The use of innovative technologies in technology lessons in primary and high school. Innovative technologies in the educational process

Modern innovative technologies in school

The rapid development of information culture led to the fact that a modern person begins to master the computer from the earliest childhood. Therefore, the use of information technologies in the educational process, including in elementary school, is currently an objective and natural process, and the relevance of this problem is no doubt.

Information technology training is all technologies using special technical information resources: personal computer, audio, video equipment, Internet.

Internet technologies are an automated medium of obtaining, processing, storing, transferring and using knowledge in the form of information implemented in the global Internet.

Innovation is increasingly becoming the characteristics of educational systems. Life sets new tasks to the educational institution, to solve that it is impossible, working in the old, without the development and implementation of any innovations. Teachers, long years working at school, know what countless methods and forms of training came and went along with time. New time sets new tasks before us, inevitably requiring the search for new solutions. The main task of a modern teacher is not to give the most more knowledge as possible, but to teach the child to navigate in modern information society, independently mined and analyze information. I am deeply convinced that in the children you need to create an identity from the first days. The identity of the child is born only in the process of self-knowledge, self-assessment and self-criticism. Each child is a special world. And everyone needs cultivation and development.

Innovation is characteristic of any professional human activity and therefore become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation is the introduction of a new one in the goal, content, methods and forms of training and education, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student. With the introduction into the pedagogical process of innovative technologies, the teacher masters the functions of the consultant, the counselor, the educator, acts as the author, developer, researcher. In modern Russian society, the flow of information every year increases. That is why it is necessary to build an educational process so as to interest the student difficult, but also an interesting "dear" knowledge. To show him the direction of the way, then arm all the necessary knowledge of providing a schoolboy to learn, the ability to self-development and self-improvement.

The use of teachers in its work of modern educational technologies ("School of Dialogue of Cultures" V. S. Biblel, S. Yu. Kurganova; "School of Developing Training" V. V. Davydova; "School of self-determination" A. N. Tubelsky; "Gifted child "N. B. Shumakova) gives good results. Organizationeducational work, which is associated with the decision of the students of a creative, research task with a prede-know-known result and involving the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research: the problem formulation, familiarization with the literature on this issue, mastering the research methodology, the collection of own material, its analysis, Generalization, conclusions. It is a research approach to training that makes the guys with the participants of the creative process, and not passive consumers of finished information. Moreover, the modern education system focuses the teacher not to transmit knowledge in the finished form, but on the organization of training for independent activities of the schoolchild and bring it to the level of research work leaving the framework of the curriculum. Research activity allows you to arm the child with the necessary knowledge, skills, skills to master the rapidly increasing flow of information, orientation in it and systematization of the material. The admission of students to research begins, as a rule, in junior classes.Early inclusion in the creative process has a positive effect not only on the formation of intellectual and creative abilities, but develops the positive qualities of the child's personality.

In grade 1, Internet technologies are reduced to the use of developing flash games, online coloring, passing interactive tests, viewing videos, listening to audio files. In the process of working with Internet resources, children not only perform learning tasks, but also develop technical skills to work with a computer, learn to navigate in the global network. The use of the Internet is under the guidance of a teacher or parents.

In its innovation work, I use globallab is a secure online environment in which teachers, schoolchildren and parents can take part in joint research projects. Globallab is both a project, and a training environment based on the use of new technologies, especially the Internet. Today, the Global School Laboratory is a training platform for supporting the teaching of any natural-scientific course: "surrounding peace", "natural science", "Nature", "Biology", "Geography".

All Glotor Research Projects are built on the principles of "Civic Science", a special type of crowdsourcing (from English Crowdsourcing), which suggests that the small contribution of each participant forms a general qualitatively new knowledge.Globallab projects can be tied to the topics of the school program on completely different subjects - humanitarian, natural and engineering, and they can go far beyond their framework. The project projects correspond to the design tasks in the textbook "Envoying World" on the topics of the "Diversity of Nature of Our Territory", "Museum of Travels", "Economics of the Native Territory", "Who Protects us", "World Heritage in Russia", "Nature Conservation in our region "," Name on a globe "," The Great Patriotic War in memoirs of veterans "," our land (city, village) during the Great Patriotic War "and others.

