Contest. Dad, Mom, I'm a sports family.doc - Competition-contest "Dad, Mom, I'm a sports family." Competition: “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family

Goals and objectives:

  1. Strengthening the health of children and their parents.
  2. Fostering a love of physical education and sports, a sense of friendship.
  3. Promotion of healthy lifestyles.
  4. Determining the strongest team.

Location: gym.

Equipment and inventory:

Stopwatch, whistle, tape measure, stands (flags or skittles), balls (basketball, volleyball, football, tennis), balloons, jump ropes, hoops, bags, rope.

Non-standard equipment:

Wooden bricks, wooden pole walkers (height 15 cm; diameter 13-15 cm, a hole is drilled in the upper part and a rope is stretched (rope length 2 meters), wooden gymnastic sticks.

Decor: slogans-posters: “If you want to be strong - run!”, “If you want to be beautiful - run!”, “If you want to be smart - run!”, “Sport is health”, “Sport is success”, “Sport is friendship” ”, “Sport is the strongest of all”, “There is no greater victory than victory over yourself.”

Musical accompaniment: sports march.


Family teams consist of three people - father, mother and child - team captain.


    The winner is awarded a medal, certificate and prize.

    The winners are awarded with certificates and sweet prizes.

    Families can be awarded in the following categories:

The progress of the holiday

To the sounds of a sports march, the teams enter the gym and line up in front of the jury.

Presenter I

Welcome, dear guests, welcome!
Have fun and joy!
We've been waiting for you for a long time,
We don’t start the holiday without you.
We have something for everyone: a word and a place!

(the teams take their places)

Presenter II

Hello! Hello! Hello!
Today here in gym
We are sports, skills are compatible.
We celebrate this glorious holiday with you
We will dedicate it to wonderful games.

Presenter I

We see friendly faces here
We feel the sports spirit all around us
Everyone here has the heart of an Olympian
Here everyone is a friend of sports and art.

Presenter II

He will win the competition
Who is accurate, dexterous and strong
Shows all his skills
Who is tempered in spirit and body.

Presenter I

Oh sport, dear!
Through life with you
We will always be friends
God willing, for many years to come!
The joy of movement fills us.
The heart beats more cheerfully in the chest!
And moments of sporting victory
Complemented by the smiles of friends.

Presenter II

And sport helps us learn
After all, health is the basis of everything
Who walks through life with sports?
He can go far.
Oh sport, dear!
Through life with you
We will always be friends
God willing, for many years to come!

Presenter I

It's nice to say words like that
Greeting your guests at the door
We are so glad to see you, dear guests.
So glad...

Presenter II

Let us open our family all-around championship “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!” And introduce the teams participating in our competitions.

Presenter I

dads(take a step forward)

Here they are in front of us - slightly cheerful, in some places fit and even invincible in some ways, and in what exactly - we will find out later ( dads fall into place).

Presenter II

moms(take a step forward)

They are always in shape. Constant training makes itself felt: the stove, running to the shops, weeding, washing, cleaning. And even the annual respite on March 8 does not unsettle them. And we are sure that today they will set the tone for their teams (mothers take a step back).

Presenter I

And finally captains teams! (children take a step forward)

This is them from the cradle long years They were hardened by constant training and united their parents into a friendly team, setting themselves new challenges: hard in learning, easy in battle.

Presenter II

1 team ( Name)
Team captain

2nd team ( Name)
Team captain

3rd team ( Name)
Team captain

Presenter I

Victory is within the reach of the brave, great success awaits him
Who, without flinching, if necessary, will enter the battle one for all.
Let the jury follow the entire course of the battle without a mistake
Whoever turns out to be more friendly will win the battle.
Time for business, time for fun. Teams, the floor is yours

(wishes to the opponents, the teams say)

Presenter II

We present to you the panel of judges ( organizer of extracurricular activities, physical education teachers, representatives of the parent committee, school council).

Sports part of the holiday

Presenter I

1 competition

Warm-up is very important for athletes, as you can see both strong and weak sides enemy.
And our competition “Merry crossing”

The dads speak first. Pillar walkers cover the distance. Are returning ( also on pillar walkers). And they pass the baton to mothers. Moms: move on 3 wooden bricks, alternately moving them, but at the same time stand on them ( don't go to the floor). They reach the flags, pick up 3 bricks and run back. The team captain moves next. The child uses two hoops to cross - he jumps from one hoop to the other.

Presenter II

2 competition

It's good that there are games in the world,
In which the joy of moving with the ball.
The ball on the planet unites us
And lights our hearts with fire.
After the first task
Listen carefully
Second test.

(Families located behind the common start line)

Dads start first: they circle the goalposts with a soccer ball to the flag and return in the same way. Mothers start second: they perform straight beating ( volleyball) ball to the post and back. Children start third: dribbling a basketball ( it is necessary, just like dads, to circle the pins or racks). And back to finish.

Presenter I

In the second competition, all teams demonstrated excellent ball control and good physical preparation. And now we will hold the third competition.

3 competition

Here's a more difficult task,
Wiser and more complex.
So that you can go forward,
Need to balloon lead.

Dads, moving forward to the counter, hit the balloon with a gymnastic stick and back in the same way ( the result is determined by the first person to reach the finish line). Moms tie a balloon to their leg, the other leg is free. Standing in a circle and blowing a whistle, they begin to step on each other’s ball ( Whoever's ball remains intact, that mother wins).

Presenter II

I see from the outside
The teams are equal in technology.
I want to take a quick look
Whose captains are smarter?

