How to make a saline solution at home. Percentage concentration solutions Salt solution 3 ml

Salt is necessary for normal human life, but it is very important to keep the balance in its application. Salt shortage, as well as its oversuetting causes harm to the body. The lack of salt causes headache, weakness, nausea, oversupply makes harm to some internal organs. In addition to food, salt is used to treat many diseases, and salt solutions are used as rinsing, washing and used as an armband, depending on the disease.

It is difficult to submit our life without salt. She is always in our homes in sufficient quantities. We do not think about its significance, and once war was conducted because of her!

Healing properties of salt

The therapeutic effect of salt lies in its ability to "suck" the liquid from the tissues with which microbes, bacteria, viruses, toxins, pus. Thus, the pathogenic factor is gradually destroyed and the inflammatory process is eliminated.

Treatment with salt, salt solution or bandages is carried out at home from one to three weeks.

In what diseases you can use salt treatment

Use salt dressings or salt solid with:

  • colds;
  • sinusitis;
  • for healing wounds, suppuration, burns;
  • joint diseases;
  • mastopathy;
  • diarrhea;
  • poisoning;
  • dental pain;
  • dandruff;
  • diseases of internal organs.

Preparation of salt mortar at home

For home treatment, it is necessary to properly prepare a saline solution (hypertensive solution).

Salt for the solution uses a conventional cooking or sea, it should be natural without additives. It is impossible to use iodized salt or with preservatives.

For therapeutic purposes, a 9 percent saline solution is prepared (small retreats are allowed, for example, up to 8 or 10%). If the solution is less concentration: will not bring the desired effect, greater - can damage the capillaries. So the preparation of the right salt solution should be approached with all seriousness.

What is a 9 percent saline solution? Dissolve 90 grams of salt (3 tablespoons without top) in 1 l water. This will be a 9 percent saline solution. More accurately calculate the proportion to a smaller volume is difficult. If the whole solution does not need the remaining part, use the next time. Store saline solution in a hermetically closing bank no more than a day.

Water for the solution is better to take purified (filtered). But if you do not at the right moment, use the usual water supply.

At home, it is very easy to prepare a salt solution: pour a liter of water into a saucepan, add 3 tablespoons in it (without top) salt, stirre and put on fire. Bring to a boil and turn off the fire.

For dressings, use a warm solution. If you use a predetermined solution, heal it. But not in the microwave oven!

How to make a salt dressing

  1. Fold into four layers thin cotton fabric or in eight layers of gauze.
  2. Lower the prepared fabric into a hot saline solution for one minute. The fabric must be completely immersed in the solution. Then slightly press the fabric and impose a bandage to the sore place. There should be no ointments and creams at the site of the imposition! On top, it is possible to impose a dry cloth, the bandage is fixed with the plaster or binding.

No cellophane impose, saline bandage should breathe - this is not a compress!

  1. The bandage is imposed in the evening before bedtime, removed in the morning.
  2. The fabric should fit tightly to the place of treatment.
  3. In the treatment of wounds, procedures are repeated until healing.
  4. In the treatment of inflamed joints, internal organ disease diseases make salt bandages daily for 9 days, after a weekly break, the course is repeated, then again a weekly break and for 9 days treatment is carried out.
  5. Treatment of saline bandages does not replace drug treatment, and complements it.

Application of salt dressings

Salt treatment with dressings use with headaches, first signs of ARZ or flu . In these cases, the dressing impose around the head.

With sore throat, bronchitis, tracheitis Make a salt bandage on the neck and back.

With poisoning Apply fabric on the stomach.

Salt dressings are used in comprehensive treatment with medication at diseases of the spine, stretching, burns, liver diseases .

In the treatment of liver diseases The bandage is applied from the right chest until the middle of the abdomen and before the spine (wrapping) for 10 hours. Then it is removed and applied with a heap on a nice region to expand bile ducts so that the biliary mass can freely go into the intestines. If you do not use the drift, blocking of bile ducts can occur.

Salt solution can be , abscesses, articular rheumatism, osteomyelitis . A salt solution with absorbent properties absorbs liquid from tissues, but does not harm red blood cells, leukocytes, alive tissue cells.

When coughing You can also use salt dressings. In this case, they are fixed on the back. Usually after four or five procedures, cough disappears.

With a hymorite or strong runny nose The water-salt dressing is fixed so that the cloth covers the forehead, the nose and most of the cheeks. One piece of fabric it will be difficult to do - use 2 and carefully fix that during sleep they do not flip.

For dental pain Make a little in size and apply it to the gum near the sick tooth. The use of a salt mark will get rid of dental pain, but to heal the caries after that it is necessary.

For the treatment of osteochondrosis , for example, a lumbar or cervical, bandage, moistened in a 10 percent solution of salt, is superimposed on a sore place for at least 2 weeks before bedtime at night and carefully fixed. By numerous reviews, such a method of salt treatment brings tangible relief after the first course of use.

A few more popular recipes

Salt shirt

In addition to using salt dressings, treatment can be treated with a saline shirt.

This method is good in that it covers most of the body, does not bring discomfort when applying.

The salt shirt is well used for diseases of the joints (shoulder), and back.

Take a light soft nightgown or T-shirt (from natural fabrics), soak it in a 9 percent salt solution for 15 minutes. Squeeze and dry. For the night, put on the dried shirt. Repeat so three nights. Then we rinse the shirt and again soak in the saline solution. Spit in her three nights. Then we rinse and soak again. Three hundred and three nights in it. Then make a weekly break and repeat the course again. If necessary, you can also hold a third course of treatment with salt.

Treatment of joints Salt with snow

In folk treatment there is a recipe that relieves pain in the joints and swelling, especially it is good for. To do this, you will need 1 part of the cook or sea salt and 2 parts of the usual snow (easier to measure glasses). Quickly mix the ingredients, apply a thick layer on a sick or swollen joint and withstand 5 minutes. Then wipe dry and then do not wet this place 8-10 hours. It is best to do before bedtime. It helps quickly, but when you run pain, it is recommended to carry out procedures every other day for 10 days.

How to treat runny nose rinsing nose

Upon a protracted rheore, it is recommended to wash the nose with a salt solution at home. Of course, the solution should not be so concentrated: for adults - 1.5 h Spoons of salt on a glass of warm water, for children there will be enough 1 hour spoons on a glass. Before washing, free your nose from snotes, type in a large syringe without a healing of a salt solution and a mesmer jet, irrigate each nostril, spending on it half a glass. Such a method is the easiest to apply for children.

For adults, salt water can be poured in a nostril right from a small brewing kettle, tilt the head on the side over the sink. Thus, the solution, falling into the "top" nostril, is poured from the "bottom". This is the most effective washing of the nose, which can be done three times a day at home. It allows you to effectively deal with viruses and swelling and quickly brings significant relief of the patient.

Baths for heels

With pain in the heels and for the treatment of heel spurs, the baths with the addition of sea salt are very well helped.

Before bedtime, keep your feet for 15-20 minutes in heat 8 - 10 percentwithland aqueous salt solution, then flow them, lubricate the heels with anti-inflammatory ointment, put on the socks.

Conduce the procedure within five days. If necessary, in a week, repeat the course. Usually there are enough two courses.


  • high pressure;
  • migraine;
  • heart diseases;
  • kidney diseases.

Approximate solutions. When preparing approximate solutions of the amount of substances that must be taken for this, are calculated with small accuracy. Atomic weights of elements to simplify calculations are allowed to take rounded sometimes to whole units. So, for a rough calculation, the atomic weight of iron can be taken equal to 56 instead of exact -55,847; For sulfur - 32 instead of accurate 32.064, etc.

Substances for the preparation of approximate solutions are weighed on technochemical or technical scales.

Fundamentally calculations in the preparation of solutions are completely the same for all substances.

The amount of the prepared solution is expressed either in units of mass (g, kg), or in units of volume (ml, l), and for each of these cases, the calculation of the amount of the substance is carried out in different ways.

Example. Let it be necessary to prepare 1.5 kg of a 15% sodium chloride solution; Pre-calculate the required quantity of salt. The calculation is carried out according to the proportion:

i.e. if in 100 g of the solution contains 15 g of salts (15%), how much will it be necessary to prepare 1500 g of solution?

The calculation shows that it is necessary to reject 225 g of salt, then the water of Iuzhio take 1500 - 225 \u003d 1275. |

If it is set to obtain a 1.5 liter of the same solution, then in this case the reference book recognizes its density, multiplies the last on the specified volume and thus find the mass of the required amount of solution. Thus, the density of 15%-noro sodium chloride solution at 15 0c is 1.184 g / cm3. Consequently, 1500 ml is

Consequently, the amount of substance for the preparation of 1.5 kg and 1.5 liters of solution is different.

The calculation given above is applicable only to prepare solutions of anhydrous substances. If the water salt is taken, such as Na2SO4-IOH2O1, then the calculation is somewhat modified, as it is necessary to take into account the crystallization water.

Example. Let it be necessary to prepare 2 kg of 10% Na2SO4 solution, based on Na2SO4 * 10H2O.

The molecular weight of Na2SO4 is 142,041, a Na2SO4 * 10H2O 322,195, or rounded 322,20.

The calculation is initially an anhydrous salt:

Consequently, you need to take 200 g of anhydrous salt. The number of timenta salt is found at the rate of:

Water in this, the case must be taken: 2000 - 453.7 \u003d 1546.3 g.

Since the solution is not always prepared with recalculation of anhydrous salt, then on the label, which must be placed on a solution with a solution, you must specify from which salt the solution is prepared, for example, a 10% solution of Na2SO4 or 25% Na2SO4 * 10H2O.

It often happens that the previously cooked solution needs to be diluted, i.e. reduce its concentration; Solutions are diluted or by volume, or by weight.

Example. You need to dilute a 20% solution of ammonium sulfate so as to obtain 2 l 5% solution. Calculation We are following the following way. According to the directories, we learn that the density of the 5% solution (NH4) 2SO4 is 1.0287 g / cm3. Consequently, 2 liters should weigh it 1.0287 * 2000 \u003d 2057.4 g. In this quantity there should be a sulfate ammonium:

Considering that when measured, losses can occur, you need to take 462 ml and bring them up to 2 l, i.e. add to them 2000-462 \u003d \u003d 1538 ml of water.

If the dilution is carried out by weight, the calculation is simplified. But in general, the dilution is carried out at the rate of volume, as fluids, especially in large quantities, are easier to measure in volume than weighing.

It must be remembered that with all the work, both with dissolution and dilution should never be pulled out all the water in the vessel. Water is rinsed several times the dishes, in which weighing or measuring the desired substance was carried out, and each time this water is added to the solution vessel.

When it does not require special accuracy, when diluted with solutions or mixing them to obtain solutions of another concentration, you can use the following simple and fast way.

