What cheese is best for shawarma. Shawarma at home. A simple option - with sausage

While the Internet is arguing about how to correctly say “shawarma” or “shawarma”, we will quickly prepare this hearty snack. It is not at all necessary to go outside the door in search of street food, and at home, shawarma is no worse, and even better. Judge for yourself: we control everything that goes into the thin flatbread, absolutely all the ingredients: meat, vegetables, and sauces. We can replace fatty pork with turkey or chicken, eliminate hot sauces, or, on the contrary, put it from the heart if you like it spicy. Huge scope for imagination!

I don't know about you, but in our city all the points with street food, to put it mildly, questionable! If you have a similar situation, do not risk your health, cook yourself!

So, let's move on to the ingredients (for 4 pcs):

It is difficult to indicate what sauces and ingredients are needed, since your shawarma should consist of your favorite products! The same applies to the number of ingredients... But I will indicate those ingredients that are usually used for cooking in our family, and you will adjust the recipe to suit you.

  • Armenian lavash - 2 pcs. (we will cut each sheet into two parts)
  • Chicken (or turkey) fillet - 400 g. You can use any meat of your choice: pork, beef, etc.
  • Garlic sauce - 4 tbsp. l. (you can prepare it yourself by mixing thick sour cream with a squeezed clove of garlic and herbs)
  • Green salad onions - 2 tbsp. l. (finely chopped)
  • Vegetable oil for frying meat - 2 tbsp. l. (I use olive)
  • Korean carrots - 250 g (in our shawarma this is a mandatory ingredient)
  • Ketchup or any other favorite sauce (you can use barbecue, sweet and sour,
    chili sauce, etc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs. medium size
  • Salt, sugar, pepper to taste

Which pita bread to choose for shawarma?

In our city we sell two types of Armenian lavash: round and in the form of rectangles. In this recipe I used a rectangular one, but the shape does not affect the taste, use whichever is more convenient. I prefer to pack the filling properly so that none of the sauce leaks out, so I prefer a rectangular pita.

Shawarma at home (recipe with photos step by step)

Wash the chicken fillet, dry it on a paper towel, and cut it into small pieces. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and lower the meat into it.

Fry until slightly golden brown, then add salt, pepper, and your favorite spices. Stir with a spatula so that the pieces do not burn.

It doesn’t matter what kind of meat you make shawarma from, the meat needs to be fully cooked! In the case of chicken, it takes 10-15 minutes, beef will take longer to cook.

If at the end of cooking the meat pieces seem too large to you, you can further cut them with a knife.

While the meat is frying, chop the vegetables. Tomatoes - into medium-sized pieces. Usually I also add green fresh cucumbers, but now is the time of year - late autumn and cucumbers are long gone, and Turkish ones are completely tasteless. If you have fresh cucumbers on hand, be sure to use them in the filling: they make shawarma tastier and “fresher” in taste.

Finely chop the onion.

Now we lay out a thin sheet of pita bread on the table and begin to fill the flatbread. I usually cut each leaf into two parts, and the shawarma still turns out very large in size. You can make one trial and then adjust the size of the pita bread to suit you. For example, divide not into two parts, but into three.

How to wrap shawarma?

How I fill the pita bread: I step back 2-3 cm from each edge, first grease the flatbread with ketchup and garlic sauce. Then I lay out Korean carrots, fried meat, then tomatoes and herbs are used. Here you give scope to your creative impulses and focus on your taste: for example, if you like White cabbage, chop and add to the filling.

If you are using fresh white cabbage, first shred it, add a little salt, and then press it with your hands to make the cabbage more tender.

We bend the edges of the pita bread as shown in the photo. And then we twist the folded edge from left to right. While rolling, lightly press the tube with your palm so that the filling is compacted well. That's it, the shawarma is almost ready!

To make the pita bread crispy and not remain rubbery, I recommend frying it in a grill pan without oil on each side. Firstly, the pita bread will not unfold if we heat the seam. Secondly, the structure of the cake will change dramatically! And thirdly, hot shawarma tastes better - it’s been tested many times!

