Immunological blood test (immunogram): indications, features of the conduct, decoding. Immunological blood test: if you need to check the immune armor for strength Deciphering an immunological blood test online

An immunological blood test is a method used by medical specialists to determine the ability of a patient's body to resist serious bacterial and viral diseases. The diagnostic results determine the level of immune defense, assessing the qualitative and quantitative indicators of cells and the presence of antibodies in the bloodstream.

How does the body's defense work?

Foreign agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, chemical and toxic substances) that enter the human body are called antigens. reacts to their invasion by active production of so-called antibodies - specific formations on the surface of lymphocytes, aimed at binding to antigens and their further inactivation.

Maturation, differentiation and formation of immune cells occur in the following organs:

  • bone marrow located in large bones;
  • thymus;
  • tonsils;
  • The lymph nodes.

Purification of blood from foreign agents associated with blood cells occurs in the spleen. Lymphocytes are transported throughout the body and are carried to different areas with the flow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels. This is the peripheral part of the immune system.

Indications for diagnostics

An immunological blood test is prescribed in the following cases:

  • frequently recurring diseases of an infectious origin;
  • severe infectious disease;
  • acquired or congenital immunodeficiency;
  • the presence of an autoimmune disease;
  • allergic conditions;
  • the need for extensive serious surgical interventions;
  • postoperative complications;
  • monitoring the results of taking immunomodulators in dynamics;
  • anorexia;
  • intoxication of a different nature;
  • tumor processes;
  • diabetes;
  • the development of serious side effects while taking medications.

Immunogram indicators are not deciphered by laboratory workers. The examination results are assessed by the attending specialist.

Immunological blood test

Obtaining the final results of the analysis includes a whole range of measures aimed at determining the quantitative and qualitative indicators of immune cells - immunoglobulins. In most cases, in the direction of analysis, the specialist indicates which link in the work of the protection factors needs to be assessed.

A complete immunogram, the price of which is in the range of 5-6 thousand rubles, is a rather lengthy and laborious screening, therefore, laboratory workers determine only those indicators that are necessary for a doctor.

Blood is often taken for the study of the following immunological factors:

  1. Quantitative indicators of serum immunoglobulins M, A, G, E.
  2. Components of complements C3, C4-2.
  3. Functional activity of immune cells.
  4. Phagocytic index.
  5. The proliferative activity of lymphocytes.
  6. Quantitative indicators of subpopulations of immune cells.

Overview of key indicators

Analysis of the immunogram primarily determines the level and parameters of immunoglobulins. The largest amount (about 75%) is occupied by immunoglobulins G. It is they who are able to penetrate the placental barrier from the mother's body into the fetus, creating the baby's own defense system.

If an immunological blood test shows an insufficient amount of IgG, this may indicate the presence of a tumor of the lymphatic system of a malignant nature or a person's developmental delay. A high level indicates liver pathology, autoimmune or infectious disease.

IgM occupies a tenth of all other immunoglobulins. They appear at the initial stages of the development of the disease. IgM include rheumatoid factors and anti-infective immunoglobulins. High rates indicate the development of cirrhosis or hepatitis.

IgA make up 15% of the total weight of immunoglobulins. They are protective factors for the mucous membranes. An immunological blood test shows an increased level with the development of rheumatoid arthritis, myeloma, alcohol poisoning.

During the first 14 days of the disease, IgA appears. For another 7 days, IgM are attached to their number. By the end of the month from the onset of the development of the disease, antibodies of classes A, M and G can be determined in the blood. While the patient is recovering, IgA and IgG remain in the circulatory system, but their quantitative indicators decrease by 2-4 times.

There are also IgE and IgD. These antibodies appear with allergic manifestations and helminthic invasions. In a healthy person, they have low rates.

Alloimmune antibodies

These are specific antibodies that appear in the body against erythrocyte antigens. Their production can be caused by Rh-conflict pregnancy or blood transfusion. It is based on the recognition of the Rh factor of donated blood as foreign.

