Diagnostics of the veins of the upper extremities - duplex scanning. What is an ultrasound of the arteries of the upper extremities? Comprehensive ultrasound of the veins and arteries of the upper extremities also fixes

Duplex vascular scanning (USDS) is an ultrasound diagnostic method that combines Doppler ultrasound with traditional ultrasound. It is used to study the pathology of blood vessels - veins and arteries. It allows the specialist to see the structure of vessels of various localization and the movement of blood through them.

Standard ultrasound scan gives a two-dimensional image (structure and developmental anomalies) of the vein. Doppler mode reveals the direction of blood flow and the speed of its movement. Triplex scanning is considered an even more advanced method. It combines B-mode, color Doppler mapping and spectral Doppler analysis.

In modern medical institutions, the patient can undergo duplex scanning of the vessels of the upper and lower extremities, as well as do dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck. Duplex scanning of the veins of the upper extremities is performed less frequently than the lower ones, but it makes it possible to detect vascular diseases in the early stages, even with a mild clinical picture or the complete absence of symptoms.

Indications and contraindications

An ultrasound of the arteries and veins of the upper extremities is recommended in such cases:

  • Swelling of the hands with redness of the skin and severe pain. Although stable edema, as an independent symptom, with normal functioning of the kidneys and heart, may serve as a reason for duplex scanning.
  • Numbness of the upper limbs, periodic tingling, "goosebumps" and other uncomfortable sensations.
  • Difficulty in moving the arms and development of weakness in them.
  • Frequent involuntary contractions of the muscles as a result of their overstrain.
  • Paleness of the fingers, with occasional pain.
  • Serious injuries of the upper limbs, which entail damage to the vascular bundles.
  • After surgical intervention on the vessels.
  • With a congenital malformation of the veins.

Such an examination should be carried out for preventive purposes by people who are in a special risk group. As a rule, they have the following pathologies: endocrine diseases, blood diseases, autonomic dysfunction, chronic venous diseases, hereditary predisposition to vascular pathologies.

Duplex scanning of the veins of the upper extremities has no absolute contraindications for its implementation. Relative ones include significant damage to the skin of the upper extremities, which can make it difficult to apply the ultrasonic sensor to the skin.

Ultrasound of the vessels of the upper extremities can be performed as often as necessary to establish the correct diagnosis and conduct adequate therapy. Negative consequences for the patient's body from the frequency of such examinations are not expected.

Even if a blood flow problem is suspected in only one arm, both limbs are still checked for comparison.

Running Diagnostics

No special preparatory period for ultrasound examination of the veins of the upper extremities is required. Immediately before the examination in the ultrasound room, the patient is asked to free his hands from clothing (sometimes it is appropriate to undress to the waist) and remove jewelry and other items that may interfere with its implementation.

In the ultrasound diagnostic room, the process will take place as follows:

  1. The study is carried out in a supine position or sitting. In some cases, it is advisable to measure blood pressure during the study, so a tonometer cuff is put on one or both hands of the patient.
  2. The uzist lubricates the high-frequency transducer with a conductive gel and begins to drive it along the arm in the area of ​​the venous projection.
  3. By changing the position of the ultrasound sensor, the specialist evaluates the state of the vessel wall and measures the blood flow.
  4. During the diagnostic process, the doctor may squeeze the patient's shoulder or forearm to speed up the movement of blood through the veins, thus assessing the cardiac blood flow.
  5. The resulting image is instantly processed and displayed on the monitor screen.
  6. In some cases, it is enough to examine one limb, but for some patients, 2 hands are examined at once.

Duplex scanning of the veins of the upper extremities continues for 30-40 minutes. After the end of the examination, the patient can immediately be free. There are no further restrictions. Such medical manipulation is absolutely safe for the patient, it does not imply any complications or side effects.

During the diagnostic process, the patient does not experience pain or serious discomfort. He may feel a slight chill from the ultrasound gel when applied to the skin. But this can be avoided if the gel is first heated to body temperature. And also, if blood pressure is measured during the examination, the cuff of the tonometer will be inflated and the patient will feel tension in this area.

Duplex (triplex) scanning is considered the standard in the study of blood vessels and, to some extent, can replace angiography, which requires the introduction of contrast and exposes the patient to radiation exposure.

