Scientists warned about the new threat to the health of people. Old familiar - bird flu Natural influenza tank A

The spread of influenza viruses among dogs is dangerous in that their level of genetic diversity is almost as high as among people. This significantly increases the likelihood that the virus will learn to infect people, adapting to new breeds of dogs, reports MedicalXpress.

It should be noted that the outbreaks of bird (H5N1) and pork (H3N2) influenza at the end of last decade caused serious concerns from specialists.

American virologists have learned about the flashes of influenza among dogs in Chinese provinces and requested from colleagues to analyze the sample with a source of diseases. It turned out that these viruses contain fragments of genomes of three different flu strains, H1N1, H3N8 and H3N2, which previously hit people, birds and pigs, but not dogs.

Scientists believe that a new family of pathogens belonging to the H1N1 group is distributed by air-droplet and can infect both dogs and pigs. It is not clear whether this virus can penetrate into the body of people - now scientists find out this, conducting experiments on cultures of human cells.

Experts believe that it is necessary to take measures to limit the spread of influenza in dogs.

Previously, scientists have found out that immunity to treat fungus capable of destroying people, animals and plants.

»» Natural influenza virus tank + survival

Natural influenza virus tank + survival

Publication date: December 23, 2012


Influenza viruses have a large spectrum of reservoirs, mainly birds, in particular, water, in which the infection is mainly intestinal and asymptomatic flow. Homemade ducks in Southeast Asia are the main owner of the influenza virus A, these birds also play a central role in creating and maintaining the H5N1 virus. In Thailand, there was a close relationship between the H5N1 virus and wild ducks and, to a lesser extent, the connection was small with chickens and roosters. Wetlands, which are used to grow and collect the double crop rice, are always associated with a free collapse of the ducks all year round, it seems that this is a critical factor in the spread of the virus. Highly pathogenic bird virus can survive in the environment for a long time, especially at low temperatures. In water, the virus can survive for four days at 22 ° C, and more than 30 days at 0 ° C. In the frozen material, the virus probably survives, but the term is uncertain. Recent studies show that H5N1 viruses allocated in 2004 became more stable, and survive at 37 ° C, in the outbreak of 1997, viruses survived only 2 days. The virus dies from heat (56 ° C for 3 hours or 60 ° C for 30 minutes) and a common disinfectant, such as formalin and iodine connections.

Various subtypes of the influenza virus A were causative agents of many pandemics. The occurrence of pandemic strains of the virus may be due to cross-infection due to close contact between man and animals, as well as birds. A pandemic strain may occur as a result of genetic reassessortion between human influenza viruses and birds in the body of pigs, since the latter is equally sensitive both to human flu viruses and bird viruses.

Keywords Subtypes of flu virus A, virus tanks, intermediate owner, reassulation, pandemic.

Influenza Virus Of A Type In The Nature Populations

Y.s. Ismailova., A.R.Mustafina. A.N. Bekisheva.

Abstract. Various SUBTIPES OF A TYPE INFLUENZA VIRUS AR INDUCERS OF MANY PANDEMICS. The Occurrence of Pandemic Strains of the Virus CAN BE STIPulated by Cross Infection Because of the Close Contact Between Humans and Animals and Also Birds. The Pandemic Strain of the Virus May Occur AS The Result of the Genetic Cross Movement of Genes Between Human Influenza Virus and That One Of Birds In The Organism of A Sensitive Both To the Human Influenza Viruses and to the viruses of Birds.


A Tobyandaғ flu influenza virusesң tabiғ and populationғ s orna

Yu.S. Ismailova., A.R.Mustafina, A.N.Bekishva

T.ү yin Grippti ozdiatn and Virusmenң әTүRlі Podtipterі kөptegen pandemialardi Segoteri Boldy. Wirstuiң Japa Pandemicyliқ Stamdar Adamdar Men Januarlardaң, Tіpti ұұstardң Bіr-bіrіna Zhұғui Arқyla Pide Boluy Mүmkіn. Pandemicyliқ Strain Adam Zhәna ұұstar Gripіn қozdiatin Virus TүRlerіnің Genndіk Resustence Pide Boltov, Shoshkaal Organisіn de өTo_ Mүmkіn, Sebі OLAR ADAM Grippіnің Virusina Yes, ұұstar infpinің virusna da bіrda Satіmtal.