Schoolchildren will be able to find answers. Questions: "My Malaya Motherland", "My Family", "My Class and My School", "My Pets", what monuments of architecture and natural objects are related to world heritage? How do the nature guard in my area? My contribution to the protection of nature? What objects on the world map are named after the people who opened their people? What can tell about the Great Patriotic War Veterans? Answers to these questions can be obtained not only from books and textbooks, but also during our own studies and when meeting research from other schoolchildren.

Working with projects in Globallab environment, I get a convenient tool for holding and conducting project activities in the classroom. Each project is a small study that not only allows the child to receive new knowledge and make a homework, but also makes it possible to make your own discoveries.

Training of students in the beginning of research activities is possible and fully feasible through a lesson, additional education, project protection and abstracts, scientific and educational and creative activities in the systematic application of a research approach in training.

From the experience I can conclude that using Internet technologies in elementary school, it is necessary:

Take into account the age characteristics of younger students;

Use a variety of types of information resources;

Teach children by the rules of safe use of the Internet;

Monitor the safety of children in the Internet space;

Gradually complicate the tasks of using online resource learning;

Constantly strive to improve your professional skills.

A feature of the organization of research activities in the elementary school of the school is that not only strong students, but also lagging children can take part in it. Just the level of research will be different.The main thing is to interest the child, involve in the atmosphere of activity. Research activities makes it possible to reveal the individual features of children and gives them the opportunity to attach their knowledge, benefit and show publicly the result achieved. And let the children do not make new discoveries, they repeat the path of the scientist: from nominating the hypothesis to its evidence or refutation. Students must understand how much strength, knowledge and skills are invested in each study, and therefore will try to adequately submit their work at conferences of various levels.All this gives a disciple the opportunity to express themselves, survive the situation of success, to realize yourself in other, not educational areas of activity, which is extremely important for any child, and especially for children, insecure in themselves, experiencing difficulties in mastering school disciplines.

Bibliographic list

1. L.V. Skmelkov "Design of innovation" Kurgan, 2006.-107 p.

2. Yusufbekova N.R. General Basics of Pedagogical Innovation: The experience of developing the theory of the innovation process in education. M., 2009

3. Internet technologies in education: educational and methodical manual / Abalueev R.N., Astafyeva N.G., Baskakova N.I., Boyko E.Yu., V. Boyko, Kuleshova N.A., Umetsky L.N., Sheshherina G.A. - Part 3. Tambov: Publishing House of TSTU, 2002. - 114 p.

The rapid development of society dictates the need for changes in the technologies and methods of the educational process. Graduates of educational institutions should be prepared for trends with changeable modernity. Therefore, the introduction of technologies aimed at an individual approach, mobility and remoteness in education seems necessary and inevitable.

What is "Innovative Technology"

Word " innovation"It has a Latin origin. "Novatio" means "update", "Change", and "IN" translates as "in the direction". Literally "Innovatio" - "in the direction of change". And this is not any innovation, but after the application of which there are significant improvements in efficiency, quality of activity.

Under technology (Greek Techne "Art", "Mastery", Logos "Word", "Knowledge" - Science of Art) It is understood by the combination of methods and processes used in any matter or in the production of something.

Any innovation finds its implementation through technology. In this way, innovative technology - This is a technique and the process of creating something new or improving the already existing in order to ensure progress and improve efficiency in various fields of human activity.

Innovative educational technologies

The methods used are not so effective in relation to the new generation of students. Standardized training does not take into account the individual qualities of the child and the need for creative growth.

