Oats Characteristics Chemical composition and nutritional value. Therapeutic properties of oats. Useful properties of oats, grain

The main difference between the ancient cereals (Amaranth, Movie, Tef) from modern grain crops (rice, wheat, corn) lies in the particular grain itself. Ancient cereals were not hybridization and genetic experiments, and they got in pristine form, which remains so far. Oats can be found to these ancient cereals.

The amount, quality and specificity of nutrients in untouched cereals is an order of magnitude higher.

Compare: 100 grams of oatmeal 17 grams and 11 grams, in white rice, similar indicators are 2.7 grams and 0.4 grams, respectively.

Properly selected OAAE supports energy exchange, fills the organism with the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

general characteristics

Oats applies to annual herbaceous plants family of cereals. On an industrial scale is used as a food and feed plant.

Culture gives oblong inflorescences, which consist of several lowered spikelets. No more than 3 flowers are developing in spikelets, which are compressed on the sides and "clogged" into large scaly. The fruit of oats is called a grain.

A total of 22 oats are derived. Preferential territorial distribution - America, the country of the Old World. The most important variety of oats is sowing. Permissible names - sowing or fodder oats. Only this type is used in food, the rest are considered to be malicious weeds that are eradicated by farmers.

Features of oats

Wholeronery oatmeal is a traditional breakfast of several million people from different parts of the world. But what is justified by such a choice and is it possible to have a carbohydrate creek at the very beginning of the day?

Why it stands is oatmeal for breakfast

Out of health and attitude to work during the day depends on the first meal. That is why nutritiologists categorically prohibit breakfast skipping or replacing it with a cup and a sandwich with a doctoral sausage from above.

Oats will become a real salvation for those who do not represent their day without in any manifestation (cakes, bars, juices). He dults cravings to sweet and promotes long saturation so that the body does not have time to wish harmful snack.

Whole oatmeal has a low glycemic index.

Reference. Glycemic index (GI) is the degree of food influence on the level of blood.

Oats simply will not give sugar level to climb too high, but it dulls the feeling of hunger for several hours. What if the sugar level rose to the limit? Glucose attracts us to bed, gives a minimal amount of energy and supplies an inacrely desire of any, let it even not the most delicious chocolate. Because sweets are the easiest way to quickly saturate the body. We get a rapid charge of energy, which also falls rapidly. 30 minutes of activity are replaced by even greater fatigue, exhaustion and so in a circle. With a healthy breakfast from oats, such a focus will not pass.

Low Gi possess only whole grains of oats. Packaged fast cooking oatmeal is equipped with the same fast carbohydrates as a chocolate bar on palm oil. Such meals will cause a sharp jump glucose in the blood and will turn into hunger again. Buy only one-piece oatmeal or crude oats, cooking time (and not soaring) which starts from 20 minutes.

In 1999, scientists of the Boston Children's Hospital decided to conduct an experiment. They replaced fast food oatmeal whole grain (ordinary) oats. During the day, children began to snack 35% less than before the experiment. Participants noted that they feel satisfied the first half of the day, and the thrust to sweet was completely disappeared.

Can morning oatmeal harm

In the whole grain criterion is quite high content. Nutriciologists recommend limiting the number of starchy vegetables in the diet (but not excluding at all). The optimal daily serving of oats for men is 150 grams, for women - 100 grams. If your daily calirage reaches 1800-2000 kcal (for example, if you are a marathon runner with increased intense activity), then the number of oats can be increased.

What is dangerous starch to houses and office workers who do not attend the hall? Starch is an extra sugar that provokes an insulin jump. In addition to increasing body weight, this product may cause an inflammatory process in the body.

We must not forget that in ancient cereals a lot more calories than in cultivated. Carefully calculate the food value of the product and competently enter Oats in the daily rate.

Chemical composition

Balance of nutrients (in milligrams at the rate of 100 grams of solid raw grain)
Potassium (K) 421
Calcium (SA) 117
Silicon (SI) 1000
Magnesium (MG) 135
Sodium (NA) 37
Sulfur 96
Phosphorus (pH) 361
Chlorine (CL) 119
Aluminum (AL) 1970
Bor (c) 274
Vanadium (V) 200
Iron (FE) 5500
Iodine (I) 7,5
Cobalt (CO) 8
Manganese (MN) 5250
Copper (CU) 600
Molybdenum (MO) 39
Nickel (Ni) 80,3
Tin (SN) 32,6
Selenium (SE) 23,8
Strontium (SR) 121
Titanium (Ti) 172
Fluorine (F) 117
Chrome (CR) 12,8
Zinc (Zn) 3610
Zirconium (Zr) 61,4

Useful properties of ingredient

  1. Control of vital processes inside the body. Oatmeal protein launches tissue regeneration, provides an energy body through carbohydrates and. The product "restarts" metabolic processes, fills the cell membranes with useful nutrients so that the person can think, move and feel well.
  2. In a large number of oats, a special prebiotic is a soluble fiber. It leads to the norm of intestinal microflora, helps her to recover after diseases, taking antibiotics, abnormal food intake. The soluble fiber compensates for the lack of beneficial substances in the non-seasonal vegetables and fruits, maintains the integrity of the intestinal mucosa.

The introduction of an additional 14 grams of fiber leads to a decrease in the daily cone and, accordingly, the figures on the scales.

  1. Oats supports low insulin levels. What does it give? The body easier burns fats and processes them into energy, and not annual deposits on the sides. As a result - the fat layer decreases, the weight is reduced precisely through fats, not muscles or water, is displayed. Low insulin levels serves specific prevention of diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies.
  2. Increase the total efficiency coefficient. The brain begins to work better, there is a large amount of energy produced in the body, which may well turn into high-quality power or cardio-training.

Using the ingredient in cooking

Oats is one of the most revered croup in cooking. It makes oatmeal, flakes, all the favorite "Hercules", flour, drinks, cereal bars and many healthy sweets. One product exists in the culinary world in a variety of roles than insanely satisfied and cooks, and consumers.

Nutriciologists recommend to select the degree of grain processing depending on the age category. Children's body will be difficult to digest and assimilate the untreated Oats. The cereal can provoke a bloody, indigestion, problems with a chair and other digestive disorders at the kid. Prepare oatmeal or flakes and never throw the child - his body himself will give the brain command as soon as saturation feels. Adults may not limit themselves and eat any grain, based on personal flavoring preferences.

Recipe of milk from oats and oatmeal

We need:

  • oats - 250 g;
  • oat groats - 250 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sweetener / flavor to taste.


Prepare 2 containers of the same volume. In one, soak the oats at night, in the other - oat cereals. Filled with grain fluid to shift in a blender, grind to the state of liquid porridge. Straighten the mixture through gauze or fine sieve to get rid of excess husks and particles that could not capture a blender. So the drink will become softer and gentle as traditional milk. Pour the mixture into a suitable container.

Try the finished drink. To enhance taste, you can add honey, vanilla or any other sweetener / flavor to taste. Keep milk in the refrigerator not more than 3-4 days.

Use in cosmetology

Modern pharmacy and luxury brands use Oats for the basic line of cosmetics for face care, body, hair and even the nail plate. The product "saves" the skin from age-related changes, has an antibacterial effect, gives a derma tone and a brilliant healthy look.

In cosmetology, oil from oats and specially separated. At home, you can cook a quick mask / tonic water / scrub in one container. Wash oats thoroughly and boil it until readiness. Divide the resulting porridge into three parts.

  1. Cook the mask. The resulting ruled porridge suppress the fork to a dense consistency. Apply the resulting mixture on your face, hold for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. A similar mask does not need to be enriching. After several procedures, the skin will become velvety and soft, minor wrinkles and rash will disappear.
  2. Prepare toning water. Take boiled oats and strain through a sieve or gauze. Place the water received during the processing, put in a convenient bottle and rub your face every day after waking up and before going to bed.
  3. Prepare scrub. Choose suitable for your skin type compound - coffee, sugar, salt, honey, sea salt and mix with boiled oats. Use scrub 1-2 times a week. Apply on pure sparkled skin with neat massaging movements. No need to put pressure on the skin and rub the scrub in all the layers of the dermis immediately. Easy to pass through massage lines so as not to damage the skin. If there is rashes, pimples or serious acne on the face - give up the use of scrub. It may aggravate inflammation, destroy the available rashes and provoke an infection.

How to choose oatmeal

The market presents the mass of products from oats, but the most popular of them is oatmeal. How to choose a really useful porridge and not be lost in the assortment of network stamps?

Rule 1: Never buy dry cookies from oatmeal

In small attractive packaging contains a huge amount of sugar (not even sweetener, but of harmful white sugar), chemicals. Ready dry breakfast will not give saturation, vigor and energy. On the contrary, after 20-30 minutes after meals, he takes this energy. "Rich" composition can turn into a specific reaction of the body: rash, stool impairment, problems with the digestive system.

Rule 2: Preferred solid grain

The specifics of processing are always indicated on the packaging. Teach yourself to study the composition before buying to lower money on a really high-quality and useful meal. Multiple processing degrees are not responsible for quality. On the contrary, with each new cleansing grain loses the enormous amount of nutrients. There is no point in feeding himself a useless pipe, so be careful.

Rule 3: The more simpler, the better the product

Choose the most simple food without flavors, chocolate and fillers. Buy "empty", separately bitter chocolate, dried fruits, nuts, honey, maple syrup and just mix the ingredients on their own. This will save the budget, absolutely will not affect the time of preparation and will bring tangible benefit the body.

Rule 4: Pay attention to the package

Oatmeal should be implemented in a hermetic packaging or container. It protects fat from oxidation and creating a specific bitterness.

If you do not want to suffer with the choice of oatmeal, then prepare the cereal yourself. Purchase whole oats and grind to the desired consistency. Such a product will be the most useful and organic.

Contraindications to use

In oats and products prepared on its basis, there are no direct contraindications. The product from the diet should be excluded in the case of individual intolerance or absolute rejection of the taste of cereal.

Do not forget to keep track of the dosage of culture in the daily diet. Ovus overeating leads headache, general deterioration of the state, impaired suction and.

Obian sowing
Avena Sativa L.
Mental Family (Matlikovaya) - Poaceae (Gramineae Juss.)

Ox Description

Obeste sewing is an annual herb, low, up to 60-120 cm high, plant.
The roots are apparent, urine.
Stem oats - Solmin: rounded, reprehensive, naked, hollow in interstitial, with swollen dense knots.
Ops leaves are regular, with long vagina covering interstices, long, linear, pointed, rough.
Oats oats flowers, small, green, with long oysters, grouped in 2-3 flowering spikes, which in turn form splashing panicles; The rod of spikes is naked, absent.
Flowers in May-July, ripens in June-August.
The fruit is a grain with a tightly adjacent film.

Agricultural and ecology of oats

Motherland Oats - Mongolia, Northeast China. Cultivated everywhere.

Raw oats

Unclee Green Oat - Fructus Avenae, Crupes - Fructus Avenae Excorticati, Flour - Farina Avenae, Grass (Stems and Green Plant Leaves) - Herba Avenae, Solmin Green Plant - Stramentum Avenae, Oatmeal - Avenae Contusus; The grass is collected during flowering, solomin can be prepared during the harvest period.

Chemical composition of oxa

Oat seeds contain: starch (up to 60%), easily allowed protein substances (up to 18%), indispensable amino acids 3.3%, replaceable amino acids 6.7%, tyrosine, glutamic acid 1.87%, fats (up to 9%), Triglycerides 3.26%, phospholipids 6.32%, fatty acids 5.9%, flavonoids, sterols (sigmasterine, cholesterol), saponins (some of them have antimicrobial effects), beta-sitosterin 0.04%, Kumarin Skopoletin, glycoside Vanillin, Alkaloid Avenin, Triegonellin, Holine, Enzymes, Sugar (glucose 0.04%, Fructose 0.05%, Maltose 0.02%, Rafinose 0.18%, Sakharoza 0.9%), Hemicellulose 10%, fiber 10 , 7%, gum, essential oil, organic acids (oxal, malonic, euhovaya), vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, PP, traces of carotene a, e, biotin, phytic acid, folacin, micro and macroelectric salts.

Action and application of oats

Nature oats - cold-dry.
Polyphenols of oats have an antisclerotic action.
Oats are used for diseases of the liver, kidneys, obesity, chronic pancreatitis, bronchial asthma, colds, fever, gout, edema, water, gold, to increase the appetite, the general tone of the body, during exhaustion, rickets.
The mucous membranes of oats are used for diseases associated with a common nutritional impairment, during asthenia, burn disease, viral hepatitis, gastritis, enterocolites, ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenal.
The mucous membranes of oat flour of coarse grinding is used as an auxiliary agent in iron deficiency anemia caused by a violation of the synthesis of porphins.
In the treatment of eczema, chronic dermatitis, diathesis recommended rigging and decoction made from crude grains.
Cuprakes made of oats and crushed straw have soothing, diuretic, choleretic and catholic properties, they are used for diseases of the kidneys, liver, edema, also under a number of inflammatory diseases.
Oatmeal proteins have a lipotropic effect and are used in medicinal diet in diseases of the heart and liver.
Due to the large content in the grains of vitamin B3 and other components, positive results are noted in the treatment of eczema, chronic dermatitis, diathesis in children.
For grain, a choleretic effect is characteristic, a decrease in cholesterol.
Oatmeal in the form of jelly and cereals have a nutritious, soothing, enveloping effect, are shown in acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea.
Due to the large content of salicylic acid, oatstow, clumsy in warm water in the bath, is a good facilitating means for gout and rheumatism.
Baths with decoction of oat straw are recommended for rheumatism, Ishiaz, with skin diseases, limb frostbite and with constantly cold legs.
In chronic lead poisoning in the diet, oat leaps without milk are introduced.
The infusion of oatmeal is used as a diuretic during edema, with urolithiasis, in choleretic and clotting fees, with meteorism, sweating of legs.
A decoction of grain (boiled more than 1 hour) is used as mucus for the gastrointestinal tract and bronchi, sedative with hyperthyroidism and hypoglycimizing with diabetes mellitus.
A decoction of grain with honey - a pleasant refreshing, firming drink, is used with a decrease in appetite, exhaustion.
Oatmeal attributes the property to conducive hair growth.
The alcohol tincture of green plants collected during flowering is used as a strengthening agent when exhausting, mental overwork, poor appetite, as a soothing, light sleeping pills in neurasthenia, insomnia, with bronchitis in smokers; In India, the decoction of oats is used in the treatment of addiction to opii, the same effect gives a dry residue of the tincture of fresh oat stems, assembled during flowering dissolved in water.
The infusion of straw has a tonic, a lining, which improves the appetite effect.
Fresh juice from grass - with insomnia, excitation, to increase appetite.
The infusion and decoction of straws are used as a diuretic, coating, antipyretic, wind turbulent.
The straw decoction is used as a sugarpponentiary.
Pharies from strong beam straw are made in diseases of the musculoskeletal system; The compresses and kidney parires are used as a means of warming, expanding ureters and facilitating the passage of stones with renal disease.
Baths made of decoction of oat straw are used in rickets, gold, with diseases of the joints, radiculitis, rheumatism, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, frostbite, certain skin diseases.
Oats, boiled with oil, is used as an expectorant and antitussive agent. Oats, welded without oil, is used as a fixing stomach.

Caution when applying oats

The disadvantage of oats is that it is heavy for the stomach, as slowly and difficult to digest and generates gases. The negative properties of oats are preventing lemon, quince or by receiving a large amount of oil.

Recipes from oats

  1. Infusion: 3 tablespoons of straw on 2 glasses of boiling water (daily dose).
  2. 1 A glass of oats poured 1 liters of water, evaporated to half the volume, flickering, add 2 tablespoons of milk, boiled and take 0.5-1 glasses 3 times a day before meals.
  3. Inside (drinking like tea) - 1 tablespoon of grains or flakes on 2 glasses of water, cook for a long time; They advise it better to soak oats or oatmeal from the evening in the water and the next morning cook.
  4. With feverish conditions, as well as for gout, it is recommended to take oatmeal, which is obtained during cooking 40 g of oats on the floor-liter of water.
  5. 1 tablespoon of oats pour 2 glasses of water, boil 30-40 minutes, take 0.5 glasses 3 times a day before meals.
  6. A glass of oats washed 6-8 times with fresh water, then boiled in 2 glasses of water until 2 spoons of honey are added to the cast bravery, it is boosted for a few more minutes, taken as a nutritious, refreshing with the inner heat.
  7. 1 cup oats rinse, grind in a meat grinder, boil 10 minutes in 5 glasses of water, insist - by ¼-½ cup 30 minutes before meals for pancreatitis.
  8. 1 glass of grain brew 1 l of water and evaporated to ¼ of the brushed fluid, take 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day as a choleretic agent.
  9. 30-40 g of chopped herbs or straw on 1 liters of water, insist 2 hours, take 250 ml 3-4 times a day with liver diseases, kidney as a stiff, diuretic, antipyretic and wind turbulent (dose for 2 days).
  10. 1-2 grain glasses brew 1 liters of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, filtered, taken in the chilled form of 0.5 glasses 3 times a day as choleretic.
  11. 20% tincture of green straw per 40% ethanol - on ½-1 teaspoon 3 times a day during depletion, neurosis, insomnia, with liver diseases.
  12. The oats tincture of 20-30 drops on 1 tablespoon of water 3-4 times a day are taken as a tensile remeding.
  13. The infusion of 100 g of crude grains for 3 glasses of boiling water is taken by ½ cup 3-4 times a day before eating as a sugar-diabetes with diabetes mellitus.
  14. To 100 g of crude oats, 1 liter of boiled water is added and left for 8-12 hours at room temperature, after which the transparent water is drained and drink 0.5 glasses 3 times a day at diabetes.
  15. One glass of untreated oats boil 2 hours on slow fire in 1 liter of water, the resulting decoction is filled with and drink during the day (20-30 minutes before meals). Course of treatment 1-1.5 months. The course is repeated 3-4 times a year - as a nutrient, which improves appetite, reducing the body weight, a means of a good enveloping and counterico means.
  16. With bronchitis and shortness of breath, it is recommended to use oatmeal: half a cup of oats are poured with two liters of milk and tomatin for 1.5-2 hours in the furnace or oven, after which they take 1 cup overnight.
  17. The tincture is prepared by 70% ethanol in the ratio (1: 5) - 20-30 drops 3 times a day.
  18. 3 cups of oats, 3 tablespoons of kidney birch and 2 tablespoons of lingry leaves insist 1 day in 4 liters of cold water, boil 15 min on moderate heat. Then add there 3 tablespoons of grass ledge and 2 tablespoons of cornflowers, boil another 15 minutes, insist 45 min. In another enameled dishes, boil 1 l of water, where to add 1 cup of crushed rosehip fruits, boil 10 minutes. Finish 1 day in a cool place. Both lesions are mixed together and store in the fridge in dark glass bottles not more than 5 days. Drink 150 ml 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals in a warm form, the last reception is no later than 19 hours. Children from 2 to 5 years - 15 ml, from 5 to 10 - 25 ml, over 10 - 50 ml. Course of treatment 10 days, break, then repeat - for diseases of the liver.
  19. Fresh juice from young plants for 20-30 drops 3 times a day.
  20. The mucousness of the decoction (100 g of cereals or flakes are soaked for several hours in 1 liter of cold water, then boiled until it thickens), drink without dosing.
  21. The infusion of grain (2 cups brew 1 liters of boiling water, insist 20 min, strain, cool) by ½ cup 3 times a day as a choleretic agent.
  22. The decoction with honey (1 cup of cereals or cereals of oats are boiled in 1 liter of water until the water evaporates half, flickering, add exactly half of the milk, boils again, add honey to taste, bring it again to boil) drink 500 ml. In 2-3 receptions as a constructive.
  23. 3 tablespoons of a mixture (equal) grass of oats, the leaves of the blueberry of ordinary, the seeds of flax of ordinary and pods of the bean of ordinary boiling 10 minutes in 3 glasses of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, filter and drink to ¼ glass 6-8 times a day with diabetes mell.
  24. 1 tablespoon of the mixture (equal) of grass or cavalry straw, cinnamon rose rose, Timyan's grass, the grass of the bird's hustlefish and the chicory root insist 4 hours in 2 glasses of boiling water, firing and drinking half a cup of 1-2 times a day with inflammatory diseases.
  25. 30 g of straw can cook in 10 liters of water - for foot baths.
  26. A decoction of oat straw for baths during rheumatism - ½-1 kg of crushed straw Cook half an hour with several liters of water, then strain and add to warm water for receiving a bath.
  27. 600 g of a mixture (equal) of herbs or oats straw and oak bark of ordinary pour 10 liters of boiling water, boiling 1 hour, filter and feet hyperped in the resulting brave.
  28. A strong decoction of oat straw, often with the addition of a ragger of oak bark, use a length of 15-20 minutes as a foot blade for a feet; A decoction of oat straw for foot baths with sweating of legs is obtained from 300 g of oat straw on the water bucket.
  29. Large pelvis or bucket fill 0.5 or 1 kg of chopped straw, 10 liters of water are poured, boiled for 30 minutes, used for baths or wickers.
  30. The locally decoction (0.5-1 kg of straw on the water bucket) is recommended for rheumatism, Ishiaz, skin diseases, frostbite, constantly cold limbs, gold and rickets in children.
  31. 0.5 kg of straw boil with 2 liters of water for 30 minutes on slow heat, the decoction is added to the water for the bath: water temperature 36-37 ° C, duration - 10-15 minutes, treatment course - 15-20 procedures (2- 3 baths per week).

Cosmetics from oats

Oats and its products are widely used in dermatological practice to maintain normal skin trophic.
Cosmetic masks prepared from the tool are used with dry, sluggish and fading skin.
For persons with dry peeling skin, a rumor rummage is recommended (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).
Mask with dry skin:2 tablespoons of oatmeal boils are boiled 15 minutes on milk or water, cooled, add a spoonful of honey and the resulting bump in warm form is applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which it washed with cold water and wipes.
Mask to remove gumons: The whipped protein is mixed with 2 spoons of oatmeal, the resulting mixture is applied to the face, after drying, removed with a dry towel, and the face is washed with cold water and wipe.

Cooking from oats

Oatmeal, oatmeal is used for dietary nutrition of patients with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal atonia, liver diseases, nervous system, heart activity rhythm violation, diabetes mellitus, gout, obesity; From oats prepare soups, porridges, puddings, kissels.
Porridge from oat flakes "Hercules". In hot salted milk, pour oatmeal, cook, stirring, 15 minutes, until it thickens. Add to finished porridge add cream oil: 0.5 l of milk, 1 cup of oat flakes, 1 tablespoon of butter, salt.
Oatmeal on milk and honey. 1 glass of oats (or oatmeal) pour 5 glasses of water, cook until ½ amount of water evaporates (to a liquid cheese density), to strain and add an equal amount of milk (about 2 glasses) and boil again. Then add 4 teaspoons of honey (can and more - to taste) and cook again. The resulting pleasant taste and calorie drink was heated in two or three receptions within one day.

Osion is a plant that belongs to one-year ripening time. Among the whole manifolds numbering about forty species, it is advisable to single out oats sowing. In order to avoid confusion, it is worth noting that the same view has a few more names: fodder and oats ordinary.

Presumably, OVES began to cultivate in about the second millennium BC, and immediately he gained popularity as a fodder culture. From the memories of Sriend, the older is known that the Germans of ancient times were cooked by porridge from him and used her in food, thereby causing the ridicule of the ancient Greeks and Romans, who believed that this culture is only suitable as food for animals.

In Russia, Ovese has long been considered good food, Moods and Kissel did from it, as well as many other dishes. You can read about this culture in the famous XII century book, which is called "Tale of Bygone Years". And of course, it has widespread not only with us, but also in other countries, for example in the UK. The proof of this is the fact that oatmeal serves as a practically visiting card by the famous hero of detectives Sherlock Holmes.

What is the useful oats?

The fact that OVES is rather rich in vitamins, minerals and other useful properties of the cereal proves its regular use by our ancestors. No wonder the porridge is called Hercules, in its title a priori caused power and power. In this croup, there are many, and it is contained in it in several types: insoluble and soluble.

In addition, a lot in oats contain starch and protein, and the fat is slightly smaller than in buckwheat. Vitamin K, vitamins of groups B, as well as potassium mineral substances, magnesium, fluorine, sulfur, iodine complement the beneficial properties of this cereal.

Therapeutic properties of oats

Of course, possessing such a composition, OVES is simply obliged to benefit our body, with which he successfully copes. You only need to eat it in food, and many illness weaken our action or disappear at all. For example, for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, porridge from oats without milk every morning - just an indispensable medicine. Ovens will work in this case as a natural scrub for the body, removing all surplus from the stomach and intestines and at the same time lowering the secretion of the glands there. This cereal and liver acts beneficial.

The soluble fiber, which a sufficient amount in OVE, has a property to remove excess cholesterol from the body, which ultimately has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Widespread use found orations also in modern home cosmetology. So, this ingredient in different kinds are used in the manufacture of masks for all skin types, starting with dry and ending the problem.

Village oats

Consider some worthy of our attention A oats:

Hello. In terms of ripening - the mid-length variety, from other varieties is distinguished by yellow coloring grain, it is used as food and aft culture.

Yakov. Also, the mid-length variety, medium size, is very resistant to dry times.

Jump. Medieval, it is included in the list of the most productive and high-yielding varieties.

Every horse breeder knows that the main grain feed horse is Oats. But on the question: "Why?" Only a few will be able to name one - two reasons. At best, they will answer that this is dietary feed, and that he "burst" a horse.

We will analyze the advantages of oats in more detail. The same advantages are largely related to human nutrition. The oats grain is of great importance in human nutrition. It is made of a barrier, flour, interpretation, surrogate coffee, gallets, cookies, etc. Products made of oats grain are well absorbed by the body and have a dietary value.

Oat grain is greater than other bread, contains fats and vitamins, rich in protein
, starch, alkaline salts, gums, essential oils, cholins and other useful substances. Oats contains a lot of soluble fiber, vitamins E, C and K. is rich and the microelement composition of the seedlings - they are a source of calcium, iron, magnesium, sulfur, silicon, chromium, zinc, iodine and fluorine.

Translated from Latin, Oats means - "be healthy". Therapeutic properties of oats are known from ancient times. The healing spectrum is very wide.

Oats - dietary feed

Of all the grain crops, two have grains covered with films - this is oats and barley. This leads to the fact that the content of fiber in them is significantly larger than in grains without films
(Higher cultures). However, this indicator has significantly higher than that of barley. The fiber stimulates the intestinal work, improves its peristalistic, contributes to the formation of digestive enzymes. Even in the old days, people drew attention to the positive effect of fiber and to improve digestibility was even added to the grain stern of strawing SCH. In addition, in a thick intestine and, in particular, in a blind intestine, fiber becomes a substrate for the development of useful microflora. About whether these microorganisms are the source of energy nutrients for horses, there are old disputes among scientists. But no doubt remains the fact that vitamins (especially group B) and other biologically active substances formed by microorganisms are entered into blood.

The content of fiber in grain stern also contributes to its best chewing and wetting saliva, which increases the digestibility of the feed in the future. In addition, bl
the agodar of amylase saliva digestion of sugars, in particular, starch, begins in the oral cavity. Therefore, the higher in the grain the amount of fiber, the better for its digestibility, namely in oats grains, the tissue content is the largest, compared with the rest of the grain feed. By the way, the grain of oats is generally chewed easier than other cereals, which means that teeth are less erased.

The crushing and oats and oats, according to different authors, increase the digestibility of oats by 4 - 20%. However, while significantly reduces the time of chewing and wetting mightm saliva, which in turn reduces its digestibility. And in crushing, as a result of heating grain, the content of vitamins and dietary properties are also reduced.

When cooking and breeding, nutritional value of oats does not increase, but only vitamins and other biologically active substances are destroyed. But the washing with cold water purifies oats from dust pollution. Even the most "clean" oats contains a large amount of dust.

Good digestibility oats

Already 2 hours after feeding Oats leave the stomach, which means that the horse can work. For comparison: barley for this requires approximately 6 hours, and other grain feeds are even more time. What is the physical work on a full stomach, knows, probably everyone.

Oat grains contain Avenin and other substances

It is this substance that we are owned by the "playfulness" of horses. People have long been knew about "b dresseling "action of oats. This property is necessary for hipcodrome, sports and many other horses. But on the other side, it is often a real problem for rolled products. B horse oats have become sluggish and quickly gain overweight.

The presence of such biologically active substances such as choline, glycockol and trigoneline determine the indispensability of it for young and adult horses.

6. High fat content (including essential fatty acids) in OVE provides excellent condition of the horse's coil. Of all the grain crops, only corn and oilseeds contain fat more than Oats. But they have their drawbacks. In addition, fats are necessary to assimize fat-soluble vitamins.

Oats is a source of full (containing all necessary amino acids) proteins

Of course, it is contained here less than, for example, in legume crops. But
a large number of protein needs only growing young and horses carrying very intense loads (for example, triabal in a competitive period). On our stables horses more often suffer from lack of proteins, but, on the contrary, from protein poisoning. Not passing legumes are a typical sign of this problem. It was believed that the ratio of oats and coarse feed (hay) in nutrition must be 1: 1, that is, if you want to give a horse 3 kg of oats (nutritional value on average 1 feed.), Then hay (nutritional value average 0.4 feed.) It is necessary to give: 3 1 \u003d 0.4 x; X \u003d 7.5 kg hay. With this ratio and high-quality feeds, horses do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Change this ratio only with significant physical stress on the horse to ensure its necessary amount of energy. The diet should be calculated at first the need of a horse in coarse feeds, and then define the number of concentrates. So the low content of high-quality protein in OVE is more advantageous. If still the protein content is not enough (for example, for young horses fast-growing rocks), then balancing the ration is best with hay of legume plants.

Lack of oats and other types of grain

The only drawback of oats, as, however, and all other grain feeds, cry
low relation calcium to phosphorus, so in the diet of the horse to maintain the mineral balance of coarse feed include calcined additives. This is especially important for horses carrying large physical exertion and highly sweating, because at the same time calcium is spent more intensively than phosphorus.

High-quality oats has a characteristic, low-rise smell. The grain of oats has a small taste of bitterness.

The smell of grain and its quality

Selenium smell of grain can be with the contamination of his head disputes; Shooting the honey smell indicates grain grain with ticks; The smell of wormwood (and bitter taste) or garlic - the result of grain damaging by these plants. Sweetish taste acquires a sprouted or damaged by freezing grain, burned taste - with oxidation of fats. Dark spots, matte tint, edge, mold smell point to damage.

Ox dishes

Fast cooking oatmeal - small, pre-boiled and dried, it is enough just to pour hot water. This croup is not used when baking: because of a very fine grinding, baked products can get adhesive.

Oatmeal is obtained
, grinding grains into powder. When used to prepare a yeast dough, it must be mixed with a flour containing gluten, since it is missing gluten itself.

Oat bran - rich in fiber outer shell of grain; This is a useful supplement to porridge, trimming dough and yogurt. Using them instead of flour when baking, replace them from a quarter to a third of the entire number of flour, otherwise the products will be mischief.

In Bran, there is also no gluten, so they cannot be used in large quantities for the preparation of the test. But for those who use meat, they serve as a magnificent additive to meat minced meat for the preparation of meatballs and meatballs, meat (sausage) bread, meat dishes and casserole. At 0.5 kg of minced meat, take about half an hour of oat bran.

Oats belongs to one of the most important grainiferous cultures, because its sowing squares are only a bit inferior in suturing wheat crops, rice, corn and barley. Early alignment species of oats were grown in the territory of the ancient Mongolia and North China, and the porridge from this creek was still ready for the tribes. It is noteworthy that the CIS countries produce oats more than any other countries of the world - there are almost half of world crops.

Oats has more than twenty varieties, of which "cultural" only four. In our country, the main cultivated species became "sowing" (A Sativa), in countries located south, a more resistant drought type of oats - Byzantine (A BYZANTINA) is grown.

The main appointment of oats grain is to use it as a high-sighted concentrated feed for horses, young livestock and birds. Oats performs the main component in the manufacture of feeds, the harvesting of green feed, hay and silo. In addition, the valuable properties of oats determined its widespread use in medicine, food industry, perfumery.

When choosing technology for growing oats, manufacturers takes into account its purpose (for example, Oats, intended for use in baby diet, is less subjected to pesticides and feeding fertilizers).

Forms of release

The most common and familiar dish of oats has long been the famous oatmeal. Oats in it happens in the form of flakes or grains of various fractions. For example, for children, you need to choose a porridge from small, chopped, pressed, crushed grains, which are easier to be perceived by the children's mucous membrane. Therefore, the optimal children's option will be a hider of Extra oat flakes (with marking on the packaging "3"). Adults use of porridge from whole grains is quite acceptable (for example, "Hercules)." In addition to porridge, oatmeal is included in the composition of the muesley, as well as, there are oatmeal, kissel and cookies from this product.

Choosing and storage of oatmeal

When choosing oatmeal, it is better to give preference to whole grain, in which the beneficial properties of this product are maximally saved. It should be noted that oatmeal there are two types of "Hercules" (flakes larger) and "Extra" (cereal of varying degrees of grinding).

Typically, the recommendations and deadlines for the storage of oat grain products are indicated on the labels by the manufacturer, but, in general, oatmeal is stored in the enameled dishes up to 10 months, flakes and confusion - up to 4. Too long storage is not recommended - the cereals will turn around, bugs or food can start mole.

Caloriciness oats

The caloric content of oatmeal is 316 kilocalories per 100 grams. In the cereal of "energy value" a little more, about 352 kcal. In general, oatmeal and flakes are unequivocally recommended by nutritionists to everyone who follows the figure and tries to maximize healthy foods in their diet. Moreover, there is a mass of diets, the basis of which serves precisely oatmeal.

Food value in 100 grams:

Useful properties of oats

Composition and availability of useful substances

Oats real storehouse of vitamins, macro and trace elements. It contains iron, silicon, iodine, zinc, copper and manganese. In large quantities there are potassium and sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. The following vitamins are present: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, A, RR, Beta-Carotene, E, H, Holin.

Useful and therapeutic properties

If you start your morning with a plate of oatmeal, you can secure a good mood, the charge of forces and cheerfulness for the whole day will get rid of problems with digestion. Big plus oatmeal is its good combination with fruits, nuts, milk, yogurt, jams, honey and vegetables, which will mostly diversify the "everyday" oatmeal.

The use of oats grains in different ways (for example, in the form of bran or decoction) will help to avoid lethargy, total decline of forces, atherosclerosis. And silicon in the composition of the cereal will retain strong bones for a long time, raise immunity, strengthens the vessels. Thanks to Kalia, the blood of the acid-alkaline balance remains in the norm, the work of the kidneys, hearts stabilizes.

Therapeutic properties of oats are used in the treatment of impotence, infertility. There are assumptions about the ability of oats to stimulate the work of the thyroid and regulate the amount of estrogen in the body. Scientific research has proven the usefulness of the use of fiber contained in the grains of this cereal (cholesterol levels decreases, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced, pressure is normalized). Less becomes the threat of obesity (especially for sedentary and older people), varicose veins and hemorrhoids are reduced. Oats are extremely desirable for patients with diabetes, because it is capable not only to reduce blood sugar levels, but also reduce the swelling, deriving an extra liquid from the body.

With frequent disorders of the digestive tract, the fiber in OSA will have a soothing effect, the carts complies compacts, reduce the total intestinal mucosa contact with stimuli or carcinogens. Therefore, the inclusion of oats in a permanent diet can prevent the development of the rectum cancer. Previously, oat husks stuck pillows to combat insomnia. In folk medicine, the range of diseases, to combat Oats, is simply huge. Here are rheumatism and gout, lungs and kidney diseases, eczema and diathesis, foot sweating and deprive, urolithiasis and flu, gastritis and arthritis. Uases, a wonderful enveloping and protective effect demonstrates oatmeal.

Especially useful is slightly gentle oats, with lower caloric content and increased vitamins. Easy digestion and high oats digestibility allowed to include it in a limited menu for people with chronic diseases, recovering patients and young mothers.

Use of oats in cosmetology

With dry peeling skin, an oats and kefir brave mask are used. To maintain the skin in the tone, a scrub is used, which consists of food soda and oatflakes in flour. Many well-known producers of creams and balms include Oats in the formulas of their products. Simple and efficient diet using oats will save a beautiful tightened figure without any expenses on expensive additives or exotic fruits.

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