Human genital organs. The structure of the male and female genital organs, or the reproductive system of the human body

The types of labia are completely different. This is due to the different anatomical development of the female reproductive organs. Moreover, throughout the entire life cycle, the genitourinary system undergoes many changes, both internal and external.

In the anatomical structure of the female genitourinary system, 2 types of labia are distinguished: these are small and large lips. Small ones perform the function of a tight girth of the penis during coitus. But the large lips of the female reproductive system perform a protective function, the result of which is to protect the vagina from the penetration of foreign objects and various infections.

The labia majora is a common longitudinal skin fold, the color of which depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. Doctors classify them only by external signs as follows:

  • lips of normal length and thickness;
  • asymmetrical folds;
  • underdeveloped organs.

The structure of the labia minora is much more different. In normal condition, their thickness should not exceed 5-6 mm. In this case, the longitudinal folds of the female genital organs should immediately pass into the mucous membrane. In the area of ​​the clitoris, the skin folds of the female genital organs are divided into lateral and medial legs. These legs extend into the upper and lower parts of the genitourinary system. They end at the very beginning of the vagina and at the lower adhesion.

The labia minora can have completely different shapes and are divided according to the type of change that occurs with them. Among such changes, doctors distinguish elongation, protrusion, scallop and hypertrophy of the genital folds.

Elongation is characterized by large stretching of the skin folds, which can exceed 60-70 mm. In normal condition, their size should be 20-30 mm. During protrusion, there is a rather strong protrusion of the internal folds. In this state, the labia majora are not able to fully protect the female genitourinary system.

Scallop is observed only at the edges of the lips and is characterized by a change in their color and shape. If such changes are observed for a rather long period of time, then the patient may experience hypertrophy of the skin folds. As a result, large wrinkles will appear on the internal organs, and skin pigmentation will occur.

Reasons for changing forms

As noted above, the genitals of each woman have a completely individual shape. At the same time, doctors have not established quite clear criteria that determine their color and shape. Although an experienced gynecologist, during a visual examination, can detect abnormal changes occurring in the organs of the vagina.

Most often, such changes are the result of a violation of the hormonal background of the body, as a result of which there is an increase in the level of androgen (male sex hormone). A similar phenomenon causes polycystic ovary disease, increased hair growth in the limbs (arms, legs) and infertility.

Also, among the reasons influencing the change in the shape of the vagina, one can note mechanical damage (tight underwear) and great physical exertion that affect the groin area. In addition, frequent and prolonged masturbation not only causes a change in the shape of internal organs, but also leads to other dangerous diseases.

It should be noted, and various diets, which are quite often adhered to by the female sex. Incorrectly selected dietary food can lead to a sharp change not only in the patient's weight, but also cause damage to his internal organs.

At the same time, young girls, whose age does not exceed 25 years, are most at risk. This is due to the fact that the anatomical formation of their body has not yet been completely completed.

As a rule, any changes in the organs of the vagina lead to problems in intimate life.

If such problems occur, do not despair. Modern medicine allows you to solve problems with changes in the shape of skin folds with the help of drug treatment or plastic surgery.

Drug treatment allows you to cope with diseases only at the initial stages of their manifestations. For this, antihistamines and antiseptics are used (Fluconazole, Metronidazole, Doxycycline, Acyclovir, Diflucan), which can eliminate itching and various pain sensations. In addition, the hormonal balance of the body should be restored.

This can be done with the help of a special diet, which should be saturated with mint, vegetable oil and white yeast bread. In the case when it was not possible to eliminate the problem with medication, they resort to surgical elimination of the disease.

The female genital organs include the ovaries and their appendages, the uterus and fallopian tubes, the vagina, the clitoris, and the female genital area. Depending on the position, they are divided into internal and external. Female genital organs perform not only a reproductive function, but also participate in the formation of female sex hormones.

Rice. The structure of the female reproductive system and adjacent organs, side view.
1 - the vagina; 2 - the cervix; 3 - the body of the uterus; 4 - fallopian tube; 5 - funnel of the fallopian tube; 6 - ovary; 7 - urethra; 8 - bladder; 9 - rectum; 10 - pubic bone.

Internal female genital organs.

Ovary (ovarium) - a paired female genital gland located in the pelvic area. The mass of the ovary is 5-8 g; the length is 2.5-5.5 cm, the width is 1.5-3.0 cm and the thickness is up to 2 cm. The ovary is ovoid, somewhat compressed in the anteroposterior direction. With the help of its own and suspension ligaments, it is fixed on both sides of the uterus. Participates in fixation and the peritoneum, which forms the mesentery (duplication) of the ovary and attaches it to the wide ligament of the uterus. In the ovary, two free surfaces are distinguished: medial, directed into the pelvic cavity, and lateral, adjacent to the pelvic wall. The surfaces of the ovary pass from behind into a convex free (posterior) edge, in front - into the mesenteric edge, to which the mesentery of the ovary is attached.

In the mesenteric region there is a depression - ovarian gate through which vessels and nerves enter and exit it. In the ovary, the upper tubal end, which is turned to the fallopian tube, and the lower uterine end, connected to the uterus by the ovary's own ligament, are distinguished. This ligament is located between the two sheets of the broad ligament of the uterus. The largest ovarian fringe of the fallopian tube is attached to the tubal end of the ovary.

The ovaries are part of the group of movable organs, their topography depends on the position of the uterus, its size.

The surface of the ovary is covered with a single-layer embryonic epithelium, under which lies a dense connective tissue tunica albuginea. The inner substance (parenchyma) is divided into outer and inner layers. The outer layer of the ovary is called the cortex. It contains a large number of follicles containing eggs. Among them are vesicular ovarian (mature) follicles (graaf's vesicles) and maturing primary ovarian follicles. A mature follicle can be 0.5-1.0 cm in size; covered with a connective tissue membrane, consisting of an outer and an inner layer.