Despite a number of problems that are not solved by the old ways, there are difficulties with the introduction of innovations. The teacher must understand that the introduction of innovative methods helps not only his pupils more efficiently absorb material, developing their creative potential. But it also helps the teacher to implement its own intellectual and creative potential.

Types of pedagogical innovation

In school, the most diverse pedagogical innovative techniques apply. The profile orientation of the educational institution, its traditions and standards play a huge role in choosing a huge role.

The most common innovations in the process of education:

  • information and communication technologies (ICT);
  • personal-oriented learning;
  • project and research activities;
  • game technologies.


Implies integration of teaching disciplines with computer science,as well as Computerization of estimation and communication in general. The computer can be used at any stages of the educational process. Schoolchildren study work with basic programs, study material thanks to electronic textbooks and benefits. Using a computer and projector, the teacher sets out the material. Presentations, charts, audio and video files thanks to clarity contribute to the best assimilation of the topic. Independent creation of slides, schemes, memory cards helps to structure knowledge, which also helps memorize.

Availability of computer, Internet and special programs makes it possible remote teaching, online excursions, conferences and consultations.

At the end of the study of the topic as control can be used tests on the computer. Schools use the system electronic journalsin which you can track the results of a separate child, class or academic performance on a specific subject. Included in everyday life and electronic diarieswhere estimates are set and homework are fixed. So parents can recognize the scores of the child and the presence of tasks.

It is important to teach schoolchildren to use the Internet, search engines and social networks. With a competent approach, they become an inexhaustible source of information and the method of communication of schoolchildren with the teacher and among themselves.

Popularity is gaining popularity creating a teacher of your own website. Thanks to him, it is possible to share interesting books, benefits, articles, educational videos and audio, remotely respond to the questions of students. It can be used in the development of a group project: Participants are divided with each other and curator by developments, results and solve emerging problems.

Personal-oriented training

In this case the main acting person in learning is a child. The goal is to develop a student of a schoolboy, taking into account its individual qualities. Accordingly, non-students are adjusted to the educational system and the style of the teacher, and the teacher, using his skills and knowledge, organizes training according to the characteristics of the class.

Here you need to know the teacher of the psychological, emotional and cognitive features of the student team. Based on this, it forms plans for classes, selects methods and methods for presenting the material. It is important to be able to awaken the interest of the student to the outlined material and work collectively, speaking not so much by the leader as a partner and the advice.

If desired, an educational institution is possible differentiation of students. For example, the class has a class at a specific attribute as a result of testing; further division according to interest; Introduction of profile classes in high school.

Project and Research

The main goal is to develop the ability of independent, creative search for data, setting and solving problems, involve information from different spheres of knowledge. The task of the teacher is the awakening of interest in search activity and creating conditions for its implementation.

When working on a group project, the skills of working in a team, communications, skills listen to someone else's opinion, criticize and take criticism.

The use of this technology in school develops the ability to know the world, analyze facts, draw conclusions. This is the basis and assistance in admission to a higher education institution and work on the thesis and master's dissertations.

Gaming technologies

The value of the gaming technology is that, being inherently rest, it performs an educational function, stimulates creative implementation and self-expression. Of course, it most applies to the younger group of schoolchildren, as they correspond to their age requirements. Use it must be dosed.

At the request of the teacher, the whole lesson can be held in a game form: Competition, Quiz, KVN, setting scenes from the work. It is possible to use game elements and at any stage of classes: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end as a survey. Properly organized game stimulates schoolchildren's memory, interest, and also overcomes passivity.

Changes in the educational sphere are necessary and inevitable. And it is worth noting that for the most part pupils are happy to take something new, interesting, unusual. They are ready and capable of perception. Last word - for teachers.

Many useful materials using innovative technologies are presented in the "Publications" section. You can draw interesting techniques and ideas from the works of colleagues.

Modern innovative technologies in school education

Pedagogical technology - It is thoughtful in all detailsmodel joint pedagogical activities for the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers (V.Monakh). Currently, Russia is becoming the formation of a new education system, oriented into the world educational space. This process is accompanied by substantial changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process. The educational system is modernized - other content, approaches, behavior, pedagogical mentality are offered.

