Ways to develop imagination and imagination. The magical world of imagination

At visualizations his dreams When you need to very vividly imagine the moment of fulfillment of this desire, a well-developed creative plays an important role. The ability to represent your desire at the end point is an important component of fulfilling your desire. That's about how to develop your imagination, and the conversation will go in this article.

Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. And some even think that this is not given to them, because they tried it once and did not see anything, they are disappointed and never return to such a good helper once they have achieved what they want. Meanwhile, it has been absolutely proven that absolutely everyone is endowed with imagination. Simply, for those who do not use the imagination, this function of our body atrophies, but can be "brought back to life" again.

Developing your skill visualize, You develop your own. It is required to understand that there is no perfect way to learn to imagine something in your imagination. After all, each person is individual, therefore, the method must be selected one that is more suitable for you and your feelings. Try the simple methods described below. It is possible that they will be right for you.

Imagination exercises:

1. Relax, close your eyes, and imagine a number in front of you 1 - red, gradually it changes to a number 2 orange, then a yellow number 3 appears. The number 4 will be green and the number 5 will be blue, followed by the number 6 to be blue, and the last digit 7 purple.

This arrangement of color in numbers corresponds to the order in which the color is located in the chakras. To make it easy to remember these colors, use the hint familiar to everyone from childhood: Every employee wants to know G de S walking Phasean. This is the arrangement of the colors in the rainbow.

2. Pick up some simple object. This could be a notebook, saucer, handkerchief, knitting needle, plastic bottle, mobile phone, etc. Consider it carefully and remember how it feels in your hands, that is, you need to remember exactly your feelings from touching this object. Now put it down and, with your eyes closed, try to imagine it in your imagination as best you can. Open your eyes and look at the details of the subject that you could not imagine the first time.

It often happens that we look at an object, but then we cannot describe it, because we perceive the whole object, not dwelling on trifles. Close your eyes again and try to imagine the subject with those nuances that you did not notice at first. I think the meaning of the exercise is clear to you. Repeat this exercise several times throughout the day with different objects. Allocate 3-4 minutes for this between cases.

3. Now let's complicate the task a little. Exercise not only for the development of imagination, but also memory. You need to take 2-3 simple objects, put them in front of you and remember the location. Closing your eyes, present these items. When you are good at representing these items, you can take items that have a lot of small details, colors or patterns.

4. This exercise is also more difficult. It is necessary to imagine any geometric figure: a circle, a square, a pentagon, just a line. When you have succeeded in imagining this shape, try to unwind it. Then stop and spin in the other direction. It is important here not to create an object in your imagination, but to unwind and stop a figure already existing in your imagination.
Try to see this figure from all sides at the moment when it is spinning. If you do this without much difficulty, then paint each of the sides in a certain color and rotate the figure.

5. This is a way when you invent the exercises for yourself. Let's say you are traveling by public transport. Occupy your mind development of imagination... You can imagine anything here.

You can imagine how your living room will look if you move the sofa to the middle of the room, and raise the TV from the bedside table to the wall. Here is a room with such a permutation you should see. Or imagine your living room in a different color scheme.

If you are going somewhere to go, then first imagine yourself in the clothes in which you have already decided to go. And then imagine how you will look if you wear a different blouse. Once you have learned how to do the first four exercises, it will be easy to do this exercise. Moreover, the choice of clothes for going out is based on assumptions about how you will look in it, that is, the imagination is already working.

Is the development of the imagination. Because imagination is the key to the engine of comedy, which, without the presence of uncontrollable fantasy, simply cannot rotate.

In order to write comically, you have to think comically. Judge for yourself, because in these short video plots, comedians do not particularly use any techniques and schemes for creating funny, they just fantasize!

Are you convinced? Creation of the funny is impossible without imagination. So let's give you a couple of imagination exercises. They are all effective, but try on everything and choose the one that suits you best.

