Who is the client? Who is a bank client? Bank's customer acquisition program. Potential client in marketing

A client is a person who uses certain services. From a legal point of view, a client is a legal or natural person using any services of an organization or company. The article discusses the origin of the name and the meaning of the word “client” in modern world.

Where did the name come from?

Back in the 16th century, the word “client” appeared in the Russian language. It was copied from the German word Klient, which comes from Latin name cliēns, characterizing the one to whom patronage is provided.

Today the word “client” is actively used in all languages ​​of the globe, including Slavic. This word is used by Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Czechs, Slovaks.

Many West Slavic languages, except Polish, replaced the Old Church Slavonic term “customer” with a name that came from Latin. At the same time, East Slavic languages ​​compared these two names in parallel, considering them synonyms.

The meaning of the word in the modern world

Although the word "client" has its own glorious and ancient history, today this term has a slightly different meaning. So, in modern society, a client is considered to be a person or organization that actively uses the services of an institution or enterprise. More in simple language, a client is a buyer, visitor, investor or customer.

This concept considered in two senses:

  • In a narrow one. The client is an individual personalized consumer of goods or services in a specific production segment.
  • In the wide. This concept refers to a certain individual or legal entity with whom a certain agreement on business relations is signed with the reservation of all requirements and conditions.

A client is also a person who depends on someone (boss, owner). This is the original meaning of the concept of “client”, which came to us from Ancient Rome. Thus, almost all employees of any organization are considered clients of their managers, while many suppliers are clients of their customers.

Difference between client and consumer

It is impossible to compare these two nouns in meaning, since they are not complete synonyms, on the contrary, they are contextual. This happened because their meanings, despite their general similarity, differ significantly. Take, for example, what is in English language two are used to denote them different words: client and customer.

There is no need to talk about who the client is. But a “consumer” is a person who uses goods or services to satisfy his own needs, but not for monetary gain. In other words, if a citizen purchased a package of washing powder in a store to wash clothes, he is a consumer. If the purchase of goods was for the purpose of resale to a second party, the consumer automatically becomes a client.

What types of clients are there: their types and classification

Customers are often classified based on sales volume, but can also be classified based on other criteria, such as credit rating, industry, sales potential, or product lines.

Any classification system is a reflection of the difference in the amount of labor spent on servicing different classes of clients, and, accordingly, the attractiveness of each class of clients for a company or organization.

Depending on the purpose for which a person uses the services provided to him, there are several types of clients:

  • Purposeful. A client who knows a lot about the product he is purchasing. A person is self-confident, can argue with the seller and find out his own knowledge about the product being sold or the service provided. In fact, the client is not always right in his beliefs, and such a person can be convinced, but only if there are iron arguments.
  • Know-it-all. A person who came to talk more than to listen. He needs praise and approval. In other words, this is a sociable client who is ready to purchase a product, but first talk about something.
  • Indecisive. A client who wants to try a product or service, but does not know how to correctly ask and clarify information. He is insecure and indecisive, so the seller must help the client make a choice. The client can be persuaded, but one cannot put pressure on him.
  • Argumentative. A client who likes to communicate needs a listener who will agree with him. You need to behave politely and carefully with such clients, then they will be ready to purchase the product/service.
  • Uncommunicative client. Such a person does not like to talk, he needs time to accept independent decision.
  • Positively-minded client. Meeting such a customer is the dream of every seller. Such a person is friendly, does not waste his time and the time of the seller. Ready to make a purchase immediately.
  • Impulsive client. A person is almost always negative, does not believe what he is told, gets angry and is rude. The salesperson must be patient with a negative customer.

Customers are also classified according to the quantity of goods they purchase:

  • Retail buyer. A person who purchases one or more units in small quantities.
  • Wholesale buyer. A person or organization that purchases goods in large quantities: large or small wholesale.

Based on the frequency of purchases, two types of customers can be distinguished:

  • Constant. Makes frequent purchases from the company.
  • One-time. Anyone who has made a purchase in a store 1-2 times or ordered a service from an organization.

Characteristics and Importance of a Prospect

A potential client is a person who, if desired, can purchase a product or service he likes, because he has material and physical abilities. IN in this case There are several concepts of a potential client: from a marketing point of view and for the seller.

Potential client for seller

For a seller, a potential client is a person who has a need for the product being offered, but has some doubts. In such a situation, the seller must convince the potential client of the high quality of the product and that he needs it for one reason or another.

