A woman born in the year of the Cat is a characteristic. Year of the Rabbit according to the Eastern horoscope: what kind of people are born under this sign

Years of birth according to the sign of the Cat (Rabbit) – 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Male Cat (Rabbit) – personality characteristics

The Cat Man (Rabbit) very often lives by his own laws, understandable only to him, which defy logic and rational explanation.

He has a dual character and is characterized by an unpredictable alternation of sophisticated upbringing and animal instincts, calculated dependence and absolute love of freedom, alternating love for comfort and craving for slums.

The behavior of a Cat (Rabbit) man is often inappropriate to the circumstances, stereotypes and expectations of others. He is very sensitive and receptive to everything: cosmic influences, weather, politics, sensations and public opinion. However, in reality, he listens only to the voice of his intuition, for he is more open to spiritual vibrations than to analysis and reasoning. Perhaps that is why it is very difficult to speak logically with a Cat (Rabbit) man, because even when, due to circumstances, he operates with specific facts and figures, his thinking is in the irrational sphere, in the field of intuition, the supersensible.

A man born, therefore, he despises and tries to avoid everything that could somehow shake his comfort. At the same time, he is secular, sociable, outgoing person. That's why there are always a lot of guests in his house. Possessing a heightened sense of danger, he highly values ​​his own security.

As a rule, the Cat (Rabbit) man is very popular in society, is respected, trusted, tactful and courteous in company, knows how to find the right words for each person, and his compliments are always pleasant. The Cat Man (Rabbit) practically does not use harsh words, not in society or in the family. He does not stoop to foul language and vulgarity. Impeccable behavior is very important for him, since by doing this he creates additional armor for himself and disarms or neutralizes his potential opponents.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is a true gentleman, tastefully dressed and with excellent manners. Delicate taste and bright personality do not allow him to dress in the latest fashion. He always has his own unique, elegant style. He knows very well and knows how to behave in such a way as to make an impression. Moreover, he does not intend to make an impression. Elegance is just a “side effect” of his behavior, which, however, he really likes. This man is always polite, charming, witty, happy and satisfied with his life. And his charisma and ability to deal with the opposite sex provide him with 100% success with women. The Cat Man (Rabbit) is always calm and tries to avoid conflicts. He behaves with dignity and does not stoop to minor skirmishes or loud scandals. There is practically nothing that could cause him to lose his composure. Like women of this sign, male Cats (Rabbits) highly value harmony and peace in their environment.
The Cat Man (Rabbit) loves to live in abundance and does everything to provide himself and his family with the necessary comfort. He loves fine wines good cars, fashionable clothes, expensive dinners in first-class restaurants. As a rule, these men are successful in both love and business. Potentially, the Cat (Rabbit) man can make a fortune - and over time he does. He is not pushy and knows that everything has its time.

The Cat (Rabbit) man has a rich imagination and extraordinary Creative skills. He is always aware of current events in the world of art and culture. He does not miss the opportunity to go to a museum, theater or simply to an exhibition of paintings. Unlike the Tiger, he never seeks adventure, relaxation that excites the blood, and strives for a quiet, calm life. He is afraid of everything new and unexpected, avoids change. It is worth noting that in the world of art, the Cat (Rabbit) man recognizes only the classics and does not consider the trendy avant-garde movements serious. And novelty in music and painting is especially unacceptable to him. Therefore, a Cat (Rabbit) man who chooses a creative path becomes a salon writer or artist and can be an exquisite poet.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is hardworking and successful in professional affairs, but very careful with money. He does not make unreliable deposits and spends money only when it is really necessary. The only exception is the interior, the interior decoration of the house. Home is his kingdom, his abode, and he spares no expense on luxury items and comfort. He loves antique furniture very much. In addition, being a symbol of family warmth and comfort, the Cat (Rabbit) man feels very confident and in full strength when he is at home. Therefore, he loves to host guests, he is very kind, courteous, helpful - in a word - a hospitable host. He knows how to create a trusting atmosphere and no one can listen to you like a man or woman born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit). However, it is worth noting that the Cat (Rabbit) man, being an excellent comforter and compassionate listener, in most cases plays the role of a passive adviser and it is pointless to expect specific effective help from him. Don't expect him to leave his business and family, rush into battle or go into conflict for your sake.

Man of the Year Cat (Rabbit) – career

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is a born entrepreneur. Financially, success will always await him. He has excellent business skills. Therefore, over the years, his financial situation only gets stronger. He is dexterous in business, cunning, and does not shy away from fraudulent and speculative transactions. He has excellent taste, so he can easily achieve success in any type of trade, in transactions with securities, real estate and currency. The Cat Man (Rabbit) is a born financier, a good diplomat, a resourceful lawyer and a shrewd manager. In all matters, he behaves with extreme caution and carefully checks the consequences. Astute, sensitive to good deals, the Cat (Rabbit) man will always appear in in the right place and in right time, and from the variety of options he will be able to choose the one that will bring him the greatest benefit. With his supernatural sixth sense, the shrewd Cat (Rabbit) man is surprisingly lucky in the stock market, casinos or business risks. The good thing is that they know how to stop in time and leave with the winnings - instead of losing all their money in the heat of excitement.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is friendly and diplomatic. And this attracts investors. He knows how to negotiate and is an excellent bargainer. He is able to achieve profitable offers even in cases where the chances are almost zero. All these qualities, as well as cunning and business acumen, allow the Cat (Rabbit) man to rapidly move up the career ladder and make a dizzying career. They make excellent leaders and organizers. Such well-known people as Rockefeller and Einstein were born under the sign of the Cat (Rabbit).

Being an intriguer by nature and able to manipulate people, their consciousness or mood, the Cat (Rabbit) man successfully makes a game or politics through the hands of others, remaining beyond criticism and suspicion. In addition, he will always find, if he wants, a way to save situations, so as not to fall face down in a seemingly hopeless situation.

To achieve his goals, the Cat (Rabbit) man uses all his charm. He will easily invite a business partner to an expensive restaurant and treat him to a magnificent dinner, interest him in small talk, or even fulfill any whim of his partner.

As a rule, natural caution, diplomacy and tact allow the Cat (Rabbit) man to create harmonious relationships with people in any field. They can do any job, play any role, but only in a team where they are valued and respected. Otherwise, their abilities may not be realized, and alone the male Cat (Rabbit) becomes a wild lynx.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is very pedantic. He pays attention to the smallest details, nothing escapes his tenacious gaze. Perhaps this is why he is considered a high expert and specialist in his field. If a male Cat (Rabbit) occupies a leadership position, then he becomes characterized by a heightened sense of duty, commitment to people, responsibility for his actions, in particular, and a sense of responsibility to his team and society as a whole. He values ​​team spirit and requires everyone to participate in the work without exception. They are not very powerful, but they believe that subordinates should anticipate their desires. It is not difficult to find a common language with Rabbit bosses.

Horoscope of a man Cat (Rabbit) – love and family

The Cat Man (Rabbit) absolutely cannot live without a woman. The woman is an integral part of his success. Male Cats (Rabbits) are gentle, sweet and romantic. However, those who consider them weak-willed are mistaken. This man will never allow himself to be used and will not choose a woman who wants to lead the family.

The Cat Man (Rabbit), however, like the woman of this sign, is very sensitive to the world around him and gives great importance Everyday life. Their houses, as a rule, are well, tastefully furnished, have fireplaces and everything that is necessary for excellent well-being. It is the house that helps the Cat (Rabbit) man maintain mental comfort and balance.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) seems to be created for love. He is very gentle, sweet and this throws off his competitors. In addition, he is very sensitive to the needs of women. This is explained by the fact that men of this sign increased concentration female hormones. Therefore, they are able to perceive a woman’s point of view and literally guess the desires of their companion. He is a passionate and insatiable lover, but his feelings towards the object of momentary passion can be somewhat superficial. But with family relationships it’s a completely different matter. He takes the choice of a life partner very seriously and spends a long time choosing from numerous fans. Very loyal and devoted by nature, they take disappointment in their partner very hard and may even get sick. Although, there is an exception to the rule. They hate betrayal and separation, and do not like to be deceived. And the power of their insight quickly recognizes falsehood. However, having suspected his wife of treason, he will limit himself to reproaches. This man rarely initiates a breakup. True, there are male Cats (Rabbits) who often change their partners, but this is only for the reason that they cannot find the one they dreamed of so much in order to know the full depth of feelings.

Considering the type of man with cat-like charisma, we can say that he is one of the three most attractive to women, representatives of the eastern horoscope. He simply radiates erotic fluids with his entire appearance, skillfully stimulating female sensuality. For him, flirting, love and bed are some kind of sacred rituals in which the most important stage is foreplay. However, one should distinguish the “gallant Cat” from the “walking Cat”; his temperament is changeable, he writes out such zigzags and sinusoids that a slight yearning for love can turn into intimate insanity.
U, but he only needs one - the one who will accept him for who he is. He keeps his distance and is reluctant to make commitments. He is in no hurry to tie the knot and will break more than one heart before he settles down to life with his chosen one. The Cat (Rabbit) man takes this issue very seriously: he does not want to make a mistake with his choice. He doesn’t need a queen, but one who fits into his life plans. Although, thanks to his attentiveness, he is always surrounded by beauties. True, due to his indecision and caution, the Cat (Rabbit) man may miss his chance to create a happy family.