Adjacent to the inner layer is a granular, oviparous mound, in which the egg is located - oocyte... Inside the mature follicle, there is a cavity containing follicular fluid. As the ovarian follicle matures, it gradually reaches the surface of the organ. Usually only one follicle develops within 28-30 days. With its proteolytic enzymes, it destroys the white membrane of the ovary and, bursting, releases the egg. This process is called ovulation. Then the egg enters the peritoneal cavity, on the fimbria of the tube and then into the peritoneal opening of the fallopian tube. In place of the bursting follicle, a depression remains, in which the corpus luteum is formed. It produces hormones (lutein, progesterone) that inhibit the development of new follicles. If fertilization of the egg does not occur, the corpus luteum atrophies and disintegrates. After atrophy of the corpus luteum, new follicles begin to mature again. In the case of fertilization of the egg, the corpus luteum grows rapidly and exists throughout pregnancy, performing an intrasecretory function. Then it is replaced by connective tissue and turns into a whitish body. In place of the bursting follicles on the surface of the ovary, there are traces in the form of depressions and folds, the number of which increases with age.

Something interesting

The bubbles visible on the surface of the ovaries were recognized as an accumulation of vague energy, a kind of unlit candle or tinder. The ancient Egyptians managed to quickly remove the ovaries, creating a kind of eunuch from a woman who never becomes pregnant.

K. M. Baer, ​​the future St. Petersburg academician, was famous for his absent-mindedness, which, however, did not prevent him from making a great discovery with the help of a microscope. It is quite possible to understand his shock when, in 1827, he discovered the first (!) Egg cell seen by a man. That is why it is rightly inscribed on the medal beaten in his honor: "Starting with an egg, he showed man to man."


Uterus (uterus) - a hollow unpaired organ in which the development of the embryo and bearing of the fetus occurs. It distinguishes bottom- top part, body- middle department and neck- the lower narrowed part. The narrowed transition of the body of the uterus to the cervix is ​​called isthmus of the uterus. The lower part of the cervix, which is part of the vaginal cavity, is called vaginal part of the cervix, and the upper one, lying over the vagina, - supravaginal part. The opening of the uterus is limited by the front and back lips. The posterior lip is thinner than the front. The uterus has anterior and posterior surfaces. The anterior surface of the uterus faces the bladder and is called the vesicular, the posterior, facing the rectum, is intestinal.

The size of the uterus and its weight vary. The length of the uterus in an adult woman is on average 7-8 cm, and the thickness is 2-3 cm.The mass of the uterus in a nulliparous woman ranges from 40 to 50 g, in a woman who has given birth it reaches 80-90 g. The volume of the uterine cavity is in the range of 4-6 cm3 ... Located in the pelvic cavity between the rectum and the bladder.

The uterus is fixed with the help of the left and right broad ligaments, consisting of two sheets of the peritoneum (anterior and posterior). The area of ​​the broad ligament of the uterus adjacent to the ovary is called the ovarian mesentery. The uterus is also supported by the round ligament and the cardinal ligaments of the uterus.

The wall of the uterus consists of three layers. The surface layer is represented by serous membrane (perimetry) and covers almost the entire uterus; average - muscular layer (myometrium) formed by inner and outer longitudinal and middle circular layers; internal - mucous membrane (endometrium) covered with a single-layer prismatic ciliated epithelium. Under the peritoneum around the cervix is ​​located peri-uterine fiber - parametrium.

The uterus is largely mobile, which depends on the position of adjacent organs.

Something interesting

Plato was sure that “in women, that part of them that is called the womb, or womb, is nothing more than a beast that has settled inside them, full of childbearing lust. , prowls all over the body, restricts the respiratory tract and does not allow the woman to breathe, bringing to the last extreme and to all kinds of ailments, until, finally, female lust and male eros bring the couple together and take the harvest from the trees. "

Medical workers of distant antiquity did not doubt the ability of the uterus to repeatedly move around the body, just like an enraged animal, over a considerable distance from the vagina to the xiphoid process of the sternum. In this case, the unfortunate woman herself can lose her voice, hallucinate and convulse. That is why it was believed to lead to the emergence of a condition called (based on the Greek name for the organ - hystera) hysteria. To stop this, the genitals were smeared with expensive incense. They put ice on the ovarian area, operated on the clitoris. At the same time, it was prescribed to take substances of a disgusting taste (tar, beer grounds) inside. The meaning of the actions was seen in the fact that the uterus, "turned away" in this way from the upper part of the body, will inevitably return to the lower, that is, to its original place.

Uterine (fallopian) tube (tuba uterina) - a paired tubular organ 10-12 cm long, 2-4 mm in diameter; promotes the passage of the egg from the ovary into the uterine cavity. The fallopian tubes are located on both sides of the fundus of the uterus, with a narrow end they open into the uterine cavity, and with an expanded end, into the peritoneal cavity. Thus, through the fallopian tubes, the peritoneal cavity is connected to the uterine cavity.

In the fallopian tube, a funnel, ampoule, isthmus and uterine part are distinguished. The funnel has a ventral opening of the tube, which ends in long narrow fringes. The funnel is followed by the ampulla of the fallopian tube, then - its narrow part - isthmus... The latter passes into the uterine part, which opens into the uterine cavity by the uterine opening of the tube.

The wall of the fallopian tube consists of a mucous membrane covered with a single-layer prismatic ciliated epithelium, a muscular membrane with an inner circular and outer longitudinal layers of smooth muscle cells and a serous membrane.

Something interesting

At the end of the tube, which is next to the ovary, fringes are visible with a simple eye. For a long time they were considered to have their own desires and abilities. One of them is supposedly curious, the other is "somewhat confused", the third looks like a "hunter". But all these names, I confess, are not from anatomical, but from fiction.

Vagina - an unpaired hollow organ in the form of a tube 8-10 cm long, the wall thickness is 3 mm. With its upper end, it covers the cervix, and with the lower end, through the urogenital diaphragm of the pelvis, it opens in the vestibule of the vagina. This opening in a virgin is closed by the hymen, which is a lunate or perforated plate, which breaks during intercourse, and its flaps then atrophy. In front of the vagina are the bladder and urethra, behind the rectum, with which it grows together with loose and dense connective tissue.