Long sales require the seller to work hard with potential sellers: collecting telephone contacts, reporting new promotions, offering special services. For his convenience, the seller must keep a record of potential clients.

Often, a client becomes a potential seller due to the current lack of finances, which makes it impossible to make a purchase. Sometimes the client simply does not have the time. The seller needs to understand that if the client has a need, he will definitely satisfy it, but he needs to purchase the product or service from him.

Potential client in marketing

When considering potential clients from a marketing point of view, in this case it is questionable the target audience for which a product or service will be provided. Before releasing a product, any entrepreneur asks himself who will buy it. Research of potential customers is considered mandatory to understand where the product can be offered and in what ways to do it.

In fact, potential clients can be identified using several parameters:

  • What does the client need? It is necessary to understand the problems that a potential client may encounter when consuming a product or using a service. The entrepreneur will need to find solutions possible problems.
  • Gender, age, financial situation. When an entrepreneur decides to start his own business and release a product on the shelves, he must first decide for whom this product will be: for men, women or children. For what age is it designed, at what price is it profitable to sell it.
  • When and where the goods are purchased. It is important to understand where the target audience is.
  • What guides the client when choosing a product? What a person pays attention to: price, quality, convenience.

A client is a person who is ready to use the product or services that are offered to him. But he must be sure that he is not acquiring a “pig in a poke,” but something that will be useful, valuable or truly necessary for him. With a successful purchase/transaction, the client can become a regular one.

There is no need to resort to computers or economic experts to determine the nature of a restaurant's clientele. The location of the restaurant and the financial status of local residents usually determine the nature of the clientele. The restaurant opposite the hospital will attract a significant portion of visitors from there. Availability in the area medical personnel, patients and visitors of the hospital opens certain additional features. But the average income of these people cannot but influence prices. Such a restaurant should open very early and close quite late. The working hours of employees at fish and meat markets also have their own specifics. Many of them work during the night, so they will prefer to have lunch in the morning at nearby restaurants.

Visitors to suburban or country restaurants, as a rule, arrive by car. Therefore, such restaurants should come up with something specific to attract the public. In these cases, both the kitchen and the parking lot play an equal role. Spaghetti and meatballs at a reasonable price will attract the attention of young couples on weekends.

Many restaurants suffer from the fact that the flow of customers occurs at a certain hour, and the rest of the time they are empty. For example, restaurants in the business part of the city, where trading exchanges, offices and various administrative offices are located, are crowded at lunchtime and completely deserted in the evenings. Without exception, all restaurants work hard on Fridays and Saturdays. With stiff competition and limited crowds, restaurateurs are turning their backs to attract weekday customers.

The restaurant regime has its own specifics. In some of them, activity is observed on rainy days, while in others bad weather brings only losses. There are restaurants that are full on Mondays and empty on Saturdays.

Those restaurateurs who are at the beginning of their business journey have to come to terms with the fact that some days will be much more stressful for them than others.

Average weekly attendance is important indicator. However sudden changes may be caused by bad weather, holidays or television series.

Business people who pay their expenses using credit cards and charge them to their businesses are the most favorable clientele in the restaurant business. At the very top there is a small group of people who are not at all interested in how much they spend in a restaurant. But there are so few of them that they can hardly determine the weather for any budding restaurateur. There is too much risk associated with determining the morning price of white truffles in Italy and delivering them to your establishment.

The closer a restaurant is located to the city center, the more opportunities it has to carry out additional trading operations. Serving a one-time customer who can recommend the establishment to their friends is important. To accomplish this task, the menu must be appropriately designed and displayed in a prominent place. Whoever passes by the restaurant on the street will certainly pay attention to the menu and, most importantly, the prices. In French resorts, restaurants offer menus with set breakfasts for 20 euros, 40 euros, and so on, so that every visitor can choose food to suit their pocket.

Outside the city, each visitor must first travel a certain distance. In cities where you can find a restaurant on almost every block, it is often absolutely necessary to attract visitors from other areas. To do this, it is necessary to carry out advertising activities.

Identification of a client in a bank - 115-FZ provides for several options for the procedure - one of the actions provided for by the legislative fight against the financing of terrorism and money laundering. We will consider the application of this rule of law in answers to frequently asked questions from citizens and organizations.

What is the law of August 7, 2001 No. 115-FZ

The country's national interests include joint resistance by society and the state to illegal phenomena and crime.