And now we’re finally inviting our family over for a hearty snack)! Bon appetit!

There is a video recipe for homemade shawarma on my YouTube channel:

Shawarma is very nutritious, and perhaps each family member will eat one piece, no more. If you still have the filling and pita bread, wrap the shawarma in reserve, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator. There it will be stored for several days (2 days, I don’t recommend storing it longer). At any time you can heat the shawarma in a frying pan and serve. Do not heat it in microwave oven, since tomatoes heated in it do not taste very pleasant, and greens are even worse.

Be sure to share in the comments how you prepare shawarma? Maybe you put something tasty and unusual in the filling? I’m also wondering, have you tried baking pita bread yourself? I heard that it bakes once or twice, but I haven’t had a chance to try it yet. If you have a proven recipe, please share.

Bye bye!

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This Middle Eastern delicacy is made from a thin dough filled with... fried meat, vegetables and sauce, has become a part of our fast food life. This dish is very tasty, but many are afraid to buy it in street shops, so videos on how to cook shawarma at home in pita bread are of great relevance today.

There is no strict recipe for shawarma, there are only generalized instructions, based on which we can create the dish ourselves to our own taste.

How to make shawarma in thin pita bread

Despite the absence of strict instructions in the recipe, 4 components remain necessary in shawarma: meat, vegetables, sauce and bannock- pita bread, which today has been successfully replaced with Armenian thin lavash. But what exactly this grocery set will be depends only on your taste preferences and you can even cook shawarma at home using your own original recipe.

  • Meat. The most popular meat component of shawarma in European territory is grilled chicken, which is fried on a huge vertical spit until deliciously crispy. In the East, they increasingly prefer to fill shawarma with lamb or beef. And in recipes adapted in a new way, you can even find sausage filling instead of meat.
  • Vegetables. As cut vegetables, cabbage or lettuce, onions or green onions, an abundance of herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, both fresh and pickled, Korean carrots, olives, and even French fries often appear in some recipes are usually used.
  • Sauce. Among the sauces, mayonnaise and ketchup remain the most popular, but some shops offer more complex mixtures with herbs, spices and garlic, sour cream, kefir and mayonnaise.

In St. Petersburg, this dish has a slightly different name - shawarma, which, unlike shawarma, which is more common throughout the world, has a strictly regulated recipe. IN Northern capital pita shawarma includes chicken fillet, fresh cucumber, tomatoes, onion and all this is topped with a simply amazingly delicious sauce of mayonnaise, kefir, garlic with the addition of spices. Try making this treat at home and you won't regret it.

How to prepare pita bread for shawarma

Usually in cafes, shawarma is made in pita - unleavened small flatbreads, but they can also offer it in thin pita bread. Undoubtedly, it is easier to prepare this dish at home in thin Armenian bread, which is sold in every store. But if you suddenly couldn’t get lavashiki, then you can fry them at home yourself without any problems.


  • High-grade wheat flour – 3 tbsp.;
  • Boiling water – 250 ml;
  • Table salt - ½ tsp;

  1. The dough mixed in boiling water has increased elasticity, which allows you to roll it out to a record thin state. This is exactly what we need.
  2. Sift the flour into a wide deep container, mix with salt and pour in boiling water.
  3. You should mix the dough with a spoon so as not to burn your hands, and when the mass becomes thick and cools down a little, then knead until a homogeneous plastic mass is obtained with your hands.
  4. Now the dough should be wrapped in vacuum film and allowed to stand for 20 minutes.
  5. After a third of an hour, tear off pieces the size of a large apricot from the dough and roll them out, generously sprinkling them with flour to a very thin layer.

It is best to bake pita bread in a special oven, but in the absence of one at home, we will fry it in the largest dry frying pan over medium heat on both sides.

Shawarma in pita bread

Among the diversity various options cooking shawarma there is one pretty interesting recipe, in which fresh and spicy vegetables, aromatic chicken and fabulous delicious sauce create such an amazing tandem that all other types of this dish cannot compare with it.


