as much as you want, but not more than the currant itself. Ideally, the same amount of currants and raspberries. But even if you have at least a handful of raspberries, add them. You will not only feel the difference, but next time you will definitely make currant jam with raspberries.

Cooking ingredients

  • Black currant - half liter jar
  • Raspberry - half liter jar
  • Sugar - two liter jars (by weight approximately 2 kg).

Please note that the total amount of berries should be 2 times less than the amount of sugar.

Cooking jam

It is better to store such jam in the refrigerator. Still, it is not possible to remove all the water from the raspberries after rinsing. If there is a lack of cold, the finished product may deteriorate. And in the refrigerator, the jam will be guaranteed - a method tested on personal experience.

Rumor has it that you don't need to wash raspberries. But this is a purely personal matter.

Blackcurrant jam with dried apricots for the winter without cooking

Dried apricots can change your favorite jam beyond recognition. Well, it’s very tasty and interesting. Dried apricots, no less useful for health, will replenish the vitamin currant army.


  • Black currant berries - 800 gr.
  • Dried apricots - 200 gr.
  • Granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking an extraordinary yummy

Your household will be delighted with the amazing jam. With him, you can drink tea with pleasure, and add to oatmeal in the morning, and serve to pancakes.

Jam - five minutes of black currant with ginger

Delicate ginger flirts with rich currants. The result is an exquisite taste and extraordinary aroma of jam. To appreciate, you just need to cook and try.

Let's prepare a set of ingredients

  • Black currant - 500 grams
  • Sugar - 750 grams
  • Small ginger root
  • Water - 250 - 300 ml.

Cooking jam

We fantasized a bit, diluted the traditional classics. Our currant preserves played with new notes.

All the same, this is a good thing, old traditions in a modern way. Is not it?

Jam- this is a universal delicacy that can be put in a pie, twirl, gingerbread or even just to eat, as you like more. There are many options for making jam, it all depends on the hostess's imagination.

What if your family loves blackcurrant jam? Of course, cook it for the delight of everyone at home. Black currant- the berry is not whimsical, and everyone can make a tasty treat from it.

Useful properties of black currant

Black currant is the most common berry. It is rich in vitamins C, E, as well as vitamins of the B, P, K groups, which contribute to the production of digestive enzymes in the body, which are so necessary for enhancing immunity and improving cell metabolism, and calorie content the product is 284 kcal per 100 g. The benefits of black currant also lie in the fact that the vitamin P present in it is able to remove traces of radiation.

For those suffering from kidney problems, black currant can help stop anti-inflammatory processes. It is also a very good diuretic.

Even in Ancient Russia, currants were cultivated as a cultivated plant, considering this black berry a health resort for humans. And not for nothing, because not only fruits / berries are useful, but also the leaves of the plant, which are used in cooking and in medicine, because they contain sulfur, manganese, magnesium, copper, phytoncides and tannins. Also, black currant leaves are used for decoctions and tinctures in the presence of skin diseases, rashes, and they are also used in the complex treatment of the kidneys, liver and respiratory organs.

Currant berries are very beneficial for the elderly as they increase blood circulation, prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and support mental capacity.

Blackcurrant jam: simple recipes for the winter

There are many recipes for making delicious, healthy blackcurrant jam, you need to stock up on sugar, an enamel bowl or stainless steel saucepan, and a wooden spoon.

Jam - 5-minute (five-minute)


1.5 kg of sugar;

1 kg of black currant;

1 \ 2-1 tbsp. water.

Cooking method:

The first thing to do is sort the berries, rinse and dry them.

While the berries are drying, pour water into a bowl of sufficient capacity, add sugar according to the recipe, mix the contents and bring to a boil.

Pour the berries into the boiling liquid and, bringing to a boil, cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, close the lid and place in the heat.

Thick black currant jam with whole berries for the winter


1 kg of currants;

1.4 kg of sugar;

1 tbsp. water.

Cooking method:

We sort out the berries from the leaves and twigs, then rinse them. Remaining debris and dry berries will float up. We wash the berries 2-3 times. Leave the water to glass.
While the water is flowing down, prepare the syrup. To do this, pour sugar into an enamel bowl and add water. When the mixture is brought to a boil, pour the berries into it, bring to a boil again and turn off the heat. We insist the jam for two hours.

Now we put it on fire, wait for it to boil, and again insist for 2 hours. Two hours later, once again bring to a boil, pour the resulting jam into sterilized jars, cover with a lid, turn the lid down and put in a warm place until it cools completely.

