Mumps affects infertility - why and how? Treatment of infertility in men after mumps with folk remedies Can mumps cause male infertility?

Children's infections can cause a lot of trouble, including in the form of complications that appear only in adulthood. The pig is especially frightening of the parents. There is an opinion that after her the boy will certainly become sterile. Is this so, and what measures should be taken in case of infection? Let's take a closer look.

What is mumps?

Mumps is the common name for mumps. Infection occurs by airborne droplets. Once in the body, the virus begins to actively multiply in the glandular tissues: pancreas, thyroid, sexual and salivary tissues. The glands responsible for the secretion of saliva into the oral cavity are most affected, both submandibular and parotid. Their enlargement, due to which the face takes on a characteristic rounded shape, is the most striking symptom of mumps. Related signs also include:

  • an increase in body temperature up to 40 ° C;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • fever;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • discomfort in the throat and ears when talking and chewing food;
  • increased salivation.

Such symptoms persist for 3-9 days, and then the disease usually subsides. Mumps most often affects preschoolers aged 3 to 6 years, as well as adolescents during puberty. Their infection is more severe. Among adults, the disease also occurs, although much less frequently. At the same time, boys and men become infected 1.5 times more often than the fair sex.

In 30-40% of cases, mumps occurs in a latent form. Therefore, it is not always possible to isolate the patient from contacts with others. A special vaccine has been developed to protect against mumps. After such a vaccination, immunity lasts for 12-15 years. Today this is the only effective way of prevention.

After the transferred illness, lifelong immunity is formed - it is impossible to become infected with mumps again.

What if a boy (man) gets sick with mumps?

Despite the fact that mumps needs only symptomatic treatment (pain relievers and antipyretics), constant supervision by the attending physician is mandatory. A patient with epidparotitis needs complete rest and bed rest, as well as plenty of fluids in order to remove the toxic decay products of viruses from the body. Warm dry compresses on the neck, as well as rinsing the oral cavity with antiseptic preparations (chamomile infusion, furacilin) ​​also alleviate the condition.

The body temperature must be monitored especially carefully. Any sharp jump can signal the onset of complications, including an acute inflammatory process in the testicle - orchitis. Teenage boys are very vulnerable, who, unlike toddlers, may hesitate to tell their parents about the appearance of painful sensations in the intimate area.

Orchitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • a noticeable increase (almost 3 times) of one or both testicles at once;
  • high fever and fever;
  • vomit;
  • severe pain in the testicles radiating to the lower abdominal segments;
  • abnormal redness of the scrotum.

In case of joining orchitis, doctors prescribe the following measures:

  1. Hormonal agents that quickly relieve swelling. This helps to avoid complete death of testicular tissue.
  2. Novocaine blockade of the spermatic cord.
  3. Cytostatic drugs to prevent the development of tumor processes.
  4. Wearing a scrotal band to lift the affected area.
  5. Antibiotics for the prevention of bacterial infection.

Important! Applying heat to the scrotum in the form of compresses and all kinds of warming ointments in case of orchitis is categorically contraindicated.

Consequences of mumps

Mumps is dangerous, first of all, with severe complications. However, they often appear after many years. In the absence of timely treatment, severe pathologies of the central nervous system, pancreatitis, nephritis, arthritis, diabetes, meningitis, encephalitis and even deafness, may occur. Boys and men are more likely to develop orchitis, as well as epididymitis (damage to the appendages, leading to impaired spermatogenesis and complete infertility).

Attention! The neglected forms of orchitis can cause complete atrophy of the testicular tissue, as well as the development of a purulent abscess.

In addition, mumps provokes other disorders in men:

  • prostatitis;
  • the formation of blood clots in the veins of the pelvis;
  • priapism: prolonged and painful bouts of erection, not associated with sexual arousal.

What is the likelihood of infertility after suffering from mumps?

Orchitis, provoked by mumps, can cause reproductive disorders: azoospermia (complete absence of male germ cells) and oligospermia (a significant decrease in sperm count). At the same time, the man will not know about this fact until the very moment, until he decides to acquire offspring.

Mumps transferred in childhood threatens infertility in 20-25% of cases. But for adult men, mumps is much more dangerous - the probability of reproductive disorders is 60-70%. With bilateral testicular inflammation, the risks are twice as high.

Is infertility treated after mumps?