  • Armenian lavash – 2 pcs.;
  • Chicken fillet – 0.4 kg;
  • Seasoning for grilled chicken – 2 tbsp;
  • White cabbage – 150 g;
  • Fresh tomato – 1 fruit;
  • Large fresh carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Onion - ½ head;
  • Seasoning for Korean carrots – 1 tbsp;
  • Sunflower oil – 2-3 tbsp;
  • Vinegar essence – ½ tsp;
  • Fresh cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp;
  • Kefir – 4 tbsp;
  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves;
  • Black pepper powder – ½ – ¼ tsp;
  • Sugar - a pinch;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Vinegar 6% - ¼ tsp;

Making homemade shawarma

Chicken for shawarma should be prepared in a certain way:

Cut the breast fillet into small pieces, season with “For Grilled Chicken” spices and fry with a little oil in a frying pan until cooked through and have an appetizing crust, about 15 minutes.

Now let's prepare the carrots:

  • We peel the root vegetable, chop it on a Korean carrot grater, add a little salt, add Korean seasoning to it and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • After the allotted time sunflower oil mix with vinegar essence and bring to a boil over medium heat, then pour the oil into carrot salad and mix well.
  • Now the carrots can be put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

And at this time we will prepare the remaining vegetables:

Wash all the fruits, peel them as necessary and chop them: onions - quarter into rings, cucumbers and cabbage - into thin strips, tomatoes - into small cubes, after which we mix all the vegetables in a common bowl, adding a little salt.

Prepare the sauce:

  • Using a whisk or fork, mix the mayonnaise with kefir, squeeze the garlic into the mixture through a press, add a pinch of granulated sugar and salt, add pepper and pour in 6% vinegar.
  • After mixing all the ingredients, let the sauce sit for 10 minutes and soak in the garlic.

Add the filling:

  1. Place 2 tbsp on the spread pita bread. sauce and coat it halfway on the narrow side.
  2. Then, on the same side, stepping back from the edge by about 5-6 cm, lay out a strip of chicken, Korean carrots and fresh vegetable salad, then pour two spoons of sauce over all the ingredients. You shouldn’t put too much filling so that we can then wrap the shawarma without any problems. But there is no need to be greedy with the filling. Also try to lay out the ingredients evenly so that you can taste the chicken, the cucumber, the carrots and the tomato.

Now all that remains is to roll the pita bread, and the delicious treat is ready. And we should talk in more detail about how to wrap pita bread for shawarma, since a beginner will hardly be able to do this procedure properly the first time.

How to wrap shawarma in pita bread

Definitely the whole impression of a dish consists not only of taste qualities this treat, but also on how skillfully you can twist shawarma into pita bread. Often, when preparing döner kebab at home, newly minted cooks encounter an insoluble problem - the pita bread falls apart and the filling falls out.

It turns out there is a special packaging technique. To avoid force majeure while eating the delicious food, before preparing it, you need to learn how to properly wrap shawarma.

If you plan to take shawarma with you on a picnic and not eat it right away, then you will need a completely closed twisting technique so that the filling does not come out.

  • We cover the filling with the free edge (where we retreated by 5-6 cm), after which we carefully make 1 turn along with the filling.
  • Then we bend the two side edges inward and twist the shawarma to the end with a tube.
  • After all the filling is packaged as needed, we send the shawarma either to the roaster, or to the waffle iron, or simply fry it in a frying pan until golden brown.
  • Now the filling will definitely not go beyond the pita bread and you can transport the delicious food anywhere.

If you intend to enjoy shawarma immediately after cooking, then you can twist it so that top part remained open, that is, we bend only one side edge of the pita bread inward, and twist the shawarma with a tube to the end

In principle, a simple instruction with a photo will suffice here, but for clarity, I suggest watching a video on this topic.

Now you know how to prepare shawarma at home, how to make pita bread for it and how to properly roll this treat. You can invite guests and conquer them with your culinary talents.

Shawarma is a Middle Eastern dish Arab origin, in some countries called doner kebab, made from pita bread stuffed with grilled and then minced meat (chicken, lamb and veal, sometimes turkey), with the addition of sauce and fresh vegetables.

