Conception of a child - how the fertilization of an egg takes place by day, proper planning and preparation. Conception of a child, fetal development by week. The process of conceiving a child

The process of conception depends entirely on the state of health of both partners. To establish it, you must visit a doctor. Only after the permission of a specialist can you start planning a child. To reduce the timing of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to understand how conception occurs and on what days it is possible.

Couples wonder how a child is conceived. The process of conception is accompanied by the fusion of the parental germ cells. In a man, a sperm is involved in this. Sperm are produced in the paired gonads. The testicles carry out the daily production of germ cells. A base is needed to dilute the semen. It is formed in the prostate gland. Under the influence of the work of smooth muscles, semen is excreted into the urethra and enters the female reproductive system.

It was found that the chromosome carried by the sperm cell is responsible for the sex of the child. For the birth of a boy, sex cells carrying XY chromosomes are required. These substances affect the characteristics of the vital activity of the sperm. Male sperm are highly mobile. They are able to enter the uterus during the first days after intercourse. Also due to this, they have a short life span. Average activity is 48 hours. After that, they die.

Sperm with XX chromosomes are suitable for the birth of a girl. These germ cells move very slowly. It takes time for them to enter the uterus. This feature is offset by long-term vitality. Such germ cells can remain active for more than five days. When asked whether it is possible to conceive a child of a certain gender, experts advise paying attention to this phenomenon. These data allow you to know how to correctly conceive a child of a certain gender.

The work of the female body

Before conceiving a child, it is necessary to establish the presence of fertility in a woman. An egg cell is required for the formation of an embryo. It matures in the ovary every month. Cell maturation is completely dependent on the work of the hormonal system.

The menstrual cycle has three parts. These are called phases. The first stage is responsible for several important processes:

  • maturation of the reproductive cell;
  • preparation of the uterus for conception.

The preparation of the uterus consists in the formation of the endometrial layer. This fabric has different properties throughout the cycle. After menstruation, the tissue is a uniform thin layer that is not very thick. Under the influence of estrogen, the endometrium gradually enlarges. The fabric begins to separate into multiple layers. For the onset of conception, the endometrium must have a thickness of at least 11 mm. This will allow the egg to firmly anchor in the wall of the uterus.

The formation of the oocyte occurs under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone. The substance appears in the bloodstream at the end of the first week of the menstrual cycle. Under its influence, the cell leaves the ovarian cavity and passes into its membrane. Liquid accumulates under the shell. The ovum and fluid forms a follicle. The hormone causes active follicle growth.

From the second week of the cycle, luteinizing hormone replaces the follicle-stimulating substance. It is gradually increasing in number. On days 4–5, there is a sharp increase in its level. Luteinizing hormone increases the volume of follicular fluid. It exerts strong pressure on the follicle walls. They are torn apart. This phenomenon explains what the ovulatory phase is. When determining ovulation, a couple can know on what day fertilization occurs.

Time of pregnancy

Planning couples are interested in how much conception occurs after the act. Fertilization of the cell takes place in the fallopian tubes. The egg enters it after the rupture of the follicle during the first day. This is a favorable time for conceiving a child. During this day, the cell passes through the abdominal cavity. It is recommended to conceive at this time. Under the influence of smooth muscles, the cell moves towards the tubes and enters their cavity. When a cell fuses with a sperm, a zygote is formed. The zygote has an uneven structure. It should facilitate faster movement of the zygote along the fleecy layer of the fallopian tube. The villi move the zygote towards the uterine cavity. The movement takes place within 2-3 days.

After the zygote enters the uterine cavity, it is introduced into the endometrial tissue. It gradually deepens into the layers of the endometrium and enters the wall of the uterus. The tissue allows the cell to adhere more tightly to the uterine wall. The whole process takes 1-2 days.

From the moment of ovulation, the cell goes a long way. The total travel and fixing time is 5–6 days. From this moment, pregnancy begins. This time can be shorter or longer. The timing of conception is individual for different women. After how many days conception occurs, only a specialist can answer during examination.

Signs of pregnancy

Patients ask how to find out if conception has occurred. In order for a woman to know how to understand whether conception has occurred, she must pay attention to a number of signs. The following first signs of conception stand out:

  • the appearance of blood in cervical mucus;
  • soreness in the lower abdomen;
  • change in the psychological state.

Not many patients can pay attention to the listed symptoms. Some women develop symptoms of conception such as blood in the cervical secretions. On the day when conception occurs, the zygote is introduced into the uterine wall. The walls of the uterine cavity are permeated with a large number of blood vessels. When the zygote enters the wall, part of the vascular fibers is damaged. After conception from the vessels, the blood penetrates the uterine cavity. With a large volume of blood fluid, the mucus turns pink. A woman notices such signs of conception as a change in the color of cervical secretions. But this process is not mandatory for all women.

