How to attach a cat harness. How to put a harness on a cat: step-by-step photo instructions. Pros and cons of harnesses, the right choice

Cats and dogs are the most beloved pets; they have lived side by side with humans for thousands of years. And caring owners are constantly inventing new household items for their pets to help with their care. A cat harness is one of the popular accessories purchased in pet salons lately.

Not so long ago, the cat’s place was near the stove; the animal lay warm, occasionally catching mice in the cellar. Modern cats often lead much more eventful social lives. Together with their owners, they travel around different countries, walk in parks and participate in international exhibitions. You can't do without travel, even if you need to visit a veterinarian.

How to put a harness on a cat, what are they for?

Leash ensures security for an animal, the cat will not get hit by a car, will not get lost and will not get lost. And the owner will feel much calmer and more confident when he gets used to putting a leash on the cat every time he goes to the vet, travels in a car to the country, or travels on public transport.

When planning to put a harness on a cat, it is important to consider how it differs from dog collars. The design consists of a thin strap that clasps the animal in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and is fastened on the stomach or back. The shoulder blades also have a ring for a light leash. Many models also include a neck strap and a thin collar; it will be more difficult for a cat to get out of such a “figure eight”, this model is considered more reliable.

How to choose a harness for a cat?

Cats are very sensitive to the slightest discomfort, so you need to choose a leash carefully in a pet store, paying attention to the material and strength. Harnesses are most often made from cotton, nylon or elastic nylon.

Models from different manufacturers differ in options:

A set of harnesses with a leash made in China will cost the cat owner less, but the owner takes a risk, since such leashes are often not very strong, and a strong adult cat will easily break free from such a leash.

Jumpsuit option

For cats that cannot tolerate strap loops, we sell harnesses-overalls. This accessory does not cut into the animal’s body when pulled, the cat will not notice it. In such a leash, the animal will definitely not get confused, will not get caught on something, or get stuck, as sometimes happens with belts. And the bright or unusual colors of the overalls will highlight the pet against the background of the bushes and give it style and originality.

The main task of the harness is to prevent the cat from running away. Therefore, the main thing is to choose the right size of the accessory. It should fit tightly around the animal's body, but between it and the belt there should be a distance of the owner's finger. In this case, the cat will not slip out of the reins, and the accessory will not injure the pet.

How to accustom a cat to a harness?

It is fundamentally wrong to immediately after purchase put a new leash on a cat and drag the poor animal outside to show off to the neighbors. Attentive and caring owner let the animal get used to it to a new thing at home. For several days, the cat should be able to see and smell the straps. Only after this can you, without sudden movements, carefully put the harness on your pet. It is better to do this before feeding, then straps and putting on a harness will be associated with pleasant consequences. If you managed to fasten the leash, you need to distract the cat from unusual new sensations, play with him, and give him a treat.

Experts and breeders recommend accustom animals to a harness from 2–3 months, kittens learn easier and get used to the leash faster. But until 5- one month old Kittens are advised to walk only in the apartment. Then future walks will not cause inconvenience to either the cats or the owners. If you have already decided to start breeding an adult animal with a harness, then you need to walk it on a leash at home for a long time, then try to go outside, walk in a deserted, quiet place where there are no cars.

Cats don't walk around their owners like dogs do. more like a person you will have to walk behind your pet, only occasionally adjusting its route. Of course, you can go outside with a cat that has been vaccinated against infections and wearing a special collar against fleas and ticks.

Can't be taken out for a street walk

Difficult to train to a harness aggressive animals that do not get along well with people and animals, cowardly and nervous individuals. All cats have an individual attitude towards walks, and each owner will be able to find an approach to their pet if they correctly follow the advice of breeders and specialists.

Pets have long been a part of human society. Great amount people get pets in order to give care and receive in return the warmth that our little brothers give.

Almost every pet owner can say with confidence that it takes a lot of effort to care for a pet. Of course, a living creature requires constant attention and care, as well as special food and worries. Therefore, before getting a pet, it is recommended to think very carefully about whether the future owner is ready for all this.

Walking is a separate point. Every dog ​​owner knows what it is and what it is very important point pet care. Some owners prefer to walk their dogs without a collar, but this is only possible if the pet is well trained and there is no chance that at some point he will simply pick up and run away.

Few people know, but sometimes Cats also need walking. When the need arises to walk the cat, problems arise with how this can be done. Every reader can agree that cats, in very rare cases, can allow their owner to put on a leash, as dogs calmly do. This article will be devoted to exactly this, that is, how to put a harness on a cat.