Exercise: How to develop your imagination

Exercise # 1. Rorschach test

You take any object and come up with what else it can be!

Maybe it's still a candlestick? No, too practical. Don't be down-to-earth practicality, use your imagination and use exaggeration in your fantasy. Then the imagination will develop.

Perhaps this is the gobies' hideout? Tobacco cemetery? A waiter's device for calming violent clients from a distance. Come up with at least 10 of your own options. Strong development comes after the 8th option, when the brain creaks.

Exercise number 2What if?

Train your imagination by constantly asking the question, "What if?"

  1. What if the mother's milk were declared fatal? Where would the warning sign be hung?
  2. What if you saw McNuggets fried wings on a chicken running down the street?
  3. What if the letters from pasta in soups were constantly added to words?

Don't worry if your ideas seem silly and unfunny. The exercise will "turn on" your imagination. Fantasy will help you to reconnect various elements into new, sometimes unexpected, connections that will pleasantly surprise the audience, and surprise generates laughter in people.

Exercise number 3. Hwhat else is similar

This is my favorite imagination exercise. What's more, the author of this exercise is Jean Pere, who writes jokes for many American shows, and considers it key in developing a sense of humor. And I, perhaps, agree with him.

How does it work? You take any picture and find a new, not obvious meaning in it.

  • Whoever does not believe in God will see him now!
  • New in new uniform for snipers ...
  • A device for exorcising a demon. Power - 100 imps per minute.
  • D Father Evlampy did not see any other way to take the place of the Pope

The idea, I think, is clear.

The first few options are easy, then stupor. And here it is important to strain, because by the end of the seventh option it will seem that everything has been laid out. But here, on the eighth, what we need turns on, and you will begin to notice what you did not notice before. You will have a second wind, so to speak, and a real development of a sense of humor and imagination will begin.

This is a great exercise! And the whole point is to start seeing what you didn't notice in the beginning. And if you stop at options 5-7, the effect will be weak.

This is, in fact, the main central exercise in developing imagination and sense of humor, because here you learn to see the common in different things. Much of the humor is created by comparing the familiar with the unexpected.

Exercise number 4. Voiceover video

This is similar to the previous exercise, but offers several other benefits. It is aimed not only at developing the imagination of an adult, but in general at resourcefulness and the ability to think quickly, to be involved in a situation.

The task is simple: you need to dub your TV or video on your computer.

The essence of the exercise is that you look like something is happening on the video without sound and you think, what else is it like or just talking nonsense(and it will be correct).

There are many examples in this video:

Don't try! So that at the very first stage it looks like the best examples from KVN voice acting. After all, a team of professional authors have been working on them for a long time and it is unlikely that now, in real time, you could do something similar.

I turned on the video and right away, at the moment you lay out everything that comes to mind (even if you don't like how it turns out or you think that you are talking nonsense). It is important to do the exercise to develop your imagination and sense of humor by ear.

Exercise number 5. Worst in the world

For this exercise, take the professions of people that are related to service. That is, who in life should try to do their job as well as possible, satisfying the needs of customers. And think about the phrases that the worst of them might say.

For example, the world's worst hairdresser. What phrases can he say?

The exercise is simple, but it can be difficult at first. It is important that these are not just phrases about this character. And this should be direct speech on behalf of this person.
That is, instead of "The worst hairdresser in the world uses only a lighter in his work," it is better to say this:

Sit back, by the way, I want to warn you that we have self-service. Here's a lighter and a cream for burns. And in that spirit, keep going.

We will end there, because these exercises are more than enough for you to speed up your imagination and develop! Come on, train and come to our training, where we can do wonders with your imagination.

You know that being creative makes the real world more interesting. But when they say to you: "Imagine this!", You fail. Of course, imagination cannot be turned on with a button, but it can and should be developed. Is it hard to imagine? Try it. With our help.