If you decide to attract a Cat (Rabbit) man, then remember that this is a man who does not just look at you and your charms, but listens to what you tell him. Therefore, you should not only look beautiful, but also say something smart every time you open your beautiful lips. To win his heart you can offer him a quiet, quiet evening in a home environment. You can even cook dinner together, because the Cat (Rabbit) man loves to cook and his culinary talent is at the innate level. Also respect his artistic tastes, even if you have to suffer a lot at the evenings of experimental poetry.

It is worth noting that it is very worthwhile to fight for the heart and love of a man born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit). Because if he finds a soul mate in you, you will turn into the center of the Universe for him and he will throw the whole world at your feet. When the Cat (Rabbit) man finally makes his choice and proposes to his chosen one, he becomes a reliable husband and a great father for his children, who enjoys playing basketball, hockey, football and other active activities with them. His family relationships are always built on romance and warmth of feelings, without which he simply cannot live.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) is capable of love relationships endure many of his woman’s pranks, except rudeness, noise, bickering, and impudence. This will make him leave you, and he will go in search of another, more educated and sophisticated woman. But if you want to get rid of the Cat (Rabbit) man, then prepare him soup from bags more often, invite guests who can burn an expensive carpet with their cheap cigarettes, and break and throw away what the Cat (Rabbit) man collects.

Chinese horoscope for 2011 - the year of the Cat (Rabbit or Hare) The Chinese horoscope came to us from ancient times. It consists of 12-year cycles; each year in such a cycle has the name of a certain animal, which influences the character of a person born in a certain year, and even shapes his fate. In addition to the 12 animals, the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope contains 5 elements corresponding to the basic elements of the Universe: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal. The element of the element corresponding to the year of birth of a person, together with the animal in whose year the person was born, determines the dominant traits of his character, which influence his entire life. Below, for example, are presented the main qualities that, since ancient times in China, relate to people born in a certain year of the Chinese horoscope.

The main characteristics of the animals that rule the years are as follows:
Rat - survival (adaptability)
Bull - strength (reliability)
Tiger - courage (courage)
Rabbit - virtue
Dragon - wisdom
Snake - happiness (luck)
Horse - patience (endurance)
Goat - artistry
Monkey - capriciousness
Rooster - sincerity (directness)
Dog - idealism
Pig - honesty (decency)
In this regard, it is interesting that in China the most revered animals are the Rat and the Dragon. The Rat is tenacious and easily adaptable; the Dragon is endowed with great wisdom by rumor. And the Chinese value both of these qualities very highly.

According to the eastern horoscope, 2011 is the year of the white Cat (Rabbit or Hare), which will pass under the Metal element. It starts at Chinese calendar February 3, 2011 and ends January 22, 2012.

Year of the Rabbit, element of the year.

Below are the years according to the Chinese calendar with the exact dates of their beginning and end, which passed under the sign of the symbolic animal of the Chinese horoscope, Cat (Rabbit).

from 01/29/1903 to 02/15/1904 - Water - year of the Black Rabbit

from 02/14/1915 to 02/02/1916 - Tree - Year of the Blue Rabbit

from 02/02/1927 to 01/22/1928 - Fire - year of the Red Rabbit

from 02/19/1939 to 02/07/1940 - Earth - Year of the Yellow Rabbit

from 02/06/1951 to 01/26/1952 - Metal - Year of the White Rabbit

from 01/25/1963 to 02/12/1964 - Water - year of the Black Rabbit

from 02/11/1975 to 01/30/1976 - Tree - Year of the Blue Rabbit

from 01/29/1987 to 02/16/1988 - Fire - year of the Red Rabbit

from 02/16/1999 to 02/04/2000 - Earth - year of the Yellow Rabbit

from 02/03/2011 to 01/22/2012 - Metal - Year of the White Rabbit

Year of the Cat (Rabbit). Characteristics of the sign. Chinese name for Rabbit: Tu. This is the fourth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. Element of element in 2011: Metal. Color in 2011: White. Polarity: Negative This year brings comfort, diplomacy, hospitality and warmth.

Positive qualities of a person born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit):
sociable, talented, intelligent, observant, developed, romantic, gifted, modest, sophisticated, peaceful, friendly, romantic and very devoted to those he loves.

Negative qualities of a person born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit):
conservative, restless, fearful, somewhat superficial, pedantic, too preoccupied with himself, likes to “walk by himself.”

Recommendations for choosing a profession: you will make an excellent diplomat, teacher, lawyer, actor or priest, a very respectable administrator in any business; in general, the Cat (Rabbit) will succeed in any profession related to communication, negotiations, and meetings.

Celebrities born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit): Confucius, Boris Savinkov, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Sergei Vavilov, Igor Kurchatov, Vasily Zhukovsky, Konstantin Simonov, Albert Einstein, Epicurus, Lewis Carroll, Fidel Castro, Marie Curie, Peter Fonda, Sting, Whitney Houston, Eva Peron.

Cats are ambitious and talented. They are respected and trusted by friends and colleagues. Often friends and acquaintances come to them for advice, and they can be sure that they will really receive it. People born under this sign usually have many friends and do not tolerate even minor conflicts well. Their friendly, tastefully furnished home is always open to guests and friends. It cannot be said that sincerity and frankness are their main feature. Despite the fact that they are ready to listen to any problems and help solve them, they themselves open up very rarely. Because of their desire to please others and constant attention to other people's problems, they can become excellent companions for bright and strong personalities. They do not like to take the initiative in love, almost never openly showing their desires. They prefer to take a wait-and-see attitude, which does not always lead to success. Alas, few of them can boast of mutual love. Therefore, it is cats who value such gifts of fate more than anyone else. Cats cannot stand being alone and are sometimes willing to make great sacrifices to get attention and love. The best love partners for a Cat (Rabbit) can be people born in the year of the Pig or Goat; a good union will turn out with an honest Dog. Cats (Rabbits) do not get along well with Rats and Roosters. Cats are usually indifferent to the hardworking Horse.

The Cat (Rabbit) loves society, and society values ​​him very much. He loves social gatherings and sometimes gossips, but he does it subtly, tactfully, and carefully, so he is extremely reluctant to express bad things to anyone. The Cat loves to receive guests, and at his home (especially the Female Cat) everything is done with refined taste. This is a secular man, some would even call him a snob. He's pedantic.

The cat can cry easily, but is quickly comforted. The melancholy of women of this sign is one of their main trump cards, giving them a special charm. The cat is a conservative. He hates everything that shakes his life. Anything that can cause complications. Most of all he needs comfort and safety. Since he is cautious and even a little conscientious, he does not undertake anything without first weighing the pros and cons. For this caution, people admire and trust him. Financially he will always be lucky. He is smart in business, and whoever signs a contract with him will never back down. This is a good speculator, he has a gift for suitable cases. In short, this calm cat dangerous as a business person. He will be successful in trade and may be the owner of an antique store, as he has taste. He can also be a lawyer (advocate, notary) or choose a diplomatic career, provided that his life is not at risk.

In general, in China, the Cat (Rabbit) is associated with luck and happiness, and in a happy way, people born under this sign will always succeed in everything with the least amount of effort. They are quick thinkers and endowed with talents, and if they can put work before pleasure, they will go far in life. Such people will have many good friends, and their life will never be boring.

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), according to their zodiac signs:
CAPRICORN is a yearning cat. Can be very strict, less sociable.
AQUARIUS is a capable cat. Can be a valuable friend. He should take up writing.
FISH - three times a cat. Very pleasant in company.
ARIES is such a gentle cat! Never lets out its claws, purrs near the light.
TAURUS is a wild cat. Comes out unscathed.
GEMINI is a domestic cat. The calmest of cats. At some risk.
CANCER is a pampered cat. He's charming, but a little moody.
LION - tiger cat. Although quite calm, it will pass life path with claws extended.
VIRGO is a wise cat. He will pull chestnuts out of the fire.
LIBRA is a melancholy, feminine, charming cat.
SCORPIO - cat-sorcerer. Beware of damage.
SAGITTARIUS is an exceptional cat. He will be the best, most balanced of cats.

How and what to wear to celebrate the New Year of the Cat (Rabbit) 2011. Long before the holiday, you need to think about your outfit, which will depend on where and with whom the New Year is being celebrated. If you don't have a rabbit or cat fancy dress, it's best to dress up in linen, cotton, wool clothes in light pastel colors (white, gray, beige), although yellow, brown, silver and blue are also acceptable. And it’s best to dress up in a hare or cat costume. For jewelry, give preference to items made of precious metals: gold, silver, platinum.

In order for the Cat and the Rabbit to favor you, you need to become just as good-natured, calm, and unfussy. And then, falling literally and figuratively, you will always happily land on all fours.