What should you do first? How to dress?

To begin with, it is worth making trial attempts to put the harness on the cat, thus providing the pet with opportunity to get used to it to something unusual for him. At first, the cat will be scared and avoid such “trying on” in every possible way, but later this will bear fruit.

So, you should do the following to allow your cat to become familiar with the harness:

Why is this necessary?

This question may arise for most readers. Of course, a cat is not a dog; you can’t just walk it in the yard. And not everyone wants to walk their cat; for some, this may even seem strange. But there are certain advantages to teaching a cat to use a leash:

  • You can go out into the yard with your cat and not be afraid that at some point the pet will run away in an unknown direction. Keeping a cat at home all the time is not always good; sometimes you need to go out into the fresh air;
  • A harness is an indispensable assistant for the owner who takes his cat to various exhibitions. This device allows you to literally keep a freedom-loving cat “in check”;
  • If you can still argue about the last point, since not all pet owners are inclined to take their pets to exhibitions, then this plus can please literally everyone. We are talking about trips to the veterinarian - a leash will help restrain a nervous pet.

How can you put on a harness without the cat escaping?

Now we should move on to a description of the process itself. Almost everyone knows that a cat is a relatively freedom-loving animal with character. Therefore, in the process of putting a leash on a cat, you can encounter the cat’s nerves - the cat will try to escape in any case. But, if you do everything correctly, then everything can end without pain and without nerves.

So, to begin with, it should be noted that the harnesses there are two types. Each will need to be handled differently, so both methods will be described below.

Figure eight harness

The first type is considered the most common, as well as the most suitable for training your pet to this accessory. The design of this device consists of a collar and straps passing under the front paws, while the clasp is located in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, where the carabiner is located. It is worth immediately noting the fact that putting on such a harness is quite difficult, so you will have to suffer a little. But if the recommendations below are taken into account, it will be easier to do this:

  1. From the very beginning, you should put on the collar, while the harness is turned so that the carabiner is between the shoulder blades;
  2. After completing the previous step, you can proceed to the paws - they will need to be inserted into the holes intended for this;
  3. Then you will need to tighten the belts and check. It should be noted that there should be a distance of one finger between the harness and the cat’s body;
  4. After all the manipulations described above, you just need to fasten the leash to the carabiner.

If everything was done correctly, the cat will not be able to escape. Here it should be clarified that in a situation where you need to fasten the strap under one of the paws yourself, you will need to first insert the paw into the fixed hole, and only then into the free one.

Harness - second type

The design of the second type of harness is simpler; it does not have a collar, which eliminates any stress on the pet’s neck. It should be noted that it is not recommended to put it on a cat that has not previously encountered harnesses, that is This type of harness is not suitable for a “beginner”. It is much easier to put it on, since the design of the harness consists of two triangles under the paws:

If your pet feels extremely uncomfortable in the harness, you can use a harness-overall - it is fastened with Velcro and is practically not felt on the body. It should also be noted that the owner should think carefully before taking the pet outside. You should not let your cat go outside without having the necessary vaccinations. In addition, it is strongly recommended that your pet wear a flea collar along with the harness. You can see how to put on a leash in the video.

Is the animal rushing into unknown distances, constantly running out into the corridor? You can help your pet with this by taking him for a walk. To do this, you need to know how to put a harness on a cat. Of course, not a single cat will allow such an action to happen without a fight the first time. Moreover, he will not walk down the street next to you and will not break out, obeying the control. They all feel like a cat that “walks on its own.” And now they will have to lose their freedom, which is extremely unpleasant for them.

Before putting a harness on a cat, you need to accustom him to it, let him familiarize himself with:

1) First, the pet must sniff it, play and get used to the new accessory. This usually takes 2-3 weeks.

2) You cannot put a harness on a cat and immediately take him outside: first he must walk around the house in it.

3) After a few days you can attach a leash. First, he must choose the directions himself, and then he can gradually begin to correct him.

When you learn how to put a harness on a cat, you will have many pleasant consequences:

  • walk with your pet and not worry that he might escape;
  • this is indispensable if you want to participate in exhibitions;
  • A harness is an indispensable friend when traveling to the veterinarian.

How to put a harness on a cat so that it cannot break out of it and run away

To prevent unpleasant consequences everything must be done correctly. There are two types of harnesses. Let's figure out how to wear each of them.

First type: "eight"

They are the most common and are great if you are just getting your pet used to a harness. This design consists of a collar and straps that go under the front legs, and a clasp in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, where the carabiner is located. Putting on such a harness is difficult, so you will have to try, but after a while you will learn and everything will become easier.

