How to find a job without education and experience. Is it possible to find a good job without a higher education?

It's no secret that many employers prefer applicants with work experience. What about those who want to earn a living without work experience and a diploma? Is it correct to believe that all “rough” or auxiliary jobs are low paid?

It should be noted right away that absolutely all professions can bring in a decent income if you do your work well. Yes, find Good work Without a diploma and experience it can be difficult, but more than possible.

Often the graduates themselves educational institutions and the unemployed confuse themselves by perpetuating in their minds several erroneous stereotypes about finding a job without education and experience. Here are some of them.

1. “It’s hard to find a job without cronyism.” But it depends on what kind of work. Yes, no one will hire a person from the street who has neither recommendations nor education to the position of aircraft designer at a large state-owned enterprise. Such an employee can harm production. Blat does not exist everywhere, there is no need to trick yourself.

2. “I want to work 2 hours a day and get a decent salary.” Recruiters consider this approach of candidates for a position to be one of the most harmful: you cannot work a little and receive a salary with a bonus for it.

3. “I sent my resume to 5-6 companies and they rejected me. I’m offended and sitting at home.” According to statistics, you need to send 20 or even 30 resumes in order to get a position in the desired company. If in one company the issue of work experience and higher education is an issue, then another company will gladly accept an employee with excellent organizational skills and creative thinking without a diploma or experience.

If the delusions are over, all that remains is important question: Where can you get a job without a diploma and work experience? The answer to this question will be shocking: you can get almost any position without higher education and experience. Yes, there are professions where a diploma is important: surgeon, train driver, designer, engineer. The list is long, but don't be upset. There are a lot of professions that are willing to hire people without experience or qualifications. The main thing is that they want to work. Here is a sample list of professions.

1. Manager. This is a unique profession. Nobody knows exactly what a manager does. In fact, the range of his tasks extends from making coffee for his beloved boss to drawing up an annual report on the company's expenses. Young and promising employees (including students without education) are willingly hired for such a position.

2. Driver. If you have a license, you can find a job as a taxi driver or truck driver (this depends on the category). Drivers with personal transport are in particular demand among recruiters.

3. Waiter. No one is interested in work experience or credentials. A diploma may only be needed when working in high-class restaurants serving foreign clients or the upper echelons of society.

5. Tutor. A very good activity for anyone who has at least a little knowledge of mathematics, Russian or English language(these items are most in demand). Here everything is the same as with copywriting: you can find clients yourself, or you can get a job in a special company that will select students itself. Ideal income for all people age categories. A diploma and work experience do not play a significant role; before hiring, the applicant is simply asked to pass a special test on knowledge of the subject.

This list can be continued for a long time, because almost any profession can be obtained without a diploma or experience. The main thing to remember is that it is almost impossible to find your dream job the first time, so you need not to give up and continue to persistently search for your favorite job.

Young people often cannot get a job because they do not have the relevant experience. But to get it, you first need to work somewhere. From anyone, even the most difficult situation you can find a way out. In this article we will figure out where to go to work without experience in order to break this vicious circle.

Network marketing

Many yesterday's students who are looking for where to go to work, in the end, start studying network marketing. The main character traits that are necessary for such activities are sociability and sociability.

Many network companies sell low-quality goods, so if you decide to try your hand in this direction, look for a young company that has recently been operating on the market. It is almost impossible to achieve success in large companies.


IN Lately We often hear from young people: “I don’t know where to go to work because they don’t have experience and special education" You can get a job as a salesperson in a store right after school. Of course, everyone wants to sell some kind of equipment or fashionable gadgets and get a big salary. But the easiest place to start is with food. Over time, when you gain experience, you can look for another, more prestigious place.

The main thing is that you will be able to gain invaluable knowledge and experience in the field of trading, which will become an indispensable skill for you in the future.


This is an excellent profession for those who do not know where to go to work without work experience. Waiters earn good money, especially if they work in an establishment where rich people gather. In addition to a decent salary, clients give them tips. You can also earn extra income by catering for private parties and other holiday events.

The work of a waiter is quite difficult both physically and mentally. Keep in mind that you will be on your feet for about 13–15 hours. In addition, you must smile and communicate politely with all customers. Undoubtedly, this work It won't suit everyone, but it's worth a try, you have nothing to lose. And even negative experience is also experience.