T.ү yindi S.ө cher: A Tobobya influenza Virusmenң subtypertr_, virus reservoir, Aralk қожаzayyndar, reassementation, pandemium.

The relevance of the study of the problem of influenza is due to its pandemic manifestations with the highest incidence of population, significant mortality and severe complications. Different subtypes of the influenza virus A were causative agents of pandemic in 1889 (H2N2), 1900g (H3N2), 1918 (H1N1) - "Spanish", 1957-1958gg (H2N2) - "Asian" influenza, 1968-1969) - "Hong Kong" Influenza, 1977 (H1N1) - "Russian" influenza. According to the World Health Organization as of October 16, 2009 in the world, more than 387 thousand people are sick with swine flu.

The influenza pandemic is notorically famous in 1918 ("Spanish"), during which in 1918-1919 the incidence was 500 million people and 40 million died.

From the literature it follows that each of the pandemic variants of the influenza virus and first appeared in China.

So, the Pandemic "Asian" virus 1957 was first discovered in the eastern provinces "Guizhou" and "Yunnan", the Pandemic virus "Hong Kong" 1968 appeared in the province of "Guangdong" in Hong Kong.

It is believed that the repetition of the H1N1 influenza virus in 1977. There was a place in the northern provinces of China, with the subsequent spread of the virus on the territory of the former USSR, having received the name "Russian influenza".

The presence in Chinese provinces of close contact between man and animals, as well as birds (ducks, pigs) can contribute to cross-infection, which predisposes to generate pandemic strains. A bird virus transmission H5N1 person and a local flash of influenza, induced by this pathogen in Hong Kong in 1997, when 6 people died from 18 infected people, showed the possibility of direct transmission of the influenza virus and from birds to a person equally virulent for both birds.

Kazakhstan is located on the way of migrating birds from China to Eurasia through the Jungian gate: Lake Alakol, Sasykkol, as well as along the Black Irtysh River, Lake Zaisan, Marcolkol, Rivers or, Korchagai reservoirs, Lake Balkhash, which involves a possible transmission in these regions of the influenza virus from birds for pigs, and from pigs to a person.

It is known that the natural reservoir of influenza viruses A are waterfowl, all 15 hemaglutinine subtypes and 9 subtypes of neuraminidase influenza virus A. In wild waterfowl influenza viruses are replicated mainly in cells lining the intestinal mucous membrane, without causing signs of the disease, while The virus is allocated in large quantities with excrement. Pandemic in humans caused subtypes H1N1, H2N2, H3N2.

The origin of the H2N2, H3N2 subtypes according to the authors is associated with genetic reassessortion between human and bird viruses, and the pandemic subtype of H1N1 probably could arise due to the reassessortion between human and pig influenza viruses. It is believed that the intermediate owner are pigs, since these animals can serve as a host for infection as a bird and a person. Molecular biological studies have revealed that pigs have receptors and a bird virus of influenza, and for a human influenza virus. Especially clearly traced the role of these animals in the interspecific transmission of influenza a virus A, subtype H1N1.

Thus, the pandemic strain may occur as a result of genetic reassessortion between human influenza viruses and birds in the body of a pig, since the latter are equally sensitive both to human viruses and bird viruses.

The antigenic structure of empty of 3-pandemic influenza until 1957 was established by retrospective studies with the serum of the elderly, that is, by the "serovarcheology" method. It is believed that the virus responsible for a pandemic 1918 g was actually a flu virus of pigs, H1N1 subtype. The "seroarcheological" model of the pathogen "SWINE LIKE" H1N1 pandemic 1918 g was confirmed by the release of fragments of viral RNA from light people who died from the influenza of 1918. The risk of re-appearing the H1N1 H1N1 influenza virus in the human population determines the need for systematic molecular epidemiological Monitoring of pigs with the goal of the earliest identification of the potential pandemic strain of the influenza virus. Aviruilent nature bird virus for ducks and marsh birds can be the result of adapting the influenza virus and to these owners for many centuries with the creation of a tank that guarantees the preservation of the virus. There are sporadic cases of transmission of pork viruses to man. The international studies of the H1N1 isolates received from pigs in various Raions of the world showed that in the early 2000s, at least 2 antigenic variants of these viruses circulated among pigs: Avian-like and Classical Swine Influenza Virus (CSIV).

