The meaning of the word "craft. Traditional handicrafts and handicrafts

Craft- small manual creation, based on the use of hand tools, the personal skill of the worker, which allows you to create high-quality, often highly artistic products.

The craft appeared with the beginning of human production., has passed a long historical path of development, taking different forms:

  • household craft - in terms of subsistence farming;
  • handicraft to order - in terms of the decomposition of the subsistence economy;
  • craft to the market.
  • With the advent of handicrafts to order and separately on the market, the emergence and development of cities as craft and trade centers is associated. Household craft is often referred to as a home industry (in other words, non-agricultural production), and custom and market craft is referred to as a handicraft industry. In Russian statistical literature, often all artisans of the 19th-20th centuries. were called handicraftsmen.

    Household craft is widespread throughout the history of pre-capitalist societies. The rural population produced a huge part of the handicrafts they consumed. Crafts to order and the market began to play an evenly dominant role. In ancient Greece, ancient Rome, in the countries of the old East, there was a significant number of artisans who led their own economy and made products to order or the market.

    The formation of a professional craft, separately in the cities, led to the emergence of the newest sphere of production and a new social stratum - urban artisans. The emergence of developed forms of their organization (workshops), protecting the interests of this stratum, made especially suitable conditions for the development of urban handicrafts in the Middle Ages. The leading branches of urban craft were: cloth-making, the creation of metal products, glass products, etc.

    In the process of the industrial revolution (mid-18th century - 1st half of the 19th century), factory industry based on the use of machines supplanted handicrafts. The craft (to order and to the market) has survived in the industries associated with serving the personal needs of the consumer or with the creation of expensive art products - pottery, weaving, artistic carving, etc.

    Basically, the craft was preserved in underdeveloped countries. But even here it is being squeezed out by the factory industry as a result of the industrialization of these states. Folk arts and crafts associated with tourism services and exports are preserved.

    In Russia, after 1917, the number of artisans and handicraftsmen sharply decreased, they were united in industrial cooperation. Only a few world-famous folk art crafts have survived: Gzhel ceramics, Dymkovo toys, Palekh miniatures, Khokhloma painting, etc.

    History handicrafts originate from the beginning of human production activity. In the criteria of the primitive communal form of organization of human life, domestic craft dominated (the creation of products from stone, wood, bone, pottery, etc.). With the transition of the world's population to an agricultural and cattle-breeding economy and a sedentary lifestyle, when handicraft technology becomes more complicated and new branches of production appear, there is a selection of artisans who are specially engaged in some kind of craft. This was the first step towards the separation of handicrafts from agriculture, which gave a great impetus to the development of handicraft production.

    With the allocation of a professional urban handicraft, a new social stratum appears - urban artisans, who played an important role in the development of society. In Kievan Rus already in the XII century. more than 40 craft specialties were known (carpenters, coopers, joiners, bogomaz, shoemakers, etc.). But the process of development of handicrafts in the XIII century. in most Russian lands was interrupted by the Horde yoke and began to resume only after liberation from it. However, in the specific criteria for the formation of a centralized Russian country, the process of forming an association of artisans in an organization, in contrast to Western Europe, did not develop.

    In the main, the craft was concentrated in the estates of the boyar landowners, in the state-owned urban settlements. In the direction of the XVI century. the number of handicraft specialties in the processing of metal, leather, wood, etc. increased sharply in the country, an increasing number of products were made for the market. Intense development of small-scale production in the 17th century. in almost everything paved the way for economic transformations in the first quarter of the 18th century. At the same time, handicraft creation coexisted with the manufacturing industry.

    In the XVIII century. crafts appeared that duplicated manufactories. Handicraft creation of the 18th - early 19th centuries. in Russia, in terms of the form of labor organization, it often acted as a decentralized manufactory. In the XIX century. In connection with the land overpopulation in the country, the handicraft industry (trades) in the countryside developed extensively. On the whole, the development of machine production led to a decrease in the proportion of handicrafts in the total mass of commodities on the market.