Fast food

When a person is asked the question of where to go to work without experience and education, the thought immediately comes to mind - as an employee in an establishment fast food. This is hard work because many people eat at fast foods every day. To serve them, employees have to spend the whole day on their feet, without sitting down for a minute. Basically, students and young people who have no experience work part-time in such institutions. They receive a small but stable salary. This option is good, but only as a temporary part-time job. Young people need to develop and look for more favorable working conditions.


Security guard

This position is suitable for both men and women who are looking for a place to work without experience. Typically, such employees are hired for security in shops and supermarkets. No experience or training is required for this. It is enough to simply agree with management. Usually there is no problem with this, but you will pay less. Security guards in nightclubs and restaurants receive good salaries, but scandals and fights often arise there.

Shop assistant

To master such a profession, you need to be able to communicate with people and have certain knowledge about the product you are selling. Salespeople in stores household appliances and car dealerships get a good salary. You can find a vacant vacancy through advertisements on the Internet or in the media.


For such a position, restaurants usually invite young attractive girls who own foreign languages. They help guests choose a seat in the hall, decide on an order and select drinks. This is a good, fairly prestigious job that brings good income.


The woman who goes to maternity leave, naturally, interrupts his labor activity. For young mothers who do not know where to go after maternity leave without experience, there are many vacancies on the labor market. Many companies offer them flexible hours or part-time work. For example, you can get a job as an operator to answer customer calls or as a dispatcher for a taxi service. In this case, you can work remotely from your home phone.

Working specialties

If you don’t know where to go to work without experience and education, don’t be upset. There are many blue-collar jobs that are taught on the job. The demand for them is huge, so you can easily find a vacancy. Of course, this is hard work, but you will receive a stable high salary. If you study at the same time to get a higher education, you can quickly make a good career.


Many companies hire couriers who deliver orders from the seller to the client. This is not a very prestigious position, but couriers receive a good salary for their work. This option is suitable for those who are looking for where they can go to work without work experience. When applying for this position, you should remember that the courier bears full responsibility for the cargo. If he damages the goods, their cost will be deducted from his salary. But if you take your business seriously, you can earn a good income.

Jobs for girls

Representatives of the fair sex often ask the question of where a girl without experience should go to work. You need to look in places where employees are always needed, for example, you can get a job in a supermarket as a salesperson or cashier.

If you want to work in your profession, but they won’t hire you without experience, try getting a job as an assistant to a relevant specialist. This is where the knowledge you acquired at the university will come in handy and, most importantly, you will be able to gain valuable experience. This is an excellent option for yesterday's students who are interested in where they can go to work with a higher education immediately after graduation.

Office Manager

Young people who are looking for options where they can go to work with education experience certain difficulties in finding employment. The easiest way is to get a job as an office manager. This specialist is engaged in office work, replacing other employees when they are absent, that is, he carries out all kinds of assignments.

After a while, if the company management does not offer you a position in your specialty, you can move to another organization, since work book there will be a record of your experience. And this is very important for future employment.


Making money remotely online has a lot of advantages. You receive a good salary, a flexible schedule and at the same time do not depend on your superiors. You can stop at any time to do household chores. You will not receive a reprimand or warning for this. A freelancer does not have to compete for a more prestigious position with competitors and communicate with people who are unpleasant to him.

Nadezhda Davydova's blog welcomes its readers! To anyone who is interested in how to find a good job without education, I suggest good advice. It often happens that a person did not have time to take care of his education in time, a family appeared, there is no time to study, there is no money. Or a young person wants to get a job quickly, but there is no desire to spend years studying. Another option: you have an education, but you can’t find a job in your specialty during the day. What to do in this situation?

If you are wondering how to find a good job without education, then half the work is already done. After all, the main thing is a strong desire. The first thing you need to keep in mind is what level of monthly income will suit you.

The second is working conditions. Of course, preferable options where there are no serious physical, mental and other stresses. Standardized working hours, social guarantees.

Third, consider personal preferences. It is best to take several free tests to determine your temperament, natural abilities, and predisposition to a certain type of occupation. Having found out the optimal focus, we confidently begin searching for vacancies.

IN big city there is no problem with this, there are many in hundreds of advertisements interesting offers. But also Small town does not offend the enterprising, brave, hardworking. I dare to assure you that not every profitable vacancy requires confirmation of compliance with official educational documents.

