White magic for the waxing moon. Self-made spells for good luck and money. Spell for health and against illness on the waxing Moon

The time when it begins new Moon and its thin crescent begins to flicker in the sky - a special period. This is the time when the earth and all life on it absorb a new portion of life-giving energy. This is a time of renewal and awakening.

In magic, the growth phase of the night queen is considered a favorable period, allowing one to perform various rituals and read conspiracies aimed at attracting and multiplying something. For example, on a waxing moon, money spells that exist today are effective. a large number of.

Conspiracies for money, read, have the goal of increasing the welfare of the performer and directing a stable financial flow to him. By turning to money magic, you can ensure a regular supply of money from various sources, instantly get rich (for example, through money), repay old debts, and so on.

The key to any money ritual is a conspiracy. A conspiracy is a certain set of words that activates a program that influences the subconscious of the performer and opens up opportunities for him to gain wealth. Magic words launch the energy emanating from the moon at this time in the right direction, forcing it to work towards achieving the goal.

Some masters of magic are of the opinion that the conspiracy with which the moon is addressed must be drawn up by the performer himself, and his words must be taken from his thoughts and come from a pure heart. Your own initiative can indeed significantly enhance the effect money ritual, but only when the performer has extensive magical practice. Beginners are advised to use ready-made spells and not deviate from them, so as not to inadvertently interfere with the work of the ritual.

Applying money conspiracy on the waxing moon, it is necessary to remember that the moon is a helper, not a servant, ready to fulfill any whim of her master or mistress. The queen of the night sky must be treated with deep respect. Lack of respect will not only nullify all attempts, but can also result in unpleasant negative consequences. During the ritual with the moon, it is imperative to create eye contact (especially for beginners) in order to fully feel all the energy emanating from it. This will also help establish a strong connection with her, which will only have a positive impact on the impact and outcome of the money ritual. Professionals, as a rule, are able to establish a connection with the night luminary even without visual contact.

Spells for money during the waxing moon - strong and proven by practice

A simple and short spell for money on the waxing moon

When the 4th day comes after the new moon, in the evening go to the window from which the moon will be visible. Open your wallet, jingle the coins, rustle the bills and say:

“It’s a month for you to look young, but there won’t be any money in my wallet!”

Conspiracy when counting money to increase wealth

Waxing Crescent - favorable period to count the money in your wallet. Try to do this as often as possible. During the counting process, say the following spell:

“The larger the moon, the richer my share. As the moon grows, so will wealth find me. The money in my wallet is jingling and rustling, rushing to multiply. For the good of me and the Universe! So be it!"

Conspiracy for a new banknote

The plot is read on the first day of the waxing moon. Show the newest bill that you find in your wallet to the new moon and say:

“The month grows and turns into the Moon, and with it my soul is enriched. Money comes to money, as much will come as I give. Then it will double, then triple, and there will be a large amount of money. I will not languish over them, I will pamper and delight my friends and loved ones, my dearest ones. Amen!"

Place the charmed bill in your wallet separately from other money. Under no circumstances should you spend it or lend it. After a month, repeat the ritual with another bill, and spend the previously charmed one on gifts and pleasant surprises to your loved ones and friends (after all, this is exactly what you promised to the moon).

Spell for living water - for wealth

Living water is water that has had direct contact with the earth, taken from a spring (spring) or well. You need to fill the glass to the brim with this water. At night, when the waxing moon is clearly visible in the sky, you should stand facing it, holding a glass of water in your hands - so that the moonlight is reflected in the liquid. Then recite the spell three times:

“Water, water, fill yourself with moonlight, fill yourself with heavenly power and wonderful grace. Mother Moon, spring water, I turn to you with my soul - help, call me for money. Just as there is a lot of water in the river, sea, ocean, so let there be a lot of money in my wallet. Mother Moon, shine your light on the water, give me wealth. Amen to my word and deed!”

Then you need to raise a glass of water to the level of your eyes and look at the moon through it, saying:

“The cup must be full, and for me, the servant of God (servant of God) (own name) , forget poverty. Amen(3 times) !”

The effect of the conspiracy will begin the very next day after the ritual is performed.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The history of magic includes hundreds of rituals associated with the Moon. It is believed that the night star increases or decreases its energetic impact as it increases or decreases. It is thanks to its power that the Moon is involved in both “black” and “white” magical rituals.

