Orthopedic corsets orto. Corsets. Types of chest braces

I have tremendous problems with the spine, so at some point I had to look for my back support in the form of a corset. It was too late to think about the posture corrector, the need arose for a corset that rigidly supports the spine, thereby easing the pain during periods of exacerbation.

The fact is that there were pains in which any movement was decently given to the back. Having looked in pharmacies and orthopedic salons for corsets, I found that many of them are not rigid enough and will not be able to fix the spine in one position.

In addition, there were practically no corsets for the entire back, and not just for one department.

Only one corset was found with the required parameters. This is a thoracolumbar-sacral corset ORTO KGK 110. It is designed for the entire back, covering the area below the lumbar region and has two metal stiffening ribs along the spine.

The corset is equipped with a system of tightening with strong "Velcro", which very tightly hold the back in the correct position and do not allow the spine to bend when moving. Despite the fact that the corset resembles a light bulletproof vest and will be noticeable under summer clothes, it is still not so bulky and comfortable enough.

He approached me: I did not even expect that it is possible to fix the back so tightly and at the same time not cause much discomfort. I do not think that there is something better in terms of rigidity, comfort, and, moreover, designed for all parts of the spine at once.

With a height of about 180 and a normal build, the size of my corset is "L". But, of course, you need to try it on before buying.

A few words about Velcro and stiffening ribs.

Velcro straps are designed so that almost everything is tightened, as if you are putting on a parachute, in this regard I liked the design: it holds both the shoulders, and the thoracic region, and the lower back, and the abs.

Stiffeners resemble two long metal rulers, only very stiff and are located in special "pockets". That is, they are removed. This is necessary so that you can bend them slightly under your back. This does not mean that they should be crooked like the back, just at the top and in the waist, straight ribs will bulge and the corset will not adjoin normally to the back. Still, even a healthy back does not represent a flat surface, but has slight curves.

But, in any case, it is necessary to choose a corset, and generally decide whether to wear it, after consulting a specialist.

Before me there was another question: how long and how often you can wear it. This had to be found out empirically. In the process of wearing, I felt great, but after the removal the pain worsened a little, in general, then I adapted. So this point is also better to check with the doctor.

In general, if you need a tight and tight corset for the entire spine, then you should pay attention to ORTO KGK 110.

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The use of these orthopedic products helps:

  • significantly reduce or completely relieve pain caused by excessive tension of the back muscles;
  • restore the performance of some muscles, relax others;
  • correct posture, fix the spine in the correct position;
  • limit the mobility of the thoracic and lumbosacral spine.

In contrast to the thoracolumbar brace, the corset is of medium to high rigidity, it reliably supports the skeleton and muscles. From other orthopedic products - reclinators, which provide shoulder turn and back extension in the upper thoracic region - chest braces for the spine are distinguished by increased functionality.

Types of corsets

  1. Chest-lumbar orthoses are used to correct posture, with scoliosis, kyphosis, intervertebral hernias, pain caused by excessive muscle tension.
  2. Thoraco-lumbosacral corsets used to fix the spine from the thoracic to the lumbosacral region. Indications for wearing them may be acute or chronic pain, the need to recover from injuries and operations, as well as some diseases: osteochondrosis, sciatica, spondylosis, curvature of the spine, etc. In orthopedic practice, a lumbosacral corset is also used, which is prescribed if there is no need to fix the thoracic spine.
  3. Clavicular orthoses it is recommended to buy for fixing the clavicle and the acromioclavicular joint in case of injuries or fractures.

According to the degree of rigidity, they are distinguished:

  1. Rigid chest-lumbar corsets firmly fix the body in a given position. They are used after fractures, surgical intervention, as well as for certain diseases requiring complete immobilization of the spine. The modern rigid thoracolumbar orthopedic corset is an excellent alternative to the bulky, uncomfortable plaster cast.
    A special place among rigid fixation orthoses is occupied by hyperextension corsets. Their task is not only to maintain the body in a given position, but also to change the angle of flexion and extension of the spine as needed. Wearing such an orthosis gives the patient the ability to move even after major surgery.
  2. Medium-hard and semi-rigid thoracolumbar corsets allow for good fixation, but do not immobilize a certain segment of the spinal column. They are worn during the recovery period after injuries or operations, for posture disorders, curvature of the spine, as well as for certain diseases of the thoracic or lumbar spine (osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, etc.).

