Board game “Monopoly. How to make your own version of the game Monopoly

Print, cut and play, this way you can save your money but still have a good board game to enjoy with your friends and family. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rules of this popular game.

Beginning of the game
1. Place houses, hotels, title deeds and money (at face value) in separate sectors playing field. There is a diagram on the board showing the correct placement of all game pieces.
2. Separate the Chance cards, shuffle them, and place them, back side up, on the appropriate areas of the game board.
3. Separate the Treasury cards, shuffle them and place them, back side up, on the appropriate areas of the game board.
4. Each player chooses a playing chip and places it on the “START” field.

Banker and Bank
5. One of the players is chosen as Banker. If there are more than 5 players in a game, the Banker may, at his discretion, limit himself to only that role in the game. The banker gives each player $1,500 in the following coupons:

  • Two $500 bills
  • Four $100 bills
  • One $50 bill
  • One $20 bill
  • Two $10 bills
  • One $5 bill
  • Five $1 bills

In addition to money, the Bank also has cards for Title Deeds, Houses and Hotels until they are purchased by the players. The bank also pays salaries and bonuses, gives loans secured by real estate and collects all taxes, fines, returns loans and interest on them. During an auction, the Banker acts as an auctioneer.
A bank can never go bankrupt, but it can issue as much money as needed in the form of IOUs written on a regular piece of paper.
6. Players roll both dice. The one who got the first one starts the game greatest number points. The player to his left will be next, then the next one, and so on.

When it's your turn, roll both dice and move your piece forward along the board in the direction indicated by the arrow. The field you land on determines what you need to do. Several chips can be on one field at the same time. Depending on what field you find yourself on, you will have to:

  • buy plots for construction or other real estate;
  • pay rent if you are on Property owned by others;
  • pay taxes;
  • pull out the Chance or Treasury card;
  • end up in prison;
  • relax in the free parking lot;
  • receive a salary of $200

Same number of points on both dice
If you roll the dice and they both come up with the same number of points, move your piece and act according to the space you land on. You then have the right to roll the dice again. If you get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row, you immediately go to Prison

Passing the "START" field
Whenever you stop or pass through the "START" field, moving in the direction indicated by the arrow, the Bank pays you $200. You can get this amount twice in the same turn if, for example, you find yourself on the Chance or Treasury field, immediately after the “START” field, and pull out a card that says “Go to the “START” field.”
If you land on a space that represents an unoccupied Property (that is, a Building Lot for which no other player has a Title Deed), you will have first choice to purchase it. If you decide to buy Real Estate, pay the Bank the money in the amount indicated on this playing field. In exchange, you will receive a Document of Ownership of this Property, which you must place in front of you with the text facing up. If you decide not to buy this Property, the Banker must immediately put it up for auction and sell it to the highest bidder, starting from whatever price one of the players is willing to pay. Even though you refused to purchase the Property at the original price, you can take part in the auction.

Property Ownership
Owning a Property will give you the right to collect rent from any “tenants” who stay in the space that marks it. It is very profitable to own all the Real Estate of one color group - in other words, own a monopoly. If you own an entire color group, you can build houses on any Property of that color.

Stopping at someone else's Property
If you stop at a Property that was previously purchased by another player, you may be required to pay rent for that stop. The player who owns this Property must ask you to pay the rent before the next player rolls the dice. The amount payable is set out in the Title Deed for the Property and may vary depending on the number of buildings constructed thereon. If all the Properties of one color group are owned by one player, the rent you will be charged for stopping on any undeveloped property of that group is doubled. However, if the owner of an entire color group has at least one parcel of the Property in that group mortgaged, he cannot charge you double rent. If Houses and Hotels have been built on the Property plots, the rent will increase, which will be shown on the Title Deed for that Property. No rent will be charged for staying on the mortgaged Property.