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  • - historical encyclopedia: what is craft.
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    The guide is dedicated to Russian crafts; each craft is described separately.

    Articles on the topics you need can be found in the subheadings:

    What is craft

    In short, it is manual labor, work and skill that is used to earn a living. It is difficult to imagine humanity without craft activities.

    The concept of a craft is multifaceted. Some believe that the creation of works of art is no longer a craft. Others - consider the profession, say, an artist or icon painter, poet or actor as a craft.

    , CC BY-SA 3.0

    One way or another, in any business you can achieve artistic and professional heights, but any professional business begins with a simple necessity, then the skill of an artisan is achieved, and only then it can turn into a large-scale production of whether to glorify an individual master who has reached perfection.

    Guide to Russian Crafts, CC BY-SA 3.0

    There are many examples of this among the peoples of Russia. Our lacquer miniatures, trays, Abramtsevo-Kudrinsky carvings and much more can be safely attributed to works of art.

    Of course, in the craft, a lot depends on personal skill.

    In one of the dictionaries we read:

    “Typical for Russia are: the use of simple tools of labor, the decisive importance of the personal skill of the artisan, the individual nature of production (the artisan works alone or with a limited number of assistants).”

    Guide to Russian Crafts, CC BY-SA 3.0

    For what and why

    The history of the craft goes back to the beginning of human production activity, has passed a long historical path of development, taking various forms:

    • household craft - in a subsistence economy
    • craft to order - in the conditions of decomposition of the subsistence economy
    • craft to market

    The development and formation of handicrafts was greatly influenced by climate, geographical location, political and historical factors.

    Handicrafts and crafts of the Nizhny Novgorod province. Production of large weight rocker arms. Village "Krasnaya Ramen", Semyonovskiy district. 1896 year Unidentified photographer of the late 19th century, CC BY-SA 3.0

    For example, Byzantium enriched the world with Orthodox culture, which in turn had a significant impact on the development of Russian crafts.

    The development of a professional craft, especially in cities, led to the emergence of a new sphere of production and a new social stratum - urban artisans.

    Guide to Russian Crafts, CC BY-SA 3.0

    The ritualism had a great influence on the spread and development of handicrafts.

    In the 19th century, Russia began to think more and more about creating a "Russian style", which was also supported by the tsarist government.

    In 1904 Polenov created the House of Folk Art, in 1913 the First Fair of Folk Crafts was held. By the way, then the tsarist government found money to pay the way for artisans to this exhibition.

    Guide to Russian Crafts, CC BY-SA 3.0

    In the early 1920s, the development of handicraft folk crafts continued, but in the 1930s they were finished. Their revival began only in 1968, when the corresponding decree of the party was issued and the corresponding organizations were created. But much has already been lost.


    In our time, there is an active revival of the crafts and trades of the peoples of Russia. There are many examples of this: according to old engravings, thanks to Alexander Anatolyevich Baukin, it was revived; Alexander Nikolaevich, together with art critic Viktor Yakovlevich, revived; in Odoyev, fishing was revived.

    Photo gallery


    • class
    • profession
    • speciality
    • skill
    • handwheel
    • needlework
    • Minerva
    • fishing
    • skill
    • vocation
    • banauzia


    In Roman mythology - the goddess of wisdom, art, patroness of artists and artisans. Therefore, this word can be synonymous with the word "craft".


    Greek banausia is a craft, science or art as a craft.


    There are many proverbs and sayings related to the craft among the people:

    You won't be lost with craft.

    Every craft is honest, except for theft, and theft is not a grain trade.

    The craft is the golden breadwinner.

    The craft is not a rocker - it will not pull the shoulders.

    “When in business - I hide from fun,

    When fooling around - fooling around. And mixing these two crafts

    There is a darkness of artisans

    I'm not one of them. "

    A. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit"

    Crafts in our time

    The words are often heard that "crafts die and are forgotten." This is not true. Of course, some species simply disappear as unnecessary, for example, the production of goose feathers, which no one writes for a long time. But in general, interest in folk arts and crafts is growing from year to year.