Choosing a corset for the thoracolumbar spine

  • presence and localization of the problem;
  • the required rigidity of the product;
  • the patient's lifestyle.

The price of a thoracolumbar corset may depend on its design, rigidity parameters, the quality of the materials used in its manufacture, as well as additional functionality.

It is important to understand: uncontrolled wearing of orthopedic products with a high degree of fixation can lead to adverse consequences. Muscles that are constantly supported by a rigid thoracolumbar-sacral corset stop working at full strength, and it will take time to recover in the future.

Before buying a semi-rigid or rigid chest-lumbar corset, you need to measure your height, waist and hip circumference - all these parameters can be useful when choosing the right size.

The human spine is subjected to many different stresses. Many of these stresses have a negative effect on the spine. After heavy physical exertion, injuries, pain occurs in the lumbar region, and it happens that it is very strong. To relieve back pain, corsets were invented.

What is it? What he really is? How to choose it? This is a wide belt (bandage) made of elastic material and reinforced with stiffening ribs. It fits snugly against the back. In addition, it is equipped with stiffening ribs and belts.

Types of products

Orthoses for the lumbar region, lumbosacral region, thoracic - lumbar region are classified. It is also subdivided into rigid, semi-rigid. The reclining thoracolumbar orthosis is used to forcibly correct and unload the spine, while simultaneously strengthening the muscles of the back, and also for normalized fixation and unloading of the thoracolumbar spine. In children, scoliosis is corrected with the help of a thoracolumbar orthosis.

Benefits of the lumbosacral corset

  • the lumbosacral orthosis fixes the vertebra;
  • a lumbosacral orthosis supports the lower back and spinal column;
  • lumbosacral orthosis relieves stress;
  • lumbosacral orthosis reduces back pain;
  • The lumbosacral orthosis corrects curvature of the spine.

Scope of the corset

With a weakened muscle corset, the back supports it in the correct position.

Unloading of individual parts of the spine.

Correction of deformities in various parts of the spine that appeared after an illness or injury.

The semi-rigid bandage is used in complex therapy, for complex diseases or for faster recovery from injuries. Sometimes it is recommended to wear a corset for prophylaxis for people whose work is associated with maximum loads on the spinal column. Semi-rigid lumbosacral braces are the most popular.

Range of use

Possible area of ​​application of the lumbosacral corset:

Pain syndrome caused by radiculitis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, displacement of the vertebrae.

During the rehabilitation postoperative period.

For women during pregnancy.

Women in the postpartum period with a strong divergence of the pelvic bones.

Why are semi-rigid orthoses so popular? Because they have a lot of indisputable advantages - they are reliable fixation of the lumbosacral spine or thoracic-lumbar spine, which makes it easier for the patient to move after injuries, complex operations.

The bandage is semi-rigid, it can be adjusted to the required level of rigidity using stiffening ribs, as well as a wide range of sizes, including children. In production, high-quality materials are used, corsets are small and lightweight, invisible under clothes.

Caring for them is somewhat cumbersome (hand wash, gentle drying, far from heating appliances).

You will not be able to choose a suitable bandage in the abundance of those on sale on your own, it is better to contact a specialist.

Brand bandages

There are many brands of corsets and bandages. We will briefly tell you about the most popular ones: Orlett, 608 Comfort, Trives.

The Orlett orthopedic lumbosacral rigid corset has earned popularity and trust.

It is produced in Germany by the famous Orlett brand. All models of this company can be additionally adjusted to the stiffeners. Orlett also manufactures thoracolumbar orthoses.

An elastic mesh is placed inside the corset, which is pleasant for the body. With the help of this orthosis, a stable fixation of the desired part of the spine and a permanent reduction in painful action are achieved. For the manufacture of the Orlett obs-200 orthopedic adjustable bandage, nylon and cotton are used. Rigidity is achieved by metal tires. Velcro is used as fasteners.