The Strategy is currently in effect national security, approved by the President of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2015 No. 683 (with the corresponding cancellation of the validity of previous documents of similar content). However, the provisions on the basis of which the state system of combating crimes operates retain their continuity.

Opposition in financial sector First of all, it should be to suppress the flow of financing of illegal activities, as well as to promptly respond to such actions if they have already occurred.

All this led to the need to establish certain generally applicable criteria by which it would be possible to identify operations suspicious from the point of view of public and national security and to adequately respond to them. As a result, the Law “On Combating the Legalization (Laundering) of Income...” dated 08/07/2001 No. 115-FZ appeared. The main purpose of this law:

  • establishment and description of control procedures in relation to financial transactions considered questionable (according to certain criteria);
  • imposition on organizations carrying out monetary transactions and operations with property the obligation to fulfill established by law control procedures (and the introduction of responsibility for their failure to comply);
  • restriction on informing clients about measures taken to counter dubious transactions (all information should be transferred to the authorized body - the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, and clients should only be informed about the blocking of accounts, suspension of transactions, etc.).

NOTE! Mentioned in the definition in Art. 2 of Law No. 115-FZ of organizations (which are subject to control responsibilities) are specified in Art. 5 of the same law, and these are not only banks:

  • but also securities market participants;
  • insurers;
  • postal service providers;
  • pawnshops;
  • bookmakers
  • and the like, professionally involved in the process of circulation of money, financial assets and other property.

What is the procedure for identifying clients in an organization carrying out financial and property transactions?

One of the main control procedures (under paragraph 1 of Article 7 of Law No. 115-FZ) for organizations listed in Art. 5 of Law No. 115-FZ is client identification. Identification of a client in a bank or in organizations equivalent to it for the purposes of Law No. 115-FZ is the receipt of a set of information from the client before the bank (organization) begins servicing. The information differs slightly depending on the client’s status:

  • at individuals- citizens of the Russian Federation are specified with their full name, citizenship, date of birth, details of the identity document;
  • Foreign individuals are asked for information similar to that of Russian citizens, and additionally, migration card data and confirmation of legal stay in the Russian Federation;
  • Russian legal entities are required to provide the name, legal form, TIN, OGRN, legal address;
  • Foreign legal entities, in addition to their name, will be asked for information about registration in the Russian Federation (code and address), as well as the place and address of registration in the foreign state to which the legal entity belongs;
  • a foreign structure without the formation of a legal entity (for example, a trust) will be required to indicate the name, information about the country of incorporation, registration codes as a taxpayer, information about the place of conduct of the main activity, as well as about the property under management and about the founders and managers (full name). . and permanent address).

In addition, when assigning client status to a legal entity or structure without forming a legal entity, banks (organizations) are obliged to:

  • receive information about what goals this legal entity (structure) is pursuing when it intends to carry out financial or property transactions through this bank (organization);
  • find out the sources of origin of money and property with which transactions are carried out;
  • find out who the beneficial (ultimate) owners of the client are;
  • record and accumulate the information received and submit it to the authorized body for financial monitoring;
  • periodically (at least once every 3 months) check the lists of your clients with the lists of unreliable persons published by the financial monitoring body and carry out measures to block accounts and transactions in relation to such persons, as well as inform authorized structures about this.

Who else, besides the client, are banks required to identify?

The identification procedure under Law No. 115-FZ is supplemented by the Central Bank Regulation “On Client Identification” dated October 15, 2015 No. 499-P. In accordance with it, in addition to the client account holder, banks must subject to the identification procedure:

  • representatives (trusted persons) of the client;
  • beneficiaries of operations (transactions) carried out by the client;
  • beneficial owners of legal entities.

What is full and simplified identification

The procedure for carrying out full identification under Art. 7 Federal Law No. 115-FZ has just been described in the two previous sections.

Separate provisions of Law No. 115-FZ and Central Bank Regulation No. 499-P introduced the so-called simplified identification procedure. Its main difference is that simplified identification does not involve identifying the representatives, beneficiaries and beneficiaries of the client. It also does not require the complete collection of certain other information (for example, about the purposes of conducting business and performing a specific transaction). In addition, simplified identification can be carried out electronically and using electronic copies of documents.

NOTE! The simplified method involves establishing the client’s full name and identification. That is, the identification parameters of legal entities do not apply.

