Golden prayer "dream of the Most Holy Theotokos" as protection from trouble. The Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the text of the miraculous prayer

Holy Virgin, it was in a dream that the Angel of the Lord appeared and warned that Mary would give birth to a son who would save people from their sins. In this dream, the name of God was indicated - Jesus. Higher powers tend to act in human dreams, because this state implies freedom from material reality and connection to the subtle plane.

Dreams are of great interest Holy Mother of God And golden prayer. Literary sources indicate different numbers - from 77 to 200. Thus, our best intercessor before the Lord protects us from adversity and error.

Powerful amulet

The protective effect of prayers is due to the fact that they represent a direct conversation with God, Archangels, Angels, Apostles, Saints and even the Mother of God. But not everyone has such a lucky opportunity.

The ability to turn prayer into is the lot of people who are able to perceive it correctly, which means consciousness goes beyond the boundaries of three-dimensional space. The world is grandiose, incredibly mysterious and amazes the imagination with its multidimensionality.

In such difficult situation the dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary become salvation for those who cannot directly turn to God or the Lord does not answer them. These are the most powerful amulets:

  • Bring peace and joy in the house.
  • Serve for scolding the most serious diseases.
  • Protect from witchcraft.
  • Grant long life.
  • Provide patronage Angelov.
  • After death bring us closer to the Merciful Mother of God.

How to read and rewrite correctly?

Each dream of the Mother of God refers to rare non-canonical prayers-spells that solve all kinds of life problems. Strength proven by time. You just need to follow the rules effective application. It is recommended to read these sacred texts 40 times a day. Sometimes, depending on the purpose of the prayer, it is said before leaving the house 3 or 7 times.

This feature confuses some skeptical people. But the fact that dreams, passed along family and other lines from mouth to mouth, have gained incredible additional power can be confirmed by everyone who has used them. And all the negativists and critics of the Mother of God’s amulets suffered a fairly severe punishment from the Higher Powers. May the holiness of healing be with us!

The value of the prayers and Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary cannot be overestimated. The Mother of God, who loves the Orthodox people, left an invaluable legacy on earth - icons and Her vision of the past, present and future in “Dreams”.

77 The dream of the Most Holy Theotokos is a miraculous prayer that saves from the evil eye and damage.

Is modern Christianity susceptible to the evil eye and witchcraft?

Many Christians, especially churchgoers with fanaticism, argue that the protection of the blood of Jesus is enough to protect a person from witchcraft and magical attacks. There are no places in the New Testament that talk about inducing or removing damage.

Reading the prayer of the Mother of God “77 Dreams” helps against damage caused

Jesus said that with strong faith and acceptance of Him as Savior, every person would be equipped with the power of God to withstand demons, snakes, and everything deadly (Mark 16:16-18).

Yes and amen, but this is provided that the person has faith, is completely sinless, and in his life all doors are closed to Satan.

The magicians and grandmothers themselves confirm that nothing can be done magical person, strengthened in faith, but it is easy to cast a spell and evil eye on those people who believe in the omnipotent power of Satan; they have the phenomenon of so-called vain faith.

Jesus stated that as is faith, so is the result (Matthew 9:28).

If a Christian believes in the power of scattered salt or planted needles more than in the protection of the blood of the Savior and turns to various psychics and fortune-tellers for help, such a person needs help. The Mother of God will help you find her in Her protective cleansing appeal transmitted through “Dream 77”.

The power of the prayer “77 Dream of the Virgin Mary”, when and what it helps

In a situation where life has failed, and no petitions or fasts help, having enemies, envious people and enemies, one can assume that damage has been caused.

The words of any prayer are just words if they do not contain faith in the redemptive power of the blood of Jesus and the help of the Mother of God. You can read appeals all day long, but at the same time you will sin, and you will have to wait a very long time for the result.

To get emergency help if any problem arises, at the slightest suspicion of witchcraft, you should first of all:

  • do not miss services;
  • maintain a regular prayer rule;
  • do not neglect fasting;
  • come to Communion more often.
Important! Regular reading of the prayer of the Mother of God “77 Dreams” is by no means magic, it is a great help in case of trouble.

It helps with the sudden appearance of discord in the family, cooling of one of the spouses, and the appearance of frequent illnesses. Black magic works on male potency and the obedience of children, the devil's works destroy all endeavors in life and business.

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Removing damage, driving out demons, destroying the machinations of enemies, everything is within the power of a Christian proclamation - “Dream 77 Mother of God».

True believers, having known great power“Dreams”, they rewrite the text of the prayers and carry them with them as a shore for all occasions:

  • to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye;
  • with an incurable disease;
  • during natural disasters;
  • enemy attacks.

