Influenza in children: symptoms, treatment, prevention, possible complications. Influenza in children: symptoms, complications, treatment. Difference from colds Influenza symptoms in a child of 2 years

One of the most common viral diseases that are highly contagious is influenza in children. Children are more susceptible to any infections due to imperfections immune protection, active growth and development of the body, which often cannot correctly distribute forces for growth and for the protection of the body. For the youngest children, influenza is especially dangerous, which is why it is so important to know how to act in order to prevent the development of complications.

How infection occurs

The reasons why infection occurs are simple: the virus is easily transmitted through the air or through contact with objects that a sick child has touched. The release of the virus into the external environment occurs at the time of sneezing, coughing, breathing, when droplets of saliva or mucus are released, in which the virus is concentrated.

A healthy child becomes infected by inhaling particles of saliva and mucus along with the air. The virus, getting on the mucous membrane, penetrates the body, begins to multiply, changing the work of cells, for the reproduction of new microbes. The disease manifests itself with characteristic symptoms when a certain number of viral cells in the body is reached.

Important! A toddler can become infected by taking a sick child's toy and then rubbing their eyes.

Symptoms of the disease

The first stage that any disease goes through is the incubation period. It can last from 12 hours to 5 days, depending on the weakened children's immunity. Average duration period - 1-2 days. The symptoms are growing rapidly.

Flu symptoms in a child:

  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • high temperature (up to 40-41 ° C);
  • muscle and headache, pain when moving the eyes;
  • stuffy nose, transparent snot flows from it;
  • in rare cases, nausea,.

For complications associated with lesions nervous system dizziness, hallucinations, convulsions may occur.

As antibodies to the virus are developed, pain muscles and head go away, nasal discharge becomes thicker, the child is on the mend.

Types of viruses

The influenza virus is divided into 3 types: A, B, C. The first type has the highest epidemiological status: it has a variable structure and the ability to mutate. The virus destroys the cell membrane and freely enters the body. signs different types flu are similar.

Swine flu

For swine flu characteristic:

  • sudden onset of the disease with an increase in temperature up to 41 ° C;
  • pain in the eyes, head, all over the body;
  • anxiety, tearfulness in a child;
  • congestion and scarce transparent selection from the nose (abundant are not typical for this type of flu);
  • there are pressure surges, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • the vessels become thinner, which can lead to nosebleeds and pinpoint hemorrhages;
  • a wet cough may occur.

For a long time after recovery, the child accompanies fatigue, weakness.

At severe course disease observed bleeding from the nose, gums, hallucinations, vomiting, convulsions.

Attention! The danger of swine flu lies in the possibility of developing a hypertoxic form of the disease, which can lead to death from pulmonary edema or acute heart failure. Only a few hours can separate from the death of a baby from the moment the first symptoms appear.

Bird flu

Avian influenza is one of the varieties of the virus that goes beyond its species-specificity and can infect humans. This type of flu affects the lungs. Incubation period is from 2 to 8 days.

How the disease progresses

  • pain in the muscles, abdomen, chest;
  • bleeding from the nose, gums;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • viral pneumonia develops.

The disease develops very quickly, during the period of epidemics, the mortality rate from the disease is high.

Treating the flu in a child

When the first signs of the disease appear in a child, it is necessary to immediately call a doctor who will conduct an examination and draw up a treatment schedule. At mild form diseases are treated at home.

How to treat the flu at home:

  1. For the first few days, it is desirable to provide the child with calm and bed rest.
  2. Abundant drinking regimen and light diet. If the child refuses to eat - do not force it, the body is already hard to fight the infection. You can offer your baby to eat vegetables, fruits, cereals, drink rosehip broth, water, tea, compote.
  3. Take an antipyretic at temperatures above 38.5 ° C (read).
  4. Antibiotics for flu and colds are prescribed in exceptional cases, if complications are suspected (, etc.).
  5. Do not wrap the child, do not additionally heat the room. It is better to ventilate more often, after removing the child from the room.
  6. Light exercise stress after 3 days of illness contributes active work respiratory and excretory systems improves the child's mood.
  7. Antiviral drugs and flu are prescribed by a doctor for early stages disease development.

