Urology clinics and medical centers (162). Clinic of Urology and Andrology Urology Clinic doctor

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Natalia Aleksandrovna Markina. There was severe inflammation chronic prostatitis. I was sick for a long time. I was lucky to have an appointment with her. This is a professional with a capital P. Competent and attentive specialist: in short time carried out diagnosis and treatment.

Thank you very much, Natalia Alexandrovna!

- Tyurin S.A. about the doctor Markina N.A.

I am very grateful to the urologist Ilya Alexandrovich Mostovoy for his highly qualified assistance and attentive attitude.


- Avakov Anatoly Eduardovich (patient of the ViTerra clinic since 2018) about the doctor Mostov I.A.

Many thanks to Dr. Mostovoy I.A. !

This is a doctor from God, competent, responsible, very respectful with patients. I received treatment, clarified all the questions that concerned me, and was treated completely under the supervision of a doctor with all the necessary studies performed. I am very glad that I found such a wonderful doctor.

Many thanks to Ilya Alexandrovich from a cured patient!

- Patient Minenkova M.V. about the doctor Mostov I.A.

I have been seeing clinic No. 1 ViTerra Belyaevo for about a year. Many thanks to the urologist-andrologist of the clinic Mostovoy Ilya Aleksandrovich! I came to him with complaints typical for my age. Dr. Mostovoy prescribed me pills and gave me a course of shock wave therapy. Symptoms of prostatitis in men are common and very difficult to treat. But such A complex approach to treatment and diagnosis, which Ilya Alexandrovich suggested to me, gave its results!

- Grateful patient about the doctor Mostov I.A.

There are places in the world when you visit which you feel comfortable in every sense of the word. Despite the fact that we are talking about a clinic where I was examined and treated by various specialists, and not about oceans and seas.))

I express my deep gratitude for the professional approach to patients from the reception staff to the head physician of the clinic. Here they save your time and improve your health as quickly as possible. Well equipped prof. offices modern technologies, cleanliness throughout the clinic, friendly atmosphere throughout!

And, what is important (!!!), when we come here, we receive service for the whole family (both children and adults). There is no need to look for specialists in different parts of Moscow - everything is in one clinic!

I wish you to forever maintain such a brand and always develop with the times!

- Patient Daniya Rifkhatovna Rakhimova about the doctor Sterkhove D.Yu. and clinic No. 1 ViTerra Belyaevo

3 months ago I had surgery on prostate gland(radical prostatectomy). After this I began to feel characteristic complications in the form of problems with urination and sexual function. I turned to the urologist - andrologist Ilya Aleksandrovich Mostovoy at clinic No. 1 ViTerra Belyaevo. I underwent a course of treatment at this clinic (medicines and physiotherapy). I am very pleased with the result!

- Grateful patient about the doctor Mostov I.A.

Thank you to Natalia Alexandrovna for your support and professionalism! Always ready to answer all questions and bring treatment to complete recovery.

- Lavrentiev V.A. about the doctor Markina N.A.

I've been worried about this for a year chronic cystitis. I went to different clinics, took tests, and underwent treatment. But after some time the disease returned again.

When I got an appointment with N.A. Markina, she warned that it was necessary comprehensive examination to identify the cause of the disease. While in other clinics treatment was prescribed only on the basis of blood and urine tests, and the cause of the disease remained unknown.

All procedures carried out by N.A. Markina were performed very professionally, carefully and kindly.

I would like to tell you more about the cystoscopy procedure.

When Markina N.A. suggested that I do this procedure (cystoscopy), I was very scared at first. And, to be honest, I didn’t plan to do it. But after Markina N.A. spoke about all the advantages of this procedure, about its informativeness, about the fact that today it is the most effective procedure to identify the causes of cystitis, I still agreed. Seeing my fear of this procedure, the doctor suggested that I do it under anesthesia. I agreed.

I immediately liked the anesthesiologist! He is very calm, self-confident, he charges you so much with his energy, kindness and warmth that it becomes so easy and calm that nothing is scary :) The anesthesia went incredibly easily, I didn’t even notice how I fell asleep. I had already done anesthesia before, but this was the first time I had such an easy time falling asleep and waking up! I woke up completely within half an hour after the procedure! I am very grateful to the doctor! Immediately after waking up, I went to N.A. Markina, and she told me the cause of my cystitis and described the treatment regimen. Thus, she revealed the real reason a disease that is now being treated!

After the cystoscopy procedure there is not the slightest discomfort, no pain - nothing! It’s as if I just slept a little in the treatment room and that’s it :) This means that the procedure was carried out very professionally and carefully! I am very grateful to my attending physicians for their high professionalism and kind, humane attitude towards me!