Rice. The structure of the female reproductive system, front view.
1 - the vagina; 2 - the cervix; 3 - the body of the uterus; 4 - the uterine cavity; 5 - fallopian tube; 6 - funnel of the fallopian tube; 7 - ovary; 8 - maturing egg (increase)

In the vagina, the anterior and posterior walls are isolated, which are connected to one another. Covering the vaginal part of the cervix, they form a domed depression around it - vaginal vault.

The vaginal wall is made up of three sheaths. Outdoor - adventitious- the shell is represented by loose connective tissue with elements of muscle and elastic fibers; average - muscular- mainly longitudinally oriented beams, as well as beams of the circulation direction. In the upper part, the muscular membrane passes into the muscles of the uterus, and below it becomes more durable and its bundles are woven into the muscles of the perineum. The inner mucosa is lined with stratified squamous epithelium and forms numerous transverse vaginal folds. On the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina, the folds become higher and form longitudinal columns of folds.

Something interesting

The "mouth of a woman's trap" was the name given to that terrible image that entered literature and mythology under the name vagina dentata - a vagina with teeth. In Ecuador, the Cayapa Indians were convinced that the vagina could even "eat" the penis. The corresponding concept is very well known among psychoanalysts; in the fantasies of their patients, it happens that this aggressive organ that can kill or castrate appears.

Of course, there are no teeth in this area, but those who have not had sexual intercourse at the beginning of the vagina have (almost all) hymen. The latter is an anatomically unremarkable connective tissue membrane, very abundantly supplied with nerve endings.

Pleven is accompanied by a whole collection of beautiful and poetic metaphors: "maiden flap", "patch", "seal of virginity", "guard", "valve of chastity", "belt of purity", "flower of virginity". The botanical assortment also turned out to be very diverse. His list includes a delicate lily, a rose prone to crumble (evidence of short duration), an orange blossom, hawthorn flowers in May, lavdpp (in Christianity it is a symbol of the Virgin Mary), a daisy. The image of strawberries informed about virginity and purity in Western European art. It was placed on coats of arms and cloaks.

Such imagery as "closed well", "sealed fountain", "bell" were also used. The elusive, graceful doe was recognized as an attribute of the virginity of the Olympic goddess Artemis (Diana). The warrior maiden Athena was also blameless.

Virginity was endowed not only with sonorous terms, but also attributed to those possessing it with special power. As a result, in some peoples, individual actions could only be performed by those who had not had sex. According to the views of the medieval church fathers, a virgin cannot be possessed by the devil. At one time, this conviction forced to conduct a corresponding study of the captured Jeanne d "Arc. The warrior maidens after sexual intercourse lost their fighting courage. But the ancient Slavic men did not attach any importance, virginity. And not only them.

Oogenesis - the process of development of female germ cells in the ovary. Primary female reproductive cells (oogony) begin to develop in the first months of intrauterine development. Then oogonia turn into oocytes... By the time of birth, there are about 2 million oocytes in the ovary of girls, which turn into first order oocytes... However, among them there is an intensive process of atresia, which significantly reduces their number. Before puberty, about 500,000 oocytes remain capable of further division. Further, the oocytes turn into primordial follicles and then in primary follicles. Secondary follicles appear only after reaching puberty.

In sexology manuals, you can read that, thanks to the significant musculature of the vaginal walls, a woman is able to "shoot" an inserted object, suck in air and even release it with a whistle. But the fact that snakes are not found in the vagina (according to the beliefs of some peoples), as well as the fact that its walls absorb the semen and deliver it to the ovaries, that's for sure.

The secondary follicle continues to grow and turns into mature (graaf bubble)... Then the follicle ruptures and egg enters the peritoneal cavity. This process is called ovulation.

External female genital organs.

They are located in the anterior perineum in the urogenital triangle and include the female genital area and clitoris.

The female genital area includes the pubis, large and small labia, the vestibule of the vagina, large and small glands of the vestibule and the bulb of the vestibule.

Rice Female external genital organs: (increase)
1- pubis; 2- anterior lip commissure; 3- the foreskin of the clitoris; 4 - the head of the clitoris; 5- labia majora; 6- paraurethral ducts; 7- labia minora; 8- duct of the large gland of the vestibule; 9- frenulum of the labia; 10- posterior lip commissure; 11 - anus; 12 - crotch; 13 - fossa of the vestibule of the vagina; 14 - hymen; 15- opening of the vagina; 16 - the vestibule of the vagina; 17 - external opening of the urethra (urethra); 18 - frenulum of the clitoris

The pubis at the top is separated from the abdomen by the pubic groove, and from the thighs by the hip grooves. It is covered with hair that goes down to the labia majora. In the pubic area, the subcutaneous fat layer is well developed.

Something interesting

In reality, the external female genital organs are represented by the pubis topped with fat and hair. In textbooks, the name "hill of Venus" is retained for this area. Love and fertility have always been the prerogative of this goddess. It is less known that in some places it was considered "base", patronizing the excitement of desires and the satisfaction of passion. She also had the nickname "Genitelida", which clearly indicates her patronage of the genitals.

The purpose of pubic hair is not seen in thermal protection, for there is already so much fat here, but in the preservation of the olfactory stimuli that attract, even fascinate some. According to Slavic mythology, the appearance of female genitals gave reason to call them "marten", "sable", "ermine", "furry". Hence - the custom that took place young people spend their first night in the sheepfold. The ermine, in particular, was named because, according to legend, this animal died if its white skin got dirty. In ancient portraits, the ermine symbolized purity.

Very long pubic hair once gave the Tungus the right to divorce their wives. However, the complete absence of vegetation here, for some reason, was evidence of sterility. Dyeing this hair in the most intricate colors (for example, bright red) was not excluded.

Large labia represent a rounded paired skin fold 7-8 cm long and 2-3 cm wide. They delimit the genital slit from the sides. Between themselves, the labia majora are connected by an anterior and posterior commissure. The skin covering the labia majora contains many sebaceous and sweat glands.

Between the labia majora there is another pair of skin folds - small labia. Their front ends cover the clitoris, form the foreskin and frenulum of the clitoris, and the rear ends, joining together, form a transverse fold - labia frenum... The space between the labia minora is called the vestibule of the vagina. It contains the external opening of the urethra and the opening of the vagina.

