Erespal: a universal drug for the treatment of wet or dry cough. How to deal with dry cough? Erespal will come to your aid

Erespal is a combined pharmacological agent, which has anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator and expectorant action. It was specifically designed to relieve the symptoms of infectious or allergic diseases in adults and young patients. How to drink Erespal: before meals or after? This question is very common among consumers, as many of them use Erespal as a self-medication.

Erespal: a brief description

The medicine is available in two forms: tablets and syrup. Tablets are designed for the treatment of adults and children over 14 years of age. The syrup was developed specifically for the treatment of children under the age of fourteen. Both dosage forms have a common active ingredient- fensipiride hydrochloride. Additional components are slightly different.

Erespal syrup is available in plastic brown bottles of 150 or 250 milliliters. In addition to the preparation, there is an instruction and a measuring spoon. The price of liquid Erespal varies between 240-370 rubles.

Erespal tablets have biconvex shape And White color. The package sells two blisters of 15 pieces. The price of tablets is 285-330 rubles.


The active ingredient of the drug is fensipiride. Thanks to this substance, Erespal has an anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictor character. In addition to the main substance, a large role is played by additional components:

  • Cytokines;
  • free radicals;
  • Metabolites of arachidonic acid.

It is the unique composition that allows Erespal to prevent the production of biologically active particles and block receptors that provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the human body. Fensipiride also minimizes the synthesis of serotonin and bradykinin, blocks alpha-adrenergic receptors.


To understand why Erespal is taken before meals, you need to trace its pharmacokinetics. All its constituent components are well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. The highest concentration of fensipiride in human body fixed a few hours after taking Erespal syrup and 6.5-7 hours after taking the tablets. The drug is excreted during the day in two ways:

  • With urine - about 89 percent;
  • Intestines - 10-11 percent.

Erespal: indications for use and dosage

As a rule, adult patients need to take Erespal at a dosage of 80 milligrams. However, only a qualified specialist should establish the exact dose and duration of treatment based on individual patient indicators.

If you drink the drug before meals, it will help the patient recover from:

  • Acute inflammatory processes in respiratory tract;
  • flu;
  • Corey;
  • whooping cough;
  • obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • Allergic attacks.

Also, Erespal is actively used during rehabilitation period after surgery on the nose or throat. The drug quickly and gently reduces swelling, stabilizes respiratory processes and protects the ENT organs from possible diseases. In such situations, the drug is also taken before meals.

Erespal: contraindications for use

Despite the high efficiency, this drug has a number of contraindications, which include:

  • The patient has hypersensitivity to the constituent components of Erespal;
  • Age under 14 years of age for the use of tablets;
  • Age under two years of age to treat a child with syrup.

Also, the drug is forbidden to be taken before meals by women who are carrying or breastfeeding a child. Scientists have not yet established how Erespal affects the fetus and the baby's body, however, they recommend that patients refrain from using it before and after meals. If there is an urgent need to take Erespal during lactation, the mother should transfer the baby to box feeding.

Erespal: side effects

As practice shows, if you take the drug before meals, it is well tolerated by adults and young patients, but in some it still provokes development:

  • Sudden attacks of nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Disorders of the stool;
  • Problematic defecation;
  • Increased heartbeat;
  • Jumps in blood pressure;
  • drowsiness;
  • General loss of strength;
  • Sudden and prolonged bleeding;
  • Redness, itching and burning of the skin.

If the above negative effects do not disappear within a few days, the patient should stop taking Erespal before meals and consult a specialist immediately.

Erespal: when to take

Many patients are concerned about the question of how to take Erespal: before meals or after? This concern is associated with the fear of patients to harm the gastrointestinal mucosa and aggravate their health. IN official instructions it is indicated that any dosage form of Erespal should be taken by an adult and a child before meals. There is no precise information in the prescription about the time interval that must be observed between the use pharmaceutical agent and food. However, experts advise drinking tablets or syrup 10-15 minutes before meals.

The use of Erespal before meals is explained by the fact that in this case it is better absorbed by the intestines. As a result, Erespal begins to act faster in the body and facilitate the patient's symptoms and course viral disease generally.

If the patient drinks Erespal in tablets or syrup after eating, its constituent components are not absorbed in the proper amount and will be excreted with urine throughout the day, having a minimal therapeutic effect on the body.

