Why dream of a passionate kiss with your husband. How did you kiss a guy in a dream? Possibly a romantic adventure

Kissing children dream of peace and happiness in the family and satisfaction in work.

If you kissed your mother in a dream, success in business, love and respect from friends await you.

Kissed a brother or sister - you will get a lot of pleasure from life.

Kissed your beloved in the dark - do not fall into debauchery.

Kissed her in the light - your nobility towards women has no limits.

Kissed an unfamiliar woman in a dream - try to avoid immoral acts.

If you gave your enemy a kiss, you will succeed in reconciliation with your friend.

For spouses, a dream in which they kiss each other means spiritual harmony.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Kiss

A dream in which a gallant man kisses your hand foreshadows a chance to get rich, which you may miss by underestimating the consequences of your rash act.

If in a dream your husband’s drunken friend tries to kiss you, in reality you will be disappointed in this person, and there will be good reasons for this. Kissing your chosen one - such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding for a young girl.

Seeing a husband kissing another is a sign of adultery in real life. Seeing men kissing means disappointment in failures; women - in reality you will have a great rest and have fun with your friends.

Kissing children in a dream - in reality, excessive fuss and impatience will bring the opposite result to what was expected. A child kissing you portends new worries. Kissing children are a sign of happy reconciliation in the family and satisfaction with their position.

A mother kissing you in a dream foreshadows the love and care of loved ones. Kissing a stranger in a dark entrance or gateway in a dream means that, having sufficient funds, you will spend them unwisely, trying to show off the eyes of the person whose love you want to achieve with everyone possible ways and whatever it costs you.

For a bride, kissing her groom in a dream foreshadows the disruption of the wedding on the very eve. If, on the contrary, he kisses you, this means just an annoying misunderstanding, which will quickly become clear to the great joy of both.

A pleasant kiss in a dream means that in reality you will attract the attention of many men. Kissing freaks or lustful elders means that only endurance and patience can bring you the desired result. Kissing a dead man's forehead in a dream means that joys and sorrows will alternate evenly in your family life.

A dream in which you kiss animals portends to a young lady that her loving and faithful fiancé will be completely devoid of jealousy, and for married women such a dream portends fun and a lot of various pleasures. Kissing a cross or the Bible in a dream means that in reality you will be disappointed in your chosen one even before the wedding.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about a kiss on the lips in a dream according to the dream book?


What was your kiss on the lips like in your dream?

Who did you kiss on the lips with in your dream?

Kissing a man on the lips in a dream ▼

With a man on the lips in a dream - the dream has a positive connotation, it enhances a good prediction if you experienced pleasure during the kiss. If you didn't like kissing, be careful in your actions.

I dreamed of a kiss on the lips with a guy▼

A dream about kissing a guy on the lips indicates the establishment of mutual understanding in a relationship with a partner. You are driven, you are both subordinated only to this feeling that brings you pleasure.

Why dream of kissing a guy you know on the lips▼

According to Felomena’s dream book, a kiss with a guy you know on the lips foreshadows an unexpected joyful event. You will be able to experience many positive emotions, sincere feelings.

I dreamed of kissing a stranger on the lips▼

If you dreamed of a kiss on the lips with an unfamiliar guy - your current relationship with your partner is not serious, separation is expected ahead.

Dreaming of a kiss on the lips with a friend▼

Why do you dream of kissing on the lips with? Complications in the relationship are expected. The quarrel will not necessarily be noisy; you may not turn into open confrontation while internal mutual discontent is only brewing between you.

Why dream of kissing a friend on the lips▼

A kiss on the lips in a dream indicates that you follow the principle “all means are good to achieve the goal.” This will help you achieve your desired results.

Kissing your boss on the lips in a dream▼

If you dream of a kiss on the lips - the dream should be considered as a possible dismissal, which will cause significant financial difficulties.

Video: Why do you dream about Kiss on the lips?

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    Kiss on the lips….I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend. He kissed me. Then he pulled away from me, said wait and started spitting orange saliva into the ground. I asked what was wrong with you, he said he didn’t know. Then he turned out to be drunk and fell asleep. What does this dream mean?