Has conception symptoms due to implantation. Soreness in the lower abdomen may occur during implantation. Pain can occur due to damage to the wall of the uterus. This symptom appears when the zygote is attached to the anterior wall. Also, the symptom may occur on the day of ovulation. The process of conceiving a child can be recognized by the presence of pain during the appearance of an egg from the follicle membrane. From this point on, a woman can determine how long it will take to develop a pregnancy. The location of the pain also matters.

A woman should be able to guess about the conception of a child by changing her psychological state. The process that has taken place causes various changes in the body. A few days after conception, a restructuring of the hormonal system occurs. Progesterone is responsible for the development of the embryo. This hormone appears in the blood from the moment the zygote is fixed. Its main volume is in the corpus luteum. It should form at the site of the ruptured follicle. Under the influence of progesterone, the psychoemotional state changes. Conception in women is accompanied by tearfulness, irritability and drowsiness. After the disappearance of the corpus luteum, this symptomatology disappears. These symptoms make it possible to determine whether the implantation has occurred or not.

Conditions to speed up the process

Couples ask how quickly conception occurs. To this end, it is necessary to follow the rules of conception. Both parents-to-be need them.

A man needs to observe the following points:

  • rare sexual intercourse;
  • quitting alcohol and smoking;
  • active physical activity;
  • passing a medical examination.

Semen is capable of rapidly changing its qualities. Its characteristics are negatively affected by various factors. In order for the conception of a child to be successful, it is necessary to observe sexual rest. It is not recommended to have sex for a week before the beginning of the fertile period. From the moment of the onset of the ovulatory phase, sexual contact should be carried out every other day. After PA, the concentration of seminal fluid decreases. The break promotes the accumulation of mature and motile sperm in the fluid. The accumulation of healthy germ cells increases the concentration of semen, which promotes conception.

Since sperm cells are sensitive to any negative influences, you should stop drinking alcohol before planning. Alcoholic drinks have a detrimental effect on sperm. If a man has been drinking alcohol for a long time, a break in planning for 3-4 months is recommended. This will help the body cleanse itself of waste products and recover.

In order for everything to work out, you need to conduct active physical activity. Conception can only work with the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Vigorous physical activity increases metabolic processes in the small pelvis. The acceleration of blood circulation causes the flow of oxygen to the tissues. This allows cells to multiply more actively. The sperm is renewed faster, which affects the conception of the child.

Also, before starting planning, you need to be examined by a specialist. The doctor should conduct a complete examination. Medical control will determine the state of the male reproductive system and its ability to fertilize. This will allow planning to proceed faster.

The woman is also given advice for conception. Tips for conceiving a child include the following guidelines:

  • tracking ovulation;
  • taking a certain posture after conception;
  • the use of vitamin complexes;
  • proper nutrition and physical activity.

Pregnancy can only occur during the ovulatory period. Various methods may be required to establish it. The main method is to plot temperature readings. It is measured daily in the colon. The received data is entered into the table. The construction of the schedule lasts for the entire menstrual period. After conception, it is also recommended to carry out a measurement in order to make sure that conception has occurred and it was possible to become pregnant.

It is recommended that you remain physically calm after conception. A woman should lie down for 20 minutes after intercourse. She must understand that any movement can cause the excretion of semen from the vagina. In order for conception to occur, experts advise taking a birch tree pose. This pregnancy-promoting advice is used by many planning couples. Taking this position allows the semen to quickly enter the uterine cavity. In this case, conception can be faster. Other methods of conception are also used.

Various vitamin and mineral complexes can also influence the ongoing process. Vitamins should be taken on the days of the menstrual cycle. The order of administration and the type of medicine should be carried out by a doctor. You should not do this on your own. The woman does not know what happens under the influence of certain vitamins. The process of conceiving a child may be disrupted.

There are other factors that influence the onset of fertilization. A woman should know to eat right. Fried, fatty, and salty foods are not recommended when planning. You should also stop using spices. The patient needs to lead an active lifestyle. This helps to enhance metabolic processes.

These conditions are taken into account when planning a second pregnancy. The conception of a second child should also be carried out through the timely preparation of the parents.
Modern doctors are often faced with the complaint that children do not work out for a long time. To determine the cause of the disease, it is necessary to visit the hospital and study the process of conception.

In the life of almost every woman there comes a time when she thinks about having a child. So that the news of pregnancy does not take you by surprise, you should thoroughly prepare for this event and, above all, choose the right time for conception.

And the years fly by ...

The optimal age for the first pregnancy, doctors consider the period from 21 to 26 years. The period of puberty by this time is over, the hormonal background is stabilized, the body is young, not burdened by any chronic diseases, the tissues of the ligaments and joints are elastic, which facilitates the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth. However, in most developed countries of the world, the age of women expecting their first child is increasing. The reason is the reluctance of women to interrupt education, the desire to make a career. Therefore, the time of birth of the first child is postponed for the period after 30, or even after 35 years.

