What kind of lifestyle is putting concrete bacteria. Bacteria of rotting and decomposition. The value of bacteria is rotting

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school number 8 of Poronaysk


Pinged bacteria, bacterium hay stick

Performed: Konovatnikov Alexander,

Mkhitaryan Aram, Mkhitaryan Arpine

Leader: teacher biology

Poronaysk, 2013.


Bacteria are very ancient organisms that appeared about three billion years ago. Bacteria microscopically small, but their clusters or colonies are visible to the naked eye. In nature, the bacteria are found everywhere, and I perform gigantic work on the planet.

Bacteria are destroyers of the organic matter, cleaning the planet from the remnants of dead animals and plants. Symbiotic bacteria are found, which live in organisms of plants and animals, bringing them benefits (nodule bacteria). Known bacteria eating other bacteria.

Objective: Using the method of obtaining culture of concrete bacteria and the culture of a hay stick, grow and observe these microorganisms.

Tasks of work:

make an idea of \u200b\u200brotting;

study the methodology for growing crop of rotary bacteria and hay sticks;

perform and describe laboratory work, observation of cultures.

Work method: theoretical and experimental

Practical significance:

we will learn to put microbiological experience, work with an electron microscope, writing small research works.


Range - the disintegration of protein and other nitrogen substances under the influence of rotten bacteria is accompanied by the formation of felonic products. The development of rotting processes contribute: humidity, proper t °. Proteins under the influence of rotting are subjected to deep and complex changes, as a result of which the protein molecule disintegrates on a long row of small molecules. The beginning of the study of the processes of rotting proteins was laid by Nanzky, Bauman, Salkovski, Gauty, etc and briem. Pinged splitting is caused by the decomposition of protein substances by microorganisms. Proteins are an essential component of the living and express organic world, are contained in many food products.

The ability to destroy protein substances inherent in many microorganisms. Some microorganisms cause a shallow cleavage of protein, others can destroy it more deeply. Pinged processes are constantly proceeding in natural conditions and often occur in products and products containing protein substances. The finite products of rotting are amino acids and gaseous silent products (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, indole, scatol, mercaptane, etc.).

More often than other rotting the following aerobic bacteria (live in an oxygen medium): Subtilis bacillus (hay stick) and bacillus mesenusius (potato chopstick). Both of these bacteria are moving and form disputes that are distinguished by resistant to high temperatures.

A hay stick constantly lives on Seine, thanks to which he received its name. Developed on a sandy infusion in the form of a film. The hay stick is capable of producing antibiotic substances, overwhelming the vital activity of many pathogenic and non-basal-made bacteria. With the decomposition of the proteins, many ammonia stands out.

Potato wand has greater activity in the destruction of proteins than hay. The potato stick (hay stick is in a lesser) can cause potato disease of the baked bread, as a result of which it becomes drumming and sticky. Such bread in food is not suitable. Both bacteria can cause damage to many other products - dairy and confectionery, potatoes, fruits, etc.

The optimal development temperature for most of the grinding microorganisms is within 25-35 ° C. Low temperatures do not cause their death, but only suspend development. At a temperature of 4-6 ° C, the vital activity of rotary microorganisms is suppressed.

II. Growing crop of rotten bacteria and hay sticks

1. Laboratory work "Growing a culture of microorganisms"

A) Methods of preparation of electrical accumulative culture of rotary bacteria


1) In a sterilized jar, put a piece of any meat, a piece of boiled sausage

2) close the lid tightly, cork.

3) put in a warm place

4) At the end of the experience, microscopy culture.

In accordance with the description of the work, all actions were carried out, over the week were monitored by the growth of the colonies of the haystone and putrefactive bacteria.

Table 1. Observations Mkhitaryan Arpine

Observations Mkhitaryan Arpine

Chicken meat

Boiled sausage

The experience is laid

The experience is laid

No changes

Sausage became white.

Unpleasant odor.

Meat smoked. A film appeared on the surface. Unpleasant odor.

Sausage became white.

Unpleasant odor.

Meat smoked, swelled. On the surface of the meat appeared film. Unpleasant odor.

Sausage became white.

Unpleasant odor.

The blackened meat floats in a bad smelling fluid, a gray film appeared

On the surface of bad smelling sausage appeared gray film


Table 2. Observations Mkhitaryan Aram.

Observations Mkhitaryan Arama

Meat fish

Boiled sausage

The experience is laid

The experience is laid

No changes

Sausage became white.

Unpleasant odor.

The meat covered, an unpleasant smell

A jar with rotting sausage carried to the cold

A jar with rotting meat carried to the cold

A jar with rotting meat carried to the cold

A jar with rotting sausage carried to the cold


Table 3. Observations Convatographer Alexandra.

Observations Konovatnikov Alexandra

Chicken meat

Boiled sausage

The experience is laid

The experience is laid

No changes

Sausage became white.

Unpleasant odor.

The meat swelled, the yellow liquid is distinguished

Sausage became white.

Unpleasant odor.

The meat swept, the yellow liquid is highlighted, a strong putrefactive smell

Sausage became white.

Unpleasant odor. Formed white film

On a piece of meat, a film was formed

A jar with rotting meat carried to the cold

A jar with rotting sausage carried to the cold


Thus, the processes of rotting in all experiments are equally accompanied by the release of bad smelling substances, the formation of the tax and liquid

B) the method of preparation of elective accumulative culture of a hay stick ( Bacillus subtilis)

Accumulative electrical cultures are called those in which the conditions for the growth of microorganisms of one species are created and the growth of other species is suppressed. In this paper, boiling is a factor that kills unailed forms, as a result of which a hay stick forms a real colony

Equipment and materials: Heat-resistant flask for 250 ml, glass wand, cotton-gauze plug, hay pipe or straw, pushed chalk, electric stove or water bath, boiling water, glassographer, scissors.


Obtaining a culture of a hay stick

1) Sterilize dishes.

2) Tire 10-15 g of hay or straw.

3) Place in the flask. Pour boiling water so that the straw is completely covered with water.

