What to do at work if you're bored? Exercise, gymnastics, when there is nothing to do at work. What to do at work in your free time? Boring things to do

1. Do some stretching right at your desk to help your muscles relax from the repetitive posture.

2. Go outside and walk around the building twice. If it's too cold, go down and up the stairs several times.

3. Offer to go out for coffee for everyone. You will receive the necessary dose of caffeine and at the same time the gratitude of your colleagues.

4. If you need to make a call, go outside or in the meeting room and talk on the go. Movement and conversation will energize you.

5. Take a 15 minute nap. For example, in a car or somewhere else where no one will see you. After that, you will feel much more cheerful.

To recharge your brain

7. Try the Lumosity Brain Trainer. Neuroscientists have developed exercises that train basic cognitive abilities: memory, attention, problem solving.

8. Read helpful bookmarked articles. You will be distracted and perhaps learn something new.

9. Watch the beginning of yesterday evening's show. This way you will quickly find out the news and have a laugh.

10. Have a healthy snack. Blueberries, black currants, leafy greens, or nuts can help your brain function better.

11. Bring an interesting, non-work-related book to your office, and one in between. A good book will give you inspiration.

12. Write something! For example, a blog post or a short story about what is happening in the office. Or start working on the book you've always dreamed of writing.

13. Learn a foreign language with the Duolingo app. It only takes a couple of minutes a day to build up your vocabulary.

To chat

14. Invite a colleague for a coffee or meeting on the go. At the same time, you can discuss the accumulated ideas or ask for advice.

15. Amuse your colleagues with a funny picture.

16. Leave the office and call someone close to you. Just ask how their day is going.

18. Thank someone who helped you recently. It is not necessary to write a long letter, just a couple of lines will be enough.

19. Praise one of your colleagues. Think about why you enjoy working with them or what they do better than others.

20. Do you have time to take a break, but do your colleagues have it? If another department urgently needs help, please help. Colleagues will appreciate and help you out next time.

To have a productive time

21. Clean up your phone. Delete unused apps, sort your photos, put apps into folders. Bring the apps you use daily to your home screen. At the same time, change the wallpaper.

22. Pick one of the projects you're currently working on and set up a ten-minute one. Stock up on pieces of paper and a marker and write down whatever comes to mind.

23. Update passwords. It is best for the phrase to include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and at least one special character. Do not use the same password for mail and social networks. To avoid forgetting new passwords, use a password manager like 1Password or PassPack.

24. Clean up your desk drawers or nightstand. Throw away old gum, pens that don't write, straightened paper clips, and other debris.

25. Upgrade your mailbox. Write response templates and set up an autoresponder.

26. Unsubscribe from unnecessary mailings. Anything you haven't read in a month only clogs up your inbox.

27. Rename the documents and put them in their places. Then you don't have to search for the file the boss needs for five minutes.

28. Delegate a task. Try to free up time for the things you love.

To advance your career

29. Go to Pinterest. But instead of recipe boards or DIY boards, look at something career-related. For example, a selection of impressive, work suits or cool companies that you would like to work for.

31. Scroll through the feed, see what your friends are writing about. Congratulate those who got a promotion or took a new job. It is not known when these connections may be useful to you.

32. Sit back and dream. Not about a beach vacation, but about what you want to achieve in your career in five or ten years. Want a more creative position? A job that allows you to travel a lot? Own business? Do not think about what needs to be done for this yet. Just let yourself dream.

33. Sign up for talented people who have accomplished something. Stay tuned for their updates and tips.

34. Tidy up your professional profile.

35. Find courses you would like to enroll in or a conference you would like to attend. Think about how to save money for this, or persuade your boss to pay the expenses.

To relax

36. Do nothing for two minutes. Seriously, there is even a site called donothingfor2minutes.com. You just need to relax, listen to the sound of the waves and not move the mouse.

37. If you are worried about something, write these thoughts on a piece of paper and then throw it away.

38. Find a new wallpaper for your desktop: a beautiful landscape, an inspirational quote, or a vacation photo. Better yet, pick a few and change them every month.

39. Go to your favorite coffee shop and buy yourself some warm and tasty drink. Sit back and enjoy every sip.

40. Check out photos from around the world on the National Geographic website.

41. Take a notebook and pen and write down your thoughts. It's okay if nothing brilliant comes to mind. Write down how you feel and what you stand for. This is enough to relax.

To completely distract myself

42. Use your imagination and add interesting items to the list of things you want to do in life. Maintain such a list in Evernote, Google Docs, or Bucketlistly.