There must be apples and millet on the festive table. No hare or rabbit meat should be served. In general, it is better to give preference to vegetarian dishes. Lots of all kinds of vegetables, especially herbs - green onions, dill, parsley, lettuce. Also on the table there must be fish dishes and caviar.

Since the element of 2011 is Metal, place metal decorations around the apartment (for example, metal vases or candle stands) and use beautiful metal cutlery. Don't forget to buy figurines with this year's symbol and give them to your loved ones. Keep the figurine for yourself, put it on a shelf or attach it to the refrigerator to please the coming year.

Along with New Year's gifts, you should put a bunch of carrots under the tree to please the symbol of 2011. And when the clock strikes, having made a cherished wish, you can meow (after all, according to the Chinese horoscope, this is the year of the Cat).

Horoscope for 2011 according to the signs of the Chinese horoscope. 2011 (the year of the Cat or Rabbit) should bring us all comfort, warmth, hospitality and diplomacy. The Year of the Rabbit is usually a peaceful year that is joyfully welcomed after the sometimes dangerous and stressful Year of the Tiger. Various rules and regulations will now be less strictly enforced, so people can have fun and relax a little.

The coming 2011 will be a fairly calm and pleasant year. This will be a good time to relax, remember your favorite hobby and pay more attention to your family, as the next year of the Dragon will be stormy and eventful. Go visit, be close to loved ones and enjoy communicating with friends. Do not deny yourself small pleasures: read your favorite books, watch movies, arrange family evenings more often, do not put off cultural excursions and pleasant travels.

The Rabbit is one of the luckiest signs in Chinese astrology. This year will be a good year for diplomats and politicians. Some changes are expected, especially in the areas of education and law. The year is favorable for the servants of Themis; it will help resolve a number of controversial issues in jurisprudence and streamline a number of laws.

A child born in the year of the White Rabbit will be happy and calm, this is especially true for those born in the summer.

To find out the horoscope for 2011 (year of the Cat or Rabbit), select the sign of your birth year below:

Monkey 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 Rooster 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 Dog 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 Pig (Boar) 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 Rat 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 Ox ( Ox) 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 Tiger 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 Cat (Rabbit) 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 19 99 2011 Dragon 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 Snake 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 Horse 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 Goat (Sheep) 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015

Eastern horoscope for the Cat (Rabbit) for 2011 2011 will certainly be a year of success for those born in the year of the Rabbit or Cat. He will be exactly the way everyone born under this sign loves - calm, cheerful and generous. The work will be competitive and rewarded according to the work, and in some cases even more. Old friends will begin to look for Rabbit societies, they will seek their attention and, for now, completely strangers who will eventually become part of a circle of good friends. In their own family, Rabbits will almost be carried in their arms, and those free from marriage will be besieged by admirers. The state of health will be pleasing, and no accidents that could seriously affect the health of those born under the auspices of the owner of 2011 will not occur.
Therefore, the Cat will be able to stretch out in front of the fireplace, warm up and relax. By nature, the Cat is a soft and calm person. Therefore, this year will seem like paradise to him - he will be able to spend it in the family circle, without shocks and problems. It's best to go on vacation to gain strength for the coming working year. There is no need to be too aggressive in achieving your goals. Otherwise, it may happen that the “cats” will fight, and you will get the most.

Features of the Year of the Rabbit for the Rabbit (by element of the year of birth)

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the green Rabbit (Wood element) - 1915, 1975
This year, the Wood Rabbit will enjoy his personal life the most. In your relationship with your partner, there will be genuine harmony of feelings. The younger generation will not cause any trouble; on the contrary, a period of complete mutual understanding and trust is likely. In August, stomach upsets are possible. Proper nutrition will help quickly improve the situation. More than ever this year, representatives of your year of birth will need useful contacts. More attention should be paid to finding contacts. In September, you should be more attentive to the state of your finances.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the red Rabbit (Fire element) - 1927, 1987
A good year to resolve family issues. Professional employment this time it won't hurt to have closer contacts with your marriage partner. Single representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign can find a soul mate and enter into an official marital relationship. In terms of well-being, everything will go just fine, however, we must keep in mind that the abuse of sweets can contribute to excessive obesity. In summer, you should avoid any risks, especially in the area of ​​business interests.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the yellow Rabbit (Earth element) - 1939, 1999
This year, representatives of your year of birth will experience frequent changes in the situation in almost every life sphere. However, it will not be difficult to resonate with them. In respect of material well-being The year is expected to be downright perfect. The only thing that will cause some trouble is the issue of inheritance or execution of gift agreements. There will be plenty of love and romance during this period. Relationships in the family will remain smooth if you manage to avoid excessive pressure on household members.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the white Rabbit (Metal element) - 1951, 2011
This year can become a period of highest creative activity if representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign are able to direct their awakened imagination in the right direction. From the very beginning of the Year of the Rabbit, they are more likely to be preoccupied with finding the ideal partner for a romantic relationship. However, this desire is quite feasible. For good health throughout the year, you should not neglect healthy sleep. Relationships in the family will not be bad if representatives of your year of birth do not think of starting a war for leadership with their own children.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the black Rabbit (Water element) - 1903, 1963
This year, those born in your year may feel like no one loves them and everyone is malicious. This is a wrong impression. Self-esteem will simply play out due to the lack of admiring notes in the statements of others. Losing attention does not mean hostility. Singles this year can meet their one and only love. By the way, they will have a wide choice for this. In May, some kind of material success is likely, most likely a rich inheritance.

Eastern horoscope for the Dragon for 2011 The Dragon is an eternally dissatisfied person with high efficiency. The Dragon will be destined to spend the entire coming year traveling, business trips and troubles. Dragons love to stand out and shine in any large crowd of people. But for Dragons, the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is rarely successful, although it is not completely unsuccessful either. Sometimes the owner of the year allows the Dragons to shine, but only in exchange for significant effort.
However, this is not a reason for representatives of the Year of the Dragon to become despondent and completely give up trying to advance. You just need to be prepared for the fact that any activity this year will require significant energy expenditure and great patience. With due care, they will still be able to overcome all the obstacles that 2011 will put in front of them and wait in the wings - 2012.

Features of the Year of the Rabbit for the Dragon (by element of the year of birth)

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the green Dragon (Wood element) - 1964
This year, representatives of your year of birth may begin to have problems in the family if you do not make efforts to achieve greater mutual understanding with loved ones. Troubles should also be expected in the financial sector; fortunately, they are solvable. Some representatives of your year of birth will have to make decisions regarding choosing a partner from several candidates. The choice will be successful if it is conscious, and not according to the principle of “whom God will send.” Professional success is likely. Special attention In this regard, attention should be paid to the events of June.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the red Dragon (Fire element) - 1916, 1976
This year will be quite busy. It will be necessary to focus on financial issues in order to avoid, if not bankruptcy, then major losses. In the romantic sphere, every now and then you will come across people who like to make money at someone else’s expense. The emotional background will also be reduced due to hostile relations with someone from the inner circle. Particularly strong pressure in this regard is expected in the fall of 2011. If you cannot cope with problems on your own, it is best to forget about pride and seek help from a specialist.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the yellow Dragon (Earth element) - 1928, 1988
This year, Earth Dragons will have to be torn between family and work. But representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign will be strong enough to successfully combine both. You will be desperately lucky in love, however, only if pride does not interfere with openly expressing your feelings. It is better not to deal with real estate issues or to entrust their solution to professionals. To feel good during the Year of the Rabbit, you should definitely include vegetables in your diet.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the white Dragon (Metal element) - 1940, 2000
Throughout the year of the Rabbit, you will be concerned about long-term projects, as they may seem to be slowing down. Most likely, it will be wrong. With the persistence characteristic of representatives of your year of birth, the unpleasant feeling of marking time can be overcome. This year is most suitable for loving representatives of the Year of the Dragon. Everything will work out for them as if by magic. In terms of well-being, heart problems may be a concern. The best way to prevent them is to have a carefully organized daily routine. In addition, you should avoid people whose excessive sociability will take away strength and negatively affect the energy of representatives of your year of birth.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the black Dragon (Water element) - 1952
This year, representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign will be more open to contacts than usual. This will help you get rid of inhibiting suspiciousness and spend many unforgettable hours in the company of pleasant people. Psychologically, a very comfortable period is expected. As for professional interests, you will have to be careful not to miss several great chances to achieve success. The best of them should appear in early spring. In the summer of 2011, minor complications may occur in family relationships. Efforts will be required to smooth out possible contradictions.

Eastern horoscope for the Snake for 2011 The hallmarks of the Snake are jealousy, wisdom and determination. People born under the sign of the Snake will truly be bathed in love and attention from all sides in 2011. However, this is unlikely to bring her any benefit or at least some income. Although the Snake is quite perspicacious and wise, so that she will most likely be able to discern her destiny and, if necessary, change it in a dozen steps.
In 2011, Snakes will take an active part in many events related to art and will gain a lot of useful experience. Just don’t let the atmosphere of romance play a cruel joke on you, because the owner of the year has a keen sense of justice and will harshly judge everyone for their tendency to commit adultery.