Private entrepreneurs often agree to accept inexperienced, young, but trainable specialists more easily than those with “old-school” experience. Even by getting a job as an intern, after showing a certain amount of perseverance in mastering the profession, you can easily and quickly get a position with more favorable conditions.

Use psychological techniques

To anyone who doubts that it is possible to find a good job without education, I will give you a hint: you must have knowledge of the basic principles of how stereotypical thinking works.

It doesn’t matter whether you have significant experience and knowledge, or have graduated from a university or nine years of school, you need to remember the main thing: self-confidence is the main factor in the external assessment of an applicant for a vacancy. Of course, in order to reinforce this confidence, be sure to expand your knowledge base by reading the necessary literature.

Don’t be afraid to take risks: after all, even if you take on a new job, with diligence you can learn everything quite quickly. Try to choose the appropriate uniform: for an office employee - a classic suit, for a seamstress - an original cut dress, etc. Try to match the stereotype of your chosen profession as much as possible.

Unusual solutions for finding a good job without education

One of the options for finding a good job without education is to create for yourself workplace! To get started, you can take out a loan. Those who are registered with the employment center are provided with government subsidies for business development and self-employment.

Draw up your business plan, defend it, act! Let your wildest dream come true! Fortunately, there is a lot of information on the Internet about business options and how to actually write a business plan. But this option is only suitable for those who are not too lazy to think with their heads :) . Finally, I would like to wish everyone to do only what they love, and earn good money at the same time!

    IN general material quite interesting but the topic is covered superficially. Finding a good job for your uncle is like finding a green oasis on back side moon))) In my understanding, good work contains three mandatory components: money, pleasure and personal development. If a work does not have at least one of them, then it can no longer be good. Well, let's not forget that the word "work" comes from the word "SLAVE", and this no longer inspires optimism. Best work- this work is for yourself. Thanks to the development of the Internet, today this is an open opportunity for everyone. Those who are looking for independence find it; those who are looking for work are simultaneously looking for excuses and justifications for their own laziness. :grin: Well, something like that)))

    About own business Of course it's written well, go and get it. If everyone took this, we would only have businessmen. Well, a person will open an individual entrepreneur, rent a room, and after a couple of empty months he will close down, with a huge loan around his neck...))

    • Vladimir, you need to do everything wisely, having a clear business plan, and not just rosy dreams. I haven’t started implementing my plans yet, the baby will go to kindergarten, I think I’ll start in the summer. I'm going to get a subsidy for starting a business at the Employment Center. You need to write a business plan and defend it. Wait and see. I don’t like loans myself, although they help many people in business.

      We don’t need everyone in business; someone should work in the service sector too. And if you initially think about the bad, this will certainly happen. Thoughts are material, especially about bad ones

      For example, I understand that cheap labor is a very big plus for the owner of an enterprise. But why the same service staff serve people while having your own business? This is because small businesses are being suppressed here. There are monopolies and large enterprises everywhere, next to which you simply cannot survive. Yes, of course, a certain proportion of people are not able to organize themselves; it is easier for them to be performers. It's a shame that even talented people cannot break through all the obstacles created by government policies. For example, in order to open your own business, you need to pay so much! And it doesn’t matter whether you have income or not, you have to pay pension and tax contributions!

      It’s the same with us, Nadezhda. It's easier to hide than to work legally. The state’s appetite is constantly growing and many have already gone into the shadows

      My husband was forced to take out an indefinite leave for an entrepreneur. To even close a business, you need to shell out a tidy sum! For what, I wonder? We are waiting for the end of the three-year period so that the state itself liquidates this business for free :) .

      I paid about 30,000 for a year, which I didn’t even have a store))) Waiting for 3 years is not an option, they don’t let you go abroad with such debts :(

      Well, it’s clear that in this case you won’t be able to wait, you’ll have to leave. We're not going anywhere yet, and there's not much left to do :) . I want to receive the free (conditionally) 2 hectares of land. I love berries, I dream of my own plantation of blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries. When the kids grow up, I’ll take up this issue. Here the state does not oblige you to pay, and even exempts you from taxes. Which is good news :) . But it’s almost impossible to get fertile land, it’s all been snatched up in hundreds of hectares, and an ordinary person can no longer get what he’s entitled to by law!