Varicose veins in the arms are unlikely, but the possibility exists

Deciphering the results

As a result of the examination of the veins of the hands, the protocol contains few digital indicators, but includes the following parameters:

  • anatomical structure;
  • patency of venous vessels;
  • the speed of blood flow through them;
  • the presence of abnormal formations in the lumen of the vessel.

Normal indicators of USDS in the conclusion are indicated as follows. There are no obstructions to blood flow in the examined veins. The veins are normal and not enlarged. No blood clots were found in the examined vessels.

If pathology is present, then during ultrasound, an asymmetry of blood flow between opposite parts of the patient's body is detected. If the blood flow is blocked in some area, then during listening, a high and sharp sound will appear in this place. In this case, the blood will move at a low speed. The detected obstruction may be a blood clot, partial or complete narrowing of the lumen of the vessel, an aneurysm.

Duplex scanning of the hands allows the specialist not only to detect blood clots and stratifications in the vessels of the upper extremities, but also to easily determine their location, size and structure. Ultrasound examination allows conducting an examination from the standpoint of quantitative and qualitative parameters of blood flow, which as a result helps the phlebologist determine further treatment tactics.

11-12-2014, 20:50 20 418

Ultrasound of the vessels of the upper extremities, as the main method of ultrasound examination, is used in clinical practice to diagnose vascular pathology and the intensity of blood flow in the arteries and veins.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the normal functioning of the arms and legs, since in the process of life, the main part of the load falls on the legs and arms. If a person, for example, constantly hurts his hands, if frequent convulsions, swelling and numbness of the limbs make it impossible to lead a normal, habitual lifestyle, you should immediately consult a doctor.

With complaints from the patient, the attending physician prescribes an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the upper extremities in order to obtain a qualitative and at the same time quantitative characteristic of the state of the vascular system of the upper girdle (hands).

This method of examination allows specialists to identify violations of the functional state of the vascular bed. At the same time, vascular patency is assessed, luminal formations are determined inside, the nature and indicators of blood flow are examined.

The essence of the study or what is ultrasound of the upper extremities

This method is based on the diagnosis of the vessels of the upper extremities using an ultrasound device, which determines the state of the vascular bed and the hemodynamics of blood flow in the area of ​​interest.

The latest technologies in the field of ultrasound have made it possible to reach a higher level of diagnostics by combining standard ultrasound with Doppler ultrasound. This became possible due to the use of the Doppler effect in medicine, based on changing the frequency of sound waves.

In the process of examining the vessels of the upper extremities, the ultrasonic doppler device emits high-frequency pulses through a special ultrasound sensor, which both generates and perceives ultrasonic waves.

The echo signals reflected from moving blood particles (erythrocytes) are read by the system and, after conversion, are displayed on the computer monitor in the form of real-time graphic images.

All information obtained as a result of ultrasound examination of the upper extremities is stored in the database and can be transferred to the attending physician in electronic form for further analysis. After studying the data and comparing the available indicators with the established norm, the specialist determines the area of ​​damage.

The subject of the study or what shows the ultrasound of the upper limbs

By timely examining the vessels of the upper extremities by ultrasound, it is possible to prevent the development of vascular diseases and to detect the causes of possible circulatory disorders even before the symptoms of the disease appear.

For the attending physician, the purpose of Doppler ultrasound of the arteries of the hands is to identify vascular pathologies, such as:
  • Narrowing of the lumen, thickening of the vascular walls
  • thrombus formation
  • Deformations (tortuosity) of the vascular bed
  • Formations of atherosclerotic plaques
  • Integrity (intactness) of the vascular walls, etc.

In addition, blood flow indicators (speed, intensity, peripheral resistance, etc.) are assessed and measured without fail. Any of the above violations entails the development of serious diseases, the main of which is atherosclerosis.

Modern equipment has made it possible for diagnostic specialists to conduct better and more detailed ultrasound Dopplerography of the vessels of the hands with the possibility of visualizing the vessels using different study modes:

  • 2D greyscale echo mode
  • color doppler mode
  • duplex and triplex scanning mode
  • spectral Doppler mode

The latest research methods developed have made it possible to achieve the best results in the field of vascular diagnostics, reducing the cost of the examination, but at the same time increasing its information content.

When and how is ultrasound of the upper limbs done?

Doppler ultrasonography of the upper extremities is prescribed in the presence of certain indications:
  • with swelling, numbness and constant coldness of the hands, with muscle pain
  • with venous and arterial insufficiency
  • with diabetes
  • with vasculitis (inflammatory damage to the walls of blood vessels)
  • with a trophic ulcer, etc.