Important! A sick child develops strong immunity to the virus, however, it mutates so quickly that a new strain can again infect the body.

  • Ibuprofen, Nurofen or is used as an antipyretic;
  • nasal drops Grippferon, (from 6 months), Xylometazoline (from 2 years);
  • rinse the nose with Aquamaris or saline;
  • antiviral drugs Tamiflu, Arbidol, Remantadin relieve flu symptoms well, can be used to prevent the disease.

Any medication is taken only after consulting a doctor.

Remember! Analgin is not used for the treatment of children under 14 years of age due to the risk of serious complications.

Flu Complications

The most serious complications:

  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • neuralgia, polyneuritis (multiple nerve damage);
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • meningoencephalitis;
  • myocarditis.

The addition of a bacterial infection leads to secondary complications. The most common of them is . Often, secondary complications with influenza affect the ENT organs (otitis media, pharyngitis,).

Disease prevention

To reduce the risk of developing a disease in a child, you must follow a few simple rules.

Disease prevention measures:

  • frequent hand washing with soap;
  • the presence of vitamin C, fresh fruits and vegetables in the children's diet;
  • constant ventilation of the premises;
  • in the autumn-winter period, try to avoid places large cluster of people ( shopping centers, cinemas, cafes, etc.);
  • before leaving, call to lubricate the nose with oxolinic ointment, and upon returning, rinse the nose warm water with soap;
  • try to avoid contact healthy child with the patient and his toys;
  • explain to the child that you can not touch your face with dirty hands, rub your eyes, put your hands in your mouth.

Attention! It is forbidden to vaccinate children with signs of any disease or who have recently been ill.

A contraindication is an allergy to a component of the composition (chicken egg protein). Introduction live and inactivated vaccine prohibited for certain diseases of cardio-vascular system, bronchial asthma, diseases of the nervous system.

The flu shot is vaccination against one specific strain of the virus that is most common in this moment time or outbreaks of which were observed not so long ago. It is effective only from one specific species, and next year the vaccination will have to be done again from a new strain.

It makes no sense to vaccinate if the epidemic has already begun. It takes at least 2-4 weeks for a child's body to develop antibodies to the flu. It is advisable to vaccinate at the beginning of autumn in order to have a guarantee of body protection by November.

The child's body is still very delicate and vulnerable, to monitor the health of the child and treat him in time means to provide him with a minimum of health problems in adulthood.

The transition to the autumn-winter period is accompanied by many diseases such as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Nasal congestion, cough, pain in the throat - the main symptoms in which the doctor establishes one of these diagnoses. Despite the similarity of the names of ARI and SARS, ...

Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) is an infectious disease that affects the respiratory system. One of the main symptoms this disease- increased body temperature. Most often, the disease develops as a result of hypothermia in ...

The flu is acute infection With predominant lesion bodies respiratory system, most often of the upper respiratory tract, caused by influenza viruses. Most often, due to immunological features influenza occurs in children and in elderly patients, since these groups are most susceptible to infection and have minimal resistance.

Influenza is an independent disease, which nevertheless is included in the group of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). According to the latest WHO recommendations, during the development of the disease, a diagnosis of ARVI is initially made, and after immunological confirmation, a specific virus is indicated - influenza, parainfluenza, RS virus and others.

In this case, the disease is caused not by one type of virus, but by several subspecies, or, in relation to viruses, strains. These are viruses A, B, C, which in turn also differ among the same subspecies. Differences are achieved through protein antigenic structures H (hemagglutinin) and N (neurominidase). So the famous "swine flu" is influenza A (H1N1), " bird flu» - influenza A (H5N1). Eventually total number possible antigenic variants exceeds 2000. It is due to this that a high degree of variability of the virus is ensured and that the body cannot develop stable immunity.

The main differences between influenza and SARS

It should be noted right away that influenza viruses and viruses of other acute respiratory viral infections have many similarities in the diseases they cause, and this is due to the fact that they mainly affect upper divisions respiratory tract. However, there is distinctive features, on the basis of which a specialist can reasonably suspect the flu based on clinical features diseases. The most significant of them are presented in the form of a table.