How to read a prayer of protection against the evil eye and damage

77 Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“The Mother of God saw a dream - to the sound of bells, Christ approached her and asked: - Did you sleep well - what did you see in your dream? - They nailed you on the cross - they broke your ribs with a spear, water flowed from the right, blood poured out from the left. Login the centurion washed himself and was enrolled among the saints. - My mother, don’t cry, don’t suffer, destruction won’t take me, the Lord will take me to heaven on the third day. Whoever keeps the seventy-seventh dream in his house will not be touched by the evil devil. Angels fly in and save him from any evil. They deliver from seventy ailments and troubles. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Once again I would like to emphasize that mechanical reading will not bring success, just like pronouncing words without faith in the Holy Blood, in the presence of fear and despair in front of the works of the devil.

You should gain confidence that every word, like a destructive sword, destroys what was done through demonic forces.

The Mother of God rested during the ringing of the bells; her soul was in the temple. In the dream described in the prayer, the Mother of God saw again terrible execution Son. Next comes the testimony that those who wash themselves with the most pure blood, by the power of faith in Its power, will be numbered among the saints. Therefore, instead of the word “centurion,” say your name, and believe that the Lord already sees you as saints, to whom the dirt of demonic spells cannot stick.

Important! The Savior consoles the Mother in a dream. Take these words to yourself that on the third day God will take away all your problems, provided you constantly read the prayer “77 Dreams of the Most Pure Mother of God” during this period.

May the Angels be with every Christian who keeps in his heart protective prayers"Dreams of the Mother of God"

Prayer “The 77th dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary”

It was in a dream that the Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph, the husband of the Holy Virgin, and warned that Mary would bear him a son who would save people from their sins. In this dream, the name of God was indicated - Jesus. Higher powers tend to act in human dreams, since this state implies freedom from material reality and connection to the subtle plane.

The dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the golden prayer are of great interest. Literary sources indicate different numbers - from 77 to 200. Thus, our best intercessor before the Lord protects us from adversity and error.

The protective effect of prayers is due to the fact that they represent a direct conversation with God, Archangels, Angels, Apostles, Saints and even the Mother of God. But not everyone has such a lucky opportunity.

The ability to turn prayer into a talisman is the destiny of people who are able to perceive it correctly, which means consciousness goes beyond the boundaries of three-dimensional space. The world is grandiose, incredibly mysterious and amazes the imagination with its multidimensionality.

In such a difficult situation, the dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos become salvation for those who cannot directly turn to God or the Lord does not answer them. These are the most powerful amulets:

Each dream of the Mother of God refers to rare non-canonical prayers-spells that solve all kinds of life problems. Strength proven by time. You just need to follow the rules for effective use. It is recommended to read these sacred texts 40 times a day. Sometimes, depending on the purpose of the prayer, it is said before leaving the house 3 or 7 times.

Some dreams are only spoken on certain days(on Kupala, Christmas, Kasyanov day, New Year and etc.). You can write the text of your dream on paper and carry it with you. It is better if the bundle is located in the chest area. In any case, activating the magic text involves rewriting it yourself. It helps to skip divine energy through yourself and formalize it to realize what is necessary in everyday life.

At the very beginning, buy a pen, and for it - ink and paper, which should be of excellent quality, not lined, white. Only black or red ink is allowed. The purchase is made without change. Charge the pen from the Sun and then don’t let anyone even touch it. Add holy water to the ink, as well as your own blood, saliva or red wine. Light a church candle, burn incense, write!

Rewrite the words of the conspiracy in complete silence, silence, and concentration. Unusual sensations, hand tremors, tears, hysterics and even seizures may occur. It depends on the amount of accumulated negativity. When a small blot appears, the sheet is put aside and the text is written again.

Before lunch, you need to finish writing, and tear the damaged sheets with a cross and burn them. Pay attention to where the ashes flew. If it’s in your face, look for other methods and prayers; if it’s downward, reconsider your picture of the world and make changes; if it’s to the side or up, the job is done successfully. Read miraculous dreams for 40 days.

The dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos help those who sacredly believe in them. There are more than enough reasons for such a belief. Since ancient times, a lot of evidence and irrefutable evidence has accumulated effective assistance from all troubles:

  • crown of celibacy
  • demonic spells
  • mental anguish
  • fatal diseases
  • inability to conceive a child
  • curses, damage, slander, evil eye
  • physical attack by enemies
  • natural disasters
  • before surgery

There is a belief according to which a person who has collected 77 miraculous prayers can count on complete happiness in this life and a meeting with the angelic world after it. Under the influence of amazing texts, the reader’s thinking changes and the ability to make their own decisions is restored.

Many people got rid of suffering after reading dreams, because they were able to abandon the illusory system of life in which there is no place for spirituality. By reconsidering false cause-and-effect relationships, they found harmony and peace.

The dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary cultivate morality, train attention, cause emotional transformation, and bestow wisdom. Adults and children, men and women, people of different nationalities and beliefs find help in these spell prayers.

The most omnipotent dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary or Golden Prayer:

I walked on damp ground,

She led Jesus Christ by the hand,

Took me to Siamese Mountain.

There is a table on the Siamese mountain -

On this table lies a golden book,

God Himself reads it,

Sheds his blood.

Saints Peter and Paul came:

“What, God, are you reading,

Are you shedding your blood?