According to the results of serological and genetic studies, viruses attributed to the American group, the antigenic structure are more similar to the A / NJ / 8/76 strain, while the remaining viruses assigned to the European group had an antigenic structure similar to the influenza viruses. According to Brown, pigs are the main reservoir for influenza viruses of type A: H1N1 and H3N2. In the early 1990s, in Japan from pigs, a strain of influenza type A virus was isolated with an unusual combination of surface antigens - H1N2. Molecular biological analysis showed that the virus has neuraminidase N2 of the human flu virus, and 7 other gene segments belong to the classic H1N1 flu virus of pigs, which first allocated in Japan in pigs in 1980. H1N2 influenza viruses from pigs were also highlighted in Kazakhstan, France, Belgium and the United States, which indicates the widespread phenomenon of the resusual flu viruses H1N1 and H3N2 in the body of pigs.

Thus, the population population plays an important role in the evolution of the influenza virus A and the body of the pigs consider the appropriate "vessel for mixing" viruses from different owners. Thus, there are data on the existence in the body of pigs of cell receptors for influenza viruses of mammals, humans and birds, which explains the facts of transmission of influenza viruses and from man and birds to pigs and back. To prevent future pandemic, in the light of the above facts, changes are needed in the agricultural practice of growing pigs, providing for the separation of pigs from a person and, especially from waterfowl.

Of particular importance is the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Caspian Sea as one of the ways of migration of migratory birds, which are carriers of all known seropodts of the influenza virus A. In Northeast Caspian, there are about 278 species of birds and the Caspian region crosses the important migration routes of millions of birds flying here every year. This causes the need to take into account the role of birds as a natural reservoir of the orthomycus. It was believed that influenza bird viruses are not pathogenic for people and when infected cause them quickly passing symptoms of conjunctivitis, easy malaise and sometimes weak respiratory syndrome. But this provision was refuted in 1997, when the flu virus A (H5N1) caused extremely severe forms of the disease among people in Hong Kong, which in third cases ended in death.


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Yu.S. Ismailova, A.R.Mustafina, A.N. Bekishva

The relevance of the problem of sharp respiratory diseases (ORZ) is determined by their significant socio-economic damage, which determine the widespread spread of this group of diseases, their high contagiousness, allergyizing the body of a violation of immune status, the influence of diseases on overall mortality.

In infectious pathology, influenza diseases and other sharp respiratory infections are constantly dominated, whose share exceeds 80-90%. In the Russian Federation annually register 2.3-5 thousand cases of these diseases per 100 thousand population. Of the total incidence of temporary disability per influenza and ARV accounts for 12-14%, and economic damage caused by them is about 90% of the total damage caused by infectious diseases.

Acasured respiratory infections cause pathogens, the number of types of which reaches 200. These include adenine, params, crown, rino-, re-, enteroviruses, as well as mycoplasma, chlamydia, streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, etc. in connection with this The development of effective means of specific prophylaxis of all OSRs in the foreseeable future is predica.

For all pathogens, sharp respiratory viral diseases are characterized by their small durability and fast death in the environment.

From an epidemiological point of view of a general group of acute respiratory infections, flu is allocated due to its ability to pandemic distribution.

Flu- anthroponous viral acute infectious disease with an aspiration mechanism for transmitting the pathogen. It is characterized by acute beginning, fever, general intoxication and respiratory tract.

The main questions of the topic

1. Characteristics of the pathogen.

2. The source of the causative agent of infection.

3. The mechanism and path of transmission of the pathogen.

4. Epidemic flu process.

5. Preventive and anti-epidemic events.

Pathogeninfluenza - RNA-containing virus from the family Orthomyxoviridae.roda Influenzavirus.The antigenic characteristic distinguishes 3 serological types of influenza virus - A, B, C.

The surface antigens of the virus include hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N), on the basis of which subtypes of the influenza virus A, for example H1N1, H3N2.

In contrast to viruses of type B and C, characterized by a more stable antigenic structure, the type A virus has a significant variability of surface antigens. It manifests itself either as an antigen drift (partial renewal of antigenic determinants of hemagglutinin or neuraminidase within one subtype, which is accompanied by the appearance of new strains of the virus), or in the form of antigenic chiffs (complete substitution of the fragment of the genome encoding the synthesis of only hemagglutinin or hemagglutinin and neuraminidase) leading To the emergence of a new subtype of the influenza virus A.