Erespal: overdose, special instructions

If the patient has exceeded the dosage of the drug before meals, he may suffer from bouts of nausea, severe vomiting and tachycardia. Very often, an excessive dose of the drug before meals can cause severe allergic reaction.

Both dosage forms of Erespal are taken with caution by patients with diabetes and people driving vehicles.

Erespal for children

Especially for the treatment of young patients, pharmacists have developed a liquid form of the drug - syrup. They can treat children aged from two to fourteen years. A child, like an adult, is forbidden to drink Erespal after eating. The syrup is taken only before meals and strictly according to the dosage indicated by the doctor.

The dosage of the syrup is calculated according to the formula 4 milligrams of the drug per kilogram of weight. As a result, before meals, the child should take Erespal in the following dosage:

  • 2-4 teaspoons (10-20 milliliters) of medicine for children weighing less than 10 kilograms;
  • 2-4 tablespoons (30-60 milliliters) syrup before meals for children aged 2-14 years weighing more than ten kilograms;
  • 3-6 tablespoons (45-90 milliliters) of Erespal before meals for children over 14 years of age.

The daily dosage of the syrup should be divided into several doses and consumed by the child before meals throughout the day. Only the attending physician should prescribe Erespal to a child before meals. His duty is to individually calculate the dosage and duration of the therapeutic course. Parents are obliged to strictly follow medical recommendations, because only in this case the child will recover faster.

Interaction with other pharmaceuticals

In addition to the fact that experts do not recommend taking the drug after meals, it is forbidden to combine it with sedatives and alcoholic beverages. If the patient drinks Erespal with some kind of sedative, he may experience a severe breakdown, drowsiness, or, conversely, nervousness and excitability.

Concomitant drug use with alcoholic drink it will reduce the therapeutic effect of Erespal by 85 percent, provoke its accelerated excretion from the body and several times increase the risk of side effects.


Today in pharmacies you can find many analogues of Erespal, but the most effective are:

  • Brnhikum.
  • Lazolvan.
  • Ambrobene.
  • BronchoMax.
  • Inspiron.
  • Fosidal.
  • Ascoril.
  • Stoptussin.

The patient is forbidden to independently select analogues of Erespal, only a qualified specialist should do this.

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In the work proposed for attention, the drug "Erespal" will be discussed. Before food or after taking it? What are the indications and contraindications? How to buy it in a pharmacy and what is the price? All these questions can be answered by reading this article.

To begin with, it can be noted that this drug is often used in the treatment bronchial asthma. As you know, this disease must be treated with integrated approach, the drug "Erespal" is necessary to increase the activity of the cilia of the bronchial epithelium. This drug normalizes the volume of bronchial secretions.


Before answering the question of whether to take Erespal before meals or after, we will analyze the composition. This comes in two forms:

  • tablets;
  • syrup.

Their composition is slightly different. We present each of them separately in the form of a table. The composition of the tablets (left column - substance, right column - amount in milligrams):

Here we immediately mention the shell. In tablets, it consists of:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • macrogol 6000;
  • glycerol;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • hypromelloses.

Fenspiride hydrochloride

200 (for 1 milliliter of medicine there are 2 milligrams of the substance)

honey flavor

Vanilla tincture

Liquorice root

yellow dye

Methyl parahydroxybenzoate



Propyl parahydroxybenzoate

Potassium sorbate

Purified water

Up to 100 milliliters

Price and release form

To begin with, it is important to mention that it is not recommended to take Erespal (syrup for children) until two years old. Instructions, price, reviews, indications and contraindications - all this can be found by reading the article to the end.

Syrup this drug available in plastic containers with Brown color. The bottle is packed in a cardboard box, which additionally put instructions for use. The volume can be:

  • 150 milliliters;
  • 250 milliliters.

The price of Erespal syrup is approximately 250, 350 rubles. respectively.

Tablets of this medicinal product are white. The shape is biconvex. They are packed in blisters of fifteen pieces. Two plates are placed in a cardboard box at once. That is, by buying a drug for 300 rubles, you immediately get thirty tablets.


The active substance of this drug is fenspiride. Due to this, the drug "Erespal" has the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibronchoconstrictor.