4) Fill 0.5 h. chalk. Boil 15 min.

5) Close the plug and put in the closet.

6) At the end of microscopic.

A grayish film appeared on the surface of the ragum after 5 days, consisting of hay sticks.

2. Observation of microorganisms

Preparation of micro-preparations


1. Subject windows, coating windows, pipette, napkin, glass.

2. cleaned the coating windows.

3. From the flask where cultures were located, the solution was merged with microorganisms into a glass.

4. The droplet with the culture was applied to the slide, stained with a lactium, methyl orange covered with coating glass.

Figure 2. 1, 2 - rotary bacteria. Alta school.

An increase of 400 times. Performed Mkhitaryan Arpine

https://pandia.ru/text/78/151/images/image008_26.gif "width \u003d" 236 "height \u003d" 15 "\u003e

Figure 3. 1, 2 - putrid bacteria. Photo by alto school.

An increase of 400 times. Performed Mkhitaryan Aram.

Conclusion: Working with microtapes allows us to conclude that putrid bacteria and haystick bacteria have the same shape, movement. The similarity of bacteria with a potato stick is established, which suggests that we obtained the culture of microorganisms similar and, perhaps the same.


As a result of the research work, we learned how to grow cultures of microorganisms of rotary bacteria and hay sticks, prepare painted microcreparations, observe bacteria in a microscope, to take photos, describe the results of work.

In the process of work, it was understood that rotting in nature plays a large positive role. It is an integral part of the substance cycle. Pinged processes provide soil enrichment with such forms of nitrogen, which are necessary plants. However, putrid microorganisms can cause damage to many foods and materials containing protein substances. To prevent spoofing products with putrid microorganisms, such a storage regime should be ensured, which would eliminate the development of these microorganisms.

List of used literature

1. Sokolov, animals, first volume [text] /. - M.: Enlightenment, 1984. - 463 p.

2. Gilyarov, a dictionary of a young biologist [Text] /. - M.: Pedagogy, 1896. - 352 p.

3. Wikipedia [Electronic resource] /

In the process of metabolism, microorganisms not only carry out the synthesis of complex protein substances of their own cytoplasm, but also produce deep destruction of protein connections of the substrate. The process of mineralization of organic protein substances by microorganisms flowing with ammonia release or with the formation of ammonium salts, received the name of rotting or ammonification of proteins in microbiology.

Thus, in a strict microbiological sense, rotting is the mineralization of organic protein, although in everyday life "rotting" call a number of various processes with a purely accidental similarity, combining in this concept and damage food (meat, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables in this concept and damage. ), and the decomposition of the corpses of animals and plants, and a variety of processes occurring in manure, vegetable garbage, etc.

Ammonification of protein is a complex multistage process. Its inner entity lies in the energy transformations of amino acid microorganisms using their carbon skeleton in the synthesis of cytoplasma compounds. In vivo, the decomposition of vegetable and animal-rich in protein substances, excited by various bacteria, mold, actinomycetes, proceeds extraordinarily easily both with wide access of air and in conditions of complete anaerobiosis. In this regard, the chemistry of the decomposition of protein substances and the nature of the emerging decay products can vary greatly depending on the type of microorganism, the chemical nature of the protein, the conditions of process flow: aeration, humidity, temperature.

When air access, for example, the rotation process proceeds very intensively, up to the total mineralization of protein substances - ammonia and even partially elementary nitrogen are formed, either methane or carbon dioxide, as well as hydrogen sulfide and salts of phosphoric acid are formed. In anaerobic conditions, as a rule, the full mineralization of the protein does not occur, and some of the emerging (intermediate) products of rotting, which are commonly unpleasant smell, is maintained in the substrate, giving it a nauseous smell of rotting.

Prevents ammonification of proteins Low temperature. In the eternal layers of land of the Earth, the Far North was found, for example, the corpses of mammoths who have broken dozens of millennia, but not exposed to decomposition.

Depending on the individual properties of microorganisms, rotation pathogens - there is either a shallow decay of the protein molecule, or its deep cleavage (full mineralization). But there are also such microorganisms that take part in rotting only after the substrates as a result of the life of other microbes appear hydrolysis products of protein substances. Actually, "grinding" is called those microbes that excite the deep decay of protein substances, causing their complete mineralization.

Protein substances in the process of nutrition cannot be directly learned by the microbial cell. The colloidal structure of proteins prevents them in a cell across the cell shell. Only after hydrolytic splitting, more simple hydrolysis products of proteins penetrate the microbial cell and are used in the synthesis of the cell substance. Thus, the hydrolysis of proteins flows outside the body of the microbe. The microbe for this allocates proteolytic exoferments to the substrate (proteinase). This method of nutrition determines the decomposition of huge masses of protein in the substrates, while inside the microbial cell in the protein form, only a relatively small part of the protein hydrolysis products is converted. The process of splitting protein substances in this case is largely dominated over the process of their synthesis. By virtue of this, the oversized role of putrid microbes as agents decomposition of protein substances is enormous.

The mineralization mechanism of a complex protein molecule with putrid microbes can be represented by the following chain of chemical transformations:

I. Hydrolysis of a large protein molecule to albumosis, peptones, polypeptides, dipeptides.

II. Continued deeper hydrolysis of protein cleavage products to amino acids.

III. Transforming amino acids under the action of microbial enzymes. A variety of amino acids and enzymes available in the enzymatic complex of various microbes, those or other conditions for the proceeding of the process determine the emergency chemical variety of amino acid transformation products.

Thus, amino acids may be decarboxylation, deamination of both oxidative and reducing and hydrolytic. Energetic carboxylase causes the decarboxylation of amino acids to form volatile amines or diamines having a sickening smell. From the amino acid lysine at the same time, Cadaver is formed, from the amino acid of Ornithine - Pretrassin:

Cadaverin and Pretrassin received the name of "body poisons" or Ptomaians (from the Greek Ptoma - the corpse, Padal). It was previously believed that Ptomaines arising from the breakdown of proteins cause food poisoning. However, it is currently found that no ptomains themselves are found to be poisonous - neurin, muscarine, as well as some substances of unknown chemical nature.

