Exact time in Belarus on an exact clock. What is the time zone in Belarus

Minsk time zone UTC + 3 hours. There is no time difference between Minsk and Moscow. Here you can find out what time it is in Minsk. Exact time in Minsk online:


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Minsk is located in the UTC + 3 hours time zone. Minsk time coincides with.

Distance from Minsk to Gomel- 285 km.

Distance from Minsk to Vitebsk– 294 km.

Distance from Minsk to Moscow– 713 km.

Distance from Minsk to Kyiv– 529 km.

Population of Minsk: 1.9 million people.

Minsk telephone code: +375 17.

Minsk Airport(Minsk National Airport) Code: MSQ: 220054. Belarus, Minsk, Minsk National Airport. Help desk phone number: +375 17 279 13 00.

Sights of Minsk A:

Belarusian capital Minsk- a large administrative, economic and cultural center of the country, located on the river Svisloch. The population is almost 2 million people, according to national composition In addition to Belarusians, many Russians, Ukrainians, and Poles live in the city.

The first historical mentions of Minsk date back to the 11th century. The territory was ruled at different times by the Principality of Polotsk, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. At the end of the 18th century, Minsk joined Russian Empire. The city began to develop rapidly, the streets were paved with stone, a railway was laid, a water supply system, a power station, and telephone lines appeared. Several dozen plants and factories opened.

Currently the economy Minsk is developing steadily. On the territory of the city there are several enterprises for the assembly of automotive products - tractors, MAZ vehicles, wheeled tractors, motorcycles and bicycles, and the production of road construction equipment. The electronics industry is also developed, producing Appliances, TVs, refrigerators. Electric vehicles are produced.

There are several metro lines operating in the city, and new stations are being built. Minsk serves two airports.

IN Minsk developed cultural life. Film festivals and international music festivals. There are many entertainment centers, museums and cinemas. Gardens and parks occupy more than two thousand hectares of area. The real architectural monuments are cathedrals, churches, and theater buildings.

One of the main attractions of Minsk is the clock on the station square. A special symbol of the city has become two towers the size of an eleven-story building, welcoming every passenger. They are called “City Gates” and evoke direct associations with Minsk and the whole of Belarus. The clock mounted on them is the main dial of the country.

The gate was built in 1953, as part of the Station Square ensemble. This architectural decision was made for a reason - the design of the towers has a historical background. So, about nine hundred years ago, the entrance to Minsk was symbolized by two wooden towers on Zamchishchi.

The clock located on one of the towers is essentially a war trophy. They were brought from Germany after World War II. Initially, the mechanism required constant adjustment, so the device was lowered and adjusted several times a day.

Over time, the clock began to constantly malfunction. It was decided to replace the mechanism with a new one - electronic. However, this entailed certain consequences - now the clock simply stops if for some reason electricity stops flowing into the mechanism of the device.

Also during the restoration, the numbers and hands were repainted. For this they were sent to Moscow. The previous painting was carried out in 1980 and was timed to coincide with the Olympic Games in the capital of the Russian Federation.

Interesting Facts:

  1. The diameter of the dial exceeds 3.5 meters, and the length of the minute hand is 1.69 meters. Thus, this is the largest clock in Belarus.
  2. On this moment The clock is over a hundred years old. They survived not only repeated restoration, but also transportation from Germany to the Belarusian SSR.
  3. For symmetry, there is a coat of arms on the second tower former republic comparable to the watch size and corresponding color scheme.

Currently, the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus is in the same time zone - UTC+3. Belonging to this time zone means that the time in the country is three hours ahead of Greenwich Time: thus, when in London, through which Greenwich passes, it is 12 noon, in Belarus it is 15 o’clock. In turn, the specified time zone means a time that is one hour less than the time in Moscow, which belongs to the UTC+4 zone.

Transitions to daylight saving winter time in the Republic of Belarus are currently cancelled, that is, throughout the year the country lives in the same time regime. In this case, the UTC+3 time zone for the country is summer time.

This regime significantly distinguishes the state from neighboring countries - Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Ukraine, with which Belarus has direct borders. The fact is that all of the countries listed above move their clocks forward one hour in the summer, and with the onset of winter they turn them back. Thus, during half a year there is no time between Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia and Ukraine, and during the other half of the year it is 1 hour. At the same time, the time difference with Poland, depending on the time of year, is from 1 to 2 hours. The practice of changing the clocks twice each year is also followed by most other European countries.

Time zone history

Previously, Belarus, like its neighboring European countries, annually moved the clock hands from winter to summer time and back. The country lived in this regime for 20 years, from 1991 to 2011. However, after in 2011 Russian Federation refused to use this practice, and the state authorities made a similar decision in the same year.

In March 2011, Belarusians, as usual, moved the clocks forward one hour, thus switching to the summer time mode. However, over the next few months, the state authorities decided to abandon the reverse transfer: as a result, the previously planned reverse transfer, which was supposed to take place on October 27, was canceled in the country. This date is considered the date of establishment of the current time in Belarus.

Thus, previously winter time in the country coincided with standard time, that is, the mode corresponding to its actual geographical location, and in the summer the clocks were moved forward one hour. However, with the abolition of the clock change, Belarus began to constantly live in a temporary regime, when the time is one hour ahead of the actual standard time.

Time difference between Moscow and Minsk (Belarus) in summer and winter. Minsk time zone.

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The capital of Belarus, Minsk, is an actively developing city in business terms, in no way inferior to many European capitals. There are museums, parks, and world-famous theaters here. This is one of the largest transport hubs of Eastern Europe Every day it receives and dispatches many trains, planes and cars.

There is no time difference between Minsk and Moscow. This is great for business meetings, tourist trips and just visits to this wonderful city.

Time in Moscow coincides with Minsk.

In eight hours spent on the Moscow-Prague transit train, you can get to Minsk from the Belorussky railway station. Of course, you can take the fast train Moscow - Minsk, but it takes as long as 10 hours. But by plane you can get from Domodedovo to Minsk-2 in just one hour and twenty minutes. By the way, the distance from Moscow to Minsk is approximately 600 km, which means the capital of Belarus is 100 km closer than, say, the capital of Ukraine. The M1 highway connects Minsk and Moscow, and the journey along this road will stretch for 800 km.

Both Minsk and Moscow are in the UTC +3 time zone.