Influenza viruses are malply resistant in the external environment. They better tolerate low, negative temperatures and quickly die when heating and boiling. There is a high sensitivity of influenza viruses to ultraviolet rays and the effects of ordinary disinfectants.

The influenza virus can be maintained at a temperature of 4 ° C for 2-3 weeks; Heating at a temperature of 50-60 ° C causes the virus inactivation within a few minutes, the effect of disinfecting solutions - instantly.

Source of causative agent infectionwith influenza - a sick person. Its infectiousness manifests itself at the end of the incubation period, a few hours before the start of the disease. Subsequently, with the development of the disease, the greatest extent is dangerous in the first 2-5 days with intensive selection of viruses from the upper respiratory tract. In rare cases, the incapacity period can be designed until the 10th day of the disease. As a source of infection, the most dangerous patients with light shapes of influenza, which remain in the teams of children and adults, are used by city transport, visit movies and theaters.

The main reservoir of the preservation of influenza virus in nature is migratory waterfowl (wild ducks, geese, paint, etc.), which serve natural sources of infection for poultry. Bird flu virus is able to hit mammals: quotes, whales, minks, horses and, which is especially important, pigs, in the body of which can be reassessing the influenza virus of birds with a human flu virus. People's susceptibility to these viruses are low. Bird flu virus, in contrast to a human flu virus, is more resistant to the environment. At a temperature of 36 ° C, it dies for 3 hours, at 60 ° C - after 30 minutes, with thermal processing of food (boiling, frying) - instantly. It tolerate freezing well. In the bird, it survives up to 3 months, in water at a temperature of 22 ° C - 4 days, at 0 ° C - more than 1 month. In the carcasses of birds, the virus retains activity up to 1 year.

Mechanism of transmissioninfluenza virus - aspiration; The transfer path is air-drip. During cough, chihanye and conversation in the air around the patient, a "infected zone" is created with a high concentration of a virus, which depends on the frequency of expiratory acts, the intensity of the sowing in the patient, the size of the aerosol particles, air humidity, ambient temperature and air exchange air exchange. The experiments showed that influenza viruses can maintain viability in dry saliva, mucus, sputum, dust, but the role of the air-dust path of transmission of the pathogen is insignificant.

Susceptibilitypopulation to new serotypes (subtypes) flu virus high. Post-infectious immunity is type-specific, with influenza, and remains at least 3 years, with influenza B - for 3-6 years.

Epidemic Processthe flu is manifested by sporadic morbidity, epidemic outbreaks and seasonal epidemics (3-6 weeks). Periodically there are pandemics caused by the new subtype of the influenza virus A, to which the overwhelming part of the population is susceptible. The long-term dynamics of incidence of influenza is presented in Fig. 10.1.

Fig. 10.1.Perennial dynamics of influenza morbidity in the Russian Federation in 1978-2011.

Seasonal decals in summer and epidemic lifts in the autumn-winter period are associated with common factors that determine the seasonal unevenness of the incidence of sharp respiratory infections.

Features of flu epidemiology are largely determined by the unique variability of surface antigens of its causative agent - hemagglutinin glycoproteins and neuraminidase.

The degree of antigen differences determines the latitude and speed of the pathogen spread, the age composition and the level of morbidity, which is influenced by meteorological factors, the hypothermia, the incidence of sharp respiratory infections and socio-economic conditions (communication of people, the sanitary and hygienic situation in the collectives of children and adults). For the twentieth century Several pandemic influenza are registered: "Spanish" 1918-1919. - a (HSW1N1); "Asian Influenza" 1957-1958 - a (H2N2); "Hong Kong Influenza" 1968-1970. - A (H3N2); "Russian Influenza" 1977-1978 - a (H1N1), and at the beginning of the XXI century. - "Swine Falls" 2009-2010 - A (H1N1).

The pandemic spread of influenza in a modern urbanized medium is mainly due to the typical paths of the spread of influenza viruses, depending on the intensity of international transport communications.

In the countries of the Northern Hemisphere with a temperate climate of the flu epidemic, there are in November-March, southern - in April-October.