To be able to carry out a simplified procedure, the following criteria must be met:

  • the transaction performed by the client is not subject to special control (according to the criteria established in Law No. 115-FZ);
  • the client does not arouse suspicion among employees of the bank (or equivalent organization);
  • the transaction is not unusual, has questionable economic merit and does not suggest that its purpose is to avoid the client from full due diligence procedures.

What operations do not require identification?

Some operations recognized as low-risk in Law No. 115-FZ can be carried out without an identification procedure. This:

  • Money transfers without opening an account for amounts up to RUB 15,000. (or the equivalent of no more than 15,000 rubles). The list of exceptions - goods and services for which transactions are not subject to exemption from identification - is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Purchase by an individual of currency in the amount (equivalent) of no more than 40,000 rubles.
  • Purchase by an individual of products made of precious metals and precious stones at retail for an amount (equivalent) of no more than 40,000 rubles. The same thing, but with the use of electronic means of payment by an individual - for an amount (equivalent) of up to 100,000 rubles.

At the same time, measures are also in place for the subjective assessment of the client by bank employees, as with simplified identification. That is, if the client, by general criteria suitable for the identification “benefit”, the service specialist did not like it for some reason - he may be asked for information and documents necessary for identification.

This approach is due to the fact that most revocations of banking licenses occur precisely on the basis of incriminating banks of violations of Law No. 115-FZ. This forces banks to play it safe.

What documents do banks have the right to request as part of the identification procedure?

To understand this issue, let us recall that there are laws and there are industry instructions and recommendations. In the event that industry recommendations conflict with the norm of a legal act, priority must, of course, be given to the law.

The primary law regulating the relationship between the bank and the client is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In paragraph 3 of Art. 845 clearly states that the bank does not have the right to tell the client exactly how he should manage his funds, nor to control such orders, much less limit this order in any way.

Letters and orders of the Central Bank in relation to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are of an instructional and recommendatory nature.

Reasoning In a similar way, we can draw the following conclusions regarding banks’ compliance with the requirements of Law No. 115-FZ:

  • The bank needs to work with bank administrative documents and the information they contain (for example, counterparty data in payment order), and with information that was received from the client during his identification. The bank can only ask the client for documents and information beyond this. In this case, the client retains the right to politely refuse.
  • The bank cannot restrict the client’s use of his account only on the grounds that the client refused to provide documents that are not relevant to the bank to complete the transaction (but instructions, instructions, demands are necessary).
  • Law No. 115-FZ does not oblige the client to present to the bank any documents at the bank’s request (for example, contracts or passport details of beneficiaries). That is, the bank must fulfill the requirements of Law No. 115-FZ regarding the collection of information about the origin of funds, beneficiaries, beneficiaries, etc. independently, on its own;
  • The bank must forward all questions and suspicions that the bank has to the financial monitoring body, since only this body has the right to make legal decisions (including restrictions on account management) and carry out additional verification activities.

Read about the position of banks towards “doubtful” clients: “The bank has the right to sever all relations with a suspicious client” .


The procedure for identifying clients of a bank (or an organization equivalent to a bank under Law No. 115-FZ) is divided into a full and simplified procedure. The criteria for determining the possibility of carrying out a simplified procedure are often subjective and depend on the opinion that bank employees have formed in relation to a particular client. This may be why the current procedure causes many complaints and disputes from bank clients. In particular, many point to discrepancies that exist in the instructions and explanatory materials of the Central Bank regarding identification (which banks adhere to) and in the norms contained in civil legislation.

Thanks to the exhibition, it is worth understanding only one thing: this event is held with the aim of demonstrating achievements in the field of mechanical engineering of agricultural machinery. Also, at such events, marketing tasks facing the enterprise are usually solved, primarily related to the justification of effective product and pricing policies, distribution and promotion policies in target markets. This is achieved through the effective holding of exhibitions and fairs.

Chapter 10.

1. What are the disadvantages inherent in the marketing concept being implemented at RUR MTZ?

In my opinion, the main disadvantages are: 1. the enterprise operates under two systems: DAF (transportation at the expense of the seller) and FCA (transfer of goods to the carrier, but since the factory again pays for the transportation services, this means this is equivalent to the DAF system). 2. the company provides large deferred payments (from 60 to 90 days), sometimes even up to 120 days. 3. Unfortunately, our company does not have highly qualified marketers who are fluent in foreign languages ​​(in particular French, Spanish, Chinese), which negatively affects business trips to African countries, China, and Latin American countries.

