Question: Are you still married to a man? How to answer "uncomfortable" questions

“How much do you earn?”, “When will you get married?”, “Why are you still without children?”...

“How much do you earn?”, “When will you get married?”, “Why are you still without children?” - you have encountered these and other questions more than once in your life. How to respond to them? Should your interlocutor answer them? And what is the best way to do this?

I know people who deliberately avoid large family dinners, gatherings with relatives, or social gatherings just to avoid hearing these provocative questions. Excessive curiosity hurts and irritates precisely because the other person invades your personal space with his question. It doesn’t matter whether it’s acquaintances, distant relatives or your own parents, but if the question itself causes you confusion and discomfort, then the other person has entered territory where he does not belong. And that means you have every right to protect your borders.

Before learning how to easily parry tactless questions, let's think about why a person does this? Excessive curiosity can be a signal that the interlocutor has anxiety, an internal conflict on a “sick” topic.

For example, too obvious an interest in the income of others can hide both envy and a search for solutions on how to make better money. If I'm in a difficult financial situation right now, I see money, spending, etc. everywhere. I worry so much about the future that I transfer my anxiety, dissatisfaction, envy onto others in the form of tactless remarks, etc. (from the series “our people don’t take a taxi to the bakery!”).

Another example: a super-caring mother is worried that her daughter will not arrange her life. personal life, will not give her grandchildren. Therefore, at every opportunity, she wonders when her beloved daughter will get married. In my opinion, her worries are not so much about her daughter, but about herself. For example, she herself started a family early out of fear of being left alone, not needed by anyone. And now, watching how her daughter at her age is not in a hurry and enjoys her life, she is faced with her doubts: “Did I do the right thing then? Maybe if I hadn’t been in a hurry, everything would have turned out differently?”

What I want to draw your attention to in these examples is that a person, being interested in something that does not concern him at all, actually demonstrates his vulnerability, unresolvedness in the topic of relationships, money, motherhood, etc. That is why his questions are so straightforward and tactless. How to react to them?

How to easily answer “uncomfortable” questions

The easiest option, in my opinion, is to openly ask “Why are you asking me this?” This way you make it clear to your interlocutor that you do not consider it necessary to answer right away, and, at the same time, turn the conversation towards him.

“I don’t consider it necessary to answer your question” is also an option to limit the interest of another person. The calmer and more confident you are, the faster unnecessary curiosity will fade away.

Tell the truth. This could be an honest and short answer, “I don’t know.” You really can’t know exactly when you will become a wife or mother. And in the same way, depending on who is asking the question, you can answer the question openly. For example, to the question “When will you become a mother?” you can honestly answer “Now I have other priorities in life. My career is more important to me now.” Sincerity combined with confidence will surprise the tactless interlocutor and put him in his place. Again, the degree of your openness is determined by you.

Mirror your interlocutor, ask him his own question or another “uncomfortable” one: “When did you..?” How much do you earn?” . By returning the faux pas, you are protecting your space and letting the other person know what it's like to be under such scrutiny.

Use jokes: “When will you get married?” -“You will be the first to receive an invitation to the wedding”; “Why have you gained so much weight? “I didn’t want to look pale compared to you.” Humor will help relieve tension in a conversation, avoid answering and show the absurdity of the question for the interlocutor.

As you can see, ways to get out awkward situation are different. And whether they work or not depends on how painful the topic that others are so interested in is for you. If you are seriously suffering from the fact that you are still not married or do not earn as much as you would like, any comment on this subject will be perceived by you as “salt in the wound.” No matter how skillfully you respond, how confident or vulnerable you are will make all the difference.

Inconvenient questions confuse us, irritate us, and even can ruin our mood for a long time. Tactlessness hurts, among other things, because the questioner not only interferes in our personal life, but also at the same time evaluates and compares with public standards. Is it possible to avoid such questions? I think what's more important is how you answer them for yourself. No matter how strangers try to stick their nose into your life, they definitely won’t succeed from the moment your choice, your priorities in life take more place than the opinions of others.

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Each of us had to answer tactless questions. Sometimes it makes you angry, sometimes it makes you happy. Often people don't even realize that they are putting someone in an awkward position, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with such situations.

website I collected the most awkward questions that each of us has heard at least once, and found answers to them, seasoned with a dose of humor.

1. How much does your apartment cost?

When it comes to money, any harmless questions can turn out to be insensitive. But as soon as you get your own home, every second person wants to know how much you paid for the apartment, invested in the construction of the house, or how much the renovation cost.

Speak real price or not is up to you to decide, but you can always take the topic in a different direction.