The analysis is assigned in the following cases:

  • the period of bearing a child for the prevention of Rh-conflict;
  • monitoring those pregnant women who have a negative Rh factor;
  • history;
  • development of the newborn;
  • examination of the patient before blood transfusion.

Antisperm antibodies

An immunogram, the price of which indicates the use of high-quality innovative diagnostic methods, allows one to assess the presence of antisperm antibodies in the blood. This method is used as an additional diagnosis of infertility in married couples.

Antibodies can be detected not only in the blood, but also in the mucus of the cervical canal, on the surface of sperm, in the plasma of semen. Doubtful indicators are in the range of 55-60 U / ml. Upon receipt of such results, repeated examinations are carried out after 14 days.

Immunodeficiency states

Distinguish between primary and Primary - congenital, which are the result of pathology at the genetic level. Secondary - acquired, which develop during life under the influence of various physical and biological factors.

There are also physiological immunodeficiencies that occur at certain stages of the body's development:

  • immunodeficiency of a newborn - due to the transition from the presence of maternal immunoglobulins in the blood to the production of its own;
  • immunodeficiency of pregnant women - occurs against the background of the action of placental steroids on the activity of complements;
  • senile immunodeficiency - due to a decrease in the intensity of production of protective cells, a decrease in the phagocytic activity of neutrophils, macrophages, bactericidal activity of serum.

To restore the functioning of the immune system with the development of pathological deficiencies, the principles of correction are used:

  1. Immune engineering - bone marrow, liver, thymus transplantation, administration of immunoglobulins, hemosorption, immunosorption.
  2. The introduction of hormones and mediators - interferon, interleukin, hormonal factors of the thymus.
  3. Medical treatment.

Analysis preparation rules

Biochemical studies require taking morning venous blood (on an empty stomach before 12:00). One day before taking the material, it is necessary to give up alcoholic beverages, smoking, and limit physical activity. In the morning before going to the laboratory, you can only drink water.

Do not take any medications on the day of donating blood. If this is not possible, then inform the laboratory workers about this factor so that the assessment of the results is not erroneous. Biochemical studies are carried out before any diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Immunology, which is carried out by an immunologist or a treating specialist, has the following advantages:

  • the ability to obtain accurate results;
  • definition of the disease in the early stages of development;
  • correction of drug therapy after determining the ratio of indicators of immune protection;
  • help with difficulty in making a diagnosis.

The disadvantage is the long diagnostic process when it is necessary to assess the full picture, since there are a huge number of immune factors requiring recalculation of quantitative indicators.


An immunogram is a reliable and accurate analysis. Its implementation requires high qualifications of laboratory doctors. Decoding will allow you to determine the state of the body's defenses, confirm or refute the diagnosis, choose an effective treatment regimen and increase resistance to infectious diseases.

Immunity is one of the main human abilities to resist the harmful effects of external pathogens. The body is constantly attacked by various pathogenic microorganisms. In the normal state of the immune system, the negative effect does not harm health, and the harmful effect is completely suppressed due to the protective function. To determine the readiness of the body to resist the attacks of pathogenic organisms, an analysis is prescribed for an immunogram, the decoding of which makes it possible to assess the correctness of the functioning of the human defense system.

An immunological blood test, you can also find the name immunity test, is carried out using various methods. The study of the immune status and the method of implementation depends on the studied parameters. The following methods are distinguished: enzyme immunoassay, immunochemical, immunohematological, radioimmunoassay, immunochemiluminescent analysis and others. Each study differs in the techniques used and the plasma components studied. For example, radioimmunoassay is the recording of results using radioactivity counters.

Immunohematological blood tests are prescribed to determine the blood group, Rh factor, as well as to assess the functioning of cellular and humoral immunities.

Immunochemical analysis of blood involves the study of the level of immunoglobulins and hormones that affect reproductive function. Also, the doctor may prescribe an extended immunogram, in which the following components of the defense system are examined: leukocytes, phagocytes, cells of the lymphocytic group, as well as immunoglobulins of classes A, M, G, complement components and circulating immune complexes (CIC).