- Buevskaya N.A. about the doctor Markina N.A. and etc.

I express great gratitude to my doctor Dmitry Yuryevich Sterkhov for his professionalism, attentive attitude, sensitivity, and understanding as a doctor towards patients.

- Isupova E.V. about the doctor Sterkhove D.Yu.

Many thanks to urologist Natalia Aleksandrovna Markina for her high professionalism and care for the patient! She called ambulance for hospitalization and waited for her after the end of her work shift to hand me over to the emergency doctors and explain to them my problems. Thanks again!

- Rulkov V.V. about the doctor Markina N.A.

Thank you very much to Ilya Alexandrovich!!! A very positive doctor who delves into the patient’s problems and supports him with his smile)) I would like to note the professional approach to diagnosis and treatment, the use of the most advanced international techniques.

Thank you!!!

- Patient of the ViTerra clinic in Belyaevo about the doctor Mostov I.A.

Thanks to Dr. Mostovoy I.A. Really helped and CURED. Thanks a lot!!!

- Mironov B.N. about the doctor Mostov I.A.

I, Mikhail Vyacheslavovich Cheklin, have been undergoing treatment with Ilya Alexandrovich Mostovoy for the last 10 years. I can say that Ilya Alexandrovich is a doctor from God, a professional with a capital “P”. He is very attentive to people and, of course, to the issue of their treatment. I express my hope that there will be more doctors like him in Russia and the wonderful clinics that he created.

With respect to him,

- Cheklin Mikhail Vyacheslavovich about the doctor Mostov I.A.

I express my gratitude to the urologist andrologist Dmitry Yuryevich Sterkhov for his attentive and thorough examination, examination and treatment.

The visit to the clinic was due to the absence of pregnancy in the wife during 10 years of marriage. Examination and treatment at the place of residence had no effect. Here the main causes of the disease were immediately identified - varicocele and low level hormones.

- Hseli Qahtan Hussein about the doctor Sterkhove D.Yu.

I am seeing a urologist, Natalia Aleksandrovna Markina. This is a true professional in his field! Attentive (including to details), responsive, has the most extensive knowledge of possible research, analyzes and modern methods of diagnosis and treatment in the field of urology.

- With gratitude, Alexander Alexandrovich about the doctor Markina N.A.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to doctor Natalia Aleksandrovna Markina! I am glad that I got an appointment with her. Natalia Aleksandrovna is a professional in her field, a very sensitive and responsible doctor. She used all her knowledge and experience to cure me. She underwent a course of treatment medicines and laser therapy, as well as a course of restorative procedures.

- Elkova Irina Anatolyevna about the doctor Markina N.A.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the competent, highly professional and attentive urologist Natalia Aleksandrovna Markina. I have long time There were pains in the pelvis and bladder. I went to many doctors and no one could diagnose me. And only Natalia Alexandrovna was able to understand the reasons and establish accurate diagnosis and prescribe comprehensive treatment. Today, it is thanks to this most experienced doctor and wonderful person that I can live again full life and not experience endless pain. Thank you very much!

- Skomorokhova V.V. about the doctor Markina N.A.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to the urologist Natalia Aleksandrovna Markina. You are sensitive, attentive, and most importantly, a professional who knows and loves his job. How important it is to get to a competent doctor who will not only make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment, but also interested in your recovery. Thank you, good Doctor!

- Patient Chesalin Yuri Viktorovich and his wife Chesalina Elena Evgenievna about the doctor Markina N.A.

A wonderful place, with qualified specialists and a humane approach to the problems of patients. Having tried about five different clinics, now I always choose ViTerra! Thanks for the service!

- Prokhorkin Maxim about ViTerra clinic in Belyaevo

I, Brainin Leonid Davydovich, am generally very pleased with the quality of services provided by the ViTerra clinic. I am satisfied with the result of the treatment, all physiotherapeutic procedures were carried out as comfortably and effectively as possible, drug therapy selected very competently, with a high effect of action. The clinic feels very high-tech, high level qualifications of treating doctors. I would also like to note the effectiveness of insurance contracts, which are most conveniently selected for patients, which allows them to use a large number of quite expensive services on a large scale. The clinic's pricing policy was also a pleasant surprise.

- Patient Brainin Leonid Davydovich about the ViTerra clinic, the direction of urology and ViTerra annual maintenance programs

I contacted the Viterra clinic in Belyaevo, because... I live nearby. I came to you with a very old problem. I was pleasantly surprised by the service at the clinic and the professionalism of the doctor, who I will continue to see. I just started treatment, but I already feel much better. Many thanks to urologist Ilya Alexandrovich Mostovoy!

- Grateful patient about the doctor Mostov I.A.