    There are many educational institutions in Russia where you can get professional craft education.

    National wealth

    Vasnetsov, Bilibin, Vrubel, Surikov studied the Russian national style, preserved in embroidery ornaments, folk costumes, patterns and forms of products of village craftsmen.

    The artists saw in this the national wealth of Russia, what made the Russians different from other peoples. This contributed to an unprecedented surge in the development of our art, expeditions began to be held, museums were opened, and fairs were held.

    Craft- small-scale manual production, based on the use of hand tools, which makes it possible to produce high quality, often.

    Craft arose with the beginning of human production activity, passed a long historical path of development, taking various forms: a) home craft- in a subsistence economy; b) craft to order- in conditions of decomposition of the subsistence economy; v) craft to market... With the emergence of handicrafts to order and especially on the market, the emergence and development of cities as craft and trade centers is associated. Household craft is often referred to as home industry (that is, the production of non-agricultural products), craft to order and to the market - handicraft industry. In Russian statistical literature, quite often all artisans of the XIX-XX centuries. were called handicraftsmen.

    Home craft widespread throughout the history of pre-capitalist societies. The rural population produced most of the handicrafts they consumed. Gradually the leading role was played by handicrafts to order and the market. In ancient Greece, ancient Rome, in the countries of the ancient East, there were a significant number of artisans who led an independent economy and made products to order or the market.

    Becoming professional craft, especially in cities, led to the emergence of a new sphere of production and a new social stratum - urban artisans. The emergence of developed forms of their organization (workshops), protecting the interests of this stratum, created especially favorable conditions for the development of urban handicrafts in the Middle Ages. The leading branches of urban handicraft were: cloth-making, the production of metal products, glass products, etc. In the process of the industrial revolution (mid-18th century - first half of the 19th century), the factory industry based on the use of machines supplanted the craft. The craft (to order and to the market) has survived in industries associated with serving the individual needs of the consumer or with the production of expensive art products - pottery, weaving, artistic carving, etc.

    To a greater extent, the craft was preserved in underdeveloped countries. However, even here it is being replaced by the factory industry as a result of the industrialization of these countries. Folk arts and crafts related to the service of tourism and export are preserved.

    Types of crafts

    Since ancient times, mankind has known such crafts as:

    and many others.

    In Russia, after 1917, the number of artisans and handicraftsmen sharply decreased, they were united in industrial cooperation. Only a few world-famous folk art crafts have survived: Gzhel ceramics, Dymkovo toys, Palekh miniatures, Khokhloma painting, etc.

    Art craft

    Art craft- the culture of labor professional skills and techniques of artistic processing of various materials (metal, leather, fabrics, etc.), developed in the process of accumulating the creative experience of masters who create art products. The professional experience of artistic craft was formed by discovering the most effective in the aesthetic sense techniques and techniques of artistic processing of material, bringing it to perfection. This experience has been accumulating for centuries, passed down from generation to generation. In the old days, art was used to judge the welfare of the country and the general level of its culture. The masters of Ancient Russia and the Western European Middle Ages were divided according to professions, within which they possessed the universal ability to apply various methods of artistic processing of this or that material. Thus, goldsmiths and silversmiths mastered the techniques of forging, casting, embossing, filigree, engraving, blackening on silver, and enamel. They specialized in types of products (weapons, book frames, jewelry, etc.). This kind of specialization took place in pottery, weaving, artistic sewing, etc. In ancient Kiev, for example, there were 60 different handicraft professions. According to their social status, artisans were divided into patrimonials who worked at the prince's court, and monasteries, urban and posadskiy. The first ones worked on order carefully and for a long time, reaching the highest perfection and skill in work. Posad art craft was reflected in the works of urban craftsmen associated with the market. They developed the ability to economically achieve an artistic effect that brings the product closer to expensive samples. The common aesthetic ideals of the people, the professional artistry of manual labor determined the development of the culture of artistic handicrafts. Every thing was created creatively. The artistry of the master was highly valued; belonging to the category of masters was determined by the ability to completely perform the most difficult piece of art. In Russia, there were craft corporations organized according to the type of Western workshops. Their activities were regulated by special rules and laws. Developing on the basis of folk traditions, the artistic craft of each country retained its national identity and at the same time reflected the development of world styles. , since its development is inseparable from artistic imagery, aesthetics, and culture of each nation.