43. Check out Buzzfeed or another entertainment site.

44. Play your favorite work playlist. It should contain songs that inspire you, but do not distract you from your work. If you have to write, instrumental music is better.

45. Change office supplies for a more professional workspace.

47. Draw a Picasso-style painting on the Picasso Head website.

48. Go to the back room for new office supplies. Or search for something beautiful online.

49. Make a beautiful sculpture out of office supplies.

50. Invite a colleague to compete in office chair races.

You have probably met people who complain that they have Boring job, but at the same time they are in no hurry to change it for various reasons: they are paid well, they are afraid of changes ... Perhaps you yourself have even found yourself in such a situation. Is it worth it if you have a boring job, or is it better to try to change everything?

First, let's figure out what boring work means. When people say they have a boring job, they can mean completely different things. Sometimes boring work means really needed work, which does not bring pleasure... These are routine duties that get bored, but you can't do without them.

In some cases, boring work is routine work, but pointless that is not useful. For example, writing New Year's greetings for partners and clients, which no one reads anyway. Or the notorious office shifting of papers from place to place. And if in the previous case you can at least reassure yourself that someone needs your work, meaningless boring work is not justified in any way.

Another option for boring work is when there is nothing to do at work... Sometimes this is the specifics of the profession (for example, the job of a security guard cannot be called fun), and sometimes the problem is that the authorities do not know how to properly distribute tasks. It turns out that for about half a month you work tirelessly, and for the second half you do not know what to do with yourself, and you miss your workplace all day long.

What can be done in each case? If you have a boring job, but what you do is really important, try to find positive moments in work, motivate yourself... If altruistic motivation (“what I do benefits others”) does not work, try selfish motivation (“if I do this job, I will get a bonus / can count on a promotion”, etc.). And if the reward "from the outside" does not await you after completing the work, come up with a reward yourself. Promise yourself to finally go to a new coffee shop, or buy that very dress at last.

If the work is boring and at the same time meaningless, then everything is more complicated here. Tedious routine work often leads to health problems, depression and even. Here, changing attitudes towards work is unlikely to help. There are two ways out: or take the initiative hoping to be promoted, or quit and look for another job more interesting.

As for the third type of boring work, there are several options. Either quit or endure(if, say, they pay well), or figure out how to keep yourself busy... The third option, unfortunately, does not always work. For example, the same security guard at the post should not be distracted by extraneous matters. Or the bosses monitor what you do at work (here, however, a paradox arises: there is nothing to do, because there is no work, and it is forbidden to do other things). And then we return to the option "endure or quit".

Well, if no one monitors what you do in the workplace, and you have no current work assignments, boring work may well benefit you. You can spend this time on self-education or professional growth: doing routine things, we often do not have time to keep abreast of new products in our field and read specialized literature. Can to be creative... For example, the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne, while working as a customs inspector, wrote four novels, including the novel The Scarlet Letter, which brought him wide recognition.

And it's worth remembering that often boring work is the kind of work that we ourselves consider boring... Let's say, someone finds work with numbers boring, while someone finds it interesting and even exciting. It is more a matter of inclination and preference. Therefore, if your work seems boring to you, first of all you need to think about whether it is really boring objectively, or whether it is simply “not your” job. And if the second option is your case, you should either try to change your attitude towards work, or try your hand at another area.

It happens that there is stagnation at work. There is no work, or I somehow completed all the work planned for today very quickly, and there is still more than enough time until the end of the working day. And now the question arises - what to do at work? You can't just get up and leave, because you have a standardized working day. To sit frankly and do nothing - conscience does not allow, because all around people are working, andit's boring at workthis is. So what to do in this case?

In fact, there are many options for how you could occupy your time when there is nothing to do at work.

The most useful isself-education... You can self-study by purchasing some study materials. Fortunately, today's market provides a variety of literature in any area. And it doesn't matter what it will be - a simplified accounting course or learning a foreign language. Any subject you choose and mastered will only give you more value in the eyes of any employer (and in the future, perhaps, it will help you achieve significant success, or, at least, a solid increase in your salary).

If you want to build your credibility or increase your popularity (positive) rating among your colleagues, then you can help them sort out their own affairs. This, of course, is fraught with the fact that they can sit on your head and take it for granted, so here you need to act skillfully and immediately make it clear that your desire to help is caused, in addition to the desire, by an abundance of free time (or, rather, by your ability very quickly and efficiently cope with their tasks), which in the future, most likely, is not foreseen, so this help is one-time.