Today in Russian education proclaims the principlevariatives which makes it possible to pedagogical teams of educational institutionsselect and design the pedagogical process for any model, including author. In this direction there is progress of education: the development of various options for its content, the use of the possibilities of modern didactics in increasing the effectiveness of educational structures; Scientific development and practical substantiation of new ideas and technologies. At the same time, it is important to organize a kind of dialogue of various pedagogical systems and training technologies, testing in the practice of new forms - additional and alternative state education system, use in modern Russian conditions of holistic pedagogical systems of the past.

Under these conditions, the teacherit is necessary to navigate in a wide range of modern innovative technologies, ideas, schools, directions, not to spend time on the opening of the already known, and use the entire arsenal of Russian pedagogical experience.Today, it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire extensive spectrum of educational technologies. Modern pedagogical technologies can only be implemented in an innovative school.

Innovative schoolan educational institution is called, whose activities are built on the original (copyright) ideas and technologies and is a new educational practice. The innovative school is a polysisystem with educational, labor, artistic, aesthetic, sports, scientific activities, including various forms of communications and communication of children and adults. Modern innovative schools most often arise on the basis of ordinary mass schools, deeply developing and implementing one or more of their functions on the original technological basis. The following distinctive quality (criteria) of innovative schools can be distinguished.

Innovation: The presence of original author's ideas and hypotheses relative to the restructuring of the pedagogical process.

Alternative: The difference between any of the main components of the educational process (goals, content, methods, means, etc.) from the traditional, accepted in the mass school.

Conceptual Educational Process: Consciousness and use in the author's model of philosophical, psychological, socio-pedagogical or other scientific grounds.

Systemity and complexity of educational process.

Socio-pedagogical feasibility: Compliance with school goals to social order.

Availability of signs or results that determine the reality and efficiency of the author's school..

Modern innovative technologies in education

At the moment, a wide variety of pedagogical innovations apply in school education. It depends primarily on the traditions and status of the institution. Nevertheless, it is possible to distinguish the following most characteristic innovative technologies.

1. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in subject learning

The introduction of ICT into the content of the educational process involves the integration of various subject areas with informatics, which leads to the information of the consciousness of students and understanding the processes of informatization in modern society (in its professional aspect). The awareness of the emerging tendency of the school informatization process is essential: from the development of primary information on computer science to the use of computer software in the study of general education items, and then to the saturation of informatics elements of the structure and content of education, the implementation of the fundamental restructuring of the entire educational process on the basis of information Technologies. As a result, new information technologies appear in the school methodological system, and graduates of schools are preparing for the development of new information technologies in future work. This area is implemented through inclusion in the curriculum of new items aimed at studying computer science and ICT. The experience of using ICT in schools has shown that:

but) an open-type school information environment, which includes various forms of distance education, significantly increases the motivation of students to study subject disciplines, especially usingproject methods;

B) Teaching informatization is attractive for the student that the psychological tension of school communication is removed by the transition from the subjective relationship of the "teacher-student" to the most objective relations of the "student-computer-computer", the effectiveness of student labor increases, the proportion of creative works increases, the possibility of in obtaining additional education on the subject in the school walls, and in the future a focusing choice of university, prestigious work is aware; c) Teaching informatization is attractive for a teacher in that it makes it possible to increase the productivity of its work, increases the general information culture of the teacher.

2. Personality - oriented technologies in the teaching of the subject

Personal-oriented technologiesthey put the personality of the child in the center of the entire school educational system, ensuring a comfortable, conflict and safe conditions of its development, the realization of its natural tensilers. The identity of the child in this technology is not only the subject, but also the subjectpriority; It is the goal the educational system, and not a means of achieving any distracted goal. Ppeople in mastering studentsindividual educational programs In accordance with their capabilities and needs.