Useful Tips

When the jam boils, the froth should be removed only with a wooden spoon intended for boiling.

To keep the currants intact, the jam should not be mixed. To do this, shake the bowl a couple of times and give it a rotational motion.

Blackcurrant Jelly Jam

This jelly-like jam does not take a lot of your time. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

10 tbsp. Sahara;

10 tbsp. currants;

2.5 tbsp. water.

Cooking method:

Sort out, rinse thoroughly and dry the berries.

Pour clean berries into a bowl (enameled if possible), pour spring water and bring the mixture to a boil. Boil for 2-3 minutes, then add sugar according to the recipe. Bring to a boil again, just simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Pour the jam that has not yet cooled down, close it tightly and wrap it for a day in a warm place.

Black currant, grated with sugar


1.5 kg of granulated sugar;

1 kg of currant fruit.

Cooking method:

Clean the berries by sorting them out of leaves, twigs, debris, and the like. We wash it 2-3 times.

Then mix the currant berries with sugar in a blender.

Pour 2 tablespoons of sugar on the bottom of the cans, pour the grated currants and add 2 more tablespoons of sugar on top. We close the lids.

The currants with sugar are ready. Store this jam in a cool place or in the refrigerator. For those who like jam with citrus notes, you can add 1 orange. It should be added when we grind currants with sugar in a blender.

Currant jam


1.1 kg of sugar;

1 kg of currants;

500 ml of water.

Cooking method:

First of all, we peel the berries, sort out and rinse them in water. Place in a colander to get rid of excess water.

After about 30 minutes, increase the heat and cook for ~ 10 minutes.

Pour the finished jam (like ordinary jam) into sterilized jars and roll it up. We store such jam in a warm and cool place.


The only drawback is that blackcurrant jam is not suitable for people with diabetes, as the jam contains a lot of sugar, which contributes to obesity. Also, fresh black currant juice is contraindicated in people who have suffered a heart attack and stroke, in the presence of ulcers and gastritis during exacerbations. Do not abuse currant juice for children and pregnant women, otherwise it can lead to allergic reactions.
Jam from the Old Russian language means "boiled delicacy". In Russia, before the appearance of sugar, jam was prepared using honey and molasses. And they made jam from nuts, flowers, vegetables, but most often from berries.

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Blackcurrant Jam Recipes with Oranges, Cherry Leaves and Almonds

2018-07-27 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


46 gr.

184 kcal.

Option 1: Classic blackcurrant jam for the winter

Traditional blackcurrant jam doesn't cook very quickly. The berry of this type is quite dry, it needs to be infused in sugar and let out the juice, only after that it can be sent to the stove. If the currants are also very small, the sugar does not want to melt, then it is recommended to add a little water. Black currants are regular and fragrant, this recipe is suitable for any variety.


  • 1.4 kg of currants;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Recipe for classic blackcurrant jam

The currants are quite dense, pour everything at once into a bowl or into a cup, rinse thoroughly, transfer to a saucepan. Add sugar. It is better to sprinkle with layers, but there should be sand on top. Cover, leave for nine hours.

After the indicated time, usually the berries are insisted from evening to morning, the currants need to be stirred, for this we take a shovel, lift all the adhering sand. Then we put it on the stove, turn it on. It is important to dissolve all the remaining sugar before the syrup boils, then the jam during storage will not be sugar-coated.

As soon as the currants boil, foam will appear, but we are in no hurry to remove it. Let's wait a few more minutes for all this to come together in a pile, then collect it.

We boil the currants for half an hour. If the consistency does not suit you, then you can increase the time, but gradually the taste and aroma will be lost. We also remember that after cooling down, any jam becomes thicker than it is when cooking.

We pour the currants into dry jars. Blackcurrant jam can be closed with a nylon lid, it will normally be stored in the refrigerator. Or we roll it up, store it in the cellar, in the pantry, in the kitchen cabinet. In any case, it is advisable to lay out the currants in sterile jars.

Currant berries are quite acidic, which is why it is undesirable to use aluminum dishes for jam, which, during infusion and heating, will release harmful substances into the delicacy.

Option 2: Quick Vitamin Blackcurrant Jam Recipe

The main time is occupied not by cooking a sweet treat, but by infusing berries with sugar. It is not always possible to wait several hours. This method allows you to quickly prepare jam in one go. Another advantage is short-term boiling. At the same time, currant berries retain their taste perfectly.