Balls are laid out on the floor (the number is not limited). Team captains must sit on the balloons so that they burst. Whoever pops the most balls wins. After the competition, all burst balloons are given to the jury for counting.

Presenter I

4 competition

Basketball Excitement
I love to worry.
Joys and sorrows
It's like grace for me.
I'm captivated by the beauty of the game
I will support the fighting spirit.
I admire the craftsmanship.
Oh! I love basketball!

Presenter II

4th type - send into the ring
You need a basketball.
Only precision of hands and accuracy of eyes
Will allow you to hit more than once.

Presenter I

Dads place the child on their shoulders. Mom serves the basketball. The child must throw into the basketball hoop. The game is given 90 seconds ( the number of hits is counted).
(this competition can be performed simultaneously by two or more teams, depending on the availability of basketball hoops).

Presenter II

You hit it well
They handled the ball deftly.
You didn't waste your time.
We trained hard.

Presenter I

While the panel of judges sums up the results of the four competitions, there is a commercial break.
(The support group of one of the teams shows their dance)

Presenter II

The results for four competitions have been summed up. The floor is given to the panel of judges.

Presenter I

We continue our family all-around competitions.

Presenter II

5 competition

What a miracle - hop and skip!
Look, the bag has moved!
Hey, grab him, catch him,
Hurry up and grab the bag!

Presenter I

The teams line up at the starting line in a column and, when the whistle blows, each race team member jumps in a bag to the stand and returns in the same way, passing the baton to the next participant.

Presenter II

The sack competition has ended.

6 competition

Choose the jumps you like -
In height or in length,
And push left, right
Tear the silence of space.
If you swung too much
Pushed off quickly
So consider the jump a success
You fly boldly

Presenter I

Now you ( teams) must demonstrate their jumping abilities, such physical qualities as agility, speed, flexibility. The success of your teams will depend on your personal results.

“Standing long jump.”

All teams line up in a column, one at a time, in random order at a common starting line. The first numbers perform a standing long jump, pushing off with both legs at the same time. The measurement is taken at the heels of the first contact with the floor. The second numbers jump from the landing place of the first, etc. The places of the teams are determined by the distance of the last marks ( 3) participants.

Presenter II

The teams jumped excellently, setting a high tone for our competition. Today everyone deserves the highest praise, all teams showed unity and the will to win. But in all competitions there is someone better. Now we will ask the panel of judges to sum up the results of the six past competitions.
(one member of the panel of judges announces the results)

Presenter I

7 competition

Teams are invited to the relay race.

1. Running with a relay baton ( performed by the whole family).

2. Running with a gymnastic stick ( Dads start running from above on a stick, run to the counter, run around, come back, pick up mom, then the child).

3. “Cuttlefish” ( support with arms and legs, back parallel to the floor, move arms forward).

4. Dribbling a “big” tennis ball to the mark and throwing the ball at the target.

5. “All at once” relay race - teams run simultaneously in full numbers. Participants join hands ( or stand in a column, take hold of the belt) run to the counter, run around it and return to the finish line.

The team whose members, without releasing their arms, will be the first to take the starting position will have lunch. Team placings are determined by finishing order.

Presenter II

Well done! Well done!
Running fast is common to everyone,
They did a great job with the relay race.
You have won us all over here
You showed fortitude.

While the panel of judges sums up the results of the competition, while our teams take a breath, rest, and we watch how the fans cheer for their team.

Presenter I

Now the fans have a task. Support your team. One fan from each team.

8 competition

And for the girls through the jump rope,
You need to jump for half a minute.
So that they can jump more fun,
Let's support them by clapping together.

Presenter II

Jump rope, who doesn’t know it,
She helps us grow.
I invite you to jump,
And I turn on my stopwatch.

(One girl from the team jumps rope at a time. The number of jumps in 30 seconds is counted. The participant with the most jumps wins)

Presenter I

You jumped so gracefully
It was like butterflies were fluttering.

Thank you very much to the fans.
(best jumper gets sweet prize or diploma)

Presenter II

9 competition

Sports competition
It's the same drawing.
After all, an athlete is like an artist,
His world of emotions is complex.
Sports wonderful moments,
They are looking for embodiment in colors.
And my friends, now!
It's time to draw for you!

Presenter II

I invite “families” to take part in another “Guess what is drawn” competition.
(Participants in the competition receive two sheets of drawings depicting a piece of sports equipment. It is necessary to finish drawing it)

Presenter I

What wonderful artists you are.

10 competition

Yes, they did a very nice job,
And apparently they were pretty tired.
However, what else can we come up with?
So that without falls and without noise.
Yeah! There's some nice fun
You will like her.

Presenter II

We have one game
You'll like her
Come out to the site
Line up together in order.
Dad, mom and guys
We call you to the rope.

Presenter I

I ask you to go to the start
Test the rope for strength.

(teams compete in tug of war).

Presenter II

The last type of competition
We have completed and now
The result of all our competitions,
Let the judges bring it to us.

Presenter I

(teams to sum up the results of the holiday are lined up in the center of the gym)

And here we sum it up
Whatever they were,
Let the sports roads
Your days are filled with health.

Presenter II

May youth, friendship, sports and peace
They always walk next to us.
Whom the world of sports has made you dizzy,
He looks with a friendly look.
Today we have become stronger.
Today we have become friendlier.

Presenter I

There are no losers today
There are simply the best of the best.
May there be light of friendship in every heart,
Will light a ray of good deeds.

