Where is the jugular vein - photo, anatomy and treatment of the pathologies of the metering vein. Jugular vein jugular and subclavian vein

Vienna inner ear diploic and emissary veins Brain veins

Vienna heads and neck

The main venous collector, where the venous blood is assembled from the head and neck, is inner jugular vein, v. Jugularis Interna.. It extends from the base of the skull to the pressed hole, where it merges with a connector vena, V. SUBCLAVIA, forming a shoulder vein, v. brachiocephalica.

The inner jugular vein collects most of the venous blood from the skull cavity and the soft tissues of the head and the neck organs.

In addition to the inner jugular veins, venous blood from soft tissues of the head and neck also collects outdoor jugular vein, v. Jugularis Externa..

Outdoor jugular vein

Outdoor jugular vein, v. Jugularis Externa. (Fig.,), is formed at the level of the angle of the lower jaw under the ear sink by the fusion of two venous trunks: a large anastomosis between the outer jugular vein and the negotiable velana, V. Retromandibularis, and formed behind the ear shell rear ear veins, V. Auricularis Posterior.

The outer jugular vein from the place of its formation is descended to fall down on the outer surface of the breast-curable-cottage muscle, laying directly under the subcutaneous muscle of the neck. Approximately in the middle of the length of the breast-curable-bed-like muscle, it reaches its rear edge and follows it; Without reaching the clavicle, it penetrates through the surface fascia of the neck and falls into a subclavian vein or into the inner jugular vein, and sometimes in the venous angle - the place of confluence V. Jugularis Interna and V. SUBCLAVIA. The outer jugular vein has valves.

The following veins fall into the outer jugular vein.

  1. Rear ear vein, v. Auricularis Posterior., collects venous blood from a surface plexus, located behind the ear shell. It has a connection with the deputyid emissary vein, V. Emissaria Mastoidea.
  2. Groove branch, v. Occipitalis, collects venous blood from the venous plexus of the head. Flips into the outer jugular vein below the rear ear. Sometimes, accompanying the occipital artery, the occipital vein flows into the inner jugular vein.
  3. Uplopathic vein, v. Suprascapularis, accompanies the artery of the same name in the form of two trunks, which are connected to one barrel, which flows into the end section of the outer jugular vein or into a subclavian vein.
  4. Cross veins of neck, VV. TRANSVERSAE CERVICIS.are satellites of the artery of the same name, and sometimes they fall into a common barrel with an appropriate vein.
  5. Front jugular vein, v. Jugularis Anterior., It is formed from the skin veins of the chin area, it is directed down near the midline, clutching at the outer surface of the maxillary-speaking muscle on the outer surface, and then on the front surface of the sternum-thyroid muscle. Over the jugular paper cutting, the front jugular veins of both sides come into the interfascial coupling space and are connected to each other by means of well-developed anastomosis - yarem Venosus Arc, Arcus Venosus Jugularis. Then the front jugular vein deviates the dodder and, having passed behind m. SternocleIdomastoideus., flows into the outer jugular vein before putting it into a subclavian vein, less often flows into a plug-in vein.

It can be noted that the front jugular veins of both sides sometimes merge, forming the median vein of the neck.

Inner jugular vein

Inner jugular vein, v. Jugularis Interna. (Fig.; see fig. ,,), begins in the jugular hole of the skull, occupying his back, large, part. The initial division of Vienna is somewhat expanded - this top bulbs of the inner jugular vein, Bulbus Superior V. Jugularis.. From the bulb, the trunk of the inner jugular vein goes down, bearing first to the rear surface of the inner carotid artery, and then to the front surface of the outer carotid artery.

From the level of the upper edge of the larynx, the inner jugular vein on each side is located together with the overall carotid artery, a. Carotis Communis, and a wandering nerve, n. Vagus, on the deep muscles of the neck, behind M. SternocleIdomastoideus, in a common connected vagina and forms a vascular-nerving beam of the neck. In this beam V. Jugularis Interna lies laterally as well. CAROTIS Communis - medial, n. Vagus - between them and behind.

Above the level of the breast-clearable joint, at the lower end of the inner jugular vein, before it is connected to the connector vein, the extension is formed - lower bulb internal jugular vein, Bulbus Inferior v. Jugularis..

In its upper part and the fusion site with a plug-in vein, the bulb has valves.