Stop at the service enterprise field
If you settle on one of these fields (Water or Electric Company), you can buy this business if it has not already been purchased by anyone. As with the purchase of other Real Estate, pay the Bank the amount indicated in this field. If this Real Estate has already been purchased by someone else player, he can charge you rent according to the number of points that were rolled on the dice when you made the move that brought you to this field. If the other player owns only one of the Utilities, the rent will be four times the number of points that were rolled on dice. If he owns both businesses, you must pay him an amount equal to ten times the number of points rolled. If you were placed on this space as a result of the instructions on the Chance or Community Chest card you took, you must roll the dice to determine how much you will have to pay. pay. If you decide not to buy this Real Estate, the Banker puts the service enterprise up for auction and sells it to the player who will pay for it the largest amount. You too can take part in the auction.

Stop at the Seaport
If you are the first to land on such a field, you will have the opportunity to purchase this port. Otherwise, the Bank puts it up for auction, even if you refused to purchase it at the original price, you can also take part in the auction. If the Port already has an owner when you arrive, you will need to pay the amount stated on the Title Deed. The amount to be paid depends on the number of other Ports owned by the player who owns the Port you are staying at.

Stop at the “Chance” and “Treasury” fields
Stopping on such a field means that you need to take the top card from the corresponding pile. These cards may require you to:

  • moved your piece;
  • paid money - for example taxes;
  • received money;
  • went to Prison;
  • released from prison free of charge.

You must immediately follow the instructions on the card and place the card on the bottom of the appropriate pile. If you pick up a card that says “Get Out of Jail Free,” you can keep it until you need it, or you can sell it to another player for a mutually agreed upon price.
Note: The card may indicate that you must move your piece to another space. If you pass through the “START” field while driving, you will receive $200. If you are sent to Prison, you do not go through the START box.

Stop at the Tax Field
If you choose such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount to the Bank.

Free parking.
If you land on such a field, simply rest until your next turn. You are here for free and are not subject to any penalties, you can enter into transactions as usual (for example, collect rent, build buildings on the Property you own, etc.).

You will be sent to prison if:

  • you will stop at the “You are under arrest” box, or
  • you took a Chance or Treasury card that says “Go to Jail”, or
  • you get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row in one turn.

Your turn ends when you are sent to Jail. If you end up in Jail, you cannot receive your $200 salary, no matter where you are on the board.
To get out of Prison, you need:

  • pay a $50 fine and continue playing when it's your turn, or buy a Get Out of Jail Free card from another player at a mutually agreed upon price and use it to get yourself free, or
  • use the Get Out of Jail Free card if you already have one, or
  • stay here, skipping your next three turns, but every time it comes to your turn, roll the dice and, if on one of these turns you get the same number of points, you can leave the Prison and go through the number of fields that falls on cubes.

After you have missed three turns while in Jail, you must leave the Jail and pay $50 before you can move your pawn the number of spaces rolled on the dice.
While in Prison, you may receive rent for your Property if it is not mortgaged. If you were not "sent to Jail" but simply stopped at the "Jail" space during the game, you do not pay any penalty since you "Just stopped in" for a while. On your next turn, you can move.

At home
Once you have all the Property lots in the same color group, you can buy Houses to place on any of your existing lots. This will increase the rent you can charge from tenants staying at your Property. The cost of the house (object) is shown on the corresponding Title Deed. You can buy houses during your turn or between other players' turns, but you must build your plots evenly: you cannot build a second house on any of the plots of the same color group until you have built one House on each from the plots of this color group, the third - until they built two on each, and so on: maximum amount There are four houses on one plot. Houses also need to be sold evenly. You can build up your objects only immediately before your turn, maximum - 3 houses (objects) per 1 turn. Without building Houses (objects), you can, however, receive double rent from any player staying on any of the undeveloped Property lots of your color group.

Before you can buy Hotels, you need to have four Houses on each lot of a color group that you completely own. Hotels can be bought in the same way as Houses, but they cost four Houses, which are returned to the Bank, plus the price indicated in the Title Deed. Only one Hotel can be built on each site.

Lack of buildings
If there are no Houses left in the Bank, you will have to wait until one of the other players returns their Houses to him. Likewise, if you sell Hotels, you cannot replace them with Houses unless you have any extra Houses in the Bank.
If there are only a limited number of Houses or Hotels left in the Bank, and two or more players want to buy more buildings than the Bank has, the Banker auctions off the buildings to be sold to the highest bidder, taking the starting price the one indicated on the relevant Document of Ownership.