When choosing an orthosis, you need to adhere to certain recommendations:

For the correct choice of a bandage, you need to know the circumference of the waist, sometimes the hips. The manufacturer indicates the conformity of the parameters of the product and the parameters of the patient. Read the instructions before using the corset. It is recommended to put on the orthosis for the first time under the supervision of a doctor.

Important! It is necessary to tighten the orthosis correctly, otherwise a weakly tightened orthosis will not give results, and a strongly tightened one will do harm. You cannot wear a corset for more than 8 hours in a row.

If you wear a semi-rigid orthosis constantly, then muscle weakening and their further atrophy may occur. It is recommended to wear a T-shirt under the lumbosacral corset to avoid chafing.

Indications and contraindications


You cannot use it when:


Abdominal hernia.

Purulent skin diseases.

After applying ointments and creams with a warming effect.

If you only use the orthosis and do not get treatment, then you cannot completely eliminate the problem. The corset enhances the effect of other treatments.



Applications of this semi-rigid orthosis:

For pain in the lumbar spine.

Rehabilitation after injuries.

Limited therapy for osteochondrosis.

With weakness of the back muscles.

Structural disorders of the spine (oncology, tuberculosis).


Orthopedic orthoses Trives are used to keep the thoracic, lumbar and sacral spine in the anatomically correct state. The Trives chest-lumbar corset has four modeled stiffeners. Corset Trives lumbosacral Trives 1551 is equipped with 4 stiffening ribs, and 1586 - six. T-1560 is used in the acute phase of disease.

К-608 Comfort

Semi-rigid lumbar support brace K-608 Comfort with semi-rigid fixation, made of mesh material that provides good ventilation. The design includes six stiffening ribs and a pair of bands - ties. These tapes will help you to adjust the corset taking into account the anatomical features of the patient. Can be worn on a naked body, but in the presence of contraindications - on cotton linen. 608 Comfort is used for spondylolisthesis, osteoporosis and osteochondrosis with radicular syndromes.

Your doctor will help you choose the right corset. He will select the brand and degree of rigidity, as well as the wearing period.

The salon of medical supplies will provide you with a catalog of all commercially available bandages, and you will choose the one that suits you according to the size.


Corset for the spine: what it is, an overview of models

Modern medicine is capable of treating and preventing the development of many diseases.

The most effective orthopedic device used for the treatment and prevention of diseases, deformities, injuries of various parts of the spinal column is considered to be a corset for the spine.

It is a wide elastic belt that tightly wraps around the back area with stiffening ribs and tightening belts. Orthopedic corsets for the back adhere to the problem area and take on a significant part of the load on the spine. This leads to relaxation of spasmodic muscles, normalization of blood flow and metabolism, and pain relief.

Types of orthopedic corsets

Depending on their purpose, orthopedic corsets for the spine perform certain functions and are divided into the following types:

  • Fixation - support the spine in a normal physiological state;
  • Unloading - reduce tension in problem areas by reducing pressure on the interdisc space, eliminate pain syndrome that develops due to muscle spasm;
  • Corrective - correct deformities of varying severity;
  • Mixed unloading-correcting, fixing-unloading, correcting-fixing simultaneously perform several functions.

When choosing a corset for the spine, one should take into account the individual characteristics of the structure of the spine and existing health problems. It should be selected by a vertebrologist, orthopedist, rehabilitologist, neurologist, depending on the severity of the disease, the localization of the pathological process and the prescribed therapy.

Classification of corsets for the spine

By appointment

  • Therapeutic - for active or passive correction of various stages of spinal deformity;
  • Preventive - to prevent pathology, improve posture, protect against deformities, subluxation of the vertebrae and displacement of disks during heavy physical exertion.

By manufacturing method

  • Serial production - such corsets for the spine are produced in large quantities at special enterprises. They are cheaper, but not functional enough for the treatment of serious pathologies;
  • Individual production - made to order, cost more. In such products, all the anatomical and age characteristics of the patient are taken into account, therefore they are considered more functional.