Behind the breast-clearable joint, the inner jugular vein merges with the subclavian and forms a shoulder vein, v. brachiocephalica. The right inner jugular vein is often developed stronger than the left.

All branches of the inner jugular vein are divided into intracranial and extra charge.

Intracranial branches

The intracranial branches of the inner jugular veins include: 1) Sinuses of a solid cerebral shell, Sinus Durae Matris; 2) Veins of the orbit, VV. ophthalmicae; 3) veins of the inner ear, VV. Labyrinthi; 4) diploral veins, VV. Diploicae; 5) Brain veins, VV. Cerebri.

Jugular Vienna (from Lat. Vena Jugularis) is the structure of vessels that contribute to the blood outflow from the cervical hotel and head into a plug-in vein.

The metering veins are very important vessel trunks that prevent stagnation of blood in the brain cavity, while entering serious pathological conditions.

Veins of heads and necks, helping blood to remove from the brain are divided into three varieties of jugular veins - internal, outdoor and front.

Where is the bright vein?

Since the jugular vein includes three separate vessels, the anatomy of their location separately.

Internal bright vein (yap)

The most widely veins is the inner vein, or in the lat. Vena Interna). In the width, this vessel reaches twenty millimeters and has thin walls. This allows it to be easily expanding at a pressure and narrowed when pushing the blood.

This contains in its aspect a number of valves, which carry out the outflow of the desired amount of blood.

This jugular vein characterizes its construct scheme. It starts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe jugular hole, which is localized by the cranial box. After the inner vein comes out of the hole, it is expanding its lumen, and the upper bulb is formed.

Now this vein contains the surface tissues of the cervical seal, it becomes the rear outer part from the place where the carotid artery of the person passes, then there is a slight displacement of it into the front part, with the location before the carotid artery.

The arterial vessel keeps the way through a wide capacity, along with a wandering nerve and a carotid artery. It is here that the most powerful bunch of arteries consisting of a carotid artery and inner jugular vein is created.

Before entering the plug-in vein, in the back of the clavicle and sternum, it expands its lumen once again, which is referred to as the bottom bulb, after which it flows into a subclavian vein.

It is in this place that the shoulder Vienna starts. The localization of the valves is occurring at the bottom of the bottom of the bulbs and when pushing into a subclavian vein.

Blood entering this vein comes from the cranial tributaries, which can be localized both inside the skull and outside it. The flow of blood from the inner vessels of the skull comes from the brain vessels, eye, hearing vessels, as well as the sinuses of the brain solid shell.

If the tributary goes from the outer part of the cranial box, the blood comes from soft tissues of the head, the outer skin of the cranial box and face. Both external and internal tributaries are connected through emissary holes penetrating the bone holes of the cranial box.

Outdoor jugular vein (navid)

A more narrowed clearance characterizes the outer jugular vein, and its localization occurs in the area where cervical tissues are located. This artery transports blood flows from the facial zone, the outer part of the cervical and head.

Notifling quite simply visuals when exposed to tension on the body (cry, cough, cervical voltage).

The beginning of this vein occurs during the lower corner of the jaw, after which it should be down through the external part of the muscle, to which the grower and the clavicle is attached, crossing it in the lower and rear parts. Next, it is located above the clavicle and flows into a plug-in vein, and with it and the yugular vein.

This vein has two valves that are in the primary department and in the middle part of the cervical.

Front jugular vein (after)

The main task of this vein is the outflow of blood from the chin, and it is localized from the outside of the middle line of the cervical. This vein rushes down through the muscles of the jaw and language, or rather on its front. The venous arc on the right and the left is connected to the outer jugular veloy in rare cases, forming one median vein of the cervical.

Photo of the jugular vein on the neck

Etheasia internal jugular veins, what is it?

This is a pathological condition at which the jugular vein is expanded (dilatation). Diagnostation can occur both in a child and in people an adult age category, regardless of gender. The identity name is phlebectasia.

The origin of the disease is due to the insufficiency of the valves of the jugular vein. Such a condition entails stagnant phenomena, or pathologies of other structures and organs.

The risk factors are the elderly age categories and sexuality, as women suffer from the ectasia more than men.

With old age, it is caused by the result of the aging of the body and the weakening of the tissues of the vessels, or varicose veins of the veins. And, in the case of women, the progression of the disease is due to hormonal restructures.