Presenter I

The jury is given the floor to sum up the results.
(the results in the team competition of the sports festival are announced, awards are given)

Presenter I

Thank you, and goodbye!
See you again in this gym.
Combine sport and knowledge
And warm your soul with good light.

Presenter II

Thank you all for your attention
For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter.
For the fire of competition
Ensure success.
Now the moment of farewell has come,
Our speech will be short.
We say goodbye to everyone,
See you again!

Sports festival scenario

"Mom, dad, I'm a sports family!"

Goals and objectives:

  • strengthening relationships between school and family;
  • bringing children and parents together;
  • fostering a sense of collectivism, empathy,
  • development of the creative and physical potential of students;
  • development of interest in physical culture and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: rubber balls, basketballs, jump ropes, hoops, skittles, gymnastic benches, racks,

Venue of the holiday: gym.

Celebration progress:

Host: Good afternoon, dear friends! We sincerely welcome you to our traditional holiday“Dad, mom, I am a sports family!”

We have been waiting for you here for a long time, we don’t start the holiday without you, and there is a place and a word for each of you!

A guest is a guest - a joy for the owner, and even more so, today large and friendly families came to us. We thank you all for responding to our invitation to the sports festival.

We all know very well how useful it is to do physical exercise, how necessary it is to toughen up, do exercises, and be outdoors, but how difficult it can sometimes be to overcome yourself, get up early, do a few exercises, take a shower. cold water... We put it all off until later. What if we study together, as a family?

Not only the whole family, but four families will set an example for us in this, and we will support them. So, participants of the family sports festival “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family” are invited to the sports ground! (Teams go out to the soundtrack “March of the Knights”):

And now I present to you our jury, which will closely monitor the success of our teams.

Main judge:

Jury members:

Sports have their own laws and our athletes must swear to abide by them.


Don’t spare your arms or legs, shake out the fat a little,

So that you can run faster than a turtle today.

We swear!

It is the honor of the team to protect and justify the trust.

Well, if we lose, still don’t be discouraged.

We swear!

Help mom and dad - where to hold and where to push,

And never trip up your opponents.

We swear!

And for the fans to sit and cheer diligently:

Stomp, clap and whistle, but it's not cool to make noise.

We swear!


Let's go on a sporty journey, friends! We start the competition with

1. Command View.

2. Quick legs

The participants of each team line up behind the common starting line in a column, one at a time, with relay batons in the hands of the guides. At a signal, the leader in the column runs out from behind the starting line, runs in a straight line to the turning post, runs around it, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next participant, and he himself stands at the end of his team.

3. Space flights

Each family lines up behind the common starting line in a column, one at a time, led by the father, and the child at the rear. A rotating stand is installed in front of each column at a distance of 15 m. Dad has a gymnastic hoop in his hands. At a signal, he puts it on his belt and runs forward, runs around the counter, returns to the column and, together with his mother, does the same thing in the same hoop. Then a child joins them, and together they make a “space flight”. The family whose members return to their starting position faster wins.

4. Once again, all team members participate in the competition. The competition is called "Papamamabile." Let's imagine that the whole family went on a multi-day hike. On the way, the child twisted his ankle. He needs a break. The task of the participants is to move it to a certain distance with clasped hands and return it to its place. This vehicle is called a papamamabil.

5. Relay “Keep your head cool and your feet warm!” (running in bags)

6. Captains' competition "Taste of Victory"(labels made by the organizers of the competition). The team that drinks the drink through a cocktail straw the fastest wins.

The jury sums up the results.

Questions for fans (application)

7. Relay race with balls and hoop.

8. Relay race with a balloon and racket.

9. Dad competition (jumping rope).

10. Competition for mothers “Accurate throw”.

We have the best life
Because with us there is laughter!
We will never part with him,
Wherever we are, we laugh.
Young, perky laughter,
It's not a sin to laugh, is it?!

Leading:What we are now offering is very rare view sports Few people know anything about him. Since the sport is called “Night Snipers,” one thing is certain: these competitions must take place at night. Therefore, we will blindfold the participants, and night will come for them.

11. “Night Snipers” competition

Dads with helmets on their heads, blindfolded, with a ladle in their hand, crawl on all fours. At the same time, they knock on the floor with a ladle, looking for treasure. The treasure is located under the pan in the center of the circle. (Previously on the line (Previously on the starting line, dad, standing on all fours, rotates around himself while everyone counts to five). The winner is the team whose dad hits the pan first. start dad, standing on all fours, rotates around himself until everyone count to five). The team whose dad hits the pan first wins.

Presenter: Our sports holiday “Dad, Mom, I - a sports family” has come to an end. Let's greet our friendly, sports families once again. Today they proved that the most important thing in a family is mutual understanding, mutual assistance, and the ability to enjoy everyone together.

Today we joked and played.

We became even closer to each other.

So smile more often

And don’t give up sports!

Host: All the best to you in life and health, wealth, peace and warmth.

A family warmed by love is always reliable and strong.

So that your union is only a joy,

So that the children are near you,

Let's just say to you, friendly and sporty people:

“Be healthy, have a good time!”

The jury gives the floor


And for fans, sports quiz questions are offered.

1. Name your homeland Olympic Games? (Ancient Greece)

2. What were the winners of the Games awarded? Ancient Greece? (Wreath of laurel leaves)

3. The mathematician and philosopher, who left his famous theorem as a “legacy” to schoolchildren all over the world, was crowned at the Games with the laurel wreath of a champion in fist fighting? (Pythagoras)

4. Mascot of the Olympic Games in Moscow? (Misha bear)

Leading. Dear viewers, I suggest you play the game “Say the Word.”