The emergence of new antigenic variants of the influenza virus leads to an increase in incidence in all non-immune age groups with the greatest defeat of children of the first years of life.

The age composition of the peeled is determined by the level of specific immunity. Maid-grave to the influenza kids under the age of 6 months due to the passive immunity obtained from the mother. At the age of 6 months to 3 years, the incidence is increasing.

Influenza viruses are caused by epidemic rates of morbidity, which often occur after the epidemic growth of the incidence caused by influenza A, against the background of its decline, which leads to the emergence of two waves of the epidemic. The flu virus C causes sporadic diseases in children.

Preventive and anti-epidemic events.The main strategic direction in the fight against influenza is the Vaccisoprophilaxis. Practice of health care currently has a large set of vaccine drugs: alive, inactivated, chemical, subunit, split-vaccines. To obtain the epidemiological effect of vaccine-philactics, it is necessary that the vaccine contains the same types and subtypes of the virus, which cause an epidemic increase in incidence in a particular area, and risk groups must be vaccinated prior to the start of seasonal raising of the influenza incidence.

Nevertheless, protection only from influenza and the absence of vaccines against other viral ORS do not give the expected effect in the form of a significant decrease in morbidity. At the same time, convincing evidence has been accumulated, indicating that there are real ways to influence the epidemic process of sharp respiratory infections. It has been established that the use of non-specific prevention among risk groups (schoolchildren of 7-14 years old, often more ill-suffering) causes a significant reduction in the incidence of acuteness of the entire population as a whole, which leads to a significant decrease in social and economic damage to these infections.

The immunization of the population's epidemiological situation contributed to the immunization of the population in the framework of the national calendar vaccination calendar, which was launched in 2006 for immunization use domestic three-vaccines containing antigenic variants of influenza viruses: type A and B, recommended for the upcoming epidemic season.

Anti-epidemic events in the epidemic focus should begin with the insulation of the patient. He is hospitalized with influenza patients only on clinical and epidemiological indications: children under 3 years old, elderly with concomitant diseases, pregnant women, as well as living in hostels and boarding schools. In the premises where the patient is located, ventilation, UV irradiation, regular wet cleaning with the use of disinfectants, careful washing dishes should be established. Regularly replaced gauze masks, closing mouth and nose, play a protective role for people surrounding the patient. Work with contacting patients includes observing them during an incubation period, which continues from several hours to 2 days, and according to the use of specific and non-specific protection tools (scheme 10.2, 10.3).

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1 UDC: 636.5 Natural reservoir of influenza viruses and O. N. Pugachev, M. V. Krylov, L. M. Belova (Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Influenza viruses are related to this. Orthomixoviridae (Greek. Orthos is the right, true, tuc - mucus). This family includes five births: influenza viruses A, B, C, Togoto-like viruses and Javiruses. The supervisory taxonomic category "Rod" is often replaced by the term "type". Influenza viruses are found from representatives of different groups of birds and mammals in various taxonomic terms. The systematics of the pods of the influenza virus within the size A is based on the antigenic features of two types of surface glycoproteins: hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). Currently distinguished 16 subtypes N and 9 subtypes N. Sometimes the term "Serbizart" or "Serotype" is sometimes used. Theoretically, these subtypes of influenza viruses of genus and can give 144 pairs of combinations, only 86 are actually registered, from which birds are found. The genus viruses are affecting only a person and have one type H and N. kind viruses with sporadically diseases of man and pigs. The genus of Togoto-like viruses includes Togoto viruses (prototype virus) and DORI; which are transmitted by ticks, rarely affect a person. Representatives of the genus Javirus cause salmon infectious anemia (INFECTION Salmo Anemia - ISA). These viruses in Norway were the cause of the mass death of the Atlantic salmon, salmon (Salmo Salar). The ISA virus was highlighted from Kisutch (onchorhynchus Kisutch) and MikisS (Parasalmo Mykiss). Experimentally, the ISA virus was infected by Kumja (Parasalmo Mykiss). Presumably representatives of the genus Javiruses can infect clams, crustaceans and other marine invertebrates. Javiruses are very close to influenza viruses of kind A, so it is impossible to exclude the possibility of recombination and reasorration genes between these viruses with unpredictable consequences. This problem requires close attention and special research. Representatives of this Orthomixoviridae belong to single-chain RNA-containing viruses, in the replicative cycle of which there are no DNA copies. -12-