  1. Nadezhda, I don't agree with you. Of course, any specialist should make a list of requirements for a future workplace. But a person without education and work experience should cross out half the points, or even more, from this list and be prepared for the fact that for the first two years he will gain experience, connections and reputation.

    Of course, there are exceptions - it all depends on the person. For example, your husband has experience, he is trusted, he is known, and probably, without having an education, he himself has studied more than one course/book/guide (isn’t it true?). But when a young man comes for an interview who doesn’t know or know how to do anything and at the same time believes that he deserves a high salary, a flexible work schedule, and a personal secretary, then no matter how self-confident he is, he won’t get the job (unless, of course, it’s not his dad who’s interviewing him), and primarily due to the fact that he himself will miss such an opportunity without lowering the bar.

    Yes, I completely agree with you, knowledge (both practical and theoretical) is more important than a document. In addition, there are now many opportunities to improve your knowledge without formal confirmation.

    I have several posts on my blog on just this topic - how I was looking for a job in a city that was foreign to me (at that time) and not having any skills valuable in the labor market except a wild desire to make a place for myself in life.

    It is possible to find a job without education. I agree with this. Finding a good, favorite job with a good salary is already more difficult. Here is an example from life. My friend, let's call her Irina, has no education. After school I went to work as a salesperson in a boutique, then got married, immediately became pregnant, and gave birth to a child. Then Irina realizes how much she enjoys working with children. I tried to get into kindergarten. She was hired to work as a teacher for 1 month (during the vacation period). She took up the task with pleasure. The kids loved her. But a month later, the kindergarten administration explained to her that due to the fact that Irina did not have the appropriate education, she could only be offered a job as a nanny. Now Irina is thinking about entering the university. This is just one example, but such life situations so many. Of course, Irina, if funds are available. I could open a private mini-kindergarten, BUT, the requirement of a diploma is necessary in this case too.

    The salary of a teacher really leaves much to be desired. Just having a diploma, you can open a private kindergarten. In Kazakhstan, we have a lot of developing children's centers with fairly high salaries for educators and teachers, but, on the contrary, there are few state kindergartens. While you wait your turn, the child will go to school.

    Before graduating from university, it was somehow easier to find a job. And now there’s not much search for a specialty =(Although maybe we don’t really need ecologists yet...
    My husband’s brother is 26 years old, after school he sat stupidly at home with his parents for 7-8 years, repairing phones from time to time (he can do this well, you can’t take it away from him). Last year they finally dragged him out to the city. Now he is working with banking equipment, he has almost reached the boss. I'm just about to get my education =)

  2. Hope, in our time, with all the apparent unemployment, there is always work! The most important thing is the desire to work and earn money! As correctly written above, the one who seeks will always find.
    But I am more inclined to open my own business. That's why I'm currently studying business fundamentals, business ideas, and so on...

    It seems that S. Jobs has it. "The only way to do things really well is to love what you do."
    I think the same applies to work. It's best to do what you love!

    I have a friend - real example The fact that even without education you can always find a job, and a good one at that.

    She knows how to present herself and speaks very competently. When she was looking for a job after maternity leave, she had several offers to choose from, and everyone wanted to take her on, even though she has two small children, she even always emphasized this during the interview, that children are for her priority.

    As a result, she chose the most comfortable conditions for herself, and is not offended by the salary. :) Her bosses appreciate her because she does her job well and even better.

    And at the same time I know other girls who have a higher education, but cannot find a decent job.

    The diploma is good, of course, but that’s not the main thing.

    The main thing is your qualities, self-confidence, the ability to present yourself and be liked.

    And also know clearly what you want. And then everything will work out! :)

    Recently fired from my job. And for a long time I couldn’t find a new one high paying job. Everywhere they say that you can earn good money on the Internet. And I decided to try. There were many places where they cheated or didn’t pay. Very often they simply did not answer. And I started writing articles, comments and reviews. I will not promise you hundreds and thousands of dollars a month. Don't believe any nonsense. After all, we all know from childhood that free cheese is only in a mousetrap. A person who had a C in Russian at school, like me, for example, can do work and write articles. Money is withdrawn to the Webmoney online wallet. A beginner can earn 5 – 10 dollars a day. And after two months your earnings will double. In general, when normal operation you can earn 20 -30 dollars a day. Working at the same time for about 8 hours. From your Webmoney wallet you can withdraw money to a card or make a purchase in an online store. Good luck.
    By the way, here is the link for registration -

    I have two degrees, but somehow it turned out that I have not been working in my specialty for a long time. At first, my first husband, a talented cameraman, taught me how to use a camera and editing programs, and we worked privately - making films and video products for TV channels, theaters, studios and private clients. Then, when I had to return from maternity leave for the second time, it was difficult to carry equipment, so I got a job at a real estate agency.