Property For Sale
You can sell undeveloped Lots, Ports and Service Enterprises to any player by entering into a private transaction with him for an amount agreed upon between you. However, you cannot sell a Plot to another player if there are any buildings on any other Plot of the same color group. If you want to sell any Lot of a color group that belongs to you, you first need to sell to the Bank all the buildings located on the Lots of this color group. Homes should be sold evenly, just as they were bought. (see “At Home” item above).
Houses and Hotels cannot be sold to other players. They should be sold to the Bank at a price two times less than that indicated in the relevant Document of Ownership. Buildings can be sold at any time.
When selling the Hotel, the Bank pays you half the cost of the four Houses that were given to the Bank when purchasing the Hotel. All Hotels of the same color group must be sold at the same time.
If necessary, in order for you to receive money, Hotels can be replaced with Houses again. To do this, you need to sell the Hotel to the Bank and receive in return four Houses plus half the cost of the Hotel itself.
Mortgaged Real Estate can only be sold to other players, but not to the Bank.

If you have no money left, but need to pay off your debts, you can get money by mortgaging some Real Estate. To do this, first sell to the Bank any buildings located on this plot of Real Estate. In order to pledge the Real Estate, turn the Title Deed face down and receive from the bank the pledge amount indicated on the back of the card. If you later want to pay off your debt to the Bank, you will need to pay it this amount plus 10% on top.
If you mortgage any Property, it still belongs to you. No other player can obtain it by paying the deposit amount to the Bank.
You cannot collect rent on a mortgaged Property, although rent may still flow to you for other Properties in the same color group.
You can sell the pledged Property to other players at a price agreed upon with them. The buyer can then decide to pay off the debt taken on the security of this property by depositing the corresponding amount of the deposit plus 10% with the Bank. He can also pay only 10% and leave the Property as collateral. In this case, upon final removal of the collateral, you will have to pay another 10% to the Bank.
When none of the Lots of one color group are mortgaged anymore, their owner can begin to buy Houses again at full price.

If you owe the Bank or other players more money than you can collect from your assets, you are declared bankrupt and out of the game.
If you owe the Bank, the Bank receives all your money and Title Deeds. The Banker then auctions off each of the Properties to the highest bidder.
You must place the Get Out of Jail Free cards at the bottom of the appropriate pile.
If you become bankrupt due to debts to another player, your Houses and Hotels are sold to the Bank for half their original value, and your creditor receives all the money, Title Deeds, and Get Out of Jail Free cards you have. If you have any mortgaged Property, you must also transfer it to this player, he must immediately pay 10% on it to the Bank, and then decide whether he should immediately buy it back at full value or keep it as collateral.

Game Notes
If you have to pay the amount rent, more than the amount of cash you have, you can pay your lender partly in cash and partly in Real Estate (that is, undeveloped Building Lots). In this case, a lender may agree to accept a piece of Property (even if it is mortgaged) for a price much higher than what is listed on it, in an effort to obtain additional Construction Site or to prevent another player from establishing control over that Property.
If you own any Property, then the responsibility to collect rent rests with you.
Money can be given in the form of a loan only by the Bank and only on the security of the Real Estate.
Neither player can borrow money from or lend money to another player.
For using another player's piece during your turn, you must pay a fine of $50.
You are required to pay a fine of $50 in case of an extraordinary move when you moved instead of another player.
You will also be forced to pay a fine of $50 if during your turn the dice leave the playing field (improvised, for example, a table or special flooring designated for the playing field

The last participant remaining in the game is the winner.

Did you like the game Monopoly? We invite you to play for free online!

Difficulty level: Average

Number of players: 2-6

Develops skills: Intelligence, Communication, Planning

(Monopoly) is an economic board game for a company of several people. Invented in America, it became popular in Russia in the 80s of the 20th century and is in demand now. Due to the cost, this entertainment is not affordable for every consumer, but now there is a chance to create a monopoly with your own hands in the absence of finances.