2. Why should or should not the concept of relationship marketing be used?

The concept of relationship marketing should be used because the funds spent on strengthening existing relationships, as a rule, are always less than the funds required to establish relationships with new customers. Therefore, to maintain good relationships, a factory needs to know its customers well. It is important to know where clients live (region of the country), how solvent they are, how long they have been cooperating with the organization, what behavior is typical for them, how they react to individual facts and events.

3. Who are your company's clients?

Our company’s clients are CIS countries (mainly Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan; a little less often Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan), Asian countries (China, Pakistan), countries of Southern Europe (Moldova, Hungary, Bulgaria), a little less often countries of Western Europe ( Italy, France), Latin American countries (Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia), and of course the Republic of Belarus.

4. What is the role of clients in their relationship with the company?

The company's clients are representatives of tractors and they also influence the work of the tractor plant. Customers direct the efforts of the tractor plant to better satisfy the specific needs and requirements of the buyer. Customers can interest potential buyers in using the company’s products and giving preference to this particular brand, thereby bringing a lot of money into the company’s income.

5. What is the role of the enterprise in relationships with clients?

Despite the fact that some customers have the maximum level of loyalty to the enterprise, they may switch to competitors or simply end their relationship with the enterprise. In the process of relationship between an enterprise and a client, each of them develops some very definite ideas about the possible behavior of the parties in the contracts they carry out. And the most important thing for an enterprise is to retain its most valuable customers.

6. How can you describe the life cycle of an enterprise’s customers?

LCC is defined as a phased time interval of business relationships, each of which is characterized by the presence of certain patterns. LCC characterizes the existing dependence of the client’s value on the time during which the relationship between the enterprise and the client developed and existed. Typically, there are five stages of life cycle: formation, growth, maturity, degeneration, dissolution.

7. What are the main factors that determine customer value?

First of all, this is the client’s market potential (revenue potential, cost potential, cross-selling potential, development potential). It is also worth noting the client’s resource potential (potential for reviews, cooperation potential, information potential).

8. What methods are most appropriate to use to analyze customer value?

The main methods of customer value are: 1. One-dimensional (ABC method, XYZ method, Combined ABC and XYZ method, Effective methods). 2 Multidimensional (qualitative methods, portfolio methods).

9. How can you determine customer value?

The value of clients can also be determined by psychological determinants, namely: trust (in the process of committing a specific event, clients will behave favorably towards the trustee-enterprise), commitment (the internal desire of clients to contribute to the positive development of existing relationships), involvement ( the degree of client activity, which is characterized by actions and deeds).

10. How should a high level of management of the relationship between the enterprise and clients be ensured?

Business managers must make decisions that determine the selection, establishment, execution and maintenance or termination of relationships with individual customers. When solving such problems, the contribution of each client to the success of the plant is usually taken into account. To achieve high value it is necessary to: focus the enterprise on customers; ensure a high level of customer satisfaction; Maintain and develop relationships with clients.

Chapter 11.

1. How should marketing management in an enterprise be interpreted and viewed?

At RUE "MTZ" there are three enterprise plans: long-term, medium-term and annual enterprise plans. An integral part of each plan is the corresponding marketing plan (marketing program). The marketing program is drawn up for 3-5 years. It is worth noting that the marketing program is reviewed annually, and annual marketing plans are drawn up on its basis. The basis for such a program is: mission statement about the mission of the enterprise, tree of goals, opportunities for development of the business portfolio, strategy for the growth of the enterprise.

Even before launching a consulting startup, you need to clearly understand who the client is in the consulting business. Having been engaged in consulting since 1995, I have identified for myself three main criteria (signs) of a client consulting business.

So, a client (or potential client) in consulting is a company (or individual) that:

  • feels the need for consulting services (needs to solve a problem or problems);
  • has a certain amount that is necessary to solve the problem/problems;
  • ready to pay for solving the problem/problems (providing consulting services).

    If at least one of these three conditions is not met, then the company (or individual) is not a client (more precisely, a potential client) for the consulting company, which means there is no point in wasting time on processing such an appeal.

    Need for problem solving

    Of course, the first sign of a potential client in the consulting business is the presence of problems that can be solved by providing appropriate consulting services.

    If a potential client does not have a problem, then he will not become a real client, since he does not have a corresponding need (demand).

    However, one very important note needs to be made here. The fact is that in fact there may be problems, but the client may not be aware of them or not attach importance to them.

    In this case, you still need to convince the potential client that he has problems that need to be solved, because otherwise, more serious problems may arise.