A large list of indications is distinguished, in the presence of which a blood test for immune status is performed. How to check immunity, by what method the doctor should determine, based on complaints and symptoms. The indications for donating blood for an immunogram are the following pathological disorders:

An obligatory indication for the analysis of the immune status is preparation for organ transplantation, especially in a child. Immunohematology plays an important role in plasma transfusion donors. Also, the doctor may order an analysis to determine the physiological changes in the defense system, for example, in pregnant women, the elderly and children.

What indicators are studied with an immunogram

To understand what an immunogram is, it is enough to consider its significance in diagnostics and the components studied in the analysis. Immunological blood test involves a comprehensive study of indicators that allow you to assess the body's ability to withstand the effects of harmful pathogens. The doctor should decipher the results obtained, since it is necessary to consider not only the meaning of individual numbers, but also their relationship. A blood test for immunity is prescribed for both adult patients and children. In the course of the study, such indicators are studied as:

Deciphering the analysis for immunology allows the doctor to get a complete picture of the state of the defense system. If the indicators deviate from the norm, the doctor may prescribe additional diagnostic methods (MRI, ultrasound, CT, angiography and others) to confirm the diagnosis. Immunological blood tests and interpretation of the results also involves comparing data with complaints and previously diagnosed pathologies, both in the patient himself and in his closest relatives.

Acceptable values ​​and reasons for deviation

The immunogram and the interpretation of its results include a cumulative assessment of several indicators at the same time, and not one specific one separately. It is thanks to the study of a complex of immunoglobulins (proteins) that it is possible to assess the state of the human defense system, as well as detect pathological disorders. The deviation of the results of the analysis of the immunogram occurs under the following conditions:

This list contains only the most common indicators studied with an immunogram. The doctor, when referring to the analysis, based on the patient's complaints and the existing symptoms, chooses the level of which antibodies are required to be examined. If the results are rejected, the doctor should prescribe treatment. Self-therapy can make the situation worse.

Immunity analysis is a highly informative diagnostic method and allows you to assess the correctness of the defense system, as well as the functioning of individual organs and systems. As a rule, the study is carried out according to the doctor's prescription in the presence of complaints of deterioration in well-being. If you personally wish, you can check immunity yourself. If, according to the results of the analysis, a discrepancy is found, then the attending doctor prescribes treatment aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and strengthening the protective function.

An immunological blood test determines antigens and antibodies. Experts distinguish between qualitative and quantitative immunological blood tests.

The molecules bind to neutralize various infections and toxins. To carry out tests for immune status, blood is required. Specificity is considered to be the main characteristic of molecules. This property is used by laboratory technicians to conduct an immunogram.

Experts identify 5 types of molecules. Immunoglobulins G and M are observed in the blood. Group A molecules are present on the surface of the mucous membrane. The tasks of the study include diagnosing, determining the stage of the disease and tracking the dynamics of the disease.

If the analysis for immunity is carried out at the 1st week of the development of the disease, then molecules of group A are detected in the blood, at the 2nd and 3rd - immunoglobulins M and A. If the patient recovered, then the decoding of the analysis excludes the presence of molecules of group M, and G and A are reduced by 2-4 times. In the chronic form, immunoglobulins G and A are present in the patient's blood.

A blood test for immunity has the following advantages:

  • reliability;
  • early diagnosis;
  • dynamics of the infectious process;
  • quick result.

The disadvantages of ELISA include a high probability of obtaining a false positive or false negative result. An immunogram is performed in the following situations:

  • viral diseases;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • to determine the level of hormones;
  • oncology;
  • allergy.

Main factors

The immunogram consists of a set of indicators that reflect the composition and function of the body's immune defense cells:

To determine the body's sensitivity to certain allergens, the patient must undergo a study - an allergy panel.

Blood is taken on an empty stomach (in the morning). The patient should not eat or drink for 12 hours before the test. During this period, it is recommended to give up alcoholic beverages and smoking. Before the examination, the patient should be at rest for 15 minutes.