Many people are hesitant to buy shawarma from stalls on the street, and this article is for those who really love and are not indifferent to the dish of oriental cuisine.

I have specially prepared a recipe for shawarma at home with a photo on my blog, plus recipes on how to properly prepare the sauce and pita bread yourself will be described below. This dish prepared at home is no worse, I’ll even say quite the opposite, it’s much tastier, because each of us will make it for ourselves, which means we’ll be giving away a piece of our soul. Here you will have 100% confidence in the quality of the ingredients used, because it is made in the conditions of your home, with your own caring hands. And you don’t need to deny yourself this weakness, for fear of harming your stomach, you can a short time easily prepare it at home.

Still not sure whether to buy this dish in street stalls? Finally, cast aside all your doubts and start preparing it yourself! Its preparation is not at all difficult process, and the result will certainly please you and your family!


  • Chicken fillet – 500 gr
  • Armenian lavash – 3 pcs
  • young cabbage - 200 gr
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • sweet pepper - 1 piece
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • parsley - 1/3 bunch
  • mayonnaise - 100 milliliters
  • ground cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

First you need to prepare everything necessary products. After which we thoroughly rinse the meat and all the vegetables under running water, dry it and proceed.

For the marinade, we need to take a deep bowl and combine sunflower oil, ground pepper, salt, cinnamon in it and stir.

Cut the chicken fillet into strips and place in the marinade for a couple of hours.

After two hours, remove the chopped fillet from the marinade and fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil until crispy and golden brown.

Now cut all the vegetables into strips and chop the parsley.

We peel the garlic and pass it through a press, and then combine it with mayonnaise and grease the entire pita bread with the resulting mixture.

And we begin to lay out the filling of meat and vegetables.

Afterwards, wrap the pita bread in a tube. If the tube turns out to be long, then you can cut it in half and fry it in a frying pan or put it in the oven for a short time.

This completes the preparation of shawarma. Eat with pleasure!

Shawarma sauce

It cooks very quickly, you just need to mix it necessary ingredients. It turns out very tasty and can be stored in the refrigerator. I'm sharing this with you simple recipe sauce.


  • Kefir - 4 tablespoons
  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves
  • ground red and black pepper - to taste
  • cilantro - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the garlic and pass it through a press.

2. Finely chop the cilantro and combine with garlic.

3. Add kefir, sour cream, mayonnaise and spices there. Mix everything thoroughly.

4. And in order for all the flavors to mix, place the mixture in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Shawarma sauce is ready.

Note: This sauce is perfect for other dishes, such as hot meat dishes and pizza. You can replace cilantro with tarragon or the well-known parsley, it’s up to you to choose. I do not recommend storing this sauce in the refrigerator for more than two days so that you do not need to cook it too much. I personally prepare it at a time, if you need more, it’s better to make a new one.

How to make lavash at home

The recipe for traditional preparation of lavash at home without yeast cannot be made without a tanir - a round Armenian stove, but it can also be prepared in a frying pan, where it also turns out to be very fragrant and tasty.


  • Wheat flour - 4 cups
  • clean water - 2 glasses
  • salt - 2 teaspoons.

Cooking method:

In this recipe, we need a deep bowl into which we pour two glasses of water and add salt, then mix it thoroughly until completely dissolved. Next, slowly add the sifted flour and constantly stir with a fork, and as soon as the dough becomes thicker, we begin to knead it with our hands. As a result, it should turn out thick and sticky to your hands. Let the dough rest for 30-40 minutes.

Pour flour onto the work surface and transfer the dough onto it, begin to knead it until it begins to stick to your hands.

We divide the dough into small parts and now begin to use a rolling pin to make very thin cakes, their thickness should not exceed 5 mm.

Place a dry, wide frying pan over medium heat and when it is hot, place a flatbread sprinkled with flour on it. Fry until lightly browned on both sides, just do not overcook, otherwise it will turn out dry.

To prevent the cake from puffing up while cooking in a frying pan, it must be held with a towel at those moments when bubbles appear.

As soon as the first pita bread is ready, place it on a flat plate and begin preparing the next one.