Any modification contains dice (cubes), chips, a field, paper money, cards inside the box. All components are easy to find in Everyday life: cardboard or photo paper, if desired, a small wooden block. This suggests that playing with your own hands can be done very quickly if you print out all the blanks. To avoid unnecessary confusion, it is recommended to print materials on a color printer so as not to play with cards of the same color palette.

Board game rules

This type of entertainment allows you to consider the stages of capitalization: construction, rental of houses, purchase of streets to increase the price of rent. It begins by distributing to each player the same amount prescribed in the rules of the game.

Players stand on a section of the field " Forward“- this is where the countdown of full circles starts. The order of movement is then determined by rolling the dice. Next, the cube is needed to move to the next fields. If a participant finds himself in a “Real Estate” cell that does not belong to anyone, he has the right to buy it or put it up for auction.

Real estate– the main source of income, mandatory purchase. After landing on a purchased cell, the other player must pay a fixed annuity to the owner. To increase the rent, you need to buy 2-3 plots from the same category; they are easy to find by the same color. With a full set of cells, construction begins. It is better to print the plots using a color printer.

Source of income for each modification board game various: hotels, ordinary houses and more. The amount that another player will give when entering these areas depends on the construction. In various modifications, Monopoly contains different field names. Print it out and then play Monopoly in as many different versions as you can come up with.

If a player ends up on someone’s property, and there is not enough money to pay the rent, he should pledge his property without receiving income from it until the redemption. Cards play an important role Coffers" and "", where actions are prescribed that cannot be ignored. They can enrich the player or ruin him completely. On one cell of the field there is “ Jail", where the participant loses a move for 3 rounds of moves. The player can immediately pay for his exit or roll the dice, get a double, and then exit for free. However, if the double does not appear after three rounds, the player must pay a fixed exit cost to the treasury to continue participating.

This article will give you the opportunity to create the Monopoly game you could only dream of. The rules of this game are known to everyone, but you can choose a theme for it yourself and make a corresponding playing field with cards. Personalized Monopoly games make a great gift idea and are great for entertaining during parties or quiet family evenings.


Part 1

Create your own game

    Come up with a unique theme for your game. The Monopoly game can easily be remade, but first you need to come up with your own theme for it. In this case, you can think globally (for example, make a Monopoly with an ocean theme) or locally (for example, make a Monopoly based on your own city in which you live).

    • Beware of being too specific. If the theme of the game is too narrow, you will find it difficult to fill all the railway cells of the playing field or come up with Community Chest cards without deviating from the chosen theme.
    • Come up with a name for your game similar to Monopoly, for example, “Dogpoly” or “Estradopoly”.
  1. Choose a design style for the cells and pictures of the playing field that suits the theme. For example, when making a game with a medieval theme, you can use a calligraphic font for cell signatures and an image of a dungeon instead of the classic prison bars of the “Prison” cell. It is necessary to place four diamond-shaped cells in the corners of the playing field, and in the spaces between them, mark out nine rectangular cells for placing real estate.

    Consider the composition of personalized real estate cells. Make a list of different objects or plots that can be bought and sold in the game. In this case, you can use a random or logical approach, for example, using the names of different varieties of ice cream or the names of Moscow districts. For a game about St. Petersburg, you can use the names of such popular places as Nevsky Prospekt, Voznesensky Prospekt, Peter-Pavel's Fortress or the Hermitage. In total, there should be 22 real estate cells on the playing field.

    • You will need to use eight various colors to create appropriate real estate groups.
  2. Create content for secondary game cells. In addition to the real estate cells, you will need four railways, three "Chance" cells, three "Community Treasury" cells, and three utility bills fields with their corresponding costs. In addition, do not forget to come up with your own version of the corner starting cell, as well as all the other corner cells.

    • Create "Go to Jail" and "Jail" cells. Get creative with how you want players to fall into this trap. When making a jungle game, you can create a game cell called "Vine Break", which will send you to the cell "Quicksand".
  3. Use the large empty space in the center of the playing field to further develop the theme of the game. If the game, for example, will serve as a gift for someone's wedding anniversary, then in the center of the field around the game name you came up with, you can paste photographs of this couple.