Responsibilities of the left hemisphere

It is responsible for logical thinking, education and analysis. Also for the processing of verbal information and language skills. Controls speech functions, as well as reading and writing, plus remembers facts, names, dates and their spelling (and is able to connect them, making an analysis).

The left hemisphere helps us understand the literal meaning of words. As for information processing, it performs this task sequentially, in stages. Numbers and symbols are also recognized by him, it is also responsible for mathematical abilities. In addition, the left hemisphere controls the movement of the right half of the body.

Responsibilities of the right hemisphere

First, it is responsible for intuition and imaginative thinking. Secondly, for the processing of non-verbal information (expressed not in words, but in symbols and images). Moreover, unlike the left hemisphere (which analyzes information only in a clear sequence), the right hemisphere is capable of simultaneously processing different data. Thirdly, it helps the person to consider the problem as a whole. Thanks to him, we can understand not only the literal meaning of what we hear or read. And if someone says, "He's hanging on my tail," the right hemisphere will tell you what they mean.

Also, the right hemisphere recognizes faces, and we can perceive the totality of features as a whole. With its help, we understand metaphors and the result of the labor of someone else's imagination. It is also responsible for spatial orientation, gives us the opportunity to dream and fantasize. Compose and make plans, the question "what if?" - it sets it.

Separately, we note the creative abilities (musical and artistic). Here we will also write down emotions, and religiosity, and belief in something.

The right hemisphere also controls the movements of the left half of the body.

If we compare all the pieces of information stored in our brain with the elements of a constructor, then a person with a developed imagination can put together more figures from the same elements than one who has no imagination.


Well, let's get down to the exercises to develop the imagination? The author's methodology of psychologist Andrey Rodionov (www.rodionov.by) will help us in this. Do not be alarmed, all tasks are easy to complete. By the way, you can connect your friend or beloved to the "workouts" - and have fun and spend time with benefit.


Look closely at any subject. Now close your eyes and try to keep it in your memory for as long as possible. Imagine the subject as a whole and in parts. Now open your eyes and look at the object again. Maybe you missed some details?

Repeat these steps several times until the item pops up in memory in full detail. Strive for the maximum identity of the physical and the imaginary. As you progress in the class, choose more and more complex subjects for analysis.

Cinema without sound

This is a fun exercise. Choose an unfamiliar movie on TV. Watch its beginning and then turn off the sound. Try to understand the meaning of what is happening on the screen without words. We warn you right away: it will be uncomfortable, you will want to turn on the sound. Be patient! After a while, you are surprised to realize that a lot is understandable.

Unreal things

Try to imagine things that are not (and never were) in reality. What would they look like? What sounds did they make? Imagine a butterfly the size of an airplane, a book with 50 thousand pages, an inhabitant of a distant planet, a talking ant ...

Familiar melodies

Pick up (or rather, sing!) Several different melodies known to you:

  • from classical music;
  • film music;
  • pop music;
  • rock music;
  • some folk song.

Fruits vegetables

Using all your senses, imagine an orange, banana, grape, pear, melon, blackberry, cabbage, lemon, carrot, pepper, tomato, radish, plum, date, apple. Try to imagine them clearly and realistically so that you can see (and smell!) All the nuances.


These exercises will take more time and effort from you than the previous ones. But the result is worth it. All of them contribute to the development of concentration of attention, expansion of the volume of perception, improvement of memory and, of course, stimulate the imagination!

I think and see

Select an object at eye level at a distance of 1-3 meters. The subject should be simple to begin with: a book, a pen, a folder. Close your eyes and imagine a white, empty, luminous space. Hold this image mentally for 3-5 minutes. Open your eyes and contemplate the chosen object for 3-5 minutes. At the same time, do not think about it, look through it (as if you are looking into the distance). Now close your eyes and imagine an object by placing it in a white luminous space for 3-5 minutes.

The exercise must be done 5 times, do it calmly, without effort.

Rainbow world

Imagine a small red square, fix it in your imagination. Now imagine that the square increases in size, diverges into infinity. Now there is only red space in front of you, contemplate it.