    A man who was my lover 36 years ago, but I left him myself, although we lived together. I dreamed that we lived in a very sunny city, where we lived before, I returned after separation and wanted intimacy with him. He very joyfully rushes towards me and kisses me, but the kiss is somehow strange, not bringing a feeling of love, a kiss with lips dry from passion, not the one I like, too hasty and passionate. Lately I began to often dream about kissing my former lovers... This torments me very much.

    Hello! I dreamed of a kiss on the lips with a man I love, and he recently got married, yet the attraction between us remains and from time to time we break down. We work together, and kisses happen right at work, when no one sees. And the other day we had a fight, and we haven’t spoken for three days. And this dream seemed to be in reality, I felt this kiss as if in reality.

    Hello! My name is Olya. Today I had a dream in which I kissed a guy I really like. I don’t remember the details in detail, only the moments... But the point is that in the dream we were a very good couple and I introduced him to my parents (and we kissed very often)
    Then there were walks along the street and playing in the snow... But at the end of the dream he said (with a sad face) that “We can’t be together.” In the dream, I said to myself, “But he didn’t say he didn’t love me!” Afterwards, he sent me photos on the social network and I replied to the SMS “I love you!” Then I woke up.
    I very clearly felt his lips, even a little uncomfortable...

    Hello Tatiana! I woke up this morning to the kiss of a woman in my dream. Before that, I saw many women, my husband’s employees, who looked at me and evaluated me. How can you interpret it? Thank you in advance.

    My ex-husband (we broke up, he left for someone else) congratulated my friend through me (a black flask gift), he gave me the same gift, but at the same time he opened it and let me smell it, there was a pleasant aroma of wine. He kissed me goodbye and said, “We’ll be together anyway.”

    first it was Halloween. I danced and was very pleased with it. then I decided to rest and stood near the bar. A guy whom I knew came up to me, but he said that he didn’t remember me. then he left the hall. Having finished, he handed me a piece of paper with my name on it. found out.
    I soon left the hall, I needed to find something. there I saw a man who was the host of Halloween (in real life). he winked at me and asked how I was doing. Afterwards I went back into the hall. in the center of the dance floor suddenly everything became smoke, and a pond appeared. Someone pushed me from behind and I fell into the water. I was grabbed by seaweed and dragged to the bottom.
    next frame:
    I was at home, in the fence. I looked at the tree standing next to me and noticed an eagle owl there. greeted him. then he flew up and turned into a very handsome guy. 4 more appeared next to him, and each of them longed to kiss me.

    Hello! From Friday to Saturday I had a dream in which I pretended to be asleep, I noticed that my mother’s brother’s son was watching me, he thought that I was really sleeping and kissed me on the lips, I felt very pleased in the dream. This guy told me the truth (not in me anymore) that he loves me, deep down I also have feelings for him... I would like to know what this dream is about... The last time I saw him was in the summer of 2012, and then we were like friends were... I’m 20, and I don’t know how old he is, but he’s younger

    in fact, my husband doesn’t live with me, but he comes to my daughter and sometimes I manage to snatch a kiss from him when he leaves, and then I have a dream that he came, was there, and when he was leaving I asked him to kiss me, and he kissed me, just a short kiss turned into a long passionate kiss, and he himself could not tear himself away from me. It's very interesting what this means.

    A young man, similar to my ex-husband, but not him, leans over me and gently kisses me on the lips, which brings me pleasure, tenderness and warmth. Then we sit down opposite each other and begin to have a nice conversation.

    I dreamed that I came to my father’s work and kissed my father’s colleague three times on the lips. Moreover, I wanted to kiss him on the cheek, but he offered his lips. I remember that in the dream I was very surprised by him, since he is old enough to be my father and has never evoked particularly warm feelings

    In the dream, I was at school and one of my classmates was there (in life we ​​don’t communicate very often), but in the dream we became friends, so to speak, and began to kiss. We kissed on the lips many times. It was at school, a lot of people were looking at us, but not many people either. There was another girl (she and I are supposedly best friends, but we quarreled over this moment) she told me that let’s be friends again, I didn’t say anything, after that I went up to that girl again and we kissed again. Even in the dream, we had to go somewhere, but everything led to this. We were given dry rations. There was green apple, I really wanted it in a dream, but they gave me a little spoiled one. At the end of the dream it was already night.