Features of the Year of the Rabbit for the Snake (by element of the year of birth)

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the green Snake (Wood element) - 1965
2011 will bring creative growth to the green Snake; you will be able to achieve great success in almost all creative fields and learn a lot of new things. This year is a year of analysis and rethinking of your life, new goals and priorities will appear, many things that caused annoyance and disappointment in the past will seem insignificant.
This year you should carefully monitor your health; a disease detected in time will not cause complications if you are careful about treatment and prevention. Also take care of the health of your children and parents.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the red Snake (Fire element) - 1917, 1977
It won't be an easy year ahead. At the beginning of it, ailments are likely, which the course will help to avoid. preventive therapy. In a family, there may be battles with a partner who wants to take on the role of leader. Even if his inconsistency in this regard is obvious, it is better to give up the helm of the family boat for a while. Saving and a reasonable attitude towards the family budget will help you avoid potential problems. Children may be bothered throughout the year. The younger generation will need to be supervised all the time in order to protect them from mistakes in a timely manner.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the yellow Snake (element of the year Earth) - 1929, 1989
In 2011, it is possible to move up the career ladder, but for this you will have to not only work hard, but also show diplomacy and the ability to negotiate.
It is better for you to avoid conflicts with relatives in the coming year; they can ruin relationships with loved ones for a long time, perhaps even forever. Beware of financial disputes with family members, but do not give in and gently pursue your line, without resorting to open attacks and squabbles.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the white Snake (Metal element) - 1941, 2001
The situation in the Year of the Rabbit is favorable for professional achievements. Representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign will be able to clearly define their goals and realize them. A prerequisite for success must be the rejection of contacts of an irrational plan. Instead of wasting time in the company of annoying friends, it is better to make love with your partner. The Year of the Rabbit is expected to be very rich in all kinds of romance. Everything will be fine at home. In terms of health, you should worry about the condition skin, avoid contact with irritating liquids and microorganisms. In July, you should be more careful when tanning, as you can get burned.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the black Snake (Water element) - 1953
In general, 2011 is a successful year professionally, although you will have to work hard if you want to come out with a nice amount in your bank account by the end of the year. In any case, in the coming year the Black Snake will be made several lucrative offers, but you should not refuse all the innovations in your life. Your conservatism can harm you in your work.
Pleasant changes await you in your personal life and family. Perhaps you will have a new addition to your family. All family holidays and events will be pleasant. Spend more time with your children in 2011; they may need your help and advice.

Eastern horoscope for Horse for 2011 The horse may well experience the passionate love that these honest and hardworking people are fully worthy of. However, if we take into account the fact that the Horse and the Cat are completely indifferent to each other, climbing the career ladder and any other business successes will depend only on perseverance and hard work, which Horses usually do not have, however, unfortunately, the result obtained will often be significantly less than what was spent on it's effort.
In 2011, Horses will experience romantic pleasures. Those who do not have a family will have a brilliant opportunity to create one.
In general, those born in the year of the Horse will organize any troubles that happen this year for themselves. Just out of boredom and due to my impatient nature. It’s easier for them to run away and do something else than to struggle through the monotony of routine work.

Features of the Year of the Rabbit for the Horse (by element of the year of birth)

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the green Horse (Wood element) - 1954
This year of the Rabbit may well turn out to be emotionally and financially comfortable for the Horse. If you plan to buy a house or apartment, the deal will be very profitable. The stars favor those born in your year, but you should refrain from any risky ventures and do not gamble.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the red Horse (Fire element) - 1966
This year, the red horse will be able to carry out a long-planned transaction that will bring huge positive changes to its life. But take your time so as not to make a mistake, carefully weigh everything, and only then decide to make a decision. The red horse will also experience pleasant changes in the family. For your part, try to maximize the comfort and coziness in your home, and your loved ones will appreciate it. In 2011, you should not make hasty, rash decisions; they will turn out to be losing and will make you regret them in the future.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the yellow Horse (Earth element) - 1918, 1978
In 2011, the Yellow Horse will have the opportunity to profitably change jobs, find a profitable order, but do not be afraid of difficulties in new job, hard work and determination will eventually do their job, at the end of the coming year you will be rewarded for your efforts.
In the family, conflicts with the wife (husband) and problems with children are possible. You shouldn’t stand your ground rigidly; sometimes you need to give in to them in something, otherwise you may lose contact with your loved ones.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the white Horse (Metal element) -1930, 1990
For the White Horse, 2011 will be relatively calm. Your family members will please you this year; try to create more pleasant moments for them in the coming year. Pay close attention to your health; in the second half of the year it is better to take a health trip to the sea, to a sanatorium.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the black Horse (Water element) - 1942, 2002
This year will not be easy for the black horse; only a patient and friendly attitude towards relatives will allow it to adequately resolve many family issues without spoiling relationships with loved ones. Show diplomacy, generosity and cordiality to your loved ones, and it will pay off in full.
Financially, there will be many small losses and gains in 2011; you should not take them too seriously. In the coming year, more than ever, you should not skimp on your health; this could turn out badly for you.

Eastern horoscope for Goat (Sheep) for 2011 The Goat, careless and capricious, will finally get what she has long dreamed of - a flourishing business, as well as a significant promotion. Perhaps due to the fact that no Cat can remain indifferent to milk, then in the coming year the Goat will clearly be lucky, especially if she can approach the most pressing issues wisely and not with her usual composure. Most likely, the Goat will be appreciated, cherished and invited to gatherings. It is best for the Goat to think about maintaining health in advance. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the Goat may lie down for a long time.
However, from time to time in 2011, Goats will be overcome by boredom, and only some very strong hobby can save them from this.

Features of the Year of the Rabbit for the Goat (by element of the year of birth)

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the green Goat (Wood element) - 1955
This year, circumstances for Goats will be favorable in everything that has to do with the family. Parents, children and spouses will be on the side of the representatives of your year of birth. If there were ever differences between them, they will be forgotten during this period. In material terms, the year is not so good. You will have to work a lot, and your finances will need to be constantly monitored. In terms of well-being, ailments are likely; the period from February to March 2011 inclusive may be especially dangerous. The ailments will be associated with the state of the nervous system, and rehabilitation therapy will probably be required.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the red Goat (Fire element) - 1967
This year, representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign will feel best in the company of their children. Communication will be comfortable and constructive. All this will affect the relationship with your spouse, which will turn out to be extremely cordial. You will definitely be lucky in love. But in friendship everything is not so simple. In August, a major conflict with one of your friends is likely. As for your financial situation, it will be stable if the representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign do not forget about saving.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the yellow Goat (Earth element) - 1919, 1979
At the beginning of spring, representatives of your year of birth will face professional troubles due to the fact that they will take what they want for reality. If you behave carefully enough, especially when it comes to finances, the situation can be improved. In love, the Year of the Rabbit will be simply brilliant for you. In the summer, visits from distant relatives or friends are likely, communication with whom can be very pleasant.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the white Goat (Metal element) - 1931, 1991
This year may turn out to be very comfortable for you psychologically. During the period from April to September, representatives of your year of birth will release constant tension. Many will feel quite carefree and emotionally secure. In the family, with friends, loved ones and colleagues, representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign will be in peace and harmony, which will also affect the quality of life.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the black Goat (Water element) - 1943, 2003
A very successful year is expected for goats with the Water element of the year. If representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign are able to curb their temperament, they can count on good professional achievements. In terms of your personal life, everything will also be fine, especially if you yourself do not provoke conflict situations.

Eastern horoscope for Monkey for 2011 The monkey has always been eccentric and resourceful. However, this year she really expects success. As usual, she will seize on anything, including the most risky ones, but this year she will really be able to bring them to the end. Therefore, this year can really be considered quite successful for Monkeys. It is in 2011 that they will be able to succeed in any industry if they try to achieve it with maximum effort.
But it’s better for Monkeys to forget this year that they are the smartest and most beautiful. Attempts to deceive, outwit, or do your job with the wrong hands will encounter resistance from a similar trickster. In the year of the Rabbit, Monkeys cannot be completely confident in their talents. Their hopes should be connected with happy occasion. The owner of the year will not object to providing such, but will immediately turn away as soon as he convicts the Monkeys of dishonesty or excessive conceit.