2 International Veterinary Bulletin, 2, 2008. Among the RNA-containing viruses allocate families with a positive genome (+), capable of directly transmitted to the protein (Coronaviridae) and with a negative genome (-), at which the information RNA is first synthesized, transforming on ribosomes in the protein. The latter includes representatives of this. Orthomixoviridae. RNA replication in viruses of this family occurs in the kernel, and self-assembly is carried out in a cytoplasm at the plasma membrane with the inclusion of virus-specific proteins in it. RNA molecules are randomly packaged in a spiral shape nucleicapping with a diameter of 9-15 nm. For orthomycomers of the genus a characteristic of a segmented genome consisting of eight fragments. Most of the genome fragments (I, W, IV, V, VI) correspond to the amount of collineity: one gene is one protein. Fragments (II, VII, VIII) encode two reading frames whose transcripts are exposed to splicing. Thus, the genome of influenza viruses A encodes 11 proteins. The segmentation of the genome allows for mixed infection by heterogeneous virus strains the exchange between them RNA molecules, resulting in the appearance of new flu species. The complete replacement of the fragments of the genome usually occurs as a result of the reasorration of genes between viruses of far-defined phylogenetically. Influenza viruses are registered with representatives of 18 bird detachments. In total, in the class of birds there are from 28 to 30 detachments. It is safe to assume that all kinds of birds and the final solution of this issue only a matter of time are taught to influenza viruses. Traditionally, the basic reserves of influenza viruses in nature are considered migratory birds leading a water or collar lifestyle. These groups of birds are primarily among the representatives of the partitions of the road-shaped - Anseriformes (mainly ducks, geese, swans) of the species and rzhankovy - CharadRiformes (mostly - seagulls, crags, slices) of the view. These ecological taxonomic groups of birds found all the currently known birds of influenza birds. Meanwhile, in the class of birds there are about species. Most of these species (5700) enters the detachment of sparrows - Passeriformes. Sparrows are superior to all known birds not only in the species composition, but also, which is especially important, in numbers. The average number in Europe field sparrows, the gloron-Chernogolovka and house sparrows exceeds such a valley, respectively, at 6.9, 9.6 and 24.4 times. A group of owners rich in high-quality and quantitatively, in this case, sparrows, theoretically represents the greatest opportunities for the reservation and resettlement of influenza viruses. Along with the greatest variety and high numbers, sparrows have another features that contribute to strengthening their role in the circulation and reservation of the influenza virus. Sparrows are characteristic of a high pace of reproduction and a quick change of generations. A number of types of sparrow birds for the summer season can have two and even three broods. With a vorobya vomiting vomit (P. Domesticus), a couple may have near chicks. An increase in the number of the house sparrow in the individual areas of the range occurs not only due to the reproduction, but also as a result of the swinging of birds, nesting north. At the same time, the abundance of the house sparrow can in the second half of July exceed their density in the initial nesting period of almost ten times. Substantial uve-13-