    Folk arts and crafts

    Folk arts and crafts (folk craft) - a wide range of products made using simple materials at hand and simple tools. This traditional type of craft is diverse, where things are created with their own hands with the help of skills and ingenuity. The work can be performed on fabric, wood, non-ferrous metals, paper, etc. Usually the term is applied to things that are not only aesthetic value, but also find practical use.

    Folk craft takes some of the origins of the rural craft, which created basic necessities, including intricate designs. Rural crafts have been known since ancient times, in fact, having appeared at a time when mankind needed new tools and household items. In different regions and regions, among different peoples, arts and cultures were different, therefore, their crafts also differed. Like folk art, folk craft often depended on religious, cultural, and sometimes even political beliefs.

    Many handicrafts are created from natural or close to natural materials, but many modernists also use unusual elements and designs, such as industrial parts and mechanisms.

    Products are considered a folk craft as long as the process of their manufacture is not put on stream (mass production of a factory type).

    Since manual work and this kind of craft develops intelligence and various kinds of skills, sometimes special tasks are introduced into the educational processes of schools and institutes to create something. Many items require certain skills to make, but as a rule, anyone can learn the craft. Many types of craft become popular after some time after their appearance, sometimes not.

    Crafts history

    Already in the ancient world, there are the beginnings of craft activities, manifested in the processing of famous objects, mostly at the home of the owner of the material and by the hands of slaves. We have Homer's testimony of this nature of handicraft labor in Greece.

    With the contempt of the Greeks for handicraft work, which was recognized as unworthy of a free man, R., as a permanent professional activity, was the work of a very limited contingent of persons, except for the metoiks and slaves who were part of the house.

    Some crafts in Greece, however, have risen to a high degree, despite the use of the simplest tools and instruments. Over time, R. became widespread not only in luxury goods, but also in meeting the everyday needs of the lower classes of the population.

    Already in Greece, artisans sometimes experienced competition from relatively large industries that emerged from the middle of the 5th century BC. NS. In general, the handicraft production in Rome is the same. With the existence of isolated, closed farms that satisfied their needs with the help of the specialization of slave labor, there was no basis in Rome for the development of labor as a free professional activity; in the absence of a contingent of persons who would constantly need the products of someone else's labor and would have the opportunity to pay for them, the Roman artisans, the budler, etc. and (artifices) had to replenish the ranks of the proletarians. Only in the presence of a certain property that served as a source of income (usually a small plot of land), an artisan could live comfortably and, in the execution of random orders, have an auxiliary income. With the formation of large estates, which swallowed up a significant part of small land plots, artisans, whose ranks were mainly replenished by freedmen, had to look for work on the side and perform it at the customer's home.

    In order to increase the volume of production in any artel, the artel could economically put one or more owners under control or acquire ownership, and then it grew into a factory or a plant. With the advent of an increasing number of complex and energy-intensive machines and mechanisms in any craft, and, especially, with the involvement of scientific advances, the craft grew into industry. The presence of complex and numerous machines and mechanisms and high-tech processes is precisely the line beyond which the trade ends and the industry begins. An example of this is the transformation in the 19th century in Russia of Ivanov, formerly a typical settlement, consisting mainly of weaving artels, into a city with a large number of weaving factories. Further, with great application of modern, scientifically based processes, Ivanovo became the center of the textile industry in Russia. Here are some other examples of the "evolution" of industries into industry with the increase in production volumes, the complexity and increase in the number of equipment used and with the involvement of science:

    • the bakery and milling industries have evolved, each into its own part of the food industry
    • the shoemaking industry has evolved over the years into the shoe industry
    • weaving and spinning together gave birth to the textile industry
    • tailoring turned into a garment industry
    • blacksmithing became the progenitor of a number of industries associated with the processing of metals.

