How many days can you wear lenses without removing them? How long can you wear colored lenses without removing them? Why you shouldn't rewear your lenses

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People who need vision correction often choose contact lenses, refusing glasses.

This method of vision correction is used both daily and for temporary use.

Contact lenses may be prescribed by your doctor for temporary vision correction, before surgery, or for long-term therapy in orthokeratology.

How long can you wear each type of lens?

Lenses are distinguished by the period of their use. Let's look at each type in more detail.

One-day (one-time)

Daily contact lenses are considered the easiest to use. A person puts them on in the morning after sleep, walks in them all day and takes them off in the evening.

Immediately after removal, they are thrown away. The next day, the man opens new packaging and also uses them throughout the day.

The main advantage of ephemera is complete sterility. No need for constant care and minimal exposure time with environment, reduces the likelihood of infection of the structures of the eyeball.


  • The need to constantly monitor their availability;
  • High costs for regular purchases.

With each day of use, the amount of air that disposable lenses let through decreases and their density increases. This may lead to the development pathological processes V eyeball. It is not recommended to use one pair for more than 2-3 days.


Weekly contact lenses include one- or two-week options, and this category also includes types that can be worn for up to a month.

They are characterized by increased permeability to oxygen. They can be worn without taking them off throughout their entire service life. However, doctors recommend, to reduce the development of diseases, to remove them at night and place them in a special container with a solution.

At the end of its service life, oxygen permeability decreases, therefore Weekly lenses cannot be worn beyond their expiration date operation.

Long wearing

Long-term wear contact lenses can be divided into several groups: up to 3 months of use, up to six months, up to a year.

They are put on in the morning, removed in the evening and stored at night in a special container with a solution.

Long-term wear lenses are thicker than daily and weekly lenses (and allow less oxygen to pass through), and they are more likely to cause dry eyes and discomfort.

At the end of their service life, they reduce the amount of oxygen allowed into the eye and may become dull. Pathological microflora can also settle on them.

Night (orthokeratology)

Night contact lenses are worn every night before bed and removed after sleep.

They adhere tightly to the eye and change the distribution of the corneal epithelium, changing the curvature around the optical zone.

As a result, the refraction of light changes and now it is focused directly on the retina. Which allows you to see well.

Throughout the day, this effect remains. Night wear lenses should be worn every day before going to bed. You can read more about orthokeratology.

There are options with a service life of one, two years, three years, depending on the brand and materials of manufacture.

Features of operating conditions

The operating conditions for contact lenses may vary depending on the environment in which the person is located.

Operating time is reduced if a person is in:

  • Excessively polluted environment;
  • Dusty rooms;
  • An environment with low oxygen concentration in the air;
  • Rooms with high temperatures.

This must be remembered by those people who work in factories, mines, chemical laboratories and warehouses.

Those who engage in mountaineering should also take special care in using contact lenses, due to the decrease in the amount of oxygen in the air when climbing to altitude. In such cases, it is better to use one-day options with high oxygen permeability.

IN Everyday life, you should not stay in a closed, unventilated room or in a constantly heated car for too long. In such cases, the amount in the air increases carbon dioxide, which can damage contact lenses.

While in a pool or body of water, contact lenses can become infected with pathogenic microorganisms. To avoid this situation, you must stop wearing them while swimming and give preference to regular glasses or special glasses for swimming.

For people whose work is related to the above factors, there are the following recommendations:

Changes due to use beyond service life

Each type of lens has its own service life. It should not be exceeded. Like any medical device, they become unusable after the end of their useful life.

Even if no changes are visually detected, they still occur. These include:

  • Reduced air passage, lack of oxygen to the eyes;
  • Reducing the amount of light entering the retina;
  • Microcracks and physical deformations invisible to the eye;
  • Settlement of pathogenic microorganisms.

Using contact lenses after their expiration date can lead to the following diseases and reactions:

Using it is a very important step in a patient’s life. Not every person can decide to take off his glasses for vision correction and replace them with soft devices that are worn directly on the eyes.

You need to wear lenses with the understanding that now the health of your eyes will depend only on your consciousness and discipline. And that's what we mean. Contact lenses are medical supplies, which help the patient correct myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism and even age-related visual impairment. At first glance, nothing complicated - put the devices on your eyes, and you can already see perfectly! But, in truth, such a correction entails a number of rules that must be followed.