Pathological expansion of the reasons:

  • Long flights that are accompanied by blood stagnation in veins and a violation of healthy blood circulation;
  • Traumatic situations;
  • Tumor formations, squeezing veins in one place, which leads to expansion in the other;
  • Heart pathology;
  • Abnormal Gomon Development;
  • Blood cancer;
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

To trace explicitly pronounced signs of expansion of the inner jugular vein is almost no possible, since it is localized deep in tissues, unlike the outer veins.

The latter is perfectly visible under the skin in front of the cervical seed.

The main signs of the existence of the inner jugular vein may not be manifested at all, and with external manifestations there is only an outdoor increase in veins along its barrel, which does not look aesthetically.

If the size of veins is large, then painful sensations are possible in the cervical department, which become stronger when screaming, singing and other loads.

What is characteristic of the phlebitis?

The most frequent factor in the progression of phlebitis is inflammation in the middle ear, or the tissues of the mastoid process.

With inflammation of the thrombus and its embolism, contaminated particles can circulate in all the bloodstream, settled in unforeseen places.

Also, factors can be:

  • Infectious damage;
  • Traumatic situations and bruises;
  • Distribution of the drug in the tissues around the vessel.
  • Pain;
  • Swelling;
  • Swelling;
  • Signs of damage to the body toxins;
  • Acceleration of heart cuts;
  • Rash;
  • Fever;
  • Hard breath.

Aneurysm of the Yarem Vienna

It is a rare pathological condition that manifests itself in children of age category from 2 to 7 years.

The factor provoking the improper development of the wall of the vessel (protrusion) is the incorrect development of the fetus inside the womb. The manifestation of the protrusion occurs with a laugh, scream, or other loads, in the form of an increase in the lumen of the jugular vein.

The main features are:

  • Sleep disorders;
  • Fast fatigue;
  • Headaches;
  • Restless condition.

Thrombosis of the Yarem Vienna

The overlap of the vessel, the thrombus entails failures in normal blood circulation. Blood clutch can overlap the sigular hole, which will entail a collection of local blood circulation.

The main provoking factors are:

  • Pathological states of internal organs, inflammatory processes, or infectious diseases;
  • Postoperative complications;
  • The consequence of catheterization;
  • Tumor education;
  • Blood coagulation pathology;
  • Consumption of hormonal drugs;
  • A long period of immobility.

It is possible to determine the thrombosis of the metering vein on the following features:

  • Pain in the head and the cervical department when turning the head;
  • Manifestation of a free viewing venous mesh;
  • Female swelling;
  • In some cases, pain in hand is noted.

The rupture of the metering vein, in most cases, ends with a fatal outcome, as large internal bleeding occurs.

Diagnosis of pathologies

At the first visit, the doctor listens all the patient's complaints, studies history and conducts a primary examination for the presence of external explicit symptoms.

If the specialist suspects the pathology of the jugular vein, they can assign an ultrasonic duplex study of the vessels of the cervical. Based on this study, pathological disorders of the vessel walls are accurately diagnosed.

Tire treatment

With the ecctasia of the metering vein there is no need for treatment, since the defect is extremely cosmetic. Clean it using a vessel dressing on one side. In the process of such an impact, blood circulation goes into vessels on the other side.

That is, if Vienna sank to the left, it is tied up, and the bloodstream is sent to the right jugular vein.


With thrombophlebitis, the patient needs an operational removal of the affected vessel, with the removal of its thrombus. And with the unilateral blockage of the metering veins, drug treatment methods are used.

And to eliminate the protrusion, malformation is applied.

For treatment, the following drugs are used:

  • . It helps to effectively compact the walls of the vessels, increasing the level of flexibility, restores nutrition to tissues by substances, has a positive effect on the central nervous system. This drug slightly dilutes blood, expands the vessels, improves blood circulation, and favorably affects the metabolic processes in the cerebral subcortex;
  • Phlebodia. It is used in preventive purposes, at the starting stages of the pathology of the vessels and is recommended to women who carry a child, and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The tool eliminates edema, inflammatory processes, favorably affects the walls of the vessels, increases the tone of small-sized vessels;
  • Diclofenak. Effectively removes the heat, anesthetics and relieves inflammation. It is applied after operating interventions and traumatic situations, to remove the eductions and pain;
  • Ibuprofen.. Effectively removes the temperature, inflammatory processes and anesthetics. This preparation cannot be addictive, and also does not have a negative impact on the central nervous system;
  • Detralex. It helps reduce the permeability of small-sized vessels, and has efficacy in venous insufficiency and varicoses. Contraindication is the use of women who feed the babies.