    Nevertheless, many crafts continue to exist along with the industries they spawned, creating a professional environment from which a mass of specialists are recruited to the relevant industry. For example, highly skilled carpenters or shoemakers use their potential in the furniture or footwear industries.

    Ordinary ideas about craft as an outdated phenomenon in modern society are deceptive. And in our time, new crafts continue to appear. In the field of information technology, with the beginning of the development of social networks, the craft of an SMM specialist or, as he is more often called, a community manager, appeared. Of such new crafts in you can count at least a dozen.

    From the name of this site it is clear that we are talking about folk crafts, however, the texts regularly contain the word craft, which is used in the meaning folk crafts... I - the author - put these two concepts side by side, as synonyms, but let's figure out together why I came to this conclusion.


    There are many definitions of craft, but they all convey the following content in one way or another: Craft is small-scale manual production, handicraft... The production of household items, clothing, tools, jewelry and, in general, everything that surrounds a person.

    The presence of the word "Small" in this concept confuses me - there is a feeling that a too dismissive adjective is attached to such a large-scale phenomenon. Do you disagree?

    The key words in the concept of craft are manual production! Hands are the main tool of any artisan and these hands allow him to create everything that is necessary for him and his family for life (use and sale of manufactured products).


    The concept of "fishing" is based on the process of getting something. Salt production - salt extraction, hunting, fishing and so on. To "profit" means to do something that brings some benefit. Often, any large-scale phenomenon is sooner or later called folk, so I will continue to use the correct phrase - folk crafts.

    It is from this moment that I begin to combine both concepts. There is a lot to find fault with here, but if you look a little more broadly, you get the following:

    • The craft has long gone beyond the original concept, and now it is often used as part of phrases associated with the skillful possession of any manual activity (even a military craft is really anti-popular after all!).
    • Folk crafts bring benefits, allow people to earn money, in other words, they are a way (again) to feed their families. It turns out that all artisans "trade" by selling their products at fairs or exchanging with artisans in another industry.
    • Fishing, like the extraction of some material, becomes an integral part of craft production. For example, during the hunt, leather, bone, wool are obtained - the materials from which products are made by artisans. These same artisans themselves are engaged in the extraction of materials.
    • A farmer who has learned to skillfully cultivate the soil, to grow something, has the right to call his agricultural business a craft.

    Do you think the large-scale phenomenon of creating Internet sites can be called a craft or folk crafts?

    You can ponder indefinitely which concept is broader, look for points of contact, but this will not change the modern essence of both concepts.

    Folk crafts in modern times

    By the way, about the present. Handicrafts should not be confused with those of the current environment.

    Many modern things are far from art, although they have a certain aesthetics and functionality. The current items have pushed handicrafts to the shelves of museums and souvenir shops. Synthetics and plastics have replaced natural materials. The place of the masters was taken by automatic robots. The era of substitutes!

    In the modern world, artisans are increasingly beginning to use automated methods of creating products in order to reduce the time to make a product and thereby increase the size of production. The potter's wheel has acquired an electric drive, forges are equipped with modern ovens, and what can we say about woodworking. All this helps the current craftsmen to increase production volumes and reduce the cost of products.

    It turns out that now you can create a series of identical items. Isn't this a loss of individuality ?! A true traditional artisan will not create a clone, even with all the craftsmanship honed over the years, observing the tradition, using the same materials and tools. He will still bring a bit of soul to each copy.

    Moreover, handicraft is valued higher. Uniqueness is an expensive feature.