Key role in development inflammatory response and bronchospasm play the main biologically active substances. These include:

  • cytokines;
  • free radicals;
  • metabolites of arachidonic acid.

Due to the active substance of the drug "Erespal" there is a decrease in the production of biologically active substances. In addition, histamine H1 receptors are blocked. This is necessary because they stimulate chemical reaction leading to an inflammatory process.

The substance fenspiride reduces the production of other inflammatory mediators, these include:

  • serotonin;
  • bradykinin.

There is a blockade of alpha-adrenergic receptors. This is necessary due to the fact that their activation enhances the secretion of bronchial glands.


Before we indicate when to take Erespal, before meals or after, we suggest getting acquainted with the pharmacokinetics.

It should be clarified here that the drug (regardless of its form) is very easily absorbed into gastrointestinal tract. Maximum concentration the active substance in human blood is found six hours after taking the pill, and two hours and thirty minutes after taking the syrup.

The drug is excreted after twelve hours. Excretion routes:

  • urine, ninety percent;
  • intestines - ten percent.


This paper discusses the drug "Erespal". How to take and what are the indications for its use? Now you can find the answer to these questions.

It has already been mentioned that this drug is used to treat diseases associated with the respiratory tract. But it was not said that both the upper and lower sections could be included here.

So, the following diseases are considered indications for the use of this drug:

  • acute inflammation of the respiratory tract;
  • flu;
  • measles;
  • whooping cough;
  • obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • allergy;
  • postoperative rehabilitation.

The last point is not a typo. This refers to surgical interventions in the nose or pharynx. To quickly reduce swelling, normalize breathing after surgery, the drug "Erespal" is prescribed. Children under one year are prescribed other drugs.


The most commonly prescribed dosage of a drug such as Erespal is 80 milligrams. In this section, you can learn about contraindications to the drug. There are not so many of them in this drug. These include:

  • allergic reaction;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug or its components;
  • age up to eighteen years when taking pills;
  • under two years of age when taking syrup for children.

It is also not recommended to take "Erespal" during pregnancy and lactation. This is due to the fact that there is very little data on studies on the above categories of individuals. However, if it is necessary to take the drug during childbearing, then artificial termination of pregnancy is not mandatory.

Medicine for children

This section will discuss the nuances of the use of the drug "Erespal" by children. Dosage for children, restrictions and warnings - these can all be found in this section articles.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that children under 14 years of age are recommended to take the drug exclusively in the form of a syrup. Up to two years, the drug should not be taken in any form.

How to take "Erespal" - before meals or after? It is drunk strictly before meals. It is necessary to follow all the rules for taking the drug and dosage. Typically the maximum daily dose is divided into three steps. The duration of the course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician.

Pay attention to the fact that the composition of the syrup includes a dye. For this reason, it should be used with caution in children suffering from intolerance. acetylsalicylic acid. Erespal syrup in this case can cause a severe allergic reaction. With caution, you should take the drug for diabetes, as it contains sucrose.


Now we turn to the issue of dosage. The drug "Erespal" how to take?

Adults and adolescents over eighteen years of age can take the drug in the form of tablets or syrup. If syrup was at hand, then the maximum daily intake is 90 milliliters, that is, six tablespoons. If you purchased Erespal tablets (80 milligrams), then the maximum daily dose is 3 tablets. Usually take one tablet 2-3 times a day.

How do children take Erespal? The dosage for children is calculated as follows: 4 milligrams per kilogram of weight. Doctors recommend that children under 10 kilograms take no more than four teaspoons per day, and more than 10 kilograms - no more than 4 tablespoons.

Side effects

The drug "Erespal" is most often prescribed for dry cough. However, you should pay attention to the side effects. These include:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • tachycardia;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • strong feeling of heartbeat;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • hives;
  • edema;
  • increased fatigue.

If you notice any of the listed symptoms, be sure to tell your doctor. If possible, your drug will be changed for treatment.

Overdose and special instructions

If quantity medication taken exceeds two thousand milligrams, it is worth contacting medical institution. Overdose symptoms include:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • tachycardia.

Please note that Erespal can cause an allergic reaction. It may appear immediately after administration or with a slight delay.