  • First of all, the collar is put on, the harness is turned so that the carabiner is between the shoulder blades.
  • When this step is completed, you can proceed to the paws, which need to be inserted into special holes designed for this.
  • Then we tighten the belts and check. The distance between the cat's body and the harness is one finger.
  • We attach the leash to the carabiner.

If you did everything correctly, the pet will not be able to escape.

Note: in the case when you need to fasten the strap yourself under one of the paws, you first need to insert the paw into the hole that is fixed, and then into the free one.

How to put a harness on a cat that belongs to the second type

Its design is simpler, it does not have a collar, which avoids the burden on the corresponding section, but it is not worth putting it on a “newbie”, since it will be more difficult to control the pet. It consists of two triangles under the paws, so putting it on is much easier:

  • place the harness on the floor/table (the surface should be flat);
  • We place the cat with our front paws in the corresponding triangular holes;
  • fasten the harness just below the shoulder blades;
  • fasten the leash.

You can use a cat harness if your cat can't get used to the harness. It is fastened with Velcro and is almost imperceptible on the body. If the pet is not given necessary vaccinations, do not walk with him on the street, as the risk of infection greatly increases. Before you put a harness on your cat, you need to remember to “attach” a flea collar to it.

Despite the fact that cats have long been domestic animals, and most of them are “exclusively domestic”, the need for fresh air and they still had some for walks.

In addition to the warm sun and green grass, walks add variety to a cat’s life and provide an opportunity to expand the boundaries of her world. However, walking independently in unfamiliar territory, especially in big city, can be very dangerous (aggressive dogs, vehicles, etc.). An excellent solution to this problem can be a harness for cats, which will allow the animal to walk relatively freely, but under the supervision of the owner.

Types of harnesses for cats

The stores offer a wide range of cat harnesses various types, styles and colors. The most common:

Figure-8-shaped harnesses (consist of two loops that cover the cat’s body at the neck and just behind the front paws, connecting at the shoulder blades. This design eliminates the possibility of the cat “slipping out” and prevents the possibility of suffocation);
H-shaped harnesses (similar to the previous ones, only on the back the loops have a connecting bar, which makes the harnesses look like the letter H);
V-shaped harnesses (the loop forms a V on the chest);
harnesses and jackets (among other things, they help protect the fur from dirt and cold).

How to choose the right harness for a cat

When choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

Material. Harnesses made of cotton or nylon are more often chosen, as they are easy to clean and do not rub the animal’s skin. Leather harnesses are not particularly popular, as they are stiffer and heavier.
Width of straps. 1-1.5 cm are considered optimal. It is desirable to be able to change the length of the straps.
Fastenings. Should be secure and easy to fasten and unfasten. There are models with a detachable leash, which is very convenient for long walks. In this case, you can choose a longer and more convenient leash in the form of a tape measure.
Size. Determined by the circumference of the chest behind the front legs. By inserting 2 fingers between the harness and the cat's back, you can check that the purchased harness is the correct size. If your fingers fit freely, then the size is correct.

It is also worth choosing a leash. They come in regular and roulette form. A tape measure allows you to give your pet more freedom, but may have more weight, which not all cats will like.

How to properly put a harness on a cat.

Putting a harness on a cat for the first time can be quite difficult, but with some experience and skill it will only take a few seconds.

How to put a harness on a cat

So, you need to complete the following points:

1. Check if the harness is adjusted to fit right size. At first, you can unfasten the leash so that it doesn’t get tangled or interfere.
2. Pick up the cat and calm it down by petting and talking to it.
3. Place a closed ring around the cat’s neck, turning it so that the carabiner is on the back. Then we insert the front paws one by one into the second ring. If the harness has a clasp, then we insert one paw into the triangle between the closed ring, the jumper and the clasp, and place the strap with the clasp under the belly and fasten it on the back, so that the second paw is in a similar triangle.
4. Check that all carabiners are fastened and that there are no bends or creases on the straps.
5. Make sure that the cat’s harness does not press or pinch. Adjust the straps if necessary.
6. Attach the leash to the carabiner.

Now the cat is ready for a walk. However, it is very rare that animals immediately calmly accept a harness; most often they need to be prepared for this device.