As a rule, to attract something into life (wealth, luck, health, love) they use the energy of the night star during moments of growth. To get rid of negative programs and cool down, the waning Moon helps. Essentially, the cycles of the night star are natural energy that can be directed in any direction. It is not surprising that it is actively used by both beginners and experienced magicians.

Rituals for wealth are especially successful during the waxing moon. They attract money with the help of conspiracies, which are important to read with faith and awareness.

The material component is one of the fundamental ones in people’s lives. For this reason, everyone is trying to improve their financial position and increase wealth. Even influential businessmen have their own personal astrologers or psychics who help them in their business. What can it do a common person to use magic to increase your income? Read a simple conspiracy for the waxing Moon or contact a professional.

Is it possible to perform a ritual for money yourself at home?

It all depends on your strength, faith and capabilities. Magic rituals help people who are literally waiting for a miracle (but are not inactive at the same time). If you are a beginner, you can also perform the ceremony at home. The most important thing is to choose a simple plot and read it sincerely. It also happens that doubts about your own abilities literally overcome you. If you think you can’t handle it on your own, seek help from a specialist.

Ritual for wealth with water.

What you will need:

  • A container with clean water (preferably a basin);
  • A coin made of silver (but any decoration made of this metal and even a little foil will do);

Fill a container with clean water and place it in silver coin(decoration or foil if you don’t have one in the house). Next, a basin of water is placed on the windowsill, where the waxing Moon is clearly visible at night. You need to get up before the sun rises. They wash themselves with water from the basin and say the following spell:

Mother Moon charged the water and examined the wealth. I’ll wash myself with water and soak myself in happiness. I’ll have coins like drops in my basin. I’ll go on my way and find a treasure under my feet.

Thanks to this simple ritual, you will not only become richer, but also gain beauty and health. The energy of the night luminary has a beneficial effect on many areas of life. The silver jewelry or coin should be taken out of the container and carried with you as a talisman for good luck.

An effective conspiracy.

What you will need:

  • Paper bills (the denomination is not important);
  • Coins (their number should be the same as banknotes);

The ceremony itself takes place at night. Place the ritual money in front of you and say the words of the conspiracy over it:

« Magnificent moon, you are growing so quickly, so may my income also increase. Share your light with my money so that it becomes more and more every day. Money grows so quickly because they drink moonlight. They absorb all the power of the moon and fill my house.”

After this, put the money in a place where moonlight will fall on it (in this case, never turn on the electric light). Leave the room with the ritual objects and go to another place for a couple of hours. After this you can return. Place bills and coins in your wallet. But you can’t spend them all month, as they attract finances thanks to lunar energy. Mark bills and coins so you don't accidentally use them. After the month has passed, you can use the money. Perform the ritual again if you find it necessary.

Ritual of getting rid of poverty.

During the waxing moon, write on a piece of paper a list of the negative aspects of life that prevent you from improving your financial well-being. For some it is laziness and reluctance to work, for others it is sudden ruin or poverty, for others it is simply a series of failures related to money issues. When the list is ready, go out onto the street or balcony. After this, burn the leaf and scatter the remaining ashes. The following spell should be read:

“The moon sees everything. My efforts and aspirations will be reinforced by her growth. Dejection and poverty will fly away to the wind. I burn away negativity and attract goodness. I'll sacrifice a few coins to the Moon. They will return to me and multiply. As she said, so it will be. My word is strong. Confidence is strong."

Take some change and throw it in the direction of the Moon. The ceremony is completed. Go home and go to bed. Pleasant colorful dreams the night after the ritual indicate that magical influence began. Soon you will discover new earning opportunities and career prospects, and the problems that interfered will fade into the background.

What subtleties exist in reading money conspiracies at home?