Features of the Year of the Rabbit for the Monkey (by element of the year of birth)

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the green Monkey (Wood element) - 1944, 2004
The Year of the Rabbit is expected to be calm for Monkeys with the birth year element Wood. This is a period of contemplative attitude towards life and making plans for the future. Representatives of your year of birth have every chance to slowly and carefully calculate all future risks and protect themselves from possible mistakes.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the red Monkey (Fire element) - 1956
This year may bring a lot of trouble to those born in your year. Many of you will feel the urgent need to act to prevent the possible blows of fate. However, this is not the most favorable period for higher activity. The intellectual abilities of the representatives of your year of birth, whom you are accustomed to trust, may fail this time.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the yellow Monkey (Earth element) - 1968
The spirit of competition will capture the representatives of your year of birth this year. They will strive with all their might to win and will even clearly begin to see ways to achieve their goals, which will put them in a great mood. Everything will work out if representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign begin to trust the arguments of reason.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the white Monkey (Metal element) - 1920, 1980
Selfishness and narcissism can ruin this year's great prospects. If representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign are able to control their temperament and not succumb to the enervating influence of excessive ambition, professional and emotional achievements await you.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the black Monkey (Water element) - 1932, 1992
In general, the year can bring a lot of material benefits and useful acquaintances. However, one should be wary of excessive aggression in contacts with people, which will scare off influential patrons. It is necessary to restrain your spontaneous desires. Consistency and modesty should be the motto of the Year of the Rabbit. The most significant victory of the period may be victory over yourself and your imperfections.

Eastern horoscope for the Rooster for 2011 The Rooster will spend this year quite pleasantly. After all the blows of fate that the outgoing year dealt him, he will have the most unpleasant memories for a long time, because of which he will be wary of the coming year, avoid rash decisions, and come out by the end of 2011 with quite good results.
Just don’t give in to excessive suspiciousness and indecisiveness; these qualities will only spoil your mood, but will not bring anything positive to your life. The advantages of the year of the Cat (Rabbit) are such that everything in this year is decided and comes into order, subject to certain conditions being met, of course. For those born in the year of the Rooster, this condition will be work enthusiasm. Work hard and work honestly - these are the rules of the game that will ensure the Roosters complete success in all their endeavors this year.

Features of the Year of the Rabbit for the Rooster (by element of the year of birth)

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the green Rooster (Wood element) - 1945, 2005
This year is favorable for achieving financial independence. Those born in your year will like the way things are going and will appreciate the brighter sides of life. True, there is a danger in the tendency to try to speed up the onset of necessary circumstances. This should not be done, it can scare away your luck.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the red Rooster (Fire element) - 1957
The heavens favor the establishment of an atmosphere of trust and goodwill wherever representatives of the year of the Rooster with the element of the year of birth Fire appear. This will help you throughout the year of the Rabbit to be excellent diplomats, for which you will be appreciated and constantly seek your company. As for romantic relationships, they will be simply magnificent, and in the spring they will lead to numerous victories. At this time, representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign will be especially irresistible.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the yellow Rooster (Earth element) - 1969
This year, representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign will be in a hurry to live. You will begin to enjoy every moment you live, and the desire to enjoy any evidence of your existence will become acute. Unfortunately, this type of attitude can lead to neglect of some responsibilities. For example, many will decide: why waste precious time doing everyday things if tomorrow everything will be in disarray again. Such sentiments should be fought, and then success will become a constant companion for representatives of your year of birth in the year of the White Rabbit.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the white Rooster (Metal element) - 1921, 1981
The year will go well. Confusion and disagreements in the family will be resolved. Your health and the health of your loved ones will improve, although prevention should not be neglected. A timely vaccination and a timely examination will allow you and your family members to avoid health problems in the future. Also, in terms of your personal and family life, many happy events await you in 2011, which will leave an imprint on your entire subsequent life.
In 2011, not only will there be no financial problems, moreover, you will come out with remarkable financial results by the end of the year if you can manage your budget rationally and avoid spending on things that are not urgently needed.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the black Rooster (Water element) - 1933, 1993
The planetary influences of the year are such that they will push representatives of your year of birth to extremes. Many of you will be either full of brilliant plans and desires for their implementation, or suddenly disappointed in everything and frozen in wary anticipation. All this will keep the representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign in constant stress. However, there are no indications of serious troubles for you in the year of the Rabbit in your horoscope.

Eastern horoscope for the Dog for 2011 The dog, whose hallmark is justice and loyalty, will finally be able to rest in the coming year. This year she will gain many fans and new friends. Therefore, she will be able to take advantage of this to find a suitable soul mate and formalize the relationship with her. However, she will not have easy success in business. But you shouldn’t be discouraged because of this, you should work harder, with more enthusiasm and positive energy. In any business, focus on improving the quality of your work, and not on resourcefulness and craftiness, then you will achieve excellent success both in moving up the career ladder and in improving your financial results.

Features of the Year of the Rabbit for the Dog (by element of the year of birth)

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the green Dog (Wood element) - 1934, 1994
This year, circumstances will develop in such a way that representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign will find themselves free from their daily chores around the house. As a result, they will spend the freed energy on self-realization and achieve considerable heights in this. In addition, material problems should not arise during this period, which will also free up the hands of representatives of your year of birth on the path to their personal success.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the red Dog (Fire element) - 1946, 2006
In the year of the white Rabbit, many of those born in your year, the year of the red Dog, will become more cautious and modest in their statements and behavior, which, in turn, will contribute to the implementation of some of your projects.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the yellow Dog (Earth element) - 1958
Representatives of your year of birth will experience a calm period. No one will encroach on your home or your business. Things will go smoothly and smoothly in the year of the white Rabbit. Because of all this, representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign may get bored and miss the opportunity to do something significant. This period is favorable for personal initiative, developing new projects and making useful connections.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the white Dog (Metal element) - 1970
This year, the main planetary influences will be aimed at creating the high energy potential of representatives of your year of birth. Constant cosmic recharge will make you incredibly attractive and active. Many of you will be noticed in society and will be assigned the most profitable projects. The Year of the Rabbit is especially favorable for Dogs in terms of working to strengthen their own authority.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the black Dog (Water element) - 1922, 1982
Representatives of your birth year will be quite amused by the circumstances of this year. They will begin to develop in such a way that they will constantly provoke changes in affairs, plans, and moods. Representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign can best express themselves in some hitherto unusual role. We can talk about both the business sphere and hobbies.

Eastern horoscope for the Pig for 2011 The pig, as always conscientious and scrupulous, will finally be able to put all her affairs in order. And this is very useful, because they really need to be strengthened after they were significantly weakened in the crisis year of the tiger.
In the year of the Rabbit, Pigs can defeat their ill-wishers, all those who are used to profiting by taking advantage of their gullibility and kindness. The most important thing is not to let the oppressors get away with it. Representatives of the Year of the Pig, out of the kindness of their hearts, are sometimes ready to forgive offenders a lot, but not this year.

Features of the Year of the Rabbit for the Pig (by element of the year of birth)

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the green Pig (Wood element) - 1935, 1995
2011 promises to be a very pleasant year for the green Pig. Old friends will remember you, your family will appreciate your help and sensitivity, all your creative endeavors will end in inspiration and great success.
In financial terms, minor losses are possible; you should manage your budget more rationally, otherwise you may not have enough money for the things you really need.
Try playing the lottery in 2011, most likely you will be lucky, although you won't expect any big wins.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the red Pig (Fire element) - 1947, 2007
In 2011, the red pig will be able to quite successfully resolve long-standing and protracted matters without unnecessary effort. Feel free to enlist the help of your loved ones and relatives, you will be denied almost nothing.
The financial situation will be generally stable, some troubles are possible at the beginning of the coming year, but over time everything will definitely improve.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for yellow pig(element Earth) - 1959
Fate caresses the young and zealous. Following this motto, representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign can achieve brilliant victories this year, the year of the White Rabbit. They need to forget that everyone considers them modest and inconspicuous; the time has come to cast aside their hesitations and shine.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the white Pig (Metal element) - 1971
This year, the white pig should start implementing its long-conceived ideas and decisions, which for various reasons “didn’t get around to” in the past. 2011 will be successful in many endeavors, but you must show perseverance and determination, otherwise you may lose your “tidbit.”
Take care of the health of your loved ones, they now need care and sensitive attitude more than you.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the black Pig (Water element) - 1923, 1983
For the Black Pig, 2011 will not be a very successful year; troubles at work are possible; your partners will try to treat you dishonestly. Try to make all your decisions thoughtful and balanced, this way you will minimize your losses.
On the contrary, your family and friends will delight you in the coming year. Try to spend more time and effort on your loved ones, it will fully pay off.

Eastern horoscope for the Rat (Mouse) for 2011 The aggressive and contentious Rat (Mouse), despite the fact that he will constantly go on sprees, have fun and have fun, will still be able to make for himself a dizzying career that will be the envy of all his enemies.
Also, the Rat will most likely be lucky enough to find a faithful, reliable friend. So she won’t have to complain about the coming year, because she will be able to fulfill all her desires, even completely unrealistic ones. But the Rat should not be too self-confident, this quality can play a cruel joke on her, because in the coming year, the one who knows how to work hard and honestly and achieve his goals is more likely to win than the witty and talented egoist whose main vice is his laziness.