Something interesting

In some areas of tropical Africa, girls had their labia majora stitched up in order to better preserve their virginity. For the same purpose, a ring was threaded through them. In Europe (in the 16th century) they came up with the idea of ​​using special belts made of iron and wire, locked with locks. The Padua tyrant Francesco II allegedly invented this. The knight who went on the campaign took one key from his wife's belt with him, and gave the other to the priest. But you can find a master key for any lock if you wish.

Clitoris is a homologue of the cavernous bodies of the male penis and consists of paired cavernous bodies. It distinguishes between the body, the head and the legs attached to the lower branches of the pubic bones. In front, the body of the clitoris narrows and ends with a head. The clitoris has a dense fibrous white membrane and is covered with skin rich in nerve sensory endings.

Something interesting

The Chinese considered a large clitoris to be an ugliness, something so suspicious that they endowed the said organ with the ability to cyclically grow with the moon and reach the size of a penis.

The erection of the clitoris, which was very abundantly supplied with nerve endings, gave reason to equate it in this state with the protruding tongue of the formidable and destructive goddess Kali (from Hindu mythology). We are more aware of the fact that the clitoris is the main center of calling for orgasm, the "organ of pleasure."

In some tribes of Tropical Africa, in the southern regions of the Arabian Peninsula, in Malaysia and Indonesia, Australia and Oceania in girls who have reached puberty, the clitoris is sometimes cut off to weaken sexual desire, as well as for hygienic reasons. According to men, a woman who has not gone through such an operation cannot be a respectable, well-mannered and obedient wife. Often the same fate befell the labia minora and even partially the labia majora, which is called "Pharaoh's circumcision."

One should not exclude in this action the reason for symbolizing the departure from childhood, the entry into maturity. And this, as in similar cases with circumcised boys, requires significant volitional efforts to overcome the pain.

Such a crippling effect was invented, it seems, by the Egyptians two or three hundred years before our era. The fact that after this a nervous breakdown may occur, sexual coldness may develop, followed by difficulty with childbirth, is usually not taken into account. As the French ethnologist B. Olya writes, “the physiological effect of the operation is complemented by its psychological consequences. Usually clitoral circumcision occurs just before puberty, and the girl retains a terrible memory of this. was a source of such great misfortunes, can become a source of pleasure. "

Crotch - a complex of soft tissues (skin, muscles, fascia) that close the entrance from the pelvic cavity. It occupies an area bounded in front by the lower edge of the pubic symphysis, in the back by the apex of the coccyx, and on the sides by the lower branches of the pubic and ischial bones and the ischial tubercles. The line connecting the ischial tubercles divides the perineum into two triangles: the anteroposterior part is called urogenital, and the lower posterior part is called the anus region. Within the urogenital area is the urogenital diaphragm, and in the anus is the pelvic diaphragm.

Urogenital diaphragm and the pelvic floor are a muscle-fascial plate formed by two layers of muscles (superficial and deep) and fascia.

The superficial muscles of the urogenital diaphragm include the superficial transverse muscle of the perineum, the sciatica-cavernous and bulbous-spongy muscles. The deep muscles of the urogenital diaphragm include the deep transverse muscle of the perineum and the sphincter of the urethra.

The pelvic diaphragm includes the superficial layer of muscles, which is represented by the unpaired muscle - external sphincter of the anus. When contracting, it compresses (closes) the opening of the anus. The deep muscles of the pelvic diaphragm include two muscles that form the posterior part of the floor of the pelvic cavity: the muscle that lifts the anus and the coccygeal.

Inside, the pelvic floor is covered by the superior fascia of the pelvis, from below the perineum is covered by the superficial subcutaneous fascia and the lower fascia of the pelvic diaphragm.

The muscles of the urogenital diaphragm lie between the upper and lower fascia of the urogenital diaphragm, and the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm lie between the upper and lower fascia of the pelvic diaphragm.

The female crotch is different from the male. The urogenital diaphragm in women is wide, the urethra and vagina pass through it; the muscles are somewhat weaker than in men, and the fascia, on the contrary, are stronger. The muscle bundles of the urethra also cover the vaginal wall. The tendon center of the perineum is located between the vagina and the anus, and consists of tendon and elastic fibers.

In the perineal region, on the sides of the anus, there is a paired depression called the sciatic-rectal fossa. This fossa is filled with fatty tissue and acts as an elastic cushion.

However, if in men only the prostate gland is in the body cavity, then the female reproductive apparatus located in the abdominal cavity is, of course, much more complicated. Let's understand the structure of the system, the health of which we will talk about later.

The external system of the female genital organs is formed by the following elements:

  • pubis- a layer of skin with well-developed sebaceous glands, which covers the pubic bone in the lower abdomen, in the pelvic area. The onset of puberty is characterized by the appearance of hair on the pubis. In the original, it exists there in order to protect the delicate skin of the genitals from contact with the external environment. As for the pubis itself, its well-developed layer of subcutaneous tissue has the ability, if necessary, to store part of the sex hormones and subcutaneous fat. That is, the pubic tissue can, under certain circumstances, play the role of storage - for the minimum of sex hormones necessary for the body;
  • large labia- two large folds of skin that cover the labia minora;
  • clitoris and labia minora- which are, in fact, a single body. With hermaphroditism, for example, the clitoris and labia minora can develop into the hearth and testicles. Structurally they are. and represent a vestigial penis;
  • vestibule- the tissues surrounding the entrance to the vagina. The outlet of the urethra is also located there.