Now we in no way want to warn you against wearing lenses. They actually correct vision well, are incredibly comfortable and practical. They just require more attention compared to regular glasses. You wear glasses when you need them. And caring for glasses comes down to wiping the lenses from dust and stains. Soft contact devices should be worn only at strictly prescribed times, without overwearing them. need to be more carefully, they need to be stored carefully in special means Oh.

Ignoring the rules for wearing and caring for SCLs is harmful and fraught with serious consequences. If you will be overwearing your lenses, for example, CLs, which should be worn exclusively daytime mode, you don’t take pictures for several days, or even weeks, the condition of your eyes and vision will only worsen. Sooner or later, this will lead to the fact that the condition of the eyes and their vision will deteriorate, it can sharply decrease by several positions at once, you can lose your vision altogether, you will never be able to wear lenses again.

How to understand that you are wearing lenses incorrectly or overwearing them

When you use the funds contact correction In terms of planned replacement, there is often a desire to extend their operation, the timing of which is set by the manufacturer.

At the end of its service life, the condition optical instruments deteriorates sharply. Various particles stick to their surface - dust, cosmetic dirt, protein deposits. All this gradually destroys the surface of the lens itself. Eyes react very sharply to “bad lenses”. And here's how it can manifest itself:

  • redness of the cornea. The first thing you should notice is that your eyeball looks suspiciously inflamed and red. This is evidence that your eyes are not receiving enough oxygen. Why is this happening? When the lenses have expired and you are still wearing them, the oxygen supply to the cornea is significantly reduced. Lack of air interferes with the normal metabolism of eyeball cells. Because of this, redness of the eyes is observed externally. In fact, the problem is very serious - corneal hypoxia, which leads to corneal edema, vascular ingrowth, decreased vision, and complete loss of vision;
  • feeling of discomfort when wearing SCL. It occurs when you wear lenses for a long time. This is because the edges of lenses can become damaged over time. Microcracks appear on the surfaces of the material. When the lens touches the eyelid or cornea, they irritate and create a feeling of pain and the inability to wear lenses;
  • cloudy vision. This is one of the main symptoms that occurs as the service life of devices increases. Both internally and externally outer surface, all kinds of foreign microparticles are collected. A large number of them can cause the growth of bacteria, as well as a decrease in the clarity of vision in the lenses.

Types of Contact Lens Wearing

Modern ophthalmology and manufacturers of contact correction products identify several main periods by which lenses should be worn. Among them:

  1. Daily wearing period(including one-day CLs). The time interval is no more than 12 hours a day. Marking on the package - DW. After wearing, such CLs should be removed from the surface of the eyeball, disinfected with help and stored in a special container with liquid. With such a wearing period, lenses are made for all needs - correction, age-related farsightedness. The most common daily wear lens material is hydrogel.
  2. Night wear. Time interval - no more than 8-10 hours. They are worn exclusively at night when the patient goes to bed. During their stay on the eyeball, the lenses improve vision, and during the day there is no need for vision correction.
  3. Flexible wearing period. Time interval - up to 12 hours a day with the ability to sleep in the lenses for 2-3 nights in a row. Marking on the package - FW. These SCLs can be worn longer than daytime ones, but after removal they must be carefully processed to prevent the development of microorganisms on their surface. And your eyes should definitely take a break from optical instruments.
  4. Extended wearing period. Time interval - 7 days without removal. This is a great option for those people who are often on the road, travel, or have a night work schedule. During the week, you are allowed not to remove the devices from your eyes at all (just pay attention to the condition of the cornea and your personal sensations). After this, the lenses are treated with special means, left in storage in the solution, and the eyes are given time to rest - several days.
  5. Continuous wearing period. Time interval - . This is an SKL latest generation from the best materials that have the highest levels of oxygen penetration and moisture content inside the material itself. You should wear such devices only after consulting a doctor and after he has examined all the features of your eyes. If you have a tendency to allergic reactions, sensitivity, most likely, this type of SCL will not suit you. After all, 1 month without taking it off is a very long period during which the eyes should be in excellent condition.

During a consultation with an ophthalmologist, you can find out which contact lenses are right for you, whether you can sleep in them and how to care for them in order to successfully use the lenses for many years.

How long can you wear colored lenses?