We leave the pita bread to cool, and then you can serve it instead of bread at the table, or use it to prepare some snacks.

How to wrap shawarma

We will need a round pita bread, lay it out on a flat surface and spread the filling just below its middle. Fold the side edges of the cake towards each other.

Next we bend the bottom edge.

And then we begin to carefully roll the pita bread into a roll so that inseam was exactly in the middle. In this case, the filling will not fall out of the shawarma.

And to fix outer seam, they need to be placed on the bottom of a hot frying pan.

Bon appetit!!!

Shawarma is a dish of Arabic origin that is an excellent snack. Shawarma is prepared using pita bread, sauces, salad and grilled meat. Shawarma at home is easy and quick to prepare; it is great for dinner, which according to proper nutrition should include protein and vegetables.


Recipe 1: Classic shawarma

A classic shawarma recipe with cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and meat.


  • Lavash – 1 piece.
  • Tomato – 1 piece.
  • Cucumber – 1 piece.
  • White cabbage – 100 grams.
  • Chicken fillet – 1 piece.
  • Mayonnaise – 50 milligrams.
  • Sour cream – 50 milligrams.
  • Garlic – 3 – 4 cloves.
  • Adjika – 50 milligrams.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the pita bread on the table surface.
  2. Prepare garlic sauce: mix mayonnaise with sour cream and crushed garlic cloves, stir and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  3. Grease the pita bread with a thin layer of sauce and adjika.
  4. Boil the chicken fillet until tender, cut into small pieces and fry in a frying pan until golden brown.
  5. Place chicken on pita bread. It is better to place the filling not in the middle, but on 2/3 of the edge of the pita bread, so that it is convenient to twist it.
  6. Shred the cabbage and place it near or on top of the meat.
  7. Wash the tomato and cucumber, cut into cubes (cucumber in a semicircle), place the vegetables on top of the meat and cabbage.
  8. Sprinkle the filling generously with sauce and adjika.
  9. Wrap pita bread in shawarma.
  10. Heat the shawarma in the microwave for 1 - 1.5 minutes, then put it under the grill for a few minutes on each side until the pita bread becomes crispy.

Helpful advice:

1. The sauce will become more tasty if you add ground black pepper, cardamom and nutmeg to it.

Recipe 2: Shawarma with potatoes

Not really traditional recipe shawarma with potatoes, which is also offered for sampling in various shawarma shops.


  • Lavash – 1 piece.
  • Chicken fillet – 500 grams.
  • Onions – 1 piece.
  • French fries – 200 grams.
  • White cabbage – 150 grams.
  • Carrots – 100 grams.
  • Ketchup – 100 grams.
  • Mayonnaise – 150 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the chicken fillet, season with salt and pepper, and wrap in foil.
  2. Fry the fillet in the oven until done, cut the foil and cook for another 5 - 10 minutes until the meat is browned.
  3. If they are raw, fry French fries in a frying pan with plenty of oil or deep fry. Place the potatoes on a napkin to absorb excess oil.
  4. Cut the onion into small cubes.
  5. Shred the cabbage with a knife or shredder.
  6. Place the pita bread on a cutting board, grease with ketchup and mayonnaise.
  7. Place meat, French fries, cabbage, carrots and onions on pita bread.
  8. Coat the vegetables with mayonnaise and ketchup on top and wrap the shawarma.
  9. Place the shawarma on a baking sheet and heat in the oven until browned.

Helpful advice:

1. Instead of fresh carrots, you can use Korean carrots, which will make the dish more juicy.

Recipe 3: Shawarma without meat

Shawarma cooked with vegetables without meat turns out to be very healthy and full of vitamins.


Cooking method:

  1. Wash the cilantro, dry it, chop it finely.
  2. Wash the basil and spinach, let dry and tear finely with your hands.
  3. Peel the garlic, crush it with a garlic clove, add it to the mayonnaise and mix.
  4. Melt the butter and brush it onto the lavash sheet.
  5. On top of the oil, spread the pita bread with mayonnaise, garlic and ketchup.
  6. Place spinach and basil on pita bread.
  7. Cut the mozzarella cheese into pieces and place on the greens.
  8. Wash the bell pepper, remove the seeds, cut into cubes, and place on the cheese.
  9. Place cilantro on top of the cheese, sprinkle with ketchup and mayonnaise moderately.
  10. Wrap the pita bread in a roll and heat in the microwave for 2 minutes at 600 Watts until the cheese melts a little.