Take the disassembled case of the dilution of a 20% solution of ammonium sulfate to 5%. We write at the beginning:

where 20 is a concentration of the resulting solution, 0 - water and 5 "- the required concentration. Now, from 20, we subtract 5 and the value obtained in the lower right corner, sulfing zero from 5, write the figure in the upper right corner. Then the scheme will take this kind :

This means that you need to take 5 volumes of a 20% solution and 15 volumes of water. Of course, this calculation is not distinguished by accuracy.

If you mix two solutions of the same substance, the diagram is stored the same, only numeric values \u200b\u200bchange. Let the mixture of 35% solution and 15% need to be prepared 25% solution. Then the scheme will take this kind:

i.e. you need to take 10 volumes of both solutions. This scheme gives approximate results and it can be used only when special accuracy is not required. For any chemist, it is very important to raise a habit of accuracy in calculations when necessary and use the approximate figures in cases where it does not affect the results Works. When you need a great accuracy when diluting the solutions, the calculation is carried out according to formulas.

We will analyze several essential cases.

Preparation of dilute solutions. Let C be the amount of solution, M% -Concentration of the solution to be diluted to a concentration of p%. The resulting amount of dilute solution x is calculated by the formula:

and the volume of water V to dilute the solution is calculated by the formula:

The mixing of two solutions of the same substance of different concentrations to obtain a solution of a given concentration. Let mixing and parts of the M% solution with x parts of the p% solution, should be obtained, then:

Accurate solutions. When preparing accurate solutions, the calculation of the amounts of the desired substances will already be tested with a sufficient degree of accuracy. Atomic scales of elements take the table in which their exact values \u200b\u200bare given. When adding (or subtraction), use the exact value of the term with the smallest number of decimal signs. The rest of the components are rounded, leaving after the comma one sign more than in the term with the smallest number of signs. As a result, there are so many numbers after the comma, how many of them are in the term with the smallest number of decimal signs; This produces the necessary rounding. All calculations produce, applying logarithms, five-digit or four-digit. The calculated amounts of the substance are taken only on analytical scales.

Weighing spend either on a clock glass, or in the unit. The relevant substance is poured into a purely washed measuring flask through a clean dry funnel with small portions. Then, from the waswing several times in small portions of water, wash over the funnel of the Bff or the hour glass in which weighing was carried out. The funnel is also rinsed several times from washing with distilled water.

To bring the solid crystals or powders to the measuring flask, it is very convenient to use the funnel depicted in Fig. 349. Such funnels are manufactured with a capacity of 3, 6, and 10 cm3. Weigh the jamming can be directly in these funnels (non-hygroscopic materials), pre-determining their mass. The hitch of the funnel is very easy to translate into a measuring flask. When the hide is shifted, the funnel, without removing the flasks from the throat, is well rolled with distilled water from the washer.

As a rule, when preparing accurate solutions and transformation of the soluble substance into a measuring flask, a solvent (for example, water) should not occupy no more than half of the tank of the flask. Closing the plug with a measuring flask, shake it until the solid was completely dissolved. After that, the resulting solution is complemented by water to the label and stirred thoroughly.

Molar solutions.For the preparation of 1 l 1 M solution of any substance, 1 mol alone is dissolved on analytical scales, as described above.

Example. For the preparation of 1 l 1 m, the solution of nitric acid silver is found in the table or calculate the molecular weight of AGNO3, it is equal to 169.875. Salt is wrapped and dissolved in water.

If you need to prepare a more diluted solution (0.1 or 0.01 m), 0.1 or 0.01 mole of salt, respectively.

If you need to prepare less than 1 liter of solution, then a correspondingly smaller amount of salt in the corresponding volume of water is dissolved.

Normal solutions are prepared similarly, only having not 1 mol, and 1 gram equivalent of a solid.

If you need to prepare a semi-normal or decinorormal solution, take 0.5 or 0.1 grams equivalent, respectively. When not 1 l of solution is prepared, and less, for example, 100 or 250 ml, then take1 / 10 or 1/4 of the amount of substance that is required for the preparation of I l is dissolved in the corresponding volume of water.

Figure 349. Funnels for crossing the hide and flask.

After the preparation of the solution it is necessary to check the titration with the corresponding solution of another substance with a known normality. The prepared solution may not respond exactly the normality that is specified. In such cases, sometimes impose amendment.

In production laboratories, accurate solutions "on a determined substance" are sometimes prepared. The use of such solutions facilitates calculations during analyzes, as it is sufficient to multiply the volume of the solution that has been on titration, to the solution titer, in order to obtain the content of the desired substance (in G) in the amount of any solution to analyze.

The calculation in the preparation of the titled solution on the determined substance is also conducted by gram equivalent of the soluble substance, using the formula:

Example. Let it be necessary to prepare 3 liters of potassium payroll solution with a titer of a gland 0.0050 g / ml. CMNO4 gram equivalent is 31.61., And gram equivalent FE 55,847.

Calculate according to the above formula:

Standard solutions. Standard is called solutions with different, precisely defined concentrations used in colorimetry, for example, solutions containing in 1 ml of 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 mg, etc. dissolved substance.

In addition to colorimetric analysis, such solutions are needed in determining the pH, with non-rigid definitions, etc. Sometimes standard solutions are stored in sealed ampoules, but more often it is necessary to prepare them directly before use. Standard solutions are prepared in volume not more than 1 l, and more - Less. Only with large consumption of standard solvent can be prepared several liters of it and then provided that the standard solution will not be stored for a long time.

The amount of substance (in g) required to produce such solutions is calculated by the formula:

Example. It is necessary to prepare standard CUSO4 5H2O solutions for colorimetric determination of copper, and in 1 ml of the first solution, 1 mg of copper must be contained, the second - 0.1 mg, the third -0.01 mg, fourth - 0.001 mg. Initially, a sufficient amount of the first solution is prepared, for example 100 ml.

The salt solution for washing the nose should be in each house. After all, this is a simple tool not only perfectly helps with any kind of runny nose, but also excellently complements daily hygienic procedures.

And if you also consider the fact that it practically does not have contraindicationsThis puts forward it to the fore in the therapy of most diseases of ENT organs.

Nasal wash salt: indications

The procedure for washing the nasal cavity in medicine was called irrigation therapy, or simply irrigation. It has a wide range of readings, safe and efficient. The disadvantages of such manipulations consist only in the occurrence of minor discomfort from fluid from entering the nose, and the advantages can be transferred infinitely.

But, the main thing is that it is possible to make irrigations at home without the patients of any age, without prior consultation of the doctor and practically in any situations, with the exception of several rare pathologies.

An aqueous salt solution for the nose is used to quickly and high-quality cleaning of the nasal strokes from snot clusters.

And therefore its use is shown in all sorts of illness, accompanied by rhino and rinorer:

  • acute or chronic rhine viral, allergic or bacterial nature;
  • any kind of sinusitis;
  • adenoid;
  • acute inflammatory throat diseases, etc.

It is indispensable and when it is necessary to moisten the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, which is especially important:

  • in the heating season, when the heat from the batteries is significantly overwhelmed;
  • when careing the baby;
  • with the prevention of the development of viral diseases in the epidemic season and to prevent an allergic reaction after random contact with an allergen, because liquid flips from the surface of the mucous all allergens, viral particles, etc.
  • for people working with dusty substances, etc.

Although the effect of the procedure is preserved for a long time (depends on the degree of activity of the causative agent of the disease and environmental conditions), it can be carried out regularly and thereby help the nose to function normally, whether during illness or with a forced stay in adverse conditions.

Suddenly, but the benefits of manipulation will be at:

  • headaches and migraines;
  • problems with vision;
  • fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • stress and depressive states;
  • most serious pathologies of the organs of the respiratory system, etc.

In addition, often with rhinitis of various origin, accompanied by non-nasal nasal mortgage, otolaryngologists are advised to make irrigation vesseloring drugs.

Due to this, the excess of mucus is removed from the surface of the mucous membranes, and a more pronounced therapeutic effect can be replaced after the medicine.

Solutions: Overview

Today, the seaside salt solution for washing the nasal moves is not difficult. Can be bought by pharmaceutical companies salted solutions in a pharmacy:

  • Akwalor;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Dolfin;
  • Humer;
  • sodium chloride, he is saline, etc.

The lowest price for saline. It is available in ampoules of 5, 10 and 20 ml, as well as in bottles of 100, 200 and 400 ml. It is a sterile salt of 0.9%. But for irrigation it will be necessary to buy an additional syringe, fringe with a soft tip or special chairs.

Nevertheless, it is possible to prepare a saline solution of the house independently and with no less effectiveness to use instead of aquamaris or any other finished pharmaceutical.

And although today there are hot disputes on all sorts of forums about which salty solution is better, one can definitely assert one thing: the principle of operation and in all pharmacy, and at home the means is the same.

They differ only to the convenience of use and irrigation area, but at a certain skill, it is possible to achieve no smaller effect and with the help of remedies.

By the way, many once buy systems for nasal rinsing, such as Dolfin or Aquamaris, and then use them with saline or household agents.

Salt nasal wash solution: Cooking

The recipe for how to prepare such a means is extremely simple. It is enough to dissolve in 1 liter of boiled water 2 h. Salt.

It is better to choose a sea salt for these purposes, but be sure to check that it does not contain any flavors, preservatives, dyes, fragrances and other chemistry.

Although the usual cooking is suitable for non-possible. Water is worth taking warm, but not hot. This will help to make a salt for washing the nose.

But they emphasize your attention that this does not end the preparation of the means. It is necessary to strain through fine sieve or gauze to eliminate all the tiny undisguised particles and pebbles capable of damaging tender mucous membranes. The temperature of the resulting fluid should be fluid in the range of 25-30 ° C.

Such brine is shown to make irrigation with adults. Children will need less concentrated tool. About how to cook it, we will talk on.

To give home medicine anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and bactericidal properties, you can enter additional components into it.

For example, a combination of salt, soda, iodine is often used. Such a combination of ordinary products available in each kitchen helps not only eliminate snot, but also prevents the reproduction of causative agents of the disease, that is, it produces a pronounced therapeutic effect.

The remedy is prepared from 1 tsp. Salts and ordinary food soda, 1 drop of iodine, as well as a liter of pure warm water. Do not forget to strain!

Salt and soda solution helps:

  • remove the swelling of the mucous;
  • get rid of viscous mucus, dust and bacteria settling in the nose;
  • reduce the severity of the inflammatory process.

How to rinse the nose salt solution

Surprisingly, it is necessary to wash the nose with salt water. After all, the improper implementation of irrigation therapy in the disease is fraught with the spread of infection.

But if everything is simple with pharmacy drugs: it is enough only to tilt the head of the side over the sink and spray the tool alternately into each nostril, then you will have to work a little more with your homework.