    By the way, it follows that those involved in the consulting business will have to spend some time on educational work. That is, explain to potential clients what problems they may have and how they can be solved.

    Having money to solve problems

    The next important criterion (sign) of a client in the consulting business is whether he has money to solve problems. If a potential client does not have money, then he will not be able to become a real one.

    Theoretically, there is an option in which consulting services are paid for after they are provided, and at the expense of the funds that will be earned by the client after solving his problems.

    I would not recommend using such cunning schemes, since they have many nuances. In addition, there is a high probability that disputes may arise in the future due to the fact that in many cases in practice it is very difficult to assess the effect of the provision of consulting services. Therefore, it is better not to link payment to the effect obtained from the services provided.

    In fact, the client may have money, but he simply does not want to pay it (see the next criterion for a client of a consulting business). The question arises: how can one understand whether the client has money that he could pay for consulting services or not?

    Eat different ways How can this be found out? One way is as follows (by the way, I use it myself). When a potential client contacts you, you can explain to him that in order to determine the basic parameters for the provision of consulting services (cost and timing), you need to obtain certain information about the client. To do this, you can ask to fill out a short questionnaire.

    Among the questions in this questionnaire there may be a point about financial indicators. In particular, you can ask about the amount of revenue. From experience I can say that in the vast majority of cases (more than 95%) the potential client fills out this item of the questionnaire without any problems.

    Based on the volume of revenue, one can already judge the availability of money to solve the problem. It is clear that there is no specific formula here that could be used to calculate how much money a client is willing to pay for consulting. Although, as you gain experience, you can make more or less accurate estimates, understanding that most clients are not willing to pay more than a certain percentage of revenue for consulting services.

    By the way, you can do this to save time. Before preparing a detailed commercial proposal, you can first tell the client the cost of providing consulting services. If it seems acceptable to the client, then you can already prepare detailed plan and a description of the work that will be performed during the provision of consulting services.

    I used to think that if I immediately prepared something like this detailed description, then it will help the client understand the need to pay the requested amount. Experience shows that in the vast majority of cases this is not the case. The client immediately looks at the amount and if he is not ready to pay it, then he will not read the detailed commercial proposal. Therefore, preparing such a proposal can only lead to unnecessary loss of time.

    Client's willingness to pay for consulting services

    Finally, the third important sign of a client in the consulting business is his willingness to pay. The client may have problems, he may have money to solve them, but he may, so to speak, be morally not ready to pay money for it. Therefore, there is no point in spending money on such a potential client.

    In my practice, there have been many cases when I was offered cooperation from various regions of Russia. At the same time, they argued that they know the local consulting market, that there are clients who have problems, so they need consulting services. They also claimed that these clients had money for consulting. That is, two out of three characteristics of clients for the consulting business were present.

    In such situations, I always proposed to conduct the same experiment - try to organize a regional open workshop and see how many participants there will be.

    Potential clients can say whatever they want when communicating, but when it comes to actually paying for consulting services, most of of them (or all of them) can “put the car in reverse”. Therefore, before actively entering any regional consulting market, I suggested to my potential partners hold an open seminar.

    The logic is very simple: if a potential client is not ready to pay several tens of thousands of rubles for a seminar, then he is unlikely to pay several hundred thousand, much less millions, of rubles.

    By the way, it should be noted that holding seminars is a very good way searching for clients for consulting projects. Just do not conduct such seminars for free. Personally, I am convinced that you should not even try to work with freeloaders.

    It should be noted that freeloaders can also be found among fairly large companies. They take advantage of the fact that many consultants are ready to “stand on their hind legs” in front of them, so they use their trump card to the maximum. You can read more about these and other types of freeloaders in the article “Beware of freeloaders: who is not a client for a consulting business.”

    So, the consulting market has its own characteristics, which include: are related to the fact that some types of consulting services, let’s say, are not an absolute necessity. Although in fact, often misunderstanding or ignoring existing problems (which could be solved by using appropriate consulting services) in the future (sometimes not very distant) lead to very sad consequences.

    If a potential client is aware of the problems and understands that they need to be solved, he should have the necessary amount of money for this. If he doesn't have money, then he's not a client.

    Finally, the potential client must be willing to pay money to solve their problems. Thus, all three conditions must be met (presence and awareness of problems, availability of money to solve them, willingness to pay money). Only when all these three conditions are met can a potential client become real. But even in such conditions it will be necessary to fight for it, since there is competition.

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