What is the catheterization of the metering vein?

For the introduction of injections and conducting punctures, doctors use vessels localized on the right side.

The use of this method of treatment is necessary when the elbow, or a gaul-oil pump prevents the procedure, or the local application of medicines is necessary.

The catheterization of the jugular vein


Prevention on the prevention of lesion of the jugular vein is general to maintain the normal state of the vessels.

  • Once a year to undergo a scheduled surveywhich will help diagnose possible pathologies in the early stages of development;
  • Maintaining water balance. Drinking about one and a half liters of pure drinking water per day;
  • Proper nutrition. Must contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, for the elasticity of the walls of the vessels;
  • Carefully study the instructions of drugs, in order to avoid allergic manifestations, which lead to inflammation of vessels;
  • More active lifestyle. Daily outdoor walks are recommended;
  • In time to treat infectious diseases;
  • Compliance with the regime of the day. The working day must contain a sufficient number of rest and healthy sleep.

Video: Outdoor and front jugular vein.

What is the forecast?

Forecasting is made in each individual case of lesion of the jugular vein. If Vienna struck the existence, the treatment is not required, just need to eliminate the cosmetic defect, in which case the forecast is favorable.

When thrombing the jugular veins, blood access is overlapped to separate heads of the head, which is already a more dangerous situation. Oxygen fasting, which will lead to the ignition of brain tissues and a possible fatal outcome.

Any defects of the walls of the jugular vein can lead to its rupture, which will lead to strong internal bleeding. In most cases, patients are dying, as they are outside the hospital.

Very often, patients who come to the reception to a surgeon or cardiologist receive such a diagnosis as the expansion of the jugular vein on the neck, the causes of this pathological state can be different. Each person who has revealed such a disease should know, because of which the disease arose, which symptoms it is accompanied, and what consequences can develop in the body if it does not begin treatment in time.

Brief certificate

The expansion of the metering vein (the other name of this disease is phlebectasia) is a pathology in which the work of venous valves located throughout the vessel is disturbed. Valves lose their immediate functions and cease freely to produce blood from veins, as a result of which the vessel swells, stretches and deform.

Because of such a pathological process, the blood flow begins to be divided into a circulatory system unevenly, the problem begins to concern not only one jugular vein, but also the entire venous network as a whole.

Why arises

The reasons for which the phlebectasia of the jugular vein are developing can be the most different.

Most often, the pathological condition arises due to the following factors:

  1. injury and damage to the neck, back, head, spine (incl. fractures);
  2. brain concussion;
  3. sedentary lifestyle;
  4. long stay in an uncomfortable posture;
  5. cardiovascular diseases (heart failure, ischemia, increased pressure, etc.);
  6. chronic spinal sickness (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, etc.);
  7. damage to muscle tissue of the back (for example, stretching);
  8. diseases of the endocrine system;
  9. tumors of different etiology, oncology.

Basic symptomatics

Finding out what causes the expansion of the jugular veins are necessary to figure out how this disease is manifested. At the initial stages, pathology can proceed asymptomatic and not to deliver any problems to a person.

Over time, pathology will begin to manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • the increase and swelling of vessels on the neck;
  • the appearance of a blue bag in the upper part of the vein;
  • eveniness in the neck area;
  • soreness when touched to the neck;
  • the feeling of compresses appearing when the head moves;
  • labored breathing;
  • voice loss.

Methods of diagnosis

To diagnose phlebectsia, the doctor will need to conduct a number of studies that allow to assess the state of the neck vessels and the entire body as a whole.

To make a diagnosis of the doctor, appointed to their patients:

  • blood test;
  • Neck and chest ultrasound;
  • MRI and CT skull, thoracic and cervical spine;
  • duplex scan of neck vessels;
  • phlebography;
  • puncture with tissue fence for research.

All these studies and analyzes will help the doctor get a general picture and confirm or refute the pre-delivered diagnosis. If a surgeon or cardiologist still reveals phlebectasia in a heavy stage, the patient will have to transfer an operation that will help lead the vessels to the norm and prevent the development of severe concomitant diseases.