Irreversible infertility, loss of potency and the development of tumor processes are still rarely diagnosed. In most cases, thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, the situation can be corrected with the help of hormonal therapy or surgery.

For a comprehensive diagnosis, a man will need to undergo the following examinations:

  1. Spermogram: a semen analysis that measures the number of active, healthy sperm that can reach the egg on its own.
  2. Ultrasound examination of the scrotum, necessary to determine the boundaries of the necrotic areas in the testicle.
  3. Biopsy of testicular tissue: if suspicious neoplasms have been identified, a puncture will provide an opportunity to clarify their nature.

After all the studies, the urologist-andrologist will select the optimal treatment regimen. Therapy usually includes:

  1. Hormonal drugs (such as Fortinex and Tamoxifen).
  2. Means that improve microcirculation of blood in the testicles and have a positive effect on potency (Adriol);
  3. Vitamin complexes for men that increase the secretion of sperm and increase their mobility (first of all, these are vitamins A, C, B, E).
  4. Herbal stimulants of immunity (infusion of ginseng, aralia);
  5. Surgical excision of areas of overgrown connective tissue of the testicles.

If conservative treatment and surgery have not been successful, there is one more option - intracytoplasmic injection of sperm into the egg (ICSI method). For this procedure, it is sufficient to select only one healthy sperm.

In case of complete irreversible sterility, men of a married couple can recommend an IVF procedure with insemination with donor sperm.

So, epidparotitis is a condition that really threatens reproductive disorders in men. To avoid infection, do not neglect preventive vaccination. And if the mumps nevertheless attacked a child or an adult man, the course of the disease must be given close attention. Treatment must necessarily take place under the supervision of a specialist. This is the only way to avoid serious complications and infertility.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Many people wonder if mumps and infertility in men are related. Mumps is also called mumps. It is an infectious disease in which the salivary glands behind the ear become inflamed.

Many men suffering from infertility do not think that it may be a consequence of mumps suffered in childhood.

Children under the age of 14-15 are often infected with this disease. In adult men, only a few cases of infection can be stated. The penetration of the virus into the body usually occurs through the nasopharynx, after which it quickly spreads with the blood stream throughout the body, affecting the endocrine glands. Often the testicles fall under attack in men, which further provokes the development of infertility.

With mumps, no one can predict which glands will be more strongly involved in the process. At the same time, it is necessary to keep under control the sensations in the gonads, and in the event of an increase in their size, redness and the appearance of pain, it is necessary to immediately contact a doctor with this complaint, because after inflammation of one testicle, the second may also become inflamed. With inflammation of one testicle, infertility in men can occur in 1/5 of the number of cases. If the disease has affected both testicles, then the likelihood of male infertility increases to 2/3.

Symptoms of the disease and its treatment

After the first signs of the disease appear, a pause may last for a week, during which the visible signs of the disease are erased. Therefore, it is very important to fix the first symptom, indicating the moment of the onset of the disease, and immediately go to the hospital for qualified help in order to prevent male infertility, which is often a consequence of mumps suffered in childhood. Usually, the doctor begins treatment with the appointment of antibacterial agents that block the further development of the disease.

Self-medication is completely contraindicated here, especially for the treatment of the testicles with all kinds of drugs that were acquired without medical advice. You can apply a bottle of cold water (but not ice cold) or wrap the testicles with a soft cloth dampened with cold water.

Often, in the treatment of the disease, injections for pain relief and drugs to relieve swelling and swelling may be prescribed. In some cases, it becomes necessary to perform an operation. With it, the membranes are excised, after which antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Infertility is usually caused by incorrect and delayed treatment, without going to the hospital. Such self-medication aggravates the course of the disease.

Possible complications if the disease is not properly treated

Mumps is a disease whose outcome is difficult to predict. Most often in men, it begins with an inflammation of the sex gland called orchitis. Sometimes this symptom is accompanied by inflammation of the salivary glands, and sometimes it is the only sign that signals the onset of the disease. Symptoms, often left unattended, further provoke male infertility. older men with symptoms of orchitis increases the chance of developing infertility.

When diagnosed with infertility, one must remain optimistic and not despair. Now there is a huge selection of medicines aimed at restoring the secretory function of the testicles, up to the complete restoration of their functionality. These include:

  • immunostimulating drugs;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • biogenic agents;
  • angioprotectors;
  • chemicals, etc.