Late motherhood (and we are talking about the first childbirth), of course, has its own advantages: a woman approaches the birth of her first child, as a rule, responsibly, she already has an established career, good financial security. This is usually more "conscious" motherhood. However, the noticeable "aging" of primiparous causes alarm among doctors: if there are no objections in emotional and psychological terms, then physiologically a younger age is optimal for the first birth. A number of weighty arguments convince that it is not worth postponing the birth of the first baby for a distant "later": firstly, the ability to conceive decreases with age, and it is more difficult for a woman to get pregnant, Secondly, women over 35-40 years old have an increased likelihood various gene disorders at the level of germ cells. This can cause congenital diseases, including genetic ones, and developmental defects in a child. In women over 35, complications during pregnancy are more common; during the gestation of a baby, chronic diseases may appear for the first time. Complicated pregnancy also adversely affects the health of the child.

Previously, it was believed that the age of the father has less impact on the health of the unborn baby. Considering the susceptibility of a modern person to the massive impact of a number of unfavorable factors: poor ecology, stress, the harmful effects of alcohol, smoking, etc., it was noted that fertility (the ability to fertilize) even in relatively young men -30-40 years old is significantly reduced ...

In determining the best time to conceive, the most important thing is your informed decision to have a baby. The need to plan for a future pregnancy is accepted by many spouses. How to determine the optimal moment that will not only ensure the maximum probability of conception, but will also contribute to the successful course of the entire pregnancy and its timely completion with easy childbirth, the birth of a healthy and desired baby?

We'll get some rest ...

It is recommended to plan the next vacation before the onset of the crucial period of pregnancy. Travel, flights, change of climatic and time zones can adversely affect pregnancy and the developing body of the baby. If you and your husband are lovers of extreme sports and recreation, then you must remember that difficult hiking conditions, carrying heavy loads, mountain descents, rafting on rough rivers with high rapids, etc. can be very dangerous for the expectant mother. You should also minimize the very possibility of trauma, because you will be responsible not only for your life, but also for the life and health of your unborn child.

If you have not yet taken your regular annual leave, then it would be rational to add it to your maternity leave, thereby saving yourself from daily official duties, going to work, getting up early in the morning, trips in public transport, etc.

If you are still studying and it is not possible to plan the time of conception and pregnancy for the "after-school time", then it is advisable to calculate the time of pregnancy so that the birth occurs during the holidays. There are many cases when female students did not even interrupt their studies after giving birth. Of course, without the help of relatives who would have stayed with the baby while the mother was attending training sessions, this cannot be done. In addition, many new and important responsibilities fall on the shoulders of a young mother, and it is also necessary to recover from childbirth. Therefore, the additional load in the form of attending classes is obviously superfluous.

Before planning the time of pregnancy and childbirth, you should talk to your family and friends - whether any of them will be able to help you with your child, stay at home with him if you go out after school holidays without an academic leave. Mothers who were students during pregnancy are not advised to plan pregnancy for the period of state exams and the defense of the thesis. Waiting for the baby is not the best time for such a tense and nervous period, and although most teachers and members of the examination committee take into account the special position of the student, it is unlikely that it will be possible to absolutely avoid the examiner's excitement, and among the examiners there may be differently minded people. Why do you need unnecessary worries?

Help Wanted!

The need for help in the first weeks and months after childbirth is felt by many mothers especially acutely: the load on the woman's body after childbirth, during the formation of lactation, is too great. In addition, it is necessary as soon as possible to master the basics of caring for a baby, the rules of breastfeeding, etc. Therefore, when planning pregnancy and childbirth, discuss your plans with family members, such as future grandparents. Their help can be invaluable.

Help will be especially needed with a small interval between births, when the older child is still small and requires increased attention. The solution of many tasks is greatly facilitated if one of the grandparents has already retired and do not mind sitting with their little grandson or granddaughter. Perhaps one of the relatives will be able to go on vacation after the birth of your baby, and in the future you will decide the issue with the nanny or learn to manage on your own.

What does it cost us to build a house?

In our time of expensive housing, the housing issue for many young couples is especially acute. Think over and decide where you will live with a new family member, preferably before pregnancy and childbirth. It is recommended to make repairs in the room where the baby's crib will be. Many pregnant women start repairs on their own while waiting for the baby. This is not rational, since it would be optimal to completely exclude contact with various building materials and derivatives of the paint and varnish industry during pregnancy. Many organic solvents, widely used in construction and repair work, adversely affect human health, on fetal development, can cause allergic and toxic reactions during application and drying, until the solvent has completely evaporated. Therefore, this problem must be solved before pregnancy, or one of the family members of the expectant mother, and not herself, must deal with this.