Treatment methods

Depending on which stage is Phlebectasia, the doctor will decide on treatment measures. If the swelling of the jugular veins is not very strong, it is necessary to simply constantly observe the vessels and control their condition (for this every six months it is necessary to pass by planned inspections). With a strong expansion of the patient, an operation can be assigned, during which the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe vein will be removed, while healthy sections of the vessel will be interconnected. Any drug treatment at phlebects is extremely rare.

Possible complications

If the jugular Vienna is very high, and a person does not take any action and does not go to the doctor, such a state can provoke very serious consequences. With excessive expansion, the vessel may be broken, resulting in bleeding, which can end with a fatal outcome.

Of course, such cases are rare, but this does not mean that the disease can be allowed on samonek. The patient with a diagnosis of phlebectasia must always be followed by its veins and in any change of vessels to seek qualified medical care.

In custody

A person who has a predisposition to the phlebectsia of the jugular veins, must regularly undergo a prophylactic examination, lead a healthy lifestyle, to eat properly, to engage in moderate physical exertion, without overloading the cervical spine. Only a complex of preventive measures will help prevent the development and progression of a serious illness that can lead to severe complications.

  • 3. Microcirculatory course: departments, structure, functions.
  • 4. Venetic system: general structure of the structure, anatomical features of veins, venous plexuses. Factors providing the centripetal flow of blood in the veins.
  • 5. The main stages of heart development.
  • 6. Features of the blood circulation of the fetus and its changes after birth.
  • 7. Heart: topography, chamber structure and valve apparatus.
  • 8. The structure of the walls of the atria and ventricles. Conductive heart system.
  • 9. Blood supply and innervation of the heart. Regional lymph nodes (!!!).
  • 10. Pericard: structure, sinuses, blood supply, venous and lymphatic outflow, innervation (!!!).
  • 11. AORTA: Departments, topography. Branches of the ascending department and arc of aorta.
  • 12. Shared carotid artery. Outdoor carotid artery, its topography and the overall characteristics of the side and end branches.
  • 13. Outdoor carotid artery: front group of branches, their topography, blood supply area.
  • 14. Outdoor carotid artery: medial and finite branches, their topography, region of blood supply.
  • 15. Topper arteries: topography, branches and blood supply.
  • 16. Subclavian artery: topography, branches and blood supply.
  • 17. Blood supply of the head and spinal cord (internal carotid and vertebral artery). Formation of the arterial circle of a large brain, its branches.
  • 18. Inner jugular vein: topography, inside and extra charge.
  • 19. Brain veins. Venous sinus solid cerebral shells, their connection with the outer vein system (deep and surface veins of the face), emissary and diploic veins.
  • 20. Surface and deep veins of persons, their topography, anastomosis.
  • 21. Top hollow vein and shoulder veins, their formation, topography, tributaries.
  • 22. General principles of structure and function of the lymphatic system.
  • 23. Breastbank: formation, parts, topography, tributaries.
  • 24. Right lymphatic duct: formation, parts, topography, place of sign in venous bed.
  • 25. Ways of the outflow of lymphs from the tissues and organs of the head and regional lymph nodes.
  • 26. Ways of outflow of lymphs from tissues and neck organs and regional lymph nodes.
  • 18. Inner jugular vein: topography, inside and extra charge.

    Inner jugular vein(v.. jugularis.interna.) - A large vessel, in which, as well as the outer jugular vein, is gathering blood from the head and neck, from areas corresponding to the branch of the outer and internal sleepy and vertebral arteries.

    The inner jugular vein is the immediate continuation of the sigmoid sinus of the solid sheath of the brain. It begins at the level of the jugular hole, below which there is a slight expansion - Upper bulb internal jugular vein (Bulbus Superior Venae Jugularis). Initially, Vienna goes behind the inner carotid artery, then latherally. Even below, Vienna is located behind the overall carotid artery in general with it and the wandering nerve connective tissue (fascial) vagina. Above the fusion site with a subclavian vein in the inner jugular vein there is a second expansion - Lower bulb internal jugular vein (Bulbus Inferior Venae Jigularis), and above and under the bulb - one valve.

    Through the sigmoid sinus, from which the inner jugular vein originates, the venous blood flows out of the sinus system of the solid sheath of the brain. These sinuses (see "Shells of the brain") flow surface and deep veins of the brain (see "brain vessels") - diploral, as well as eye veins and labyrinth veins, which can be considered as intracranial inflows of the inner jugular vein.

