How to reset a Nokia Lumia. Hard reset of lumia. How to reset Windows Phone. Partial system reset

Unfortunately, even the most modern mobile technology is not ideal. Periodic failures in the operation of the operating system can lead to further normal operation The device will need to be rebooted. But such a function is often missing in phones, and sometimes it is not even possible to remove the battery in order to perform an emergency reset. That is why manufacturers come up with a variety of methods for performing soft and hard reboots. Manufacturers of the Nokia Lumia smartphone have not ignored this opportunity either.

Reset settings on Nokia Lumia

There are two types of reboot available in this model: Soft Reset and Hard Reset(hard reset). Most often, carrying out a simple manipulation completely revives the phone and saves the owner from the need to go to the service center. Let's look at these types of reboots in order to determine which one is necessary in a particular case.
Using Soft Reset will help get rid of the consequences of minor failures in the operating system. In its action, this operation is in many ways similar to the usual removal and subsequent installation of the battery into the device case. But due to the fact that opening the case in Nokia Lumia can only be done at a service center, to soft reboot the smartphone, perform the following sequence of actions:

Press and hold the Volume Down and Power buttons located on the side of the phone;
wait for three consecutive vibrations;
release the buttons.

In just a few seconds, the phone will reboot successfully.

If the previous procedure did not help correct the situation and the smartphone does not start working properly, you can use the Hard Reset function. It is very important to remember that performing a Hard Reset will lead to the loss of all information stored in the device’s memory and will cause the changed settings to be rolled back to the factory default settings. But if the operating system froze and could not be restarted using the method described above, try the following:

Unplug your Nokia Lumia phone;
perform a three-button reboot, that is, press and hold the volume down, Power buttons and the button responsible for turning on the camera;
wait until the device vibrates;
release the Power button;
hold the other two buttons for about 5 more seconds.

If using Hard and Soft Reset did not lead to the desired result and the phone continues to act up, then take it to a service center. Specialists will be able to fix normal functioning Nokia Lumia under warranty service. You should not continue experiments, since any attempts to open the case and remove the battery yourself will lead to termination of the warranty agreement. In this case, any further work on the repair and maintenance of the smartphone will be paid.

No technique in the world is perfect, in principle there is no such thing at all! And Nokia Lumia smartphones are no exception. The phones in this line are of high quality and good, but still this is an operating system that can freeze or fall into a coma.

Unfortunately, they do not have a “Reset” button like on a PC, and even the batteries on some phone models cannot be removed. We have to come up with the most varied different ways to reboot the phone and resume it in working condition. Such methods were invented by Nokia. There are two options to reset settings and delete content - a hard reset (Hard Reset) and a soft reset (Soft Reset). In most cases, they will breathe life into your device, without the need to visit Service Centers and waste extra nerves and energy. Let's take a closer look at these methods to force a phone reboot, after which your smartphones should come back to life and continue working.

is a soft reboot that can fix minor software glitches. The principle of operation of this method is similar to removing and replacing a smartphone battery. But, alas, the latest Nokia models have cases that are securely locked, and can only be opened at the Service Center.

Repeat the steps as in the picture - hold down the Volume Down and Power buttons until your phone vibrates three times. After a few seconds, the smartphone should reboot.

– this is a hard reboot, which is used if Soft Reset does not help. But here it is very important to know that with this method, all information on the phone is erased.

If the phone is functioning, then a reboot can be done through the menu. To do this, go to “Settings” - “Device information” - “Reset settings”. This will restore your device to factory settings.

Almost all Nokia phones have an inconvenient reboot using 3 buttons – Volume Down, “Power” and the camera button. All three buttons are held down until the phone vibrates. After this, you release the "Power" button, but continue to hold the other two buttons, for about 5 seconds. A reboot has occurred! And all existing settings were rolled back to factory settings.

Very important! Sometimes these methods may not help and you should contact the Service Center. But, as practice shows, in most cases of a Hard or Soft error, a reset brings the smartphone back to life. If everything remains unchanged, do not take risks and take the phone to the Service Center, where they will fix it for you under warranty.