If you are renting a house, it should be borne in mind that for some time after giving birth, the entire financial burden of providing for the family will fall on the shoulders of your spouse. In addition, the costs associated with the birth of a baby (spending on disposable diapers, baby clothes, etc.) will be added to the rent for housing. However, this problem can be solved by taking care of it in advance (your friends, whose children have already grown up, will probably willingly give clothes for babies), and the best and cheapest food is mother's breast milk!


When planning the time of conception, take into account the fact that your baby will be born in the season preceding this event: if conception occurs in winter, then the child will be born in the fall, if in spring, the date of birth will be in the winter months, if in summer, the baby's birth should be expected in spring, and if in the fall, you will celebrate the birthday of a new family member in the summer. That being said, each season has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Conception in winter - childbirth in the fall. Conception and the first months of pregnancy fall on an epidemiologically unfavorable season - the height of the incidence of ARVI and influenza. It is in the first three months of life that several critical periods pass during which the embryo is extremely vulnerable and sensitive to the effects of adverse external factors, including viral infections. Childbirth and the first months of a child's life will take place in the "dull" autumn season. It should be borne in mind that bad autumn weather can interfere with walking with your baby in the fresh air, and gray, cloudy days, rains can threaten your good mood, especially considering that after childbirth, women are generally susceptible to this scourge. However, if the last months of pregnancy are in the cool autumn or winter months, then the last trimester and the characteristic one for it proceed more easily: the tendency to edema and insomnia is less pronounced.

Conception in spring - childbirth in winter. In such a situation, conception falls on a period when the maternal and paternal organisms are weakened by spring hypovitaminosis, although at present, with a wide choice of vitamin preparations, the problem of hypovitaminosis is receding into the background. When planning conception and pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe the necessary vitamins to future parents, which are important for the normal development of the baby. Also, the spring season is unfavorable for the incidence of respiratory viral infections. The last, third trimester of pregnancy falls on a season when it is cold and slippery. This is fraught with falls, injuries, unsafe for mom and baby.

The advantages of the winter season include good production of melatonin in the last trimester of pregnancy, which plays a positive role in the normal falling asleep of the expectant mother and the successful course of the last weeks of pregnancy. In addition, the last months of pregnancy are more easily tolerated in the cold season than in the summer heat.

Conception in the summer - childbirth in the spring. Conception in one of the most favorable weather conditions and vitamin saturation period is certainly favorable for the most vulnerable first trimester of pregnancy. The birth of a baby and the period of lactation will fall on the spring season, famous not only for the awakening of life in nature, but also for hypovitaminosis, although both the mother and the newborn baby need a sufficient amount of vitamins. This can cause weakening of the body of the baby and the woman in labor.

If conception occurs in winter, then the child will be born in the fall.

Conception in the fall - childbirth in the summer. Autumn is the time of the year when the body is saturated with vitamins, which is favorable for the birth of a new life. However, the autumn slushy transition period is fraught with an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, repeating the dangers of the winter season. The last trimester of pregnancy occurs during long summer days. Due to the long daylight hours, the expectant mother may have problems falling asleep, which are already quite typical for this period of pregnancy. Long daylight conditions also impair the production of the hormone melatonin, which is extremely important for the successful course of the last weeks of pregnancy. In addition, in the summer heat, the tendency to edema increases.

For students of expectant mothers, summer is the optimal time of the year for childbirth. Having enlisted the help of relatives from the beginning of the school year, the student mother will spend the most difficult first months of the baby's life with her baby. This will allow her not to take academic leave and continue her studies without interruption. In addition, the warm summer weather eliminates the need to wear heavy clothes, which is already difficult in the last months of pregnancy due to the significantly increased weight.

Making plans together

Be sure to discuss with your husband the problem of your work: will you work during pregnancy, does your work allow you to solve the problems that inevitably arise while waiting for a child? What is the situation at your work: can the management meet you halfway by shortening the working day, letting go to the doctor, allowing a later start of the working day (which is important if, for example, in the morning you need to be tested), without sending on business trips, etc. .d.? Does your family budget allow for a situation in which the role of the breadwinner will completely fall on the shoulders of the husband? Even if the answers to all these questions are not very comforting - do not despair! There is a way out of any, even the most difficult situation. Perhaps your state of health and the course of pregnancy will allow you to avoid all the difficulties described. However, be prepared that, if necessary, work and everything connected with it should be sacrificed - the health of the child is more important!

In order not to be late ...

In a series of flickering days, weeks, months, it is sometimes difficult for us to stop and think about the most important and necessary, Therefore, such an important and responsible step - the birth of a child - everything is postponed "until better times": when we finish our studies, get a job, make a career, when we will move to a new apartment, when we save money, make repairs, when we deal with all the affairs at work ... Unfortunately, the inexorably running time can play a cruel joke with us, and the joy of motherhood and fatherhood will turn into an unfulfilled dream. Therefore, try to have time to plan and calculate everything, agree on everything and complete everything, but remember that in any case, the conception and birth of your baby will occur at the most suitable and necessary moment of your life! Even if this moment does not coincide with the time of conception calculated by you.