    Traditional craft

    The craft appeared along with man, as soon as he created his first instrument of labor. Of course, at first it was primitive, like consciousness. But in the future, man began to develop, thanks to manual production. Developing side by side with art, man changed, the craft changed and became more complicated. New products appeared based on human needs, created from various materials available, evaluated over time, underwent changes, tested, changed again, and this continued until the most rational solution appeared. Then the craft became traditional.

    Saying "Traditional craft" or "Traditional folk craft" emphasize the immutability of the production process. A certain unwritten national law, instruction, rule - a tradition developed by more than one generation of artisans, over many centuries, settled and unshakable.

    Pay attention to an interesting phenomenon - adherence to the rules of traditional craft, on the one hand, pushes to create objects, the same as hundreds of years ago, but on the other hand, it obliges to give objects individuality in search of new forms. Despite everything, the traditional handicraft is developing at the present time and we are determining the path of its development.

    Folk arts and crafts

    Another concept that blurs the border between the concepts of "craft" and "craft", since both phrases are used in the speech turnover: folk arts and crafts and artistic craft. Here, the created products are equated with art - many creations created by the hands of artisans have the highest artistic value and an overwhelming indicator of aesthetic beauty.

    If we were only talking about the artistic value of the issue, then the craft of obtaining fur would become impossible to assess from this position - it is possible to evaluate only fur products, as a result of the work of an artisan.

    I think it was from here that a branch in the history of the craft originated, which transferred folk crafts to the counters of souvenir shops. Now we see a clear division: beautiful products to behold, simple products to use. Just imagine - Dymkovo clay toys - THESE TOYS !!, children played with them! Now they are an accessory, a decorative element that does not yet have a place to be in every interior. However, it was not children who made the choice between modern factory toys and handmade ones.

    In addition, we should not forget the fact that we have lost faith in supernatural powers, in which our ancestors sincerely believed. A very large number of products were made as amulets. The shape and (or) color of the item carried a magical power that could scare away evil spirits or attract good ones, and so on. Few people nowadays give this meaning even to those products that are available at home. Therefore, traditional crafts are the animation of products, their revitalization. It is not for nothing that the expression is often used that the author "puts his soul" into what he creates. Our ancestors charged products with their sincere belief in the kindness that things bring to the life of its owner. In the modern world, it is more and more difficult to find substitutes for sincerity.

    From the history of the craft

    Speaking about traditions, plunging into history, one cannot but imagine the life of artisans over a long line of time. Handicrafts were widespread in everyday life. In the houses there are earthenware, birch bark, wooden dishes, carved furniture, and people have embroidered clothes. Now it is difficult to imagine what and how it was before. Little information has survived and some of the technologies have sunk into the summer. Nevertheless, what has come down to our time provides a modest opportunity to understand the importance of the craft.

    In the villages there were several craftsmen (artisans) of various profiles, who provided each other with the necessary things, as well as the rest of the people, even neighboring villages and cities, bringing handicraft products to fairs. "Overseas" trade allowed craftsmen to exchange experience through products.

    Do not mix handicrafts and folk arts and crafts in one heap. You must clearly understand that although all this is a manual production of handicrafts, but not every craft is an artistic craft. A separate article has been written about artistic crafts, the content of which cannot fit into the format of this material. Be sure to check it out.

    That's all for me. Good luck!

    The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Also here you can get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.



    craft in the crossword dictionary

    Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


    old. remy cf. handicraft, handicraft, manual labor, work and skill, with which bread is obtained;