Features of the Year of the Rabbit for the Rat (by element of the year of birth)

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the green Rat (Wood element) - 1924, 1984
In the coming 2011, the green rat will experience changes for the better; already at the beginning of the year, the green rat will experience career and financial growth, and it is worth making every effort to gain a foothold in a new position. 2011 will bring stability and harmony to your personal life. In summer, it is best to take a recreational trip to water sources: to the sea, ocean, lake. This will help you relax and relieve the stress of the past difficult year of the Tiger.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the red Rat (Fire element) - 1936, 1996
This year of the Rabbit will definitely bring some positive changes. You should not cling to the past and try to pretend that nothing is happening. In this situation, it is best to trust fate and accept changes in some areas of life with a calm soul. Great love is most likely to happen in March. Even experienced representatives of your sign can lose their heads, and neophytes can expect their first experience of all-consuming passion. What is important is to make good use of your leisure time this year. It is best to relax actively and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the yellow Rat (Earth element) - 1948, 2008
In the year of the Cat (Rabbit) in 2011, it is best for the yellow rat to make more efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's never too late or early to start, for example, gentle hardening, swimming, or just make it a rule to spend at least an hour in the fresh air away from highways. This will bear fruit surprisingly quickly and will help you prepare for the next very difficult Year of the Dragon for you.
The coming year will also bring joy to your family; you should spend more time in the warm circle of your home. Take care of arranging your home comfort, you will do great.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the white Rat (Metal element) - 1960
Have a good year. Most people born in your year will live through it at their peak physically, mentally, and emotionally. Professionally, even minor efforts will lead to outstanding results. In the spring, bachelors will find their soulmate. And this person will come to them in waves of love and tenderness. During this period, all other representatives of your sign of the year will be able to establish close relationships with people who are radically different from them. Most likely, there will be interethnic contacts and possible connections with those who hold different religious views. Significant material inflows should be expected.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the black Rat (Water element) - 1972
In 2011, you should be more economical and judicious, otherwise you will not avoid financial losses, sometimes very large ones. The larger the purchase, transaction, etc., the more carefully you should weigh its rationality and effectiveness. In the family, you also shouldn’t be too wasteful, because small expenses often add up to a large sum. Avoid loans, try to make all purchases at your own expense; loans in 2011 can bring you troubles.
In your personal life, on the contrary, stability, cordiality, comfort and warmth await you. Maintain all these positive qualities, spend more time with your loved ones.

Eastern horoscope for the Ox (Ox) for 2011 The life of a simple patient and restrained hard worker Ox cannot be called ideal in this year of the Cat. Although he will finally be left alone at work, and he will be able to seriously do what he loves, all this will not end at all the way the Ox would like. Part of the reason for this is the excessive seriousness of the Ox and his dislike of fuss. He constantly pulls the blanket solely on himself, which is why many will consider him an insufficiently reliable friend and companion. First of all, the Ox will have to deal with his problems and complexes, which will most likely bring him significant relief in life.
By birth, Bulls are not very subtle aesthetes and connoisseurs of beauty, but in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), with its creative atmosphere, Bulls will have a lot of opportunities to slightly ennoble their inner world with a touch of high art. If they do not refuse invitations to exhibitions or to the theater, then soon many of those born in the year of the Ox will be able to speak knowledgeably about things previously inaccessible to their understanding.

Features of the Year of the Rabbit for the Ox (by element of the year of birth)

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the green Ox (Wood element) - 1925, 1985
This year it is important to maintain personal autonomy in your views on life and the processes taking place in the world. Situations may arise more than once when it will be seriously tested. To avoid internal conflict, you should avoid long conversations on ideological topics with people who have a serious influence on representatives of your year of birth. This will help maintain smooth and calm relationships with friends and colleagues. It should be borne in mind that financial problems are likely in the summer.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the red Ox (Fire element) - 1937, 1997
There is a high probability that this year the Oxen of your birth year will want something beyond what they have. Professionally, ruinous adventures are possible. To avoid being in difficult situation, you will have to carefully weigh your desires and capabilities. Married representatives of your sign will experience an intense desire for forbidden love. It is best to refuse it, since adultery will certainly be revealed, and the consequences will be devastating for the family. Bachelors also have love adventures ahead of them. However, consequences for them are also likely in the form of matrimonial or health-related problems. As for your general well-being, frequent headaches are likely in the summer.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the yellow Ox (Earth element) - 1949
A difficult year. Problems are likely in many areas. It is important to remain calm. The situation will change quite quickly. Many representatives of your year of birth may be visited by a certain feeling, the memories of which will last for a long time. Family members, especially elderly parents, will require more attention this year.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the white Ox (Metal element) - 1961
Most of all, this year will be remembered for love experiences. The influence of planetary aspects is such that it will constantly keep you in suspense. A very romantic relationship with your own spouse or new love is likely. In terms of well-being, problems with the digestive system are possible. You should pay closer attention to the quality of products. In the period from mid-spring to mid-summer 2011, emotional instability is possible. She can become a source of problems if you don't get your thoughts in order and keep your mouth shut.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the black Ox (Water element) - 1913, 1973
This year, a certain feeling may invade stable emotional relationships with lovers. In order not to lose a devoted partner, it is important to maintain internal integrity. Professionally, there is a lot of work to be done. It is necessary to alternate it with active recreation, which will help avoid health problems. It should be borne in mind that major professional success is more than likely, but this can lead to intrigue from ill-wishers. If there is a rift in relations with one of your family or friends, the best moment for reconciliation will come in May.

Eastern horoscope for Tiger for 2011 Passionate and energetic Tigers will be able to rest and relax in the coming year. It is not recommended for the Tigers to maintain the momentum gained in the previous period. Many Tigers simply do not know how to relax, and yet they will have to try, otherwise they will experience exhaustion of physical and mental strength, and some may even become seriously ill.
Overall, 2011 will be a good year for the Tigers. Many people who interfere and harm them will most likely leave their lives and leave no trace behind them. In the coming year, Tigers are advised to focus on their family and organizing their personal lives; peace and tranquility await you in this area; single Tigers may start a family next year.

Features of the Year of the Rabbit for the Tiger (by element of the year of birth)

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the green Tiger (Wood element) - 1974
In the coming year, avoid dubious financial transactions; they will mostly lead to financial losses. It is better to refrain from loans; it is also undesirable to lend to the Tigers themselves, about this kind financial transactions you will most likely regret it later. In spring and summer, a pleasant acquaintance is possible, which can develop into serious relationship.
In the coming year, take responsibility for your health. Ailments are possible precisely because the necessary examinations were carried out untimely.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the red Tiger (Fire element) - 1926, 1986
The most significant event of the year will probably be serious financial difficulties. Eliminating them will require efforts, which, however, will bring moral satisfaction, since they will serve as a trigger for the disclosure of creative and business abilities. In addition, you will always feel the support of your friends. In April, you should abandon risky ventures. Walking in the fresh air will help you maintain good health.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the yellow Tiger (Earth element) - 1938, 1998
2011 will pass surprisingly calmly for the yellow Tiger, without shocks. It is best to devote this year to your health and self-development. Read classical literature, visit an exhibition, a theater. You should spend more time with your family and friends.
Financially, the coming year will be unsuccessful, but you should not worry about it. Be patient, in the next 2012 Dragon, great success and ups await you.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the white Tiger (Metal element) - 1950
This year you should slightly limit your eating habits. This does not mean that you need to completely give up heavy and spicy foods, but it is still better to stick to the diet. Concerning professional occupations, then a number of happy accidents are likely here. It's important to take advantage of them. Nothing will come true by itself. In addition, in situations related to money, you should act only and exclusively with cold calculation.

Year of the Cat (Rabbit) for the black Tiger (element Water) - 1902, 1962
This year, representatives of your year of birth will become more interested in life's pleasures, rather than ordinary battles for power and material wealth. Meetings with friends will greatly contribute to this. Professionally, the year still promises to be quite stressful, but thanks to the special favor of heaven, many problems will begin to be resolved on their own. You should not be so persistent in caring for your own children. Excessive care this year can only do harm.

The characteristics of rabbits are more positive, since by their nature they are a harmless animal that can cause delight and tenderness.

A rabbit can fit into almost any company, as it has leadership traits. Distinctive character traits include the following:






His character is distinguished by his gentleness; such people constantly need to take care of and protect someone. Very often, because of their positive characteristics, rabbits are envied. But even in such cases, they rarely show aggression and anger towards their opponents. It is these qualities that distinguish the sign from other signs of the horoscope.

Rabbit horoscope

They are hardworking and go towards their goals. The distinctive features of these individuals include determination, intelligence and intelligence. Cats understand that not everything in life can be achieved easily, and therefore are ready to constantly work on themselves.

Their priority is family, and they can be called household members. Therefore, male cats become wonderful husbands and fathers, and women become housewives and keepers of the hearth.

Rabbits also love nature and animals, so they love to go hiking and spend their leisure time in nature.

Their career and money are completely unimportant to them; they value human relations with other people - and therefore are ready to come to the aid of even a stranger.

Despite the calmness of the animal, there are also situations when a person can explode and show his emotionality in a bad way. Also, astrology develops in such a way that rabbits can be thrown out of balance when they try to disturb their spiritual state and disturb the peace that they have been trying to build for so long.