Well, what about planning you need to get pregnant on a warm day and give birth in the summer, I also read it more than once. Only for some reason I can't do that, I only get pregnant in winter, even if you crack. In general, according to current life, it is best to give birth in January, so that you can be the first to sign up for the queue in the garden and not fly over.

I also plan to give birth to all children in the summer, but for some reason they turn out in the winter. Although uncomfortable this passion is like! And to bypass doctors a month and the eldest from garden to garden on icy ice with a baby, but you see such a fate. It's funny to plan a vacation before maternity without even being pregnant. According to this logic, it is better not to look for work at all at the planning stage, so that there is no stress. It turned out that just at the planning stage, the second child was laid off at one job, and became pregnant clearly a month after being assigned to a new one. Here is such a perdimonocle. They just didn't want to give me a vacation according to the schedule, it seems like the Bermen are OBLIGED to take before or after maternity leave. And what is this vacation if the belly does not fit in a swimsuit or with a 2 month old baby in February? So that the authorities have a rest like this all their lives

05/23/2009 00:40:27, mommy-mommy

I always thought that it would be good to plan and decide everything in advance, but life is not a train schedule :)) It's funny to hear who in which month is better to give birth and conceive, you might think it depends on us :))

The greatest miracle that makes us marvel at the perfection and foresight of Mother Nature is the conception of a child. How does a large living organism develop from two small cells? What happens to the egg in the first few days? We will talk about the secrets of the birth of a new life today.

Conception, which determines the onset of pregnancy and the ability to have children, cannot but surprise. Many people think that this happens during intercourse, but it is not. The successful conception of a child is a complex biological process that takes place in several stages and takes much longer than we are used to thinking, and the female body, ready to bear a child, prepares for it again and again every month.

Long preparation

Even in the womb, the girl's body begins its preparation for the future role of the continuer of the clan. In the first months of development, oogonia are formed in the female embryo, and then oocytes from which eggs will develop. At first, there are several million of them, but several hundred of them mature.

In the ovaries of a newborn girl, oocytes, with the surrounding follicular cells, stop their development at one of the stages of division - the first prophase of meiosis, waiting for their "hour", which will come only after puberty. Then, under the influence of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland, the growth of 15-20 thousand follicles begins.

Thanks to the influence of the same hormones, oocytes, they are also eggs, continue their division, but only one of them is destined to become "the same" and prepare for conception.

In the middle of each monthly cycle, the pituitary gland provides a large release of luteinizing hormone, under the influence of which ovulation occurs and the mature oocyte leaves the follicle.

What affects conception

Ovulation - from the Latin term "ovum", meaning an egg, is the process that ensures the release and release of an egg ready for fertilization into the abdominal cavity. This is one of the phases of a woman's menstrual cycle.

Implanted into the endometrium, the embryo begins its development with the formation of chorionic villi - the embryonic part of a unique organ that will appear a little later - the placenta. It is the chorion that produces the "pregnancy hormone" - chorionic gonadotropin, the appearance in the blood and an increase in the level of which causes the appearance of the first symptoms of pregnancy. To suggest an interesting situation even before the delay and medical confirmation of pregnancy can be:

  • malaise, constant fatigue and drowsiness;
  • swelling and soreness of the mammary glands;
  • slight yellow or pinkish vaginal discharge;
  • pulling pains, reminiscent of menstruation pain.

Of course, it's too early to talk about pregnancy, but knowing everything about conception and what is happening these days inside the female body, one can already suspect a miracle that has happened.

When pregnancy occurs after ovulation and conception

The time of movement of the fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes depends on the activity of the ciliated epithelium and the strength of the contractile movements of the latter. Normally, this period takes 5-6 days. At the same time, 26-30 hours after fertilization, the zygote begins to divide, turning into a multicellular embryo. On the last day, the future fetus stops its journey through the tubes and attaches itself to the wall of the uterus.

Conception and pregnancy what is the difference

While the zygote is dividing and moving through the tubes, this is still the period of conception. The onset of pregnancy is considered the development of the fetus from the moment of implantation. The difference between fetal and obstetric time should be clearly understood.

Fetal term or embryonic weeks is the gestational age immediately from the moment the baby is conceived. The difficulty lies in the fact that in most cases it is almost impossible to accurately determine this moment. This term is used only for scientific purposes and for IVF.

Obstetric time - weeks counted from the first day of the last menstrual period. This period is on average 2 weeks longer than the embryonic one, but it is on it that doctors are guided by calculating the estimated date of birth.