As for the internal genital organs of a woman, these include:

  • vagina- formed by the muscles of the hip joint and covered from the inside with a multilayer mucous membrane of the tube. The question of what is the actual length of the vagina can be heard often. In fact, the average length varies by race. So, in the Caucasian race, the average indicator fluctuates within 7-12 cm. In the representatives of the Mongoloid race, from 5 to 10 cm. Anomalies are possible here, but they are much less common than anomalies in the development of hearth organs as a whole;
  • cervix and uterus- the organs responsible for the successful fertilization of the egg and the bearing of the fetus. The cervix ends in the vagina, so it is available for examination by a gynecologist using an endoscope. But the body of the uterus is completely located in the abdominal cavity. Usually with some bending forward, to support the muscles of the lower press. However, the variant with its deviation backward, in the direction of the spine, is also quite admissible. It is less common, but it does not belong to the number of anomalies and does not affect the course of pregnancy in any way. The only "but" in such cases concerns the increased requirements for the development of the muscles of the small pelvis, and not the longitudinal muscles of the abdomen, as in the standard position;
  • fallopian tubes and ovaries- responsible for the very possibility of fertilization. The ovaries produce an egg, and after maturation, it descends through the tubes into the uterus. The inability of the ovaries to produce viable eggs leads to infertility. A violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes forms cysts, often requiring removal only by surgery. An egg that is literally stuck in the fallopian tube is a dangerous formation. The fact is that it contains many substances and cells designed specifically for active growth. Normally - for the growth of the embryo. And in case of a deviation from the norm, the same factors can trigger the process of malignancy of its cells.

Protective barriers of the female genital organs

Thus, the external genital organs of a woman communicate with the internal ones through the vagina and cervix. Everyone knows that for some time the internal space of the vagina is protected from contact with the external environment of the hymen - a connective tissue, elastic membrane located immediately after the entrance to the vagina. The hymen is permeable due to the holes present in it - one or more. It only further narrows the entrance to the vagina, but does not provide absolute protection. At the first intercourse, the hymen is torn, widening the entrance. However, there are scientifically recorded cases when the hymen persists, despite an active sex life. Then it breaks only during childbirth.

One way or another, there is a fact of the presence in a woman's body of a channel of direct communication between two different systems - not only with each other, but also with the environment. It should be noted that the mucous secretion secreted by the vaginal membrane has a pronounced bactericidal and astringent properties. That is, it is able to neutralize and remove a certain number of microorganisms from the vagina. Plus, the main environment in the vagina is alkaline. It is unfavorable for the reproduction of most harmful bacteria, but it is suitable for the reproduction of beneficial ones. Moreover, it is safe for sperm. The beneficial properties of an alkaline environment are known to us all. Due to them, for example, the digestive enzymes of the small intestine remain viable, while the pathogens ingested with food die. At least for the most part, although in case of food poisoning, this mechanism does not work effectively enough ...

In addition, it is difficult for pathogens to enter the body of the uterus through its cervix. First, it is normally closed. Secondly, even if it is open for some reason, the cervix is ​​protected by a mucous plug, which is part of the alkaline environment. The cervix opens, for example, during orgasm, but this can happen with any other strong contractions of its walls. The uterus is a muscular organ. And its work is subject to the action of any myostimulants - both produced in the body and received from the outside, with an injection. In the case of orgasm, the opening of the cervix is ​​naturally intended to facilitate the passage of the sperm contained in the semen to the egg. Another case of physiologically conditioned contractions is menstruation or childbirth.

Of course, at any of the moments when the cervix opens, it becomes possible for pathogens or microorganisms to enter it. But more often a different scenario works. Namely, when the pathogen infects the cervix itself, leading to its erosion. Erosion is considered one of the precancerous conditions. In other words, non-healing ulceration of the cervix or vaginal surface can serve as a catalyst for malignant degeneration of the affected tissues.

So, the protective barriers of the vagina do not look insurmountable for various types of pathogens. The essence of their vulnerability lies mainly in the need to create not a completely "blank wall", but a wall that is permeable for some bodies and closed for others. This is the "weakness" of any physiological barriers in the body. Even the most powerful, multi-stage blood-brain barrier that has protected the brain can be overcome. Direct evidence of this is the abundance of cases of viral encephalitis and syphilitic brain damage.

And then, the general condition of the body plays a significant role in the quality of the work of such protective systems. In particular, the correct formation and functioning of the cells of the mucous membranes. Including the cells of the glands that produce the secret itself. It is clear that for its sufficient release, the cells must not only remain viable, but also receive the entire set of substances they need for work.

Plus, an additional malfunctioning factor is created by taking some of the latest generation antibiotics. These potent, fully synthetic substances have incomparably greater efficacy than penicillin of previous years, while a narrowly targeted action from them still cannot be expected. That is why their intake, as before, is always accompanied by intestinal dysbiosis. And quite often - and thrush, dry mucous membranes, changes in the composition and amount of secretions.

All of these indirect factors have a subtle effect while acting separately. That is, hardly noticeable from the point of view of subjective sensations, since for the organism, so to speak, they are always very noticeable. However, their coincidence and overlap can cause a major failure. Perhaps one-time, which will disappear by itself, upon the disappearance of one of the influences. But this is not always the case. Here there is a direct dependence on the time of the negative impact. The longer it lasts, the more serious the violation will be, the more noticeably the recovery period will drag on and the less chances of a full recovery on the “by itself” principle.

The difference in the levels of protection of external and internal organs

Is there a difference in the level of protection of the external and internal genital organs? Strictly speaking, yes. The external genitals come into contact with the external environment more often and more closely, which creates more opportunities for their defeat by pathogens. On the other hand, the level of hygiene standards in modern society makes it possible to attribute most of such cases to the fault of the patient herself. Thorough hygienic care of the external genitals is essential. The fact is that the skin covering the external genitals is saturated with sweat and sebaceous glands much stronger than the skin of the body. Conventionally speaking, it secretes almost as much secret as armpits. Therefore, it is impossible to do without hygiene procedures for a long time, without risking local inflammation in this area. Even with excellent working immunity.

It should also be added that in the chronic stage, such inflammations tend to spread up the reproductive system to the fallopian tubes. Which leads to the adhesion process and the violation of their patency. Why exactly pipes, medicine already knows. The structure of the mucous membranes of the fallopian tubes is most similar to the skin of the external genital organs itself. That is why bacteria that successfully multiply on the external organs most actively affect this particular segment of the internal organs.

The days when maintaining personal hygiene was a notorious problem due to the lack of sewerage and running water are not over yet. The development of ideas about various drainage systems affected mainly urban houses. In rural areas, the success of hygiene procedures often continues to depend on the strength of the hands and the health of the well gate. Nevertheless, the more effective, emollient, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory products of our day significantly improve hygiene even in such conditions.