    I dreamed that I was kissing my man’s son; in real life we ​​don’t know each other. A very handsome young man. In the dream, I didn’t want to kiss him, I told him that I loved his father, but for some reason I kissed him, which I liked, and slept

    I dreamed of a man whom I really liked but we don’t have a close relationship, he was lying on the bed in a dream, I lay down on his shoulder and he turned his head and we very tenderly and carefully and very sensitively kissed each other on the lips))

    I suddenly had a dream where I was sitting with my friend on a bench and chatting with her about something, I even remember who exactly was with me. But in my life I don’t talk very much and not very little with this person, besides, I don’t have any feelings for her, and she doesn’t have any feelings for me either. And suddenly I dreamed that I was sitting with her on a bench, chatting about something and suddenly we started kissing. We kissed calmly. After that moment I woke up.

    I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend, with whom I broke up a long time ago on my initiative; in the dream I felt some kind of warmth and calm towards him when I pressed myself against his shoulder. We were not alone in the room, but with our classmates, and it was dark. then I took his hand, he turned to me and we kissed gently on the lips, it was a very pleasant feeling. I dream about this guy sooooo often and we kiss him all the time))), I never think about him, especially before going to bed! Now everyone has their own family, and he got married for the second time (we only met at the institute)
    Tomorrow we have a reunion by the way and he will be there

    I dreamed of a kiss with a guy, I remember that I was really looking forward to it, and I received simply stunning emotions with whom even in reality it was not clear whether it was together or not, a couple of months ago he disappeared, but soon reappeared, now we communicate but rarely.

    The first to kiss was a guy I knew, whom we had not seen for a long time. I answered him and I liked it, he constantly interrupted the kiss, as he was distracted, he left and returned within a few seconds, and I waited for his return to continue

    my beloved man is married, in a dream we met by chance, during the day, he was against the kiss, since his wife could drive past in a car and see us, but I kissed him myself, and she saw us

    I had a dream in which I was at someone’s wedding. I was approached by my ex-boyfriend, who was at a wedding with his wife. and kissed me in front of everyone. The kiss was very passionate and so realistic.

    it was raining and the wind was blowing, the young man and I were sitting in the gazebo, and he was wearing shorts and a T-shirt, and I was wearing pants and a jacket. He got up from the bench and came up to me, leaned over, gently took my chin and kissed me. The kiss happened the second time, since he had stubble, but I was rather amused by it.

    Hello, I know this guy in absentia personally, we just don’t know each other social networks I was surfing his page and I kept dreaming that we were kissing, he was hugging me. but he doesn't know me. I didn't even think about him.

    Hello. I dreamed last night that he was kissing me CEO, where I work... very tenderly and passionately... P/S/ I hardly see him and he’s unlikely to bother me, even though I work in his company. there are no thoughts about him either

    I was kissed by a man I didn’t know, a tall brunette, I couldn’t see his face... everything was happening in my kitchen... it was as if he was waiting for me... he even had an apron on, like he was cooking something even in the kitchen... so I came... and he directly attacked me with a kiss me... such a deep kiss... I seem to push him away... and he holds me and says something like that he loves me.. but then I calm down... and answer the kiss.. something like that..

    I dreamed that after school I met my classmate on the street, it was raining and I walked up to her, we started talking and Ana asked do you love me, I kissed her on the lips without an answer and that was the end of the dream.

    to begin with, it all started on the block where I was born as a child and I played football in the winter, then my friend comes and takes my ball, I ran after her, she throws me the ball and first comes running to hug and kiss on the lips for at least 3 seconds

    I walked somewhere all night, then I met a man (I didn’t know him, but the face was somehow familiar, I didn’t remember) with a boxer-type dog. said hello. And then in some dorm I spent the whole night kissing a former classmate, whom I had never even thought about in 10 years. And I was just so delighted... I still remember what I experienced in the dream

    Good day!
    I dreamed that I was relaxing somewhere with a friend (I practically don’t remember all the details of the dream), and then I decided to kiss him. And he says that he himself would probably never have decided. Why do you have such a dream?
    P.S. By the way, I really like my friend, and I feel that he likes me too.