How to train a cat to wear a harness

After purchasing the equipment, you can begin to train your cat to wear a harness, which is not always easy. It is best to teach it from childhood. You can start wearing a harness from 2-3 months of age. You should not immediately try to put a harness on a cat, as the animal may be frightened by an unfamiliar object and the training process may take a long time. First you need to let the cat sniff the new thing and get to know it. Then the harness should be placed near the places where the cat likes to spend time (sleeping, playing, eating). After a few days, you can put on the harness without the leash at first. Some cats take the new device calmly the first time, while some may begin to break free and try to remove the harness.


In this case, you should try to calm and distract the animal with play or food. If all else fails, you should postpone the attempt for a few more days. For the first time, 5-10 minutes is enough. For several days, wear a harness when the cat is in good mood, preferably before playing or feeding, so that the harness evokes pleasant associations. When the cat gets used to it and moves freely around the room, you can try attaching a leash. You can't pull the cat towards you. As soon as she feels the tension, she will lie on the ground and push with all her paws. At first, you should just follow her, and then try to gently call her.

And probably the most important point - do not try to accustom yourself to a harness. adult cat, especially if you live outside the city.

First walk

First of all, it is worth remembering that there are several cases in which you should not go for walks:

With kittens under 5 months (until this time the animal does not have strong immunity) and older, if vaccinations are not given;
With older cats that have never been outside (this can negatively affect their health);
During the rehabilitation period after illness or surgery;
If the cat is very cowardly or too aggressive.

If all this does not apply to your cat, then for the first walk it is best to choose a quiet, secluded place where there will be no strangers, cats or dogs. This could be a park or a quiet courtyard. If such a place is far from home, it is better to carry the cat there in a carrier or in your arms. In the chosen place, carefully lower the animal to the ground. At first, the cat may sit still and fearfully look at the new space. There is no need to push her, she will decide for herself when she is ready to move on. Care should be taken to ensure that no one or nothing frightens the animal, otherwise this may discourage the animal from going for walks for a long time. Also, you should not try to force the cat to go where you want. At first it’s better to just follow her. And in the future, it’s worth coming to terms with the idea that it’s not you who walk the cat, but the cat who walks you. Very little time will pass, and such walks will bring a lot of pleasure to both you and your pet.

How to put a harness on a cat

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A few years ago, a cat on a leash was perceived as something exotic, but today this phenomenon is becoming commonplace. Unlike dogs, for walking which you can use both a collar and a harness, only the latter is suitable for cats.

Why does a cat need a harness?

Of course, free walks are preferable for a cat, but, unfortunately, this is not applicable everywhere. If you live in rural areas, then you are unlikely to walk your cats on a leash. And in the private sector, cats have slightly different functions than just being pets. These are working animals whose direct duty is to catch mice, and doing this on a leash is quite difficult. If you live in a quiet city area in a small house with a cozy yard, where everyone knows each other, there are few cars, there are no inadequate sadistic neighbors who consider cats their personal enemies, it is quite acceptable to let the cat live a full cat life (but it’s up to you to decide, of course ).

Walking on a leash is justified if you live in a large multi-storey building, where it is difficult for a cat to get outside, and staying there is unsafe. There is no doubt that megacities with a large number of cars and paved local areas are not the best place for cat walks. Therefore, if you want your pet to go for walks, you cannot do without a leash, and therefore without a harness, since a collar for attaching a leash is absolutely not suitable for a cat, because in this case, when pulling, the main load falls on the animal’s neck, which may damage it. For cats, a mounting option is required on the back - on the shoulder blades or even lower.

In megacities, it is better for cats to walk under control

With supervised walks, you can be sure that your animal:

  • will not get lost;
  • will not eat any nasty things;
  • will not be attacked by cruel people, aggressive relatives and dogs, annoying children;
  • won't get hit by a car.

Under no circumstances should you leave your cat tied to a leash unattended, even on your own property or dacha. It is not uncommon for tethered cats to be torn to pieces by those who had sneaked into the territory. stray dogs, and because of the tether they had no way to escape or climb a tree.

Not all cats will benefit from walks (and therefore the use of a harness). You should not insist on walking if:

  • your animal is under five months old: in this case, there is a high risk of catching some dangerous infection (this is also true for unvaccinated adults);
  • you have a timid and nervous animal for which a walk would be too stressful;
  • your pet has reached a respectable age, but has never gone outside: you shouldn’t even start - it will also be too much of a shock for him, let him live out his days in peace;
  • your cat has had an illness or surgery;
  • your cat is in heat or later pregnancy.

In addition to walking, harnesses with a leash can be used when visiting the veterinarian, traveling in public transport or at exhibitions.