3 FRINGLA COELEBS (FRINGILLA COELEBS) is also marked in July. For many sparrows, a high population density is characterized in most landscapes. Particularly high density of them are noted in agracaffes. A number of types of sparrows (sparrows, swallows, starlings, finchs, vne) increase their number in settlements, thereby creating a direct threat to infection with the influenza poultry virus. The high population density and the presence of a huge number of young individuals susceptible to the influenza creates favorable conditions for the circulation of influenza viruses among sparrows-like birds. It is noted that the increase in the number and density of populations of sparrow birds due to the reproduction and subsequent movements during June-July coincides with the flashes of influenza during this period in domestic birds. Subtypes of influenza viruses are distinguished not only by antigenic features, but also by gravity of diseases caused by them - by virulence. In English, and recently in the Russian-speaking literature, the concept of "virulence" is replaced by the term "pathogenicity". Pathogenicity (Greek. Patos - Suffering, Illness, Genes - Cracking, Born) - Pause, the ability to cause a disease. Virulence (lat. Virulentus is a poisonous) - the degree of pathogeneity (pathogenicity) depends on the properties of the causative agent of the disease and susceptibility of the infected organism. The virulence is judged by the severity of the course of the caused disease and mortality among infected animals. In the human population, 10 subtypes of influenza virus A: H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, H3N8, H5N1, H7N2, H7N3, H7N7, H9N2, H10N7 were registered. Only three of them (H1N1, H2N2, H3N2) were causative agents of influenza pandemic in the XX century. Relatively rare cases of infection of people with subtypes of the H5N1, H7N2, H7N3, H7N7, H9N2, H10N7 virus are directly noted by birds, bypassing the so-called "intermediate hosts". The most fully tracked cases of infection of people directly by the high-voltage subtype of the bird virus H5N1. According to WHO, the H5N1 influenza influenza infection by the H5N1 influenza virus is registered in various countries in 317 cases, of which 191 ended. The ability of the high-voluminous subtypes of influenza birds of birds to directly infect people creates conditions for simultaneous coinfection of them with epidemic subtypes of a human influenza virus, followed by the appearance of reasorratants that carry the genes of both subtypes. As a result of this exchange of genes, a new pandemic virus may occur. Nine subtypes of the influenza A: H3N1, H3N2, H3N8, H5N1, H7, H7N1, H7N7, H9N2, H13 (Table were found at the sparrow birds. 3). Of these, three H5N1, H7N7 and H9N2 subtypes have acquired the ability to infect people directly, bypassing the "intermediate owners." H5N1, H7N1, H7N7 and H9N2 influenza virus subtypes have caused devastating epizootics among domestic birds in many countries (Table 1). Studying the spread of flu epizootes over the past 10 years has shown that the high-voluminous subtype of the H5N1 influenza virus has all-time distribution. Causes a great concern about the high percentage of infection with the H5N1 flu raft influenza, as well as the detection of antighemagglutinins in the summer period to the H5 influenza subtype in young, sedentary and migratory sparrows. All of these facts convincingly indicate the circulation of influenza viruses in the nesting area. Sedded, mainly sparrows - -14-

4 International Veterinary Bulletin, 2, 2008. Pet Epizootia And Poultry Table 1 Continent, Country Date Subtype of Virus Australia, Pakistan 1994 H7N3 Mexico Mexico Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle 1997 H5N1 East, Hong Kong, Russia Australia H7N4 England, Ireland 1998 H7N7 H5N9 H7N2 Belgium 1999 H7N1 China H9N2 Canada 2000 H7N1 Germany, Pakistan 2001 H7N7 H7N H7N2, Chile H7N3 BELGIUM, Germany, Holland 2003 H7N7 Hong Kong H5N1, H9N2 Denmark H5N7, Canada H7N3 Republic of Korea H5N1 H7N2 Canada, Pakistan 2004 H7N3, H7N2 Taiwan, South Africa Southeast Asia H5N11 Russia 2005 H5N1 . Southeast Asia H5N1 Birds can be considered as a long-term influenza virus reservoir in nature. Retrospective serological surveys of distant migrants (swallows, glorious, flies, reels) have shown that they are infected with the flu in the nesting area and then in the autumn migration there is a virus in the place of wintering - Africa to Guinea and Kenya, South Asia and India. The ways of migration of huse-shaped birds intersect with the paths of migration of sparrows and pass around the habitats of sedentary types of sparrows. Thus, the East Atlantic Path of Migration overlaps partially Black Sea-Mediterranean, East African - West Asian, Central Asian and East Asian - Australian Migration Paste -15