Get up earlier in the morning

Jump, run, do push-ups.

For health, for order

People all need...(charging).

Who does exercises in the morning?

Do you want to break the record?

This will help you... (sport).

Who participates in sports sections?

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer:

This is my...(bike)!

Where can you ride a bike?

Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are running a race.

And it’s not the horses that carry me,

And shiny...(skates).

Who can skate?

To become a great athlete,

There is a lot to know.

Dexterity will help you here,

And, of course...(training)

If you throw it into the river, it won’t drown,

You hit the wall - he doesn’t moan,

You will throw yourself on the ground,

He will begin to fly upward. (ball)

I took two oak blocks,

Two iron skids.

I filled the bars with slats.

Where is the snow? Ready:.. (sleigh)

I can’t feel my legs with joy,

I'm flying down a snowy hill.

Sports have become dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this?.. (skis).

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,

The ice just creaks

And the lights flicker.

Who's carrying me? (skates).

1. Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I ride both at once

What kind of horses do I have?


Families can be awarded in the following categories:

- “The most united family”;

- “The most strong-willed family”;

- “The fastest, most dexterous, most skillful.”

The winner in the “Most Athletic Daughter” category is...
The winner in the “Most Athletic Son” category is...
The winner in the “Most Athletic Mom” category is...
In the category "Most sports dad"wins...
The winner in the “Most Athletic Family” category is...

Look, we have
Third grade is here!
Moms and dads are with us!
Dads threw sofas
Moms threw pans
And they put on the suits.

We run faster than the wind
Who will answer why?
Kirill jumped two meters,
Who will answer why?
Masha swims like a fish
Who will answer why?
We have a smile on our lips,
Who will answer why?
Can Tanya make a bridge,
I'm climbing on a tightrope
Because with physical education
We are old friends.

Team “Champion”. Motto: “Champion, don’t be timid! Go to victory with more joy!”

Team "Success" Motto: “The best, the fastest - that’s the only way “Success” lives.”

“Strong” team. Our motto is “Sport, guys, is very necessary,
We are close friends with sports.”

"Cranky Ball"

Children carry the fitball in pairs, holding it with their stomachs and holding each other by the elbows, mothers carry the ball, holding it with their stomachs, without using their hands, dads do the same, but hold the ball with their backs. Go around the counter and return to the team.

1 competition

Stage 1. Dad, holding the ball between his knees, jumps to a bucket lying 10 (m) from the starting line, puts the ball in it, takes the rope, returns to the team and passes the rope to mom.
Stage 2. Mom, jumping rope, runs to the flag and back, jumping rope.
Stage 3. The captain runs to the bucket, takes the ball and, jumping on the ball, returns back.
Equipment: 2 buckets, 2 basketballs, 2 jump ropes.

Musical number.

2 competition. "Coupling of wagons"

Stage 1. Dad runs around three flags and comes back (takes the second mom).
Stage 2. Dad and Mom (following each other) run around the flags and return for the captain.
Stage 3. All team members (one after another) perform the same task.

Inventory: 8 flags.

3 competition

Stage 1. The captain uses a hockey stick to dribble the ball between the flags, goes around the last flag and comes back, dribbling the ball straight.
Stage 2. Dad dribbles the ball with the heel of his foot and comes back around the flag.
Stage 3. Mom dribbles the ball with a gymnastic stick, goes around the flag and comes back.
Inventory: 2 basketballs; 2 clubs; 2 gymnastic sticks.

Musical number.

5th competition “Carrying the Wounded”

Stage 1. Mom and Dad take the gymnastics stick by the ends and run around the flag and run back.
Stage 2. The captain sits on the gymnastic stick and mom and dad carry the “wounded” to the flag and back.
Equipment: 2 gymnastic sticks.

6 competition
Stage 1. Dad, holding the ball between his heels, jumps to the bucket, sits on the floor and puts the ball into the bucket with his feet. Runs around the flag and comes back.
Stage 2. The captain runs to the bucket, takes the ball and brings it back between the flags and passes it to his mother.
Stage 3. Mom jumps between the kangaroo flags until the last flag and runs back with the ball in her hands.
Inventory: 2 basketballs; 2 buckets; 8 flags.

7 competition

Stage 1. Dad jumps in the bag between the flags until the last flag, takes off the bag and puts it on the floor and comes back running.
Stage 2. Mom runs between the flags for the bag, takes the bag and comes back, jumping in the bag.
Stage 3. Mom and Dad hold the bag by two corners so that half of the bag lies on the floor; the “captain” sits down in any way on the lying part of the bag and grabs it tightly with his hands and rushes forward, pulling the “sleigh” behind him. They go around the turn and return back in the same way.
Inventory: 2 bags.

Musical number.

9 competition

Stage 1. The captain carries a balloon on a tennis racket, goes around the flag and also comes back.
Stage 2. Mom carries a balloon on her wrist to the flag and back.
Stage 3. Dad kicks the ball plastic bottle to the flag and back.
Inventory: 2 rackets, 2 balloons, 2 plastic bottles.

10th competition “Shot put”

Stage 1. “Core” is an inflatable ball. It is necessary to push it with one hand - who is further, each participant is given 3 attempts.
Inventory: 2 balloons.


The captains come out. They stand on the same line. The presenter gives them a two-meter cord, at one end of which a stick is attached, and a machine is tied to the other. At a signal, children wrap the cord around the sticks with both hands. The winner is the one whose car reaches the finish line faster.