When the amino group (NH2) (NH2), from which ammonia is formed is deeming from amino acids. The substrate reaction becomes alkaline. With oxidative deamination, but ketonox acids are also formed:

With restorative deamination, limit fatty acids occur:

Hydrolytic deamination and decarboxylation lead to alcohols:

In addition, hydrocarbons can be formed (for example, methane), unsaturated fatty acids, hydrogen.

From aromatic amino acids in anaerobic conditions there are fading products of rotting: phenol, indole, scatol. Indole and Skatol are usually formed from tryptophan. From amino acids containing sulfur, hydrogen sulfide or mercaptans arise in aerobic conditions, which also have a unpleasant smell of rotten eggs. Complex proteins - nucleoproteins - disintegrate into nucleic acids and proteins, which in turn are split. Nucleic acids during decay give phosphoric acid, ribose, deoxyribose and nitrogenous organic bases. In each case, only parts of the specified chemical transformations may be flowing, rather than the entire cycle.

The appearance in food products rich in protein (such as meat or fish), smell of ammonia, amines and other decay products of amino acids is an indicator of their microbial spanking.

Microorganisms exciting ammonification of protein substances are very widespread in nature. They are found everywhere: in the soil, in water, in the air - and are represented by extremely diverse forms - aerobic and anaerobic, optional iteerobic, spore-forming and indispensable.

Aerobic grinding microorganisms

The hay stick (Bacillus subtilis) (Fig. 35) is a widespread aerobic bacillus, usually highlighted from hay, a very movable wand (3-5 x 0.6 μm) with perichial hacking. If the cultivation is produced on liquid media (for example, on a hangeon), then the cells of the bacillus are somewhat larger and are connected in long chains, forming a wrinkled wrinkled and dry silver-white film on the surface of the liquid. When developing carbohydrates containing carbohydrates, a small dry or grainy is formed, struggling with a colony substrate. On the slices of potatoes, the colony of the hay sticks always get slightly wrinkled, colorless or slightly pinkish, reminiscent of velvety raid.

A hay stick develops in a very wide range of temperatures, being practically cosmopolitan. But it is generally considered that 37-50 ° C is the best temperature for its development. The disputes of the hay sticks are oval, are located eccentral, without strict localization (but still in many cases closer to the cage center). Express dispute is equatorial. Gram-positive, carbohydrates decomposes with the formation of acetone and acetic aldehyde, has a very high proteolytic ability. The disputes of the hay sticks are very thermal resistant - often persisted in canned foods sterilized at 120 ° C.

Potato stick (BAC. Mesenttericus) (Fig. 36) - Wides in nature no less widely than hay. Typically, the potato wand meets on potatoes, getting here from the soil.

Morphologically potato wand is very similar to hanized: its cells (3-10 x 0.5-0.6 microns) have perichial tissue; Meet both single and connected in the chain. Spores of potato sticks, like hay, oval, sometimes there are oblong, large; They are located in any part of the cell (but more often centrally). When forming a dispute, the cell is not inflated, the disputes germinate equatorially.

When growing on potato slices, a potato wand forms a rich yellowish-brown folded wet shiny fall, resembling a mesentery, so that the microbe and got its name. On agar protein environments, thin, dry and wrinkled colonies are formed, without fooling with the substrate.

By gram, the potato wand is painted positively. The optimal development temperature, as in the hay stick, 35-45 ° C. With the decomposition of proteins, a lot of hydrogen sulfide forms. The spores of the potato sticks are very thermal resistant and similar to the disputes of hay sticks withstand long-term boiling, often persistent in canned products.

BAC. sereus. These are sticks (3-5 x 1-1.5 μm) with straight ends, single or connected to intricate chains. There are options and with shorter cells. Cell cytoplasm noticeably grainy or vaculy, at the eradisses of cells are often formed shiny-like grains. Cells Bacills are movable, with peritrichial tedies. Dispute you. Cereus forms oval or ellipsoid, usually located centrally and germinating polar. When developing on MPa (meat-beep agar), bacillus forms large compact colonies with a folded center and rhizoid wavy edges. Sometimes colonies are small-making with fringe edges and flaky-shaped grooves, with characteristic grains, refracting light. BAC. Cereus is an aerob. However, in some cases, it develops with difficult access to oxygen. This bacilloma is found in the soil, in water, on plant substrates. Gelatin dies, pepton milk, starch hydrolyzes. Temperature optimum development BAC. Cereus 30 ° C, maximum 37-48 ° C. When developing in meat-beep broth, it forms a rich homogeneous torture with an easily split soft sediment and a delicate film on the surface.

From other aerobic concrete microbes, you can mark an earthen wand (you. Mycoides), you. Megatherium, as well as non-rooting pigment bacteria - "Wonderful wand" (BACT. PRODIGIOSUM), Pseudomonas Fluorescens.

Earthy wand (BAC. Mycoides) (Fig. 37) - one of the very common putrid soil bacilli, has rather large (5-7 x 0.8-1.2 μm) single or connected to long cell chains. On the solid media, the earthy wand forms very characteristic colonies - fluffy, rhizoid or mycelium, peeling along the surface of the medium as mushroom mycelium. For this similarity of Bacillus and received the name BAC. Mycoides, which means "mushroom".

BAC. Megaterium - Bacillus, which has large sizes, for which he received its name, meaning a "big animal". It is constantly found in the soil and on the surface of rotting materials. Young cells are usually thick - up to 2 μm in the diameter, a length of 3.5 to 7 microns. The contents of the cells are coarserate with a large number of large inclusions of the leaf-like or glycogen-like substance. Often, inclusions fill almost completely all the cell, giving it a very characteristic structure, which is easily recognized by this species. Colonies on agar media smooth, dirty and white, oily-shiny. The edges of the colony are cut sharply, sometimes wavy-fried.