Special instructions:

  • take with caution in diabetes, adjust the diet (1 teaspoon of the drug = 3 grams of sucrose, 1 tablespoon = 9 grams of sucrose);
  • take with caution when driving.


The analogues of "Erespal" include the following drugs:

  • "Bronchicum";
  • "Lazolvan";
  • "Ambrobene";
  • "BronchoMax" and others.

The listed drugs are good and cheaper substitutes for Erespal. Before use, consult your doctor and read the instructions.

All babies get colds. Parents, in order to alleviate the torment of the child, use new and, as it seems to them, the most effective drugs. But what effect they actually produce on a growing organism, and whether they are so safe, no one thinks about it. A cold is most often accompanied by inflammation of the respiratory tract and, and various syrups are used to treat them. This is very comfortable shape medicines for young children. Today we’ll talk about Erespal syrup. Many pediatricians for the treatment of cough prescribe it. We begin our review with indications for use.

Erespal is one of the most effective modern means in the fight against cough.

When is Erespal effective?

The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is able to normalize the activity of the respiratory system. Therefore, it is used for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, which are accompanied by wet cough. It perfectly relieves the symptoms of the following diseases:

  • rhinopharyngitis (simultaneous inflammation of the nose and throat);
  • whooping cough (inflammation in the upper respiratory organs, accompanied by paroxysmal cough);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • flu;
  • rhinotracheobronchitis (swelling of the throat and bronchi occurs).

Erespal is a real lifesaver for diseases of the ENT organs.

Since this drug is able to eliminate not only cough, but also relieve inflammation, the use of other drugs (you can drink vitamins) is not required. And this excludes the simultaneous influence of several agents that can lead to unexpected consequences. It is always easier to study the instructions and the composition of one medication and, if the first signs appear side effects, just cancel it, and not guess which of the drugs caused the allergy.

Composition and safety

The drug is available in the form of pills and syrup. For children, a fluid consistency is used. The basis of the drug is fenspiride hydrochloride, which blocks the formation of sputum by acting on the receptors that provoke its appearance. Complement this substance:

  • licorice extract (a cough remedy that has an antimicrobial effect on the body);
  • vanilla tincture (makes the syrup taste pleasant);
  • glycerol (prevents constipation);
  • sunset yellow (colors the syrup orange);
  • saccharin (sweetener);
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate (preservative);
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate ( food supplement to extend the shelf life of the product);
  • flavoring with honey smell;
  • potassium sorbate (preservative);
  • water.

Of the listed ingredients, an allergic reaction can be caused by: sweetener, flavor, dye and preservatives. If your child is allergic - give syrup with caution, observe.

If your baby is allergic, any medicine should be given with caution.

Erespal is able, though not completely, but to replace the action. It perfectly eliminates the symptoms of the disease. Without harming the health of the crumbs, unlike antibacterial agents capable of significantly, which is not desirable for infants.

According to the famous doctor Komarovsky, Erespal can be used for wet chest cough. If the disease occurs in mild form, then they do not need to get involved. Switch to more gentle herbal preparations. However, if your pediatrician deemed it necessary to prescribe it, then the dosage should be strictly observed. And don't fix it yourself.

How to treat a child with Erespal syrup?

The instructions for use indicate () that the daily dose of medicine for babies under two years of age should not exceed 20 ml. It needs to be divided into three steps. Babies can be given syrup along with food, pouring it into a bottle beforehand. The baby will not notice an extraneous taste in his food and will calmly drink the mixture.

The dosage is calculated for each child individually, taking into account his weight. We give indicative indicators of the norms from the annotation to the drug:

  • children from 2 to 14 years old - 30-60 ml per day;
  • children over 14 can take both syrup and tablets - 80 ml per day.

You need to take the medicine at least 3 times a day.

The daily dose is indicated. Erespal should be taken 3 times a day. The duration of taking the medicine is up to 20 days, but the doctor determines the exact period of treatment. It all depends on the condition of the baby and the form of the disease. You can not use the drug for a long time so that side effects do not appear.


Just one thing - individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug, but it can turn into an allergy in the form of urticaria, Quincke's edema or cause drowsiness,. It can also affect the psyche of the child and he will become irritable and unbalanced. If these symptoms appear or the baby's behavior changes, you should seek the advice of a doctor.