And if the work allows, you can easily begin to carry out the work planned for the near future (preparation of new contracts, for example). Or organize and organize your workplace and documents. You can start looking for clients if your occupation involves doing this business.

If you are a creative person, you can start writing your own book. It is unlikely that it will come to its publication and publication, but for their descendants it will be no less valuable than the "Notes of a Hunter".

If you are not completely satisfied with the payment for your work, then a part-time job is an excellent option for you. There are countless proposals related to remote work (or piecework), which you can do right from your work chair (of course, if you have free time). For example, if you are friends with foreign languages, you can take on translations or tests in a foreign language that you speak.

The classic version of doing nothing (useful, by the way) is reading. Not necessarily professional literature, take the classics, because what could be better than re-reading the good old Stendhal or Pushkin? Enhance yourself in your own eyes.

If you have not yet learned this, be sure to engage in self-study of the blind method of typing on the keyboard (if you have a computer). This will increase your productivity, and it looks stunning from the outside. Immediately inspires professionalism. Teaching diagonal reading can be added to this point. Of course, it is not worth reading serious literature in this way, but if you need to quickly scan large volumes of documents or grasp the general meaning, then this knowledge will be irreplaceable.

If you are a family person, you can start compiling and organizing family accounting (calculating the family budget, in other words). The thing is necessary and useful. Indeed, with the help of this simple science, you can reduce your costs. And as they say, rich in the one who has a lot of money, and the one who has enough. If this does not give in to you, you can draw up a menu for a week in advance - this will save you time in the future, you will not have to sit at home and puzzle over how to feed your family.

Gymnastics at work.

Well, the most useful activity for anyone is of courseexercise at work... You don't have to do it in such a way that you build a lot of muscles. Just a couple of exercises are enough to simply keep your body in good shape. This remedy for boredom is especially indispensable for people who have a sedentary job (at a computer or at papers). As some pointers, here are some tips:

Remember your posture, don't slouch.

In order to make your ass beautiful and elastic, while sitting, without getting up from a chair, strain your gluteal muscles. Start with low reps, gradually working up to 100.

In order not to numb the neck, periodically train it with the help of bends in different directions, circular rotation. By the way, if you want to get rid of a double chin, you must strain not only the muscles of the neck, but also the mouth. So, to strengthen this type of muscle, you must pronounce the sounds (I-O-O-S) tensely.

Perform all exercises not in an intensive mode, but in a calm, moderate mode, otherwise you will quickly sweat, and not everyone at work has the opportunity to change clothes and take a shower.

If you have the opportunity to bring some gym equipment with you to work, that will be great. Start with a fitball exercise. This will strengthen the muscles in your back and glutes.

Another good and not bulky gymnastic apparatus is dumbbells (or something adapted for dumbbells, for example, liter plastic water bottles). They will strengthen the muscles in your arms, chest, and some of your back.

The usual rotations of the body, first to the left, then to the right, as well as tilting the body back and forth, then in a circle, will also have a good effect on the general condition.

Finish your exercise with eye gymnastics. All of us at school did simple exercises - look in shifts to the left, then to the right, then up, then down, make a figure eight with our eyes, circular movements, close our eyes tightly and open them wide. Each movement must be repeated several times. In the end, just sit a little with your eyes closed.

All of these exercises will help you stay alert and efficient throughout the day.

What to do at work when there is nothing to do? Oh, this question is surely troubling the minds of many people. It often happens that there is simply nothing to do at work or at home. We are sitting in front of a TV set, a computer monitor, staring at them with blank eyes, thinking about something incomprehensible.


You can enthusiastically do the same thing for several days in a row. For example, download a computer toy that will really addictive to you. However, a couple of days pass, the game seems not so interesting anymore, and then sadness rolls over. I don't want to do absolutely anything. Worse if it happens in the office. So what to do at work when there is nothing to do? Let's try to answer this question.


Perhaps this should initially sound contradictory. It would seem how? After all, you are at work, you should be engaged in it, and not look for some alternative options! In fact, things are a little different. It is possible that the case has already been agreed with the customer, the report has been submitted, and the meeting is scheduled. All letters have been reviewed, the necessary answers have been given. There are no clients, but the work schedule has not changed after all. That's why he and the schedule, that everyone should come and go at a certain time.

At such moments, you involuntarily wonder what to do at work when there is nothing to do. How can you pass the time, what to do with your loved one? First of all, you can think about your future life. And not in the philosophical sense of the word, no. Imagine what you would like to do in the next week, month. You can plan your affairs. In parallel, you can write a list of goals and tasks that you dream of achieving, you want to complete in the very near future.

