Voronezh State University of Physical Culture and Sports. Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture: faculties

Today on Lenin Square the opening of the Qualifying competitions for participation in the Final of the VI National Championship “Young Professionals” WorldSkills Russia 2018 took place.

More than 300 students from 57 regions of our country will take part in the professional skills competition! The Yakut College of Communications and Energy was chosen as the site for the championship. Competitions are held in the following competencies:

  • Network and system administration(chief expert - Anton Grigorievich Uymin)
  • Jewelry (chief expert - Sharonov Nikolay Mikhailovich)
  • Geodesy (chief expert - Nikulin Anton Sergeevich)
  • Web design and development (chief expert - Oleg Vladimirovich Agarkov)
  • Industrial automation (chief expert - Popkov Vadim Evgenievich)
  • Reverse engineering (chief expert – Zhurkin Maxim Sergeevich)
  • Presentation competence: Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

Today we greeted those who were honored to show us their skills and level of their vocational training. For the grand opening of the Qualifying competitions for participation in the Final of the VI National Championship “Young Professionals” WorldSkills Russia 2018, the following were invited: Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - Evgeniy Alekseevich Chekin, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - Alexey Prokopyevich Dyachkovsky, Deputy Technical Director on organizing an event according to WorldSkills International standards - Oleg Eduardovich Bazer (Moscow), Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - Vladimir Anatolyevich Egorov, Vice-Rector of the North-Eastern federal university named after M.K. Ammosov - Mikhail Prokopyevich Fedorov, as well as members of the government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

The Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - Evgeniy Alekseevich Chekin and the Deputy Technical Director for organizing the event according to WorldSkills International standards - Oleg Eduardovich Bazer addressed the championship participants with welcoming words.

In his speech, the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Evgeniy Alekseevich Chekin focused the attention of those present on the fact that our republic has joined the WorldSkills movement since 2012, that our participants worthily represent the republic in competitions different levels. Evgeniy Alekseevich emphasized that the qualifying competitions for participation in the Final of the VI National Championship “Young Professionals” WorldSkills Russia 2018 are being held in the year of promoting employment, which was announced by the head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Egor Afanasyevich Borisov. Further, the Prime Minister congratulated the participants on the opening of the competition and wished them success.

The right to pronounce a solemn oath on behalf of the participants in the Qualifying Competitions was granted to Andrei Tikhonov, the winner of the 2017 final in the “Reverse Engineering” competency. Vadim Popkov, chief expert in the “Industrial Automation” competency, took a solemn oath on behalf of the main experts.

At the end of the ceremony, the Deputy Technical Director for organizing the event according to WorldSkills International standards, Oleg Eduardovich Bazer, spoke. In his address, Oleg Eduardovich expressed gratitude to the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), which has been hosting participants in the qualifying championship for the second year, for its hospitality. He emphasized the importance of this event, since this is where the participants in the finals will be determined. Next, he greeted the contestants and experts and wished them a fair fight and proper work.

State budget educational

institution additional education

"Magadan regional center development of additional education"

Opening ceremony script


The purpose of the championship is to increase the prestige of working professions of a mass nature and the quality of professional training in the region, as well as the introduction into the system vocational education Magadan region best national and international practices in the areas: professional standards and qualification characteristics WSR; identifying the best representatives of professions to form the Magadan region WSR team to participate in interregional and national championships of Russia;

Through the holding of WSR competitions, it is decidedtask popularizing modern working professions, increasing their prestige in society, attracting young enterprising people to obtain working professions, attracting target audience representatives of government bodies, parents, representatives of the business community to solve strategic problems of the development of vocational education in the Magadan region.

Participants in the opening ceremony of the Championship:

students of professional educational organizations;

students in grades 8-9 educational organizations Magadan

There is music in the hall.

The Championship logo is displayed on the screens.

Musical composition on the theme “Kolyma region”

Presenters exit to fanfare

Q.1 Good afternoon!

AT 2. Hello!

B.1.Today, the capital of the Kolyma Territory, the city of Magadan, welcomes all participants, experts and guests

Together : IRegional Championship "Young Professionals"WSR.

AT 2. The championship brought together more than seventy participants from different parts of the Magadan region, who will demonstrate their skills and professional competencies.

IN 1. The guys will compete for the title of best young professional. We can say with confidence that each of them deserves to win!

AT 2. Participation in the Championship is not only a great honor to represent your educational organization, but also a great responsibility.