The next day, do the same experiment with the orange space. Then with yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple. Having learned this, move on to more difficult things. Imagine first a red color, smoothly turning into orange, orange turns into yellow, and so on to purple. Then you need to go back from purple.

The third level of difficulty: imagine red-skinned people walking through a green forest. The skin of people gradually turns orange, yellow - and so on to purple. Then flip through the colors in reverse order (the skin should turn red again).

Eh, bull's-eye!

Sit in a chair or lie on the bed. Close your eyes. Imagine an apple. Start rotating it clockwise in space. Now let it fly out of your head. Place the apple in front of the bridge of the nose, look at it. Carefully enter it mentally, feel yourself inside the fruit (do not forget about its shape and size!).

Then imagine that a part of you remains in the apple, lift the fruit one meter above you. Try to see yourself from above. At the same time, inspect the walls of the room, the furniture, the close ceiling.


For a long time, people believed that creative inspiration comes from above. It was equated now with a gift, now with a punishment. And even now they often try to explain talent genetically or mystically. But thanks to scientific research, works on psychoanalysis and psychology, trainings on the development of creativity, we can already say that a person's creative potential does not always depend on the windy muse. But it is often associated with the capabilities of the right hemisphere of the brain. Isn't it time to stop ignoring the dormant powers of your imagination and find out what it is capable of ?!


Surely soon one of your loved ones will have a holiday. Do not limit yourself this time to a standard greeting card with a printed template poem inside, but come up with a rhyme (even the most simple one!) And write the message yourself. Or draw (glue, decorate) a greeting card. The recipient, believe me, will appreciate your efforts!


  • Marili Zdenek "Development of the right hemisphere"
  • Andrey Rodionov "Development of Intellect"
  • Anna Weisz "Inspiration on demand"
  • IA Beskova "How is creative thinking possible?"
  • Cleg Brian "Creative Thinking Intensive Course"
  • I.Yu.Matyugin "Methods for the development of memory, figurative thinking, imagination"
  • Alexey Turchin "A textbook on active imagination"

Some of the books on this list are available for download on the Internet.

Anna Serikova

We are grateful to Andrey Rodionov, an expert in intelligent and communication technologies, for his help in preparing this article.

One of the most important forms of reflection of the surrounding reality is imagination. The ability for imaginative thinking, for mentally re-creating an object or phenomenon, for solving problems without direct practical actions, for abstract modeling - that's what imagination is.

How to develop imagination or fantasy?

First, let's figure out when a person needs such an ability. Human memory and play, creativity and planning, dreams of the future, memories of the past, even an elementary reflection of the world visible with the eyes and transformation into images of specific external objects - all these mental processes are impossible without imagination, they are imagination itself. What will happen to a person who is deprived of the gift of figurative thinking? Probably, he will be able to live only according to templates built in advance for him. It is impossible for him to conjecture the situation, to think it out even one step ahead. Deprived of abstract thinking, he will not be able to understand art, enjoy music or poetry, he will not even see dreams. A world devoid of color — isn't it a terrifying prospect? Like any ability, even innate, imagination can and should be formed.

Developing imagination is a creative, interesting and challenging process. We have already noted that image and thought are an inseparable whole, and human imagination itself is connected with thinking by the most intimate bonds. Therefore, any exercise aimed at developing thinking will help the formation of imagination. Creative imagination also implies the upbringing of an independent personality, for it involves the creation of new, original, unparalleled things, images or signs.

Ways to develop creative imagination

  • the accumulation of vivid images through thoughtful communication with nature and recording the results of observations in verbal form, in drawings and crafts;
  • an attempt at imaginary "travel" to places hidden by a schematic representation of lines on a map;
  • careful reading of books with "immersion" in the details of the descriptions of the characters' appearance, interiors and landscapes, with a purposeful desire to recreate in the imagination what the authors describe;
  • the formation of imagination in games: role-playing, with words, with fantastic proposed circumstances.