The eastern horoscope characterizes the cat as a simple person who obeys many people, but among them there are also people who are in prestigious positions. But such a characteristic is quite acceptable for a Chinese sign, because rabbits are very smart and quick-witted - and, therefore, they will be able to control people. Therefore, their financial situation improves at lightning speed - and all because people know how to spend money wisely and increase their budget

Personalities of this sign are very good at fantasizing and in their dreams they imagine a fictional life.

Rabbit and compatibility

If we talk about the compatibility of signs that can get along with a cat, then, first of all, these are the signs of a boar and a dog. The rabbit also gets along well with a rabbit and a goat.

But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get along with a rooster. It will also be difficult for this sign to live with a tiger, although with good relationships their union can become long and strong.

As for love relationships, people in the year of the cat can behave differently. One type of person tries to fully know their partner and penetrate their life. The other one just wants a stable relationship. It is very important for cats to be understood, loved and respected. It is also important for them to know that they can trust and rely on someone.

Representatives of this sign have never been deprived of attention - since many people dream of such partners. Most often, the rabbit makes plans for the future, otherwise he does not see the point of a joint union. But due to its high demands on a partner, most often it is not easy for a cat to find a worthy partner.

In general, the characteristics of this sign are positive; rabbits are soft and trusting individuals who need care, love and understanding. Cats do not strive to be a leader; it is more important for them to be themselves.

The Rabbit (Cat) always “falls on its feet.” The owner of a bright personality, he is gifted with talents, moderately ambitious, moderately modest, refined and virtuous, distinguished good taste and understanding of beauty. Society loves him and he loves society. The rabbit is very friendly towards strangers and is able to treat them like family. He true friend and a devoted comrade, gentle and affectionate towards those whom he loves and who he likes.

The distinctive qualities of the Rabbit are its intelligence and intelligence, lightning-fast reaction to stimuli, quick analysis and appropriate response. He moves towards his life goal persistently and persistently, well understanding that not everything he wants in life can be achieved right away. Here his optimism, hope and faith in the future always helps him.

The rabbit, as a rule, most of all loves his own home and his family, which he takes care of, protects and protects as much as possible. The Rabbit has both strong romantic feelings and a sentimental streak - a deep love for nature and animals.

One of distinctive features Rabbit - the ability to tune in to other people, understand them and help them, work for the benefit of progress and happiness. In professional life, in leadership positions, they are distinguished by strong feeling responsibility to their team and society.

The Rabbit has a calm, calm disposition, although at times he can be extremely emotional. He is often torn apart by strong internal contradictions. On the one hand, he can be cautious and does not undertake anything without weighing the pros and cons in advance, but on the other hand, he impulsively and recklessly undertakes any risky undertaking.

The rabbit is irritated by everything that could shake his peaceful, familiar daily way of life. He also cannot bear any reasons that cause any complications in his personal life. For successful and productive work he requires not only comfort, but also security.

Most Rabbits have excellent business qualities: they are enterprising, conscientious in their work, and have a strong sense of duty and responsibility. They are very careful in their work - to the point of pedantry; everything is important to them, even the most insignificant details.

Rabbits have a rich imagination and a lively, vivid imagination, which connects them with the world of arts and crafts. A small circle of like-minded bosom friends is much dearer and closer to them than the rest of the world combined. Authority, prestige, and reputation are gained by them only by qualities of character and acquired knowledge. In the field of their profession and hobbies, Rabbits are recognized specialists and experts, although, on the other hand, they may have absolutely no understanding of other industries.

The financial situation of Rabbits has developed very successfully over the years. Financially, they are also almost always successful; they are dexterous and enterprising in business and transactions. They have a special gift - to grab a happy opportunity right on the go and take advantage of it.

Rabbit women can shine in all types of activities that require special taste, understanding of beauty and hospitality. Melancholy, characteristic of many Rabbit women, is in fact one of the main reasons for their charm and charm, their attractive power.

The Rabbit's life will be calm only when he consciously avoids exceptional situations, dramatic events, and avoids obstacles. And wars and revolutions, natural disasters and disasters do not bother him until they affect himself or his loved ones. He will offer the most ardent resistance to anything that can shake his calm.

Sociable Rabbits, pleasant and cute, polite and sincere, helping others get out of difficult situations, have good control over their feelings. The closed type of Rabbits, with a penchant for solitude and meditation, displays noticeable timidity and shyness when communicating. At the same time, they have deep feelings and sensations, and are often endowed with the gift of clairvoyance and divination.

Many eastern peoples see in the Rabbit the bearer of God's spark, who inherited the strength and skill of ancient priests, shamans, and sorcerers.


RABBIT and RAT. The marriage union is unfavorable. The Rabbit is offended by the unscrupulousness and boasting of the Rat, and he has to spend a lot of energy trying to resist the temptation to destroy her. Friendship between them is unrealistic, because the Rabbit has special feelings for her - far from friendly. Business relationships are also unpromising, and even dangerous for the Rat.

RABBIT and BULL. Here everything depends on the behavior of the Ox. In a marriage union, only the Rabbit should command the parade, and the Ox’s job is to obey and, of course, work as hard as possible. Friendship is possible within the framework of good social relations. Business relationships are also possible, but the Rabbit can abuse the Ox’s patience, exploiting him until he sweats.

RABBIT and TIGER. This union is very problematic, although the Tiger really likes the peaceful and calm nature of the Rabbit, and the latter is impressed by the scope and many positive qualities of the Tiger. However, the relationship between them becomes strained after some time, followed by separation. Friendship here is always in question, because they lack mutual understanding in the full sense of the word. Business relationships are possible because both partners complement each other in many ways. The Rabbit's caution goes well with the Tiger's courage and audacity.

RABBIT and RABBIT. This union is not only possible, but certain conditions can become very happy. And this requires little - one of them must unquestioningly obey the will of the other. The friendship between them can be strong and long-lasting. Business relationships can give excellent results, especially if they have a joint office - a lawyer or notary, a psychological or medical clinic, etc.

RABBIT and DRAGON. The Dragon likes the Rabbit's compliance, his constant optimism and goodwill, although the Rabbit is embarrassed by the Dragon's thirst for power. If both partners come to a compromise, the marriage will be good and calm. The friendship between them is already quite problematic, if not worse. Business relations will go well if the Rabbit limits himself to the role of an adviser, and the Dragon himself will decide any issue.

RABBIT and SNAKE. A good marriage is possible. There is often a strong attraction between them at first sight, the first meeting. But so that this spontaneous sympathy does not turn into antipathy, they must control their feelings and emotions. The friendship between them takes the form of long and passionate conversations, where who outsmarts whom. Business relationships will simply flourish provided that both work.

RABBIT and HORSE. Marriage is possible because they have a lot in common. The Horse's cheerfulness and gaiety goes well with the Rabbit's philanthropy and always open soul. This is also facilitated by the Rabbit’s efforts to be an understanding partner. At the same time, they must avoid mutual irritation and minor skirmishes. The friendship between them will be strong and long-lasting. Business relationships can be like real sports spectacles, useful and beneficial to both.

RABBIT and GOAT. A good union. They are brought together by artistic taste, rich imagination and a bright, vivid imagination. They get along well with each other, while the Rabbit knows how to create comfort and coziness, not paying attention to the whims and quirks of his Goat. The friendship is strengthened by the love of both partners for the world of art. Business relationships will again be successful in cooperation and especially in liberal professions.

RABBIT and MONKEY. A successful marriage is possible. It doesn’t even bother them that they each look at the world from their own bell tower. The secret of their happy life together is that the Rabbit takes care of the Monkey, and she happily entertains him. The friendship between them is strong and lasting. Business relations, however, are unpromising.

RABBIT and ROOSTER. Unpromising marriage. The Rooster is the opposite of the Rabbit in both good and bad ways. The Rabbit cannot stand the Rooster in his house because of his eternal fanfare and performances staged on the home stage. Friendship between them does not work out: the Rooster is too noisy for the Rabbit, it often tires him. Business relationships can end very badly for the Rooster. Here the Rabbit is as secretive as his partner.

RABBIT and DOG. Favorable union. If they both remain faithful to each other, then they are guaranteed happiness in marriage. Friendship between them is also possible on top level. For a Dog, a Rabbit can become a reliable confidant, even if it is not always able to provide it with specific help and support. Business relationships are simply perfect! Here the Rabbit’s hard work and efficiency, his gentle character and calm disposition meet the Dog’s loyalty and devotion, as well as its realism and practical inclinations.

RABBIT and PIG. An alliance between them is possible, because the partners have a lot in common. Their life together will go without disputes and quarrels, without complications and discord, provided that the Pig is faithful. Friendship between them is also possible if only they avoid big society. Business relations are very promising. The Rabbit will contribute to this with its agility and dexterity, and the Pig will strengthen them with success. By working together they can make a fortune.