Used irrigations:

Syringe on 10 or 20 cubes without a needle

Sprintsovka (pear) with rubber tip

Special or small brewing kettle

Which of the devices do not benefit, follow the following rules:

  1. Before carrying out the manipulation, you need to unimpose.
  2. For flushing each nostril, it will take at least 1 cup of liquid. The solution is administered, only tilting the head to the shoulder, in the upper nostril.
  3. Conduct sessions best above the bathroom or sink.
  4. An indicator of the correctness of the manipulation is the leaking of fluid from the lower nostril.
  5. After washing, it is recommended not to go outside and avoid drafts at least an hour.
  6. With the deterioration of the state after irrigation, it is necessary to contact the Laura.

It is impossible to delay the breath, as this can lead to the penetration of water into the respiratory tract and auditory passages.

With different diseases, the tactics and methodology of the procedure may differ slightly.

From a runny nose

Water with salt from a cold will also be useful if the patient suffers from the rhinitis of any etiology, that is, microorganisms struck only the nose, it is enough to make washing the above method. That is, tilting the head first in one direction, and then in the second.

The purification of the second half of the nose is proceed only after gradual administration in the first 1 glasses of the solution under the condition of its complete flowing.

If the fluid does not follow from the bottom nostril, this indicates the incorrectness of the procedure and violating one of the rules.

With hyimorite

When the patient is diagnosed with a sinusitis or he has all the symptoms pointing to the development of this ailment, it is necessary to take care of the qualitative purification of affected dressing sinuses. For this:

  1. The head is slightly tilted forward, clamp one of the nostrils with your finger and open the mouth.
  2. By entering the tip of the selected device in the opposite nasal stroke and feeding it either by pressure on the piston or a pear, or the teapot is tilt, the fluid is drawn into itself.
  3. With proper conduct, the solution will be drained along the surface of the nasopharynx, fascinating the mucus from the hymorous sinuses along with pathogenic microorganisms, and flow from the mouth.

A similar result can be achieved as follows:

  1. To throw off the head back, open the mouth and drop the tongue.
  2. The tool is injected alternately into each of the nasal strokes.
  3. After entering the liquid in the mouth, it is immediately spitted.

Such techniques are suitable exclusively for the treatment of adults. After the procedure should be closed.

To learn more:

During pregnancy

Pregnant in the appearance of a runny nose can be resorted to the help of irrigation therapy and absolutely not to worry about whether it is harmful.

Moreover, it is often the only way that you can use future mothers to facilitate your condition, since most modern pharmaceuticals are contraindicated to apply in such a responsible period.

How to make a salt solution for washing the nose to a child for children is also produced by finished preparations. Before a year, the kids are recommended to use exclusively drops, since the introduction of pressure fluid may contribute to the spread of infection to other ENT organs.

In particular, the ears due to the anatomical features of the infants. In the form of drops are produced:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Meriner;
  • Aquazoline;
  • MORENAZAL, etc.

Nevertheless, it is also possible to use saline or solid water cooked by itself. But it is necessary to introduce it to a baby with a pipette for a few drops into each nostril. In the treatment of children, older is allowed to use sprays.

If we talk about how to bring a salt solution for children, then for this you should dissolve in 200 ml of boiled water ¼ h. L. Sea or table salt. The tool cooked in this proportion is usually suitable for babies.

Sometimes the mucous membranes of children are characterized by increased sensitivity. In such situations, small patients may complain about pinching in the nose, which is a sign of an inflated salt concentration.

Then it is necessary to immediately dissolve the existing solution with an additional amount of water, and to further use less than the selected salt or increase the volume of water.

More problems occur not in how to make the sea solution correctly, but how to wash baby spouts. If you have decided to carry out treatment with salt solutions from a pharmacy, then detailed instructions are attached to each of themwhich should be carefully read and comply with the dose and multiplicity of application.

Home remedies are introduced by 2-3 drops in each nasal course of the infant and poured on 20-50 ml children over 1 year old. But they are afraid to drop an extra drop, reap the finger on the spray spray or pour too much the amount of the products prepared independently, since it is impossible to overdose it.

For manipulation, infants follow:

  1. Saving a mucus with an aspirator or pear.
  2. Put a baby on the side.
  3. Holding his head, drip the drug in the upper nostril.
  4. Then wipe the remnants of the means, if necessary, take a child in your arms and calm down.
  5. Conduct manipulation with the second nostrils.

In no case can not make washing when the head is trapped back!

Washing the nasal salt in children has already passed the infant period can be carried out in the sitting position, standing or lying, depending on the preferences of the crumbs.

Many people are interested, can such manipulations be carried out, for example, when the body temperature increases? Of course, yes. The heat is not a contraindication for irrigation therapy. How often can you wash the nose salt?

You can do irrigation quite often. Usually, otolaryngologists are recommended to conduct them from 3 to 8 times a day, which depends on the goal (treatment or prevention) of the severity of the course of the disease and the patient's age. Children are enough 3-4 times, adults, especially with a hyimorite, it may be necessary to carry out the procedure more often.

At the same time, there are no restrictions on the length of therapy. But often enough 1-2 weeks for complete recovery.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to consider whether there is harm from washing. Although the procedure is rather harmless to it is not recommended to resort without prior consultation of the otolaryngologist at:

  • the presence of tumors of various nature in the nose;
  • weakness of vessels of the ENT organs;
  • very strong swelling of the mucosa of the nasal cavity.

Marina: I always use only saline solutions for the treatment of a cold. It is cheap and angry.

Katerina: For the first time learned about what such solutions exist only when a newborn baby appeared in the house. I looked at the plot, where I gave E. O. Komarovsky recipe. I tried, my daughter really became easier after the instillation. Therefore, we took on weapons and now we use the whole family.

Nina: Always use a mixture with iodine, it helps especially well with green snot. No side effects noticed.

Video: Nasal washing. Methodik

estimates, average:

The process of washing the nose of the salt solution can be safely attributed to both folk medicine and traditional. The main thing is that this method has long been allowed to effectively fight not only with a runny nose, but also with other infectious diseases. Such a means has a number of advantages: almost zero cost, the speed of preparation, ease of use, the possibility of using the medication for all ages. The procedure is very popular, despite the ease of execution.

What makes the difficult breathing?

  • if breathing is hampered too long, then a person has a dream;
  • decreases appetite and activity;
  • the nervous system ceases to function normally;
  • allergic pathologies may develop, bronchial asthma, other chronic respiratory diseases;
  • the little children have a bite, adenoids appear, speech defects occur, there may be a delay in normal development.


A solution with salt for washing the nasal sinuses is used in almost all inflammations in the nasopharynx:

  • inflammation of the gaymorovy sinuses;
  • sinusitis, front, ethmotes;
  • tonsillitis acute and chronic;
  • influencing states;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • skin inflammation after piercing;
  • allergic reactions in acute form;
  • adenoids in children;
  • rinith: Atrophic, allergic, hypertrophic, vasomotor;
  • prevention of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • before prompt intervention about the correction of the nasal partition, after the operation.


  • curvature or other defects of the nasal partition;
  • neoplasms in the nasopharynk;
  • otitis in any form. There is a great risk of funds in the ear, which can lead to the development of serious complications of Otita;
  • complete impassability of nasal passages;
  • individual intolerance;
  • frequent bleeding from the nose.


Salt solution for washing the nose and its proportion:

  1. Glass of boiled water (250ml).
  2. Salt salt 2-3 grams (approximately a spoon). It is not scary if the salt will be a little more or a little less. The tool should not cause disgust.
  3. Iodine 1-2 drops. For children, it is better to add one drop for newborns - it is better not to add at all, for adults - two drops. Iodine is added if there is no allergies.

You can purchase a ready-made pharmacy preparation for adults or children. But it is impossible to say that he is something better cooked at home, especially since it is not a problem to prepare it.

There is another recipe in which the same ingredients are taken with adding a choping of food soda. For the preparation of the medicine, you can use sea salt, half a spoon on a glass of water. It is not necessary to add anything else to this composition, the seaside salt already contains all the necessary useful elements.

For young children, the smallest concentration of solution is taken

How to prepare a salt solution for washing the nose?

In all cases, the method is standard:

  • prepare medicine is necessary in a thoroughly washed disinfected dishes;
  • boil the water, cool it. Water should be warm comfortable temperature. Hot water burns the mucous membrane, and cold - cause irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • connect all the ingredients, thoroughly stir:
  • if a large sediment remains on the bottom of the dishes, then it is necessary to strain the composition through the gauze.

For washing the nasal sinuses, only pure filtered or stretched boiled water is taken! The tap water may contain pathogenic microbes that will not disappear with insignificant heating. The use of polluted water can aggravate the course of the disease

What gives the use of saline medicine?

  • this tool perfectly kills the pathogenic microbes, disinfects the nasal cavity;
  • cleans the nasal sinuses;
  • reducing swelling, significantly facilitates breathing with ritin;
  • softens dried crusts;
  • removes microparticles of stimuli, which prevents or reduces the risk of allergic reactions; Strengthens local immunity and microsudes of the nasal cavity;
  • used in chronic processes for prevention.

The recipe for the salt solution for washing the nose is absolutely simple in manufacturing and application, inexpensive, effective.

Frequency and technique of washing

Dosage and number of manipulations are selected individually, because it depends on the task that needs to be solved. In the season, the cold in the preventive purposes of two or three rinsing a week will be enough. With acute infections - up to four times a day for one or two weeks. In hygienic purposes - daily in the morning. People with chronic infections can be cleaned regularly.

First decide which tool you will be more suitable: a special watering can, rubber pear, a teapot with a thin spout or an ordinary syringe without a needle.

For newborns and young children, these tools cannot be used, since any of them can easily damage the nose mucous membrane.

Machining technique of nasal moves in adults:

  • in advance whether the device and prepare the solution of the desired temperature; Fill the device with medicine;
  • tilt your head right. Slowly pour into the left nostril the therapeutic agent, while it will flow out of the right nostril. Part will fall into the oral cavity, it is not scary, you just need to spit;
  • do the same with the right nostril, turning the head to the left. It does not matter which nasal move you will wash first. The main principle: the head is inclined to one side, and the nostril is washed from the opposite side.

To maximize therapeutic effect, it is necessary not only to properly carry out the procedure - it is necessary to follow a certain mode after it

Some time after manipulation, the healing agent remains on the nasal mucosa. Therefore, within two or three hours, it is impossible to go on fresh air in the cold season, in the summer - within an hour.

You can pick up a solution in the palm of your hand, pulling it first by one nostrils, then another. Many people are only thus convenient to perform this procedure. However, it is necessary to take into account that with this method, the angle of inclination of the head should be sufficient so that the remedy fell into all sinuses. Using palms, it is rather difficult to control it. If all sinuses do not come, then there will be no tangible effect from such treatment.

You can use the "adult" techniques to children, starting from the five-year-old age, but only under the supervision of parents. Treatment of small children is radically different from the treatment of adults

Machining technique of nasal moves in young children:

  • prepare everything you need, put the baby on your back;
  • clean the dried crusts with a cotton harness and vaseline oil;
  • karve 1-2 drops of solution into each pass;
  • wait a few minutes and draw aspiration using a pharmacy aspirator or a small rubber fringe;
  • in the end, wipe the nose with a cotton swab;
  • a child who can already sit, you need to stop the medicine in the nose with a pipette, and then put it and trace it so that the remnants of the means left the nose.