Dense breathable and elastic fabrics, plastic, rubber, leather, metal are used as materials for the manufacture of orthopedic corsets. Medical armor-type corsets are made of high-temperature and low-temperature thermoplastics.

According to the degree of hardness

By the degree of fixation

  • Up to 4 stiffeners - 1st degree (easy fixation);
  • Up to 6 stiffeners - 2nd degree (medium fixation);
  • Bending of the ribs of the product along the entire circumference of the lower back - 3rd degree (strong fixation).

Types of corsets for the spine

Corsets for the cervical spine

Protect, stabilize and relieve the cervical spine, reduce muscle spasms. There are hard, semi-rigid, soft moderate fixation. The cost of the models depends on the complexity of the design and the material of manufacture, on average it ranges from 300 to 3000 rubles. Popular manufacturers of neck braces: Variteks, Trivers, Maxar, Spinal Doctor.

  • A full-fledged orthopedic corset worn on the thoracic region, but with a girth around the neck;
  • Shants neck collar (splint);
  • Collar - an orthopedic corset that is worn only on the neck;
  • The bandage is much stiffer than the collar;
  • Inflatable bandage.
Indications for use
Lumbosacral spine corsets

The lumbar spine braces cover the entire lower back, lower chest and upper pelvis. The lumbosacral corsets have a low back wall, they cover the pelvic area.

Lumbar corsets are either rigid or semi-rigid. Designed for external fixation of the lumbosacral region, ensuring unloading of the damaged segment, protecting the vertebrae from further displacement, and reducing pain. Their cost differs depending on the models, on average it ranges from 2,000 to 7,000 rubles. Popular manufacturers of orthopedic corsets for the lower back: Ortel, Oppo, Fosta, Orto, Medi.

Indications for use
  • Exacerbation of radiculitis and spondyloarthrosis with radicular syndrome;
  • Spondylosis, lumbar osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis of the intervertebral joints;
  • Spondylolisthesis of I-II degree;
  • Hernia of the intervertebral discs of the lumbar and sacral spine;
  • Neurological manifestations of radiculitis, lumbodynia, sciatica;
  • Violation of muscle tone in the lumbar region;
  • Prevention of injuries and overstrain of the spinal muscles during heavy physical exertion and lifting weights;
  • Post-traumatic and postoperative rehabilitation.
Corsets for the thoracolumbar spine

Cover the entire chest and lower back. They allow you to optimize the vertical loads on the spinal column, normalize muscle tone, and help restore lordosis and kyphosis - the physiological curves of the spine.

Such corsets for the lower back are rigid and semi-rigid. Depending on the model, their cost ranges from 1600 to 6700 rubles.

Indications for use
  • Displacement of the vertebrae;
  • Spondylosis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis;
  • Intervertebral hernia in the lumbar or thoracic region;
  • Compression fractures of the spine;
  • Back pain, intercostal neuralgia;
  • Excessive mobility of the vertebrae.

Posture correctors

Designed to correct a curved spine, get rid of stoop. They contribute to the formation of correct posture, are used to prevent deterioration in the initial stages of scoliosis. They are soft and semi-rigid. The most commonly used medical and prophylactic corsets to correct posture in children.

  • Shoulder girdle reclinators;
  • Chest-lumbar posture correctors;
  • Chest posture correctors.
Indications for use

Side effects, contraindications for wearing corsets

It is categorically impossible to wear a rigid orthopedic corset constantly, since due to the lack of load that it takes on, the muscles in the area of ​​the affected area of ​​the spine begin to weaken, as a result of which new hernias and protrusions of the discs may appear.

The time of wearing corsets recommended by the attending physician should be strictly observed. It should not exceed 6-8 hours. Prolonged unregulated use of orthopedic devices can cause swelling and congestion in tissues, lead to muscle weakening, followed by atrophy.

Contraindications for wearing them are:

  • Pregnancy (there are special bandages for this);
  • Purulent-inflammatory skin diseases;
  • Hernia of the abdominal wall;
  • Pre-use of warming creams and ointments.

Models at a glance

Type: corset for the correction of disorders of the cervical spine. Soft elastic hold.