Types of harnesses for cats and choosing the appropriate model

There are not so many options for harnesses:

  • a figure eight (or two rings connected at the top, or a ribbon with a loop and clasp that you can roll into a figure eight yourself);

    It is better if the figure-eight harness has both rings with clasps

  • H-shaped model (two rings with a jumper on the back);

    H-shaped harness consists of two rings and a jumper on the back

  • Y-shaped model (the same two rings with a jumper on the chest);

    The Y-harness is similar to a figure eight, only with a jumper on the chest

  • V-shaped model (when unfolded it looks like a rhombus with a jumper in the middle, fastens at the back);

    V-harness is the easiest model to use

  • model with two jumpers - on the back and chest;

    There are models with two jumpers - both on the back and on the chest

  • harnesses-vests and harnesses-overalls.

    Harness vests are usually decorated with various details

The price of harnesses ranges from 150 (simple eights) to 1,500 rubles (vests and overalls). There are also sophisticated models with various decorations, but this is not for everyone. Each design has its pros and cons, so it is important to choose the right harness for each specific animal.

Harnesses made of nylon or natural fibers are suitable for cats; sometimes there are models with a felt backing, these are also suitable. The preferred width of the straps is one and a half centimeters, more is possible.

Figure-8 harnesses

Simple eights are universal and quite easy to use. True, this applies to models with rings fastened on the back. If you have a model that you need to turn into a figure eight yourself, you will have to practice, but this is also not difficult. It is better to choose harnesses that have fasteners on both loops, so they are easier to put on and you can adjust the size.

The leash for figure-eight harnesses is attached in the area of ​​the shoulder blades

The leash in this model will be attached in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. Figure-of-eight harnesses are more suitable for kittens, slender animals or pets with a short body. Before purchasing, you need to measure your neck and chest circumference.


For cats with a powerful chest and short back, it is better to choose Y-shaped models, since the pressure on chest when pulling, the leash will be distributed more evenly, which eliminates the possibility of injury. Before purchasing such a harness, it is necessary, in addition to the girth of the neck and chest, to measure the height of the chest.

Before purchasing a figure-of-eight or H-shaped harness, you need to measure the circumference of your neck and chest, and before purchasing a Y-shaped harness, also measure the height of your chest.

There are models in which the length of the chest bridge can be adjusted.

Y-shaped model with three adjustments can be purchased for growth


V-shaped models are only suitable for cats that are used to and love to walk on a leash. Otherwise, the animal will easily free itself from such a harness.


For long and large animals, H-shaped models are suitable. In them, the leash is attached below the level of the shoulder blades, so the pressure is on the chest, and not on the neck.

H-shaped harnesses are suitable for long cats

You should not purchase models in which you cannot unfasten or adjust the size of the neck ring when putting it on. Firstly, the cat will definitely not like it when they try to force its head into some hole, and secondly, it will be able to get rid of such a harness quite freely, and most often this happens at the most inopportune moment.

Vests and overalls

Many people like vest harnesses or jumpsuit harnesses, as they are often beautifully designed.

Many people like vest harnesses because of their beautiful design.

It is believed that they must be chosen according to the season: insulated - for winter and mesh - for summer. But this is a highly controversial statement. Since, for example, in a mesh nylon bag (even with holes) in the summer it is quite hot and not comfortable. Warm vests for winter are not needed at all, for example, by Siberian cats or Maine Coons - they already tolerate frost well, and in winter you won’t go for a walk with a Sphynx in any case. So purchasing harnesses-vests is more a tribute to your taste, and not a necessity.

In any case, the harness should:

  • be comfortable;
  • do not hinder the animal’s movements;
  • do not rub the skin;
  • easy to put on;
  • have reliable fasteners.

By the way, using Velcro on vest harnesses can be inconvenient ( long wool it sticks there and, when removed, gets torn out, which the animal may not like) or even dangerous (if frightened, the cat can jerk strongly, and the Velcro cannot withstand such a load and come undone).

Before purchasing, it is advisable to try on several types of harnesses, especially if you are purchasing a vest or overalls. But this advice is difficult to follow in most cases. You must have an absolutely indifferent animal so that you can bring it to an unfamiliar place (a store), where there may also be other people, and then subject it to the fitting procedure. An ordinary cat will be against it, varying degrees showing your dissatisfaction. Therefore, it is better to arm yourself with a centimeter, take all possible measurements at home, and then try on the products offered in the store.