3. Informational - analytical support of the educational process and the management of the quality of schoolchildren's education.

The use of such an innovative technology as an information - an analytical methodology for managing learning quality allows us to objectively, impartially trace the development of each child's time separately, class, parallels, schools in general. With some modification, it may become an indispensable tool in the preparation of a cool - generalizing control, studying the state of teaching any object of curriculum, studying the system of work of a separate teacher.

4 . Monitoring of intellectual development.

Analysis and diagnosis of the quality of learning of each student using testing and building graphs of the dynamics of academic performance.

5 . Educational technologies as a leading mechanism for the formation of a modern student.

It is an integral factor in modern learning conditions.It is implemented in the form of students' involvement in additional forms of personality development: participation in cultural events on national traditions, theater, centers of children's creativity, etc.

6. Didactic technologies as a condition for the development of the educational process of the OU.There may be implemented both already known and proven receptions and new ones. This is an independent work with the help of an educational book, game, design and protection of projects, training with the help of audiovisual hardware, the system "Consultant", group, differentiated learning methods - the system of "small groups", etc. Usually in practice various combinations of these techniques are used in practice. .

7. Psychological and pedagogical support of the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process of the school

It is assumed to scientific and pedagogical substantiation of the use of certain innovations. Their analysis on the methodical councils, seminars, consultation with leading experts in this area.

Thus, the experience of the modern Russian school has the widest arsenal of the application of pedagogical innovation in the learning process. The effectiveness of their application depends on the established traditions in the general education institution, the ability of the pedagogical team to perceive these innovations, the material and technical base of the institution.

Currently, there are significant changes in the national education policy. This is due to the transition to the position of personal-oriented pedagogy. One of the tasks of the modern school is to disclose the potential of all participants in the pedagogical process, providing them with the possibilities of manifestation of creative abilities. The solution of these tasks is impossible without the implementation of the variability of educational processes, and in connection with the training, along with traditional, various innovative types and types of educational institutions that require deep scientific and practical understanding appear.

Training is the most important and reliable way to obtain systematic education. Education is nothing but a specific process of knowledge guided by a teacher. It is the guiding role of the teacher who provides a full assimilation of schoolchildren of knowledge, skills and skills, the development of their mental strength and creative abilities.

Training is a two-way process. The activities of the teacher are usually called teaching, and the student's activities are teaching. The term teaching should be considered conditional, since the teacher not only teaches (presents) knowledge, but also develops and raises students. The teaching is not only the process of mastering what is given to teaching, this is a complex process of cognitive activity, in which the development of the generalized experience accumulated by mankind in the form of knowledge is also acquiring the individual experience of knowledge with the help of independent operating knowledge, mastering the necessary actions and ways.

In traditional teaching, the master players the leading role.

The process of learning students proceeds in joint activities with the teacher, under his leadership. The teacher sends this process in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students, he systematizes, concretizes the content of the training, gives a logical substantiation of knowledge that students are being mastered, it seems to be the most rational ways of weapons of their students, the skills needed in independent knowledge.

The learning process takes place in the constant communication of students with the teacher, which has a great influence on the characteristics of cognitive activity.

Traditional types of training include:

    dogmatic doctrine is the first type of collective organization of cognitive activity, where the main species were hearing and mechanical memorization.

    explanively - illustrative training came due to the wide attraction of clarity into the educational process. The main purpose of this training is the formation of skills and skills. This passive-contemplative learning is characteristic of a traditional school. The main task of the teacher is reduced to the presentation of the material.

    independent knowledge mining, as a new type of training appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. In general, it looked like this: at the introductory lesson, the teacher put the problem, indicated literature, instructed the students and prescribed the timing of the task. In its pure form, this type of training had many flaws: no systematic knowledge was provided, there was no control, the position of the teacher was passive.

Frontal, group and individual training are considered to be traditional.