    the very occupation with which a person lives, his providence, which requires more bodily than mental labor. You don't carry handicrafts behind you (behind your back), but good with it. And that craft, if someone knows how to make an oar. You won't be lost with craft. No craft - no hands. Not in the trade, so in the trade, trappers, fishermen. Forestry, arches, rims, shafts, etc. They have a craft under the bridge, robbing passers-by. Our craft has grown old, or it was a craft, but it was overgrown, it was a craft, but it was flooded with wine. The plow feeds, the craft gives water, the crafts dress and put shoes on. Every craft is honest, except theft. Bad trade is better than good theft. And theft is a craft (add. But not grain). The craft is honored everywhere. The craft does not hang over the shoulders (does not weigh). Craft fiefdom. Craft breadwinner. Know one craft, but be careful not to grow into hops! It was a craft, but overgrown with hops. The craft does not ask for food and drink, but good with it (it feeds itself). The craft is not a yoke, it will not pull the shoulders. The craft to the dogs skidded. Such a craft that it went to hell (hops). This is the craft that shook the whole house! Whoever has stealing has a craft. Not a thief with a craft - and not without a trade. A man is fed up with one bread, but not one craft. More craft, more and more evil (i.e. business, trouble). Walking for a craft - orphaned land. Craftsman, artisan people, artisan, -nitsa, and old. a craftsman who feeds on craft, and so on. Shoemaker, furrier, blacksmith, carpentry, etc., in general a workman. Craft Board. Handicraft classes. Crafts. -nikov and -nitsyn, everything that is theirs personally; -nice, -nical, related to crafts and artisans. Craftsmanship -nichestvo Wed craftsmanship, handicraft, crafts. Crafts, engage in crafts, especially among the peasantry.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


    crafts, pl. crafts, cf. Requiring special skills to work on the manufacture of some. products by hand, handicraft. Shoemaking craft. Furrier craft. Bookbinding craft.

    transfer Profession, occupation. Toothy pike came to mind the feline to take up the craft. Krylov.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    A, pl. crafts, -sel, -sdam, cf.

      Professional occupation - making products by hand, handicraft method.

      In general, a profession, an occupation (colloquial). Secrets of the Writer's Craft. * To take up the old craft (colloquial disapproval) - to return to the previous unseemly deeds, actions.

      adj. handicraft, th, th (to 1 meaning).

    New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


      Making work requiring special skills. products by hand, handicraft.

      transfer Work without creative initiative, according to the prevailing template.

      1. Profession, occupation.

        Something. occupation, business.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


    small-scale manual production of industrial products, which prevailed until the emergence of large-scale machine industry (and then partially preserved along with it). The craft is characterized by: the decisive importance of the personal skill of the artisan, the individual nature of production (the artisan works alone or with a limited number of assistants).


    CRAFT Vasily Nikolaevich (1907-83) Russian breeder, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1974) and VASKHNIL (1964), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1966, 1977). He developed breeding methods that made it possible to create high-yielding wheat varieties ("Mironovskie"). Lenin Prize (1963), USSR State Prize (1979).

    Craft (disambiguation)


    • Craft - small-scale manual production based on the use of hand tools.
    • Craft, Vasily Nikolaevich (1907-1983) - Ukrainian Soviet breeder.


    Craft- small-scale manual production, based on the use of hand tools, the personal skill of the worker, which makes it possible to produce high-quality, often highly artistic products.

    The craft arose with the beginning of human production activity, passed a long historical path of development, taking various forms: a) domestic craft - in a subsistence economy; b) handicrafts to order - in conditions of decomposition of the subsistence economy; c) craft to market. With the emergence of handicrafts to order and especially on the market, the emergence and development of cities as craft and trade centers is associated. Home craft is often referred to as the home industry, and custom craft and to the market are referred to as the handicraft industry. In Russian statistical literature, quite often all artisans of the XIX-XX centuries. were called handicraftsmen.

    Household craft has been widespread throughout the history of pre-capitalist societies. The rural population produced most of the handicrafts they consumed. Gradually the leading role was played by handicrafts to order and the market. In ancient Greece, ancient Rome, in the countries of the ancient East, there were a significant number of artisans who led an independent economy and made products to order or the market.

    The development of a professional craft, especially in cities, led to the emergence of a new sphere of production and a new social stratum - urban artisans. The emergence of developed forms of their organization, protecting the interests of this stratum, created especially favorable conditions for the development of urban handicrafts in the Middle Ages. The leading branches of urban handicraft were: cloth-making, the production of metal products, glass products, etc. In the process of the industrial revolution (mid-18th century - first half of the 19th century), the factory industry based on the use of machines supplanted the craft. The craft was preserved in industries associated with serving the individual needs of the consumer or with the production of expensive art products - pottery, weaving, artistic carving, etc.