  • 1.5 kg of currants;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 0.3 l of water.

How to quickly make currant jam

It is advisable to roll up such jam, so we immediately prepare jars with metal lids. First, rinse them thoroughly with soda, it degreases, then sterilize. If turnkey metal covers are used, and not screwed on the thread, then we do not rinse, but immediately throw it into a saucepan and boil.

Pour water into a basin or a saucepan, let it boil, add granulated sugar, stir, dissolve completely, add currant berries.

We make a strong fire, boil after boiling for five to ten minutes. If desired, pour in a little lemon juice, zest can also be added.

We put the currant jam into previously prepared jars, do not let it cool, immediately twist or screw it up, put it away for storage.

Recipes usually pay attention to the dishes in which the sweet treat is prepared, but they rarely talk about spoons. Since the jam is often stirred, it is best to use wooden spatulas or spoons. They do not heat up at all, and also do not scratch the bottom of the saucepan or basin.

Option 3: Blackcurrant jam for the winter with oranges

Often, jam is made from currants with lemon, but it is no less tasty and aromatic with the addition of orange. Citrus has a deep and invigorating aroma and won't taste bitter if prepared properly. We wash the currants in the standard way, leave them to drain in a colander, there is no need to dry the berries.


  • a kilogram of currants;
  • two oranges;
  • 0.9 kg of sugar.

How to cook

Remove the zest from one orange. Wash the citrus well, you can pour it over with boiling water, then scrape off the thin colored skin and chop. Then we cut both citruses in half, squeeze out the juice, the seeds should not fall into it, the pulp is allowed. Together with the zest, we send the juice to the stove, add granulated sugar and half a glass of water. Cooking syrup.

As soon as the sand dissolves, pour all the currants into the syrup at once, warm up for a minute, remove from the stove. We insist berries overnight or just 7-8 hours. Then let it boil again, cook for a couple of minutes and cool it again, now you can leave it for three or four hours.

We put the jam on the stove for the third time. Now we cook it a little longer, let it boil for five to ten minutes, mix it, distribute it in jars, seal it, cool it and put it away for storage until winter.

If there is not enough currant, then it can always be mixed with gooseberries, raspberries, various other berries, jam will work out in any case, it is only important to adhere to the total specified amount.

Option 4: Blackcurrant jam for the winter "Fake jam"

Thick and rich currant jam in half an hour? This is possible if agar-agar is available at home. There are also recipes for treats based on gelatin, pectin, and a thickener for jam "Zhelfix". Agar-agar is distinguished by the fact that it solidifies perfectly even in a warm state. We sort out the currants, rinse, do not need to dry, immediately proceed to the preparation of thick jam.


  • 1.5 kg of currants;
  • half a liter of water;
  • 1.3 kg of sugar;
  • 3 g lemons;
  • 3 tsp agar agar.

Step by step recipe

We measure out a glass of water, leave it aside. Pour the rest into a saucepan, you can take a warm or hot liquid, add sugar, stir slightly and heat until it dissolves.

We quickly sort out the currants, add them to the sugar mixture, let the berries boil and cook. The time here can be adjusted independently, but we boil for at least five minutes. If you like a homogeneous jam, then stir the berries often, knead them.

We mix warm water with agar-agar, usually it dissolves well, but gives a slight precipitate. Pour over the currants, shake at the end so that less remains in the vessel. We wait for a boil, after which we detect five minutes. This is exactly how much the thickener needs to reveal its properties. Add lemon.

After five minutes, put the blackcurrant jam into jars, twist or screw it up, cool it down.

This option is distinguished not only by its excellent taste and steep texture, but also by a large yield, since the delicacy is practically not boiled down and as much as half a liter of water is added to it.

Option 5: Fragrant blackcurrant jam for the winter with cherry leaves

A wonderful cherry aroma can be obtained not only from the berries, but also from the leaves. And if you add them to the jam, you get an unusually tasty and unusual delicacy. Cherry leaves, or rather their broth, can even be prepared in advance and stored in the freezer, nothing will happen to it.


  • 100 g cherry leaves;
  • 1.8 kg of currants;
  • 900 ml of water;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.

How to cook

We wash the cherry leaves, fill with prescription water, boil for several minutes. Then we cool in the same broth, filter and squeeze. Pour all the resulting liquid into a basin or a saucepan, in which we will prepare unusual jam.