What we are now offering is a very responsible task. It will have to be done under cover of darkness. Therefore, we will blindfold the participants, and night will come for them.

Dads are blindfolded and have helmets placed on their heads. They are crawling on all fours with a gymnastic stick in their hand. At the same time, they knock on the floor with a gymnastic stick, looking for a mine. The mine is under the pan in the center of the circle. (Previously at the starting line, dad, standing on all fours, spins around himself while everyone counts to five).

The team whose dad hits the pan first wins.

“Combined relay race”.

Dads are the first to go into battle. Their task is to run a distance (to the flag, go around it and come back) while dribbling the basketball.

Moms come out after dads. Their task is to run and hit a balloon with a badminton racket.

The captains must carry the balloon in their palms and not drop it.

The final stage - dad and mom carry a stick on which the child hangs.

  • Competition “Scrambled Eggs” (balloon in a frying pan).

Place the balloon in the frying pan, run to the cube (do not hold the balloon with your hand). Take the ball under your arm, the frying pan on your head, stand on the cube, shout “Ku-ka-re-ku” and return to the start (frying pan in hand, ball under your arm). For a bursting balloon - a penalty point.

  • Competition “Siamese Twins” (running in shorts in pairs).

The two of you put on one big pair of shorts, run to the cube, return to the start, pass the shorts to the next pair of twins.


parents read poems:

I want, friends, to confess,
What I love in the morning
Do physical exercise,
What I advise you too.
You need to do exercises,
There are many benefits from it
And health is the reward
For your zeal.
You go skiing
Every day for at least an hour,
And health is the reward
For diligence for you.
We wish you guys
Always be healthy
But get results
Impossible without difficulty.

Family relay race.

Mom, dad and child are participating.

A child jumps with a ball between his knees.

Mom must carry the ball on a tennis racket.

Dad runs with a child in his arms.

All three run holding hands.

The family that completes all the tasks first wins.

IV competition:"Centipede". Walking together. The child places his feet on his father’s feet and reaches the counter. The parent presses the child's body to himself and they walk together.

V competition: Blitz quiz “Oh sport! You are the world!

Question and answer one by one.

1. How many players are on the basketball team? (12)
2. In what year and where were the first Olympic Games held? (1896, in Athens)
3. Name the sports included in the Winter Olympic Games. (Hockey, figure skating, biathlon, bobsleigh, freestyle)
4. In what year were the Olympic Games held in Moscow? (1980)
5. In what year did USSR athletes first take part in the Summer Olympic Games? (In 1952 at the 15th Olympic Games in Helsinki)
6. What is the name of the tennis court? (Court)
7. What is another name for playing handball? (Handball)
8. What game became the prototype of water polo? (Rugby)
9. The beginning, the starting point of any speed competition? (Start)
10.What game is called the Gullivers game? (Basketball)
11. How many minutes does a hockey match last? (60 minutes: 3 periods of 20 minutes)
12. What is the distance called in cross-country skiing? (Track)
13. What games, known since ancient times, unite athletes from all countries? (Olympic Games)
14. What sports use music? (Figure skating, gymnastics, synchronized swimming)
15. Who works with athletes (Trainer)
16. This sport “put the famous pilot Hero on his feet” Soviet Union Alexey Maresyev: he did the exercises very hard. What sport are we talking about? (Gymnastics)
17. American firefighters played this game for the first time in 1895. They threw the ball over a clothesline. What is the name of this game today? (Volleyball)
18. Approaching the firing line, the skier slows down in advance and calms down so that his hand does not tremble. Name a sport where this technique is used? (Biathlon)
19. What is the name of the sport when complex exercises are performed with skis on your feet? (Freestyle)
20. How long are the Winter Olympic Games? (10 days)


Host: Now there is a musical gift for you. (PERFORMANCE)

5 competition

Participants are given ribbons that are attached to the back of the player’s belt. You need to take care of your ribbons. But at the same time try to pull off your opponent’s ribbon.

7 competition

Each participant has a balloon tied to their leg. You need to crush someone else's ball, but keep yours. Whole balls are counted.

8 competition

The captain with the hoop runs to the mark and back. They grab mom in the hoop and run to the mark and back. They also grab dad.


Scenario of the sports festival "Mom, Dad, I - a sports family"


    Organization healthy rest families.

    Instill in children an interest in systematic activities physical culture and sports.

    Develop agility, strength, mobility, activity, ingenuity, and attentiveness.

    Foster a sense of collectivism and goodwill.

Equipment for one family:

The school hall is decorated with sports flags, balls, posters and slogans: Sport is health. Sport is friendship. Sport is success. The whole family - to health.

Sports songs, marches, and cheerful music are broadcast.

The music stops.

Presenter 1. Greets the audience:

Welcome, dear guests!
We wish you fun and joy.
We have been waiting for you for a long time,
We don’t start the holiday without you.

A sports march sounds. The participating teams enter to applause.

Presenter #2: Family teams take part in our competitions:

1. Ivanovs (Alexander Alexandrovich, Maria Yuryevna, Ilya, Seryozha).

2. Khovanskikh (Vasily Sergeevich, Svetlana Sergeevna, Daria, Anastasia).

3. Abildaevs (Sergey Sergeevich, Lyudmila Vladimirovna, Marina, Alena).

The competitions will be judged by a jury consisting of:

Chairman of the jury – I.G. Antipova, physical education teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 15, Berezayka”

Jury members – Zh.V. Vasilyeva, teacher of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 12”

E.G. Shebunyaeva, teacher at Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 10”

Presenter #1:

Mass participation of sports is the key to family victories, good mood and excellent health. Exercising is useful, and physical exercise is doubly fun. After all, every minute of playing sports prolongs a person’s life by one hour, and by having fun by two. And even with minutes. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself! And it doesn’t matter who wins these comic competitions, the main thing is that we all feel the atmosphere of the holiday, the atmosphere of cordiality and goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. Let's remember what to overcome life difficulties It will be easier for you and me if we are together. I encourage teams to fight fairly and wish everyone success!