PSeudomonas Fluorescens petty bacterium small (1-2 x 0.6 μm) gram-negative indisputable wand, movable, with lofotrichial tap. Bacterry forms a greenish-yellow fluorescent pigment, which penetrates into the substrate, paints it into yellow-green.

Pigment bacterium Bacterium Prodigiosum (Fig. 38) is widely known as the "wonderful wand" or "wagge of wonderful blood." Very small gram-negative indiscriminate moving wand with peritrichial happiness. When developing on agar and gelatin environments, the colonies of dark red color with a metal glitter, resembling blood drops.

The emergence of such colonies on bread and potatoes in the Middle Ages caused a superstitious horror in religious people and binds to the Znokozny "Hehetics" and "Devilish Navation". Because of this harmless bacterium, the Holy Inquisition burned on fires not one thousand completely innocent people.

Facultivoanaderoobic bacteria

Prota stick, or vulgaris (Proteus vulgaris) (Fig. 39). This microbe is one of the most typical pathogens of the rotation of protein substances. It is often found on spontaneously rejuvenated meat, in the intestines of animals and humans, in water, in the soil, etc. cells of this bacteria are distinguished by a large polymorphism. In daily cultures on the meat-pepton broth, they are small (1-3 x 0.5 microns), with a large number of perichly arranged flagella. Then the filamentous cells reaching 10-20 microns and more begin to appear. Due to this diversity in the morphological structure of the bacterium cells and was named by the name of the maritime god of the proto, to which an ancient Greek mythology attributed the ability to change their image and turning to turn into various animals and monsters.

Both small and large cells of the protea have a strong movement. This gives the colonies of bacteria on solid media, a characteristic feature of "roding". The process of "roding" is that individual cells are out of the colony, slide along the surface of the substrate and at some distance they stop from it, multiply, giving rise to new growth. It turns out a lot of small, barely visible with a simple eye of whitish colonies. New cells are again separated from these colonies and the part of the medium free from the microbial flooring is formed by new reproduction centers, etc.

Vulgar protea - gram-negative microbe. The optimal temperature of its development is 25-37 ° C. At a temperature of about 5 ° C, it stops his height. The proteolytic proto ability is very large: it decomposes proteins with the formation of indole and hydrogen sulfide, causing a sharp change in the acidity of the medium - the medium becomes strong. When developing on carbohydrates, protein forms a lot of gases (CO2 and H2).

In conditions of moderate access of air during development, intestinal wand (Escherichia coli) has some proteolytic ability to develop on pepton media. In this characteristic, the formation of indole. But the intestinal wand is not a typical rotor microorganism and on carbohydrate media in anaerobic conditions causes nonypical milk acid fermentation with the formation of lactic acid and a number of by-products.

Anaerobic concrete microorganisms

Clostridium Putrificum (Fig. 40) is an energetic causative agent of anaerobic decomposition of protein substances, which performs this cleavage with abundant separation of gases - ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. Cl. Putrificum is often found in the soil, water, in the oral cavity, in the intestine of animals and on different roting products. Sometimes can be detected in canned food. Cl. Putrificum - Movable sticks with peritrichial happiness, elongated and thin (7-9 x 0.4-0.7 microns). There are also longer cells connected in chains and single. Temperature optimum development of Klostridia 37 ° C. Developing in the depths of meat-bepton agar, it forms a floring loose colonies. Spores spherical, are located terminally. In disputes in the site of the dispute dispute, the cell is very inflated. Spioned Classes Cl. Putrificum resemble spioning cells Bacillus botulism.

Thermal resistance dispute cl. Putrificum is quite high. If the disputes will not be destroyed in the production of canned food, during the storage of finished products in stock they can develop and cause damage (microbiological bombing) canned food. Sucrolytic properties of cl. Putrificum does not possess.

Clostridium sporogenes (Fig. 41) - according to morphological features is a rather large wand with rounded ends, easily forming a chain. The microbe is very mobile thanks to the peritolically arranged flagellas. The name of Clostridium Sporogenes, this by I. I. Mesnikov (1908), characterizes the ability of this microbe to quickly form controversy. After 24 hours, under the microscope, you can see a lot of sticks and free lying arguments. After 72 hours, the spore formation process ends and vegetative forms do not remain at all. The disputes of the microbe forms oval, located centrally or closer to one of the ends of the sticks (subterminal). The capsule does not forms. Optimum of development 37 ° C.

Cl. SPOROGENES - Anaerob. Toxic and pathogenic properties do not possess. In anaerobic conditions on agar media, surface small, irregular shapes forms, first transparent, and then turning into opaque yellowish-white colonies with fringe edges. In the depths of the agar colony, "shaggy", round, with a dense center formed. Similarly, in anaerobic conditions, the microbe causes rapidly turbidity of meat-beep broth, gas formation and the appearance of an unpleasant peel. In the enzymatic complex of Clostridium Sporogenes contains very active proteolytic enzymes that can split protein to its last stage. Under the influence of closeridium sporogenes, milk peptonized after 2-3 days and the loose is cooled, gelatin is diluted. On environments with the liver, a black pigment with a tyrosine released white crystals is sometimes formed. The microbe causes blackening and digestion of the brainstorm and a sharp putthous smell. Pieces of the fabric are quickly digested, bass and melted almost to the end for several days.

Clostridium Sporogenes also has sucrolytic properties. The prevalence of this microbe in nature, sharply pronounced proteolytic properties, the high thermal resistance of the dispute characterizes it as one of the main pathogens of putrefactive processes in food products.

Cl. SPOROGENES is a causative agent of meat and vegetable canned meat and vegetable meat. Most often, the canned food "stew meat" and the first dinner dishes with meat and without meat (borsch, pickle, soup, etc.). The presence of a small number of disputes remaining in the product after sterilization can cause canned food when stored in room temperature. It is observed first redness of meat, then blackening, a sharp putthous smell appears, while the bombing of cans is often observed.

Various mold mushrooms and actinomycetes are involved in the rotary decomposition of proteins - Penicillium, Mucor Mucedo, Botrytis, Aspergillus, Trichoderma, etc.