Helpful advice:

1. You can cut this shawarma into pieces and serve festive table as a snack.

Recipe 4: Shawarma with hard cheese

Classic shawarma with the addition of cheese, which makes it juicy and soft.


Cooking method:

  1. Boil the chicken breast until tender, cool, and cut into cubes.
  2. Fry the meat with curry and black pepper until golden brown.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings.
  4. Shred the cabbage into strips.
  5. Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices.
  6. Wash the cucumber and cut into strips.
  7. Grease pita bread with ketchup and mayonnaise.
  8. Place the filling on the pita bread: meat, cabbage, carrots, tomato, cucumber, onion, cheese.
  9. Grease the filling with mayonnaise and ketchup, wrap the pita bread with a roll.
  10. Heat the shawarma in the microwave until the cheese melts.

Helpful advice:

1. To prevent the onion from becoming bitter, you can first pour boiling water over it for 20 minutes or marinate it in vinegar with added sugar.

Recipe 5: Shawarma with mushrooms

Spicy and satisfying sharuma with gherkins and mushrooms.


Cooking method:

  1. Boil chicken fillet, cut into pieces.
  2. Wash the mushrooms, chop them and fry them in a frying pan until done.
  3. Mix ketchup and mayonnaise until smooth.
  4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  5. Finely chop the cabbage and cut the cucumber into slices.
  6. Cut the gherkins into cubes.
  7. Grease the pita bread with sauce, lay out the filling in layers: meat, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, gherkins.
  8. Coat the filling with sauce, sprinkle with spices and grated cheese.
  9. Wrap the pita bread in shawarma, place it on a baking sheet, and cook in the oven for 3 - 5 minutes.

Helpful advice:

1. To make the meat more juicy, you can mix it with sauce and place it on pita bread in this form.

Recipe 6: Shawarma without pita bread

Original preparation of shawarma without pita bread, using baguette.


Cooking method:

  1. Wash the chicken leg, remove the bones, cut the meat into pieces.
  2. Fry the meat in a frying pan until golden brown with salt and spices.
  3. Chop the cabbage, cut the tomato into cubes.
  4. Cut the baguette into several pieces. Cut each piece on one side, open it, take out the pulp so that the walls are as thin as possible.
  5. Spread mayonnaise and ketchup over the entire surface of the baguette.
  6. Place carrots, cabbage, meat, and tomato on the opened baguette.
  7. Roll the baguette with the filling as tightly as possible so that it does not fall out.
  8. Place the baguette in a greased frying pan and fry until crispy.

Helpful advice:

1. To make the cabbage softer, after shredding, you can sprinkle it with salt and mash it with your hands.

Recipe 7: Shawarma with lettuce

You can cook shawarma without cabbage using lettuce leaves, which are softer.


Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Fry the onion in a frying pan until translucent with spices.
  2. Wash the chicken fillet, cut into pieces, add to the onion.
  3. Finely chop the dill, add to the chicken, salt and pepper.
  4. Fry the chicken until done, 15 minutes.
  5. Cut the tomato into cubes, cucumber into strips.
  6. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them and tear them with your hands.
  7. Mix mayonnaise with crushed garlic, dill and spices. Stir the sauce.
  8. Grease a sheet of pita bread with sauce, place cabbage, meat with onions and their juice, and vegetables on it. Roll the pita bread into a roll.
  9. Wrap the shawarma in cling film and heat in the microwave for 1 minute.

Helpful advice:

1. In addition to chicken, you can cook shawarma with pork, lamb or other types of meat.

Recipe 8: Shawarma with minced meat

Shawarma with minced meat and spices turns out very aromatic and juicy.