The discovery and launch of mass production of antibiotics played an important role here. The antiseptic lasts more than one hour, but at least six. Therefore, to maintain body hygiene, one visit to the shower a day is quite enough. And twice a day they provide absolute protection of the skin from external attacks. However, there are a number of problems here.

The fact is that the constant presence of antibiotics on the skin causes changes in its surface layer. This will not necessarily be destruction - the epidermis, for example, does not lose its strength at all under their influence. But the mucous membranes, on the contrary, are very prone to the appearance of microcracks caused by prolonged contact with antibiotic molecules. For this reason, the use of such means should also be limited. Specially developed intimate hygiene products are the optimal solution for most cases. And the guarantee of the absence of the effect of secondary infection is achieved by the frequency of procedures at least once a day.

Unlike the external ones, the internal genital organs are relatively protected from accidental infection. But, as we can see, there are also a lot of factors for their defeat. Secondary damage due to irregular hygiene occurs only with time. In the absence of other prerequisites, it may never lead to the development of internal inflammation. On the other hand, cases when the focus of the disease was initially formed in the internal organs are by no means uncommon. This can result from a single direct penetration of the virus through the vagina. Usually during sexual intercourse, since the very physiology of sexual intercourse is quite traumatic for the mucous membranes of the genitals. This creates more than favorable conditions for infection.

But secondary infection also has several scenarios. It is no secret that diseases such as syphilis and HIV are transmitted through everyday contact. Of course, HIV does not affect the reproductive system, but the immune system, but as the immune system weakened, it will inevitably affect absolutely all systems of the body.

One way or another, there is a scenario of a secondary disturbance due to the deterioration of the state of the whole organism. In this regard, we should understand that diseases of the internal genital organs only rarely occur due to infection from the outside. But more often they arise indirectly - due to the development or treatment of diseases of other organs. Usually, there is a decrease in their resistance to attacks from the vagina due to the suppression of immune functions.

This, paradoxically, is easiest to achieve with long-term antibiotics. Then the drug taken directly affects the type of tissue and pathogens that caused the main symptoms. And indirectly, it inhibits the activity of the protective functions of the membranes of other organs.

This kind of "dysbiosis" - not only in the intestines, but in the internal genital organs, often causes inflammation of the ovaries, the inner lining of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Of course, from a functional point of view, the most dangerous is the violation of the patency of the tubes and the timing of the maturation of the oocytes. The uterus is a hollow organ formed by muscles. Therefore, the inflammatory process in its tissues has little effect on the excretion function of an unfertilized egg. Therefore, it is not always visible. In addition, the matter is complicated by the diminished immune response that is often encountered in such cases. The latter, respectively, means less pronounced symptoms of inflammation - the absence of a feeling of heaviness, swelling and aching pain in the affected area.

9 facts about the penis

Nine facts about the penis

1. Penis has no bones, so how does it solidify?

Monkeys have bones in their penis, but humans are not. The penis has tissue fibers that swell up with blood, causing the organ to become so hard. If you've heard of people who "break their penis", you should know that the cause of the rupture is actually the result of damage to the outer tissue. If the problem is not corrected, scar tissue can form and cause Peyronie's disease. This disease causes pain, erectile dysfunction and lesions in the shape of the penis.

2. The size has meaning only for men

Studies show that the average length of an erect male penis is 13.12 cm, but researchers also found that this information does not comfort many men, even if they are longer in size. A study from King's College London found that anxiety about penis size was associated with undiagnosed depression.

3. Health of the body and penis are related

If you are a man and have had erection problems lately, you should look into your lifestyle. Are you getting enough sleep? Have you gained weight? Men who are overweight tend to have lower testosterone levels in their bodies and therefore may suffer from erectile dysfunction. Men who don't sleep enough or move little can harm their erections.

4. It can grow

A couple of Italian urologists from the University of Turin, who were not satisfied with the size of their members, did a study on a system known as "stretching." The system should have helped increase the size of the penis without surgery... The men in the study stretched their penis for several hours a day for four months. The results showed an increase of 1.5-2 cm. If you are looking for an easy way to make your organ bigger, another study found that the penis enlarges more during oral sex than other types of arousal.

5. He's more flexible than you think

In a 2002 study at Stanford University, scientists analyzed images of a couple having intercourse inside an MRI machine. They found that in the missionary position, the penis flexes into a boomerang shape when it is in the vagina.

6. Cigarettes can reduce it

Research shows that cigarettes not only reduce a person's libido, they can also lead to weaker erections. The reason is that smoking narrows the arteries, thereby interfering with the erection process.

7. It's actually a big clitoris.

Believe it or not, but when we are still in the womb, we have a vagina at the beginning. After testosterone dies, the genitals become masculine.

8. Appearance is directly related to sperm quality

In a study in Spain, researchers showed women photographs of men with high, medium and low sperm counts and asked them to choose the most attractive ones. Majority women chose pictures of men with higher sperm count, nature cannot be fooled.

9. Ejaculation does not come from the brain

The command of the ejaculate does not come from the brain, it gives a reflexive response to the signal that comes from the spinal cord. After the command is sent, the brain receives a notification and only then does the sensation of orgasm occur.

Nine facts about the female vagina

Women know that the vagina is a powerful organ - it can bring pleasure, pain and is the main organ in having a baby, but there are quite a few facts that you probably did not know about before.

1. The organ grows during the act

In a relaxed state, the vagina is about 10 cm deep on average, but during intercourse it can grow and deepen up to three times in size. When a woman is aroused, the muscles in her abdomen contract, pulling up the uterus as the vagina opens.

2. Not all women are born with hymen.

In all women, the vagina changes in thickness and also expands the areas that it covers. This basically means that it is impossible to determine if a woman is a virgin or not by testing her hymen.

3. The urge to go to the toilet during intercourse is normal.

Even if you urinate before intercourse, you may feel the need to urinate again during intercourse. There are several reasons for this: Vaginal stimulation can irritate the urethra and even the bladder, resulting in the urge to urinate. Another reason is nervous irritation.