    Consider if you want to change any rules of the game. Since you already initially changed the Monopoly game board, you have every right also change the gameplay. For example, you can come up with a more complex layout of real estate cells or change the length of stay in prison. If you don’t want to deviate from the original version of the game, you can simply print ready-made Monopoly game rules from the Internet or put them in a box with new game rules from the old game.

    Part 2

    Make a playing field
    1. Use a ready-made template to create a new playing field. The easiest way to make a new playing field is based on the schematic markings of the old field. You can just put it on Blank sheet paper onto the old playing field and copy the cell markings and correct sizes. There is no need to cut or measure anything to make own game you just need to copy the contours of the old field marking lines.

      Make a playing field. If you are not using an old playing board as a base, you will need some material that can be easily cut to a size of 46x46 cm and then folded in the center for easy storage (for example, regular or corrugated cardboard, or thick paper). Classic Monopoly uses a square playing field that's slightly smaller than 46cm on a side, but a little extra will give you more room to personalize the game.

      • Whatever size your game board ends up being, make sure you have a box or container to fit it in. Whether the playing field is folding or regular, it must have a suitable storage box.
    2. Draw the playing field by hand. You can draw the cells of the playing field either manually using art supplies, or using special computer programs. Both options give you the freedom to choose colors and images, but if you are not good with a computer, then drawing the playing field by hand will be easier. Basically, your choice should depend on whether you want to give the game the look of a handmade craft or the look of a neater computer replica.

      • Your main assistant in making the playing field should be a ruler. Lay out the game board spaces, including the Community Chest and Chance decks, so that they are all level and the same size.
    3. Make a more accurate drawing of the playing field in a computer program. First you need to download a ready-made playing field template and then change its design in Photoshop, or you can draw the playing field from scratch in some graphics program or online application.

      Create a PDF of the game board and print it on post-it paper from a printing company. Then the new playing field can be glued onto the old field or onto a base prepared in advance for it. Be sure to smooth out any air bubbles that may form under the sticker as soon as possible. To cover the base of the old playing field, you can use either self-adhesive or regular paper. Be sure to use a blade to make a cut in the base of the playing field so that it can then be folded compactly for storage.

    Part 3

    Make cards

      Make cards for the Chance and Community Chest slots. In both cases, you will need a deck of 16 cards. Save card actions from original game, but change the text on them to suit the theme of your game.

      • For example, instead of a card with the words “Go to Arbat” you can write “Go to Ural Mountains", if the theme of the game was the geography of Russia.
      • In Community Chest cards, for example, you can replace the "Pay for insurance" card with "Pay for beach parking."
      • Cardboard can be cut to any size and shape, and it is also easy to use with almost any markers, pens, pencils and paints if you are making your game by hand.
    1. Prepare property cards for all property cells. For simplicity, use the same rent and security deposit rates as shown on the respective original cards. Be sure to include this information in handwriting or small print on the back of the cards.

    2. Create a unique game currency. You can look for regular toy money or a special set of currency for Monopoly in toy stores or online stores, or you can make money yourself. If you don't want to buy money to play, you can draw or print them.

      • Get creative with making money. For example, for a game based on the films of Eldar Ryazanov, using Photoshop, you can place portraits of the heroes of his films on game banknotes and, for beauty, additionally decorate them with an image of a film reel.
      • You can also give the game currency your own name. If you made a game with a theme about computer games, the currency may be called "credits", and in a game about Agriculture the currency could be "farmer's cabbage".

    Make analogues of houses and hotels. Get creative with your choices simple shapes for the production of analogues of 32 houses and 16 hotels for gameplay. For example, if the game is about oil production, you can use drilling and oil production rigs.

    • In addition, you can always repaint the houses and hotels from the old Monopoly to match the color scheme of the new game.
    • The game can also be complicated by making multi-level houses and hotels for it. For example, you can use regular houses, skyscrapers and castles in one game, with the rental cost for each increasing accordingly.