Main features Flu SARS
The occurrence of the disease In transitional periods - spring and autumn, much less frequently in other periods. Almost exclusively in transitional periods.
The prevalence of disease cases Significant epidemics in terms of the number of cases, often pandemics. Relatively infrequent cases of diseases, in certain regions and with certain conditions possible epidemics.
Preferential distribution type Airborne with high contagiousness (the ability to get sick), even with minimal contact with the infected. Mostly contact with intensive and often long-term communication with the sick person.
Clinical features of the initial period The disease initially develops rapidly, up to several hours with a rapid increase in symptoms. The rate of development of the disease depends on the specific virus, but all the same, the onset can stretch for several days with a gradual deterioration in well-being.
Clinic Features Most often, symptoms of general intoxication predominate with a general feeling unwell. Local symptoms on the part of the respiratory system, they are inferior, but also quite significant. With the development of ARVI, intoxication is much less pronounced, often at a minimal level. At the same time, symptoms from the respiratory system are more pronounced - nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing. Cough is usually absent.
Temperature response It is expressed significantly, often to critically high numbers. Most often, not lower than 38 and lasting about 5 days. It is weakly expressed, most often, not reaching the level of 38. The duration usually does not exceed 3 days.
Possibility of complications Very often there are secondary complications in the form of attachment of bacterial processes. In this case, the bronchi and lungs (bronchitis and pneumonia) are predominantly affected. Often there are primary pulmonary complications in the form of viral pneumonia. Complications occur quite rarely. Most often occurs during the development SARS in children, elderly or debilitated patients. At the same time, complications are secondary or bacterial in nature and are represented by local forms - pharyngitis, rhinitis.
Adverse Outcomes They develop quite often in the form of hypertoxic forms of influenza, damage to other organs and tissues, and deaths are not uncommon, under certain circumstances. ( SARS, CNS damage, other options). In principle, there are no adverse outcomes. Exceptionally rare variants can be observed in certain circumstances (immunodeficiency states, extremely weakened patients, the presence of other serious diseases).
Possibility of primary prevention Primary prevention in the form of vaccinations is possible based on the analysis of virus strains, disease-causing and the availability of a vaccine for that particular or the most common strains. Vaccination is not carried out due to the many different viruses, the mild course and the extremely low risk of a mass morbidity or epidemic.
Capabilities secondary prevention and treatment There are a number of drugs with proven effectiveness, the action of which is directed specifically at the most common strains of the influenza virus. There are no drugs with proven efficacy and used in Western countries against ARVI pathogens
Possibilities of modulating the quality of the immune response in prevention and treatment Based various medicines ny forms of the drug Cytovir-3 is indicated positive effect with preventive and medical admission as additional funds in complex treatment. In adults and children, Cytovir-3 with prophylactic administration or treatment course accelerates the healing process, even in the absence of specific etiological therapy.

Influenza and SARS in children- main clinical manifestations

In any case, the clinical picture, both for influenza and for other respiratory viral infections, consists of a combination of certain symptoms. The most pronounced clinical manifestations are influenza in children and we will take it as a basis for describing individual symptoms:

General malaise- appears at the very beginning of the disease, before the appearance of other signs of the disease. Flu in a child begins with severe lethargy, decreased motor activity, unwillingness to play and loss of appetite. In the case of influenza, this condition may last less than a day and other symptoms begin to join it.

hyperthermia - increased temperature in children with influenza occurs early and almost immediately reaches high values. A particularly significant rise is observed in the evening and at night. Without treatment and taking antipyretics, the temperature is almost always above 38 degrees, and with severe forms diseases can reach 39-40 degrees. characteristic feature is the duration of the temperature reaction up to 5 days, in some situations up to a week.

Rhinorrhea - Profuse nasal discharge and runny nose are not typical flu symptoms. Usually there may be a slight nasal congestion with excessive dryness. They are more inherent in other acute respiratory viral infections, when irritation can occur due to abundant discharge. skin in the region of the nostrils.