Carrying out a diagnostic examination on a high-frequency ultrasound apparatus of the arteries of the upper extremities, diseases of the arteries and veins are detected, as well as the causes that entail circulatory disorders. For modern vascular surgery, this research method is fundamental.

Before the start of the examination, it is necessary to remove clothing, freeing the diagnosed area of ​​interest. The procedure is carried out in the supine position or sitting on the couch. To achieve the best effect and increase the effectiveness of the study, a special gel is applied to the skin. This allows you to make the contact of the ultrasonic sensor with the examination site as close as possible.

At the beginning of the procedure for scanning the arteries and veins of the upper extremities, the ultrasound probe is installed at the control points corresponding to the diagnosed vessels. Holding the device in a certain position, the specialist examines the sections of blood vessels in the form of graphic images on the monitor. Against the background of constantly changing pictures, sounds are heard that characterize changes in blood flow in a blood vessel.

At the end of the Doppler ultrasound, which lasts about 45 minutes, the transparent gel is wiped off the skin. Ultrasound diagnostics is quite simple, and besides, the procedure itself is completely painless and safe.

The circulatory system of the human body is one of the most extensive and vital systems, thanks to which our organs receive all the necessary substances and oxygen to ensure the normal functioning of the entire human body. Diseases of the circulatory system are the most common and carry a risk to the health of the whole organism. Diagnosis of diseases at an early stage of development avoids the development of serious concomitant diseases and complications. In modern medical practice, there are a huge number of different diagnostic methods, one of which is ultrasound. The popularity of ultrasound is largely due to its availability, safety and information content.

Diagnostic options

By using Ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities The doctor has the ability to diagnose diseases such as:

. venous insufficiency,


venous hematoma,

Cardiological diseases.

Ultrasound diagnostics is indispensable for suspected thrombosis, since this disease most often affects the subclavian vein.

Indications for ultrasound

The first signs of a disease of the circulatory system of the upper extremities are:

. swelling and discoloration of the hands,

Enlargement of the limb, accompanied by pain and a feeling of fullness,

Blue arm and vein expansion

The appearance of ulcers and burning.

Dense swelling of the limb, accompanied by fever in the limb, discoloration of the skin are signs of venous insufficiency provoked by thrombosis or atherosclerotic plaques. Prolonged course of the disease without proper therapy leads to the development of thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers and gangrene. Ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities is also performed when a weak pulse is detected during a medical examination, a difference in blood pressure in the extremities, as well as in case of patient complaints of pain in the hands after physical exertion and when raising the arms, numbness of the extremities and tremor. However, pain manifestations should be distinguished, since pain in the extremities is also a symptom of neurological diseases.

Autoimmune diseases, endocrine diseases and hand injuries are also indicators for diagnostic ultrasound examination of the venous vessels of the upper extremities. Without fail, the study is carried out after surgery on the vessels of the hands.

The method of ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities and its purpose

For diagnostic purposes, an ultrasound examination of the veins of the upper extremities is carried out using Dopplerography, which allows you to assess not only the condition of the venous walls and the gap between them, but also the blood flow, the presence of constrictions, blood clots and plaques, which can lead to impaired blood flow in the lungs. In medical practice, this type of diagnostic study is called ultrasonic dopplerography of the vessels of the upper extremities and is carried out in almost every public medical institution and in commercial clinics.

Passing through a blood vessel, ultrasonic waves are reflected from blood cells, a color image is displayed on the ultrasound machine, thanks to which the doctor has a clear idea of ​​the blood flow and the functioning of blood vessels.

Duplex vascular scanning, used during ultrasound, allows you to examine the vessels and evaluate the speed and nature of blood flow. Thanks to duplex scanning, a reliable diagnosis of vascular patency is carried out in real time. aim Ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities is the assessment of blood flow in the arteries and veins, the identification of disorders and pathological changes, narrowing of blood vessels, anatomical malformations and functioning. However, the undeniable and most important goal of ultrasound is to diagnose the disease in the early stages, which greatly simplifies further treatment.

Ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities

It should be noted that ultrasound examination of the veins of the upper extremities does not require special preparation from the patient and is performed after a medical examination and with a referral from a doctor. In the case of an examination in a commercial medical institution, a doctor's referral is not necessary. For ultrasound, the patient is recommended to expose the body in the area that will be examined and take a prone position (if necessary, sitting, standing). A special gel is applied to the patient's skin, which ensures close contact between the skin and the probe of the ultrasound machine. The study is carried out on both hands and takes from 10 to 20 minutes. A special blood pressure cuff is placed on the limb to assess blood flow. Factors such as:

. obesity,

Arrhythmia and cardiological diseases, accompanied by changes in blood flow,

slow blood flow,

The presence of an open wound in the area of ​​examination.

Doppler ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities reveals such pathologies as the difference in blood flow between the right and left sides of the human body, irregular blood flow, dilation and blockage of veins. At the end of the ultrasound examination, the patient is given a conclusion, the results of which he can decipher from the attending physician.

Our clinic is equipped with highly informative ultrasound equipment equipped with modern sensitive sensors, which allows us to conduct a thorough and reliable examination, evaluate blood flow and detect even the smallest changes in the circulatory system. The experience and professionalism of our specialists allow us to choose the most effective treatment.

Many people believe that only the veins in the legs are the source of problems, because they always signal their condition with bloating, pain, and swelling. But in fact, the veins and arteries of the hands suffer no less from our malnutrition, metabolic disorders and bad habits. Moreover, atherosclerosis, invisible to the naked eye, is even more dangerous and insidious. To check the condition of your arteries and veins, you need to do an ultrasound of the vessels of the hands.

What it is?

Ultrasound of the vessels of the upper extremities is a study of the veins and arteries in the arms using ultrasound. Since a special apparatus is used to check the condition of the vessels, the method of which is based on the Doppler effect, the procedure is called USGD (ultrasound dopplerography).

The procedure does not cause discomfort and does not cause pain. Before starting the study, the doctor asks the patient to free his arms and shoulders from clothes and lie down on a medical couch. Then he applies the gel on the body and begins the study - he drives the scanner over the skin in different directions, examining all areas. The ultrasound scan lasts about 30 minutes.

There are 3 options for this procedure: doppler, duplex and triplex scanning. In the first case, you can get information about the state of the vessels, but you can not see them. In the second, the device visualizes the veins with all their curvatures, provides data on blood flow velocity and stenosis. In the third, you can additionally get a color image with maximum detail. If special accuracy is important, then it is better to do an ultrasound of the vessels of the upper extremities in Moscow, because the capital's clinics have the best equipment with high-quality duplex and triplex scanning.

What are they doing it for?

Worn or clogged blood vessels are a real threat to life. Moreover, the vascular walls can be strengthened and maintained in a normal state, but it is almost impossible to restore them. Therefore, it is important to detect the problem in time and start treatment. To check the state of the vascular bed, blood flow velocity and hemodynamics, ultrasound of the vessels of the upper extremities should be done.

Examination shows any violations:

  • vasculitis - inflammation of the walls;
  • atherosclerosis - a chronic disease in which metabolic products accumulate in the vessels and atheromatous plaques are deposited on the walls, reducing the lumen or completely clogging the artery;
  • thrombophlebitis - inflammation of a vein with the formation of blood clots in it;
  • varicose veins - deformation of the venous walls with impaired blood flow. It is more common on the legs, but can also affect the arms.

Preparation for the examination

There is no need to prepare in advance for ultrasound of the vessels. It is advisable not to drink venotonics, blood pressure medications, vasodilators for headaches, antispasmodics on the day of the examination. Taking medication will distort the real picture, and the results of the examination will be inaccurate.


  • Protruding veins with a bluish tint.
  • Poor circulation: numbness of fingers, tingling, constantly cold hands.
  • Hand weakness, cramps, pain.
  • Injury with vascular damage.

If any unusual or painful symptoms associated with the hands appear, it is recommended to visit a doctor and undergo an ultrasound scan.

How much does Ultrasound examination of the vessels of the upper extremities cost?

The price of diagnosing ultrasound of the vessels of the upper extremities varies from 1550 rubles to 8500 rubles.

The cost depends on the location of the diagnostic center and the equipment that is installed in it for the examination.

How to sign up for an ultrasound examination of the vessels of the upper extremities in Moscow?

You can use the search on the site by area and / or metro station. Examine the rating and equipment that is installed in the center in the card of the diagnostic center, as well as look at the reviews. After that, you can call the diagnostic center, or click the "Make an appointment" button, indicate your name and telephone number for communication. Our specialist will contact you and specify the date and time of the appointment.