  • Now there is a place to live, but nothing to do with it.
  • It’s too early to say whether there are still so many years to pay for it.

2. When will you get married? It is high time

There are many jokes about how as soon as a girl meets a guy, she immediately begins to “try on” his last name and choose names for their children. But often things look different: as soon as you start dating someone, everyone around you is asking questions about the wedding. Few people are interested in the fact that you are not ready yet, that you are already fine, or that you do not plan to tie the knot at all.


  • Today we set the alarm early to get to the registry office in time, but it’s a shame that we overslept. But tomorrow - definitely!
  • When are you going? At what age did you get married?
  • When do you want to get us married?

3. How much do you get paid?

People may be interested in earnings based on various reasons: out of pure curiosity, worried about you or, for example, jealous. But any of dozens of such reasons does not oblige you to give a full financial report.


  • I have enough to live on!
  • Ninety thousand Taiwan dollars!
  • I receive the average salary in the industry (but significantly less than Bill Gates).

4. Why don't you have children? Time is ticking

The appearance of a baby in a family is a purely personal matter, but this never stops anyone. Questions about children begin to be asked even before the wedding, reinforced by the assurances “without a child, this is not a family,” “the time has long come,” and “how can you not want children at all.”


  • In May! 2025.
  • We’ve already started it, we just don’t tell anyone about it.
  • Why do you want to know this?

5. How old are you?

6. Did something happen to you? You're sad

Of course, if a person close to you asks this question, then most likely he is just worried. But sometimes we don’t want to talk about our problems even to our family, and asking questions only makes the situation worse. Try to smile when answering this question to dispel all doubts with one look.


  • I just thought about the meaning of life!
  • I’m a little tired, but that’s okay - I’ll sleep and shine again.


  • Still haven't met my destiny.
  • How did you understand that it was “he”?
  • At first I decided to have a child, suddenly for the second I would want a different dad!
  • I will get married as soon as the divorce proceedings are over.

In any case, you always have the right to directly say that you do not want to discuss a particular topic, and avoid crumpled and unpleasant answers to tactless questions.

How tormented you were with these nasty questions: Are you married? How much do you earn? Are you on a diet? How to learn to answer such tactless questions quickly and originally.

I didn’t get married for a long time, and I was tormented by all sorts of familiar aunties and girlfriends and others interested in their personal lives: "Are you married?" or “Aren’t you going to get married?” . For people who are confident that every girl has dreamed of buying since birth. Wedding Dress, it’s easier to answer something like: “Yes, I’m already divorced, now I’m looking for a new victim. Are you married yourself? How’s your husband, handsome?” or “It’s too early for me to get married.” Option: “Scientists have proven that after marriage, people have sex less often. So I’ll take another walk” - had a very good effect on my annoying friends.

After some time I got married, I thought everyone would leave me behind, but that was not the case. A month after the wedding, everyone started pestering me with questions, am I pregnant and when am I going to . We had to laugh it off: “There are no problems, we just know that there is contraception and we know how to protect ourselves” or “We are still rehearsing conception.”

She became pregnant, and now the curious began to be tormented by the question: am I suffering from toxicosis? . I had a desire to make an inscription on a T-shirt: “Toxicosis doesn’t bother me, but does it bother you?” And also from this series: “Is my husband glad that I got pregnant” answer: “No, she cries all day long.”

You meet an old friend somewhere on the street and always: “Hello, what’s new?” My husband usually answers: “What old things do you remember?” Or they will see me with a child: “Oh, this is yours,” I came up with: “No, I rented it from the neighbors.”

My mother-in-law comes to visit us, sees that I am still breastfeeding my one and a half year old baby, and every time she starts: “It’s time to quit, how long are you going to feed him?” She laughed it off: “Until you go to college, they say that the longer you feed, the greater the chances higher education get". She’s probably jealous of me that I’m as thin as a sliver, I’ve been breastfeeding for so long, and her plump daughter’s milk disappeared very quickly.

On the topic of weight. Since childhood I was thin and my grandmother terrorized me advice on how to get better. In her understanding, a woman should be as plump as a bun, although she herself retained the weight of Madonna until her deep gray hair. At first she simply answered: “I want to be a model,” then: “Let everyone be jealous,” and finally, she categorically refused to talk to her about this topic. It helped. Now that due to sleepless nights at my son’s crib, my weight has dropped to the level of the highest paid fashion models - she is silent.

Not everyone “suffers” from thinness; girls who are prone to being overweight have to fight off annoying things: “And you’ve recovered!” , I advise you to answer: “What are you talking about? There’s a crisis in the world, it’s me who’s swollen from hunger.”