Cough - is one of main signs of influenza in children. Moreover, with an influenza infection, it is practically without sputum, very pronounced, hoarse, accompanied by a feeling of pain in the chest and throat, and does not bring relief to the baby. In other acute respiratory viral infections, cough is usually minimally expressed. Most often, it occurs when a child swallows excess discharge from the nasal cavity. Even if it occurs on its own, it will not be so stubborn and painful for the baby.

These symptoms describe an uncomplicated course flu in a child. If the condition worsens significantly, then this indicates the addition of lesions to other organs and tissues, both primarily viral and secondary bacterial. Among other things, some complications arise with incorrect treatment, such as a lesion internal organs when using certain drugs.

Fundamentals of proper treatment of influenza in children

Despite the apparent harmlessness of the disease and the fact that the viral infection resolves on its own in 7-9 days, in uncomplicated cases, properly selected and fully received treatment, on the one hand, shortens the duration of the disease, and on the other hand, significantly reduces the severity clinical manifestations and alleviate the human condition.

  • The use of specialized etiotropic drugs for the influenza virus, at the earliest stages of the disease. Their effectiveness has been reliably proven within 4-6 hours from the onset of the disease. If you start taking them later, they become ineffective.
  • Antipyretic therapy is carried out only with certain drugs, more often from the ibuprofen group. AT this case use of aspirin to lower the temperature is strictly contraindicated due to the possibility of liver damage.
  • Symptomatic therapy is carried out to relieve cough, rhinorrhea and other painful symptoms. In any case, the appointment should be made by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.
  • Immunomodulatory drugs. On the territory of the Russian Federation, various dosage forms of the drug are certified. cytovir-3 for children, as powder or syrup. The drug produced in Europe is widely used abroad. In this case, the impact on the child's body occurs in the form of modulation and qualitative improvement of the immune response, which allows the body to effectively fight viruses. An important feature is universality, that is, the effect on the immune system contributes to the fight against any viruses, both influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.

Flu Prevention in Children and other age groups of patients

The wide distribution of any type of acute respiratory viral infections and the tendency to develop epidemics for influenza with many cases make the task of preventing the disease the main one. For this purpose, various flu prevention products both in children and adults:

  • General measures in the form of observing the regime of the day, walking on fresh air, general increase body resistance;
  • Minimizing the possibility of prolonged contact with a sick person;
  • Against the background of well-being, preventive intake of multivitamin preparations and the optimal level of physical activity;
  • Before the onset of the transitional periods of the season, vaccination, which includes the most likely according to WHO recommendations, based on the study and forecasting of the epidemiological situation;
  • Increasing the internal reserves and capabilities of the body. In this case, we are talking about the immune system. Taking immunomodulators such as Cytovir-3 does not enhance immunity itself, however, it changes it in such a way that the body's response becomes maximum in efficiency when a virus enters the body

practical advice, how to treat flu in children at home

When a child develops excessive lethargy and a rapid addition of temperature with an increase in symptoms, it is necessary to provide the baby with complete rest and bed rest.

Be sure to carry out sanitary cleaning in the room with surface treatment and regular ventilation.

If more than 4-6 hours have passed since the onset of the disease, then the reception of specialized antiviral drugs won't be effective.

Reasonable is plentiful drink, antipyretic therapy and symptomatic treatment in the form of antitussive therapy, the fight against nasal congestion.

As part of complex therapy Tsitovir-3 proved to be excellent in various dosage forms. It can be safely used from 3 years of age. He naturally stimulates the body's own ability to fight infection.

Proven by many studies is the effectiveness of such a combination therapy in the form of a reduction in the duration of the disease and a decrease in the severity of symptoms. In any case, it is necessary to contact a specialist to obtain appropriate prescriptions and discuss treatment tactics.

In contact with

It can be difficult for inexperienced parents to distinguish by the first symptoms whether a child has the flu or a common cold. These two diseases have many similarities, but also differences that an attentive mother must learn to notice herself in order to help the baby in time and call the doctor.

When do the first signs of influenza appear in children?

Depending on the aggressiveness of the virus, as well as the ability of the child's immune system to resist infections, the disease manifests itself. It can begin even a few hours after contact with a sick person (this happens with), but more often the symptoms manifest themselves after 2-3 days.

What are the first symptoms of influenza in children?