The value of the rotation process

The oversized value of the rotation process is huge. Pinged microorganisms are "earth sanitary". Causeing the mineralization of a huge number of protein substances falling into the soil, exercising the decomposition of the corpses of animals and vegetable garbage, they produce the biological cleaning of the Earth. Deep splitting proteins cause disputes of aerobes, less deep - disputes of anaerobes. In natural conditions, this process is accomplished in stages in the community of many types of microorganisms.

But in food production, rotting is a harmful process and causes large material damage. Spinning meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, fruits and other food comes quickly and proceeds very vigorously, if they store them unprotected, in conditions favorable for the development of microbes.

Only in some cases in food production, the decoration can be used as a useful process - when ripening salted herring and cheeses. It is used to rot in the leather production for the shooting of the skins (removal of wool with animal skins when skin generation). Knowing the causes of rotation processes, people learned to protect food products of protein origin from their collapse by applying a wide variety of canning methods.


During storage, products are subjected to damage due to hitting and developing microorganisms in them. The species composition of microorganisms highlighted from meat, dairy and egg products, fish and others are very diverse (putrefactive bacteria, mold mushrooms, yeast, actinomycetes, micrococci, lactic acid, butter-acid and acetic acid bacteria and others). After hitting the product and breeding in it, saprophilic microorganisms may cause the occurrence of various vices: rotting, molding, ease of meat, the bitter taste of milk, the burnt taste of oil, etc.

Pine bacteria

Pinged bacteria cause proteins decay. Depending on the depth of decay and the resulting finite products, various food defects may occur. These microorganisms are widespread in nature. They are found in soil, water, air, in food products, as well as in the intestine of man and animals

To grind microorganisms Aerobic disputes and non-corrosive sticks, sporing-forming anaerobes, optional-anaerobic sprouts.

They are the main pathogens of the damage to dairy products, cause the collapse of proteins (proteolysis), as a result of which various food defects may arise, depending on the depth of the protein decay. Antagonists of rotary are lactic acid bacteria, therefore the rotational decay process of the product arises where the milk process does not go.

Proteoliz (proteolytic properties) is studied by sowing microorganisms in milk, milk agar, meat-beep gelatin (MPH) and in rolled blood serum.

The rolled milk protein (casein) under the influence of proteolytic enzymes can be coated with the serum separation (peptonization) or dissolve (proteolysis).

At the milk agar around the colonies of proteolytic microorganisms, wide zones of milk enlightenment are formed.

In MPJ, sowing is produced by an injection inside the column of the medium. Sowing 5-7 days at room temperature. Microbes with proteolytic properties dilute gelatin. Microorganisms that do not possess proteolytic ability are growing in MPH without its discharge.

In crops on rolled blood serum, proteolytic microorganisms also cause a discharge, and microbes that do not have this property do not change its consistency.

When studying proteolytic properties, the ability of microorganisms to form indole, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, i.e., split proteins to finite gaseous products is determined.

Slip bacteria are very widespread. They are found in soil, water, air, human intestines and animals, in food products. These microorganisms include sporing-forming aerobic and anaerobic sticks, pigment-forming and elective-anaerobic non-corporate bacteria.

Intestine dysbiosis? This condition at which the ratio of bacteria inhabiting the human intestine is disturbed. In such a situation of suitable microbes, it becomes smaller, and destructive? Great. This can lead to diseases and disruption of the gastrointestinal work.

Causes of violations

The development of pathogenic microorganisms can cause such actions:

Unfortunately, the first and second degree of dysbiosis is actually not diagnosed. Incidentally, signs of the formation of bacteria in the intestine are allowed to determine only in the third and fourth stage of the disease.

  • Stool Violation:
    • Suffering from dysbacteriosis to be laughed on continuous diarrhea. This is due to the amplification of intestinal peristaltics and exorbitant acid separation. Occasionally a chair can be with blood impurities or mucus. Excrement have the smell of rot;
    • The age-related disorder of the gastrointestinal work can lead to the formation of constipation. Ultimate typical flora significantly reduces peristality.
  • Screwing:
    • Spasmodic pain. The exorbitant formation of gases contributes to an increase in pressure in the intestine. If the patient suffers from the disorder of the small intestine, it is often stood with spasmodic pain in the navel area. If the microflora violation is monitored in a thick intestine, abdominal pain on the right side;
    • Disorders. Nausea, the inhangation of appetite and vomiting indicate a violation of digestive processes;
    • Dryness, as well as pallor of skin, deterioration of the state of nails and hair, stomatitis;
    • Allergy. Often, patients have skin rashes and itching. As usual, they are caused by products that were previously typically absorbed by the body;
    • Intoxication. The rapid fatigue, headache, as well as the temperature indicate the accumulation of decomposition products in the body.

    Can there be complications?

    The development of rotary bacteria in the human intestine can provoke complications:

    • Sepsis. If pathogenic microbes are boring into a man's blood, it can cause its infection;
    • Enterocolit. If the patient did not turn to the doctor in a timely manner, he could develop chronic inflammation of thick and small intestines;
    • Anemia. The lack of typical flora does not allow the contented number of trace elements and vitamins to be absorbed into the blood, which is reflected in the hemoglobin tier;
    • Peritonitis. The huge number of "stray" intestinal pathogenic bacteria destructively affects the tissue of the gastrointestinal tract, this can lead to the emission of the contents into the abdominal cavity;
    • Weight loss. From the fact that the person's appetite is reduced, it leads to a significant weight loss.

    How to treat?

    Treatment of intestines from delicate bacteria is carried out with the support of special preparations that oppress the formation of pathogenic flora. Types of medicine, their dosage and duration of the course of treatment can be determined only by doctors. Consequently before taking the medicine strictly consult with the doctor.