    I dreamed that I was going for a walk with my friend. He started asking me “do you like me as a guy?” I answered yes, then suddenly we moved to my house, he was fixing my guitar, we started talking, then he sat down on my bed, and he tried to kiss me, yet he succeeded

    I had a dream that I went from kissing to intimacy with a girl I had previously dated (from Monday to Tuesday), and today I’m kissing a girl from my group at the university. So this got me interested... What is it can it mean?

    I dreamed that we were at school. I don’t remember everything in fragments. So here we were at school, we had math, recess and then just bam and we kissed. And this is my classmate. I’ve loved him since 5th grade, and I noticed that he somehow behaves differently with me. And more than once I dreamed that we were in Mathemitaki’s office. Please tell me what this means

    In reality, I broke up with a man. I have a dream that I have some object on my lips that prevents me from kissing. The man and I started kissing and we realized that this object was in the way, I took the object off my lips and we kissed
    They were very gentle.

    I dreamed that I and some of my friends were in some room. then suddenly I got up and decided to kiss my friend, although I had never had such thoughts before. we kissed and I liked it (I’m bisexual, by the way, and so is she).

    We were in a local hospital, I was sitting in the same office with a friend and my husband was on the street with the men, and when I went out to say something to my husband, I saw my ex-boyfriend, he glanced and quickly looked away, I got agitated and ran to my friend, we were sitting in the office and I I was laying out something in the bags on the floor, then the door handle was moving, I went up and wanted to open it, he walked up to the door opposite and brought a friend there, and turning around he said hello and that he couldn’t help but say hello, and in front of his friend he began to kiss me as passionately as before, greedily and as if I was very bored and so for about 5 minutes and pushed myself into the office opposite, I, out of happiness and shock, began to sort through things on the floor and then my husband came in. I was scared and behaved guilty. My husband looked strangely and I woke up and again I remember this kiss all day long as if it were it was as before

    Hello. I was sitting on a bench in a courtyard I knew with a man whom I had loved for 4 years. It was a short kiss on the lips. But now I am married and I will soon have a child. What could this dream mean?

    I dreamed about a girl I used to date. I broke up with her a long time ago, but I still like her. I dreamed that she approached me passionately, caressed me in every possible way, even kissed me on the lips and cheek. Then we went somewhere with her, and some kind of crazy dream began.

    Hello. I don’t really remember the beginning, but we were sitting with our classmates in a couples class and for some reason we decided to play spin the bottle... And I got to kiss my best friend on the lips. At first we looked at each other, doubted, and then he kissed me first. At first I reacted somehow incomprehensibly, looked around at the reaction of the others, and then continued kissing again..

    I'm in wedding dress I saw myself in the mirror, I was in a hurry for a meeting (I was wearing a dress to rent it out, but they rented me as a bride. I went up to the groom and pulled him to dance. He saw me and I told him that I promised when you return... then a kiss and I woke up to my fiance, a friend whom I hadn’t seen for a long time..

    In reality, our company is being liquidated, we are all looking for work. And today I dream that my colleague (for whom I have sympathy (we are both married and have families)) is pouring wine into glasses for me and himself. He says that he wishes me happiness and good luck, we drink and kiss passionately! Very vivid and deep sensations of euphoria that made my legs give way. Then people came into the office, there were bouquets of flowers everywhere, I took beautiful ones with me and we began to look for a place of solitude to continue and discuss what we would do next. It was assumed that we decided to meet in secret.

    Hello, today I dreamed of my mother, who died 10 years ago, as if she was leaning over my bed, where I was sleeping with my husband, touched my lips (kissed), I pushed her away, and asked “Mom, what did you want?”, She held her hands over my body, and with a smile “what thighs...” I wanted to break free, push my husband to wake up, but I couldn’t move, then I woke up, so anxious

    Hello! I've been here for 8 months now. I'm talking to a man. But communication is only via the Internet and telephone. Those. We haven't seen each other in real life yet, because... We are very far from each other, but we are planning a meeting for the summer of 2017. So it turns out that we only see photos and hear a voice on the phone. Today for the first time I dreamed of him and in the dream there was a long and tender kiss. Dream books from the Internet say different things. What will you tell me? Thank you.