As a rule, the temperature rises first of the whole complex of flu symptoms, and it occurs unexpectedly and is immediately alarming, since the thermometer shows 39.0-39.6 ° C, and sometimes even higher. These are very large numbers that do not correspond to a banal cold. In this state, the child complains about headache and sometimes intolerance to bright light.

Having noticed these first flu symptoms in a child, the mother should know what to do before the doctor arrives. The temperature must certainly be brought down, otherwise the intoxication of the body will increase rapidly. Paracetamol for children, Panadol, Ibuprofen, Analdim suppositories and other children's preparations with a similar composition are suitable for this.

In addition to an increase in temperature, body aches are observed - painful sensations in calf muscles, arms, back, neck. But only a child after 3-4 years old can say this, and before this age, kids do not quite understand what is happening to them.

Very young children from the first hours of the disease become sharply capricious, they can cry without a break. In infants, intense regurgitation is often observed.

On the second or third day high temperature nasal congestion joins first, and then copious excretion slime from it. Normally, it is liquid and transparent, but if there are purulent discharge- this is a bad sign and the attending doctor must certainly know about it.

Along with a runny nose, cough and pain in chest. Older children can tell the doctor about this, but the kids, alas, still do not understand their condition. The flu cough is dry, irritating, sometimes so severe that it gives pain in the abdominal muscles.

If the cough becomes wet, as with bronchitis, and at the same time the coughing up mucus is yellow or green, then it is possible that the course of the influenza infection has given rise to a complication in the form of pneumonia. This rarely happens when adequate treatment, but without it it can be even with the usual influenza virus.

How to treat the first signs of influenza in children?

An attentive mother, noticing any first signs of the flu, wants to know what can be given to the child in order to alleviate his condition. First of all, it is important to lower the temperature to normal, or at least to subfebrile, which will not lead to intense dehydration. This is done with antipyretics.

Parallel to reception medicines You should systematically give your baby plenty of fluids. It can be currant and viburnum fruit drinks, chamomile tea, low-fat broths or just pure water.

The main thing is that the child drinks, because if he refuses to drink, then the infection spreads through the body faster and the defenses will no longer be able to cope on their own and hospitalization will be required for intravenous infusions.

The doctor prescribes for the treatment of influenza various choice which depends on the age of the child. So, for kids, you can use Viferon suppositories, Interferon or Laferobion drops, and children after the age of seven can be given Remantadin, Amizon and the like tablets. It is important to start treatment with these drugs from the first day of the disease.

Reading 8 min. Views 17.8k. Published on 20.11.2018

The name of this disease comes from the French verb "grab", it affects all people without exception, epidemics occur every year. This disease is the flu. And today we will talk about what flu symptoms in children appear after infection, how dangerous this pathology is, how to deal with it, and whether it can be prevented.

Influenza viruses - basic information about the types of disease

There are several strains of the virus, each causing a different clinical picture- from mild discomfort to serious illness, which is accompanied by various complications.

Main strains:

  1. A - different a high degree infectiousness, provokes the occurrence of epidemics every 2-3 years, spreads most rapidly in large groups.
  2. B - the virus is unstable to conditions external environment causes epidemics every 4-7 years.
  3. C - the virus circulates among the population practically all year round, therefore rarely causes the development of epidemics, the disease most often occurs in a mild form.

Influenza viruses are constantly changing, so effective drugs there is no cure. The most dangerous strains occur when human and animal viruses are crossed - bird flu, swine flu.

The risk group includes almost all children, especially those who have just started attending Kindergarten or school.

Separately, it should be said about babies: influenza in infants under 6 months is diagnosed very rarely, since the baby's body is protected by maternal antibodies.

How does the flu start?

All influenza viruses initially infect upper Airways, destroy mucous membranes, the affected cells are rejected by the body during coughing and sneezing, which leads to the rapid spread of the disease.

The average incubation period lasts 6-48 hours. An infected person is dangerous to others for 7-9 days, even if the manifestations of the disease are no longer present.

Influenza always starts suddenly, the first signs appear within a few hours after infection - a sharp increase in temperature to 38.5 degrees or more, chills, body aches, children often experience vomiting attacks, convulsive syndrome.