Greetings, my dear readers! Today I would like to talk to you about what professions without education the current job market offers. Many young people simply cannot afford higher education; some have not found a suitable university for themselves; others want to engage in creativity. I suggest you think about what prospects await a person without an education, make a list of excellent professions that do not require a diploma, and what can help you get your dream job.

Prospects and opportunities

A diploma does not always help you get a good job. After all, everything depends not only on the higher education that a person has received. Many companies need new employees who already have experience in this field. But how can you manage to gain experience if they don’t hire you anywhere without experience, and besides, you’re studying at full-time department, no time at all? Getting a diploma does not mean getting a high-paying job.

I have many examples in my collection of how a person after college went to work in a field completely unrelated to his education, achieved success and the diploma simply collected dust on a shelf. But there is also reverse example, when a young man got a job as a courier, the boss saw potential in him and said that he was ready to promote him only on one condition: that he receive an education.

The guy had to study abroad and work hard to pay for his studies, but in the end he got the long-awaited place and is successfully building a career.

There are prospects without education in creative professions. One girl I know has been very fond of drawing since school. She mastered computer programs and now she is engaged in design, although she has no special education.

But remember that even in the creative field there are special skills that you will have to master.

The dancer must have excellent physical training, a sense of rhythm, and so on. In every business you need to work hard to achieve success. Therefore, do not expect that without education and special training you will be able to find a promising job.

Be sure to read my article "". You will find many examples there successful people, who do not have a diploma behind them, will understand in which direction it is worth developing, what you may need for a successful career.

List of professions

Now let's talk about what professions you can choose that do not require higher, secondary or special education. Of course, for men, the most common are physical jobs: loader, driver, janitor, security guard, and so on on the list. But besides physical work There are many other offers on the market today.

A girl can turn her attention to the vacancy of a secretary or assistant manager. Just remember that this job also requires confident command of office equipment and basic knowledge business correspondence and calls.

Of course, in some small office they can hire you without experience. But if you do not improve your qualifications, gain new knowledge and master new skills, then they will quickly find a replacement for you.

In trade, vacancies are offered such as sales assistant, call center operator, sales representative, and so on. But there is no talk here about career growth and this profession is more likely to be suitable as a transit point.

And now I bring to your attention the most prestigious vacancies that do not require a diploma. In Barnaul, for example, a driver with a personal truck can have a salary of 180 thousand. A hostess in the capital, with a successful set of circumstances, easily earns 85 thousand rubles. Dancer or dancer in Northern capital can earn up to 200 thousand. In Podolsk, a photographer can safely count on 70 thousand. The territorial representative in Ufa receives 170 thousand.

These are not all vacancies. As you can see, without education you can get a decent salary not only in the capital, although of course there are much more options there, but you will have to work hard with Moscow registration; employers do not really like visitors.

I bring to your attention an excellent article that will help you prepare for the upcoming interview, because it is extremely important to make a good impression on a possible boss already at the first meeting - “”.

Catch luck by the tail

Don't think that working with career growth and a high salary will be easy for you. We'll have to work hard. In any business, you need to give yourself, improve your skills, learn new things and grow as a professional. Otherwise you will only stand still.

Don’t be afraid to try, send your resume wherever you can, ask your friends about work, try all the options you can. Your dream job may be right under your nose, or you may have to search for a long time. Nobody will answer this question for you. You can achieve success without education, if you have the desire.

Read more, develop yourself, don’t spend a lot of time in in social networks just. Be friendly and an open person. Sometimes one smile is enough to get what you want.

If you have been looking for a job for a long time, but you just can’t find it, don’t despair. First, be sure to read the article “”. Think about what you are missing, who you can turn to for help, and you will certainly succeed.