IN 1. A little time will pass and you will join the ranks of professionals who will have their say in the development of the economy of the Magadan region.

AT 2. The Young Professionals Championship is not only a competition venue,

IN 1. But also space wide range questions about achievements and opportunities in the field of vocational education in the Magadan region.

AT 2. This is also a ticket to international competitions."WorldSkillsKazan2019."

IN 1. Yes, Russia has confidently entered the global competitive movement of blue-collar professionsWorldSkillsand every year the number of competitions and the number of competencies expands.

AT 2. The atmosphere of the competition makes it possible to maximize the talents of the participants, and good results become the basis of new standards of professional excellence.

IN 1. The championship erases boundaries - everyone can become part of its movement and start building their future today. Attention to the screen!

Video about WSR

AT 2. It's time to introduce the Championship participants.

IN 1. Dear friends! We are starting the ceremonial parade of participantsIRegional Championship “Young Professionals” (WOLDSKILLS RUSSIA) MAGADAN REGION.

The phonogram sounds.

Participants of the Championship appear on stage from behind the scenes at the invitation of the presenters.

(In front of each team of Participants, 1 girl comes out with a sign,

on which the name of the competency is written.

A representative comes out in front of the girl educational organization,

dressed in a suit of competence)

AT 2. Meet the Championship participants on stage with the following competences:

"Web design - development"

IN 1. Competence " Hairdressing art»

AT 2. Competency "Plumbing and heating"

IN 1. Competency "Cooking"

AT 2. Competency “Medical and social care»

IN 1. Competency “Welding technologies”

AT 2. Competency "Bulldozer control"

IN 1. Competence "Electrical installation"

AT 2. Competency "Mobile robotics".

AT 2. Participants in front of youIRegional Championship "Young Professionals"!

IN 1. MovementWorldSkillsconfidently entered the sphere of professional education in Russia and became popular among young people.

AT 2. The atmosphere of the competition allows you to reveal the talents of the participants

IN 1. and high results become the basis of new standards of professional excellence.

AT 2. Today there are already 84 subjects Russian Federation joined the movement.

IN 1. You and I have become part of a grandiose event - the largest Russian competition in blue-collar professions!

AT 2. Dear friends! We welcome the Flag of the “Young Professionals” Championship (Woldskills Russia)!

The phonogram sounds.

The Championship Flag is brought into the hall.

AT 2. The Governor of the Magadan Region is invited to the stage


The Governor welcomes all guests and congratulates

Championship participants. Declares the Championship open.

AT 2. The floor is given to the representativeWSR.


The representative welcomes the guests,

congratulates the participants and talks about the Championship.

B.1 For the solemn oath, we invite a representative of the experts and a representative of the participants to the stageIRegional Championship “Young Professionals”.

Expert: To take the Championship oath, I ask the experts to stand up!

A representative from the experts takes an oath.

A representative from the participants takes the oath.

(after taking the oath, the expert goes into the auditorium)

IN 1. Today, November 20, 2017 regional center Magadan region startsIRegional Championship “Young Professionals”!

The phonogram sounds.

The Championship flag is taken out of the hall, and the competencies go with it.

B.2.Dear participants, we ask you to go to the auditorium.

To the music, the participants enter the auditorium.

At the same time, the presenters say the text:

IN 1. The championship is a prestigious competition among young professionals.

AT 2. The championship is an opportunity for professional development and growth.

IN 1. The Championship is a place where masters communicate high level, and those who take their first steps in their chosen profession...

AT 2. Speaking of professions, we must not forget that the choice of specialty in a person’s life has great value. The main thing is to choose a profession you like, so that you can eventually become a true master of your craft.

After the participants entered the hall

IN 1. Participants of the Championship - best representatives professions. It is up to you to develop and strengthen the economy of our region.

AT 2. The power of a new society is in your hands, new technology, a new pace of life, new technologies...

IN 1. and all in order to benefit native land, to be useful to your land, your Motherland!

The song “My Proud, Russia” is playing

IN 1.WorldSkillsinspires, unites young professionals, helps realize the most creative ideas,

AT 2. expands familiar framework human thinking, imparts new knowledge.

IN 1. Teaches wisdom and discipline, instills confidence, gives harmony.

IN 1. Releases new energy and spreads it throughout the world!!!

To the soundtrack "Anthem W.S. " - dance composition.

At the same time, a video about the Championship competencies is shown on the screen.

AT 2. Dear friends, we wish you all fruitful work, new achievements and good luck!