All complications after a previous illness must be treated in clinics that specialize in this direction. If long-term treatment has not given any positive results, then you can use the ICSI method (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) or resort to ISD (donor sperm insemination). Remember that there is a way out in any situation, but it is better to do everything in a timely manner.

Mumps, or mumps, is an acute infectious disease that affects the glandular organs and the central nervous system. The paramyxovirus parotiditis myxovirus, which causes this disease, travels from the mouth to the salivary gland and spreads through the blood and lymph, affecting other organs, including the testes. Mumps is more dangerous for males. Mumps and infertility in men are closely related.

How does mumps develop in men and boys

In theory, the mumps virus can infect at any age, but the incidence is directly proportional to the success of the vaccination campaign. According to age criteria, the following picture is observed:

  • Children under 1 year old have maternal immunity, therefore, the disease practically does not occur in the age group of infants.
  • Children under 3 who are just starting kindergarten also rarely get mumps.
  • Mumps affects preschoolers aged 3 years and older.
  • Among boys of school age and during puberty, the cases are the most.

Currently, the incidence of the disease among adult men has increased. They have all the same symptoms as in children - the salivary glands enlarge, swell and give the face a characteristic deformation.

The increase in the incidence of "adult" mumps is due to the fact that in the 90s the consumption of mumps vaccine decreased. Children of that period have matured, and today they face complications of the disease, including orchitis.

Mumps in men and boys causes the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the parotid glands, in some cases also of the face and neck;
  • salivation;
  • temperature up to + 38 ... + 39.9 ° С, and in severe cases - up to 40 ° С, fever reaches its peak on 1-2 days and lasts 4-7 days;
  • aching muscles and joints.

When orchitis is attached, one testicle becomes inflamed, and after a few days, the second. The organ can increase in size up to 3 times, the guy feels soreness. When the first such symptoms appear, it is necessary to contact an infectious disease specialist to prevent infertility.

Inflammation of the testicles as a cause of infertility

The mumps virus is dangerous because it often causes damage not only to the salivary glands, but also to other organs. Its influence is expressed in the fact that it can provoke orchitis and its complication - infertility.

Orchitis is an inflammation of the testicle. When provoked by mumps, it can lead to various violations of reproductive function - a significant decrease or complete absence of male germ cells (oligospermia and azoospermia, respectively). Thus, there is a direct relationship: mumps is highly likely to affect male infertility.

Other complications of mumps

The virus that causes mumps affects not only the glands of the reproductive system, but also other organs. It can provoke meningitis, pancreatitis, mastitis, myocarditis, arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases. As residual effects, testicular atrophy, infertility, diabetes, deafness and dysfunction of the central nervous system are possible.

The prognosis is usually good. A lethal outcome occurs only in 1 case per 100 thousand cases, but this likelihood cannot be excluded.

Mumps treatment rules

Mumps in an uncomplicated form is treated at home, in a complicated one - in a hospital setting. The patient can also be hospitalized in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic. Then isolation is needed for 9 days. If the case is found in kindergarten or school, quarantine is established for 21 days.

There is no specific antiviral treatment. But it is important to provide conditions for full recovery and prevention of complications:

  • bed rest for 10 days;
  • diet No. 5 according to Pevzner for the prevention of pancreatitis;
  • drinking plenty of fluids;
  • warm dry compress on the swelling;
  • antipyretic and pain relievers according to indications;
  • when orchitis is attached, Prednisolone and its analogs are prescribed, starting with a loading dose and with a gradual decrease in the amount of the active substance;
  • when meningitis is attached, a spinal tap is prescribed;
  • in acute pancreatitis, they drink enzyme inhibitors.

Prevention of infertility in mumps

For the prevention of orchitis, at the first signs of mumps, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the reproductive organs. If the infection affects the testicle, the organ turns red, swells, and hurts. In these cases, it is required to consult a specialist; treatment can be prescribed in a stationary setting.
To relieve pain, analgesics are injected, and corticosteroids are prescribed to reduce swelling.

With proper and timely treatment, male infertility in mumps can be prevented. The main goal is to relieve inflammation as quickly as possible.

What is the risk of reproductive dysfunction after suffering from mumps

Infertility in men after mumps is possible, and the risk increases with age. Being carried over in childhood, the disease of mumps causes infertility in 25% of cases. For adults, this risk is 60-70%.