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On our service, only proven, the best diagnostic centers in Moscow, which conduct an ultrasound examination of the vessels of the upper extremities..

Violation of the work of the veins and arteries of the hands is best assessed in a complex interaction. For this purpose, a comprehensive ultrasound of the veins and arteries of the upper extremities is performed.

The technique makes it possible to reliably and quickly assess the condition of the main veins and arteries, as well as to identify pathological venous refluxes (places of blood reflux from deep veins to superficial ones).

A comprehensive ultrasound of the veins and arteries of the upper extremities is also aimed at determining the state of the venous valves and characterizing the blood flow.

Ultrasound dopplerography (USDG) of the arteries of the upper extremities includes the registration and assessment of arterial blood flow in the vessels in real time.

Ultrasound examination of the arteries of the extremities allows for a quantitative measurement of blood circulation parameters in case of suspicion:

    on stenocclusive processes in the arteries,


    arterial anomalies, vasculitis;

    decrease in peripheral pulsation;

to predict conservative or surgical tactics and determine operational risks.

A comprehensive ultrasound of the veins and arteries of the upper limbs also fixes:

    thickening or narrowing of the vascular wall, its integrity is determined;

    narrowing of the lumen of the vessel itself;

    the presence of blood clots and sclerotic plaques - the main causes of vasoconstriction;

    the presence or absence of tumor formations;

    indicators of blood flow;

    vessel deformities, curvature with hereditary causes;

    inflammatory process.

Our advantages:

Special preparation for the procedure is not required.

The network of antenatal clinics MEDOC provides its patients with high quality medical services. This applies primarily to diagnostic studies.

Our advantages:

    modern equipment that meets international standards;

    qualified specialists with extensive experience;

    convenient work schedule: clinics are open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekdays and from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends;

    the doctor will give you as much time as you need

Violations of the functioning of the veins and arteries of the upper extremities are much less common than similar pathologies of the lower extremities, and, nevertheless, they pose a threat to the patient's health and significantly reduce the quality of life.

Violations of the blood flow of the veins and arteries of the hands lead to unpleasant manifestations and consequences. Therefore, treatment of disorders should be started when the first clinical manifestations occur.

Ultrasound of the veins and arteries of the upper extremities provides a unique opportunity for a safe, painless and accurate study of the pathologies of the vessels of the hands.

When does the doctor prescribe a comprehensive examination of the veins and arteries of the upper extremities?

Ultrasound is performed in the following situations:

    with swelling of the hands, a feeling of numbness;

    with pain in the hands

    with frequent convulsions, especially at night;

    with cold hands;

    with arterial and venous insufficiency;

    with diabetes mellitus;

    with the appearance of trophic ulcers.

In addition, traumatic injuries of the vessels of the hands with fractures, bruises, and muscle ruptures can serve as an indication for ultrasound. It is urgent to do an examination at the first sign of an aneurysm.

What indicators are recorded on ultrasound of the arteries and veins of the upper extremities? What are the main violations of the work of arteries and veins shows ultrasound?

Usually, ultrasound of the hands examines: The walls of arteries and veins, their structure. First of all, this is the determination of the presence of thickening or narrowing of the vascular wall. The walls of the vessel are also checked for integrity.

    Directly the lumen of the vessels. First of all, the narrowing of the lumen is alarming.

    The cause of the vasoconstriction is identified. Most often, the narrowing of the lumen occurs due to atherosclerotic plaques that settle and fix on the walls. Also, blood vessels narrow as a result of blood clots. Sometimes the lumen decreases due to the pressure that tumors of surrounding tissues or enlarged lymph nodes create.

    The exact location of the cause that caused the narrowing is recorded. Its character is determined.

    The speed of blood flow in a vessel. Its main features.

    Various vessel deformities, curvature and tortuosity, including changes caused by heredity.

    Thrombosis and accompanying inflammation are diagnosed.

How is the research going? Is special training needed?

Special preparation is not needed.

The study takes an average of half an hour. The patient usually lies on a couch. The doctor holds the ultrasound probe, pressing it against the control points of the vessels, and examines the graphic images of the sections of the arteries and veins on the monitor.

During the study, in order for the sensor to fit snugly against the patient's body, the doctor applies a special gel.

Ultrasound of the arteries and veins of the upper extremities is safe and painless.