You can buy Erespal at any pharmacy. The approximate price of a 150 ml bottle is 260 rubles, and a 250 ml bottle is 430 rubles. If the drug did not suit you, here are its analogues - syrups with a similar effect:

  • Eryspirus;
  • Ambrohexal.
  • Ambrohexal.


Erespal copes with cold symptoms. It is able to eliminate swelling and inflammation in the first days of use and significantly shorten the recovery period. Some kids get over sharp forms diseases only with the help of it, without the participation of other drugs.

Children's syrup Erespal - strong effective medicine: on the one hand, it acts on the disease, quickly eliminating it; on the other hand, it can cause adverse reactions in a fragile children's body. Apply with care!

Cough is a fairly common problem in children who have recently had SARS. It can start out quite harmlessly, and over time develop into a serious complication.

There are a number of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which will help get rid of an annoying cough. Today we will consider an unusual remedy for eliminating this symptom called Erespal. When it is shown what kind of cough he can do, as well as side effects - all this can be found in our publication.

Erespal syrup 2 mg/ml 150 ml

Release form, composition of the drug and action

Erespal for children is available in the form of a syrup, for adolescents and adults - in tablets. The preparation contains active substance- fenspiride hydrochloride, which has several useful properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • prevents the development of the process of narrowing of the bronchi - bronchoconstriction;
  • reduces the production of bronchial secretions.

1 ml of syrup contains 2 mg of the active substance, and the vial contains 150 (250) ml of the product. One tablet contains 80 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride. Next, consider the auxiliary components included in the syrup. There are quite a few of them, since fenspiride has a not too pleasant bitter taste and the manufacturer is forced to use components to improve it:

  • licorice root extract (see also:);
  • glycerol;
  • orange yellow food coloring S;
  • methylparaben (E-218);
  • para-hydroxybenzoic acid ester;
  • sweeteners;
  • potassium salt of sorbic acid;
  • water;
  • flavor additive "honey".

The composition of the tablets:

  • calcium phosphate disubstituted dihydrate;
  • methyloxypropyl cellulose;
  • crospovidone;
  • silica;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide anhydrous;
  • salt of magnesium and stearic acid;
  • titanium white;
  • glycerol;
  • macrogol 6000.

The drug begins to act within an hour after ingestion (this is quite normal for a syrup). Tablets begin their work in two hours.

Indications for the use of syrup

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Erepal syrup is used for inflammation of the respiratory tract and infections

Erespal is prescribed for children and adults to eliminate cough. However, the instructions indicate much more evidence. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Therapy of inflammation of the ENT organs and respiratory tract caused by infection. They include different kinds bronchitis, otitis, laryngitis, tracheitis (we recommend reading:).
  2. Pulmonary obstruction, pneumonia. In this case, Erespal is prescribed in combination with other drugs.
  3. Allergic rhinitis, which manifests itself seasonally or does not disappear throughout the year.
  4. Respiratory symptoms of SARS, influenza, childhood infectious diseases.
  5. Whooping cough.

What type of cough does the remedy help?

According to experts, Erespal is effective in the fight against any kind baby cough. In this it differs from the mass of drugs of similar action, among which are cough suppressants, expectorants, mucolytics. Erespal does not belong to the listed groups, since it has several useful properties at once.

Erespal effectively relieves symptoms severe cough and reduces mucus production

The instructions for use indicate that Erespal will relieve symptoms allergic cough and rhinitis, will reduce the formation of sputum and at the same time expand the airways to facilitate its discharge. That is, the drug will help to quickly cope with dry, wet, as well as protracted, harassing the patient long months, cough.

In connection with the listed advantages, the syrup can immediately replace several remedies that are prescribed for children when coughing - anti-allergic drops, mucolytics, expectorants. Moreover, taking it allows you to reduce the list of prescribed medications, especially when it comes to prolonged coughing.

Dosage of Erespal for children

Consider the dosage of Erespal for children (see also:). The syrup is indicated for children from 24 months. When prescribing it, the doctor focuses on the body weight of the child at the rate of 4 μg (2 ml of syrup) per 1 kg of the child's weight. This is the daily dose of the drug - it should be divided by the number of doses per day, which can be 2 or 3.