  • Keep in mind that magic is not fun. Take it seriously and think carefully about whether you need it. Any ritual can cause consequences that clearly will not benefit the future. Be prepared for the return.
  • Rituals should not be performed out of revenge or other negative motives. The Higher Powers will not accept your request if you want to profit at the expense of others or take something away.
  • Determine exactly how much you need and for what. Then it will be easier for the Universe to fulfill your desire.
  • Watch your emotions. Most often, people who turn to magic for help are despondent. Only thoughts about lack of money are spinning in their heads. Try to think positively and stay positive good mood during the ritual.
  • Do not perform the ritual if you do not need the money. The universe will only hear a sincere request for help from a desperate person. The Higher Powers see everything and will not fulfill your request. And the time spent on the ritual will be wasted.
  • Choose the time to read the plot. IN in this case all rituals are performed at night on the waxing moon; other days are not suitable. The ritual simply will not work, since you are violating one of the conditions.
  • Magic requires the precise execution of all rituals. Use only those items mentioned in the ritual. Read the words of the spells clearly without hesitation. Do not introduce anything new or “your own” into the ritual. The plot may not work if there is the slightest mistake.
  • You cannot read conspiracies to women during pregnancy. The fact is that the magical effect can affect non- born child, who at this time is still defenseless. In addition, it is also not recommended to perform magical rituals during menstruation; it is better to postpone the ritual to another time.
  • Be fully prepared for the ceremony. Visualize what you want to achieve. In this way you paint a picture of your future to the Higher Powers.
  • Nothing should distract during the ritual. Turn off equipment that may interfere, take the animals out of the room. You should know that nothing will disturb you.
  • Do not read several conspiracies at the same time. At best, they will not work, but in worst consequences cannot be avoided. You may incur the wrath of the Higher Powers.
  • If you perform a magical ritual with money from a specialist, it is recommended to leave a fee. You can bring everything except money and alcoholic drinks.
  • No one should know about your magical rituals. Be sure to keep secret the fact that you used a spell or went to a sorcerer. Even if you achieved what you wanted in this way, you shouldn’t brag.
  • Believe with all your heart that the moon will help you. In magic, everything depends on how the person himself relates to magical actions. Without complete confidence, it is unlikely that anything will work.
  • Help your dreams come true. Magic is effective if the person who turns to it does not sit idle, but is actively working to solve his own problem. You never know in advance in what form help will come from the Higher Powers. Perhaps a new acquaintance will offer you a job, or maybe the boss will reward you and mark your work as the best. The main thing is to act and not give up.

What folk signs will help you attract money?

  • Have ground cinnamon in your home. It is needed to sprinkle money. Folk wisdom says that such a simple action will increase income.
  • Pay attention to how and where money is stored. Never crumple them or fold them like an accordion, and do not scatter change in your pockets. Store bills in a beautiful wallet (preferably red) unfolded, and put coins in a special compartment or home piggy bank. Money always remembers good and bad treatment. They return to a careful owner.
  • Do not store extraneous items in your wallet; be sure to get rid of old receipts and unnecessary pieces of paper.
  • Carry in your wallet something that will attract money. This may be a large bill that you will not spend or exchange. Chinese coins also promote financial well-being (three coins connected with a red thread).
  • Raise the money that has fallen from you. Even if it's a small coin.
  • Always hand bills with the folded part facing away from you. If you give them in expanded form, you thereby bring your financial situation into worst condition(money will start leaving you).
  • Always take back your change after purchasing, even if it is a very small amount. Wait for the seller to change the money if there is none in the cash register.
  • Do not borrow or borrow anything (lend it yourself). If you are not sure that you can give, then try to save on your own. All such financial transactions lead to an outflow of money from the owner and are unfavorable from the point of view of monetary energy.
  • If you want the money to stay in the house for a long time, then do not spend anything from your salary on the day it is issued. The entire amount must “spend the night with you in the apartment.
  • Never shine light indoors or brush crumbs off the table with your hand. This leads to a decline in wealth in the home.
  • To increase your finances, it is useful to keep a large denomination banknote all year. Then it is charged with your energy, and then attracts money.
  • Pay attention to the time. Don't count money in the evening, ask for a salary increase during the day.
  • Place a glass jar at home and drop a coin into it every day with the purest wishes for well-being.
  • Keep the broom in the house with the handle facing down. A cleaning item placed in this way brings peace and well-being to the residents.
  • Never leave your wallet empty. Keep at least small coins there.
  • Place a piggy bank in your house. It promotes the flow of money into your home.
  • Pour some dry mint into your wallet, it will definitely attract money.
  • Give alms more often, this will activate the energy of money. You not only help those in need, but also attract money to yourself.
  • Feel free to leave a tip. No matter how much you would like to save money, be sure to leave a small amount for the service staff. This is only 10-15% of your order. But in this way you transmit the energy of well-being (and it will definitely return to you).
  • Many people save for a rainy day. This is not worth doing. If you wait for bad events, they will definitely come. Thus, you subconsciously set yourself up for negativity.
  • Discover Feng Shui. Read more about this teaching and arrange everything in your house so that money comes to you. Feng Shui has many fans who say that it really works.
  • Do not keep empty cans, bottles or other containers in the house. These are “black holes” through which monetary energy escapes. Be sure to fill the containers with something (a couple of beans, a few coins are great). This way you will maintain your financial well-being.
  • When you win a lottery or gambling, be sure to pay back. Share some of the money with friends, donate to charity at church, give to those in need. Otherwise, you will soon lose more than you received. “Easy” money should go away as easily as it came. Don't leave them lying around in your wallet. It's best if you get rid of them quickly.