From the position of the integrity of the educational process, the main traditional organizational form of training is a lesson. The lesson is a form of study in which the teacher for exactly the set time leads the collective cognitive and other activities of the permanent group of students (class), taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using the means and methods of work, creating favorable conditions in order for all students to extract The foundations of the subject of the subject directly during the occupation, as well as for the education and development of cognitive abilities and the spiritual forces of schoolchildren (A.A. Baddar).

Currently, not only traditional, but innovative technologies are used in the educational process. Innovations, or innovation are characteristic of any professional activity of man and therefore, naturally, become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. Innovations themselves do not arise, they are the result of scientific searches, advanced pedagogical experience of individual teachers and entire collectives. This process cannot be spontaneous, it needs to manage.

Dictionary S.I. Ozhegova gives the following definition of the new: new - for the first time created or made, which emerged recently, in return for the previous, newly open, relating to the nearest past or to date, is not a familiar, little-known. It should be noted that in the interpretation of the term, nothing is not talking about the effectiveness of the new one.

The concept of "innovation" in translation from the Latin language means "update, innovation or change". This concept first appeared in studies in the XIX century and meant the introduction of some elements of one culture to another. At the beginning of the 20th century, a new area of \u200b\u200bknowledge has emerged, innovation - the science of innovations, in which the patterns of technical innovations in the field of material production began to be studied. Pedagogical innovative processes became the subject of special study in the West from about 50s and in the last twenty years in our country.

In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of a new one in the goal, content, methods and forms of training and the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student.

The modern concept of "education" is associated with the interpretation of such terms as "training", "education", "education", "development". However, before the word "education" began to communicate with the enlightenment, it had a wider sound. Vocational values \u200b\u200bview the term "education" as a noun from the verb to "form" in the sense: "Create", "form" or "develop" something new. Create a new one - this is innovation.

On innovations in the Russian educational system spoke since the 80s of the XX century. It is at this time in pedagogy the problem of innovation and, accordingly, its conceptual provision has become the subject of special research. The terms "innovation in education" and "pedagogical innovation" used as synonyms were scientifically substantiated and introduced into the categorical apparatus of pedagogy.

Pedagogical innovation is an innovation to pedagogical activities, changes in the content and technology of training and education, which are aimed at improving their effectiveness. Thus, the innovative process is to form and develop the content and organization of the new. In general, an innovative process is understood as comprehensive activities on the creation (birth, development), the development, use and dissemination of innovations. In scientific literature, the concepts of "innovation" and "innovation" are distinguished.

NOVATION is precisely means (new method, technique, technology, program, etc.), and innovation is the process of mastering this means. Innovation is a targeted change in habitat, new stable elements causing a system transition from one state to another. The innovation is understood as the result of innovation, and the innovative process is considered as the development of three main stages: the generation of the idea (in a certain case is a scientific discovery), the development of ideas in the applied aspect and the implementation of innovation in practice. In this regard, the innovative process can be viewed as a process of bringing a scientific idea to the stage of practical use and the implementation of related changes in the socio-pedagogical environment. Activities ensuring the transformation of ideas in the innovation and the generating system of management of this process is innovative activities.

Innovation in education is considered innovations specially designed, developed or accidentally open in the order of pedagogical initiative. As a content of innovation, the scientific and theoretical knowledge of certain novelty, new effective educational technologies, made in the form of a technological description of a project of effective innovative pedagogical experience, ready to implement. Innovations are new qualitative states of the educational process, which are emerging in the implementation of the achievements of pedagogical and psychological sciences into the practice of achievements when using advanced pedagogical experience.

Innovations are developed and held by employees and organizations of the education system and science.

There are various types of innovation, depending on the basis of which they are separated.

The main pattern of innovation design: the higher the rank of innovation, the greater the requirements for scientifically-based management in the innovation process.

For a complete and accurate representation of the specifics of innovative processes occurring in modern Russian educational space, two types of educational institutions can be distinguished in the education system: traditional and developing. For traditional systems, stable functioning aimed at maintaining one day of the order is made. For developing systems, a search mode is characterized.