Production material: the base of polyurethane foam has a high degree of density and elasticity, while elastic and provides soft support for the head.

Prolene yarn cover. Fixing clasp of the "contact" type.

Price: 440 rubles.

Description of the model: Anatomically shaped soft-elastic cervical spine fixator with clasps. Designed for unloading and partial fixation of the neck, has a slight warming effect.

Indications for use:
  • Bruises, dislocations, neck injuries;
  • Inflammation of the neck muscles;
  • Correction of cervical anomalies;
  • Rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury.

Orthopedic corset T-1586 Trives

Type: mixed fixing and unloading.

Type: corset for the correction of disorders of the lumbosacral spine. Semi-rigid medium fixation.

Production material: breathable perforated bandage material, composition: cotton-60%, polyamide - 25%, elastane - 15%, stiffening ribs - metal.

Price: 2 350 rubles.

Description of the model: Height - 24 cm. Modeled stiffeners - 6 pieces. Additional triple brace. This lumbar corset fixes and stabilizes the lumbosacral spine, relieves back muscles and spinal segments, relieves pain.

Indications for use:
  • Osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, spondylosis with pain syndromes;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Spinal bruises, sciatica, lumbodynia, myositis, ischalgia;
  • Post-traumatic and postoperative rehabilitation;
  • Prevention of spinal injuries during heavy physical exertion.

Corset Orto KGK-100

Type: mixed corrective-fixative.

Type: corset for the correction of disorders of the thoracolumbar spine. Semi-rigid, light fixation.

Production material: the back is made of dense material, the stiffeners are metal, the fasteners on the abdominal cavity are breathable elastic material, soft fabric covers.

Price: 3 450 rubles.

Description of the model: On a dense back along the vertebra there are 2 modeled stiffeners. Elastic fasteners fix the corset as much as possible without squeezing the ribs and internal organs. 2 additional stiffeners fix the lumbosacral region. The renclairing system consists of 2 inextensible straps and covers for the armpit.

Indications for use:
  • Osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis of the intervertebral joints, spondylosis;
  • Kyphoscoliosis I-II degree, scoliosis;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Radiculopathy, intercostal neuralgia;
  • Compression fractures of the vertebral bodies;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Post-traumatic and postoperative rehabilitation;
  • Instability of the thoracolumbar vertebrae.

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A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the formation of poor posture. Due to the fact that a person is constantly slouching,. Many patients come to the doctors, suffering from scoliosis of various degrees. Among them there are many children who ignored the instructions of adults about posture.

To normalize the position of the spine, orthopedic devices are prescribed, for example, the KGK-110 corset.

Who should wear the retainer

Corset KGK-110 is a product thanks to which the musculoskeletal system functions normally. While wearing it, excess stress is removed from the muscles and certain vertebrae.

The corset is a multifunctional device. Its purpose:

  1. Ensuring firm fixation of the three sections of the spine - thoracic, lumbar and sacral.
  2. Elimination of pathological back curvatures.
  3. Keeping the spinal column at rest after injuries and surgeries. The rehabilitation period is shortened and the patient recovers faster.
  4. Prevention of painful discomfort due to the absence of unnecessary movements in the back.
  5. Creation of a massage effect.
  6. Correction of body position (posture).

A corrective device is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  1. Deformity of the spinal column (scoliosis). With the help of a bandage, the load is distributed on the affected areas of the back, and they are straightened.
  2. Dystrophic damage to intervertebral discs and vertebral tissues (). After unloading the muscles and ligaments, the pressure on the nerve endings is removed.
  3. Small.

If an operation was performed on the spine, the KGC orthopedic corset will help the patient in the rehabilitation process.

Doctors warn: KGK-110 is used only when there is a mild, uncomplicated form of pathology.

Product advantages

Previously, with problems with the spine, patients were forced to wear uncomfortable plaster casts. They were gradually replaced by corsets with varying degrees of rigidity. The device KGK-110 of the Russian manufacturer ORTO can be adjusted to any physique. Among its main advantages:

  1. For the manufacture of the bandage, a strong fabric is taken, which retains its properties after repeated use.
  2. Thanks to the presence of straps and Velcro straps, the device is successfully and reliably modeled over the back.
  3. KGK-110 is supplemented, with the help of which pressure is created on specific parts of the spinal column.
  4. Despite the rigidity of the device, the mobility of the body is preserved.