In this article we will describe different methods how to reset to factory defaults Nokia settings Lumia 1520, how to make a hard reset (Hard Reset) which will help unlock Lumiya 1520 or eliminate errors in operation and phone freezes.

Attention!!! Everything you do with your phone, you do voluntarily at your own peril and risk! The site administration is not responsible if your phone malfunctions, since no one is insured against this. If you have a new phone that is under warranty or you are afraid that your phone may become damaged by using this reset method, then you can contact the service center. Good luck!!!

Let's see what to do if your Nokia Lumia 1520 starts to slow down, freeze, turn off frequently, won't turn on at all, and other errors occur in the phone's operation. To solve such problems, first fully charge the phone, or at least for at least 20 minutes, then reboot the Lumia 1520. Next, press and hold the power button and the volume down button for 10 or 15 seconds and release the buttons, then Nokia Lumia 1520 will reboot. If after these steps the problem persists, then do a factory reset.

Now let's see How to reset Nokia Lumia 1520 to factory settings through the phone menu. Attention!!! after a factory reset, all personal data on the phone will be deleted, including contacts, files, applications, etc. We recommend saving all important information until the Lumiya 1520 is restored to its original settings. Before starting the operation, fully charge the phone or at least 50 percent or more than 20 minutes. In order to do a factory reset through the phone settings menu, do the following actions: On your Nokia Lumia 1520, open “Settings”, then “Device information”, then “Reset phone settings”. If your phone is completely locked and you cannot access your phone settings, you can do on Lumia 1520 Hard Reset, a complete reset with the removal of all passwords, security codes and unlocks the pattern on the Lumia 1520 screen.

For those who can't go to the phone settings menu and want to do a push-button hard reset on Nokia Lumia 1520, do the following. Charge your phone completely, or at least for at least 20 minutes. Attention!!! having done Hard Reset Nokia Lumia 1520 you will lose all the information on your phone, including contacts, applications, files, etc. We recommend that you save all important information before resetting the settings. Now to do a hard reset, disable charger from the phone. Press and hold the power button and volume down button on your phone at the same time. When the Nokia Lumia 1520 vibrates, release the buttons and immediately press and hold the volume down button until it appears on the screen exclamation mark(!) After the exclamation mark appears, release the volume down button. Next, you need to press, without holding down, the following phone buttons in order: volume up button, volume down button, power button and volume down button. We are waiting for the process full reset settings, at this time on the Nokia Lumia 1520 screen you will see rotating gears for approximately 5 minutes. After this, your phone's screen will go blank for about 30 seconds, and then your phone will reboot. Done, if you had a locked phone, it is already unlocked. Now after hard reset Nokia Lumia 1520 you can set the time and date, restore contacts, download and install the necessary applications and, if necessary, set a new security code and make the necessary settings.

  • I hope this article helped you on how to reset your phone to factory settings or do Hard Reset Nokia Lumia 1520.
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Mobile phones have a variety of settings and options. Sometimes it becomes necessary to reset them. For example, in case of system failures. Today we will be interested in products from Nokia. She works with Windows Phone. And most modern smartphones use the Android base. Therefore, not everyone understands exactly how to handle Windows Background. Today we are going to learn how to reset settings to " Nokia Lumia". This can be done in several ways. The owner of the device can choose exactly how to proceed. It all depends on personal preferences.

Reset methods

To begin with, we need to understand what kind of developments generally take place. How to reset settings on Nokia Lumia? There are two options.

Today, rolling back settings on devices is carried out as follows:

  • through the program menu;
  • by pressing a key combination.

As has already been emphasized, there is no significant difference in which method to use. Subscribers can make their own choice. Next we will talk in more detail about how to reset settings on a Nokia Lumia.

Phone menu

First, let's look at the most convenient and common method. We are talking about resetting parameters using the device’s context menu. Such a step will result in all settings on the phone returning to factory settings. At the same time, the smartphone becomes like new. Operations performed using the context menu are usually considered emergency. But they are the ones that are used most often.