Talismans that will help increase money.

Each nation has special beliefs about what brings profit and financial well-being to their home. If you want to increase money energy in your own home, then get several talismans.

Money Tree. Normal indoor plant with thick leaves. It is responsible for the well-being of the family budget. It is recommended to place three Chinese coins under it, wrapped in a red sheet and tied with red.

Three-legged toad. A figurine that will no longer surprise anyone. She came to us from China. It represents a toad sitting on coins and holding one of them in its mouth. It is best to place the talisman in the southeastern part of the house (responsible for wealth and well-being according to Feng Shui).

Goldfish. Pets will come in handy in your home if you want to increase your money. It is recommended to have about nine fish in an aquarium to achieve financial success. At the same time, the water should be babbling (this helps to activate monetary energy).

Everyone has their own ways of attracting money to their own wallet. Some people read conspiracies, some go to psychics, some are interested in Feng Shui. However, what unites everyone is faith, the energy of money. If it really exists, then we have the power to influence it. You can attract good luck and financial well-being in any way. But do not forget that in the end everything depends only on you and your desire.

The Moon has a multifaceted influence on the Earth and its inhabitants. And although the moon itself does not emit any light, what it reflects from the Sun is quite enough to arrange the ebb and flow of the tides, influence the growth of plants and the lives of people. You cannot turn to magical means without taking into account the phase of the night star. If a person feels the energy of the moon, he can make a conspiracy himself.

In this topic:

The moon is very sensitive to words coming from the heart. But if we are not talking about a professional, but about an amateur, then it is better to use ready-made formulas. Types of conspiracies have direct relation to the phase of the moon. In particular, conspiracies for the waxing moon are used to attract love, luck, and wealth.

Money and luck

To attract money and luck to yourself, use the following plot. For the waxing moon, a basin is prepared into which they pour clean water. At dawn you need to stand in front of this basin and, having washed yourself with water from it, say the spell 12 times:

“As water pours into this basin, so let the money spill over me, let it remain for me, and never run out. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing these words, the face is wiped with a new handkerchief prepared in advance. It is subsequently put in your pocket and always carried with you for a month. The handkerchief is not shown to anyone and no one is allowed to touch it. He will play the role of a talisman, attracting you to cash flows and positive energy.

Not all rituals that are performed during the waxing moon are designed for the time of dawn. There are also those who are addressed at sunset. For example, if you dilute 3 spoons of salt in a glass of water and take 3 sips from this glass while standing in front of the window at sunset, you can get the wealth that you have long dreamed of. In this case, you need to pronounce the following spell:

“I am God’s servant (name) for gold and silver, and I collect the proceeds for my purse. Just as I will save hot salt, so I will preserve my wealth for centuries. Let what is said come true. Amen".

In this case, you need to wet your forehead and temples with charmed water from a glass. We must try to ensure that there is still some water left, because a little should get into both the bosom and the collar. If after these steps there is some water left at the bottom, simply pour it out the window. Please note that the window is kept open during the ritual.

It’s even easier to carefully count your money every day while the month is growing; it’s better, of course, to count large bills, but if there are none, you can use any. When recounting, you should read the following plot:

“The larger the Moon, the richer my share. As the moon grows, so will wealth find me. Money in my wallet is ringing and rustling, rushing to multiply. For the good of me and the Universe. Let it be so!"

Another easy option magical ritual, held during the growing month, is to show the young moon your money, rustle the bills, jingle the coins and say a short spell:

“It’s a month for you to stay young, but there won’t be any money in my wallet!”