    Preparations used in dysbacteriosis:

    • Probiotics. Medicines contain lively suitable bacteria that restore the microflora. They are used to treat the illness by 2-4 stages;
    • Prebiotics. These drugs have bifidogenic quality. They are able to stimulate the reproduction of the "excellent" microorganisms, which later displacing the "destructive" microbes;
    • Symbiotics. These are composite types of drugs that include both prebiotics and priests. Such medicines stimulate the growth and formation of missing suitable bacteria;
    • Sorbents. Prescribed during intoxication of the body for the outcome of the products of metabolism;
    • Antibacterial medicines. Of each of them, they are appointed closer on the 4th degree of the disease, when it is necessary to deal with the formation of adverse intestinal bacteria;
    • Antifungal medicines. If fungal formations on the type of candida are found in the excrement, the doctor will appoint an antifungal drug, the one that eliminates all sorts of yeast-like education;
    • Enzymes. In case of violations, the busty enzymes "help" suitable bacteria in food processing.

    Compliance with diet

    To correct microflora, the main thing is to keep the diet, which is appointed by the attending physician. The first thing from the diet must be eliminated by all kinds of alcoholic beverages, thick and too sharp food, sweets (cakes, cakes, lollipops, candy), smoked products and solutions.

    All these products only increase the fermentation processes, and this affects the intestinal flora.

    It is necessary to eat often, but the shares are not obliged to be large. It is desired during the day to have from 4 to 5 meals. In order to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, dilute not to use water, coffee and carbonated drinks while eating. Any liquid reduces the concentration of gastric juice, and it forces food to digest longer.

    Products that increase meteorism, strictly exclude:

    • beans;
    • peas;
    • sparkling water;
    • bakery products with bran;

    But proteins in the diet should be increased. Prefer only to low-fat meat, which is more classifier either in stew or in boiled form.

    In order to "activate" the work of its intestines, dilute more often to apply greens: parsley, green onions, dill and celery. Green Assistants will strengthen the action of typical microflora, which will help in the fight against the formation of pathogenic.
    If you have noticed the signs of the origin of the dysbacteriosis, divert such products:

    • fresh vegetables;
    • fruits;
    • kefir;
    • buckwheat;
    • yogurts;
    • applesauce;
    • oats;
    • prostokvash;
    • ryazhenka.

    The process of treatment from such ailment as dysbacteriosis, a domestic and complex. It requires compliance with all medical prescriptions and diet.

    The 1st gaze seems that the severity of the disease is too exaggerated, but do not forget about acceptable consequences.

    Treatment can be appointed only by a competent expert. In the presence of the above signs, do not run right away in the pharmacy.

    Contact your doctor, the one that will select for you the best course of treatment and medicines. Take care of yourself and your health.

    They are the main pathogens of the damage to dairy products, cause the collapse of proteins (proteolysis), as a result of which various food defects may arise, depending on the depth of the protein decay. Antagonists of rotary are lactic acid bacteria, therefore the rotational decay process of the product arises where the milk process does not go.

    Proteoliz (proteolytic properties) is studied by sowing microorganisms in milk, milk agar, meat-beep gelatin (MPH) and in rolled blood serum.

    The rolled milk protein (casein) under the influence of proteolytic enzymes can be coated with the serum separation (peptonization) or dissolve (proteolysis).

    At the milk agar around the colonies of proteolytic microorganisms, wide zones of milk enlightenment are formed.

    In MPJ, sowing is produced by an injection inside the column of the medium. Sowing 5-7 days at room temperature. Microbes with proteolytic properties dilute gelatin. Microorganisms that do not possess proteolytic ability are growing in MPH without its discharge.

    In crops on rolled blood serum, proteolytic microorganisms also cause a discharge, and microbes that do not have this property do not change its consistency.

    When studying proteolytic properties, the ability of microorganisms to form indole, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, i.e., split proteins to finite gaseous products is determined.

    Slip bacteria are very widespread. They are found in soil, water, air, human intestines and animals, in food products. These microorganisms include sporing-forming aerobic and anaerobic sticks, pigment-forming and elective-anaerobic non-corporate bacteria.

    Spore-forming.Pinged aerobams include you. SUBTILIS -Ced wand, you. Mesenttericus - potato wand, you. Megatherium - cabbage stick, you. Mycoides - Mushroom Wand, You. Cereus et al.

    The spore-forming putrid anaerobam includes bacteria of the genus Clostridium (Cl. Putrificum, Cl. Sporogenes, Cl. Perfringens and other species).

    Spore-forming aerobes and anaerobes relate to the same family of you.

    All spore-forming grinding is rather large thick chopsticks reaching the size of 0.5-2.5 x 10 (in clostridy - up to 20) μm, in gram there are positively, movable until the moment of sporing formation, the capsules do not form. The exception is cl. Perfringens is a fixed, forming capsules wand. Cells are randomly, you have. Cereus and you. Mycoides -Cellies

    The shortest cells of the hay sticks are the most. Bacilli disputes are located, as a rule, centrally, clostridi -subterminal. The latter more often have a kind of tennis racket, spoons or boats. U CL. Sporogenes Almost all cells contain disputes (Fig. 29). Cages cl. PERFRINGENS, as a rule, the dispute does not contain and are often located in the form of a frequency or Roman figure V.

    Spore-forming aerobes grow well on conventional nutrient media. On the MPB, they cause clouded medium, often - the formation of a film and a flaky precipitate. You. Cereus cloues does not cause, but forms a slight precipitate, rising when shaking the test tube in the form of a cloud or a lump of wool.

    Figure 29 - Spore-forming grinding : You. SUBTILIS: but- colonies; b -cells; You. Mycoides: in- colonies; g -cells; Cl. Sporogenes: d.- colonies; e.- Cells

    You. SUBTILIS forms surface wrinkled whitish film.

    On MPa, aerobic bacillus grow in the form of large colonies of grayish-white color. You. Mycoides forms corneumous colonies that resemble mycelium mushrooms, from where and the name of the stick (from Greek. myces -mushroom) (Figure29). Some strains of this microorganism allocate brown or pink-red pigment. Brown or brown pigment can also highlight strains of you. Mesenttericus.

    You. Subtilis forms dry wrinkled whitish colonies. Colony of you. Cereus under a small increase in the microscope have a curl edge or a view of the jellyfish head.