Particularly curious people are still interested in the question: “How much do you earn? What about your husband? . For a long time I could not figure out how to answer such tactless questions, but in the end it turned out: “I have enough to live on with butter” - so far it worked.

Of course, it is important to understand whether a person is interested out of idle curiosity or is truly sincere. We need to look at the situation. If a friend asks, wanting to offend or find a new topic for gossip, it is better to limit yourself to: "It's personal" - let her think for herself what you wanted to say. The main thing is not to lie, by lying you will harm yourself.

It may seem that the main purpose of tactless whys is to get under your skin. But it is not always the case. Anastasia Krinitsyna, psychologist, senior lecturer at RUDN University, explains: others quite often ask incorrect questions, generally pursuing good goals. So why do these lovely people make us blush?

Burning with curiosity

Those who lead a measured lifestyle, when nothing changes for many years, lack events. And they begin to spy on others: for example, by reading scandalous details about celebrity relationships or gossiping about friends and neighbors. These people see in you the heroine of Sarah Jessica Parker and are looking forward to the next episode.


Most often, this category includes relatives. Mom filled out your Tinder profile and terrorizes you: “When will you finally find a husband?” This is how parents who suffer from overprotection behave. For them, you are still a little girl, and not an independent person. Don't worry, it will get better over time.

Looking for a common theme

A friend has changed: has she gotten married or is expecting a child? “Get ready for endless conversations about marriage and children,” the expert warns. Previously, you could spend hours discussing noisy parties and upcoming sales. But now her views have changed more dramatically than Katy Perry's image.


They think in stereotypes

Those who are used to living according to a script can also ask uncomfortable questions. Everything here is predictable, like a concert in honor of Police Day. Any deviations from the “college-marriage-children-retirement” plan are unacceptable. Like inveterate gambling addicts, they strive to move to the next “level”. And they think that you dream of hearing Mendelssohn’s march right after graduation from college.

How to react?


Best protection— attack. Pretend that you are also concerned about the fate of your neighbor. How many rides in the elevator have you experienced together? Attack your interlocutor with his own weapon. Weak spots Everyone has one. “When will there be children?” Answer: “It’s good that you asked! How is Vanechka doing at school?” "How much money do you make?" Answer: “Speaking of finances, how is your credit? Is your husband helping?

On the positive

There are people who are infuriated by the successes of others, but other people’s failures, on the contrary, give them strength. Let's leave the envious with nothing. Pretend you don't care about their barbs. “Why are you so thin?” Answer: “Really? It's so nice to hear that!" “You still haven’t gotten a job?” Answer: “No! I continue to have a great time!”

"I didn't understand"

Reframe your interlocutor's question. The point is to make him feel stupid. The poor guy won't calm down? Make it clear that you do not intend to discuss this topic. And stay calm. “When is the second one?” Answer: “It seemed to me, or would you like to participate?”

Wrong address

Move the arrows. Why should you report and predict the future? Direct the curious to more knowledgeable people or higher powers. May Google help everyone! “When will you get married again?” Answer: “I don’t have such information.” “How much do your shoes cost?” Answer: “I have no idea, it’s a gift.”

A smile will make everyone brighter

Just kidding! An effective, but also the most difficult method, as it requires a sense of humor. But by skillfully combining indifference with wit, you will kill two birds with one stone and one talker. “When will you get married?” Answer: “We were just getting ready today, but overslept. We’ll definitely set an alarm for tomorrow!” "Why do not you have a boyfriend?" Answer: “He was, he died of happiness.”

Universal answer

Do you open your mouth in surprise when your neighbor asks about your next admirer? There are universal phrases for this case. Thanks to them, not only you, but also most of your acquaintances will shut your mouth. Ask: “Do you want to talk about this?” And having received an affirmative answer, sweetly say: “But I don’t.” And to questions starting with the word “When???” calmly say: “You will definitely be the first to know!”

Many girls are constantly “terrorized” by parents, relatives and acquaintances, with questions about when she will get married, when she will have children, and so on. Often this is done in a supposedly half-joking form, with some kind of jokes and short public remarks. How to answer questions like these about when will you get married? How to react when parents, relatives and friends constantly ask?

After all, on the one hand, these seem to be meaningless questions and comments, but on the other hand, they greatly touch, as they say, “to the quick.” After all, many girls are really worried about this.

Some are worried that they have not yet met their loved one and cannot find a man, some worry that they are in a relationship in which the man is not really going to propose, or in a “civil” marriage. So how to react to such behavior of relatives?

It's none of your business when I get married

The first thing I want to say is the stupidity and inappropriateness of such questions. Why do you even care about a girl’s personal life? What right do you have to interfere with her life with your questions and somehow disturb her?