Cooking method:

  1. Fry the minced meat in a frying pan with salt and spices until cooked.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, pour boiling water over it, and pour vinegar over it for 30 minutes.
  3. Cut the tomato into slices, cucumber into long strips.
  4. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  5. Finely chop the cabbage with a shredding knife.
  6. Mix mayonnaise and ketchup in equal proportions into a sauce.
  7. Spread the sauce over the pita bread and place all the ingredients on it in layers.
  8. Roll the pita bread into a roll and cook the shawarma under the grill in the microwave for 5 - 10 minutes until golden brown.

Helpful advice:

1. You don’t have to put cheese inside; if you wish, you can sprinkle it on top of the shawarma when baking, so it will have a delicious cheese crust.

Recipe 9: Shawarma with sausage

An unusual shawarma with sausage instead of meat, which does not become any less tasty.


Cooking method:

  1. Peel the garlic, crush it with a garlic clove, mix with mayonnaise and ketchup into a sauce.
  2. Cut the cucumber and tomato into circles or slices.
  3. Grate hard cheese on a fine grater.
  4. Cut the sausage into cubes and fry a little in a frying pan with spices.
  5. Wash the lettuce leaves and dry them.
  6. Finely chop the greens.
  7. Grease the pita bread with sauce, add sausage, vegetables, and pieces of lettuce.
  8. Sprinkle the filling with herbs, hard cheese, and coat with sauce.
  9. Wrap pita bread in shawarma and bake in the oven until crispy.

Helpful advice:

1. Lavash for shawarma should only be taken fresh, otherwise it will tear when twisted.

Recipe 10: Shawarma with crab sticks

Delicious fish shawarma with the addition of crab sticks and sardines.


Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage and mix with mayonnaise to make it a little softer and juicier.
  2. Cut the cucumber into long strips.
  3. Cut the tomato into slices.
  4. Open the can of sardines, drain the liquid and mash the fish with a fork.
  5. Cut crab sticks into cubes.
  6. Wash the greens, dry with paper towels, and chop finely.
  7. Grease the pita bread with mayonnaise and ketchup, add the filling: cabbage, sardine, crab sticks, vegetables, greens.
  8. Pour a little ketchup and mayonnaise over the filling.
  9. Wrap the pita bread in a roll and bake in the microwave under the grill until golden brown.

Helpful advice:

1. Do not fry shawarma in a frying pan, otherwise the pita bread will soften under the heat of mayonnaise and ketchup and tear.

There are many recipes for an oriental dish that has long taken a strong position among varieties of fast food: the taste of shawarma (or shawarma, shawarma) is familiar to almost everyone. The idea is simple, like all ingenious things. Meat (fried and chopped), fresh vegetable salad, spices and sauce are wrapped in a flatbread (pita). Have you tried making shawarma yourself? Today we will talk about what classic shawarma on a spit is, share the recipe and the intricacies of preparing this popular snack.

How to prepare shawarma

main feature real shawarma - in properly cooked meat. It should not just be fried; meat pieces for shawarma are prepared on special equipment using a special technology. If you have seen how shawarma is prepared, you will have noticed the unusual way in which the meat is fried.

Before the advent of the electric spit, meat was skewered on a special needle and manually rotated over an open fire. Automation has simplified the cooking process, but a person must skewer the meat, just like many years ago. This is done in the same way as during frying over a fire.

The meat tenderloin is threaded onto a spit, which rotates. Gas burners are placed along the spit. The meat is gradually fried and thin pieces are cut off with a long knife. This is the basis for the filling of the dish.

This is what the modern process of making shawarma looks like

Pork, beef, lamb or chicken are suitable for cooking. There are several dozen shawarma recipes; the ingredients mainly depend on the country where the recipe is used.

Instead of pita, Armenian bread is often used - thin lavash. In Russia, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper, Korean carrot. As a sauce - mayonnaise or sour cream, ketchup. From greens, dill, cilantro, parsley, sometimes garlic and green onions are added. Since the original shawarma is a rather spicy dish, red and black pepper are often used as ingredients.

Secrets of cooking the right shawarma on a spit

There are no two different housewives, which would equally produce the same dish. This also applies to shawarma, especially since there are many options for its preparation.