Cough and runny nose appear a little later. At the initial stage, transparent mucus is released from the nose, gradually it acquires a milky, greenish tint, which indicates the development of a purulent process. Cough unproductive, painful.

How is the flu different from a cold

On the initial stage can be difficult to distinguish between the common cold and dangerous flu The symptoms of these pathologies are largely similar, but there are a number of significant differences.

Influenza and SARS - differences

The rate of development of the disease It develops rapidly, the child's condition deteriorates noticeably in just a few hours. Feeling worse slowly, over several days or even weeks
Temperature indicators The values ​​rise sharply to the mark of 38 degrees and above, they last for several days even when taking antipyretics. It often proceeds without temperature, sometimes the values ​​rise to 37.5-38 degrees.
Signs of intoxication Strongly expressed, often in children there are bouts of vomiting. Weakly expressed.
Catarrhal symptoms Rhinitis, sore throat do not always appear. But the mucous membrane of the larynx becomes inflamed, reddens, often the disease is accompanied by a dry painful cough. Runny nose, cough, sore throat, watery eyes are common symptoms of a cold.

Treatment Methods

Flu - viral disease Therefore, it is not necessary to immediately give the child antibiotics. Strong drugs are needed only when bacterial infections are attached, although many pediatricians prescribe them immediately for reinsurance.

Ineffective for influenza and antihistamines, homeopathic, expectorants.

How and how to treat influenza in children:

  • observe bed rest;
  • feed the child only on demand, all food should be light and dietary;
  • breastfeeding breastfed babies more often;
  • plentiful warm drink is a must - give the child fruit drinks, compotes, juices, tea, milk, a decoction of linden, chamomile;
  • to reduce the temperature in children, use only Ibuprofen and Paracetamol, do not exceed the dosage;
  • ventilate the room more often - the temperature in the room should be 20-22 degrees, humidity in the range of 50-70%;
  • do wet cleaning daily;
  • give vitamins, ascorbic acid is especially necessary for sick children.

Antivirals should be given to children within 24 hours of the onset of the first flu symptoms. Safe medicines for children up to a year - Anaferon, Immunoflazid, Viferon. For children aged 1-2 years - Immunal, Tamiflu, over 3 years old - Arbidol, Hyporamine.

What types of flu can we expect in 2019?

The average duration of an influenza epidemic is 4 weeks, during the season there are usually several cases of mass infection of the population, while people are affected by different strains.

WHO has already made predictions about which strains of the virus will be active in 2019.

Description of viruses

Name Type of Symptoms
Brisbane B The incubation period is 2-4 days. Approximately on the 5th day of illness, the temperature rises to 39 degrees or more, weakness, dizziness, fever and fever, runny nose, muscle and headache appear.
Michigan A It mutates quickly, the incubation period is 24-72 hours, the first manifestations occur within a few hours after infection. Symptoms - the temperature rises to a mark of 38 degrees or more, conjunctivitis develops, profuse lacrimation is observed, the throat becomes inflamed, mucus is abundantly released from the nose.
Hong Kong A You can get infected not only from people, but also from birds and animals. The incubation period is 24-48 hours. Symptoms - a sharp increase in temperature indicators to 38 degrees and above, while the values ​​\u200b\u200bdo not decrease even after taking antipyretics, there is a fever, the throat turns red, the head hurts in the forehead and temples, speech becomes incoherent.

The approximate dates of the epidemics are January 2019, February-March 2019. The last epidemic is considered especially dangerous, since the invasion of two viruses at the same time is expected.

Complications after the flu

Due to the imperfect functioning of the immune system, the flu in a child is often accompanied by various bacterial infections that affect the lower respiratory tract, hearing organs, heart, urinary system, almost always there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Possible consequences of the flu:

  • chronic sinusitis;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • purulent pleurisy, inflammation, pulmonary edema, bronchitis;
  • development severe violations in the work of the heart, blood vessels;
  • meningitis, cerebral hemorrhage;
  • young children often develop a distress syndrome - sudden stop breathing;
  • severe dehydration is extremely dangerous for babies, against the background of severe deficit fluid in the future, severe neurological disorders may occur;
  • heart failure, respiratory failure.