A little about misconceptions

Perhaps to some, this pastime will seem meaningless. However, this is a misconception. Setting goals for yourself will not only be an answer to the question of what to do at work when there is nothing to do. So you will be able to identify the primary path that will need to be passed, and in your free time from work, after a certain period of time, you can think about the intended goals with a fresh mind and decide which tasks you really need to accomplish, and what has become just a momentary desire. It turns out a kind of two-in-one mix - business with pleasure. On the one hand, they reduced the time at work, on the other, they outlined what needs to be achieved or what needs to be done.

Schedule and complete tasks continuously

Doing this at work (not to the detriment of herself, of course) can be repeated many times. Repeat, each time note what you really achieved, which of the tasks set in the past times you solved. This will help you start believing in yourself more and more. This will become a clear example of your unlimited possibilities, without exaggeration, that you just need to develop. You just have to believe in what you are doing, and then with each new time you will notice that the old goals, which previously seemed unattainable, have already submitted to you, and the new tasks are as solvable as their predecessors.

2 in 1

In addition, it will be nice to know that you still found the strength to solve problems, coped with the goals, and achieved what you wanted from the beginning. Thus, you will not only discover new opportunities, believe in your own strengths, become more successful or successful, but also be able to distract yourself from the depression that often occurs at such moments. Depression, according to polls by sociologists, is a fairly common reason why people wonder what to do when there is nothing to do at work or at home.

Earlier it was said about what you can do in the office. But it was about what to do at work when there is nothing to do and there is no Internet. And what can you do if you have one? You can use the browser to watch the new releases that have been leased to the cinema. It will be interesting to see concerts performed live by your favorite music group or singer / singer. This will also be useful, because after watching this at work in your free time (we are talking about the repertoire in the cinema or theater), you will no longer have to do it another time, but you can immediately go to the cinema to watch the film of your choice.

Immerse yourself in good memories to motivate yourself to work

All these listed methods are the answer to the question of what to do at work when there is nothing to do. Photos will also be good fun. You can see your photos with children, from the events in which you participated. In general, from all pleasant events for you. This will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere that prevailed before. It is possible that this will also give you an incentive, push you to work.

If you need to buy a particular product in the near future, but you doubt it or choose one of several offers at once, then comparing products at work will be a great way to kill time. This allows you to make the most of your time because, as with a movie theater, you don't have to do it at home. So, choosing a product for purchase will not only become an answer to the question of what to do when there is nothing to do, but will also save money. How? And the point is this: knowing what exactly is needed in the store, you will not give the consultants an excuse to unobtrusively persuade you to buy absolutely unnecessary goods.


Generally speaking, choosing a business to while away your time at work depends on whether you are allowed to use the Internet for personal use in your workplace. If so, then you can devote a little time without a twinge of conscience to staying in social networks or communicating with a loved one via e-mail.

Using the Internet access, you can solve some personal problems that relate to, for example, the need for some household appliances. The fact that time can be devoted to a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each model, and then choosing the best option based on this, was described earlier.

And what to do at work when there is nothing to do on the Internet? This was also discussed. For example, you can start making a list, which will outline the goals that need to be achieved in a certain near future. Sports people can also consider their training schedule. And iron lovers who devote their free time to gyms and gyms, fitness clubs and fitness centers can also write for themselves what exercises and in what quantity they would like to perform, outline the dynamics for themselves in classes, think about nutrition and etc. In general, everything is in your hands. It should only be noted that third-party activities in this case should not be at the expense of work. Otherwise, you may have problems with your superiors. You should go about your business there only if the work was actually done. Otherwise, you should look for motivation to urge you to return to a capable state. But this is already a slightly different topic, so we will not consider it in this article, and the answer to the question of what to do when there is nothing to do at work has been given.

Actually, my dears, you have to work at work. But, if work "allows" to laze a little - do something so that time does not kill. Only one request to you. We didn’t tell you this and you didn’t read it here! Let's get started.

FROM heap. ... ...

What can you do at work in your free time?