Since the text is small and not at all difficult, it must be memorized so that the words are heartfelt, positive, come from the heart, and carry a positive charge.


Attracting love is another direction of action of conspiracies that are read during the waxing moon. Related items that can be used in such magic must be red. It could be a red candle. The following plot is read on her flame:

“As the moon grows every day, so will my love grow. Just as a candle melts every minute, so does my bad luck disappear.”

The magic of the mysterious Earth satellite, which is in a growth phase, “works” well together with red objects that must be kept with you. In particular, if you have a small scarlet-colored thing in your pocket during the waxing moon, it will create an energetic atmosphere that will attract everything positive to you, including new acquaintances. With the onset of the full moon, this thing should be thrown away right on the street; this action will become the starting point that will lead you to a fateful acquaintance. Before you put a red thing in your pocket, you need to read the spell:

“Look for me the one whom my heart and soul desire.”


The period of growth of the moon is distinguished by its special ability to help in the fulfillment of desires. Usually all the plans that people begin to implement at this time bring success. To reinforce your desire for happiness, you can turn to the waxing moon spell, which brings happiness. Before reading it, you need to cross your little fingers, and only then say the following words:

“Just as you, month, were born easily, so would I easily have a happy hour, for any day and time. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, amen, amen."

Experts in the field of esotericism and extrasensory perception claim that the moon is a powerful source of energy. During its growth period it has special power. Therefore, conspiracies for the waxing moon will be among the most effective. What spells are cast on the waxing moon? During the period of the waxing moon, conspiracies and prayers for attracting money, promotion, for the fulfillment of desires, for the love of a husband, conspiracies for good luck and wealth, for happiness, for a promotion at work, against enemies and other variations of witchcraft are in demand. It is only important to carry out such procedures correctly, strictly adhering to all the instructions in the instructions. Then you can avoid unpleasant consequences for yourself and get quick results.

For the spell to work, it is important to follow simple rules:

If you follow certain rules, you can achieve success

Don't sit idle, try to win money

Effective witchcraft spells

For love

Love spells for the waxing moon are very powerful in their energy. The waxing moon is a powerful source of love energy. A love spell on a waxing moon almost always brings the desired result. When performing rituals for the love of a married man, you should remember negative consequences of your actions. A spell for a man's love must be cast at the time when moonlight appears in the sky. Light a candle, preferably a red one. Holding it in your hand, read the text at home:

“How the Moon increases in size every day and is saturated with energy. So my feelings will increase. As candle wax melts, my bad luck disappears.”

To make a man love you, there is another version of the ritual. You need to take a scarlet item (bracelet, keychain, scarf or piece of fabric). Put the item in the pocket of your everyday clothes, while saying:

“Help me, direct your energy to your loved one. Let there be someone whom I sincerely need.”

Put a scarlet handkerchief in your lover's pocket

Carry something in your pocket before the full moon. Then throw it out on the street. According to legend, thanks to the red thing, your loved one will meet faster at life path. This is a kind of bait, a love trap.

If a girl who has said something to a man has already met the one with whom she wants to connect her destiny, but he does not reciprocate feelings, you can apply the following ritual. Read a spell at home near an open window or window, in the moonlight:

“Moon, queen of heaven. You know, I met my betrothed on my way. I can’t live without him, it occupies all my thoughts. You see everything, your assistant stars will see everything in the world. Bring my darling to me. Let him not be able to sleep at night, stay awake during the day, or live without me. Show him the path to me, let him yearn. Let him find me and invite me with him. I will become his beloved and faithful wife. Let it be so".

You can also perform a ritual using bread. Leave a piece of fresh bread on the table in the moonlight, reading the words on it:

Place a piece of bread in the moonlight

“A maid is standing in an open field, she has a lot of bread in her basket. Whoever eats that bread will dry up his love. I eat that bread and attract love. From the north, from the south, from the east, from the west, from everywhere. The moon is my help and help!

Go to bed, and in the morning eat a piece of bread, without talking to anyone before or eating other food.