4. In women, orgasm lasts longer than in men, but it happens less often

Average male orgasm lasts only six seconds... In contrast, a female orgasm is about 23 seconds long. On the other hand, researchers found that 30% of women only have one orgasm in four intercourses, and 16% of women reported never having an orgasm.

5. Condoms do not affect the quality of sex

Indiana University conducted a study and found that women claim that their likelihood of reaching orgasm has nothing to do with condom use. The possibility of orgasm depends only on the changes during intercourse. When women receive oral or manual stimulation during intercourse, they are more likely to orgasm.

6. Vaginal odor changes throughout the day

Different vaginas have different smells, and these smells change during the day. After a shower, the vagina is usually odorless, and after exercise it gets a musky scent. During ovulation, the smell is metallic, and after intercourse it can smell like bleach (due to the sperm aroma). And the "fishy" smell is usually the result of bacterial growth and the presence of disease.

7. The clitoris has more nerve endings than any other part of the body

The clitoris contains over 8000 nerve endings, which can cause pleasure and even pain when stimulated. In comparison, the penis only has 4,000 nerve endings. Intense stimulation of the clitoris can even affect 15,000 more nerve endings in the entire pelvic area.

8. The vagina itself will let you know about the best time for ovulation

If you pay attention to your body, your vagina will let you know the best time to get pregnant. During ovulation, the vaginal walls become more "rubbery" and can stretch more.

9. Frequent cleaning of the vagina can damage it.

If you are worried about personal hygiene, you should know that the vagina cleans itself out on its own. Just as tears help with cleansing the eyes, the vagina releases its fluids for the same reason. Washing the vagina can result in a loss of its natural flora, leaving it vulnerable to infections such as UTIs, bacterial vaginosis, and other diseases.

Many men are well aware of the length and thickness of their own genitals. It would never even occur to a woman to measure her charms with a ruler in her hands.

Meanwhile, the question of how "it" looks from the outside worries both the strong and the weak half of humanity, says Polish sexologist Jerzy Kowalczyk. In his new book, Intimate Full Face and Profile, he shares his observations on this issue.
The main member of the proposal

In his erotic fantasies, a man imagines himself with a very large penis. It is generally accepted that any woman dreams of copulating with such a superman. But life shows that it's not just a matter of scale ...

Once a 23-year-old man came to see me. Good-looking, slanting fathoms in the shoulders and a dumb question in the eyes. He complained that his girlfriend for a year, as soon as he took off his pants, began to smile, saying that she had never seen this. And to the counter question "What is this?" kept silent. I had to ask the guy to undress ... Examination of the genitals showed nothing special. But when an erection appeared, the unexpected happened - the organ increased almost threefold, reaching 27 centimeters in length and, which is really funny, acquired a curved, as it were, wavy shape. The guy looked at me as if he was awaiting a verdict. I reassured him: "You only have very large veins." And he thought: "What does not happen!"
There are no two exactly alike penises in the world!

But any of them consists of a body, a head and a bridle connecting them. By the way, the bridle is equipped with the largest number of nerve endings and therefore has a particularly acute sexual sensitivity. If a man did not circumcise, then his head is covered by the foreskin. Color, size, shape, hairiness give an endless variety of variations on the main theme. Despite this, I will try to classify manhood. In terms of form, three main types prevail. The first is cylindrical, when the base and tip of the penis are about the same diameter. The second type is spiky, when the base is clearly wider than the head. If the opposite is true, then this is the third species - mushroom, with a wide head and a narrow base.

The length of the male organs is also significantly different from each other. All those that are longer than 24 centimeters during an erection are included in the giant group. The commonwealth standard includes penises from 16 to 22 centimeters. Organs with a length of 8 to 16 centimeters are called strong. There are, of course, unique ones - huge, more than 25 centimeters, and very small - shorter than 2.5 centimeters. I combined all of them into an extreme group, which is of interest to surgeons, endocrinologists and sex therapists.

There is also a fairly large spread in the thickness of the male organ - from 10 to 2.5 centimeters in girth! Respectively classification is carried out in three simple types: thick, medium and thin.

There are no restrictions in color either, I have seen almost the entire color gamut of penises - from bluish black to pale pink. The only exception is the yellow-green range.

But the testicles do not shine with a special variety. Typically, the left hangs slightly lower than the right. A normally developed testicle has a length of 4-4.5 cm and a width of 2-2.8 cm. The weight of one is from 15 to 25 grams. And yet it happens that the testicles suddenly begin to increase dramatically. This happens with some diseases, such as elephantiasis. Thus, the testicles have only two classifications - healthy and diseased.

Flower in bed

I noticed such a strange thing: women often know perfectly well how the husband's genitals are arranged, but they cannot distinguish the clitoris from the urethra. It is these patients who often complain of lack of sexual satisfaction, irritability. It gives me great aesthetic pleasure to describe the female structure, because, firstly, it is beautiful, and secondly, women should know themselves!

A 24-year-old woman came to the appointment with a whole bunch of complaints: her husband does not satisfy, she cannot get pregnant, she is worried about pain during coitus and incessant itching in the vagina. Examination and analyzes showed that the woman was practically healthy. I recommended douching and suppositories to her to relieve vaginal irritation. But nothing has changed in a week. When asked if all my recommendations were fulfilled, the woman admitted that no, she, they say, was disgusted with doing this. I had to conduct several sessions of psychotherapy. Because
a nation that does not love her
bya and his genitals, he will never be able to become happy and healthy ...

The external genital organs of a woman (vulva) consist of the pubis, large and small genital lips, clitoris and vaginal opening. The pubis forms adipose tissue above the pubic bone. Due to the large number of nerve endings, it is often a source of acute sexual arousal. The labia majora are two folds of skin that also contain a lot of fatty tissue. In nulliparous women, they are closely pressed together, and in those who have given birth, they are slightly open. The labia majora is the main gateway to the female womb, protecting it from injury and infection. The labia minora, which are devoid of fat cells, are like the thin petals of a flower. They have a lot of blood vessels and nerve endings, so when aroused they change color and appear swollen. The small lips converge over the clitoris.