Alternative methods of conception

Thanks to assisted reproductive technologies, modern medicine gives women who are unable to conceive a child a chance to survive a wonderful period of pregnancy and give birth to a baby. The method of artificial insemination is improving every year and more and more infertile couples around the world become parents thanks to various IVF methods.

Alternative methods of conception are based on fertilization of an egg in a test tube, outside the female body - "in vitro". To do this, use both the collection of genitals from both parents and donor eggs, as well as cryopreservation technologies.

Conception myths

Some married couples only need one intercourse to become parents. Others spend years in unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant and the more they fail, the more often the couple hears advice from “knowledgeable” relatives, friends and acquaintances. This is how the myths about conception are born. Here are the most common ones:

It's always a woman's fault

This is not true. It has been scientifically proven that in more than 40% of infertile couples, the responsibility lies with the man and his sedentary sperm.

Frequent sex increases the chances

Under favorable conditions, the readiness of both organisms and the right time, even one sexual intercourse can be decisive. Moreover, the sperm trapped in the fallopian tubes are ready for fertilization for a few more days.

You cannot get pregnant during your period

Get pregnant only on the day of ovulation

We already know that the "window of conception" is approximately 6 days, and ovulation takes place in the last of them.

Exercise "Birch" will help you get pregnant

Theoretically, it can be assumed that in this way a woman helps sperm to get into the fallopian tubes faster. But after all, in the struggle for an egg, they die in hundreds of thousands, and it’s impossible to guess which one will get to the goal.

The gender of the child can be planned

This is a delusion that everyone readily believes. But not a single diet, not a single calculation and "fortune-telling" on the blood group will help determine the sex of the unborn child. It all depends on which chromosomes will merge with each other. And this is also a lottery with a multi-million dollar result.

It all depends on the posture

Many are convinced that it is only possible to conceive a child in a missionary position. But this is not the case. The choice of position does not affect conception in any way.


Conception is a process that hides many secrets, but every year science advances in their disclosure. Thanks to what we know about the interaction of male and female germ cells, we can calculate favorable days, prepare for future pregnancy and become parents when we are ready for this great responsibility.

The studied mechanism of conception allows many couples who have lost hope of parenthood to become happy and give birth to a baby. Listen to your body and it will reveal its secrets to you.

Responsible future parents carefully plan conception: they watch videos on this topic, read books, articles, etc. This helps them to consciously approach their new situation and allows them to give maximum care to the long-awaited baby. To be born, he will have to go a long way, from conception to birth. How and where does the fertilization process take place, can the expectant mother feel it?

Where does fertilization take place?

To talk about the place of fertilization, you need to know the structure of the female internal genital organs. They are located in the pelvic cavity.

These include:

  • ovaries;
  • uterus;
  • fallopian tubes;
  • vagina.

The ovaries are the sex glands that are involved in the formation of female reproductive cells and hormones. They can be up to three centimeters long. During ovulation, the egg is released into the abdomen through the fallopian tubes. Since the ovaries do not even have a cavity and store eggs, it is logical to assume that fertilization is impossible in them at any time and under any conditions.

The fallopian tubes are otherwise called oviducts. Their structure resembles a funnel, into a wide opening of which the egg enters. They are lined with ciliary epithelium, the outgrowths vibrate, setting the fluid in motion. This current directs the reproductive cell into the oviducts. They open into the uterus.

The uterus is a muscular, hollow organ located in the abdomen, behind the bladder. From the inside, it is lined with mucous membrane, which has a dense network of capillaries. The organ is connected to the vagina by the neck - a muscle ring.

The vagina is a tube formed from muscles. It starts from the uterus and ends with an outlet. More details on the structure of the female genital organs can be found in the photo.

In the vagina of the expectant mother?

The female genital organs have a rather complex structure. Coming out of the ovaries, the egg enters the oviducts, which enter the uterine cavity, which has an exit opening into the vagina. To get here, the cell will have to go a long and difficult way. In addition, if the moment of fertilization or conception took place in the vagina, the ovaries could remove cells immediately into it, bypassing the oviducts and the uterus.

Nature strives for conciseness and organization, so the conception of an unborn child in the vagina is impossible. Before that, only the path of the eggs was considered, but sperm also have a difficult time. To begin with, billions of male germ cells enter the vagina, the internal environment of which is unfavorable for them. For this reason, most of them die after a few minutes. The rest are in the vagina, trying to get further, for about two hours.

So, conception in the vagina is impossible for two main reasons. The first is the structural features of the female reproductive system. The second is the characteristics of sperm.

In the uterine cavity?

In theory, it would be easier if fertilization took place in the uterus. However, by the time a man's sex cells enter this organ, the egg does not always have time to pass through the fallopian tubes, since it is large relative to male gametes. It should also be taken into account that the inner surface of the oviducts is folded, which also makes it difficult to move along them.