    Spore-forming anaerobes are grown on special nutrient media - meat-pepton hepatic broth (PPTB), a whale-tariff environment, as well as glucose-blood agar. They cause clouded broth, the agar form rounded minor colonies with the hemolysis zone, i.e. enlightenment - the dissolution of blood erythrocytes.

    Spore-forming possesses well-pronounced proteolytic properties: thinning gelatin, coat and peptized milk, cause hemolysis, isolated ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and indole is also isolated. Capable to ferment many carbohydrates, with the exception of Cl. Putrificum that does not have sucrolytic properties.

    Sophisticated.Include pigment-forming and optional-anaerobic bacteria. PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESSCENS, PS are attributed to pigment grip. Aeruginosa (Pseudomonadaceae family), Serratia Marcescens (Enterobacteriaceae family) (respectively, fluorescent, sinny and wonderful sticks). A group of optional-anaerobic bacteria is the Proteus vulgaris (a stick of the proteus) and the Escherichia Coli) (Escherobacteriaceae family).

    The sprouts are small (1-2 x 0.6 μm) gram-negative moving sticks that do not form a dispute and capsules. Cells are randomly. The shortest kokcobaccckets are the cells of the wonderful stick. The sticking stick has polymorphic cells (Figure 30).

    The sprinkle sticks are mainly mezophils. Pseudomonas genus bacteria can often be psychrofils. Microorganisms are well growing on conventional nutrient media. The MPB causes abundant broth blurred, sometimes the appearance of a film, pigment-forming - a change in the color of the medium. On the MPa form, rounded brilliant translucent colonies (Figure 30) form scratched pigment (Figure 30).

    Figure 30 - Sophisticated rotary : Pseudomonas Aeruginosa: a -colony; b.- cells; Pseudomonas Fluorescens: in -cells

    Fluorescent chopsticks highlight a greenish-yellow pigment, which dissolves in water, and therefore MPa is also painted in the color of the pigment.

    The cinema wand also highlights a water-soluble pigment of a blue-green color, which consists of two pigments: blue - pyocianin and yellow - fluorescin.

    The wonderful wand forms a colony, painted in bright red or cherry-red color due to the Pigment insoluble pigment.

    The stick of the action does not form colonies on a dense nutrient medium, but grows in the form of a gentle velas-like raid ("creeping height"). Escherichia forms gray medium-sized translucent colonies.

    The sprinkle sticks dilute gelatin, roll and peptized milk, form ammonia, sometimes hydrogen sulfide and indole. Sugariaric properties are expressed weakly.

    The stick of the proto has a large proteolytic activity. It is detected at 100 % processing products affected by rotting. In this regard, the generic name Proteus is given, denoting the "omnipresent", the species name Vulgaris denotes "normal", "simple".

    The intestinal wand of Escherichia has a minor proteolytic ability. Since it does not hydrolyze a solid protein molecule, it is connected to the putrid process at the peptone stage, splitting them with the formation of amines, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide. Causes coagulation of milk, does not dilute gelatin, has a high enzymatic activity against lactose, glucose and other sugars.

    For quantitative accounting of proteolytic microorganisms (except E. coli) use milk agar. Separately prepared 2% water agar and skimmed milk. Both media are sterilized separately at 121 ° C 10 min. When used to molten agar, 20% of low-fat hot milk is added and, after a thorough mixing, the mixture is poured into Petri dishes.

    For the preparation of aquatic agar in 1 dm 3 of drinking water, 20 g of finely crushed agar is made and heated to boiling .. After dissolving the agar, the mixture in the hot state is filtered through a cotton filter, poured into the flasks 50-100 cm 3, closed with cotton corks and sterilize.

    To determine the number of proteolytic bacteria, sowing 1 cm 3 of each of the selected product dilutions on Petri dishes and is poured with milk agar. The crops are kept in a thermostat at 30 ° C for 48 hours and then count the number of grew colonies of proteolytic bacteria (with wide zones of milk enlightenment).

    The ability to split proteins also possess mold and actinomycetes. Many proteolytic microorganisms form an enzyme of lipase, causing the decay of fats. The most pronounced lipolytic ability possess mold, fluorescent sticks and other bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas.

    Oily acid bacteria

    They are pathogens of oily acid fermentation, as a result of which milk sugar and salts of lactic acid (lactates) are splitted with the formation of oil, acetic, propionic, formic acids, ethyl, butyl, propyl alcohols. They are able to split proteins and absorb nitrogen from proteins, amino acids, ammonia, and some representatives are molecular nitrogen from the air.

    Oily-acid bacteria belong to the genus Clostridium, combining 25 types of soil anaerobes (Cl.Pasteurianum, Cl.Butyricum, Cl.tyrobutyricum, etc.), which were previously combined under the general name CL. amylobacter.

    Oily-acid bacteria are gram-positive chopsticks of a cylindrical shape measuring 5-12 x 0.5-1.5 μm, movable until the moment of sporing formation. Capsules do not form, disputes are located terminally and subterminal. Cells have a form of makeup, a tennis racket or spoon (Figure 31). Disputes withstand boiling for 2-3 minutes, during pasteurization do not die. Before forming a dispute in the cytoplasm of cells, the granulez is accumulated - the starch-like substance painting in iodine in blue.

    Figure 31 - Oily acid bacteria

    Oily-acid bacteria are bonded anaerobes. The peculiarities of the development of these microorganisms are stormy gas formation and an unpleasant smell of oil acid. Optimal developmental temperature of 30-35 ° C, temperature limits of 8-45 ° C.

    In the educational laboratory, the culture of oily acid bacteria is obtained on a potato medium. In a small long-mullet flask or high tube, several pieces of crude potatoes are made, poured with water by 3/4 volumes, add 1-2 g. Mela and pasteurize at 80 ° C for 10 minutes, after which they are thermostated at 37 ° C. After 1-2 days, oily acid fermentation develops.

    In the cheese, the quantitative accounting for the dispute of oily acid bacteria (mesophilic anaerobic lactatsbling bacteria) is carried out on a dense lactate-acetate selective medium (ch. 18).