“Do not look, Peter and Paul, at My torment,

Take the cross in your hand and walk on the damp ground!”

Who will know this prayer,

Say it three times a day,

He will not burn out in fire,

To drown in water, to disappear in an open field.

From baptized, begotten (name).

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Dream 7 of the Mother of God for protection and for all salvation:

Holy Cross, Patience Cross,

The cross is deliverance from death.

There was a dream about the Cross.

Mother Theotokos saw the Cross in a dream,

How the crowd crucified Jesus Christ on the Cross,

She nailed her arms and legs.

Blood flows in a stream,

It will be covered with white shueya.

God's beauty will not fade,

The Royal Gates will open.

Mother Mary saw this dream,

In a dream, she shed tears for her son.

Jesus Christ approached his mother,

He woke her up from a heavy sleep:

My Mother, Mary! I am your dream

I'll write it down on white paper.

Who will understand this dream

And he will read it three times,

He will be saved, protected in any trouble.

In dangerous places

In government affairs,

He will be forgiven and saved.

Protected by the sleep of the Mother of God.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Holy Virgin's prayer takes the form the best way meeting the needs of a person constrained by time constraints. It forces us not to concentrate on disparate goals and separate interests, but to direct energy to the Source of all human good - the Son of God.

The illusion of separation disappears and true life connections are formed that realize all good thoughts. Behind the dreams of the Mother of God are blessings, support and a ladder illuminated by light for ascending to the gates of Paradise. This is the path suggested by the Holy Spirit to reach God.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. May the Most Holy Theotokos be my mother. You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, scary and creepy. That Jesus was crucified on three trees. They gave us vitriol and placed a crown of thorns on our heads. And I bring this dream to Christ on the throne.

Here Jesus Christ walked through distant lands. Nes life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and preserve. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, cover me with your veil. Deliver me, God's servant (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and illnesses. From a creeping serpent, from a running beast. From thunderstorms, from drought, from floods. From all enemies visible and invisible. From scrip, from prison, from courts.

Here Nicholas the Wonderworker walked, bearing a saving bow, to save me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases, from a creeping serpent, from a running beast, from a thunderstorm, from a drought, from a flood. From all enemies visible and invisible. From scrip, from prison, from courts. Jesus Christ, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you... (state your request here in your own words) Amen. Amen. Amen.

In case of damage and other attacks on life, the eighth dream is read.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

- Beloved, My Blessed Mother, Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, are You sleeping or not sleeping and what terrible things do you see in Your sleep? Rise, My Mother, from Your sleep!

- Oh, My beloved, sweetest, most beautiful, Jesus Christ, Son of God! I slept in Your holy city and saw a very terrible and terrible dream about you, which is why my soul trembles. I saw Peter, Paul, and you, My Child, I saw in Jerusalem, sold for thirty pieces of silver, caught, bound, brought to the high priest, innocently condemned to death. Oh, My beloved Child, I ask what will happen to the person who writes the “Dream” of My Theotokos six times from a pure heart in his book and keeps it in his house or carries it with him clean on his journey.

- Oh, My Mother Theotokos, I will say truly, as I am the True Christ Himself: No one will ever touch this person’s house, grief and misfortune will be pumped away from that person, I will deliver him forever from eternal torment, I will stretch out My hands to help him. I will also provide his house with every good thing: Bread, gifts, livestock, belly. He will be pardoned by the court, he will be forgiven by the master, and he will not be condemned by the court. The servants of the devil will not approach you, the cunning ones will not deceive you. The Lord loves His children and will not destroy anyone. Amen. Amen. Amen."

They have no beginning or end, but are simply part of life., therefore they are read for a long, unlimited time. And while the dream reading is happening, miracles happen.

However, prayer changes in form and grows with comprehension until it reaches its formless state and merges in complete communion with God. Beginning at the human level in the form of a desire dictated by a lack of something, it leads to the awareness of identity with higher powers. Protective prayers have been transmitted verbally for centuries.

In ancient times, in the absence of a modern, comfortable way of life, people lived long enough and differed high level health. Difficulties and adversities were overcome with a smile on their face. Problems such as loneliness, infertility, and lack of a roof over our heads did not cause complaints or despondency.

It seemed that nothing in this world could interfere with universal joy, happiness, love and mutual understanding. Today, despite being spoiled digital technologies and medical innovations, abundant food and varied entertainment, people are comparatively unhappy and angry. Their lives are turned into a meaningless existence, and the number of unresolved problems paradoxically accumulates.

What's happened? The number of true believers has decreased; they turn to the Mother of God extremely rarely - usually in the most extreme cases when to help in modern ways impossible. But in the dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos there is everything: good power and wisdom for any occasion. They are much more powerful than any other conspiracies. And this despite the fact that they are never read in church.

This feature confuses some skeptical people. But the fact that dreams, passed along family and other lines from mouth to mouth, have gained incredible additional power can be confirmed by everyone who has used them. And all the negativists and critics of the Mother of God’s amulets suffered a fairly severe punishment from the Higher Powers. May the holiness of healing be with us!