What you will need

  • Large sheet of paper for making a playing field
  • City map
  • Art supplies to decorate the playing field
  • Polymer clay or hardening plasticine for making player pieces and houses, or ready-made minifigures
  • Cards for the "Chance" and "Public Treasury" fields, as well as real estate cards

How many hours did we spend playing this game as children? most interesting game. We spent days and days playing Monopoly with our friends. The most successful was the first version of the monopoly, which was called NEP. It is this version that we scanned and redrawn for those who would like to download and then print the game in order to again plunge into the most interesting economic world.

Playing field

First of all, you will need to print out the game board for your future Monopoly. Even from the miniature presented above, you can recognize one of the very first games of this genre. This option called "NEP". This version of Monopoly has the most successful playing field, as, in principle, all the elements of this board game. The best part is that when playing this monopoly we will be dealing with small numbers. The most expensive enterprises are the Ring - 400 and the Pearl - 350. You can download the playing field for Monopoly in PDF. After printing two A4 sheets, simply fold them together. At the junction, you can glue strips of transparent tape on both sides. For those who have the opportunity, it is better to laminate the playing field, then it will last much longer. Download and print parts too.

If a field of two A4 sheets does not seem large enough for you, then you can print it and glue it onto 4 sheets of regular size. In this case, download this one, consisting of 4 sheets.

Monopoly cards

On the first sheet of cards for monopoly, we will need to print: Arabskaya, Orlovskaya, Donskaya, and Gingerbread, Bulka, Cake. We print both sides, cut them out and glue them back together. The first A4 sheet for printing is here.

The second sheet of A4 format with cards for monopoly contained: Pineapples, Sausage, Sevruga, and Yar, Metropol, Astoria. You can download and print these 6 cards at.

The next sheet of cards contains such enterprises as: Fur coat, Manto, Fur, and Teriyazh, Chest of drawers, Armchair. .

By printing this page with cards, we will get the following enterprises: Silver, Porcelain, Ring, Pearl, Water and Energy. Download this one to print.

Co next sheet, which depicts lotteries for Monopoly, we do the same. Don’t forget, if printed lotteries are wrapped in film, they will last much longer. .

And we download the last 6 lotteries. In total you will get 18 lotteries. All we have to do is print out the chance cards, money and game rules. And you can gather friends for an exciting time.

"CHANCE" cards from Monopoly

Unlike the lottery, we designed the chance card in bright orange color. They will also need to be printed in 3 sheets of 6 pieces. on each. Download and print.

If you took double-sided photo paper, you could print the chance shirt on the other side of the description itself. But due to the fact that it is very difficult to get millimeter to millimeter on a home printer, it is easier to cut it out and then glue the first and second sides to each other. — 2 sheets of chance.

Rules of the board game "Monopoly"

All you have to do is download the rules of the game, and your own monopoly is ready. The content of the rules was conveniently distributed on two A4 sheets. It is best to print them on one sheet, on both sides. Download and print: , .

Download and print the following PDF to glue together a 60 x 60cm field so the business cards can be laid out in their place.

for monopoly - this is a sheet measuring 500 x 500 mm, assembled from four equal parts. How to reproduce such a board at home, if the most accessible A4 format has dimensions of 210 x 297 mm? After all, it would seem that no matter how you glue it together, it will still turn out wrong. However, there are several secrets that allow you to make a monopoly in its original form. So, the monopoly game field size: what you need to know before starting the game.

Assembly of sheets

Please note that the total length and width of the standard sheet give 210 + 297 = 507 mm. That is, practically what is needed. This means that the sheets need to be attached to each other so that a square of the required size is obtained.

Next, connect each joint with tape, and cover the empty space in the middle with another sheet. The latter can either be glued or again secured with insulating tape. Now all that remains is to trim the extra 7 mm vertically and horizontally to get the required 500 x 500 mm format.

Making a field

Monopoly game board size: Monopoly card. Due to the impossibility of printing the field in one go, the entire template is divided into several fragments. They should be carefully folded on the previously made blank and glued so that the parts of the card match perfectly.

Check how even the finished field is. After all, any bump or depression can interfere with the rolling of the cubes, affecting the results. Therefore, if necessary, increase the rigidity by gluing on reverse side 2-3 sheets of cardboard.