Example: a child weighing 9 kg can receive 18 ml of Erespal syrup per day. This means that parents can give the baby 3 times a day, 6 ml of syrup.

For children over 12 years of age and adults, the daily dose is prescribed in the range of 45-90 ml of syrup. However, in this case, it is advisable to use Erespal tablets, which should be taken two pieces a day - in the morning and in the evening. At acute course diseases, it is allowed to increase the intake - drink 3 tablets per day.

The course of therapy depends on many factors - the dynamics of the disease, individual sensitivity to the drug, the nature of the cough (dry or productive). The doctor prescribes Erespal's reception and he also controls the effectiveness of the treatment. On average, it is recommended to drink the drug for a month or until a stable effect appears.

Erespal can be used in combination with antibiotics and other drugs. The syrup is often prescribed as aid during the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia. It is only important to correctly distribute the intake of drugs. Erespal should be taken before meals, and antibiotics after.

Before using other antitussive medicines together with this medicine, you should consult a specialist. In some cases, it is possible to prescribe the drug to a child who is not yet two years old. In this situation, the help of a pediatrician is also needed.

Contraindications for use

If the patient knows that he has intolerance to one of the components of the remedy, then the drug is not prescribed to him. In addition, other contraindications are indicated in the instructions for use. Tablets are not given to children under 12 years of age, and syrup is not recommended:

  • children under 2 years old;
  • people with chronic hypertension, heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, as the composition contains licorice root;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, since studies in this direction have not been conducted.

Possible side effects

The use of Erespal can cause abdominal pain and stool disorders.

According to the research, side effects when taking Erespal, they do not occur often. In children, undesirable consequences were recorded in 2.4% of cases, in adults - a little more (about 8%). According to statistics, most often there are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract as side effects while taking Erespal. Abdominal pain, loose stools, nausea, vomiting are possible. In addition, the following are noted:

  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • skin manifestations - urticaria, small rash, skin redness, itching;
  • asthenic syndrome, general weakness, severe fatigue.

Caution should be taken when taking the drug to people driving vehicles. In some cases, tablets can cause a decrease in the reaction rate and cause drowsiness.

The cost of the drug and its analogues

Syrup in pharmacies can be bought at a price of 250 to 600 rubles per bottle. The cost does not depend on the manufacturer (domestic medicines are not cheaper than imported ones), but on the volume. The drug is available in bottles of 150 and 250 ml. A pack of tablets (30 pieces) costs about 400 rubles.

Erespal's analogues containing the same active substance are presented in our table. In addition, we indicated the cost of drugs and the age at which they can be taken.

Erespal - modern drug used to treat cough that occurs with various inflammatory processes and infections in the respiratory tract. Cough is one of the most unpleasant consequences of the flu. And although by its nature it is one of defense mechanisms that help the body fight infection, it doesn’t get any easier. Often, coughing is accompanied by spasm of the bronchi and a violation of their patency (bronchoconstriction). Cough is especially dangerous for young children, to whom it causes great suffering.


The main component of the drug is fenspiride hydrochloride. This substance has a triple effect on the body. First, it reduces inflammation. Secondly, it acts on histamine receptors and thereby blocks the production of mucus in the bronchi. Thirdly, it has an antispasmodic effect. Therefore, the use of Erespal contributes to the expansion of the bronchi.

The principle of action of the drug is fundamentally different from the principle of action of other antitussive drugs. They are divided into two large groups. Some of them affect the so-called dry cough, that is, a cough without sputum production. Others contribute to the liquefaction of this sputum, and its removal from the body.
Erespal does not belong to any of these groups. But this does not prevent him from being highly effective. The reason is that the drug fights not so much with the consequences of inflammation as it suppresses the mechanism of its occurrence. In addition, fenspiride suppresses the cough reflex without affecting the corresponding center of the brain.

One of the advantages of the drug is that it can be useful in viral respiratory infections(SARS), in which antibiotics do not work. This is due to the fact that it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Most of the drug is excreted through the kidneys, and about one tenth through the intestines.

Indications for use:

  • laryngitis
  • pharyngitis
  • bronchial asthma
  • flu
  • sinusitis

A natural question arises, can Erespal serve as a replacement for treating the body with antibiotics? Of course no. Erespal is predominantly an antitussive, and cannot be the only method of treating infectious diseases.

