We select a photo translator for iOS (iPhone and iPad). The best photo translators online

Users are faced with the need to translate text from photos online. Situations can be different: there is text in a photograph that needs to be extracted from the image and translated into another language, there is an image of a document in foreign language, you need to translate text from a picture, etc.

You can use text recognition programs that use OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to extract text from images. Then, the text extracted from their photo can be translated using a translator. If the original image good quality, then in most cases free online services for text recognition are suitable.

In this case, the entire operation takes place in two stages: first, text recognition occurs in a program or online service, and then the text is translated using an online translator or an application installed on the computer. You can, of course, copy text from a photo manually, but this is not always justified.

Is there a way to combine two technologies in one place: immediately recognize and transfer a test from a photo online? Unlike mobile applications, there is little choice for desktop users. But, nevertheless, I found two options for how to translate text from an image online in one place, without the help of programs and other services.

An online photo translator will recognize the text in the image and then translate it into desired language.

When translating from images online, pay attention to some points:

  • the quality of text recognition depends on the quality of the original image
  • In order for the service to open the picture without problems, the image must be saved in a common format (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, etc.)
  • if possible, check the extracted text to eliminate recognition errors
  • the text is translated using machine translation, so the translation may not be perfect

We will use Yandex Translator and the Free Online OCR online service, which has functionality for translation of text extracted from photographs. You can use these services to translate from English into Russian, or use other language pairs of supported languages.

Yandex Translator for translation from pictures

Yandex.Translator integrates OCR optical character recognition technology, with which text is extracted from photographs. Then, using Yandex Translator technologies, the extracted text is translated into the selected language.

Go through the following steps sequentially:

  1. Log in to Yandex Translator in the “Pictures” tab.
  2. Select the source language. To do this, click on the name of the language (displayed by default English language). If you don't know what language is in the image, the translator will start auto-detection of the language.
  3. Select the language to translate. By default, the Russian language is selected. To change the language, click on the language name and select another supported language.
  4. Select a file on your computer or drag a picture into the online translator window.

  1. After Yandex Translator recognizes the text from the photo, click “Open in Translator”.

Two fields will open in the translator window: one with text in a foreign language (in in this case in English), another with translation into Russian (or another supported language).

  1. If the photo was of poor quality, it makes sense to check the recognition quality. Compare the translated text with the original in the picture, correct any errors found.
  • You can change the translation in Yandex Translator. To do this, turn on the switch " New technology translation." The translation is carried out simultaneously by a neural network and a statistical model. The algorithm automatically selects the best translation option.
  1. Copy the translated text into a text editor. If necessary, edit the machine translation and correct errors.

Translation from photos online to Free Online OCR

The free online service Free Online OCR is designed to recognize characters from files of supported formats. The service is suitable for translation, since it optionally has capabilities for translating recognized text.

Unlike Yandex Translator, Free Online OCR achieves acceptable recognition quality only on fairly simple images, without the presence of foreign elements in the picture.

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to .
  2. In the “Select your file” option, click on the “Browse” button, select a file on your computer.
  3. In the “Recognition language(s) (you can select multiple)” option, select required language, from which you want to translate (you can select several languages). Click on the field and add the desired language from the list.
  4. Click on the “Upload + OCR” button.

After recognition, the text from the image will be displayed in a special field. Check the recognized text for errors.

Copy the text into a text editor. If necessary, edit and correct errors.


Using Yandex Translator and the Free Online OCR online service, you can translate text into the desired language from photographs or pictures online. The text from the image will be extracted and translated into Russian or another supported language.

In this article I will introduce you to the best online translators according to photo. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is the key to full use of all opportunities modern world. But many users own it on entry level, which is enough for spending time online and playing games. At the same time, in the process of studying or working, sometimes it is necessary to translate text, and not just printed text, which can be inserted into an online translator using the commands ctrl+c/ ctrl+v, but depicted in electronic or printed form. This could be documentation in a foreign language, text on photographs, pictures, signs, posters and much more.

Translation from foreign languages

Using programs and services that recognize text from an image, you can first extract what needs to be translated, and then use an online translator. After this, the text must be manually converted to readable form and used where required. The original image must be clear so that free programs do not have difficulties with recognition, since not all users have the opportunity to use paid services that work even with images of poor quality. Developers software We also thought about combining two functions into one, that is, so that the program or service would recognize the text and immediately translate it. Online photo translators for mobile platforms are more common, but there is also an option for desktop computers.

Online photo translator for mobile platforms: Android, iOS, Windows Phone

Google Translate

In the Google Play store, Google Translator is considered the most popular application. So let's put it in the search bar. The following image will appear.

Google Translate

The application for translations from English into Russian has the following advantages:

  • works with 103 languages ​​of the world;
  • supports 59 languages ​​offline (for this you need to download additional dictionaries);
  • automatically translates speech (from 32 languages ​​and back);
  • translates text at high speed (both copied from any application and photographed).

You can also enter a sentence by hand; Google Translate successfully recognizes and translates handwritten text.