This is an absolutely unique organ, the only task of which is to bring a woman sexual pleasure.

On average, its diameter is about 0.5 centimeters. When excited, filling with blood, he, like a man's penis, can increase several times. And finally, an amazing organ - the vagina. Its walls are compressed, and the length is from 8 to 12 centimeters, but as needed, the vagina can double, and during childbirth - several times!

In general, we can say: female genital organs are absolutely individual. Their size, color, location, shape create unique combinations. But here, too, it has its own classification... For example, the location of the vulva. The one located closer to the navel is called the "English lady". If it is closer to the anus, then this is a group of "minx", and those who occupy a strictly middle position are called "queens". Many peoples have their own names for different sizes of the vagina. So, in tantric sexology, there are three main types. The first is a fallow deer (no deeper than 12.5 centimeters). The female fallow deer has a delicate, girlish body, firm breasts and hips, she is well built, eats in moderation and loves to have sex. The second is a mare (no deeper than 17.5 centimeters). The female mare has a slender body, lush breasts and hips, a noticeable belly. This is a very flexible, graceful and loving woman. The third type is the elephant (up to 25 centimeters deep). She has large breasts, a broad face, short arms and legs, and a deep, rough voice.

Known poetic comparisons of the vulva in appearance genital lips, which can also be considered a kind of classification: pink bud, lily, dahlia, aster and tea rose ...

An underdeveloped vagina is rare. Today, this congenital pathology can be corrected: plastic surgery will allow a woman to have a full sexual life.

What is needed for complete happiness?

Sex is such an intimate topic that sometimes a person does not have the heart to speak frankly about his feelings. Many of my patients preferred to endure, tried to figure it out on their own, or waited for it to "resolve by itself." And they came when they were already completely desperate or confused. And it happens that a couple of words are enough: "Everything is all right!" So, I am writing for those who are still afraid to come to me - let them honor and calm down. The questions below were repeated so often that I remember them by heart ...

Does circumcision affect a woman's sexual experience?

There is no strong evidence that circumcised men are better or worse as lovers than uncircumcised men. The benefits of circumcision relate mainly to penile hygiene.

Is it possible to create the effect of enlarging the penis with the help of "hairstyles"?

Nature itself took care of some men, extending the hairline to the navel in the form of a thin path. If you do not have such a path, I will not recommend extending hair in this place. A tattoo in the form of a snake or a dragon's tail can have the same optical effect as the notorious track. But I will not recommend this either. I'll try to please with the fact that your penis is bigger than you think of it!

It goes deep into the body almost to the very anus. Under the prostate, it bifurcates like a compass, forming two legs that are attached to the pubic bone. During the next erection, you can check this by pressing your finger into the area between the anus and the scrotum.

How to find your soul mate based on external signs?

Folk art in the spirit of "plump large lips speak of a big penis" or "by the shape of the fingers, nose and something else, one can guess the shape of his" friend "has not found any serious confirmation. But this is not the most important thing. You need to look for a person
century, not a sex apparatus! AND
here only the heart will help you. All my experience as a sexologist testifies: where love is, there is harmony, and where it ends, problems begin.

Medical encyclopedia

Priapism is a prolonged (more than six hours) painful erection of the penis. The syndrome got its name from the ancient Greek god of fertility Priapus, who had a huge penis. Ancient physicians treated priapism with leeches. Sucking on the naked head of the penis, they sucked off excess blood. In the history of medicine, there are cases of mass priapism on a nervous basis. So, during the devastating earthquake in Chile in 1960, more than six hundred patients with this problem were registered. At the time of the cataclysm, all the affected men made love, and their psyche simply could not withstand the rough interference of nature in intimate life. A similar picture was observed during the eruption of Vesuvius in 1944.

Strong remedy

If the husband's penis is too small, there are two possible solutions to the problem of sexual disharmony. First: an operation to lengthen and thicken the penis. Second: try to shrink the vagina. Almost all women who have given birth have overstretched pelvic floor muscles. Special gymnastics will help to reduce them: it is necessary to squeeze the pelvic muscles, as if pulling in the anus. It is even more effective to do this with dildos. And the popular Persist apparatus allows not only to train the girth force, but also to see the results of training on a special sensor. As a rule, orgasmic sensations can be significantly improved within a few months. Finally, the problem can be solved radically by shrinking the vagina with plastic surgery.

Orange thickets

Not a single traveler managed to see the genitals of the pygmies of the Nua-Nua tribe from Central Africa. Not because the loincloths masked the causal places of the aborigines. These chaste coverings were replaced by… unnaturally dense and long vegetation. Some pygmies had their hair hanging down to their knees, and had an orange tint. Against the background of the black body of Africans, they looked more than immodest. It turned out that the Nuay people used a hair growth stimulant that was extracted from the juice of the leaves of a rare variety of tea tree. This juice is also a strong natural color.

Idols without makeup

The list of "Longest penises in Hollywood" walks through the pages of the yellow American press. It was compiled with the informational support of anonymous lucky women who, by the will of fate, fell into the same bed with the star. For example, this list includes Warren Beatty, whose "penis dangles like a donkey," Sean Connery, who worked as a model before his film career and remained in the memory of one artist "the owner of an amazingly large organ," and Anthony Quinn, about whom the mistress wrote: "Tony's penis is at least 30 cm, terribly thick, but ugly." Charlie Chaplin, who was proud of his 30-centimeter penis, as "the eighth wonder of the world", also got on the dirty list. These are they, idols!

Casanovas are not born

A survey of men on the topic “Are you satisfied with the size of your own genitals? " was recently conducted by the British National Health Academy. 30 percent of the young men answered that they are satisfied, and 68 percent - that they are very happy, because "more than a friend's and generally huge." Men after forty turned out to be much more restrained: 70 percent reported that there are penises and more; 27 percent are completely unhappy; and only 3 percent did not complain about nature. Many added that compared to their experience, skill, and ingenuity, the size of the penis alone did not mean anything. Scientists were divided. Some felt that the acceleration continued and the young men became larger, others are sure that young people are simply wishful thinking. And still others stated: they are not born casanos - they become.

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