Add half the sugar to the resulting liquid with a cherry aroma, let it boil, then throw in the washed berries, freed from twigs and other debris, boil for five minutes, cool or just stand for three hours.

We introduce the remaining sugar, thanks to crushing, the jam will turn out thick, put it on the stove again and cook for 12-15 minutes. After that, we pack the cherry-currant delicacy in jars, seal it.

In addition to the leaves, you can use fresh or dried cherry pits in this recipe. They also give a pleasant and rich aroma, helping to change the taste of regular currant jam.

We bring to your attention several magical recipes for instant red and black currant jam. Our experts have prepared for you a detailed step-by-step action plan on how to make currant jam. By repeating which, you can pleasantly surprise your family with extraordinary taste. We offer you a choice of 4 options for inimitable, mouth-watering, aromatic ways of making homemade currant jam. May your winter teas be delicious!

1. Currant jelly for the winter

With this method of preparation, the fruits remain intact, and the jam acquires the consistency of jelly. From this amount of homemade currant jam products, you will get 4 jars with a capacity of 500 ml. lovely, delicate jam. A treat for family and friends.

Advice! With this method of preparation, it is better to make jam from a variety without sourness.

What will be needed for currant jelly for the winter:

  • Currant berries - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.
  • Water - 400 ml.

How to make currant jelly:

  • Pour the fruits into a saucepan, add water. Small debris will immediately float away. Drain off the water, repeat several times until the dirt disappears. Rinse the fruits and dry them with a pre-lined paper towel.
  • Select medium-sized, only dry, without external damage to the berries.
  • Boil the syrup: bring the water to a boil, add 1 kg. granulated sugar, until dissolved.
  • Gently pour the boiling thick syrup over the currant berries
  • A saucepan with berry mass, gently stirring, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. Turn off the fire.
  • The rest of the sugar is poured in, stirring until completely dissolved, so as not to damage the berries.
  • Cooking currant jam is over.
  • Pour the jelly jam over sterile jars, roll up the lids.

Cooked currant jam for the winter will be watery from the beginning, but when it cools down, it will become jelly.

2. Currant jam for the winter

The classic recipe of our grandmothers. This preparation of currants for the winter has always been liked by my whole family.

To cook currant jam for the winter, you will need:

  • Currant berries - 1.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • Water - 1.5 cups.

How to cook currant jam:

  • Sort out, wash, dry the berries. Set aside.
  • Pour in water, add granulated sugar, mix thoroughly. Boil.
  • Gently pour the resulting syrup over the fruits. Cook until thick. Take a saucer, pour a few drops of jam, if the consistency is thick, then the currants with sugar are ready for the winter.
  • Dip the prepared jars and lids alternately in a saucepan of boiling water. As soon as the homemade currant jam is cooked, pour, roll up. Turn over, wrap with a blanket and wait until it cools completely.

3. How to cook red currant jam

Red currants are rich in vitamins. You can make delicious jam from it or make jelly for the winter. We offer you a simple recipe from this type of currant for the winter:

For jam for the winter you will need:

  • Red currant berries - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1 glass.
  • Sugar - 800 - 1000 gr (depending on the sweetness of the berries, less sugar should be added to the sweeter ones).

How to make red currant jam:

  • Sort out the fruits, remove the twigs, discard the rot, rinse.
  • Take a saucepan, pour in the fruits, pour 1 liter of water. Set the heat to medium, bring to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes.
  • Wipe the boiled fruits through a colander, pour the resulting mass of 1 kg. granulated sugar. Let it brew for a while, so that the berries absorb the sugar, let the juice flow.
  • Cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes.
  • Pour into sterilized jars. Turn over, wrap with a blanket. After the jars with the contents have cooled, you can put them in a cool place.

4. Candied currant jam

This recipe for making homemade currant jam is completely different from the previous ones, in that the berries are not boiled, but only heat treated without boiling.


  • Berry - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

How to make candied currant jam:

  • Sort out and wash the berries under running water. Dry by laying out a spread paper towel.
  • Twist the fruits through a meat grinder, or crush with a wooden pestle. You can alternately scroll the berries and granulated sugar in a meat grinder.
  • The resulting berry puree is put on low heat. Stir constantly with a wooden stick until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Monitor the temperature, it should not exceed 80 degrees.
  • Prepared sterile jars are poured hot dessert and rolled up with a lid.
  • Any blackcurrant bush can be affected by pests, despite the fact that it is varietal or has been growing for a long time in the garden. Certain grafts for the black bush ...

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