ABBYY Lingvo dictionaries

The application installed on a mobile gadget offers users an excellent opportunity to carry out various translations of texts, including from photographs, screenshots and using a video camera.

Abbyy Lingvo dictionaries work even when the Internet is turned off, which allows you to use them anywhere. In the application you can create your own set of necessary dictionaries (out of 11 available in free access, and 200 paid). Another advantage of the program is its ability to remember new words and add them to the database. When shooting with a video camera, you need to keep it as level as possible and provide good lighting. Otherwise, the application will not even try to perform text recognition.

TextGrabber: OCR Text Recognition + Translator

Unlike the two translators discussed above, this program is paid. Using the camera, take a photograph, TextGrabber: OCR will recognize it and translate it from/to 100 or more languages ​​of the world.

Paid application TextGrabber: OCR

The application also works with any printed sources - advertisements, books, documents, etc. After translation, the text can be edited and sent either via SMS and e-mail, or through popular instant messengers installed on a tablet or smartphone. Without purchasing additional packages, the user has the opportunity to use translation from 60 or more languages. To make the application work faster, do not use the auto-language detection function, but select it yourself before starting work. The text is not formatted during the translation process - you will do the arrangement of paragraphs, lists and other details yourself.

Photo Translate

Photo Translate is another one online program for photo processing and recognition. It does not have its own database of languages, so it uses an Internet connection for translation. All functionality is limited only to working with images.


Translator is a simple application name for users of gadgets on the platform Windows Phone. It is a basic online photo translator from Bing. In addition to performing basic functions, it helps users learn the language using the “word of the day” on the main screen. This application differs from other programs in one interesting detail - it writes the translation over the image. If this function interferes (the source text is written in small font or consists of large quantity words), then you can turn it off.

Translation over text

iSignTranslate (iOS)

iSignTranslate is a Russian development that you can be proud of. The application was created to translate various banners, signs, and signs using a phone or tablet camera. All you have to do is point the camera at the target, wait a little, and the translation will be placed on top of the captured image. English and Russian are available for free, the rest can be purchased for a fee. The program also does not have its own language base and uses Google, Bing and Yandex translators to translate text from images, so it can only work when connected to the Internet.

Online services for photo translations for desktop computers and laptops

Let's try to make a translation from a photograph on a desktop computer. Before you start, there are several steps you should take:

  • make sure that the required image has good clarity, since this determines how well the service recognizes the text;
  • make sure that the image is saved in one of the common formats: gif, jpeg, png, bmp and others;
  • If possible, check the text for errors to ensure correct machine translation.

After this, you can start working with the online services themselves. For example, let's take Yandex Translator.

Go to Yandex Translator. In the left top corner page you will find the words “Text”, “Site” and “Picture”, by clicking on which you can go to other tabs. We need a “Picture”. We click and this screen appears in front of us.

Selecting a file or dragging a picture

Select a file from your hard drive or simply drag it with LMB into the field. The following screen appears with our photo.

Recognized image

To the right of the text in the upper corner there is the inscription “Open in translator”. Click on it, and the next page in a new tab splits the screen into two parts. On the left is the text extracted from the image, on the right is the translation. Note! The translation is machine-based and requires mandatory correction.

Text translation

The example shows a translation from English into Russian, but you can select any of the supported languages ​​or use their auto-detection function.

Look closely at the right side. At the bottom there is a switch “New translation technology”. By moving it to the active position, you will take advantage of the fact that the translation will be carried out according to a statistical model and using neural networks. A special algorithm will choose best option and will offer it to you. Thanks to this technology, Yandex Translator is able to cope even with low-quality images. This service also has an Android version.

Follow simple requirements for image quality, and using online services for translating text from photographs yourself will not be difficult for you.


Today, all modern smartphones are equipped with fairly high-quality cameras that are capable of not only taking ordinary photographs, but also significantly simplifying other important operations, for example, creating electronic versions of printed documents or quickly translating text from a photo. But in order to do this, you need to install some applications, which will be discussed in today’s article.

How to translate text from a photo on a smartphone and tablet?

Today on the market there are Cell phones and tablet computers on various operating systems, so for convenience we will consider several options for different platforms.

A program for translating photos on Android smartphones

In the Play Market you can find many applications that allow you to recognize text in a photo, but only a few of them really do their job well. And one of the most popular and convenient applications is Google Translate, which allows you to translate text directly from a photo. To use it, simply download and install it, then launch it and select the mode for photographing the object. The program will independently activate your smartphone’s camera, all you have to do is take a photo (of a sign, sign, advertisement, etc.), and the application will translate its meaning from the original language to the user-specified one.

Similar in functionality is the Abbyy TextGraber+Translator application, which allows you to select one of 60 translation directions, recognize photographed text, translate it, and save it in a user-friendly format.

Text translation program for iOS devices

Today in the AppStore you can also easily find many programs for translating text from an image, but the most convenient and popular are Lingvo Dictionaries - a photo translator that can easily cope with the recognition of photographed text, but it is important to take into account good lighting and the correct shooting angle. An extensive database of dictionaries allows you to select up to 30 translation directions. It is also worth paying attention to the simple and convenient free photo translator Photo Translate, which has modest functionality, but does an excellent job of converting text from an image and translating it. It is important to remember that this program only works online, and without an available Internet connection you will not be able to translate anything.