    I am 17 years old. I saw in a dream that there was me and a girl that I really like. For some reason our heads were very close. I looked at her and she kissed me tenderly once, not even two seconds passed before she kissed me again. Each kiss was short but gentle.

    I dreamed of a guy who I really liked, that we became in a relationship, we came to my parents, he kissed me on the lips in front of them, my parents looked attentively, because... I have a husband and a child, but they were not in the dream

    The girl I like was offended by me because I was late and made her wait. I wanted to calm her down, pull me close and hug her, but she resisted and pushed me away. But I still hugged her and didn’t let go and we kissed passionately

    We sat with colleagues and talked. Then they looked around and were surprised by what they saw, other colleagues were kissing right on the floor, both of them, the man married to another and the woman married to another. in front of everyone.

    Hello, my name is Daniil, I am 16 years old. Today I dreamed that I was walking along shopping center and I go to the store. There I meet my Aunt and as if I thank her, I wish her health and she also wishes me. Then I come up and she kisses me not on the cheek but on the lips, why would that be?

    I dreamed of a kiss with unknown girl,very beautiful. The dream was black and white. The kiss was not very long, but extremely pleasant. The first kiss was from me, a kiss on the cheek, then 3 light kisses on the lips, and then we somehow started kissing passionately together, then broke off, for some reason I spat, then again we kissed passionately a little longer than the first time.

    I was on the field with my classmate, whom I loved in the past, but did not tell her about it.
    We walked across the field and found large bushes for which we sat down.
    on the grass, I took off my jacket and we kissed on the lips, then I kissed her on the neck (as I understood in the dream that we were supposed to have sex, but we didn’t), the dream ended after that and I woke up. In the dream we were young, about 20 years old. In life, I’m 15. I’m in the hospital with her (in the next room)
    I will be very grateful if you help.

    We went with our classmates to prepare for the exam. We went into the store and first came to the wrong house. I got a call from my friend, whom we haven’t seen for a long time (we live in different cities, he used to be in love with my ex best friend), I was very happy about this. When we approached the house with my classmates, I called him several times, but he did not answer. When we approached, I saw him, we hugged, I gave the keys to the house to my classmate and told him where to go. My friend and I hugged, and he kissed me, said that he loved me, and he always loved only me. We spent a long time together, hugging, kissing.

    At the moment we communicate very rarely, the last time we saw each other was about 2 years ago

    Well, it all started when we talked on the phone and he invited me to visit him. I came to him, we drank tea and watched a movie. After which he hugged me and first kissed me on the forehead and then on the lips. And after that I woke up.

    Hello, in a dream I had a meeting with the deputy general director and I was present at it, I wanted to leave, I decided that I didn’t belong there, but another woman came up and I stayed, after the meeting at the exit the general director hugged me and kissed me on the lips, and I he is a head taller, but in the dream we were equal. Why do you dream about this? Thank you in advance.

    My husband has another woman, I know about this, we talked about this topic, asked him to make a choice, the husband, tipsy, says that I don’t accept him drunk, but the other one understands and accepts him. I kiss him, he grins at him, like he’s sick. Action takes place in the village in my grandmother's house.

    It sounds funny, but it was by the sea and some kind of beach, me and the guy I like were there, and 2 other friends (I don’t remember exactly who) we really wanted to get rid of these two, and when we got rid of them, we kissed sharply on the lips (both took the initiative)

    We walked with her, talked about something, then we stopped and suddenly a tennis net appeared. I hugged her and started throwing the ball over the net, she smiled and I threw the ball hard and the net disappeared, I looked into her eyes and kissed her and she responded in kind

    I went to see a friend, I’m walking around the yard and I think that he’s not there and suddenly he appears from behind the fence, says “hello”, comes up, hugs and then touched his lips to mine (it wasn’t really a kiss, it was the touch of lips with each other) friend) in the dream we were friends, then a disco started at his house (I dreamed more than once that similar events took place in his house) but, as usual, he was not present there, I looked for him.