“At dawn, in the evening, on a clear day and late at night, let my betrothed remember me; he cannot live without me. How can a person not live without sunlight Just as a child cannot grow up without mother’s milk, so my beloved (name) cannot live without me (name). His love is as high as the sky. Just as a person cannot live without water, he does not live, just as a mother loves her child, so he will love me, so that he falls in love, conspiracies will help, after reading them he will return to me. This conspiracy for my beloved to return to me will work quickly, as the moon lights up the night skies, as the red sun replaces it. Only me will love, desire, and yearn for me. He will come to me and will never be able to leave again.”

Such a conspiracy for longing or a conspiracy to return a loved one will only be effective in that situation if you believe in their sincerity. Spells to make a man miss you will help him miss you a lot. After witchcraft procedures, your life will change dramatically. Someone who has not shown sympathy for you before will strive to meet you, will call you, and will miss you.

For money

Witchcraft and conspiracies for money during the waxing moon do not like noise, so their implementation should take place in a quiet, deserted place. After the wealth plot has been carried out, you will need to convince yourself, imagine that the amount of money is increasing. Before performing magical actions, experts recommend buying a new wallet or purse, preferably green, putting several large bills. Wallets with banknotes will attract money.

To read the spell on a wallet for the waxing moon, you will need to take 12 identical bills or coins, fold them into a green cloth, tying it with seven knots. Place the bag of money on the windowsill, the moon should illuminate it. Cast a spell daily to become rich. On the new moon, transfer the charmed coins to your wallet. It will be a magnet that attracts wealth. The conspiracy for the new wallet is as follows:

Attract wealth to you

“Money, flow like a river to me, wealth, sparkle near me. Money, multiply, work for my profit for income. Increase my banknote, let the money flow and not decrease.”

There is also a spell for a coin so that money can be circulated. This is done using a new wallet, any coin and yeast. Light a candle, put a coin and a packet of dry yeast near your wallet. Yeast will become a kind of magnet that can attract finance. It's better to have a red wallet. Read coin spells for the waxing moon:

“I attract wealth and success to myself, I will attract gold and silver, abundance. May money come into my life and always increase. Let it be so".

After a strong plot has been read, hide the coin and yeast in your wallet. Never take them out.

Rituals are also carried out on a bank card, with their help a person can get rich. To carry out the ceremony, there must be money on the card. At night, pick up the card, stroking it, read:

“I always carry my card with me, even if there is more money on it, it will never leave me in need. How much money there is on it now, let it become hundreds of times more. My words are strong, keep them, bring money to my account.”

After reading the text, you should deposit money into your account in the next 24 hours. This is a kind of magical activation of the card.

“I had it, it came from strangers. Go to someone else’s wallet, gather your girlfriends and friends, and all come back to me together. Take my words, bring me wealth. Let what is said come true."

Repeat the text seven times. Put the charmed coin in your wallet. Spend it first.

A spell for work or a spell for successful trading is carried out using a silver object. You will need a cross or a chain that you wear constantly. At night, remove the decoration, put it in a bowl of water, and place the container on the windowsill so that the moonlight illuminates it. Let it stand until the morning. During the night, the decoration will receive the positive energy of the moon. Pull an object out of the bowl while reading on it:

Place the silver jewelry in water and place it in the moonlight

“Gold and silver, bring wealth into my life. Strong words come true quickly.”

Also, such a conspiracy will help you find a generous man if you are simultaneously at the stage of searching for a lover, since during this period the moon promotes amorous affairs, helps for love spells, for the return of a loved one.

To your health

A recovery spell will help a person get rid of the disease faster. They must be read only over holy water. Collect water from the church, bring it home, sign the cross over yourself. Place it on the windowsill overnight, let it be saturated with the energy of the heavenly body. Read this text:

“Holy water, sister moon, wash away all illnesses and illnesses from me. Blow away all diseases from my body, from joints, from skin, from head, arms and legs, from stomach and heart. May what is said come true.”

Repeat this ritual for seven days, after which take a sip of the charmed liquid in the morning and evening. Health conspiracies will help you quickly get rid of exacerbations of diseases and chronic ailments.

For weight loss

The water spell for weight loss is very effective. On the first day of the waxing moon, you need to purchase a wooden comb without change or haggling. At home, sprinkle it with blessed water and read the Lord’s Prayer. Don't drink or eat anything for the whole day. When the moon appears in the sky, stand near open window, read over the ridge three times, then silently go to bed. Place the charmed comb under the pillow. In the morning, a person losing weight can start combing overweight. Do this only during the period of growth of the heavenly body.