Years of birth according to the sign of the Cat (Rabbit) – 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Cat (Rabbit) Woman – Personality Characteristics

In eastern astrology it is believed that people, both men and women, born in. This is a sign that has many subtle shades and nuances that are difficult to express in words.

Already in the sign of the Cat (Rabbit) the “Yin” energy predominates. That is why the Cat (Rabbit) woman is unusually attractive, feminine, and graceful. Her movements are smooth and graceful. She is charming and has good taste. The only thing is that her maternal instinct is not very developed. She rarely sacrifices her ambitions for the sake of her children and family as a whole.

The Catwoman (Rabbit) is the embodiment of the image of the dark “mother earth”. She is usually very sexy, possessing an inner magnetism that is difficult to define and independent of her appearance, although most often she is very attractive.

It is difficult to speak logically with a Cat (Rabbit) woman. Even when, due to circumstances, she operates with specific numbers and facts, her thinking is still in the irrational sphere, in the field of intuition, supersensible, transcendental perception. She is characterized by an orientation towards internal harmony. Perhaps that is why, when communicating, she demonstrates wise calm, courtesy, good manners, shows kindness and a craving for beauty. Her soft speech, elegance of manners and agility of action are the necessary traits of a successful diplomat or a seasoned politician.

The Catwoman (Rabbit) seems soft and obedient. This misleads many people. This woman has an incredibly strong will and self-confidence, because in her soul she feels like a Tiger.

The Rabbit Woman (Cat) is emotional and unpredictable. Knows how to achieve his goals. Some consider her cunning, others dexterous, but she is not bothered by the opinions of others. Her diplomatic talent and good manners help her avoid conflicts. She strives for a calm, peaceful life and, unlike the Tiger woman, does not seek adventure. She does not make rash acts and does not make promises without first weighing the pros and cons.

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is an amazing housewife. She in itself is already a symbol of home warmth and comfort. And she feels very confident and in full strength at home. Therefore, she loves to receive guests, is polite to them, kind and courteous. A woman born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is a homebody who, nevertheless, appreciates the pleasure of public life. Thanks to her secrecy and innate delicacy, she gains many loyal friends.

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is not inclined to compete with men, which further increases her irresistibility in their eyes. But, as they say, “the cat walks on its own.” She loves attention, loves social gatherings and any events where she could “shine.” She tries to show her culture and education wherever she can. She is always looking for the right moment to show off her erudition. In addition, she has a great sense of humor and amazing artistry. Do not forget that gossip, intrigue, amorous adventures are all her native element.

Woman of the Year Cat (Rabbit) - love and family

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is always fashionably dressed, elegant and sophisticated. She pays a lot of attention and time to her appearance and spends hours spinning in front of the mirror. She is attractive and loves entertainment, is very popular among men and is always surrounded by a crowd of admirers.

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) knows that she was created for love and wants to be loved. She is unusually tender with those she loves and knows their tastes and habits very well. And if love is mutual, then it simply blooms with happiness.

The Cat Woman (Rabbit), as well as the man born under this sign, is extremely sensitive to the world around him and attaches great importance to everyday life, as well as the interior decoration of the house. Their homes, as a rule, are well furnished, there are fireplaces in the living rooms, and there are always fresh flowers in vases. This helps them maintain spiritual comfort and attracts many friends to their home. A woman born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) never spares money for her home. she is ready to spend hours walking through antique stores looking for exactly the furniture that she is ready to buy. By the way, she is naturally endowed with the ability to negotiate and bargain. At times, the Cat (Rabbit) woman is very stubborn, and then it is not easy to deal with her. She often invites guests to show off the beauty of her home. She is neat and can become hysterical if someone accidentally spills red wine on the carpet. She is so obsessed with order that after the guests leave, she does a thorough cleaning.

Because life without feelings and emotions has no meaning for her. Women born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), before starting a family, need to think carefully and listen to their own hearts. For them, feelings are the most important element of harmony. These women are great experts on people, and almost clairvoyants in love relationships. And if they forget about their intuition, they instantly find themselves in an unpleasant situation. And after marriage, these women need to think carefully about whether it is worth continuing to work or whether it is better to stay at home. Most often, Cat (Rabbit) women are very happy in the role of a housewife. In the kitchen, the Cat Woman (Rabbit) works wonders. She remains in control, even if she continues to work.

Of the men, the Cat (Rabbit) woman, first of all, chooses the one who could provide her with stability and support. And already on the first date she assesses whether this candidate can cope with this role, whether he can fit into her long-term plans and be a good father for her future children. She will never be interested in a man who has a reputation as a flighty and womanizer, a dubious business partner, even if she is fascinated by him. She won't want to get involved with him because she understands that life is constant voltage, suspicions of treason and betrayal will inevitably lead her to complete emotional exhaustion. It happens that they idealize their partners too much and wait for years for a prince from a fairy tale, and then, tired of loneliness, they marry for convenience. It even happens that a Cat (Rabbit) woman starts a relationship only in order to finally feel safe and find her “stable” place in life. The modern world seems quite dangerous and aggressive to her, and that is why in a partner she values ​​fidelity, devotion, and tenderness above all else.

The Rabbit Woman (Cat) adheres to traditions when it comes to the sphere of feelings and relationships. And even if she is in love with a man, she will never be the first to take the initiative and will passively wait for him to “ripe.” Usually, female Rabbits (Cats) behave very carefully and try to check the purity of the thoughts of their suitors. And don’t let those be deceived by this apparent indecisiveness and charming smile.

A man who decides to win the heart of a Cat (Rabbit) woman will have a hard time. Despite her quiet, easy-going character, a fiery temperament lies dormant in the soul of the Cat (Rabbit) woman. That's why she doesn't like weak men. In choosing a life partner, this woman is guided only by reason and does not allow her mind to be clouded by romantic and erotic impulses. You need to show patience and tenderness with her, because after a long and seemingly hopeless courtship, at the moment of greatest despair, the gentleman, instead of the expected resignation, finds reciprocity of feelings. It’s good to invite this woman to a restaurant where the chefs know their job very well. Most often, she is well informed about cuisine and wines, which will become a wonderful topic for conversation and help attract attention. The Cat Woman (Rabbit) attaches great importance to good manners.

Common musical tastes are a good key to winning over this woman, because few people understand music as well as people born in these years. And one more important point. Speaking about the future, it is worth painting a woman a picture of living in a large house, well equipped and surrounded by a large garden. A “domesticated” Cat woman (Rabbit) will not be able to resist such fantastic prospects for communication. However, remember that you will have to do all this later.

The Catwoman (Rabbit) has great problems expressing feelings. Therefore, the man may have to wait for many years until this woman can fully open up. But, after the mask of indifference falls, you will see that there are huge reserves of love and tenderness hidden there. Therefore, it is not surprising that she feels very bad when she is alone. As soon as an opportunity arises, immediately tell the Cat (Rabbit) woman how important she is to you. Give her gifts: flowers, perfume, and even a pan scraper. The scope of your gesture of attention is not so important - small or large, for her in any case it will mean a lot.

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is the ideal homemaker. She is able to provide her loved ones with the warmth that she herself needs so much. Home and family for women born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) are sacred. They hate separations, divorces, their connections are stable even when they bring them few positive emotions, which, by the way, negatively affects their health.

In order for family life to develop successfully, the Cat (Rabbit) woman should not show her emancipation and take on excessive responsibility in marriage.

Horoscope of the Cat (Rabbit) woman – career

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is a very sensitive, friendly, sincere woman, talented in many areas. She is able to shine in all types of activities that require refined taste, hospitality, an understanding of beauty and good manners. She is always ready to show everyone around her her sophistication, high culture, subtle taste and erudition, although all her knowledge, most often, is superficial. For a man working out political activity or big business, she will be simply an ideal wife, brilliantly coping with all social responsibilities. In addition, this woman is able to give practical advice and enhance the brilliance of her partner.

The Cat (Rabbit) woman is also charming in the role of a businesswoman. Many men are ready to selflessly help her in her work, just to feel her charming gaze. The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is diplomatic and courteous, making her an excellent leader and organizer. She gets along well with others, respects the opinions of the majority and sincerely wants everyone to be happy. She has a very subtle intuition, allowing her to foresee many events. She knows how to negotiate, make profitable deals, plan time and distribute forces in order to win before others have time to come to their senses. The Cat (Rabbit) woman shows special talent in trading.

As a rule, natural caution, diplomacy and tact allow the Cat (Rabbit) woman to create harmonious relationships with people in any area. They can do any job, play any role, but only in a team where they are valued and respected. Cat Woman (Rabbit) is a wonderful colleague and employee. She is a sincere and sensitive person with a good sense of humor. She is always ready to listen and cheer you up. It costs her nothing to defuse the tense atmosphere of a business lunch. Thanks to their scrupulousness and professional integrity, they become excellent employees, often working better than others. But excessive modesty, reluctance to stick out and excessive caution leave them on the sidelines. Yes, the Cat (Rabbit) woman does not strive to occupy a leadership position. It is more important for her to arrange her family life than to show excessive ambitions and risk peace in the family.