The selection of sperm is also important. For fertilization, the germ cell needs the best one that has gone through many tests. Otherwise, there would be a high probability of giving birth to a weakened child. So, the uterus also cannot serve as a meeting place for male and female gametes.

In the fallopian tube!

It turns out that the oviducts are the ideal place for fertilization. Having passed through the unfavorable environment of the vagina, busting the immune system and managing to get through the numerous folds, the sperm finally gets to the egg.

By the way, about the immune system. The female body perceives the male sex cells as foreign, so it tries to actively fight them. Normally, this process does not kill all sperm. However, there are cases when a couple could not conceive a child due to immune incompatibility - the female body destroyed absolutely all foreign cells.

With normal functioning of the immune system and compatibility of a man and a woman, at least one cell survives. It is she who fertilizes the egg in the fallopian tube.

How and when does conception occur?

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Without delving into the process of conception, you might think that fertilization of eggs is easy. However, this is not at all the case. In order for a zygote to appear - merged sex cells of a man and a woman, several factors must coincide. If at least one of them falls out, pregnancy is impossible. Those who are thinking about a child should pay attention to this.

Is the "bride" ripe?

Upon reaching puberty, the girl's body ovulates every month. This term refers to the release of a mature egg from the ovaries into the oviducts. Any woman can calculate the time of ovulation.

The study, which gives the most accurate indicators, is the measurement of the temperature in the rectum. It must be carried out daily for several months. It is recommended to do this in the morning, before breakfast, using a regular thermometer. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the same time period and enter the data into a table or list. The maximum decrease in temperature signals ovulation, which occurs the next day.

To calculate the date of ovulation, you can determine the maturation cycle of germ cells. Allocate a long, lasting about thirty-five days. Time X occurs about three weeks after the first day of your period. The normal cycle is exactly four weeks, with ovulation occurring in the second week. The short cycle lasts 22 days, the egg is released after eight days.

There is a myth about the existence of "safe days" during which conception is impossible. You shouldn't take risks and rely on them. The human body does not always work like a clock. Cycles may shift, sperm cells may show resistance to defense mechanisms, etc.

Will the "suitors" wait?

Sperm have to overcome many obstacles to get into the fallopian tubes. Let's consider them in more detail.

First, they pass through the acidic environment of the vagina, which destroys weak cells. More than half of the sperm die before reaching the uterus.

The second mechanism for screening out germ cells is the cervix and the mucous plug in it, which impedes movement. Thus, no more than ten million sperm cells enter the uterus directly. The uterus increases the speed at which cells move, helping them get to the fallopian tube. However, the oviducts are covered with cilia that oscillate to trap sperm. Only a few thousand reach their final destination. Passing this difficult path, the sex cells are modified and become capable of fertilization.

In this state, they can exist in the female body for no more than five days, lingering in the folds or villi. If during this period they meet an egg and are able to pierce its two membranes, it will be fertilized, if not, the sperm will die, and the "unapproachable" female will come out with the onset of menstruation.

Fusion of parent cells

Fertilization takes place in the oviduct, close to the ovary. Dozens of sperm reach this stage. It is noteworthy that only one of them merges with the egg, the rest help him in this and quickly die.

The strongest and fastest is attached to the outer membrane of the cell. Thanks to the Golgi apparatus, there is an acrosome on the head of the sperm - a complex of enzymes that breaks down the integument of the egg.

The female reproductive cell has two membranes, reaching the inner one, the sperm quickly merges with the contents. After that, a series of reactions are triggered in the shells of the egg. Substances are released that prevent the rest of the sperm from attaching to the cell.

At the same time, all organ systems in the body are notified of the onset of pregnancy so that they can rebuild to preserve and ensure the vital activity of the embryo. First of all, the activity of the immune system decreases, since it can mistakenly mistake an embryonic cell for a foreign one.

The sperm cell is small, so genetic information is packed compactly, opening only inside the egg. The pronucleus is formed, which contains 23 chromosomes, the same number contains the female gamete. Merging together, they determine the physical characteristics of the unborn child.

However, it is not entirely correct to call fertilization conception; in the course of this process, a zygote is only formed. Thirty hours after cell fusion, it begins to actively divide with the formation of blastomeres. The number of cells is constantly increasing and a blastula is formed - a single-layer embryo of a new person (look at the photo).

What happens after conception?

After fertilization of the egg and the formation of the blastula, the zygote moves freely along the fallopian tubes and uterus for about a week, trying to attach to the walls. At this stage, there is a high risk of ectopic pregnancy - the attachment of the embryo to the oviduct mucosa. This does not bode well for a woman.

A successful implantation may be accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood, which is sometimes perceived as the beginning of menstruation. After the egg is fertilized and attached to the wall of the uterus, the production of the pregnancy hormone, chorionic gonadotropin, begins.