As an alternative for tourists who actively travel around different countries, the iSignTranslate application is perfect, the main task of which is to correctly and quickly translate various road signs, signs and advertisements on a smartphone in real time. In the basic version, only 2 languages ​​are available - English and Russian, the rest can be downloaded for additional fee. Third-party online services are used for translation, so it is important to have a stable Internet connection.

A program for translating text into photos for the Windows Phone mobile platform

Use the Translator program, which you can download completely free from the Windows Phone store. By installing it on your smartphone, you will get all the basic functionality of a photo translator. Distinctive feature The program can be called its ability to overlay already translated text on top of the original photo. The function is quite new and not always convenient, so the user has the opportunity to disable it.

That's all. We hope that now, when you are getting ready to travel, you will not forget to download the most suitable application for you to translate text from a photo and navigate your new country without any problems.

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Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! Probably many of you have encountered the need recognize text from some scanned document, book, photograph, etc. As a rule, for a large volume of text recognition from documents, special and rather expensive programs (OCR) are used. But in order to recognize a small number of pages of text, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive application. There is a well-known free text recognition program, which I already wrote about - CuneiForm. It is simple and convenient, but it must be installed on your computer.

And if the need for text recognition from documents does not arise so often, then it would probably be more logical to use a special online service that recognizes text for free or for a symbolic amount. You can find dozens of such services on the Internet. And, each service, as a rule, has its own pros and cons, which can only be determined by the user himself.

For readers of my blog, I decided to make a small selection of online services where you can recognize texts from documents different formats.

The choice was made based on the following criteria:

The text recognition service should be free.

The number of recognized pages of text should be unlimited, and if there are minor restrictions, then they are not related to demonstrating the quality of document recognition.

The service must support Russian text recognition.

What service recognizes texts better, and which is worse, it’s up to you, dear readers, to decide. After all, the result obtained after text recognition depends on many factors. This may depend on the size of the source document (page, photograph, drawing, scanned text, etc.), format and, of course, the quality of the document being recognized.

So, I got six services where you can engage in text recognition online without any special restrictions.

In first place I put the Google Drive service, where you can do online text recognition, only because this resource is in Russian. All other “bourgeois” services are in English.

Seven services where you can recognize text online for free.

Google Drive

Registration is required here if you do not have your own Google account. But if you ever decide create your blog on blogspot, then you already have an account. It can recognize PNG, JPG, and GIF images and PDF files up to 2 MB in size. In PDF files, only the first ten pages are recognized. Recognized documents can be saved in DOC, TXT, PDF, PRT and ODT formats.

OCR Convert.

Free online text recognition service that does not require registration. Supports PDF, GIF, BMP and JPEG formats. Having recognized the text, it saves links as URLs with the TXT extension, which can be copied and pasted into the file you need. Allows you to upload five documents up to 5 MB at the same time.


Registration is required for this online service. Supports OCR documents in TIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, PBM, PGM, PPM formats. You can upload a document up to 10 MB without any restrictions. The resulting recognition result can be downloaded to your computer in the DOC extension.


In my opinion, the most serious and excellent online service that does not require registration. Without restrictions, you can recognize almost any graphic files for free. Upload several pages of text at once in TIFF, PDF and DjVu formats. Can recognize texts from images in DOC, DOCX, RTF and ODT files. Select and expand the required area of ​​page text for recognition. Supports 58 languages ​​and can do text translation using Google translator online. You can save the obtained recognition results in TXT, DOC, ODT, RTF, PDF, HTML formats.


Allows you to perform text recognition from 15 images in one hour without registration and for free with a maximum size of 4 MB. You can extract text from JPG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF files and save the result to your computer in the form of documents with the MS Word (DOC), MS Excel (XLS) extension or in TXT text format. But to do this you will have to enter the captcha every time. Supports 32 languages ​​for recognition.


An online service for free text recognition that does not require registration. But to get the result you will need to enter a captcha. Recognizes files one page at a time PDF format and JPG, GIF, TIFF or BMP images. There are restrictions on recognizing no more than 10 documents per hour and the image size should not exceed 5000 pixels and a volume of 2 MB. The recognized text can be copied and pasted into a document of the desired format.


When recognizing texts on this online service, it is recommended that image files be of high quality in JPG format (although it accepts other formats for recognition). You can recognize only five pages of text per week, and save it on your computer in DOC, PDF, RTF and TXT formats. Additional pages are recognized only as “bourgeois piastres” and you must register.

I hope these online text recognition services someone will be able to ease the laborious process of typing texts by hand. One way or another, these services are useful. And which one is better or worse, everyone will determine for himself.

I will be waiting for your feedback. And if any of the readers liked this selection of text recognition services, I would be very grateful to those who share the link to this page with their friends. And you and your friends will have LUCK!

At the end of this article, I would like to wish everyone well-being and success.