The weight loss plot is as follows:

“I will lock my hunger in the black sea-ocean. I won’t let him out, I won’t suffer, my hunger will go away, don’t torment me. Let my fat melt, my body doesn’t break from hunger. I’ll tell you the speeches and tie them with a knot.”

For good luck

With the help of the ritual, protection is also carried out from damage, desires, and enemies, so that the enemy does not disturb or negatively influence. Such conspiracies will help to resist the enemy, from the tricks of enemies. These are the strongest traditions and rituals that work quickly.

The amulet will help you fulfill your wish

A conspiracy to fulfill desires and attract good luck is carried out using an amulet. It is charmed, after which it will need to be worn daily. On Wednesday, a spell is cast on a ring, chain or even a button. First you need to light a candle, holding an amulet over it, say:

“My guardian angels, protect me, help me, guide me. Show me the bright path, may all doors be open to me, may people all smile at me, may all my thoughts and desires come true. In the blue ocean sea there are three fish, they have golden crowns. Whoever counts the teeth on these crowns, only he can interrupt my bright deeds. And my enemies have nothing to do with me. I will lock the words tightly and hide them in a secret place. Amen".

Repeat the text three times, then put out the candle and silently go to bed. Repeat this ritual throughout the waxing moon. When the full moon phase begins, put on the amulet. Never tell anyone about magical actions, otherwise strong conspiracies will not bring results, witchcraft will not be effective, the influence and consequences can be negative.

For trade

During this period, you can also help the conspirator to successfully sell his house and land, you can ensure good trade for those who run their own business or are somehow connected with sales. Trading conspiracies should be read on Wednesday, this will attract good luck in trading for the person reading. To perform the ritual, you need to make a circle of salt and place coins in the center. Read the words, then put the coins in a bag. Place it near the cash register. It will attract financial flows. The text is as follows:

“I enchant coins, let this spell for trading become my financial talisman. Fulfiller of my requests, you accompany my work. There will be no obstacles, there will be no obstacles in my difficult task. Let my work be paid, money come in a stream, people come to me. Clients, buyers, buy my product, come again. And I will wait for you - wait, yes good product suggest".

This plot to sell a house and land will also help. In this case, place the bag in the room itself or bury it on the site. After the sale of the property, it will definitely need to be collected.

Other options

Beauty rituals and spells against hair loss are also effective if read during the waxing moon. To strengthen hairs, for active growth hairline There is a plot on the head for hair growth. The text is read on a comb; it is placed overnight near an open window so that the moonlight illuminates it. After waking up, use the enchanted item. The test is as follows:

“Voditsa, moon, hear my request, don’t pass by, don’t upset me with indifference. Give me freshness and beauty. People talk about me as a beauty. I will become beautiful and good, round-faced, young and cheerful.”

To get a promotion at work, the plot is also read during the waxing moon. Read with a pen, pencil or any other object that you use daily in your work:

“The bosses like me, they will never send me away. He will be surprised at my work, smile at me, and be touched by my words.”

The enchanted object should accompany you everywhere; it is your personal talisman, with the help of which you can achieve the desired results in professional activity, get promoted up the career ladder.

A conspiracy against drunkenness is also read. With its help, an alcoholic will be able to get rid of his addiction. The text is read on the first day of the waxing moon. The magic text is read over a handful of salt and holy water. When the ritual is completed, add salt and water to the food and drinks of the person who suffers from addictions. Also, with the help of enchanted water, you will need to wash the floor in the dependent person’s room before he comes in from the street. Read these words:

“No one drinks, no one gets hangovers, no one sleeps during the day or sleeps at night. So you (name) do not think or remember about wine and vodka. Neither by moonlight nor by sunshine. The speeches are powerful and the deeds are sculpted. May what is spoken come true"

It is important that the person to whom the charmed food or drink is intended does not realize that something is being mixed into his food. The danger of reading such texts is that if others are aware of them, they may not work or even turn against those who use them. Therefore, you need to be careful with the spells you read; use them only strictly with the instructions. Don't change anything on your own.

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> Conspiracies

As soon as the Moon begins to renew itself, showing a timid stripe in the sky, it’s time to ask for prosperity. Strong spells for the growing moon at home you should read it to attract what you need now. At this time the Earth is filled new life, adding energy to everything. And a person also feels these processes.