It is obvious that women are often seriously worried about this.

And when a person asks such a question, we can say that he hits a very sore spot. Why is he doing this?

Either he does this out of his stupidity and narrow-mindedness, and is simply not able to think about what feelings a woman experiences during such questions. Or he does it consciously and intentionally, and then this person is just a scoundrel who wants to do some dirty tricks on you and ruin your mood. Why then communicate with him at all?

What's the best way to answer the question when will you get married?

The best answer to a similar question: “I’m not ready to waste my time on a riffraff, and I’ll find a really worthy person.” After all, the fact that you are still not married does not mean that you are somehow flawed or anything like that. You just don’t agree to exchange yourself for someone.

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After all, many girls get married in their youth precisely for these reasons. If only I could marry someone, the first person I meet. Say that you are just a girl of a different level, and you will wait for your man.

If you have more a strong character, and you can rebuff such questioners - you can answer more harshly: “What difference does it make to you? This is my personal life, take care of yours”? or another option: “I’m already tired of these conversations, don’t you have anything else to ask?”, or “This tactless question from your side". This is a rather rude answer, and you shouldn't always use it, but sometimes people only understand rudeness when they come at you with their stupid questions.

Often, after a sharp answer, they leave you behind, but when you start answering softly, they begin to delve deeper into your soul, interfering with even more questions and unnecessary advice.

Someone answers in a joking manner: “When will I get money from you for a wedding, a car and living space”, “Have you been wanting to take me away for a long time?”, or “For what purpose are you interested? Are you going to ask her to marry you?” After all, why on earth you have to answer to someone for your personal life and your destiny?

In answering such questions, your intonation, your facial expressions, and others are also very important. indirect signs your speech.

After all, if you answer clearly, specifically and with confidence, then the person can quickly get behind you.

Or you can start mumbling and being soft - and they will sit on your neck and treat you as a failed child and an immature person.

Well, if you pronounce your answer with outright irritation and begin to be rude in response, on the one hand, this may offend the questioner (well, to hell with him), but, most importantly, it will show that this question really hurts you, this yours pain point. People will see this and begin to manipulate you in this regard. Therefore, you need to be careful here.

How not to answer a question about marriage

What you definitely shouldn’t do is answer that they don’t “get” you married yet, or that you would be glad to, but no one proposes, and so on.

All this puts you in a kind of disadvantaged position, as if you are directly tormented, but supposedly no one is so interested in you that they don’t even invite you.

It diminishes you as a person and lowers your self-esteem. Therefore, you should not answer in this way.

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot to a man, but if there is no harmony at the level of signs, then the relationship will be very tense. It is very advisable to find out the exact compatibility of your zodiac sign with the sign of a man. This can be done by clicking on the button below:

If a girl answers like this, then she can be very tortured, begin to gloat and whisper behind her back. Again, only boors and ignorant people can do this, and you shouldn’t pay much attention to them.

When is it really time to get married?

The answer to this question actually needs to be given first of all to yourself. And the answer is that what’s yours will never leave you.

Often women start to get very stressed because they see around them supposedly examples of how others “life is in full swing,” but here I am sitting alone, wishing at least someone would kill me. But this is actually an illusion.

After all, when you look at social media feeds with photos of weddings, beautiful life, and so on, you don’t think about what’s behind this beautiful wrapper, do you? And often, behind the show and living in public, big problems and misfortunes are hidden. People try to cover up their true tragedies in their personal lives with external glitter and tinsel.

They lead their lives for show, creating a fairy tale that they actually don’t have in life.

Therefore, just don’t believe in such pictures, illustrations, and so on. They do not always reflect real life, and you shouldn’t worry about them.

No need to worry about age, conditions, and so on. For each person, higher powers very clearly determine when he is destined to meet his destiny, his loved one and when to get married. For some this age is a little earlier, for others later - but if you are destined for this, then it will definitely happen.

And the most interesting thing is that most often this happens in positive side exactly when the girl stops rushing from side to side, worrying about stupid intrusive questions from relatives, and begins to live a calm, normal life.

It is at this moment, when she calms down and decides for herself: “That’s enough, I’ll get married when I’m destined to” - it is at this moment that fate “plays tricks” and brings your person into your life.

Very unexpected, extraordinary, and unusual.

That's why, dear girls, just don’t listen to close relatives, parents and friends who torment you with questions like “When will you get married?”, “When are you going to give birth?”, and other similar crap. This speaks only of one thing - about their narrow-mindedness and inability to be polite and understanding. And it’s not at all about the fact that it’s high time for you to get married.

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