    Diploic Vienna(w.. diploicae.) Blessed, the blood flows from the bones of the skull. These thin-walled, relatively wide veins originate in the spongy substance of the bones of the skull bone (they were previously called the veins of the spongy substance). In the cavity of the skull, these veins communicate with meningeal veins and sines of the solid shell of the brain, and outside the emissary veins - with veins of the outer coverings of the head. The largest diploic veins are frontal diploic Vienna (v. Diploica Frontalis), which flows into the upper sagittal sine, Front temporal diploic vein (v. Diploica Temporalis Anterior) - in wedge-shaped sinus, Rear temporal diploic vein (v. Diploica Temporalis Posterior) - in a predominant emissary vein and Calcular diploic Vienna (v. Diploica Occipitdlis) - in transverse sine or in the occipital emissary vein.

    Sinuses of solid shell brain With the help of emissary veins, connected with veins located in the outer cover of the head. Emissar Vienna (w. Emissdriae) are located in small bone channels, on them the blood flows from the sinus to the dust, i.e. To Viennes, collecting blood from the outer coverings of the head. Stand out Dark emissary Vienna(v. Emissaria parietdlis), which passes through the dark bone of the same name and connects the upper sagittal sinus with the outer veins of the head. Supervised emissary Vienna(v. Emissaria Masto "IDEA) is located in the channel of the deputy head of the temporal bone. Mysterious emissary Vienna (v. Emissaria Condylaris) penetrates through the plating channel of the occipital bone. The dark and deputyidal emissary veins connect the sigmoid sinus with the tributaries of the occipital vein, and the isoching - also with the veins of the outer vertebral plexus.

    Upper and lower eye veins (VV. Ophthdlmicae Superior Et Inferior) bauble. In the first of them, the larger, the veins of the nose and forehead, the upper eyelids, the lattice bone, the laid gland, the shells of the eyeball and most of his muscles. The top eye Vienna in the field of the medial angle of the eye anasto displays with Facial Verya (v. Facialis). The lower eye vein is formed from the veins of the lower eyelid, the neighboring muscles of the eye, lies on the lower wall of the orphanage under the optic nerve and flows into the upper eye vein, which comes out of the eye through the top and flows into the cavernous sinus.

    Vienna Mabyrintha (vv. Labyrinthi) come out of it through the inner hearing passage and flow into the lower rocky sinus located nearby.

    Exhausting tributaries of the inner jugular vein:

    \\) Prying Vienna (vv. Pharyngedles) bauble, wear blood from Pull plexus (Plexus Pharyngeus), which is located on the rear surface of the pharynx. In this plexus, venous blood is subject to a pharynx, a hearing pipe, a soft sky and the occipital part of the brain solid sheath;

    2) Page Vienna (v. lingualis), which form dorsal veins of the language (W. Dorsdles Linguie), deep vein language (v. PROFUNDA Lingude) and Podium Vienna (v. sublingualis);

    3) Top thyroid vein (v. Thyroidea Superior) sometimes flows into the facial vein, goes to the artery of the same name, has valves. In the upper thyroid vein fall Top Gunted Vienna (v. Laryngea Superior) and BRAIN-COLECTIVITIVE-SUPPLY VENE (v. SternocleIdomastoidea). In some cases, one of the thyroid veins is laterally to the inner jugular vein and falls in it alone as Middle Thyroid Vienna(v. Thyroidea Media);

    4) facial vein (v. Facialis) flows into the inner jugular vein at the level of the sub-band bone. The smaller veins are inserted into the soft fabrics of the face: the angular inner (v. Angularis), the headless vein (v. Supraorbitilis), the Vienna of the Upper and Lower Age (W. PalpebrDles Supe- Rioris et Inferioris), outdoor Nasal veins (VV. Na- SDLES EXTERNAE), upper and lower luminous veins (VV. Labiales Superior et iFeriores), outer palate vein (v. Palatina externa), pre-planning vein (v. sub-mentalis), Viennes of the parish gland (VV . parotidei), deep vein facial (v. PROFUNDA FACIEI);

    5) Rangeless Vienna (v. RetromandiBularis) - Pretty large vessel. It goes ahead of the ears of the sink, passes through the parotid gland behind the branch of the lower jaw (duck from the outer carotid artery), flows into the inner jugular vein. Blood front ear veins (w. auricularasanteriores), surface, medium and deep temporal veins (W. Tem Porales Superficiales, Media et Profiindae), Vienna Tomochen O-n and Justice joint (W. Articulares Temporo- Mandibulares ), Plexus Ptery Goides (Plexus Ptery Goides), in which the average meningeal in e- (w. Meningeae Mediae), Vienna of the parotone gland (VV. Parot "Ideae), Middle ear veins (w. Tympanicae).