How to put a harness on a cat

Before putting the harness on your cat, practice on a stationary object, such as a toy. It is very important that you act confidently, clearly and quickly, because the cat senses your mood very sensitively, and uncertainty is transmitted to the animal: it begins to get nervous, tries to break free, scratches and bites, and if you still manage to put on a harness, it tries to free itself and throw off an incomprehensible object.

Before putting a harness on your cat, practice on a stationary object.

The general rule when putting on a harness is: it should fit snugly, but not restrict movement. Ideally, a finger should fit between the harness straps and the animal’s body (the two-finger rule is for dogs, but if you put it on a cat, it will turn out without much effort). It is better to fasten the leash when the harness is already on.

Option for figure eight with attached straps:

  1. Unfasten both straps.
  2. Let's take the cat.
  3. Fasten the neck strap.
  4. The place for attaching the leash is located clearly between the shoulder blades.
  5. Fasten the strap around the body.
  6. Attach a leash.

Option for team eight:

  1. We pass the end of the strap into the bridle and make a loose loop.
  2. We take the cat and put a noose around its neck.
  3. We adjust the girth and make sure that the leash mount is located between the shoulder blades.
  4. We wrap the strap around the animal's body and fasten it. The main thing is to make sure that the strap does not twist anywhere.
  5. Attach a leash.

We put H-shaped harnesses on the pet like this:

  1. Unfasten both rings.
  2. Let's take the cat.
  3. Fasten the neck ring.
  4. We place the jumper between the shoulder blades.
  5. Fasten the chest ring.
  6. We attach the leash.

This model has two options. In the first, the neck strap is unfastened, in the second - not.

In the first case:

  1. Unfasten both straps.
  2. We place the jumper at the bottom and insert the animal’s paw into the triangle formed by the jumper and the neck and chest straps.
  3. Fasten the strap around the neck.
  4. Fasten the strap on the chest.
  5. We attach the leash.

Second option:

  1. We put the neck ring on the cat.
  2. We insert the cat's paw into the formed triangle.
  3. Make sure that the jumper goes through the center of the chest.
  4. Fasten the chest ring.
  5. We attach the leash.

Video: how to assemble and put on a Y-harness

Harnesses with two jumpers are put on in the same way.

These models are very easy to put on; you just need to lay them out on the floor, place the animal’s front paws in triangles, and then fasten the clasp and attach the leash.

V-shaped harnesses are the easiest to put on a cat.

Video: how to put a V-harness on a cat

These types of harnesses come with fasteners both on the stomach and chest, and on the back. In the first case, you simply wrap the cat with a harness and fasten it at the bottom. In the second, you put the paws through the holes and fasten them on the back.

How to accustom a cat to a harness and leash

It is better to accustom a cat to a harness from childhood, but this is also possible in adulthood. It’s good if your cat wears a collar, in which case she will take the harness calmly:

  1. First, introduce your cat to a new object. Let him sniff, examine, touch - the cat must make sure that he is safe.

    Be sure to introduce your cat to the new harness so that she understands that this item is safe.

  2. By the way, if the harness has an unpleasant and Strong smell, the cat definitely won’t like it. Wash it, air it out, freeze it in winter, bake it in the sun in summer, in general, do everything to get rid of this smell. Then place the harness on cat toys or in the basket where the cat sleeps.
  3. When the harness is perceived as your property, start putting it on. If the experiment is successful, be sure to praise the cat and pet it. Let the cat walk around in the harness, play, eat, or even sleep, in general, get used to feeling it on its body. The time spent in the harness should be increased gradually.
  4. If your pet resists, it is best to calm him down first, distract him, and then try again. We must not allow the “harness - unpleasant sensations” connection to become established in the cat’s brain.
  5. Well, now the cat is used to the harness, it’s time to accustom it to the leash. First, attach him to the harness and let him walk around the apartment so that he can freely follow it. This should only be done under your supervision, because you need to make sure that the leash does not get caught on anything. Otherwise, the cat may feel trapped, try to free itself, panic and, ultimately, begin to perceive the leash as a dangerous object that it is better not to mess with.
  6. If this stage was successful, teach the cat to follow you on its heels. Take a leash and follow the cat around the room.
  7. It's time to conduct field tests. The place for walking should be quiet and safe, preferably away from a dog walk, so that irreparable incidents do not occur. Be patient and let the cat get comfortable, do not try to immediately lower it to the ground. If she is scared of something, pick her up, calm her down and go home. The first walks should be short, increase the time spent outside gradually.

    If the cat likes to walk, the harness will not interfere with it

If you do everything correctly and without coercion, your cat will love walks, and they will bring you both many pleasant moments.