    Quantitative accounting of oil-acid bacteria is also produced by the method of limiting dilutions, the deleting material under study in test tubes with sterile solid milk or with low-fat milk and paraffin (1-2 g). After sowing, the test tubes are heated in a water bath for 10 minutes at a temperature of 90 ° C, cooled to 30 ° C and kept in a thermostat for 3 days. At a temperature of 30 ° C.

    The presence of oily acid bacteria is determined by the formation of gas, the smell of oily acid, the presence of large spores in the microscopic preparation, which gives a positive reaction to the granuine. Granuleza - starch-like substance, which is a cytoplasmic inclusion and staining with iodine (lug-s) in blue color.

    Clostridia possess well-pronounced proteolytic and sucrolytic activity. Freak up milk sugar, absorber the salts of lactic acid (lactates) with the formation of oil, acetic, propionic, formic acids, a small amount of ethyl alcohol and a large amount of Gas CO 2 and H 2. As a result of abundant gas formation, they can cause a vice later swelling of cheeses.

    In addition to anaerobic clostridium, oily-acid fermentation can cause bacteria of pseudomonas genus, especially fluorescent chopsticks.


    Enterococci are called lactic acid streptococci of intestinal origin, i.e. they are representatives of the normal microflora of the intestine of a person and an animal and stand out in the environment in fairly significant quantities (in 1 g of feces up to 10 -10 9 viable individuals), but about 10 times less, What bacteria of the intestinal sticks group (BGKP). Currently, enterococci is considered the second after the BGPP by a sanitary microorganism in the study of water of water bodies, especially the water samples of wells, swimming pools, wastewater, soil, items.

    Enterococci include two main types of Cocktles of the StreptococcaAe family, the genus Enterococcus: ENT. Faecalis (Biovars ENT. LIQUEFACIEUS and ENT. ZYMOGENES) and ENT. Fecium (Biovar ENT. BOVIS).

    In this race, other species were made, previously related to the genus Streptococcus: E.Durans, E.Avium, E.Gallinarum, E.Casseliflavus, E.Malodoratus, E.Cecorum, E.Dispar, E.Hirae, E.mundtii, E .pseudoavium, e.raffinosus, E.Saccharialyticus, E.seriolicida and E.Solitarius. Thus, the genus Enterococcus combines 16 types of microorganisms.

    Biovar E.LiqueFaciens is often the inhabitant of the breast, so it is called mammokokkom (from Lat. Glandula Mamma - Iron Milk).

    Enterococcis are diplococci oval or round shape with a size of 0.6-2 x 0.6-2.5 μm, sometimes located with chains, gram-positive, disputes and capsules do not form fixed. Optional anaerobes are well multiplied on simple nutrient media, but when growing it is necessary to use media with inhibitors that suppress the concomitant flora (bacteria of the intestinal sticks group, protea, etc.). The best growth is observed when glucose, yeast drugs and other growth stimulants are added when adding glucose. When cultivating in liquid nutrient media, a precipitate is formed and diffuse turbidity is observed. On dense environments, enterococci colony small, grayish blue, transparent, round with smooth edges, convex, with a shiny surface. On the blood agar, depending on the biovar, they can give hemolysis (ENT. Liquefaciens), a change in color around the colonies to greenish-brown, since hemoglobin turns into methemoglobin (Ent. Faecalis). The optimal growth temperature of 37 ° C, limits - 10-45 ° C.

    To determine enterococci, a lactic medium with polymyxin in viburnum is used. At 100 cm 3 1.5% of the nutrient agar (MPa), glucose is made - 1 g, yeast dialysate (extract, autolysate) - 2 cm 3. Sterilize at -112 ° C 20 min; pH 6.0. Petri spill in the Petri dishes are added to 100 cm 3 of the medium: crystalline purple - 1.25 cm 3 0.01% aqueous solution; dry substance 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTX) -10 mg; Sterile skimmed milk - 10 cm 3; Polymixin -200 U / ml.

    Typical chopococci colonies have rounded shape on this medium, smooth edges, a shiny surface, a diameter of 1.5-2 mm, a reddish color with a proteolysis zone on a light blue background.

    Enterococci are chemorganotrophs, they have a ferment type metabolism, decompose glucose and mannitis to acid and gas, but do not have catalase activity (unlike other gram-positive Cockks). According to the antigenic structure, they are homogeneous and belong to the group D on the classification of Lensfield.

    Distinctive features of enterococci from mesophilic lactic acid streptococci over Sherman tests are shown in Table 18.

    Table 18 - Differentiation of Enterococci from Streptococci

    Enterococci is quite resistant to physical and chemical factors, which was based on the differentiation of enterococci from other streptococci, which are included in the normal microflora of the person and causing the disease of the upper respiratory tract. In addition to resistance to temperature (easily carry heating to 60 ° C for 30 minutes) enterococci resistant to the action of active chlorine, some antibiotics, dyes, etc.

    Differentiation of ENT. Faecalis from ENT. Faecium is carried out by the ability to ferment glycerin: ent. Faecalis splits glycerol in aerobic and anaerobic conditions, while ENT. Faecium only in aerobic. More than 30 biochemical tests are recommended for differentiation of types of enterococci: fermentation of sorbitol, mannitol, arabinosis, TTX reduction, milk peptonization, etc. The need for the separation of enterococci ones is associated with their unequal prevalence in people and animals. However, in the daily practice of all representatives of enterococcis consider sanitary microorganisms.

    Being heat-resistant, they constitute a significant part of the residual microflora of pasteurized milk and play a certain role - in the ripening of cheese. ENT. Durans abroad is used as part of the solder in the production of some cheeses. In our country, research is carried out on the possibility of using ENT. FAECIUM as part of the ferment for fermented milk products. In other cases, enterococci are unwanted microorganisms in milk and dairy products. Especially technically harmful are mamococci (ent. Liquefaciens), which distinguish the renewed enzyme, cause damage to dairy products and premature coagulation of milk.

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