    Jugular vein

    Jugular vein

    Tireless veins. The inner jugular vein (large) is clearly visible on the left half of the drawing. The outer jugular vein is depicted on the right (it goes superficially). The front metering veins are descended vertically on the sides of the middle line of the neck.
    Latin name
    Blinds B.

    Yarem Vienna (venae Jugulares.) - a few pair veins, located on the neck and carrying blood from the neck and head; belong to the system of the upper hollow vein.


    There are three pairs of jugular veins:

    • Inner jugular vein ( v. Jugularis Interna.) - The largest, is the main vessel that reduces blood from the cavity of the skull. It is a continuation of the sigmoid sinus of a solid cerebral shell and begins on the yapper hole of the skull onion-like expansion (the upper bulbs of the jugular vein, bulbus Jugularis Superior.). Next, it descends towards the breast-clavical joint, being covered in front of the sternum-curable-luming muscle. In the lower sections of the neck, Vienna is located in a common connected vagina along with a common carotid artery and a wandering nerve, while vein is located somewhat more superficially and the leather artery. Behind the breast joint, the inner jugular vein merges with the connector (there is a lower bulb of the metering vein, bulbus Jugularis Inferior.), forming a shoulder vein.
    • Outdoor jugular vein ( v. Jugularis Externa.) - less in caliber, located in the subcutaneous tissue, goes along the front surface of the neck, in the lower departments deviating laterally (crossing the rear edge of the breast-curable-bed-like muscle at about the level of its middle). This vein is well contacted when singing, crying or cough, collects blood from the surface formations of the head, face and neck; Sometimes used for catheterization and drug administration. At the bottom, there is its own fascia and flows into a subclavian vein.
    • Front jugular vein ( v. Jugularis Anterior.) - Small, formed from the subcutaneous chin, descends down at some distance from the median line of the neck. In the lower sections of the neck, the right and left front jugular veins form anastomosis, called the jugular venous arc ( arcus Venosus Juguli.). Then the artery goes under the breast-curable-bed-like muscle and flows, as a rule, into the outer jugular vein.

    The following veins fall into the outer jugular vein:

    • Rear ear vein ( v. Auricularis Posterior.), collects venous blood from surface plexus, located behind the ear shell. It has a connection with V. Emissaria Mastoidea.
    • Baseline Vienna, V. Occipitalis collects venous blood from the venous plexus of the head of the head of the head, which is bloodlinked with the arteriality of the same name. It flows into the outer jugular vein below the rear ear. Sometimes, accompanying the occipital artery, the occipital vein flows into the inner jugular vein.
    • Supported Vienna ( v. Suprascapularis.), accompanies the artery of the same name in the form of two trunks, which are connected and form one barrel, which flows into the end department of the outer jugular vein or into a subclavian vein.

    Front jugular vein ( v. Jugularis Anterior.) It is formed from the skin veins of the chin area, from where it is sent down close to the midline, clutching first on the outer surface m. Mylohyoideus.and then - on the front surface m. Sternohyoideus.. Over the jugular tear of the sternum, the front jugular veins of both sides enter into an interfascial coupling space, where they are connected to each other by means of a well-developed anastomosis, called the yapper venous arc ( arcus Venosus Juguli.). Then the jugular vein deviates the duck and, having passed behind m. SternocleIdomastoideus., flows into the outer jugular vein before putting it into a subclavian vein, less often - in the last one. As an option, it can be noted that the front jugular veins of both sides sometimes merge, forming the median vein of the neck.


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      Cervical vein. Inner Jugular Vienna (Internal Jugular) This is a very large steam vein, which is vertically down the side surface of the neck next to the carotid artery. Collects blood from the head and neck. Behind the breast of the clavinary articulation merges ... ... Medical terms

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