What directions are you considering for yourself? What would you like to do with your life? Do you know anyone who has found their dream job but has no education?

Good day, dear readers!

Today, young people often lack the desire and motivation to continue not only their studies (even at school), but also their work. Instead of earning money for themselves to satisfy their desires, it is easier for them to ask their parents. Even demand that they give them the necessary funds.

If a person asks the question: “how to find a job without education?” - this is already half of the task. This means that he will definitely find a job for himself.

Unfortunately, nowadays it is difficult for a person with two higher educations to find a job that meets his requirements, and what can we say about those who have no education at all.

See also “Favorite work reveals a person’s potential, makes him better, develops him. When you get into all the details new profession, it will become many times more interesting. Sooner or later, almost every person faces the search for a place in life.

  • You need to have a strong, irresistible desire to get a job.
  • It is necessary to decide on the level of cash income that would be enough for a month of life. You should not count on the fact that without education you can immediately receive a substantial monetary reward.
  • Decide which work will be preferable - physical, psychological or service category. Standardized or not working hours, availability of social guarantees
  • Be sure to understand your personal characteristics. A psychologist can help determine them. By turning to it, you can determine the direction of your temperament by passing several relevant tests (they are free).

Having determined your natural abilities for a specific activity, you can begin to search for a vacancy in the area of ​​employment recommended by the psychologist. Even without education, but with talent and hard work, you can find an attractive vacancy for yourself, regardless of your place of residence (whether it is a metropolis or an ordinary small village).

  • If a job offer comes from a private entrepreneur, then you should not be wary and immediately refuse. It is they who often hire young people who do not have education or work experience. Of course, an internship with probationary period. But this condition, in our time, is found everywhere.
  • Such qualities in the character of an applicant without education, such as confidence in what he is doing, healthy adventurism and the ability to take risks, will certainly help him accept the right job offer.
  • Go to the labor exchange and look for a job for yourself with the help of professionals working there.
  • Do not hesitate to turn to your friends, acquaintances, parents and their environment for help in finding a suitable job.
  • The last piece of advice is that having chosen a profession and found a vacancy for it, you should choose an image for yourself (clothes, shoes, hairstyle, makeup) to best suit it.

1. Working for yourself

You should start “your own business” by taking out a loan against it from a bank. Those who are registered as unemployed can receive a subsidy from the state for the development of the newly created manufacturing company. You should try to fulfill your long-standing dream, even without having an education, to become the owner and leader of your own business.

2. Remote work

We must not forget about the growing popularity of remote work. The employer issuing the task is interested in the result, and not the “paper” about education and specialization.

3. “All works are good - choose according to your taste”

There is nothing shameful in working by profession as a handyman, janitor, or cleaner. No education is required for this job. She, of course, is not very paid, but no less important.

Low-skilled professions that do not require education, but are essential to life, include loader, courier-postman, cloakroom attendant or watchman, conductor or promoter, dishwasher, call center operator.

It can also be such professions as makeup artists (stylists), singers “from the people”, people who know and understand well how to repair a car - “natural craftsmen”, sellers (especially in kiosks and trays), cooks, drivers public transport, seamstress.

4. It's never too late to learn

Many of the above professions are obtained at special courses or in colleges, but it is possible to work in them without vocational education. They are mastered under the guidance experienced colleague directly at the workplace.

There are examples of people who have achieved high results in their profession and do not have any education in it.

If a person is talented, he will definitely achieve success in his calling.

For example, the famous domestic film artist Mikhail Pugovkin, awarded with various titles and awards, had not only no special education, but also high school didn't finish. Beloved by many, “Indiana Jones” - Harrison Ford, and Bill Murray, when they were offered their first roles in films, not only did not receive a professional education, but also abandoned the colleges where they studied.

If you really want to, you can pursue career growth while still studying at school or university. But for this you need to have mad hard work and immense talent given by nature. For example, a brilliant musician or singer whom you can’t help but listen to, an original artist, a writer-poet or a portrait photographer.

But not in every creative profession you can achieve high results without education, but with only talent and desire. For example, in order to become a highly paid manager, television journalist or radio presenter, you must have knowledge and erudition. There is no way without education.

After you find suitable job Without having an education, it is still better to go and get it. Knowledge and skills have never hurt anyone.

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