Few people know that the prototype of modern shawarma is the food of nomads. Meat fried over a fire was simply wrapped in a flatbread.

However, there are secrets that you can use to prepare the “correct” and extremely tasty shawarma.

  • It is believed that the main components of an ideal shawarma are spices and meat, which must be properly selected, cut and strung. Many oriental chefs use several types of meat (for example, pork, lamb and chicken) to prepare delicious shawarma.
  • Before threading the meat onto a needle, it is cut into thin slices and marinated for several hours in a mixture of special oriental spices. The records are then pressed and placed on a spit.
  • The process of threading the meat onto the needle is important and requires effort. The pieces are not just put on a skewer, they need to be arranged evenly and tightly, pierced in the middle. If the needle is not prepared correctly, the meat pieces will not be completely cooked during cooking, and this will lead to loss of raw materials. The largest pieces are placed first, the remaining layers are placed crosswise. There is no need to salt or pepper the meat beforehand: it acquired the necessary taste during marinating.
  • The secret of juicy shawarma: when skewering, it is important to alternate between fatty and lean pieces. Another trick for adding flavor and juiciness to the meat: the beginning of the meat pyramid should be decorated with half a lemon, orange or onion. During cooking, the juice will drain and evenly saturate the meat slices.
  • It takes several hours to fry the meat. Cut it off starting from the edge where a golden crust has already formed. Finely chop it with a sharp knife and place it in pita or pita bread. Pita must be prepared in advance. It is smeared with signature sauce, and finely chopped vegetables and spices are placed on top.
  • After the shawarma is wrapped, it should be heated for just a few seconds on a special stove - an electric waffle iron. If you don’t have one, it’s better to use a regular frying pan.
  • Do not use the microwave to heat up shawarma. This will spoil its taste: the pita bread will become sour and lose its structure.
  • Secret sauce. Properly prepared sauce will highlight the taste of all the ingredients of the dish and give it a unique flavor. The recipe for real shawarma sauce is a mixture in equal proportions homemade mayonnaise, kefir and sour cream. Black and red pepper, grated garlic, coriander, and herbs (dry parsley, basil, dill) are added to it.
  • Mandatory spice composition. The basis of the spice mixture is the familiar curry, turmeric, cardamom, sweet paprika, and pepper mixtures. Among the unusual oriental seasonings, bagarat and khovaich are used.

In order to give the sauce a rich and bright shade, you can add red pepper or curry to it.

Tip: to make the shawarma sauce more aromatic and tasty, you must first grind the garlic, herbs and spices together and only then mix them with the main ingredients.

Shawarma at home. How to replace the spit. Recipe

If you wish, you can prepare shawarma yourself at home, if you know how to do it correctly. The classic spit can be replaced with a regular frying pan, a saucepan with a thick bottom, or you can bake whole pieces of meat, sprinkled with spices, in the oven, and then finely chop and fry. In nature, you can use a grate or a dry frying pan that is placed on the grill.

The recipe is quite simple and tasty. For cooking you need 600 g. chicken fillet.

Preparation procedure:

  1. The meat is marinated in mayonnaise with chicken spices for 1-2 hours, salted, cut into strips and fried in a small amount vegetable oil.
  2. Cooking vegetables. You need to cut into cubes 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes, 1 bell pepper and one stalk of celery, chop half a head of Chinese cabbage, tear half a head of Iceberg lettuce with your hands. Mix prepared vegetables with meat.
  3. To prepare the sauce, you need to mix 200 gr. sour cream and 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, finely chopped dill, parsley and green onions and a couple of cloves of squeezed garlic.
  4. Add the sauce to the meat and vegetables, mix well. Place the filling on the pita bread and roll it up: first in the form of an envelope, then roll it up into a roll.

Homemade shawarma is a great way to diversify your daily menu.

Shawarma is a very tasty and versatile dish that allows you to experiment with ingredients. It can be prepared on picnics and hikes, at home for dinner, or as a child’s lunch for school. Imagine and experiment, armed with our advice, and remember: the most tasty dish- This is a dish prepared with love.