What to do if infertility is still diagnosed

For obvious reasons, it is impossible to diagnose infertility in childhood; it will be possible to determine the consequences after the onset of puberty. For this, the following are carried out:

  • semen analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum;
  • testicular biopsy.

Modern medicine offers remedies even in cases of diagnosed infertility. For this purpose, stimulation of the secretory functions of the genitourinary system is prescribed: immunity activators, hormones, angioprotectors and other drugs.

If long-term therapy of infertility has not brought a result, the ICSI technique is prescribed - intraplasmic sperm injection.

Modern medicine can save not only the consequences of mumps like male infertility, but also prevent the disease itself. The mumps vaccine is a proven preventive measure that has been producing high results for many years. The vaccine works for a long time. The first vaccination is performed a year, repeated at 6-7 years old, and the third time it is done at 15-17 years old. These simple preventive measures reduce the risk of morbidity. There is no more reliable protection against mumps.

Publication date: 03-12-2019

Mumps affects infertility - why and how?

Does mumps affect infertility?

Mumps (mumps) is an infectious disease in which the parotid glands are affected, making the sick person look like a pig: his face and neck are swollen, his eyes narrow to cracks. The virus that causes mumps is related to the influenza virus, but it is not so stable in the external environment, therefore it does not cause epidemics. However, during the cold season, it is active for a long time, causing seasonal outbreaks of the disease in autumn, winter and early spring.

Most often children 3-15 years old get sick with mumps. Cases of intrauterine infection of the fetus are known. Boys get sick 1.5 times more often than girls. The source of infection is a sick person.

The insidiousness of mumps is that a sick child becomes infectious 1-2 days before the first signs of the disease appear. Carriers of the virus are no less dangerous. Such a person does not get sick himself, but spreads the mumps virus around him. In addition, the source of infection can be the personal hygiene items of a sick child, his dishes and toys.

Complications after mumps

The causative agent of mumps travels through the body of a sick child for a long time before being localized on any organ, and it is difficult for a doctor to predict which organ will be attacked. If the virus has settled in a boy's testicles, it can lead to a complication called orchitis.

With orchitis, the child feels pain in the testicles, radiating to the groin. Swelling of the scrotum develops, the testicle turns red and increases in size. As a rule, orchitis first affects one testicle, and after a couple of days passes to the second. Orchitis is almost never unilateral. Very often, adolescent boys are embarrassed to admit to their parents that they experience pain in the groin and in every possible way hide their condition.

Late treatment can lead to irreparable consequences, therefore it is very important that a trusting relationship exists between the teenager and his parents.

There is an assumption that the mumps virus can also infect the ovaries of girls, causing oophoritis. The complication is asymptomatic, which over time can lead to the inability to become pregnant in the future. However, this hypothesis has not yet been confirmed.

With parotitis, the central nervous system may be damaged - serous meningitis, and in severe cases - meningoencephalitis. The consequence of encephalitis can be paresis, visual impairment, deafness, paralysis.

Mumps treatment

At the first symptoms of mumps, it is urgent to show the child to the doctor. He will prescribe home treatment or hospitalization based on the severity of the disease. In the first case, it is necessary to comply with bed rest, diet and oral hygiene.

Treatment will focus on relieving symptoms (pain relievers, pain relievers, anti-swelling hormones, antibiotics) .To relieve pain, a bandage can be made from a strip of tissue that slightly lifts the testicles. Overheating is very dangerous. Therefore, you can attach a heating pad or a bottle of cold water (but not with ice) to the baby's testicles.

Orchitis is an indication for compulsory hospitalization, since its treatment requires strict medical supervision and careful medical care. Sometimes a mini-surgery is prescribed for excision of the membranes.

Mumps and male infertility

In the absence of timely qualified treatment, after 1-2 months, the testicle affected by the mumps virus decreases, its functions are weakened, up to the death of the testicle. Therefore, in the minds of many people, the concepts of "mumps" and "infertility" are closely interconnected. N

in fact, the effect of mumps on infertility is not that great. In the overwhelming majority of cases, mumps does not give complications resulting in infertility. Only in 3-17% of cases, when the tissues of both testicles are significantly affected in patients and if the disease has developed already at a fairly mature age, the lack of treatment inevitably leads to infertility after mumps.

Male infertility can only be confirmed by semen analysis.