After engraftment of the embryo to the wall, it begins to develop. This description is primitive, but it is enough to understand the basic mechanisms. More details can be seen in the video.

When does a woman feel she is pregnant?

Women rarely recognize their first pregnancy, mistakenly believing that their feelings are a manifestation of malaise. However, experienced moms are more sensitive in this matter.

For many, bleeding occurs as a result of embryo attachment. It is short-lived and not very abundant, unlike menstrual. There is also a feeling of nausea in the morning, constant drowsiness and general weakness. Pouring and tenderness are common. There is a slight tingling sensation in the bladder area and a slight heaviness in the lower abdomen.

All these sensations manifest themselves exclusively after implantation of the embryo, when a special hormone is released. Until this moment, a woman cannot feel the onset of pregnancy.

In the life of every couple, there comes a moment when it's time to give birth to children. But how to conceive a child correctly so that the baby is healthy and strong, at what time to conceive a child, and how to prepare for conceiving a baby? Observing all the rules of conception, you can conceive a child and go through the period from conception to birth without complications, and give birth to a healthy baby. Unfortunately, at present, most women experience certain problems during the period of bearing a child, which jeopardizes the birth of a baby. All this is connected with a poor environmental situation, unhealthy diet and constant stress. If you have done everything to correctly conceive a child, you just have to wait, but while you are waiting, we recommend reading:



A future father during the period of conceiving a child must have a high-quality seed, this is the only way a girl can become pregnant. The quality of male ejaculate can be checked by passing a special test. Before conceiving a child, a future father should refrain from intercourse for at least three days before conceiving a child, in which case the male fluid will pick up the required number of small babies. The recovery time for male fluid is 3 days from the last ejaculation.


First of all, both the expectant mother and the father need to visit a doctor and be tested for the presence of genital and other diseases. In case of a positive result, undergo a course of treatment, and only after complete recovery and repeated tests, proceed to conception. You can also get tested for semen analysis and determine the quality of the male fluid. The doctor will definitely prescribe to take vitamins and folic acid, which contributes to the process of conception and the favorable development of the fetus.

Secondly, without fail, at least half a year before the conception of the child, it is necessary to give up bad habits such as smoking, alcohol and even more drugs.

Thirdly, before conceiving a child, you need to balance your diet. The diet should include more fruits and vegetables, eat as little fatty, sweet and spicy foods as possible. Foods containing artificial flavors, preservatives, colors and other chemical ingredients should be excluded from the diet.

Fourthly, spouses need to completely eliminate stressful situations, and if they cannot do this on their own, they need to undergo a course of psychotherapy. Stress is one of the causes of infertility in women and men. Cases are known for certain when life situations were getting better for a married couple, stress was eliminated, and the girl became pregnant.

Fifthly, it is necessary to abandon all kinds of drugs, but only if such drugs are not vital. Also, other chemicals should be excluded from use, and if your work is associated with harmful factors, try to take a vacation or otherwise avoid harmful effects, at least 2-3 weeks before conception.

In the sixth place, it is necessary to lose weight, as being overweight is one of the causes of infertility, both men and women (especially women). Therefore, before conceiving a child, you should lose those extra pounds.

In the seventh place, a couple wishing to conceive a child must be tested to determine the blood group and Rh factor, so if mom and dad have a different Rh factor, bearing and conceiving a child may be difficult, therefore, the doctor must be informed about the blood group and Rh factor. Perhaps, in this case, it will be necessary to inject a special drug into the body of women that prevents the appearance of antibodies.


POSITION FOR CORRECT CONCEPTING A CHILD: And so, you went through the entire procedure of preparing your body for the correct conception of a child, and that joyful and pleasant moment came, the moment when the male fluid shoots inside the woman, hits the egg and fertilizes her. Of course, a woman can get pregnant in absolutely any position, but there are positions that help a woman get pregnant more quickly. These poses include the following positions: The woman lies on her back, her legs are spread, the woman's pelvis is raised with a pillow, the man is on top of the girl. The woman lies on her stomach, her pelvis is raised by a pillow, her legs are slightly apart, the man is on top of the back. After a man shot a woman inside, she should not immediately run into the bath and wash herself, for a correct conception, a woman needs to lie down for about 30 minutes in such a position so that the male ejaculate does not flow out and reaches the goal. To do this, you need to lie on your back and raise the legs up, slightly spreading them to the side, since the shifted legs provoke a narrowing of the vagina, which leads to the expulsion of the male fluid. After the conception procedure, it is best for a woman to take a vacation for a couple of days and spend this time in a calm environment, excluding a stressful state. For better absorption of male sperm by the female uterus, it is recommended that the man finish first, and after that, the girl immediately. Since, when receiving pleasure, a woman is pushed out of her uterus with fluid, followed by absorption, the contents of the vagina, back into the uterus. Thus, the chance of pregnancy will increase several times.

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