Knowing what to do in lunar phase when the moon is waxing and not waning, wealth can be used energy flow in your favor. But don't be afraid, you won't take anything away from others. After all, the planet generously distributes energy to all people. And it is natural to take what is offered to you, because you support universal harmony.

You need to say the words of the prayer to the growing Moon while looking at the heavenly body. Even in childhood, they said more than once that as soon as the sickle appeared, you need to show it a coin and the money will come. But if everything is so simple, then why don't people use these methods? Yes, because when performing a ritual, each of us becomes fixated on our selfish aspirations. If you seek personal happiness, then this is not a crime. But there will be no effect.

Universal energy is focused on universal harmony. And this should be understood. So, if you want money, then ask for it for the entire population. Higher powers will appreciate such a request and take it into account when distributing benefits. If you long for love, then wish happiness for the couple so that the family may last. Because for strength it is more important to fulfill the desire of two than to satisfy one fickle ego, which can then refuse the request.

Don't forget to check with lunar calendar, where the phases of the moon are listed for each day of the month. Beginners need to prepare carefully and not neglect useful sources. If you look at it by eye, you can easily make a mistake. And then the ritual will only have a negative result. You may even lose what little you have.

Before the procedure, it is useful to constantly establish visual contact with the celestial body. The inner feeling of the phase comes with practice. While there is no experience, you can track it on the calendar. Just remember that this imposes some obligations on you. Since it will always be in your heart, it will take a lot of strength.

Conspiracy for the waxing moon

A conspiracy for money and wealth during the waxing Moon is carried out on the first day, when the Moon is just beginning to grow. Take a banknote (necessarily a new one) and say:

« The month grows and turns into the Moon, and with it my soul is enriched! Money for money, as much will come as I give. Then it will double, then triple, there will be a large amount of money! I will not languish over them, but please and spoil my friends and loved ones, my dearest ones!

Amen! »

Then put it in your wallet, but in an empty compartment so that it does not come into contact with others. Let it lie there for at least a month. And when the time will come start a new one, buy a gift at the expense of the previous one. Repeat the procedure every month. But don’t forget that money should be spent on your loved ones, as you promised. So don't be greedy and don't lend these bills. Otherwise, luck will go with them.

Plot for good luck

For a conspiracy and ritual for good luck, you need a specific thing. It could be your favorite piece of jewelry or your watch. Sometimes a handkerchief will do (cost doesn't matter). But, it is worth considering that by washing a thing, you will also wash away its strength. Even rain has a negative impact. There is one more condition: the item must always be with you. Savvy modern man got to the point where the phone started talking. After all, he is always there and what’s wrong if, in addition to communication, he also provides good luck?

If you like the idea, take your mobile phone, place it under the moonbeam, look at the sickle and repeat three times:

“By the will of God, I call Nikola the Pleasant to put my luck in prison! Let the blue bird sit next to you, do no harm, but attract good, protect you from slander and the evil beast! Only it’s not really a prison, but a golden cage in my body! Called by the heart, luck will not turn away from it! Nikolushka, God’s helper, come and bring me luck! Let your heart beat loudly and give birth to success!

Amen! ».

Love spell

The conspiracy for love and the beloved man will be strong. To ensure that your feelings are strong and mutual, turn to the month with the words of a prayer for the growing Moon (while thinking about your chosen one):

“In the middle of the blue sea there is a stone - a mountain. He rose high and did not give in to the waves. The Servant of God (name) sits on that stone and looks at the waves. In his hands is a key and a lock, he is alone among the winds. Just as a key closes a lock, loneliness turns away and drowns in the blue waves. Will come out of the surf soul mate, she will remain on the stone with me forever!

Amen! ».

The strong way

This is a good time to protect yourself from dangers. The method is extremely strong and is carried out only on the first day. Further protection will decrease. The ritual is performed once a year or every period of the waxing moon. It is not time that weakens it, but the number of attacks. And if they are preparing damage for you, the shield will break. Then you will have to repeat everything.

If you have not learned to feel your energy, then it is better to resume the procedure with each appearance of the luminary (its birth). Otherwise, you won't even understand when everything collapsed. Look at the Moon and say:

“I envelop myself in the rays of the waxing moon. I create armor, I don’t wish harm on anyone, I protect myself!

Amen! ».

Types of lunar calendars:
