Neurological clinic on Shabolovka. Neurosis Clinic on Shabolovka: reviews of treatment and doctors, address, how to get there

At the branch on the street. Panteleevskaya, 10 there is a psychotherapy department - outpatient appointment And day hospital.

The clinic provides outpatient care in accordance with the standards of outpatient care, including psychotherapeutic and medical-psychological care.
The clinic provides multidisciplinary care for “psychosomatic” diseases.
The clinic also provides outpatient specialized psychotherapeutic and medical-psychological assistance to victims of emergency situations.
The clinic operates a psychotherapeutic half-day day hospital.
The clinic operates a psychotherapeutic crisis room for the rehabilitation of patients after non-psychotic crisis conditions.

The population served is:
- persons suffering neurotic disorders, disorders emotional sphere non-psychotic level, psychosomatic diseases, behavioral disorders, as well as persons in need of rehabilitation treatment for these conditions, on an outpatient basis;
- faces with psychological problems, arising, among other things, as a result of stress factors, being in zones of military conflicts and emergency situations
The clinic also serves people belonging to preferential categories citizens.

Psychotherapists at the city psychotherapeutic clinic No. 223 use the following methods:

  • autogenic training(individual, group)
  • hypnosuggestive therapy (individual, group, including classical directive hypnosuggestion, Ericksonian hypnotherapy)
  • rational psychotherapy (with elements of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, causal psychotherapy, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, neurolinguistic programming, existential psychotherapy, gestalt therapy, etc.)
  • crisis psychotherapy
  • psychotherapy with creative self-expression according to M.E. Stormy
  • emotional stress psychotherapy according to V.E. Rozhnov
  • family psychotherapy
  • body-oriented psychotherapy
  • art therapy and a number of others modern techniques clinical and psychological psychotherapy

Psychopharmacotherapy uses modern medications.
Medical (clinical) psychologists conduct psychological diagnostics using psychological testing methods, with further correctional work.

Reviews City psychotherapeutic clinic No. 223 (Branch of the Scientific and Practical Psychoneurological Center named after Z.P. Solovyov) | Total reviews: 4

About this medical institution.


Review #4 Added: 27.02.2019 20:44

I would like to thank and say thank you to the psychiatrist Elena Gennadievna Zaitseva from the branch on Panteleevskaya. Elena Gennadievna really helped me get back to normal life, she always listens carefully, helps with advice, and prescribes treatment that helps me recover.

Very bad
Review #3 Added: 24.05.2018 03:57

In 2015, I came for a consultation, the doctor refused treatment, because at that time I was looking for work and lived with my parents. It was insulting and painful, but okay.
In the same 2015, I moved away from my parents to another country, found a job... to this day I live on my own. But! The problem remains and is getting worse!!!

Review #2 Added: 17.05.2018 16:23

Good afternoon I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Neurosis Clinic named after Z.P. Solovyova. I would like to say special thanks to psychologist Denisova and psychotherapist Alexandrovich A, V. I don't write that often Thanksgiving letters due to lack of time, but such a sensitive and polite attitude towards patients does not want to be ignored. I was extremely amazed at how attentive these people are to their patients. Nowadays, this is very valuable! I would especially like to mention group therapy, there are several groups, and different stages I could choose the most suitable treatment for my condition. I would also like to express my gratitude to the junior medical staff. Amazing cleanliness! THANK YOU!!!

Solovyov Clinic on Shabolovka

Neurosis Clinic on Shabolovka is one of the most famous in Russia for the treatment of mental illness. It has been working for more than 100 years, and during this period it has accumulated enormous experience in the treatment of these types of disorders and the introduction of modern technologies.

The specialized psychoneurological hospital provides treatment and consultations for various mental disorders that deviate from the norm. An official website was created specifically to familiarize yourself with all the information of interest, where you can also read all existing reviews about doctors. Even in the clinic, for patients with minor deviations that can be quickly corrected, a day hospital is possible.

The clinic named after Z.P. Solovyov is located in Moscow, and getting there will not be difficult. The registration number can be found on the clinic website. By calling this number you can find out the cost of treatment, as well as services that are provided free of charge.

The doctors at the clinic are the most qualified and experienced specialists who have gained valuable experience and can find an approach to each patient. There are always vacancies for young specialists in the clinic so that everyone can demonstrate their abilities.

The clinic also offers a service to call a doctor at home, this is very convenient, but you will have to pay for the doctor’s visit. How to get to this clinic? You can get a referral from your psychotherapist and go to a hospital for examination and treatment. With more comfortable conditions of stay and treatment, there is paid branch. There you can stay in a clinic with improved conditions, with a separate room and all the amenities in it.

When the patient enters emergency department, he receives all the necessary information, how many days to stay in bed, daily routine and visiting hours. Nurses are on duty around the clock and will be able to provide qualified assistance at any time.

You can see how to get to the clinic on the map. Its location is in convenient place, so the journey will not take much time. Rest assured, the clinic’s specialists will quickly get your family and friends back on their feet, so don’t think anymore about the institution where your disease will be treated. There is also complete anonymity here, if necessary.

Outpatient care:

  • Day hospital;
  • The doctor's consultation;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Anorexia and Bulimia;
  • Somnology;
  • Panic attacks;
  • Psychoneurological assistance;
  • Hydrotherapy:
    • Sodium chloride bath;
    • Pearl bath;
    • Charcot shower;
    • Iodine-bromine bath;
    • Bischofite bath;
    • SPA capsule;
    • Hydromassage;
    • Pine bath;
    • Cedar barrel;
  • Increasing adaptive capabilities;
  • Physiotherapy.


  • Laboratory diagnostics;
  • Endoscopy;
  • Functional diagnostics;
  • X-ray.

Reception is conducted by highly qualified specialists:

  • neurologists;
  • therapists;
  • endocrinologist;
  • gastroenterologists;
  • urologists;
  • gynecologists;
  • cardiologist;
  • allergist;
  • immunologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologists;
  • dermatologist.

Physiotherapy (physiotherapy):

  • Medicinal electrophoresis;
  • Galvanization;
  • Magnetic therapy (1 field);
  • Magnetic therapy (2 fields);
  • General magnetic therapy;
  • Laser therapy, magnetic laser therapy (1-2 points, field);
  • Laser therapy, magnetic laser therapy (3-4 points, field);
  • Laser therapy, magnetic laser therapy (5-6 points, field);
  • Diadynamic therapy (1 field);
  • Diadynamic therapy (2 fields);
  • Diadynamic therapy (3 fields or more);
  • Sinusoidally modulated currents (1 field);
  • Sinusoidally modulated currents (2 fields);
  • Sinusoidally modulated currents (3 fields or more);
  • SMT-phoresis (1 field);
  • SMT-phoresis (2 fields);
  • Electrical stimulation (1 field);
  • Electrical stimulation (2 fields);
  • Electrical stimulation (3 fields);
  • Pulse electromagnetic field;
  • Microwave therapy (EHF) (1 point);
  • Microwave therapy (EHF) (2 points);
  • Microwave therapy (UMW, SMV) (1 field);
  • Ultrasound therapy (1-2 fields);
  • Ultrasound therapy (3-4 fields or more);
  • Phonophoresis (1-2 fields);
  • Phonophoresis (3-4 fields or more);
  • UHF therapy (1 field);
  • Inductothermy (1 field);
  • Darsonvalization, supratonal frequency currents;
  • UV therapy;
  • OKUF therapy;
  • Pressotherapy;
  • Classic scalp massage; faces; neck;
  • Classic massage abdominal wall; lumbosacral region;;
  • Classic massage upper limb; lower limb (single limb);
  • Classic massage of the upper limb; lower limb (bilateral);
  • Classic back and lumbar massage;
  • Segmental massage of the cervical-collar region and head;
  • Segmental massage of the cervical-collar region and upper extremities;
  • Segmental massage of the cervical thoracic spine;
  • Segmental massage of the thoracic spine;
  • Segmental massage of the lumbosacral spine;
  • Segmental massage of the lumbosacral region and lower limbs;
  • Classic general massage;
  • Massage using a mechanical couch.

Acupuncture (IRT, acupuncture):

  • Microneedling therapy (MIT);
  • Auriculodiagnostics (AD);
  • Auriculotherapy (AT);
  • Electroacupuncture;
  • Laser acupuncture (excitation method);
  • Laser acupuncture (sedative method);
  • Vacuum massage (reflexotherapy);
  • Acupressure (reflexotherapy).

Hyperbaric oxygenation

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) has the following effects:

  • stimulates wound healing mainly by enhancing intracellular regeneration;
  • has a tonic effect on the body, as evidenced by the fact that in athletes after hard training, oxygen under pressure quickly relieves fatigue and significantly increases performance;
  • significantly improves general state a person under fatigue, stress, after drinking alcohol;
  • enhances the effect of a number of pharmacological drugs(antibiotics, cardiac glycosides, diuretics and many others);
  • has a rejuvenating effect on the body;
  • promotes accelerated fat burning and normalization of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, which in turn promotes rapid and harmless weight loss.
  • various poisonings;
  • neuritis of the auditory nerve, hearing loss;
  • circulatory disorders of the retina, optic nerve atrophy;
  • obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, Raynaud's disease;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • collagenoses ( rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.);
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system (prostatitis and decreased potency in men, infertility in women);
  • coronary heart disease, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, chronic heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias;
  • as part of a complex treatment for weight loss, for the purpose of rejuvenation, both as an independent procedure and after cosmetic surgery;
  • overwork, hangover;
  • trophic ulcers, osteomyelitis;
  • psychological stress, nervous breakdown;
  • consequences of strokes, multiple sclerosis, encephalopathy;
  • sluggish and purulent wounds, pancreatitis, sepsis, peritonitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • diabetes.

Official site