Forms of release and composition

The drug is available in two dosage forms: in tablets with a dosage of 80 mg and Erespal for children in the form of a syrup in 150 ml vials. Each drug box contains detailed instructions which should be read carefully.


Fenspiride hydrochloride is a rather bitter substance. Therefore, the syrup contains many sweeteners and flavors so that children would take the medicine with pleasure.

Tablet composition:

  • fenspiride
  • dibasic calcium phosphate
  • hypromellose
  • povidone
  • colloidal anhydrous silicon
  • magnesium stearate
  • titanium dioxide
  • glycerol
  • macrogol 6000

The syrup is sold in 150 ml bottles. 1 ml of syrup contains 2 mg of fenspiride.

Other substances that make up the syrup:

  • honey flavor
  • licorice root extract
  • glucose
  • anise oil
  • vanillin extract
  • glycerol
  • dye Sunset Yellow S
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate
  • saccharin
  • sucrose
  • potassium sorbate
  • distilled water

Erespal is produced by French pharmaceutical company"Laboratory Servier". This is a proven and reliable supplier. However, as with many other imported drugs, the price of the drug may seem too high. In this case, you can look for analogues of the drug containing fenspiride. These drugs include Fenspiride, Erispirus, Codestim, Fosidal and some others. However, when choosing an effective drug, one should focus not only on prices, since drugs of lower cost may lose in quality. Other antitussive drugs are unlikely to replace Erespal, since they do not have an antihistamine and antispasmodic effect.

The drug is sold in pharmacies by prescription. Erespal is stored at room temperature. The shelf life of tablets is 3 years, syrup - 2 years.

Erespal, instructions for use

Before taking Erespal, you should read the instructions for use, which is supplied with the drug. The drug is very well absorbed by the body when oral intake and starts working after a few hours. For tablets therapeutic effect begins to appear after 2-3 hours, for syrup - after an hour. Maximum effect the effect of the drug reaches after 6 hours. In case of overdose, you should consult a doctor.

Instructions for use of tablets for adults

According to the instructions, two 80 mg tablets should be taken per day. At severe course diseases, the doctor can increase the frequency of admission up to 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is also determined by the doctor. In most cases, improvement occurs within 2-3 days. According to Erespal's instructions, the drug is usually taken before meals.

Erespal tablets are for adults only. Children under 14 are not allowed to take them. For the treatment of children, it is better to use Erespal in the form of a syrup, while following the instructions.

Instructions for use of syrup for children

The dosage of syrup for children depends on the body weight of the child. It should be selected so that the daily dose would not exceed 4 mg/kg of body weight. Usually, for children weighing less than 10 kg, syrup is prescribed 2-4 teaspoons per day, and for children heavier than 10 kg, 2-4 tablespoons. Erespal syrup can be taken by children from 2 years of age. A child under 2 years of age should not be given the drug in any form. For adults, Erespal syrup should be taken 2-3 tablespoons (45-90 ml) per day.


The drug has very few contraindications. First of all, it is not recommended to give the drug to children under 2 years of age. Secondly, it is an individual intolerance active substance and auxiliary components that make up the drug. Since the syrup contains sucrose, it is contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus. Such patients should take pills.

Interaction with other drugs

At simultaneous reception other antitussives should be consulted with a doctor. It is not recommended to take Erespal with sedatives and alcohol, since the drug, as antihistamine, has its own sedative effect, which will enhance the sedative effect of other drugs.

Also in case of simultaneous use of Erespal, alcohol and other sedatives a deterioration in the rate of reaction should be feared. This should be taken into account by those who drive vehicles.

Side effects

Occasionally, there may be:

  • allergic reactions, nausea, drowsiness and lethargy
  • moderate tachycardia
  • gastrointestinal disorders
  • epigastric pain
  • drowsiness
  • erythema
  • hives
  • angioedema
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Name of the drugRelease formAt what age can you takeCost, rubles
Siresp, PolandSyrup (2 mg/ml)From 24 months170
Eladon, RussiaTablets (80 mg/30 or 60 pcs.)From 18 years old230-460
Epistat, HungarySyrup and tablets (80 mg/30 pcs.)Syrup - from 2 years old, tablets - from 18190 tablets