If the nose is greatly laid, then for 10-15 minutes, you cut it with vasoconducting drops. This also applies to children and adults.

Washing the nasal sinuses with salt water is not done before bedtime, before eating, before entering the street. After a meal must pass at least two hours. On fresh air you can go through two hours in winter and half an hour in the summer

Now you know how to make a salt solution for washing the nose. If everything is executed according to the instructions, then with this simple recipe and simple procedure, you can very quickly spread with a cold.

We perceive the salt as due as the necessary seasoning to dishes. Meanwhile, the substance is important in cooking is a lamb, a magical defender and an assistant in the farm.

For treatment, the salt is often used in a dissolved form. Methods have a number of nuances that need to know. For example, how to make a 10 percent salt solution, if there are no chemical residual spoons and mins? How much do you need to take salts and water? Consider simple options for the preparation of therapeutic solutions.

What is needed for cooking medication?

Before you prepare a 10% salt solution, you need to carefully examine the recipe. What substance is mentioned in it? If the salt is salt, then the packages are suitable for:

  • kitchen salt;
  • sodium chloride;
  • food salt;
  • rock salt.

In everyday life, the word "salt" consumes, although this term refers to many complex substances formed by ions or metal atoms and acid residues. In addition to sodium chloride, an English salt - magnesium sulphate is used in medicinal purposes. Substances in the development of deposits in the earth's crust are produced.

If we evaporate sea water, then the sea salt is obtained, which contains sodium, magnesium, iodine, chloride, sulfate ions and other components. The properties of such a mixture are somewhat different from individual substances. Usually for the treatment of wounds, the sore throat, the teeth are prepared by 1-10% saline sodium chloride. The chemical compound formula that has amazing properties - NaCl.

What should be the degree of purity of the components?

How to make a 10 percent saline solution at home so that the medicine should benefit, and not harm the body? Salt should also be as clean as possible, but the "Stone" acquired in the store is often contaminated with impurities. There is a cleaner fine grinding product.

In some recipes, it is recommended to use snow or rainwater, but this is an unsuccessful idea from the point of view of modern ecology. The purity of the fluid that flows in the systems of drinking water supply, also causes many complaints. It, like snow and rain, can be contaminated with chlorine, gland, phenol, petroleum products, nitrates. We clarify that distilled or demineralized water is used as a solvent in medicine. Homes for the preparation of the solution you can take filtered or boiled water.

If you put plastic molds with water to the freezer, then clean water will freeze, and the impurities will accumulate at the bottom. Without waiting for a complete freezer, it is necessary to collect ice from the surface and melt. It turns out very clean and useful water.

How to measure the mass of salts and the volume of water for the preparation of the solution?

Everything you need should be collected in advance before making a 10 percent saline solution. We will need for work water, minzurka, bag with salt, scales, glass and spoon (dining room, dessert or tea). The photo below will help determine the mass of the salt, which is contained in dessert and teaspoons.

Then it is necessary to determine the units of measurement for the liquid. It is believed that the mass of 100 ml of pure fresh water is 100 g (fresh water density - 1g / ml). Liquids can be measured by a menzurka if there is no, then an ordinary glass is suitable of those called "graves". Filled to risks, it contains 200 ml of water (or d). If you pour up to the top, it will turn out 250 ml (250 g).

What does the expression "10 percent solution" mean?

The concentration of substances is accepted in several ways. Most often in medicine and everyday life, this value as a weight percentage is used. It shows how many grams of the substance contained in 100 g of solution. For example, if the recipe states that a 10% saline solution is used, then in each 100 g of such a drug contains 10 g of solved substance.

Suppose you need to prepare 200 g 10% salt solution. We will carry out simple calculations that do not occupy a lot of time:

In 100 g of solution contains 10 g of substance; In 200 g of solution contains x g of substance.
x \u003d 200 g x 10 g: 100 g \u003d 20 g (salt).
200 g - 20 g \u003d 180 g (water).
180 g x 1 g / ml \u003d 180 ml (water).

How to prepare 10% saline solution?

If the house has scales and minzur, then the mass of the salt and the volume of water is better to measure with them. To dial a teaspoon "with top" and pour a glass of water to risks can also be used, but such measurements sin with inaccuracies.

How to make a 10 percent saline to do 100 g of the drug? 10 g of sodium solid chloride should be revealed, pour into a glass of 90 ml of water and pour salt into water, stirring with a spoon before dissolution. Mix the salt with warm water or cold, and then the dishes are heated with components. For better cleansing, the finished solution is passed through the wool's lumps (filtered).

Prepare 50 g 10% solution can be made of 45 ml of water and 5 g of salts. The salt solution is hypertensive made from 1 l of water and 100 g of sodium chloride (4 tablespoons "without top").

Treatment of 10% saline

In medicine in fresh distilled water, 0.9% salt solid is prepared, which is called "physiological". This fluid is isotonic with respect to the inner environment of the human body (has the same concentration). It is used in the conduct of various therapeutic procedures, in particular, as a blood substitute, to eliminate the effects of dehydration, intoxication.

The hypertensive solution contains more salts, when contacting isotonic or hypotonic fluid, it attracts water until concentrations. This osmotic effect is used in folk recipes for cleansing wounds from pus. Salt has antiseptic, antimicrobial properties, its hypertensive solutions are used in alternative medicine:

  • in diseases of the internal organs - as a salt bandage on the hearth pain;
  • as a binding, compresses and appliques for skin and other infections;
  • like salt baths with fatigue and pains in hands and foot footsteps;
  • for cleansing purulent wounds.

Treatment with hypertensive 10% salt solution will require time, may take several days or weeks. The minimum number of procedures is 4-7. With sore throats, 3-5% hypertensive solution for rinsing in the morning and in the evening are used. The nasal cavity is washed with isotonic solution. It is necessary to add 1.2 g of sodium chloride and 2.5 g of drinking soda to its preparation.

The most important procedure in the period of infectious diseases of the nasal cavity, the nasal sinuses is washing the nose with salt water.

This measure is mainly hygienic, because It makes it possible to effectively evacuate pathogenic microbes, their products of their livelihood, mucous or mucous-purulent exudate. Due to the mechanical flushing from the dust mucosa and other allergens, the procedure is useful and under an allergic cold.

How to prepare a salt solution for washing the nose so that the hygienic procedure does not cause unpleasant sensations and has an exceptionally useful effect?

In which cases are needed rinsing

Before making a salt solution for washing the nose, it is advisable to explain, with which symptoms it is immediately necessary to start doing this procedure.

In the normal state, the mucous membrane of the human nose is a slightly moisturized surface. A nasal secret consists of a Conglomerate of proteins that provide a protective function. Among its components should be called primarily:

  • muzin, providing a gel-like viscous consistency of the nasal secret;
  • lysozyme capable of destroying the cell walls of bacteria;
  • immunoglobulins, recognizing bacteria and viruses and launching immune response.

Nose mucosa

The secret that is constantly produced in our nose is essential in protecting the respiratory tract and the whole organism from numerous microbial threats.

Our immunity is in a state of every second combat microbiological threats from the outside. Some bacteria, such as streptococci, are constant inhabitants of our mucous membranes. The proteins contained in the nose secrecy successfully suppress them throughout our life. In certain situations with inhaled air, we get some microbial particles. And, again, in most cases, the immune system deactivates them in the nose, not allowing to develop an inflammatory process.

As you can see, most of the time in our nose is supported by a certain "balance of power". It is impractical to break it and even harmful.

Do nasal washes without testimony should not be.

What is this testimony? Of course, rhinitis and sinusites, accompanied by classic symptoms:

  • rubber with transparent separated;
  • rubber with purulent separated;
  • nasal congestion.

The washing of the nasal cavity with the salt solution is shown as a sociological procedure as part of complex antimicrobial therapy.

Washers are made twice-three times a day before introducing antimicrobial medicines into the nose.

What concentration should be a salt solution for the nose

Before preparing a salt solution for washing the nose, the question of its optimal concentration should be clarified.

Rinse with conventional unsalted water painfully, because The whole liquid presented in our body, including a nasal secret, has an average salinity - 0.9%.

This means that in each liter of the liquid contains 9 grams of salts.

Solutions with similar concentration are called isotonic or, more correctly, "isotonic blood plasma".

The contact of the nasal mucosa with a saline with a concentration of 0.9% will not cause any discomfort.

Exceeding the concentration of the solution to 1.5% noncritical. However, more concentrated mixtures will excessively dry the mucous membrane. They should not be used for nasal hygiene.

Consumers should know that the isotonic saline does not have antiseptic properties and does not have therapeutic action.

How to prepare a salt solution for washing the nose

What will take:

  • salt;
  • 250 ml of boiled water;
  • teaspoon or scales with an accuracy of one decimal sign;
  • capacity for breeding.

Salt can be as refined cooking (98% NaCl) and containing mineral impurities (75-80% NaCl). It does not matter if there will be a salt of a marine or mine origin.

Allergies should be used refined salt, because Crude mineral mixtures may contain allergy substances.

How to prepare a salt solution for the nose:

  1. Prepare 250 ml of boiled water with a temperature of 40 degrees C.
  2. Measure 2 g of salts using weights.
  3. In the absence of weights, take the standard teaspoon and measure the salt onto it part.
  4. Dissolve salt.
  5. If there are non-dissolved particles in the solution, then we should wait for their sedimentation.
  6. Pour the resulting solution into the tank for washing, following the sediment (if any) remains in the original container.

Washing solution is ready.

How to make a salt solution for washing the nose baby

The method and proportions of the preparation of the solution for the child are similar to those described in the previous section.

Before you cook a saline solution to a child, you should additionally pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The volume of the washing prepared solution should be reduced to 120-150 ml.
  2. 120-150 ml should be put 1 gram of salt. Since in the absence of scales, measure such a quantity, at least with approximate accuracy, it is difficult to prepare a solution in a volume of 250 ml with ¼ h. Salts, but an excess solution to pour unused.
  3. The temperature of the solution is important. Since washing with a cool solution (with a temperature below 32 degrees C), it will be uncomfortable, too warm - will cause the extension of the vessels of the mucous membrane and, accordingly, increase the nasal congestion. At the time of the washing procedure, the solution should have a temperature of 35-37 degrees C. With regard to the fact that when preparing a solution, you will stir in it salt, overflow, initially it is advisable to take water with a temperature of 40-42 degrees C.

Thus, to make a salt solution for washing the nose of the child may each mom, observing certain proportions and watching the water temperature.

What else can you add to the saline for washing the nose

A saline salt solution has an important advantage: contains a minimum amount of impurities and potentially irritating substances.

This is essential when we are talking about the contact of the solution with such sensitive and complete olfactory receptors to the place as a nasal mucosa. And for allergies, it is also a guarantee of the lack of unforeseen reactions.
If you are not allergic and do not have prejudices regarding the phytitutium, it is possible to prepare a salt solution for flushing the nose using additional components of plant origin.

Most often, plants with some antiseptic and stimulating effect are used for this purpose, namely:

  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • calendula flowers;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • sad leaves.

How to prepare a salt solution for washing the nose with a vegetable component:

  1. 1-2 st. Supplements of vegetable raw materials immerse in the container with 200 ml of hot water.
  2. Place the container in another larger capacity and insist the water bath (on the stove) for 30 minutes.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. Infusion-beam in 250 ml of saline solution prepared according to the algorithm described above.
  4. Salt phythorovor is ready.

Concentrated essential oils for washing the nose should not be used. They are too aggressive for the nasal mucosa, even in a small concentration. Taking into account the fact that some proven benefit from the use of extracted essential oils is not available, their use for washing the nose is not appropriate.

How to wash the nose and blow your goal - see the next video:


Prepare salt water for washing the nose is very simple: you need to dissolve 2 grams of salts in 250 ml of water 40 degrees C.

For nose hygiene purposes, it does not matter whether it will be a sea salt with impurities or a refined table product.

Washers should be done at rhinitis and sinusites (in the aggravation stage). The procedure is intended for mechanical cleaning of the nasal cavity from contamination for further administration of drugs.

The washing of 0.9% of the salt is not therapeutic or antiseptic effect.

Do not use washing in the absence of a cold (as a prophylactic measure), as it disrupts the natural balance of the nasal cavity microflora.

Let's talk about the treatment of saline bandages. Before you begin such treatment, you will definitely carefully read and follow in the process of treating the following recommendations:

  • bandage is better to impose on purely washed skin
  • material for the dressing should be clean and wedged (better, if it is gauze, linen or cotton fabric)
  • mall fold in 6-8 layers, and cotton fabric in 4 layers (no more)
  • do not cover the bandage from above! She must "breathe"
  • the salt concentration in solution in all cases should not exceed 10% for adults (2 teaspoons in 200 ml of water) and 8% - for children (2 teaspoons by 250 ml)
  • water take the hot 60-70 s until you cook the dressing, it will cool
  • keep the lining 12 hours, after which they rinse in fresh water and rinse the bandage for the next compress in fresh water

With headaches, first signs of influenza, ORZ and at elevated pressure, make an armband around the head.

When poisoning, overlap the stomach bandage.

If the throat is sick or the infection is already in the lungs or bronchi, then impose the dressings on the neck and back.

In addition, there are a lot of positive examples of treatment with saline bandages of serious diseases. They can be a good assistant to the main treatment that a doctor appointed you. These are tumor education of various etiologies, bruises, stretching, burns; Stones in the kidneys and a bustard bubble (dissolve) restores the operation of the blood-forming organs, eliminating the concomitant diseases, contributes to the restoration of the work of the spine at various diseases.

Salt bandages will help with the complex treatment of liver diseases. The bandage impart from the right chest until the middle of the abdomen in front and to the spine from the back (you can call it with wraps). After 10 hours, remove the bandage and put the heating ground for half an hour to half an hour, it is necessary so that the bile ducts expand and dehydrated, the thickened biliary mass could be fluent in the intestine. Place the warmer must be able to avoid blocking bile ducts. Self

The main rule - do not increase on your own under any circumstances the concentration of the saline solution!

Remember! If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, then you need to make bandages more often than in a day.

Just do not think that salty is reduced only to compresses! There are a lot of other ways to heal and well well with salt.

Talk about them the next time. See you on the pages of my blog.

During World War II, Ivan Ivanovich Schieglov surgeon, the hypertonic (saturated) solution was widely used in the defeat of bones and joints.

On extensive and dirty wounds, it imposed a large napkin, richly moistened with hypertensive solution.

After 3-4 days, the wound became clean and pink, the temperature was lowered to the norm, after which the gypsum bandage was superimposed. Then the wounded went to the rear.
According to the Schoeglov method, salt tampons can even be treated with caries complicated by granuloma.

Let's consider the effect of a hypertensive solution on closed pathological processes in the body, such as cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, rheumokart, firepositive inflammatory processes in the lungs, articular rheumatism, osteomyelitis, abscess after injection, etc.

Back in 1964, under the conditions of the clinic under the supervision of an experienced surgeon, which was diagnosed and selected patients, a chronic appendicitis was cured for 6 days, chronic appendicitis was cured, for 9 days without autopsy, the shoulder abscess, for 5-6 days, was eliminated by the knee joint. without any means of conservative treatment.

These facts indicate that the saline, having absorbing properties, absorbs only the liquid from the tissues and gently erythrocytes, leukocytes and living cells of the tissues themselves.

The hypertensive solution of the cook salt is a sorbent, I once tested it on myself with 2-3 degrees. Desperate to remove the pain with pharmaceutical agents, put a salt bandage on the burn. A minute later, the sharp pain passed, only a light burning sensation remained, and after 10-15 minutes I calmly fell asleep. In the morning, the pain was not felt, and after a few days the burn healed like an ordinary wound.

Once I stopped at the apartment where kids were sick. To save children from suffering, continuous and exhaust cough, I put salt dressings on my back. After an hour and a half cough bitch and did not renew until the morning. After four dressings, the disease disappeared without a trace.

The child of five and a half years poisoned for dinner of poor-quality food. Medications did not help. At about noon, I put him a saline bandage on the stomach. After an hour and a half of the nausea and diarrhea ceased, the pain gradually decreased, and after five hours all signs of poisoning disappeared.

Making advantage of the positive effect of salt dressings into ordinary pathological processes, I decided to use their healing property for tumor treatment. The clinic surgeon suggested that I work with a patient who formed cancer moles on the face.

The methods applied in such cases of official medicine, the woman did not help - for six months of the treatment of the Mountain scrambled, increased in volume. I began to use salt stickers. After the first stickers, the tumor turned pale and decreased, after the second - the result was even more improved, and after the fourth sticker Molenia acquired the natural color and the appearance that had before rebirth. Fifth sticker Treatment ended without surgery.

In 1966, a student with adenoma chest appealed to me. The doctor who has diagnosed it recommended the operation. I advised the patient before surgery for several days put salt bandages on the chest. The dressings helped - surgical intervention was not required.

After 9 years, I called my patient. She replied that she successfully completed the university, it feels good, there were no recurrences of the disease, and only small seals on his chest remained in memory of the adenoma. I think these are purified cells of ex-tumors, harmless to the body.

At the end of 1969, another woman applied with cancer tumors of both breast glands - a scientific officer of the museum. The diagnosis and the direction of the operation was signed by a professor of medicine. Again helped salt - the tumor was dismissed without surgery. True, this woman has seals on the site of tumors.

At the end of the same year, I had experience in the treatment of prostate adenoma. In the regional hospital, the patient strongly recommended an operation. But he decided to first try the salt gaskets. After nine procedures, the patient recovered. He is healthy and now.

For 3 years, a woman suffered from a blocrow - she has disastrically falling the content of hemoglobin in the blood. Every 19 days the patient was transferred to blood transfusion that it was at least somehow supported.

Finding out that before the disease, the patient worked for many years on a shoe factory with chemical dyes, I understood the cause of the disease - poisoning, followed by a violation of the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow. And I recommended her salt dressings, alternating bandages "Blouses" and the dressings "Pants" for the night for three weeks.

The woman took advantage of the Council, and by the end of therapeutic cycle, the hemoglobin content in the blood of the patient began to grow. Three months later I met my patient, she was completely healthy.

He summarized the results of its 25-year observations on the use of a hypertensive solution of a cook salt for therapeutic purposes, I came to the following conclusions.

1. A 10% solution of the cook salt is an active sorbent. Salt interacts with water not only with direct contact, but also through air, material, body fabrics. Adopted inside the organism, salt absorbs and holds fluid in cavities, cells, localizing it in places of its location. Applied external (salt dressings), salt sets contact with tissue fluid and, sucking, absorbs her through the skin and mucous membrane.

The volume of the absorbed bandage of the liquid is directly proportional to the volume of the interpretated air bandage. Therefore, the effect of the salt bandage depends on how the breathable it is (hygroscopic), which, in turn, depends on the material used for the bandage, its thickness.

2. The salt bandage acts locally: only on the sore body, affected by the plot, penetrating and in depth. As the liquid absorves from the subcutaneous layer, the tissue fluid from deeper layers is rising into it, fascinating the pathogenic beginning: microbes, viruses, inorganic substances, poisons, etc.

Thus, during the bandage, the fluid is renewed in the tissues of the patient's organ and their disinfection - purification from the pathogenic factor, and therefore the elimination of the pathological process. At the same time, the tissues perform a peculiar filter that transmits microorganisms and particles of a substance with volume, less than the lumen of the interstitial pore.

3. The bandage with a hypertensive solution of the cook salt acts constantly. Therapeutic result is achieved within 7-10 days. In some cases, a longer period is required.

How to impose a salt bandage
With rheore and headaches. Make a circular dressing over the night through the forehead and the back. After an hour or two, the headache and headaches will disappear.

Headband is good at elevated pressure, tumors, water. But with atherosclerosis, the bandage is better not to do - she is dehydrated even more. For a circular dressing, you can use only 8% saline.

With influenza. To impose a bandage on the head at the very first signs of the disease. If the infection has managed to penetrate the throat and bronchi, make the bandages on the head and neck simultaneously (from 3-4 layers of soft thin canvas), on the back of two layers of the wet and two layers of a dry towel. Bandages leave for a whole night.

In case of liver disease (inflammation of the gallbladder, cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver). The bandage on the liver (cotton towel, folded in four layers) is superimposed as follows: in height - from the base of the left chest to the middle of the transverse line of the abdomen, in the width - from the sternum and the white line of the abdomen in front of the spine from the back.

Tightly binting with one wide bandage, tighten on the stomach. After 10 hours, the bandage to remove and put a hot heater for half an hour to the headset, so that through deep warming, it is expanding the bull duct for free passing into the intestines of dehydrated and thickened bile mass. Without warming up, this mass (after several bandages) clogs the biliary duct and can cause acute sawing pain.

With adenomas, mastopathy and breast cancer. Usually a four-layer, dense, but unprofitable salt bandage on both breast glands is usually applied. Apply overnight and keep 8-10 hours. Treatment time - 2 weeks, with cancer for 3 weeks. Some people have a rhythm on the chest can weaken the rhythms of cardiac activity, in this case, put the dressing through the day.

Conditions for the use of saline

1. The saline solution can be used only in the dressing, but in no case in the compress, because the bandage must be air permeable.

2. Salt concentration in solution should not exceed 10%. The bandage from a solution of greater concentration causes pain in the field of overlay and the destruction of capillaries in the tissues. 8% solution - 2 teaspoons of a cooking salt on 250 ml of water - used in bandages for children, 10% for adults - 2 teaspoons of cook salt on 200 ml of water. Water can be taken ordinary, optionally distilled.

3. Before treatment, wash the body with warm water with soap, and after the procedure, washed off the salt with a warm wet towel.

4. The dressing material should be hygroscopic and clean, without residual fat, ointment, alcohol, iodine. The skin of the body should also be clean. For the dressing, it is better to use linen or cotton fabric, but not new, but many times steamy. The perfect option is march.

The salt bandage is performed only from the hygroscopic, well-wetted cotton material - repeatedly styled, not new, not kitchen and not starch, "waffle" towels in 3-4 layers and thin, also wellwater, medical gauge in 8-10 layers, And also hygroscopic, better viscose, wool for tampons.

5. Linen, cotton material, towel fold no more than 4 layers, gauze - up to 8 layers. Only with the air-permeable bandage there is a tissue fluid suction.

6. Due to circulation of solution and air, the bandage causes a feeling of coolness. Therefore, the dressing should be missed with a hot hypertensive solution (60-70 degrees). Before overlay, the dressing can be slightly cooling, shook in the air.

7. The bandage must be medium humidity, not very dry, but not too wet. Hold an armband at the sore place 10-15 hours.

8. Nothing can be put on top of the dressing. But to secure the bandage impregnated with mortar, it is necessary to tightly nourishing it to the body: a wide bandage on the torso, abdomen, chest, and narrow - on the fingers, throats, feet, face, head.

Shoulder belt binting eight, through the armpits from the back. With pulmonary processes (during bleeding, in no case impose!) The bandage is placed on the back, trying to get to the sore place as closely as possible. Binting the chest should be tight, but not squeezing breathing.

P.S. Compress can be applied in cosmetic purposes - it removes "bags" under the eyes and cleans the skin

In medical practice, a 10% solution of cooking (stone and no other) salt \u003d 100 g was used for 1 liter of water. For the treatment of the liver of the pancreas, spleen, kidneys and for bandages, it is better to use 8-9% solution \u003d 80-90 g. Salts per 1 liter of water). Salt for solution It is necessary to take strictly by weight, the container (can) with a solution to keep closed so that it does not evaporate and has not changed its concentration.

Another source, a sorry sick (healthy lifestyle No. 17, 2000) indicates that spring, artesian, marine, especially water containing iodide salts, which are neutralized in the creamy solid, does not fit the hypertensive solution to prepare a hypertensive solution.

The bandage with such a solution loses its therapeutic, absorbing and bactericidal properties. Therefore, it is better to use distilled (from the pharmacy) water or, in extreme cases, purified rain or snow, to prepare a saline solution.

/ Here I do not agree, although it is possible to use the aforementioned water quality and will give a faster, but it's never worth losing time. Use clean water which is. Salt itself has a cleansing effect, it consists of elements of fire and water or fire and land (black, Himalayan salt)

I used water from under the tap, without filters, when infected with blood after surgery for Achillovo, tendon, thanks to which I saved my leg. Note and non-disin /

1. With a headache caused by inflammatory processes, dropsy, brain edema and brain shells (meningitis, arachnoiditis), diseases of other organs, for example, flu, sepsis, typhoid, excess blood flow from intense mental and physical work, after stroke, as well as Tumor formations in the brain Salt bandage in the form of a cap or a wide strip from the bandage in 8-10 layers moistened in a 9% solution and rigorously squeezed, performed for all (or around) the head and necessarily bin-hung over the entire surface of the bandage with one small gauze bandage.

On top, dry, in 2 layers, is better than the sieve or old gauze bandage. The bandage is performed for the night of 8-9 hours before drying, in the morning it is removed, the dressing material is well rolled in warm water, the head is washed off.

With the sclerosis of the vessels of the brain, salt bandage is contraindicated!

2. In case of colds, swivels, front-line bandage is performed in the form of a gauze strip in 6-7 layers on the forehead area (during frontiti), on the nose and cheeks with lining on the wings of a cotton tampon, pressing the strip to the skin of the face in these places. These strips are binting two-three turns of a small bandage, keep 7-8 hours, are used to cure.

In the afternoon, the oral cavity and the nose should be ringed 2-3 times with a weaker concentration with a solution of medium tea spoons with a slide on a faceted glass (250 ml) of water, from under the tap.

3. The caries of the teeth are also treated with a gauze strip in 8 layers, moistened with a 10% solution of salt on all jaw with a sick tooth and bindutented 2-3 turns of small bandage twisting. It is superimposed on the whole night, the course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, after which the patient should be polled.

Caries and periodontalosis can be treated in another way: after dinner, before bedtime, to hold a sip of 10% of the salt solution in the mouth of 5-7 minutes and suck, after which they do not take anything in the mouth. When dental pain, even under the crown, this procedure can be repeated several times. In case of caries, complicated by granuloma, as well as with fluxes on a sore tooth, on the gum (for the cheek), you can apply a dense cotton swab (better from the viscose) thick thumbnail, moistened in 10% solution and squeezed almost to dryness. Tampon must be kept all night.

With sufficiently large cavities in the teeth you can lay in them (needle, curves with small scissors) moistened in solution and well-squeezed cotton swabs and replaced with fresh after each meal.

Course treatment with bandages (on the jaw) externally and tampons up to 2 weeks, after which sick teeth should be placed

4. Anguina, laryngitis, tracheitis, inflammation of the salivary and thyroid gland (goiter) is well treated with a gauze bandage in 6-7 layers (from a wide bandage), moistened in a 10% salt solution, performed on the neck, all night, and with headaches In the form of the same strip - and on the head.

Both of these stripes (or one common, elongated on the neck and head) are binting with one small gauze bandage. The bottom edge of the bandage on the neck (so as not to be wrapped up) is binding to the body with one turnover of the bandage through the arms of both hands and back, and the binting on the neck is completed, without squeezing breathing.

5. With pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurrites, emphysema, asthma of infectious origin, lung tumors with 10-% solution is performed on the whole back, be sure to the center of the disease and even on the whole chest (men) of two "waffle" towels, feminine in two layers, across each.

One wetted in a slightly heated salt-in solution, it is rigorous to the jar, it does not spoil the jar, it does not deteriorate), the solar is superhaded in two layers, and both are sufficiently tight, not squeezing breathing, binting two large gaums Bindings.

The upper half of the back, the shoulder belt, binting in the form of a transverse eight through under-mouses of both hands, the bottom - the second bandage around the lower half of the chest. Binting is performed over the entire surface of the towel. The course of treatment of inflammatory processes of the lung - 7-10 dressings daily, tumors - 3 weeks, one of them - daily, the remaining 14 bandages - through the night. The dressings are also held 10 hours before drying.

6. In mastopathy, adenoma, a cancer of one breast, the bandage with a 9-10-% solution is performed from one "waffle" towel, folded in 3-4 layers across, a strip of 25 cm wide, be sure to both breasts. If there is a wound, it is covered with a walker with a solution of 2-4 layers, which is covered with a towel, and together they are bandaged with one large gauze bandage, without squeezing breathing.

Mastopathy and other inflammatory processes of the chest glands are treated with a bandage from one to two weeks, tumors - 3 weeks (1-year - daily, others - through the night). It is performed for the night and keeps 9-10 hours.

7. With inflammation of the heart muscle and heart shells (at myocardits, endocardits, pericardits) in heated to 70 ° 9% salt solution are wetted (and squeezed) only the ends of the strip of the "waffle" towel, folded along the length of 3 layers, which is transferred through the left Shoulder, they are covered in front and rear heart (between the blades), and these ends are binting with one wide gauze bandage around the chest. This bandage is performed overnight, after a day, for 2 weeks.

Angina, ischemic disease, heart valves malformations Salt bandage does not heal.

8. When lowering the level of hemoglobin in the blood, radiation exposure is the same bandage of 3-4 layers of the "waffle" towel (or 8 layers of gauze) superimposed on the whole chest front. It should cover the chest, the liver, the spleen - the blood-forming organs.

The course of treatment of these bodies is 2 weeks (one - daily, the rest - through the night). With radiation irradiation, simultaneously the bandage should be performed on the neck, on the thyroid area.

9. With cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, gastritis and pancreatitis, the same bandage from the "waffle" towel in 3-4 layers across a strip of 25 cm wide, and when the abdomen is water and on the entire stomach, it is performed around the lower half of the chest and the upper half Belly (from the base of the thoracic glands in women and nipples - in men to the navel). This bandage is binting with one or two wide bandages. It keeps 9-10 hours too. Course treatment - 7-10 dressings.

In patients with tiny bile ducts Pos-les 6-7 dressings, there is a unpleasant ram-pirate sensations and even stupid pain in the "Sublets" - this is a thickened (under the influence of the dressing) joy pressing on the walls of the bubble, lingering in the bubble and ducts .

In this case, after removing the dressings in the morning, which caused these sensations, it is necessary to put a hot rubber heater to the "Subsection", wrapped with a towel in two layers, to lie down the face of 10-15 minutes (to this time, the liver is cleared of infection. And the heater is not dangerous for her), and put her posse-le removing each next dressing until the end of the course of treatment, regardless of whether there will be again unpleasant feelings in the "Sublets" or not, the boards expands the bile ducts, and the bile flows freely into the intestines.

Polyps, tumors, including cancer, this department, like others, is treated with a salt bandage for 3 weeks (one-go-day, other - through the night).

Gastric ulcers, 12-risks, hernias, scars, spikes, constipation, wobbies in the intestine. The bandage does not treat, the stones are not dissipating.

10. Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa - enthrees, colitis, appendici-you - the bandage for the entire stomach for the night of the towel in 3-4 layers successfully treats the same week. With from-equations, for example, under-dust-free food, it is enough 3-4 bandages for 9-10 hours, children - 1-2 molding on the same period of time so that the intestines cleanse from poisons.

To stop diarrhea for the same reason in adults, there are enough two sips of 9-10% salt solution, better than an empty stomach, with an interval of 1-2 hours.

11. Pathology of large pelvis organs - colitis, polyps, tumors of the rectum, hemorrhoids, prostatites, prostate adenoma, pre-landscape and tumors of the small pelvic organs - misa, fibromes, cancer and ovarian, as well as inflammation of the bladder mucous membrane and hip joints The saline bandage is treated from two "waffle" towels.

One, folded in 2 layers in length, wetted in a heated 10% solution, squeezed medium, superimposed on the pelvic belt, is covered with the same second towel in 2 layers, and both are quite densely bintuned by two wide gauze bandages.

In the inguinal pits with one turnover of the bandage around the hips, dense rollers are recorded, which pressed the bandage to the body in these recesses, are fixed to the bint of the pins. This bandage must cover the abdominal abdominal (patient) from the navel to the pubis inclusive front and the crushes and the buttocks from the middle of the Daanus wax back.

The inflammatory processes of the organs of this department should be treated for 2 weeks, tumors - 3, and in both cases in the first week the bandage is superimposed daily, the rest are performed through the night.

12. Salt bandage is well removed and hypertension. If it is caused by a patient with stressful state (nervous experience, shock, it is enough to perform 3-4 dressings from a cloth in 3-4 layers to the lower back, moistened (and squeezed) in a 9% salt solution. Binting it follows one large bandage.

When the kidneys hurt, it bothers, for example, pyelonephritis, which also raises pressure, you need to treat the kidneys. In this case, 10-15 salt dressings should be performed for the entire night.

Feel the headache, especially in the occipital area, the noise in the ears, simultaneously with the bandages on the lower back, perform 3-4 bandages from 8-10 layers of gauze with a 9-% solution around the head and necessarily on the back of the head.

13. Arthritis, polyarthritis, bursitis, rheumatism of large joints (knee, ankle, elbow) are binting with large gauze bandages with a 10-% salt solution for the night every day for 2 weeks. Bandaged not only the joints themselves, but the limbs are higher and below by 10-15 cm.

14. Ostly pain from the OZHO-GOV of small surfaces of the body Soft salt 10 percent bandage Skeid after 3-4 minutes, but it, bandage, must be kept 8-9 hours, after which it is used to apply an ocean or open treatment appointment of a doctor. I think that they will help with extensive burns.

Hypertensive solutions of the cooking salt are not a panacea from all diseases. In this brief text, listed diseases, including eye-eye, which cannot be treated in this way. I repeat, the salt bandage effectively cures the inflammatory processes, tissue swelling, quickly removes the burn pain, treats some tumors ("wen" it does not treat, may not be treated and some other tumors that can be installed only by experimental way).

Salt bandage is safe if the recommendations are clearly complied. Failure to follow them can cause undesirable in the body. For example, the bandage with salt solution is above a 10 percent concentration, especially with long-term treatment, herself can cause sharp pain in the tissues, the capillary breaks and some other complications.

We decided to be a salt bandage, first find out at the attending physician character of your disease.

Tuesday, January 15. 2013.

On the amazing healing properties of salt, which was used during the Second World War for the treatment of wounded soldiers. The hypertensive solution of salt is an active sorbent, it pulls out of the patient of the organ all the so-called "rubbish". How does salt treat?

Magic of salt dressings Anna Danilovna Gorbacheva

During the Great Patriotic War, Anna Danilovna Gorbacheva worked as an operating sister in field hospitals together with the surgeon I.I. Shcheglovy. Despite the constant criticism of colleagues, cries in the treatment of wounded quite often used hypertensive solutions from a simple cook salt. Immediately after receipt of the scoolen wounded to the hospital directly on a polluted wound, the gauze napkin was crushed into four layers, ridiculed with 8% hypertensive solution (G. - it is 3-10% aqueous solution of the cooking salt). The napkins changed twice a day, after 3-4 days the wound was cleaned and became pink with signs of granulation. In the course of the use of salt applications, the temperature decreased almost to the norm. Using hypertensive solutions, the shcheglov achieved the fact that he had almost no ammputes about gangrenes in the department.

About 10 years after the war, Anna Danilovna decided to take advantage of the Schieglov method when he was in charge of postoperative patients.

Good luck came quickly enough. After that, she began to study the influence of the salt solution on such diseases as cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, rheumokart, inflammatory processes in the lungs, as well as the action of salt dressings joint rheumatism, osteomyelitis, diffuse goiter, abscesses, strong bruises with hematomas and so on. "I rather quickly received positive results," he recalled Anna Danilovna.

So what is this technique Shcheglova-Gorbacheva?

For treatment it is necessary to prepare a hypertensive solution of salt, i.e. 8- or 10% saline solution, which corresponds to 8 or 10 g of salts per 100 g of water. For a dressing you need to take linen or cotton fabric, better from old sheets, which are not once the washed and have a more loose and gentle structure. This cloth must be folded in four to six layers, mixed in a hot salt solution, slightly squeeze and impose on a sore place (or for the projection of the patient organ). From above, the dressing can not be covered with a film, it needs to be simply tightly naked or fasten the leukoplasty and leave in this form overnight. In the morning, after the removal of the application, the fabric needs to be carefully rinsed in warm water and stroke the iron.

How does salt treat?

The hypertensive solution of salt is an active sorbent, it pulls out of the patient of the organ all the so-called "rubbish". The bandages moistened with hypertensive solution, due to its osmotic action, contribute to the purification of wounds, have a local antimicrobial effect.

But remember: the therapeutic effect will be only if the bandage is air permeable. And this is determined by the quality of the material used and the absence of top of polyethylene and other compression materials.

The salt bandage acts locally only on the patient or to the body of the body to which it is imposed. As the liquid absorbs from the subcutaneous layer, the tissue fluid from deeper layers is rising here, fascinating all pathogens: microbes, viruses and fungi. Thus, during the validity of the salt bandage in the tissues of the patient organ, a fluid is renewed, purification from the pathogenic factor and, as a rule, the elimination of the pathological process.

The bandage with a hypertensive solution of the cook salt acts gradually. Treatment time depends on the severity of the disease and on average occupy from 7 to 20 days. Here's how Anna Danilovna itself speaks of the action of hypertensive solutions: "A relative appealed to me several years ago. Her daughter suffered from sharp attacks of cholecystitis. For a week, I put it on a sick liver Salt bandage. The bandage was made from a h / w Towel rolled in four times and moistened in saline solution.

The bubbling on the liver was superimposed from the base of the chest up to the line on the palm above the navel and in width - from the center of the sternum to the spine. Application tightly was binding to a wide bandage. After 10 hours, the bandage was filmed, and the water heater was imposed on the liver area for half an hour. This is done in order to increase the bile ducts to expand the bile ducts for free passage into the intestines of dehydrated and thickened bile mass. Gloor in this case is required. As for the girl, after that treatment, many years have passed, and for all this time, it never bothered the liver. The same technique helps well with kidney diseases, only the application must be applied at the same level from the back side. After the applique is removed, it is necessary to impose a heating in the patient's area. "

Here is another example. Want to believe, you want - no, but a 4-layer salt bandage from a cotton towel, imposed on both breast glands for 8-9 hours, helped a woman in two weeks to get rid of the initial stage breast cancer. Another familiar Anna Danilovna with salt tampons imposed right on the cervix approximately 15 hours, coped with cervical cancer. After 2 weeks of treatment, the tumor threaded, became softer, her growth stopped. Such it remained to the present.

Very important selection of dressing material. Material should be as hygroscopic as possible. At the same time, it should in large quantities to hold the saline solution. As I have already written above, it is best to use the old flax or cotton fabric. The applique solution must be sufficiently warm, approximately forty-five degrees. After wetting, the material should be slightly squeezed so that it is not very dry and not very wet. It is impossible to impose a compress paper nor the film, it is necessary to simply navigate it with a bandage or attach to the leukoplasty. If the bandage is superimposed on the stomach, it is necessary to binting as much as possible, because for the night, the stomach decreases in volume, so the bandage becomes free and ceases to act. In order for the bandage better to go to the back, there are some roller on top of it and binting it along with the bandage.

Salt as medicines have many other wonderful properties. Here are some examples:

  • Salt can be used to facilitate attacks asthmy. To do this, put several grains into the tongue only after drinking 1-2 glasses of water. In terms of efficiency, salt is not inferior to the inhaler and at the same time does not have toxic impact on the body.
  • Salt plays an extremely important role in the treatment emotional and affective disorders. Effective salt, lithium (contained in the ashes of cigarettes) is used in the treatment depression. Regular reception of a small amount of infusion in hot water (1 tsp. Pour 400 ml of boiling water and boil on a small heat for 30 minutes, to take 1 tbsp. The spoon three times a day) will avoid suffering caused by depressive states, as well as Diseases such as sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer.
  • Salt plays an important role in prevention and treatment of cancer. Cancer cells are afraid of oxygen. They can only live in poor oxygen. When the body is well saturated with water, salt increases the volume of circulating blood, helping it getting to all parts of the body; Oxygen and active immune cells fall into cancer fabric and destroy it.
  • Salt helps to get rid of second chin. Slying glands feel the lack of salt and are forced to increase the production of saliva to ensure enough moisture for the process of chewing and swallowing. The flow of blood to salivary glands is enhanced, the blood vessels begin to "leak" to give the glands enough water to produce saliva. Thus, the lymphoid fluid is propagated by the boundaries of the glands, accumulating under the skin of the chin, cheeks and neck.

As far as the asthma is useful salt, the excessive potassium is so bad.

The abuse of orange juice, bananas and any drinks with an increased potassium content can provoke an asthma attack. It is very useful to add a little salt into orange juice to balance the role of sodium and potassium in maintaining the required volume of water inside and outside the cells. In some cultures, it is customary to salt watermelons and other fruits, and this is good. The fact is that these fruits contain a lot of potassium. The addition of salt in them allows to balance the effect of sodium and potassium.

  • Salt - a strong means for dealing with stress.

If you do not want to become a victim of Alzheimer's disease, do not use a mustache diet and do not take diuretic drugs. Salt is absolutely necessary to maintain serotonin and melatonin levels in the brain. When water and salt, performing the role of natural antioxidants, purify the organism from toxic waste, it does not have to sacrifice important amino acids, such as tryptophan and tyrosine using them as antioxidants. In a well-saturated water body, tryptophan saves and fully enters the brain tissue, where it is used for the production of serotonin, melatonin and tripartamine - important antidepressant neurotransmitters.

My personal experience treatment of wound saline juice chill You can see. Two times I was "lucky" half to tear the thumb left. And both times had to be admitted to a cleanliness with a cook salt.

During the Great Patriotic War, I worked as an older operating sister in field hospitals with a surgeon I.I. Shcheglovy. Unlike other doctors, it was successfully used in the treatment of the wounded hypertensive solution of the table salt.

On the extensive surface of the contaminated wound, it imposed a larger napkin, richly moistened with brimmed saline. After 3-4 days, the wound became clean, pink, temperature, if high, descended almost to normal indicators, after which the gypsum bandage was superimposed.

After another 3-4 days were wounded, sent to the rear. Hypertensive solution worked fine - we had almost no mortality.


About 10 years after the war, I took advantage of the Shcheglov method for the treatment of own teeth, as well as caries complicated by granuloma. Good luck came in two weeks. After that, I began to study the influence of a saline solution on diseases such as cholecystitis, jade, chronic appendicitis, rheumokart, inflammatory processes in the lungs, articular rheumatism, osteomyelitis, abscesses after injection and so on.

In principle, these were individual cases, but each time I received quite quickly positive results. Later I worked in the clinic and could tell about a number of rather difficult cases, when the bandage with the salt solution turned out to be more efficient than all other medicines. We managed to cure hematomas, bursitis, chronic appendicitis. The fact is that the saline solution has absorbing properties and pulls out a liquid with pathogenic fluor from the tissue. Once during a business trip to the area I focused on the apartment. Kids hostess hurt cough. They are continuously and painfully coughed. I put them on the back on the night of salt dressings. After a half hours, the cough stopped and did not appear until morning. After four dressings, the disease disappeared without a trace.

In the clinic, which was discussed, the surgeon suggested that I try the saline in the treatment of tumors. The first such patient was a woman with a cancer mole on his face. She drew attention half a year ago at six months ago. During this time, the mole of climbed, increased in volume, gray-brown liquid was released from it. I began to make her salt stickers. After the first stickers, the tumor turned pale and decreased.

After the second, even more turned pale and seemed to be squeezed. Allocations stopped. And after the fourth stickers of Molenia acquired its original appearance. With fifth sticker, the treatment is over without surgery.

Then there was a young girl with adenoma of the chest. She had an operation. I advised the patient before the operation to do saline bandages on the chest for a few weeks. Imagine the operation was not required.

In six months, he also formed adenoma on the second breast. And again she cured hypertensive bandages without surgery. I met her nine years after treatment. She felt well and did not even remember his illness.

It could continue to continue the history of wonderful heals with a hypertensive dressing. Could tell about the teacher of one of the Kursk institutions, which, after nine salt pads, got rid of the prostate adenoma.

A woman who suffered from a blond, after the salt bandages were put on the night - a blouse and pants for three weeks, again returned his health.

Practice of the use of salt dressings

First. Salt salt in an aqueous solution of no more than 10 percent is an active sorbent. She pulls out of the sick organ of unclean. But therapeutic effect will be only if the bandage is air-permeable, that is, hygroscopic, which is determined by the quality of the material used for the bandage.

Second. The salt bandage acts locally - only on the sick organ or to the body of the body. As the liquid absorbs from the subcutaneous layer, the tissue fluid from the deeper layers is rising into it, fascinating all pathogens: microbes, viruses and organic matter.
Thus, during the action of the bandage in the tissues of the patient, the fluid is renewed, purification from the pathogenic factor and, as a rule, the liquidation of the pathological process.

Third. The bandage with a hypertensive solution of the cook salt acts gradually. Therapeutic result is achieved within 7-10 days, and sometimes more.

Fourth. The use of a solution of the cook salt requires known caution. Let's say I would not advise to apply a bandage with a concentration solution over 10 percent. In some cases, even an 8 percent solution is better. (The solution will help you to prepare any pharmacist.

There will be a question for some: where do the doctors look, if the bandage with hypertensive solution is so effective, why does this method of treatment not apply widely? Everything is very simple - doctors are captured by medication treatment. Pharmaceutical firms offer more and more expensive medicines. Unfortunately, medicine is also a business. The trouble of the hypertensive solution is that it is too simple and cheap. Meanwhile, life convinces me that such bandages are a magnificent means in the fight with many ailments.

Let's say with rheore and headaches I impose a circular dressing on the forehead and the back of the night. After an hour and a half, the runny nose passes, and the headache disappears. For any colds, we use bandages at the very first signs. And if you still missed the time and the infection managed to penetrate the throat and bronchi, I do a complete bandage on my head and neck (out of 3-4 layers of soft thin canvases) and on the back (of 2 layers of wet and 2 layers of dry towel) all night long. The cure is achieved after 4-5 procedures. At the same time, I continue to work.

A few years ago, a relative appealed to me. Her daughter suffered from sharp attacks of cholecystitis. During the week, I applied cotton towels on a sore liver. Folded it in 4 layers, wetted in the salt solution and left for the whole night.

The border dressing is superimposed within the boundaries: from the base of the left chest to the middle of the transverse line of the abdomen, and in the width - from the sternum and the white line of the belly in front of the spine from the back. Bifunted tightly one broad bandage, the tightly - on the stomach. After 10 hours, the bandage is removed and the hot heater is superimposed on the same area.

This is done in order to increase the bile ducts to expand the bile ducts for free passage into the intestines of dehydrated and thickened bile mass. Gloor in this case is required. As for the girl, after that treatment there was a lot of years, and she does not complain about her liver.

The saline solution can be used only in the dressing, but in no case in the compress. The concentration of salt in the solution should not exceed 10%, but also not to sink below 8%.

The bandage with a solution of greater concentration can lead to the destruction of capillaries in the tissues in the overlay.

Very important selection of dressing material. It must be hygroscopic. That is, it is easily wet and without any residues of fat, ointments, alcohol, iodine. They are not allowed on the skin to which the bandage is superimposed.

It is best to use linen and cotton fabric (towel), repeatedly used in use and not once the style. Ultimately you can use marley. The latter folds in 8 layers. Any other of these materials - in 4 layers.

When applying a dressing, the solution should be sufficiently hot. Squeeze the dressing material follows the average so that it is not very dry and not very wet. Do not impose anything on the dressing.

To bin it with a bandage or attach to the leukoplasty - and that's it.

With different pulmonary processes(excluded when bleeding from the lungs) the bandage is better to apply on the back, but at the same time it is necessary to know the localization of the process. Binting the chest is quite tight, but not to squeeze your breath.

The belly of binting as much as possible, for for the night he is released, the bandage becomes free and ceases to act. In the morning, after removing the dressing, the material you need to rinse well in warm water.

In order for the bandage better to go to the back, I put it on the wet layers of its layers between the blades roller on the spine and the bandage of it along with the bandage.

Anna Danilovna Gorbachev.


I was saved by the advice of Anna Gorbacheva

In July 1995, I was removed by a malignant tumor on the right cheek near the eye.

In early 1998, cancer appeared in the same place again and had grown to threatening the eye of the sizes for several months. Dermatologist said that it was necessary to make a difficult operation in the hospital. Alternatively, he suggested irradiation. Previously, as in 1 - once, he made me under local anesthesia biopsy, and after 3 weeks I rolled 15 irradiations, as a result of which cancer was mostly resolved. I will not tell about the future of my torment and about severe side effects that I experienced a long month after irradiation. In early 2002, cancer appeared again and again in the same place. The dermatologist made me (in the 3rd time) a biopsy for which a large piece of cheek deeply cut (after which she hardly stopped the blood, which, as they say, "whipped fountain"), and after 2 weeks, as before: non-free cancer .

He offered me 2 methods of treatment: in the hospital I will cut the tumor not immediately, but in parts. The tumor will be deleted immediately completely - it is almost the whole cheek - and then take a piece of skin on the neck and put it on the patch ... and it is under the right eye! Yes, despite the fact that a month ago, an ophthalmologist crossed me left eye when removing a completely insignificant cataract, explaining: "The better, the better." It is still necessary to consider that this year I will be "without fifteen hundred" ... in a word, it is not difficult to imagine my condition. But there was nothing to do, and I began to prepare morally for the operation.

And it is necessary to happen to this! Just at this time, I received the number of the Herald "Zhoz" with the articles of Anna Danilovna Gorbacheva "from white death to white salvation."

With a fading of the heart, it began to apply a gauze bandage to the area of \u200b\u200bcancer, moistened with an 8-percent solution of pure cooking salt, accurately observing all instructions.

The first 2 weeks went to heal a deep wound made by biopsy. And 3 weeks - to ensure that this thoughtlest perennial cancer completely disappeared. Only the scar from biopsy remained. Since then, almost a year has passed - so far everything is excellent. If the "sore" appears again, resorted to the already tested saline bandage. It is even terrible to imagine that it would be with me, and as if I looked, if I got into the hands of the surgeon.

In the near future, I plan to seriously engage in salt treatment of diseases of the "Lower Floor": urological problems, radiculitis, rectal diseases.

Mikhail Goldfarb

Brooklyn, USA

Everything was confirmed completely

For the first time about the salt bandage, he learned from "Zoz" (No. 20 for 2002). I decided to check its action on myself. A hot 9 percent salt solution was prepared, moocked in it a gauze folded in 8 layers, and brought to the Mountain. When the gauze dried, wrapped it out, and in the evening the procedure repeated. So did several times. Mountain disappeared.

Throughout the winter 2003-2004. Experiments with a bandage continued. I got sick with my sown - in the evening I made him a bandage. Twitted two times so that the son felt healthy. I got a runny nose - I immediately did a bandage on the nose, to the area of \u200b\u200bthe frontal sinuses. On the third day, the runny nose weakened. If you turn on the finger, the treatment is known - the bandage at night, in the morning, as it did not happen.

Further more. I tried to treat bronchitis in such a way. First, with the help of hot salt in the bag, the shoulder area warmed up. The next night made a salt bandage, capturing the area of \u200b\u200bthe blades. Bronchitis surrendered almost without a fight. The last experiment with salt was in the treatment of prostate adenoma. In the evening, before bedtime, put a bandage on the bladder area and a groin. For 8 sessions felt relief, as if he cleaned the whole organism.

From here I conclude: everything that is written in the "zohzh" about the treatment of a variety of diseases with salt bandages was fully confirmed. Moreover, the dressings can be applied in all cases when it is necessary to get rid of the pathogenic flora.

L. Berg.

krasnodar city

Salt hypertensive 8-10 percent solution

I read it many years ago in the newspaper. I wrote one nurse of the war years (I did not immediately write it to my last name, and my neighbor lost his newspaper). The nurse wrote about his doctor, later became a professor, as he saved the wounded and dying soldiers at the front from gangrenes and other inflammatory processes.

Here is a description of the recipe:

1. Take 1 liter of boiled, snowy or rain or distilled warm water.

2. Put in 1 liter of water 90 g of the salt salt (that is, 3 tablespoons without top). Stir thoroughly. It turned out a 9 percent salt solution.

3. Take 8 layers of cotton gauze, pour part of the solution and hold 1 minute of 8 layers of gauze in it. Slightly squeeze so as not to flow.

4. Put 8 layers of gauze to the sore place. Top to put surely a piece of pure lame wool. Do it before bedtime.

5. To navigate the whole cotton fabric or bandage without applying polyethylene gaskets. Hold up to morning In the morning everyone takes off. And the next night everything is repeated.

This surprisingly simple recipe treats many diseases, pulls toxins from the spine to the skin, kills all infections.

Heals: internal hemorrhages, heavy internal and external bruises, internal tumors, gangrenes, tensile ligaments, inflammation of articular bags and other inflammatory processes in the body.

Taking this recipe, several of my friends and relatives saved themselves:

  • from internal hemorrhage
  • from heavy bruise on the lungs
  • from inflammatory processes in the knee articular bag
  • from blood infection
  • from the deadly outcome of hemorrhage in the leg with a deep knife wound.
  • from the cold inflammation of the cervical muscles ...

And I want a nurse to send this recipe in the newspaper, and a professor who treated soldiers at the front in this way for a long time he heard. Low bow left.

And I want to take advantage of this recipe for many people who are in dire need of our hard time when expensive medical services are not under the pensioners.

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