Special attention should be paid to the question of how long you can wear colored contact lenses. The fact is that they differ significantly from SCLs for vision correction. They are softer, which has a bad effect on the supply of oxygen. Its transmittance level in color devices is several times lower than in any other corrective CLs. As for opaque ones, the situation here is even more complicated. The eye through the lens may have difficulty distinguishing colors, and the picture itself will be cloudier and less clear. Frequent wearing of such CLs and over-wearing them can lead to disruption of visual processes and decreased vision.

For healthy condition eyes and comfortable wearing of color SCLs, you can wear them no more than 4-5 hours a day. At the same time, if you have even the slightest sensation of tingling or cloudiness, remove them immediately.

The lenses are modern look points. This is a fairly popular type of optics among people who have vision problems. Lenses will only provide you with clear vision if you take proper care of them. It is worth noting that they are not exactly cheap, but you can’t save money on your own eyes.

Keep your lenses clean

It is imperative to periodically change the solutions and containers in which this type of optics is stored. If this is not done, harmful microbes may appear on the lenses. They will first multiply directly on the optics itself, and then “attack” your eyes, affecting the cornea.

Even ordinary contaminated water can cause an infection in the eye. So don't use it to clean the container or lenses. During the disinfection process, it is best to use solutions specially designed for this purpose.

How to properly care for your lenses?

Follow this plan:
- rinse the container in which the optics are stored with filtered water and rinse it with a special solution;
- wipe the lens with a disinfectant mixture on both sides;
- Place in a clean container.

How long can you wear lenses?

The tolerance of this type of optics varies from person to person. If the lenses are made of more modern soft materials, then they can be left on for up to about 12 hours. If this type of optics is made of a harder substance, then the period of use should not exceed 10 hours a day. Never leave them in your eyes while you sleep.

“Wear lenses and don’t take them off” - consequences

If you continuously use this type of optics, the cornea of ​​the eye begins to experience excess oxygen. This is due to the fact that she breathes air, and the lens blocks it. In order to somehow provide itself with oxygen, the cornea begins to sprout blood vessels to take it from the blood. In the process, vision loss may occur.

How to avoid problems?

The basic rules for wearing contact lenses are:
- carefully select this type of optics so that your eyes do not become overtired.
- don’t skimp on universal lens solution.
- put them on and take them off correctly.
- You should not use lenses during infectious diseases.
- If your eye becomes red, consult a doctor immediately.

If you follow all the above rules, then no unpleasant consequences will not arise. If you have any questions about contact lenses, contact your eye care center and they will answer your questions.

When buying lenses to correct vision or change the color of the pupil, you must follow the instructions of your doctor or the instructions from the manufacturer, otherwise you can damage your eyes more and create new problems. First of all, many people discuss the topic: is it possible to wear lenses all the time? There is no definite answer to this, since the opinions of both treating doctors and manufacturers differ.

Is it possible to wear lenses without removing them: what do manufacturers say?

In general, manufacturers recommend wearing lenses only when daytime or at night (special lenses for vision correction, which are worn at night), if any discomfort occurs, take it off, consult a doctor if possible, and do not forget to disinfect and not exceed the time of wearing them.

But, nevertheless, long-term wearing of lenses also depends on the condition of the mucous membrane of the eyes - if it needs additional hydration, the lenses should still be removed, even if they are intended for a long period of wear.

Before buying lenses, you need to see a doctor - he will not only check your vision, but also tell you which lenses are best to wear for a particular illness, but for this you need to understand the types of contact lenses, because they are different.

The first thing you should pay attention to is that contact lenses are made both soft and hard - it all depends on the material from which they are made. These two large groups are further divided according to certain parameters.

Types of lenses

According to the wearing mode, lenses are divided into:

  • One-day. As the name suggests, they are worn for one day, removed at night, and then, without thinking about cleaning them, the lenses are thrown away. That is, new lenses for every day. The method is not bad, but expensive. Manufacturers recommend wearing them no more than 12 hours a day.
  • Long-time lenses. These lenses are allowed to be left on during sleep and worn for up to 7 days. They need to be changed every week, and you should constantly consult with your doctor to avoid complications.
  • Continuous wearing of lenses. The manufacturer recommends wearing such lenses for no more than 30 days without removing them. After each replacement of old lenses with new ones, you should consult your doctor.
  • Regular daytime. These lenses are perhaps the most common. They must be removed at night and placed in a special solution. The period of use of such lenses varies from three to six months.

What happens if you wear lenses without removing them?