If the child's temperature has risen to 40 degrees, there is confusion, fainting, convulsions, breathing problems, chest pain, swelling, when coughing, there are impurities of pus and blood in the sputum - immediately call ambulance.

Prevention measures

Influenza prevention methods come down to regular strengthening of immunity - hardening, correct and good nutrition, active lifestyle, long walks in the fresh air, observance of the daily routine and hygiene rules, regular wet cleaning and ventilation of the premises.

Good for strengthening immunity vitamin complexes As for antiviral and immunomodulatory agents, the opinions of experts about the effectiveness of these drugs are radically different. Therefore, it is better to consult a pediatrician or an immunologist.

During epidemics, try not to visit crowded places, before going out, lubricate the nasal mucosa Oxolinic ointment, and after returning home, rinse your nose and gargle with saline solution.

Gauze bandages do not save from infection - they are intended for sick people to reduce the radius of spread of viruses when coughing and sneezing.

Do I need to get a flu shot

Since 2014, the flu shot has been included in national calendar, parents can use the free vaccine or purchase it themselves.

The average cost of a flu vaccine is UAH 180-300 / RUB 250-650.

Indications for influenza vaccination:

  • the child suffers from colds more often 6 times a year, respiratory pathologies are often accompanied by complications;
  • the presence in the baby of chronic diseases and malformations of the respiratory, central nervous, endocrine system, heart, blood and kidney;
  • children who attend kindergarten;
  • children with immunodeficiency.

Contraindications for vaccination - intolerance chicken eggs, the child has signs of SARS, fever, in the past there were severe allergic reactions for a flu shot. With an exacerbation of any chronic disease the vaccine can be administered only 15 days after complete recovery.

Vaccination does not protect against infection with influenza viruses, but a vaccinated child suffers the disease much easier, complications are extremely rare. Efficiency modern vaccines from influenza - 70-90%, they protect the body from other acute respiratory infections, but protection lasts for several months.

All children older than 6 months can be vaccinated, in the absence of contraindications, vaccination is carried out annually.

If the baby has not previously had the flu, and has not been vaccinated, then he is given a dose twice with an interval of a month. Optimal time for the introduction of the vaccine - September-October, with a later vaccination, immunity will not have time to develop by the time of the onset of the epidemic.

Adverse reactions after influenza vaccinations are rare in order to avoid negative consequences, before vaccination it is better to do general analysis urine and blood, the day before the procedure, on the day of vaccination and the next day after the manipulation, give the child an antihistamine.


Flu symptoms in children appear suddenly, the child's condition is rapidly deteriorating, it is important not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Remember, flu can provoke the development of serious complications.

Read about all childhood diseases.

591 04/11/2019 6 min.

Every year in the autumn-winter period, an influenza epidemic comes to us. This disease affects both adults and children. But if the former endure the flu relatively easily, then they endure it much harder and are more prone to complications.

The smaller the children, the more dangerous the disease for them, so all parents should be aware of how the flu proceeds in childhood and how to properly treat it.

Disease Definition

Influenza is an acute infectious disease that affects the respiratory tract and is caused by viruses belonging to the family of orthomyxoviruses.

It is of three types:

  • Influenza virus type A.
  • Influenza virus type B.
  • Influenza virus type C.

Type A influenza virus is considered the most dangerous. It has on its surface hemagglutinin (causes intoxication of the body) and neuraminidase (inhibits immune system), which are antigen proteins. Thanks to hemagglutinin, the virus is attached to target cells, and neuraminidase is responsible for the destruction of the cell membrane. Hemagglutinin (H) has twelve subtypes, and neuraminidase (N) has nine.

Depending on their combination, the type of influenza virus is determined. For example, H1 N1 is swine flu and H5N1 is bird flu.

Children are more susceptible to the disease, since they attend organized groups (kindergartens, schools, circles, sections). The influenza virus is highly contagious and spreads quickly by airborne droplets. If one child coughed, then in a few days many of his peers, who were in the same team with him, would fall ill.