Many thanks to the urologist of the ViTerra clinic in Belyaevo - Ilya Alexandrovich Mostovoy!

We see the doctor with the whole family. Ilya Alexandrovich is a true professional in his field!

- Andrey about the doctor Mostov I.A.

Dmitry Yuryevich gives the impression of a true professional. During the treatment process he was very friendly and answered all my questions. I was treated by him for cystitis, I’m happy with everything. Thank you!

- Volskaya K.V. about the doctor Sterkhove D.Yu.

I would like to say a huge thank you to Ilya Alexandrovich Mostovoy, very to a good doctor! I have been seeing this doctor for more than a year and I can say with confidence that there are few such attentive, professional, concerned about patients and experienced doctors. Therefore, I am sincerely glad that I found such a doctor. I recommend it to everyone!

- Vladimir D. about Dr. Mostovy I.A.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Ilya Alexandrovich, urologist-andrologist at the ViTerra clinic. The doctor gave me the correct diagnosis on time, carried out a comprehensive and professional treatment. After recovery, I decided to become a regular client of the ViTerra clinic network and purchased an annual program for joining the clinic! I am very pleased with the care and service at the clinic!

- Myanko Viktor about Dr. Mostovy I.A.

I have been undergoing examination and treatment at the ViTerra clinic on Proletarskaya for the second year now. Annual insurance at the clinic is quite profitable both in terms of services and price. Special thanks to the urologist Ilya Aleksandrovich Mostovoy for his kindness and professionalism!

- Sergey about Dr. Mostovy I.A.

Ilya Mostovoy is a competent specialist and has an individual approach to each patient. I turned to this excellent doctor with problems related to prostatitis. After the doctor talked to me carefully and for a long time, he took tests, did TRUS, ultrasound. Then I underwent the necessary course of treatment using physiotherapeutic procedures at the ViTerra clinic on Proletarskaya. Ilya Alexandrovich Mostovoy was very pleased with the results of treatment! I recommend this doctor to everyone!

- Yuri about Dr. Mostovoy I.A.

I had my next appointment with urologist Ilya Aleksandrovich Mostovoy at the ViTerra clinic. I was impressed by the doctor’s individual approach to the patient, kindness, responsiveness and charming smile with which Ilya Alexandrovich helps to mentally endure the disease. Sincerely, from a grateful patient. 03.11.2016

- Andrey Anatolyevich about Dr. Mostovy I.A.

We liked a good, competent doctor - Dmitry Yuryevich (Sterkhov) not only for his professionalism, but also for his attentive attitude towards his patient. We will recommend a doctor.

- Elena about Dr. Sterkhov D.Yu.

The consultation went quite well. The doctor treated me attentively and kindly, spent a lot of time discussing the problem that worried me, and explained everything clearly and clearly. I am planning further surgery with this specialist.

- Victor about Dr. Sterkhov D.Yu.

I was amazed by this doctor's attention to me! In addition to the fact that he conducted his consultation with an A plus, he wrote out referrals to several more specialists and then he himself took me to them. This surprised me and made me very happy, because due to my rather busy work schedule, seeing all the doctors in one day is a huge success!

- Elena Nikolaevna about Dr. Mostovoy I.A.

I highly recommend my doctor to everyone, he is a wonderful specialist! Tactful and attentive.

- Alexander about Dr. N.A. Markina

Natalia Alexandrovna - good specialist, a person with extensive experience, she received me well, advised me on everything I needed, and explained everything sensibly and intelligibly. I express my deep gratitude to Natalia Alexandrovna!

- Larisa about Dr. N.A. Markina

I have no complaints about the doctor. At the beginning, I felt a little nervous, as usual at an appointment with any doctor, but the doctor was quickly able to defuse the situation and further communication took place in a very comfortable and friendly atmosphere. I liked everything very much. The doctor is adequate, treats patients very well and attentively. He has understanding, sympathy, and accuracy. I also liked the delicacy she shows towards her patients.

- Vladimir about Dr. N.A. Markina

I was completely satisfied with the consultation with specialist Natalia Alexandrovna. Excellent welcome, wonderful qualified specialist. I'm glad I found such a good doctor.

- Alexander about Dr. N.A. Markina

I came to the doctor on the recommendation of friends. Problems with urination have been bothering me for about a year. As soon as I get a little cold, I immediately start running “little by little”... The doctor listened carefully, looked at me, did an ultrasound, and prescribed tests. I’ve been taking the medications and procedures for 3 days now, and nothing bothers me at all. I liked that the doctor approached my problem comprehensively and focused on the fact that my “sore” is chronic, and it is important to get long-term results from the prescribed treatment.

- Anonymous about the doctor