Baby models

Back problems are not limited to adults. If a child needs help, the doctor will recommend the KGK-110 corset, designed for the child's body.

The device consists of:

  • two long and two short metal stiffeners;
  • two inextensible shoulder straps and soft covers;
  • wide elastic waist;
  • side brace to enhance fixation;
  • special fasteners to secure all elements.

The device simultaneously provides shoulder turn, reclination, fixation and unloading of the thoracic and lumbar regions. KGK-110 is shown to be worn by children during the rehabilitation period, as well as when:

  • severe posture disorders;
  • scoliosis and 1-2 degrees;
  • compression fractures (if no more than 3 vertebrae are affected);
  • osteochondrosis, displacement of the vertebrae;
  • violations of the structures of the vertebrae due to various diseases.

Correct use

To choose a corset for the spine KGK-110, you must first consult with a specialist. When choosing a product, it is taken into account:

  • the patient's height (to determine the appropriate length of the retainer and);
  • waist circumference (to correctly determine the size of the belt).

If an adult or children's corset KGK-110 is purchased out of size, the bandage after putting on will fit loosely or too tightly. So the therapeutic effect is minimized.

Each device must be supplemented with instructions. It lists the conditions, observing which, you can maximize the life of the orthopedic product:

  1. To put on a corset, you will need to lie down on a flat surface. You can adjust the straps and Velcro while standing.
  2. It is advisable to put the retainer on a T-shirt or T-shirt made of natural fabric, so that sweat does not get on the inner surface of the product.
  3. A specific model is for one person only. Multiple patients should not be allowed to wear the same brace.
  4. If the product becomes dirty, soak it in non-hot, soapy water. Remove hard plates before washing. It is important to be careful when rinsing and wringing out the corset, otherwise it will be damaged.
  5. Do not dry the device with heating devices.
  6. Storage method for orthopedic products is a dry place at room temperature.

Wearing a back brace will be effective if it is complemented by physical therapy, massage and remedial gymnastics.

  • regular static loads on the spine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylitis;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • exacerbation of chronic sciatica;
  • intervertebral hernia, accompanied by pain syndrome;
  • pain in the spine with displacement of the vertebrae;
  • lumbar instability;
  • prolapse of the abdominal organs;
  • imbalance in muscle tone in the lumbar region;
  • injuries to various parts of the spine;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • decay of the vertebral bodies;
  • rehabilitation after surgery, trauma;
  • prevention of lumbar injuries, herniated discs;
  • consolidation of the effect after therapeutic exercises or manual therapy.

Where to buy a back belt? Our online store offers products of various brands. Among them, you will find the product that will help in solving your particular problem.

Trives- products of this brand are made of breathable and moisture-permeable elastic hypoallergenic materials. Corsets have an analgesic effect and are extremely comfortable to wear.

Otto Bock- this company makes its corsets from Mikro-Soft® material, which is characterized by high wear resistance, elasticity and "breathable" properties. The products are suitable for wearing at any time of the year, they are invisible even under thin clothes.

Variteks is a Turkish brand that uses Millerighe fabric in its products. Corsets adhere perfectly to the body, allowing the skin to breathe, thereby preventing excessive perspiration.

Orlett- German manufacturers have taken care of comfort and made their products as convenient as possible. Corsets are equipped with a finger loop, which makes it easier to put on the product, and elastic ribs prevent the fabric from twisting when bending.

ORTO- the use of heat-saving materials allows the products of this brand to produce an excellent massage and warming effect.

Orthopedic products orto are also used in gynecology, obstetrics, neurology, traumatology.

Whatever orthopedic belt or r orthopedic sacral orset you have not picked it up, you can be sure - Ortomart.ru products comply with all safety and quality standards. Each model has undergone multi-stage testing and has a targeted action on the problem. Protect your back - buy the right corset!

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