The flu is caused by a virus that mutates year after year. E These changes lead to the emergence of new types of influenza viruses. They are most active in the cold and wet season, and at this time, children's immunity is weakened. Therefore, viruses quickly spread from one person to another through the smallest particles of saliva and sputum.

When the influenza virus enters the body, it inserts itself into the cell and disrupts it. normal functioning, because of which the number of viruses is growing.

Another reason for the incidence of influenza in children is low immunity. Its decrease can be caused by factors such as polluted air in big cities, unhealthy diet, independent prescribing by parents of various drugs (dietary supplements, antibiotics).


As stated earlier, . Therefore, you can get infected, being just a couple of meters from a sick person. The influenza virus attaches itself to the epithelium lining the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, and from there it enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body.

The incubation period can range from several hours to three days.

Depending on the severity of the course, the disease can be:

  • Easy.
  • Medium severity.
  • heavy.
  • Hypertoxic.

Sometimes it is very difficult to understand why a child is sick. Influenza and SARS have similar symptoms, but unlike acute respiratory viral infection the flu starts suddenly.

Symptoms at moderate severity

Let's take a closer look at flu symptoms. moderate. In just a few hours, the child's condition worsens greatly. He becomes lethargic, whiny, restless, the temperature rises to thirty-eight or forty degrees and stays at this level for two or three days. In addition, the child suffers from headaches, aching muscles and joints.

On the second day, a sore throat joins these symptoms. Nasal congestion may occur. But a runny nose for the flu is an uncharacteristic phenomenon. When examining a child, the doctor can see fluctuations blood pressure, increased heart rate. The vessels become brittle, so small hemorrhages and nosebleeds appear on the body. Other characteristic symptoms swine flu is abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea.

Even after the child has recovered, within a month he may be less active and quickly overwork.

Symptoms at a severe stage

With severe influenza, symptoms of intoxication are expressed. On the background elevated temperature, which does not subside for a long time, the child may experience hallucinations, bleeding from the nose, gums.

Young children are very susceptible to neurotoxicosis, which manifests itself as headaches, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, meningism.

Severe influenza is often accompanied by complications. The hypertoxic form of influenza is very dangerous for children. It is very difficult and can lead to infectious-toxic shock. Often catarrhal symptoms may not even be. Death can occur due to pulmonary edema or heart failure several hours after the onset of the disease.

Possible Complications

Complications of influenza can be primary and secondary. In the first case, they are caused directly by the virus itself, and in the second, by a secondary infection.

The most dangerous primary complication is hemorrhagic pulmonary edema, which occurs at the initial stage of the disease and can lead to the death of a child.

Against the background of intoxication, shortness of breath appears, sputum with blood impurities is released, the skin turns blue, and the heart rate increases. Because of such respiratory failure death may occur.

Another complication of influenza is that which occurs due to swelling of the ligaments and spasm of the muscles of the larynx. Attacks usually appear at night, when the child is sleeping, and are accompanied by increased heart rate, respiratory failure.

Other primary complications:

  1. Arachnoiditis;
  2. Edema and wedging of the brain into the foramen magnum;
  3. Hemorrhages in the brain with the development of paralysis;
  4. Guillain-Barré syndrome;
  5. Neuralgia, polyneuritis;
  6. Reye's syndrome.

Most often, with the right timely treatment the child makes a full recovery. Secondary complications occur when a secondary infection joins the flu or foci of chronic infection are activated. One such complication is pneumonia. It is accompanied by such symptoms as temperature up to thirty-eight degrees and above, weakness, cough with purulent sputum.

Other secondary complications include ENT diseases, such as otitis, and so on.


In a medical way

Successful treatment of influenza is not only about taking medications, but also about keeping the child bed rest. can always be found in any pharmacy.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, symptomatic treatment is necessary, which includes the use of antipyretic drugs, cough suppressants, nasal sprays.

As antipyretics, children are recommended to give only or. But they can only be used if the temperature has risen above thirty-eight degrees.

Medicines for influenza are divided into two groups:

  1. M2 receptor inhibitors ().
  2. Neuraminidase inhibitors

Data medicines, and should also be prescribed by a pediatrician, because, despite their effectiveness, they have side effects.