And another one interesting thing, which worries many: what will happen if you don’t remove your lenses for a long time, for example, a whole month? As already written above, lenses are made from different materials And varying degrees moisture.

But most of the problems arise from deviations from operating rules - untimely replacement of lenses, violation of wearing rules.

There can be many adverse reactions when wearing lenses, but basically they are the body’s intolerance to the components of the contact lens care solution. It is also possible to get an infection in the eyes if the lenses are not processed in a timely manner, and, alternatively, there may be a lack of oxygen for the cornea of ​​the eyes. If any of these symptoms occur, you should definitely consult your doctor, because such symptoms may not be related to diseases; they can be eliminated by replacing contact lenses.

Dry eye syndrome

The most common side effect at long-term wearing lenses is dry eye syndrome. This syndrome occurs when wearing soft contact lenses due to their size. For treatment, moisturizing drops are usually used, which are approved for use with contact lenses. An ophthalmologist may also recommend using food additives, such as linseed oil– it reduces the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the eyes.

Video on the topic of the article

Contact lenses are a popular, convenient method of permanent vision correction for people different years. They are absolutely safe, but keeping them on your eyes for too long can lead to problems such as allergies, infections and inflammation. Therefore, you need to know how long you can wear contact lenses. different types without taking it off to protect yourself from diseases.

Types of lenses

When purchasing contact correction products for the first time, you should consult an ophthalmologist. He will determine the optimal model for the patient and give basic recommendations for processing and use. The main models are proposed in the table:

ViewPeculiaritiesTerm of use
ClassicModels are affordable, but require constant expensive care using special solutions and tablets against bacteria6 to 9 months
QuarterlyNot popular, almost never used3 months
Planned replacement modelsMade from hydrogel or silicone hydrogel, a disinfectant solution is sufficient for high-quality care1 month
Weekly replacement modelsThanks to the special material from which they are made, they do not require cleaning and do not cause eye irritation.The wearing period should not exceed 7-14 days (in rare cases)
One-day modelsExpensive models, of high quality, do not cause inflammatory diseases before our eyes1 day

If the lens is made of soft material, on average it is allowed to wear it without removing it for up to 12 hours a day, and when it is hard - no more than 10 hours.

Colored lenses can be used both to correct vision and to change a person’s image, giving a different color to the iris.

Colored lenses have gained particular popularity. They allow not only to correct vision defects, but also to transform appearance person, change their image. Such products are made from high quality hydrogel and silicone hydrogel materials, which allows them to pass sufficient quantity oxygen to the tissues of the cornea and moisturize the eye. However, due to the softness and coloring matter, the oxygen permeability of these models is less than that of transparent ones. Therefore, you can wear colored lenses only in daytime and not use them for a long time - up to 4 hours.

How long can I wear it without taking it off?

The wearing period depends on the type. The packaging always indicates the rules that should be followed. There are models that you can leave on at night, although doctors still recommend refraining from sleeping in them. There are 3 groups based on the possible duration of continuous use:

  • Daytime wear: be sure to remove before going to bed, walking with them in front of your eyes is allowed for a maximum of 14 hours.
  • Long-term wear: you can leave it on for a week.
  • Continuous wear: allowed to be worn for 30 days.

It is better to buy lenses that you can wear without removing them as little as possible. Significantly fewer eggs are collected on them than on those that are left in front of your eyes for a month. The wearing period is influenced by the manufacturing method, thickness, percentage of moisture content, individual tolerance and other factors. A big mistake is not to remove your lenses if you suddenly experience a burning sensation, itching, blurred vision or other discomfort.

Wearing rules

To use the optics for the entire recommended wearing period, you must follow the rules of care and disinfection.

For safe and comfortable use, you need to clean, rinse and disinfect your lenses. Cleaning and rinsing help remove stains from wear, while disinfection helps remove germs that are harmful to the eyes. Used for cleaning soft models disinfectants. For effective care, you should follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Wash your hands with soap.
  2. Fill the lens container with the solution.
  3. Remove the corrective optics and pour a couple of drops of liquid onto it.
  4. Rub the surface of the lens with your finger and rinse.
  5. Place it in a container and fill it completely with solution.
  6. Leave the lens in a tightly closed container for a while to disinfect.
  7. After each use, the container is rinsed with liquid from the bottle and dried. This solution lasts for 2-3 months, then it is replaced.