In Russian developing educational systems, innovative processes are implemented in the following areas: the formation of a new education, development and introduction of new pedagogical technologies, the creation of new types of educational institutions. In addition, the pedagogical team of a number of Russian educational institutions is engaged in the introduction of innovations that have already become the history of pedagogical thought. For example, alternative educational systems of the beginning of the twentieth century M. Montessori, R. Steiner, etc.

The subject structure includes the innovative activities of all subjects of school development: directors, his deputies, teachers, scientists, students, parents, sponsors, methodologists, teachers of universities, consultants, experts, employees of educational institutions, certification service, etc. This structure takes into account the functional and role ratio. All participants of each of the stages of the innovation process. It also reflects the relations of participants of the planned private innovations. It is enough to write the function of each of these subjects in the column of each of these subjects in the column and put them in the order of importance to the roles performed in the innovative process, as instantly weighty, this structure is consistent.

The level structure reflects the interconnected innovative activities of the subjects at the international, federal, regional, district (urban) and school levels. It is obvious that the innovative process at school is experiencing an impact (both positive and negative) innovation activities of higher levels. That this influence is only positive, we need special activities of managers to coordinate the content of innovation, innovative policies at each level. In addition, we draw the attention of managers to the fact that the management of a specific school development process requires its consideration at least at five levels: individual, level of small groups, the level of the whole school, district and regional levels.

The meaningful structure of the innovation process involves the birth, development and development of innovations in training, educational work, the organization of the educational process, in school management, etc. In turn, each component of this structure has its complex structure. Thus, the innovative learning process may assume innovations in methods, forms, receptions, means (that is, in technology), in the content of education or for its purposes, conditions, etc.

Each pedagogical era gave its generation of technology. The first generation of educational technologies was traditional techniques; Technologies of the second and third generations were modular block and all-block training systems; The fourth generation of educational technologies includes integral technology.

The introduction of non-traditional pedagogical technologies has significantly changed the educational and developing process, which allows you to solve many problems of developing, personal-oriented learning, differentiation, humanization, the formation of an individual educational perspective of students.

For all technologies, specific general features are characterized: the awareness of the activities of the teacher and students, efficiency, mobility, valeurity, integrity, openness, designer; Independent activity of students in the educational process is 60-90% of the study time; Individualization.

Computer technologies not only help organize a learning process using game methods, but also to get stronger feedback.

Multimedia tools make it possible to ensure efficient occasion of the learning process.

Project activities are also the technology of enhancing educational and cognitive activity. This contributes to the high independence of students in the project preparation process. The teacher who serves as a coordinator only guiding the student's activities that explores the chosen topic collects the most complete information about it, systematizes the data obtained and presents them using various technical means, including modern computer technology.

Technologies that are combined with the name "student's portfolio" contribute to the formation of the necessary reflection skills, i.e. self-observation, reflection. "Student Portfolio" - a tool of self-assessment of its own educational, creative labor, reflection of his own activity.

Integration technologies contribute to the formation of interdisciplinary concepts, determines the nature of the interprete relationships on the time factor (previous bonds, promising, synchronous), make it possible to interprecote the content of the curriculum in order to optimize it (eliminate duplication, divergence, chronological inconsistency). This method allows you to adapt the content of the curricula to the capabilities of specific students, creates favorable conditions for the development of the personality of each student, the formation of a positive motivation of the teachings, adequacy of self-assessment, the maximum possible success of learning.

In the system of pedagogical activities, integrated lessons occupy a special place. They help develop the cognitive and creative activity of students, strengthen the motivation of training.

Innovative technologies in teaching are new methods of communication with students who allow students to assert themselves. And self-assertion is the path to the right choice of your profession.

It is necessary that traditional and innovative learning technologies are in a permanent relationship and complemented each other. These two concepts must exist at one level.

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