Presenter No. 2 : We start the sports festival with a warm-up and a sports oath.

We are competitors, we solemnly swear to participate in these competitions, observing the rules by which they are held and respecting an obviously weak opponent.We swear!.

We vow to uphold the Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger.”

Which means: don’t run faster than the wind, don’t jump higher than the roof, don’t hit the judge harder than your opponent.We swear!.

We swear not to shout louder than the fans or throw sneakers at them.We swear!

We vow to compete in a true sportsmanlike spirit for the glory of the sport and for the honor of our team.We swear!

Competition program


* Command view

* Name: “Internet”, “Atas”, “Stars”.

*Motto :

1 team.“We are an Internet team – our motto is no problems.”

2 teams. “We guys are just great, when they see us they shout Atas!”

3 teams. “Always shine, shine everywhere and help friends in trouble.”


2. Competition “Warm-up”

The word “physical education” is given. You need to make as many words from it as possible, each letter is used once. The winner will be the team with the last word. Time to think 1 minute.

3. Fast feet

The participants of each team line up behind the common starting line in a column, one at a time, with relay batons in the hands of the guides. At the signal, the leader in the column runs out from behind the starting line, runs in a straight line to the turning post, runs around it, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next participant, and he himself stands at the end of his column.

4. Space flights

Each family lines up behind the common starting line in a column, one at a time, led by the father, and the child at the rear. A rotating stand is installed in front of each column at a distance of 15 m. Dad has a gymnastic hoop in his hands. At a signal, he puts it on his belt and runs forward, runs around the counter, returns to the column and, together with his mother, does the same thing in the same hoop. Then a child joins them, and together they make a “space flight”. The family whose members return to their starting position faster wins.

5. Planting vegetables

The children hold a small bucket in their hands, containing four objects. Holes are placed opposite the team. At a signal, children run and plant “vegetables” in four “holes” (one item at a time), run around the directional signs and, returning to their mother, hand her the bucket. Mom runs with a bucket into the “garden” and collects the harvest from each “hole”, runs around the signpost and quickly returns to the team. Dad, having received a bucket from mom, runs to the “garden” and plants “vegetables” in each “hole”, runs around the landmark sign and returns to the team.

(the jury sums up the results of 5 relay races).

Physical education teacher

Clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.

The riddle has an answer.
This is my::..

You will throw yourself on the ground,
He will begin to fly upward.

I took two oak blocks,
Two iron skids.
I filled the bars with slats.
Where is the snow? Ready:..

I can’t feel my legs with joy,
I'm flying down a snowy hill.

Who helped me with this?.. (

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,
The ice just creaks
And the lights flicker.
Who's carrying me?

6. Relay race with a gymnastic stick

Each family forms a column, one at a time, behind the common starting line, led by a child, with the father bringing up the rear. The child has a gymnastic stick in each hand, and there is another gymnastic stick on the floor in front of him along the starting line. At a signal, he begins to push the lying stick forward with both sticks to the turning post and back. Then mom does the same. The father finishes the relay race using only one stick in his hands. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

7. competition "Big Wash".


Tell your families, who washes clothes at home?

Our next competition is called “The Big Wash”.Rules of the game: The child hangs clothespins one by one on a stretched rope,Mom - handkerchiefs, dad takes off scarves and clothespins.The team that completes the task in the minimum time wins.amount of time.The game begins at the referee's signal. It is prohibited to step behind the starting line. Clothespins and scarves should be hung and removed one at a time.

8. Balloon relay

Participants line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. The child has an inflatable ball in his hands. At the signal, he, knocking the ball, moves forward to the turning post and back. Mom does the same, but hits the ball with a tennis racket, dad with a gymnastic stick. The family that completes the task first wins.

9. Dribbling relay

I.p. participants as in the previous game. In front of each family, at the entire distance to the turning post, three more such posts are placed. A child rolls a basketball in a zigzag pattern between the uprights. Mom is dribbling a basketball. Dad - in the position of sitting behind, moves forward in a zigzag pattern between the posts, pushing the soccer ball with his feet. The family that finishes the relay first is declared the winner.

10. Relay race with passing the ball in pairs and dribbling.

At the signal, the first pair (mother and child) passes the ball to each other, moving from the chest with both hands. He reaches the signpost, a landmark, and mom stays behind. The child dribbles the ball back to the starting line and, together with his dad, passes the ball to each other while moving. They reach the landmark signs and dad stays behind. The team that wins is the family that finishes the relay game first.

(the jury sums up the results of 5 relay races).