In the process of decoding the immunogram, each indicator is compared with the normal vibration interval of the molecule. If the value of several indicators is below normal, then a re-examination is prescribed after 14-21 days. A new immunogram will check how persistent the detected changes are.

If the indicators are reduced, then the patient's body needs protection. A similar phenomenon is characteristic of chronic suppurative processes. T-helpers contribute to a decrease in the number of T-lymphocytes and general lymphocytopenia. Helper T cells regulate the immune response to various infections and tumors, including AIDS.

Diagnostics and results

Normally, the blood should not contain immunoglobulins of the IgE group. Their increase indicates the development of helminthic invasions and allergies. After their meeting with the antigen, IgE antibodies are reproduced instead of the usual IgM and IgG molecules.

The adaptation of the organism is associated with an increase in other indicators. In acute inflammation or infection, the white blood cell count rises. Bacterial infections are characterized by an increase in the production of granulocytes in the bone marrow. In the presence of a virus in the patient's blood, the number of lymphocytes increases, which are responsible for the body's defense.

The growth of immunoglobulins of the IgM and IgG class during infection is positive, since this is a sign of a molecular response to the antigens of the pathogen. If a similar phenomenon is observed in patients with autoimmune ailments, then this is the first sign of increased autoaggression. Experts say that there is no unambiguous decoding of an immunogram. But such a study makes it possible to specify an immunological defect (if any) or is the basis for immunocorrection and replacement diagnostics. With a lack of molecules of the class IgM and IgG, it is recommended to inject intravenous immunoglobulin preparations, which are prepared from donor blood.

In case of a defect in T-lymphocytes, medications made from calf thymus tissue are prescribed. These drugs differentiate and activate the molecules in question. Plasmapheresis is carried out under the supervision of specialists. Allergic and infectious diseases are treated taking into account the dynamics of blood tests for immunity. The study in question is a screen reflecting the state and functioning of the patient's immunity.

It is based on the detection of antibodies to a specific antigen in the blood and the determination of their concentration. These can be antigens of bacteria, viruses, parasites, or the body's own (modified or unchanged) antigens. Since immunoglobulins are always specific for an antigen, their detection in the blood clearly indicates the presence of a specific antigen.

What does the analysis show?

The principle of the analysis is very simple and accurate - if there is an antibody, then there is also the desired antigen. But which antibodies are analyzed? Here are the classes of antibodies that the test can detect:

1. Immunoglobulin A (secretory). This type of immunoglobulins is found mainly on the mucous membranes. Its blood contains about 15% of the total amount of immunoglobulins. Its amount increases in autoimmune diseases and decreases in immunodeficiency states.

3. Immunoglobulin G. It is a protein of strong immunity against bacterial and viral infections. Normally, IgG is present in constant concentration to antigens of pathogens of past diseases or to those from which vaccinations were made. An increase in their number indicates a chronic inflammatory or autoimmune process. Decrease is about immunodeficiency.

4. Immunoglobulin M. It has the ability to bind several antigens of the same type at once. It is allocated during the initial contact of the immune system with an unknown antigen, in the acute phase of inflammatory diseases, in the first days after vaccination. This group also includes antigens of blood groups, Rh factor and rheumatoid factor. A decrease in their content indicates immunodeficiency of various origins (immunosuppressive therapy, radiation immunodeficiency, spleen removal).

Immunoglobulins of all listed classes are specific, they are released only in the presence of a specific, "own" immunoglobulin, and their concentration increases only in the presence of this antigen. This selectivity makes the immunoassay a very accurate diagnostic method.

When is an immunoassay scheduled?

There are many indications for the appointment of such an analysis, it allows you to confirm or exclude many diseases, such as:

An immunological blood test allows you to determine the body's immunodeficiency, the state of immune cells and links. Decoding the analysis allows you to determine the presence of infectious diseases and choose a method of treatment. The area of ​​treatment can be of a different nature: autoimmune, hematological, lymphoproliferative or infectious.