    Hello, I recently met a girl, this girl works with me, I fell in love with her, but apparently it’s not mutual, I can’t say for sure, and I had a dream that I was standing with her and it seemed like we were saying goodbye and it so happened that we touched lips

    At first I dreamed that my friends and I were swimming, a small pond with muddy water, it was deep there, we jumped into the water. Then suddenly we found ourselves indoors, my period started, blood (light) flowed down my legs, and then suddenly it was winter and my friend kissed me on the lips

    I dreamed about a guy I like, we just know each other and that’s all.
    But in this dream there was a gentle kiss, possible touches and conversations as if we had started dating...
    Why did I have this dream from Saturday to Friday?

    Hello! I had a dream where I was standing talking with my friends, and then a guy I like came up to me and started kissing me hard and long on the lips, so we stood for 5-10 minutes, then the bell rang for class and we went into the classroom.

    I was walking through the school and saw my girlfriend, called her and left her for no reason. Then we ended up on the school windowsill, and behind the windows it was dark and so a lot of people came and screamed bitterly and we kissed then I somehow I squatted down and she kissed me and that’s it, I woke up

    Good evening!
    Sleep on the night from Wednesday to Thursday (from April 19 to April 20).
    Background (this is not a dream yet). I love one person, we are both not free, there is nothing physically between us. This is the stage of a relationship when it has long been clear to two people what the feeling is between them, but getting closer means facing a huge amount difficulties and troubles. Therefore, everything froze at some point and in which direction it will move and whether it will move at all, I can only guess.
    I had dreamed about this man before, but all the time he somehow looked at me from afar, sometimes with a sad smile, more often with longing in his eyes, without approaching.

    Now sleep.
    I see my office, sitting at my desk in front of the computer. And I see him. He is standing at the next table. In reality we don't work together, we're from different areas activities. There is no one else in the room. He is cheerful, tells me some story about a landlady (in reality there is no landlady, his housing is fine). I ask, well, did you at least tell her who you are so that she doesn’t talk like that. He just smiles, like, oh well, let him talk to himself.

    Then he walks around my table and comes very close to me with right side, leans his two elbows on my table, takes my hands that are lying on the table. Left hand He kisses me several times (I remember the feeling of tenderness and love emanating from him at that moment). Then it’s as if we both understand that we are family people and very softly lean our heads against our heads, touching each other’s cheeks, foreheads, even noses, briefly looking into each other’s eyes, smiling slightly. A second later we start kissing. A very long and sensual kiss on the lips. True, there was one detail. I understood that he kissed me only on upper lip, and I get his bottom one. Then, however, this changed and I felt that I was feeling a normal kiss, and not some kind of half-hearted kiss. This continued for some time... and I woke up.

    The whole dream was shrouded in warmth and tenderness, and I woke up in a wonderful mood.

    I dreamed that I was lying with my best friend because we spent the night together. It was dark, but I could see his face. We talked and then fell silent. I looked at him and then he moved closer and kissed me. The kiss was gentle and short-lived.

    I went with my family to a country house. There we were putting the house in order, but besides us there was another family, or just one young man, I don’t remember this, but he was there. He was 2 years older than me. So he was playing with my brother and began to scare me, and I ran to the top floor of the house. After some time he found me and tried to catch me. He caught him, pulled him close and began to kiss him. He was very handsome, tall, and I felt that I liked him. But I still didn’t understand who it was.

    I dreamed about a guy I like. He and I were sitting on the sofa and I laid my head on his shoulder. In the dream there was a feeling of love, coziness, comfort and a slight excitement of intimacy. Then he “pushed” me with his words to kiss him. The kiss was long and tender.

    I dreamed of an evening relaxation with colleagues. The main plot developed around me and the boss. He suddenly came up, hugged her lightly and kissed her tenderly on the lips. I don’t remember the words, but the essence was that he wants to be with me. Everything happened near the fountain, the water was clean. At the end of the dream, he was frightened by the fact that his wife was approaching (in reality, there are frequent discords in his family and divorce on July 14, although they are now on vacation together).