Physical education teacher:

I game-quiz for fans:

1. In which game do they use the lightest ball? (table tennis)

2. How many players are on the basketball team? (five)

3. Which sport has the lowest start? (underwater)

4. What are the means of hardening? (sun, air, water)

5. Name only women's gymnastic equipment? (log)

6. Which athlete ran like crazy (firefighter)

7. Who should defenders be protected from in the game? (from the attackers)

8. What is a goalkeeper called? (goalkeeper)

9. Did women participate in the ancient Olympic Games? (No)

10. In what sport do athletes inject each other? (in fencing)

Game II - quiz for fans:

1. In what game do they use the heaviest ball? (in basketball)

2. How many players are there in the football team? (eleven)

3. Which sport has the highest start? (in parachute)

4. Which athlete does not want to have an open face? (to the boxer)

5. What do you call a football player who dreams of a dimensionless goal? (attack)

6. What result can there be in the game? (win, lose, draw)

7. How do you need to reach the finish line (except for the first one) in order to attract the attention of the audience to yourself? (last)

8. What can’t a referee go onto the field without? (no whistle)

9. What does the spectator demand in hockey? (washer)

10. Where were the first Olympic Games held? (in Greece)

11. captains competition

I see from the outside

The teams are equal in technology.
I want to take a quick look
Whose captains are smarter?

Balls are laid out on the floor (the number is not limited). Team captains must sit on the balloons so that they burst. Whoever pops the most balls wins. After the competition, all burst balloons are given to the jury for counting.

12. competition "Intellectual"

Riddles for teams:

I was hit with a shovel
They made me hunchbacked.
They beat me, they beat me,
Ice water poured over
And then from me, cool,
Everyone rolled out in a crowd.

I can’t feel my legs with joy,
I'm flying down a snowy hill!
Sports have become dearer and closer to me.
Who helped me with this

I don't look like a piano
But I also have a pedal.
Who is not a coward or a coward,
I'll give him a good ride.
I don't have a motor.
What's my name?

I took two oak blocks,
Two iron skids.
I filled the bars with slats.
Give me snow! Ready...

We are happy to overtake each other,
Look, my friend, don't fall!
They are good, light, fast...
(Skates) He doesn't want to lie down at all
If you throw it, it will jump.
If you throw it again, it runs at a gallop.
Guess what it is?

- I don’t understand, guys, who are you?

Birders? Fishermen?

What kind of net is there in the yard?

- Wouldn't you interfere with the game?

You'd better go away.

We play...(Volleyball)

I want to become a strongman.

I come to the strongman:

- Tell me about this -

How did you become a strongman?

He smiled in response:

- Very simple. Many years

Every day, getting out of bed,

I lift... (Dumbbells)

Here is a silver meadow,

No lamb in sight

The bull does not moo on it,

Chamomile does not bloom.

Our meadow is good in winter,

But in the spring you won’t find it. (skating rink)

Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I drive both at once.

What kind of horses do I have?


There's a game in the yard in the morning,

The kids were playing around.

Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” -

So there's a game there -...


On an empty stomach

They beat me unbearably;

The players shoot accurately

They kick me. (football)

Comma stick

Drives the puck in front of him. (hockey stick)

13. competition “Guess what it is?”

The next competition will reveal the ability of our families to understand each other without words.
The presenter gives one of the participants the name of the sport, the participant must show this sport without words, and the rest of the team guesses, the team itself chooses who will show and who will guess.

(basketball, football, figure skating, volleyball, hockey, table tennis, skiing, athletics, gymnastics).

14. Tug of war.

(The jury sums up the results of the sports festival)

Physical education teacher:

While the jury is summing up the results, we will play a game with the audience. I will ask riddles on sports theme, and you answer in unison.

Clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
There are legs and two wheels running along the road.
The riddle has an answer.
This is my::..

If you throw it into the river, it won’t drown,
You hit the wall - he doesn’t moan,
You will throw yourself on the ground,
He will begin to fly upward.

I took two oak blocks,
Two iron skids.
I filled the bars with slats.
Where is the snow? Ready:..

I can’t feel my legs with joy,
I'm flying down a snowy hill.
Sports have become dearer and closer to me.
Who helped me with this?.. (

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,
The ice just creaks
And the lights flicker.
Who's carrying me?

Summarizing. Rewarding.

“Let it all be just a game,

But we wanted to say with it:

Great miracle family!

Keep it! Take care of her!

There is no more important goal in life!”

Goodbye! Until next time.

Target: bringing families together, involving students in systematic physical education and sports.


1. Development of children's interest in physical exercise through the organization of a sports festival.
2. Involvement of parents in sports life schoolboy.
3. Fostering a sense of love and pride for your family, respect for your parents.

Management and panel of judges:

1. General management is carried out by the school’s FC team council.
2. Direct supervision is entrusted to the FC teacher N. N. Episheva.
3. Judges: members of the KFK council under the leadership of the deputy. according to VR.

Dates and venue:

The event is held on 05/12/2016 in the sports hall of the USS No. 17 named after. I. I. Trubitsyna.


5th grade students and their parents, a team of 3 boys + 3 girls, 3 dads + 3 moms.


Winners and runners-up are awarded diplomas of appropriate degrees and prizes.

Progress of the event:

There are posters in the hall promoting healthy image life.

There are no boundaries or distances for sports!
It is understandable to the peoples of the entire earth!
He is the treasure of our entire planet!
Sport gives happiness, friendship and love!

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! Today we are holding a competition - the competition “Dad, Mom, Me - a Sports Family.” And ours is a family holiday, in which not only the children, but also their parents will take part.

Parents are such people
They rush to excuse themselves from being busy!
Everyone needs to play sports!
And so, to set records for everyone
And forget about hospitals,
Over adults in matters of sports
The children decided to take patronage!

Family is not just a word. This is mom's warm smile kind hands father and the cheerful laughter of children. This is the place where we are loved and welcome. How stronger family, the more powerful the state. Family traditions have always existed, and we are very glad that today we continue the sports traditions of our school.