Imagination games

From an early age, it makes sense to pay attention to the development of imagination in children. A playful, entertaining way is most suitable here, for example, task-games

  • inventing riddles about terrestrial objects for aliens who have never heard of these objects and have not seen them;
  • composing poems and fairy tales on arbitrary topics;
  • drawing and modeling of fantastic animals, plants, stones;
  • a game of fantastic assumptions, starting with the question: what would happen if ...
  • word game: they choose a word and make each letter the beginning of a new word, and then from the received words they make up lines with rhymes or based on them they come up with a story.

Psychologists say that by the age of three, a child accumulates sufficient experience and demonstrates the first manifestations of imagination. The development of imagination in preschool children is a very delicate and important task. Kids often mix real and imagined, and if you do not help the child in time, do not direct his fantasy in the right direction, he can begin to live in a fictional world, moving away from reality. Teachers attach exceptional importance to role-playing games, when, taking on a role, children strive for the most accurate similarity of invented images with really existing characters. Fine art (modeling, drawing), construction and constructive activity, accompanied by stories and explanations of the child - all this gives scope to the child's imagination and develops conscious thinking.

Our imaginations can help us improve our lives and achieve our goals. With the help of special techniques, it can be developed and used for your own well-being.

Everyone can use their imagination. This exceptional ability is directly related to many aspects of life. With the help of imagination, each person will be able to translate their fantasies into reality, sending an impulse to the brain for active action.

Why imagination is needed

Using the principle of realism, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to fantasize, thereby closing the path of development in many areas. There are several reasons that will help you realize the need to develop your imagination.

1. The development of fantasy helps to train the brain, develop mental flexibility and makes thinking more productive. By developing your imagination, you become smarter, build logical chains faster and solve multi-step problems.

2. Imagination contributes to the extraction of knowledge from the subconscious. With the help of fantasies, a person accumulates his own energy, directing an impulse to the brain for the implementation of creative ideas and ideas. Imagination builds strength for a successful and productive life through creative solutions to the challenges you face.

3. With the help of imagination, you can achieve much greater heights in your career, because thinking capable of generating ideas gives you an advantage in developing your own business, manifesting creative inclinations. A person with a good imagination is capable of creative fresh solutions and ideas that help high-quality work.

How to develop imagination

Psychologists are seriously concerned about the fact that modern children have practically no imagination and poorly developed fantasy. In many ways, they see the fault of television programs and gadgets, which do not provide an opportunity to develop the flexibility of the mind. The way of presenting simple information does not provide food for thought, and this leads to a depletion of knowledge, making it impossible to use those parts of the brain that are responsible for creativity. The same problems are observed in adults who, for the sake of modern videos, have ceased to use literature and strain their memory and brain to solve problems on their own.

In order to activate brain activity, follow simple rules, and soon you will notice positive changes that will improve your memory and intellectual capabilities.

1. One of the daily rules is the mental simulation of life situations. Imagine the stories in all the smallest detail, add new details. For example, imagine you are in some place. Add quiet musical accompaniment, food aromas, city noise or nature sounds to your imagination. Such exercises will allow you to easily reproduce in your imagination a variety of scenarios.

2. Don't forget to read. Reading develops your imagination, enriches your vocabulary. Frequently encountered literary techniques that provoke you to read between the lines, load the brain, allowing it to analyze the proposed text, see the heroes of the work, imagine them in the proposed situation. The brain is a muscle, and the more you tense it, the more productive your life becomes.

3. Keep a journal in which you write down your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Thoughts on paper make the brain work with a vengeance, finding the right words to describe what happened to you. This method will also help you increase your vocabulary and teach you how to express thoughts correctly.

4. Connect with people who are literally burning with a lot of ideas. Their rich imagination and energy will be transmitted to you. Having plunged into the world of fantasies and new ideas, you simply cannot give up this exciting activity.

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