Resetting settings on Nokia Lumia is carried out as follows:

  1. Turn on mobile phone. Wait until it is fully loaded and ready for further work.
  2. Open the main menu of the gadget.
  3. Go to the "Settings" - "About device" section.
  4. Click on the line "Recovery" standard settings".
  5. Enter the transaction confirmation code. To do this, you need to know the device lock code.

That's all. After the completed operations, the settings on the Nokia Lumia phone will be reset. A similar algorithm of actions is suitable for all models of the mentioned smartphone. The difference is that some phones do not have an "About device" option. IN in this case It's called "About the Product". This is a normal phenomenon and should not cause resentment.

Buttons to help

If you want to reset the Nokia Lumia 520 to factory settings, you can first try using a secret combination of buttons on the phone. This approach works on all Nokias. A hard reset, for example, saves account settings. All other parameters are erased when using this solution. But it should not be confused with using a secret combination.

How to reset settings on Nokia Lumia 520 and not only using buttons? Must use the following algorithm actions:

  1. Turn off your mobile phone. All manipulations must be carried out only when the device is turned off.
  2. Press the volume and power buttons simultaneously. Hold them for a few seconds.
  3. After that, press the power button. This must be done when an exclamation mark appears on the display.
  4. Press the volume down button.

At this stage, the settings on the Nokia Lumia will be reset. The device will turn on automatically after processing the operation is completed.

Hard reset

The last solution is a hard reset. As already noted, the operation does not affect changing profile settings. What do you need to reset settings on Nokia in this way?

To do this you will need:

  1. Turn on the phone. Unlike the previously proposed algorithm, a hardware reset is performed when the gadget is turned on.
  2. Press the volume and power buttons. Hold them in this position for about 5 seconds.
  3. The phone will turn off. Release the buttons and click on "Enable".

Ready! Your device will be reset after using one of the suggested methods. All these techniques are equally effective on all Nokia Lumia.


Now it’s clear how you can reset the settings on a Nokia Lumia. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this operation! Even a novice user can cope with the task.

Some people say that you cannot reset your smartphone by yourself. It is not true. All the techniques offered to your attention do not require any special skills or knowledge. They allow you to return to factory settings in seconds.

It is also not recommended to use various programs and applications to reset your phone. Only the previously mentioned techniques are considered official and effective. After using them, the risk of system failures and malfunctions is minimal.

If you don’t want to reset the parameters yourself, you need to take the phone to a service center. They will definitely help you bring your idea to life, guaranteeing the safety of your actions.

Let's look at how to reset your Nokia Lumia 920 to factory settings.

This article is not a guide to action. All responsibility for the service of your device lies with you.

Hard reset

If your phone experiences a hardware failure, it is recommended to first perform a hard reset to factory settings. This does not erase the settings account Windows Live ID and user data.
Since this phone model does not allow the user to remove the battery independently, it has a special electronic circuit that turns off the power to the phone when certain buttons are pressed.

To perform a hard reset, press and hold the Volume Down and Power buttons for 5 seconds. The phone screen will turn black (the phone will turn off). Then press the phone's power button.

Soft reset/
Soft reset via operating system returns the phone to the state it was just purchased.

ATTENTION! When performing this procedure, all user data will be erased!
The first thing you should always do is try a hard reset.

Option 1: via menu

This option can be used if you know the lock code.

  • Select Menu > Settings > About product > Restore default settings (Settings > About > reset your phone)
  • Then you will need to enter the lock code.

Option 2: via secret button combination

This option can be used if the phone is locked and you do not know the lock code.

Step 1
Make sure your phone is turned off. Press and hold the Volume Down and Power buttons until an exclamation mark appears on your phone screen.

Step 2

Use the following button combination:
1. volume up button
2. volume down button
3. power button
4. volume down button

Step 3

The phone's settings will be reset and it will turn on automatically.

Sometimes it happens that the phone bricks or freezes (gears spin) on long time. To get the phone out of this state, you can reflash it according to the instructions “”, or take it to an official Nokia service center, where they should reflash it for you free of charge.