Let us open our family all-around championship “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!” And introduce the teams participating in our competitions.

Meet the “Friendship” team

Victory is within the reach of the brave, great success awaits him
Who, without flinching, if necessary, will enter the battle one for all.
Let the jury follow the entire course of the battle without a mistake,
Whoever turns out to be more friendly will win the battle.

And the next team “Friendly guys” is going to the start

We see friendly faces here
We feel the sports spirit all around us
Everyone here has the heart of an Olympian
Here everyone is a friend of sports and art.

Meet the next team "Strongmen"

He will win the competition
Who is accurate, dexterous and strong
Shows all his skills
Who is tempered in spirit and body.

Time for business, time for fun. Teams, the floor is yours.

(Say Motto)

We met the teams, and now it’s time to introduce our judges:

(the presenter introduces the judges)

Teams, stand at attention. Alignment to the middle.

The anthem of Kazakhstan sounds.

And now the floor is given to the school director to greet the participants and guests of the competition.

1 competition

Warm-up is very important for athletes, as you can see both the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent.

And our first competition is “Fun Warm-Up”. We ask the teams to take their places for warm-up.

2nd competition “Relay for teams”

When you go to storm the relay race,
Victory is not very visible to us.
But you will still achieve victory,
No feathers or fluff to you guys!

Stage 1: Dad, holding the ball between his knees, jumps to the rope, puts the ball down, takes the rope and comes back.
Stage 2: mom runs to the ball, jumping over the rope, puts the rope down, takes the ball and returns back.
Stage 3: a boy with a ball in his hands runs after a skipping rope, girls, jumping over a skipping rope, run after the ball.

3rd competition “Ball Race”

Here are the heavy balls,
It’s immediately obvious: strongmen.
Let's develop our hands
Pass the ball to each other.

Passing the ball in columns (under your feet)

Now, while the jury sums up the results of the three relay races, there will be a musical pause.
(Jury's word)

4th competition “Getting ready for school”

Mom and dad hold hands, criss-cross, put the child there and run with him to the chip.

Here's a more difficult task,
Wiser and more complex.
So that you can go forward,
You need to fly the balloon.

5 competition

Run around the pins, hitting the balloon with a racket.

6 competition

Basketball Excitement
I love to worry.
Joys and sorrows
It's like grace for me.
I'm captivated by the beauty of the game
I will support the fighting spirit.
I admire the craftsmanship.
Oh! I love basketball!

6th type - send into the ring
You need a basketball.
Only precision of hands and accuracy of eyes
Will allow you to hit more than once.

They circle the chips with a basketball, adults throw at the hoop until they hit, children throw at the backboard until they hit.

While the panel of judges sums up the results of the six competitions, there is a musical pause.

7 competition

Jumping on one leg, with a chip on the other. Dads jump to the last chip, moms to the middle one, kids to the first one.

8 competition
Choose the jumps you like -
In height or in length,
And push left, right
Tear the silence of space.
If you swung too much
Pushed off quickly
So consider the jump a success
You fly boldly

Leading: Now you (teams) must demonstrate your jumping abilities, physical qualities such as agility, speed, flexibility. The success of your teams will depend on your personal results.

"Standing long jump."

9 competition

So, our next competition is called... FOOTBALL.

Dads are invited to participate in the competition. A 50*80 gate is installed at a distance of 11 meters from the starting line. Each dad has one attempt. Each goal scored brings one point to the team.

And now, while our judges are summing up the results, we will hold the last quiz competition..

10 quiz competition

If the answer is correct, the participant (one of the team) takes a step forward, if the answer is incorrect, he remains in place.

1. Throwing a projectile weighing less than a kilogram and a length of over two meters. (Javelin-throwing)
2. Sport game with a ball and bat. (Baseball)
3. Climbing hard-to-reach mountain peaks. (Mountaineering)
4. A sport associated with performing various figures in water to music. (Synchronized swimming)
5. Winter combined event: cross-country skiing with shooting on firing lines from a small-caliber rifle. (Biathlon)
6. What sport may be easy for some and difficult for others? (Athletics)
7. Remember the motto of the Olympic Games. ("Faster, higher, stronger")
8. What is depicted on the Olympic flag? (Five rings)
9. Name the mascot of the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980? (Bear)
10. What game does the Zenit team play? (Football)
11. The beginning of the distance is the “start”, and its end? (Finish)
12. What is the name of the boxing ground? (Boxing ring)
13. In which game do ladies watch their figures the most? (Chess)
14. At the opening of the Olympic Games, the teams line up in alphabetical order - according to the first letters of the names of the countries they represent. But the team of the same country always marches ahead. Which? (Greece)
15. If a boxer does not get up within ten seconds, it is... (Knockout)

Leading. Perhaps it's time to let the jury speak. Now we will find out whose team today has become the best, friendly and athletic. The jury gives the floor.

Rewarding all players with memorable gifts.

Presentation of certificates.

Leading. There are no losers today! Today each of you won a small victory! A small but convincing victory over yourself.

There are no better recipes in the world:
Be inseparable from sports.
You will live to be 100 years old!
That's the whole secret for you!
We had a lot of fun, joked and frolicked.

Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm and cheerful laughter!
For smiles and understanding - this is our great success.

Our competition, friends, is over,
There is work ahead.

May our union with children be strong
It will be the whole school year.

Thanks to everyone who came to our holiday today. Many parents and children looked at each other with completely different eyes today. Good luck to everyone, good luck, good health And good mood! We hope that this is not our last meeting on the sports field.