  1. Take yourself an informal lunch break. After all, you took with you to work, buns and chocolates, so that, if you quarrel with your superiors, you can eat everything you brought. Advice: do not quarrel with your boss so that you do not have to eat food that tastes like depression. Sandwiches are also delicious food. Basically, such food is taken to work: easy, tasty and practical. And you can not store it in the refrigerator.
  2. Play solitaire. You will need a deck of playing cards, buy a solitaire book. And lay out. Solitaire is very similar to fortune telling, by the way. The principle is the same. And if you work at a computer, then, in the operating system, solitaire games are already built-in. The most popular are "spider" and "kerchief". But there are many others, no less "addictive".
  3. Chat with coworkers. You have a lot of topics for conversation. Look at the circumstances and interact with those who are more friendly to you. Of course, it is possible that this is all hypocrisy, but you need to trust people, otherwise it will be impossible to live in the world. People are different. If they were the same, the concept of “zest” and individual peculiarity would “disappear”.
  4. Weave beaded baubles. The activity may be outdated, but it's great to remember how you did it as a child. And what, at that time, were beautiful beads…. Pleased to the eye, like toys on a Christmas tree. By the way, you can create pictures of battered Christmas tree decorations and eggshells. And then you can give them to friends. There are small books in which it is described in great detail how to weave fenkies and what they are.
  5. Have a cup of tea or coffee. These drinks are very invigorating and increase efficiency, raising the mood. If you are on a diet, drink tea or coffee without sugar and without chocolate. Better - in a company with a good friend with whom you have been working for a long time.
  6. Look out the window. It is interesting, sometimes, while thinking about something, to observe passers-by, to admire nature. Suddenly, you notice a UFO in the sky? If you still have time to photograph him, you will have something to show off to your friends.
  7. Listen to the music. You can - on the player, you can - on the radio, or you can - on your work computer. As you please. But only quietly, so as not to distract anyone and not to anger people who are higher in rank than you. And then they can complain.
  8. Watch a movie on your mobile phone. Better - in headphones and unnoticed. And the film can be downloaded from the Internet or transmitted via bluetooth. The main thing is that it fits completely and does not slow down. It is good if there are several films, because you may not like one of them. And besides, it may be that you want to devote more time to films.
  9. Read books and magazines. If there is something interesting there, the time will fly by so that you will not even notice how you will need to work. But do not forget about work either, or they may be fired. Love to do a lot of things at once - do everything.
  10. Have fun with crosswords, scanwords, chinwords and sudoku. There are many analogues of these "smart things". If you like it, solve riddles and puzzles.
  11. Water the flowers and plants. They are waiting for you to approach them. They can wither. It is much better when plants and flowers decorate your office, rather than arouse pity.
  12. Clean up your appearance. You love to "manicure" and paint. It is important that you do not do this in front of your boss: he certainly will not welcome it. Varnish, lipstick, mascara, shadows - this is what you always carry with you. If not, ask someone. Some woman will definitely have such a "assortment".
  13. Dream and plan for the future. Perhaps, it is in the workplace that the most brilliant thoughts or ideas will visit you. Only you do not miss them, but introduce them into a “practical channel”. Separate what is necessary from what you absolutely do not need. Analyze, reflect, invent, imagine.
  14. Chat online. So many do. If there are so many chats…. Why not combine work with leisure? True, in many organizations they "cover" access to such "social networks" so that people are not distracted. Then you don't want to work at all if the conversation is interesting and exciting.
  15. Play games on your mobile. They may not be so "plot", but there are those that give pleasure, recalling the past. "Tetris", labyrinths, shooters, "guess the melody", "field of miracles", "oh, lucky", races, checkers, chess, billiards, dominoes. Did you find something suitable? I am sure that - yes.
  16. Compose and write down a fairy tale, story, or poem that reflects your inner state. A writer or a poet “hides” in you, and you are afraid to let him out, “splashing out” talents on the lines of notebooks and notebooks.
  17. Browse the Internet. There is so much information there that it is even difficult to imagine how it all fits there, on the Internet. Recipes, tips, advice, stories, opinions. The Internet has it all.
  18. Take a psychological test. With the help of it, you can learn a lot about yourself that you would not have guessed. And the choice of tests is as big as the kindness in the heart of a good person. It remains only to choose the test that is more close to you.
  19. Read anecdotes. They are just a "blockage" in newspapers, magazines and on the Internet. And they are - for every taste: about the army, about a husband and wife, about new Russians, about children, about a wedding ... .. There are also vulgar ones.

What to do during business hours?

Maybe look for another job if you're bored?

In general, if you are bored at work, you need to change it. You shouldn't get paid for what you don't like doing. And many have nothing to do in their workplaces at all. At first, they like to receive a salary for “doing nothing,” but then they realize that they want to develop somehow, “pass” the career ladder, look for themselves in what attracts.

Work should be fun and enjoyable. It doesn't have to be hard labor or something unpleasant. You won't be able to withstand such an "atmosphere" for long. And why torture yourself?


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