5 Table 2 Survival of influenza viruses A in the external environment Substratorship temperature survival author (s) water 70 from 2-5 min. - "- 60 from 10 min. - "- -" - 55 from 60 min. - "- -" - 22 with 4 days. Pooh, feathers, room from 18 to 120 days. Bird houses Virusus containing 4 from 2-3 months. - "- Suspension water 0 from more than 30 days. Carcush birds chilled days. - "- frozen 447 days. - "- Virusus-20 from a few years -" - Suspension of blood in ampoules -60 from more than 6 years exuded in ampoules -60 C - "-" - "wild birds". Phylogenetic analysis of Squiens nucleic acids of influenza viruses and from different owners showed that all animal influenza viruses are evolutionally connected with birds as a natural tank. It is quite obvious that birds can be considered as the main reservoir of influenza viruses and in nature. However, when evaluating the epizootological situation, it is imperative to take into account the role of mammals (primates, taped, rodents, predatory, lastonous, cetacean, non-parqual and armaint) in the circulation of influenza viruses and, above all, pets: cats, dogs, rabbits, pigs, horses, cattle and, especially, synanthropic rodents. The ability of influenza viruses for a long time to survive in the external environment (Table 2) even more complicate the problem. When solving practical tasks, a systematic approach is needed to better understand some phenomena in the natural circulation of influenza viruses and, in particular, to explain the appearance of flu flashes in summer and winter periods. It is clear that in the fight against influenza, some restrictive events are not sufficient, constant monitoring of influenza viruses and the creation of highly efficient vaccines are needed. We thank D.BN V.A. PAEVSOVSKOE FOR TIPS on Taxonomy Birds. RESERVOIR VIRUSES INFLUENZA A IN NATURE. O.N. Pugachev, M.V. Krylov, L.M. Belova Summary Influenza a Viruses from 18 Orders of Birds and 8 Orders of Mammalian Including Humans and Domestic Animals: Pigs, Horses, Cattle, Cats, Dogs, Rabbits and Sinanthropic Rodents. The Number of the Species of Passeriformes (5700) And Their Quantity Dominate in Class Aves. Detection of Antibody to Influenza A in Serum Young Resident and Longistance Migration Passeriformes Birds Indicated That. Passeriformes Birds May Play An Important Role In The Natural Reservoir and Transmission of Influenza Virus. Literature -16-

On the issue of the epizootic situation of the influenza of the birds of FSU, Vniselkhoznadzor's IAC Vladimir 1 2 2 2 Today, epidemic distribution has n5n1 serotypes and in cases of cases have been recorded

Bird Influenza and other types of zoonoous influenza Basic facts People can become infected with bird and other zoonotic flu viruses, such as subtypes A (H5N1), A (H7N9) and A (H9N2) avian influenza virus and subtypes

Russian Federation Basic epizootic threats, risks, forecasts for 2016 Yazzore: For the eastern regions of the Russian Federation, a significant probability of risk of the emergence of the appearance of FMD remains for the territory of the Trans-Baikalsky

Veterinary consultant. 2007. 5. S. 7 8. UDC 619: 616.988: 598.4 / 8 Monitoring the influenza virus among wild and synanthropic birds in the Omsk region in 2006 A.A. Kovalevskaya, N.F. Hatko (GU Omsk

The disease caused by influenza virus strains for which epidemic distribution in pig populations is characteristic. Widespread among pigs almost everywhere, exception - Australia, big

Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor) Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Animal Health" (FGBU "Vniezzh") PR O G N

Pandemic Influenza: Past, present, Future Tatyana N. Ilyichyova K.B.N., Associate Professor of Cafa. Molecular biology of NSU, head. Human influenza laboratory department of zoonotic infections and influenza FBUN SSC WB "Vector"

World Health Organization Intergovernmental Meeting on A / PIP / IGM / INF.DOC. / 1 \u200b\u200bEnsuring Ready to Pandemic November 19, 2007. Influenza: Exchange of flu viruses and access to vaccines

World Health Organization Executive Committee EB117 / 5 One-Seventeenth Session December 1, 2005 Paragraph 4.2 of the provisional agenda Strengthening Pandemic Influenza and Response

We will be healthy, birds! We are opening a new heading on the bird influenza influenza by a new headward, dedicated to a person as a biological and social object in an integral part of its world around 26 only in the twentieth century.

Informal translation of WHO headquarters material Pandemic flu (H1N1) 2009 - Updated information 97 Weekly update April 23, 2010

Information and analytical center of the velteadzor control Russian Federation Basic epizootic threats, risks, forecasts for 2017 Yazzore: for the eastern regions of the Russian Federation

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WHO: Risk assessment Infection of people with flu virus A (H7N9) June 7, 2013 Influenza influenza A (H7N9) informational summary, registered at the time of drawing up a summary as of June 7, 2013

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Influenza Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 - Updated Information 99 Weekly update May 7, 2010 - As of May 2, 2010, in all world over 214.

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Textbook A.I. Nikashov, A.V.Temes "Biology. Animals. " Tutorial for grade 8 special (correctional) general educational institutions VIII species. M., "Enlightenment", 2006. Thematic planning made up

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