    To a greater extent, the craft was preserved in underdeveloped countries. However, even here it is being replaced by the factory industry as a result of the industrialization of these countries. Folk arts and crafts related to the service of tourism and export are preserved.

    Since ancient times, mankind has known such crafts as:

    • blacksmith craft
    • pottery
    • carpentry
    • joinery
    • tailoring
    • weaving
    • spinning
    • furrier
    • saddlery
    • bakery
    • shoe
    • stove
    • jewelry

    and many others.

    In Russia, after 1917, the number of artisans and handicraftsmen sharply decreased, they were united in industrial cooperation. Only a few world-famous folk art crafts have survived: Gzhel ceramics, Dymkovo toys, Palekh miniatures, Khokhloma painting, etc.

    Examples of the use of the word craft in literature.

    Madame Rosa had no idea who Banania was, who was also called Touré: Malian, Senegalese, Guinean or anyone else - his mother, before leaving for the house of patience in Abidjan, fought for life on the Rue Saint-Denis, and with this craft go figure it out.

    Classes were recruited from boys and girls trained in the Palanesian tradition: good manners, agriculture, arts and crafts, and even borrowed from folklore medicine, psychology and biology according to grandmother's tales and belief in magic.

    Let the neophyte know what assonance and alliteration are, the rhyme is adjacent and distant, simple and complex, just as we have the right to expect from a musician that he knows harmony and counterpoint, and all the other little things of his crafts.

    Only forty years of occupation craft did not allow a grimace of hatred to distort the face of Amerigo Bonasera.

    He looked at this incident as a misfortune associated with the pharmacy craft, took a napkin, dried himself without a word, and left, firmly resolving that he would make me pay the stain remover, to whom he no doubt had to send his suit.

    His natural abilities allowed him to quickly learn all the wisdom of the gladiator crafts and pretty soon Arak watched with pleasure as Caramon easily dealt with Kiiri and coolly wrapped Peragas in his own net.

    For ever since people have learned to enchant the spirit of flowers and herbs, trees, resins and animal secretions and keep it in closed bottles, the art of aromatization has gradually eluded the few who universally possessed craft masters and opened up to charlatans who only knew how to keep their nose to the wind - like this stinking ferret Pelissier.

    Mouret raised his head and again slapped his friend on the knee, repeating with solid gaiety a man who is not in the least ashamed of the one who enriched him crafts: - Arshinnik in the full sense of the word!

    Most of the income was brought by the bull, which allowed the robbers to indulge in their venerable craft on the condition of giving the Pope some of the loot.

    After graduating from elementary school, which he attended with Pastor Boehme, Gottlieb Adler studied weaving craft and at twenty he was already earning a lot.

    I heard Kudyk more than once that if the berendey went at least once with a wagon train - not to craft, you can't turn it back to the plow.

    Is it because Thackeray's mental structure tells him to accept the world as it is, or because he knows from his own experience how ungrateful craft transformer, but one way or another, he elevated his dispassionateness into theory, and it can be argued with all certainty that in the works that he continued to publish, having already entered the number of our most famous authors, he, unlike Dickens, almost did not deal with external regularities of social life and rarely appeared before the reader as a critic of society and a reformer.

    Only under the guise of a buffoon is a real craft.

    Having admired, Bulba made his way further along the narrow street, which was cluttered with artisans, who immediately sent craft their own, and people of all nations, who filled this suburb of the Sich, which looked like a fair and which dressed and fed the Sich, who could only walk and fire from guns.

    The door creaked open, the switch clicked, and Corso looked around the workshop: the main place was occupied by an old printing press, next to it there was a zinc table heaped with tools, half-sewn or already assembled notebooks, right there - a paper-cutting machine, multi-colored pieces of leather, bottles of glue, binding finishing tools and other accessories crafts.

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