It is advisable to carry out an immunological laboratory blood test when:

  • primary diagnosis of immunodeficiency (newborns);
  • secondary diagnosis of immunodeficiency (in the treatment of liver cirrhosis or HIV-infected);
  • allergic reactions;
  • treatment of sexually transmitted infections;
  • long course of chronic diseases;
  • the occurrence of malignant tumors;
  • restoration of the body in the postoperative period;
  • congenital or acquired immunodeficiency;
  • control of taking medications that have a stimulating or depressing effect on the patient's immune system.

Analysis methods

To determine the state of immune cells and links, blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach. The patient is strictly prohibited from physical activity, smoking and taking alcoholic beverages. When examining the results of the analysis, the action of immunoglobulins is assessed:

  • dissolve antigens during lysis;
  • in the process of agglutination to glue antigens;
  • create new antigenic complexes in the process of precipitation.

Antigens are substances foreign to the body that can cause reactions that disrupt the functioning of the immune system. When antigens enter the circulatory system, the body produces protein in the form of immunoglobulins - as a result of their interaction, an antigen-antibody compound is formed. The main task of an antibody is to remove the harmful antigen from the body. Immunoglobulins in the body are divided into five classes and each of them is used in laboratory studies in accordance with the functions performed.

Antibody classification

Immunoglobulins of the IgG type are the most numerous - their number is about 75% of the total number of antibodies. Antibodies of the IgG class are able to overcome the placental barrier and enter the circulatory system of the fetus for its immune protection. The formation of the child's immune system occurs as a result of the synthesis of immunoglobulin. It starts from birth and ends at the age of 14 - 16 years.

A low content of IgG antibodies in the blood may indicate a malignant disease of the lymphatic system or delay in development. An increased level of IgG immunoglobulins on a blood test may be a sign of liver disease, an autoimmune or infectious disease. IgG antibodies are actively fighting to increase the body's immunity: they kill viruses and fungi, neutralize toxins that are produced by infectious pathogens.

Immunoglobulins of the IgM class make up about 10%, and also function in the circulatory system of the body - they appear at the first signs of the disease. As a result of the analysis, it was found that an increased amount of IgM antibodies in patients with liver cirrhosis or hepatitis. The IgM class includes anti-infectious immunoglobulins of blood groups and rheumatoid factor.

IgA antibodies account for 15% of the total. They protect the mucous membranes. The appearance of IgA immunoglobulin can cause diseases of the liver and kidneys, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and skin. Diseases of the body, rheumatoid arthritis, myeloma and alcohol poisoning, cause an increase in IgA immunoglobulin. An immunological blood test determines the class of antibodies, which makes it possible to diagnose the disease of the body and prescribe the necessary course of drug treatment.

The first (within 2 weeks) to appear are immunoglobulins of the IgA group to protect the mucous membranes of the body. Class A and M antibodies appear in the circulatory system at the 3rd week. By the end of the 4th week, the presence of antibodies of class A, M and G in the circulatory system of the body can be recorded. As the patient recovers, the research results show the presence of class A and G immunoglobulin, the level of which decreases from 2 to 4 times.

The presence of antibodies in the blood is especially important in the presence of a negative Rh factor antigen and observing the dynamics of fetal development.

When performing an immunological blood test, the level of antibodies (from 20 to 40%) can be affected by stress, the level of physical activity and the presence of the menstrual cycle in women.

Benefits of Immunoassay

When performing an immunoassay, the main advantages are:

  • getting an accurate result in a short time;
  • a high degree of accuracy of the research carried out;
  • the ability to diagnose at an early stage of the disease;
  • when the class of immunoglobulin is established, it becomes possible to correct drug treatment.

When conducting a study of the states of the patient's immune cells, it is necessary to establish specific indications and the area of ​​the pathological disease. A complete (detailed) blood test will take more time - there is a need for a comprehensive examination of the work of the entire immune system of the body. A detailed immunological analysis is prescribed in case of difficulties in diagnosing the disease. The decoding of the results of the immunological study should be carried out by an immunologist.

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