Prevention of mumps

Basically, children from 5 to 12 years old get sick with mumps. According to statistics, boys get sick 2 times more often. Mumps in childhood can have consequences in adulthood. Many are interested in whether mumps and male infertility are related and how to protect themselves from such a problem.

You can get mumps at any age


It is a viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets from an infected person. Mumps is caused by the Paramyxoviridae virus. It provokes an inflammatory process in the glandular organs (salivary glands). From the moment of infection to the onset of symptoms of the disease, it takes 14-21 days. Symptoms:

  • chills and fever persist for up to 7 days;
  • headache, general weakness, malaise, insomnia;
  • inflammation of the parotid and submandibular salivary glands;
  • the face becomes pear-shaped;
  • pain in the parotid region;
  • noise and pain in the ears, hearing loss.

Painful sensations last 3-4 days, can move to the side of the ear and neck, after a week they disappear completely. The swelling of the tissues disappears after 7 to 10 days. Mumps, which proceeds without complications, does not pose a threat to the reproductive system and does not cause infertility in men.

Complications of mumps

Mumps is often associated with complications. They always pose a serious threat to health and, without timely treatment, can lead to irreversible changes. Complications can occur with mumps:

  • meningitis;
  • meningoencephalitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • orchitis;
  • mastitis;
  • myocarditis;
  • arthritis;
  • nephritis.

In complicated forms of mumps, the virus provokes inflammatory processes not only of the salivary glands, but also of the genital, renal, and mammary glands. Complications can have serious consequences and lead to:

  • the development of diabetes;
  • hearing loss;
  • disturbances in the work of the nervous system;
  • testicular atrophy;
  • infertility.

The reason for infertility

When mumps proceeds in a complicated form, and the virus provokes inflammation of the gonads, orchitis occurs. And this leads to infertility after mumps. Orchitis develops from 3 days after the onset of mumps symptoms. This disease has distinctive symptoms, which will help to detect problems in time and seek medical help. Orchitis symptoms:

  • the testicle increases in size;
  • there is pain in the scrotum;
  • the temperature rises to 39 ° C.

With parotitis, there is a high probability of developing bilateral orchitis, which becomes chronic without treatment, and in 40-50% of boys leads to testicular atrophy.

As a result of such changes, the likelihood of impaired spermatogenesis (sperm formation) increases.

And this subsequently affects reproductive function and can lead to infertility in men.

Orchitis treatment

If mumps does not require specific treatment and medications are used to relieve symptoms, then orchitis needs careful treatment. If symptoms of the disease appear, a doctor's consultation is required. With an acute course, sometimes treatment takes place in a hospital. To reduce your risk of atrophy:

  1. Make cooling compresses.
  2. Use your doctor's recommended analgesics to relieve pain.
  3. Prescribed antibiotics are used to exclude the development of purulent processes.
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
  5. With suppuration, surgical intervention is prescribed.
  6. Bed rest and testicular elevation with a suspensor is recommended.

It is forbidden to use ice to cool the testicles. Such a problem is rarely spoken out loud, but transferred mumps and infertility in men due to complications in the form of orchitis are often found in medical practice.

Timely treatment will help avoid such a problem, and the transferred mumps with orchitis will not lead to infertility.

Orchitis and associated infertility are common in medical practice.

Treatment of complications after mumps

If a boy had mumps in childhood, infertility can be diagnosed after reaching puberty. Only after hormonal changes as a result of tests, the diagnosis can be confirmed. Modern medicine can solve the problem. If such a chance exists, and dysfunction and atrophy are partial. During treatment:

  • remove damaged areas of the testicle and membranes;
  • carry out restorative hormonal therapy;
  • use drugs that stimulate the secretion of the sex gland.

Correctly selected treatment method can cure infertility that occurs after mumps.

Prevention of mumps

Vaccination is an effective way to avoid contracting the disease. Vaccination has made it possible over the past decades to significantly reduce the incidence of mumps. Vaccinated in accordance with the calendar at the age of 1, 6 and 16. Adults who did not get sick in childhood should be vaccinated every 10 years. An important role for the prevention of mumps and complications due to which infertility occurs after mumps in men is played by the protective function of the body.

Strong immunity and a healthy lifestyle reduce the risks of catching mumps. If a person is ill, then he develops immunity for life.

Vaccination is the most common way to prevent mumps


Mumps can cause infertility in men if the treatment is not fully carried out, and the orchitis becomes chronic. Timely treatment reduces the chances of infertility to a minimum.

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