    I remember that I was in some kind of international camp. There was one guy there, we got along very well. It was a disco. I had never kissed a guy before (I’m 17 years old), then a slow dance started, no one invited me, and he stood nearby, so we went to dance together. Then he kissed me, and I seemed to like another guy (in a dream), at first I looked away, thought, and then kissed him back, and then we changed our position in the dance and pressed ourselves against each other. Right now I have some confusion in my life. Could this dream mean something?

    this person I kissed was one of the main characters in the series. The fact is that I am not attracted to him, and when we kissed he did it very unexpectedly and childishly. After he kissed me, my lips were so bitter that I felt sick and wanted to wash them with soap. After he kissed me, I dreamed of my mother, she was with a stroller where my younger brother was lying. He no longer rides in such a stroller, but in his dream he looked like a newborn. For some reason I was very jealous young man. It seemed to me that they were hiding something from me. But I didn’t love him, why were my lips so bitter?

    Hello Tatyana, today I had a dream! I kissed a guy I’ve known for about a month; he’s currently in a coma. He and I were lying on the bed and had a nice conversation about something, then there was a minute pause and he looked at my lips, then he began to approach and we kissed, after the kiss he smiled and then he did too. While sleeping, I felt a pleasant shiver and goosebumps running through my body; I had never experienced anything like this before, and I had never even experienced such a feeling in my life. This was the first time I had such a dream.
    Thanks in advance for your answer.)

    A guy came to visit me, I really like him (we communicate like friends in real life), as well as his mother and sister. We communicated well, had fun, and they approved of me. Then the guy’s family left, but he stayed. We decided to live with him together. He smiled at me, hugged me, and started kissing me. There were very pleasant sensations, it seemed that this was real, not a dream, a feeling of happiness. The sun was shining brightly from the window opposite.

    I had a dream in which I kissed a girl I liked on the hickey in front of my classmates
    She said something sweetly in my ear
    And then we kissed
    Then she went to a cafe to eat
    And I went further and the gopniks attacked me
    I started to run away
    Met the police
    We started looking for them
    They didn’t find me and I woke up
    And nothing else happened

    I was late for the class, and then went to it, but the computers were on the street and my classmates were not there, there was a teacher and three fat men
    Then I found myself in a company with some boys and a friend on the college grounds, my friend bought it, I refused, then I found myself on the table with a friend, I was eating candy, he asked for candy, I said no, he said the one in my mouth, I said I won’t give it, he I started kissing flattery, I broke the candy and gave him half of it but didn’t let him kiss me

    The whole class we went to school and Danil and I began to talk heatedly about something and then he turns to me, moves his lips a little forward and we abruptly begin to kiss, our eyes are open, I look at him, and he looks to the side and his face it was wrinkled. He didn’t expect that I would kiss him too and he liked it so much, he didn’t even want to break away, but one of my classmates distracted him, he ended the kiss with great disappointment and ran after someone. Then he walked next to me all the time and showed me something on his phone, taking into account that we were walking, I supported his phone and he held my hand, then when I pulled it away, my hand lay on his hand. In real life, Danil is my very good friend, but it seems to me that I am starting to like him, that’s why he confessed his feelings to me. He recently said that he has liked me for quite some time now, for 2.5 years, but he didn’t show it when I asked why, he said I don’t know. Then we came to the conclusion that we didn’t want a relationship. But the more time passes, the more I start to like him. And even after his confession, he doesn’t show that he likes me.

at the Women's Club!

Everyone has dreams - both children and adults, but it is not always possible to remember them in detail.

Sometimes we don’t attach importance to the events we dreamed about and immediately forget them, but some stories captivate us so much that we can’t get them out of our heads.

And I really want to know what such a dream could mean! Whatever you have to do (and sometimes do) in the world of dreams, any action, even the most extraordinary, has an allegorical meaning and means something, and often even foreshadows.

Who doesn't love kisses? Everyone loves kissing in real everyday life, especially romantic natures, because through a kiss we express the most tender feelings, and it’s so nice!

But in dreams, kisses take on a different meaning, and sometimes we even have to kiss completely different people than we could imagine in such a situation. What can we do, dreams are strange, we do not control them - and often we do things in the world of dreams that we cannot expect from ourselves.

So how can you reliably and most accurately interpret what you dream about kissing? What could such a harmless action mean in a dream? It is worth taking into account a number of nuances - it turns out that in the dream book everything is not so simple.

Remember a dream - you had to kiss an acquaintance or loved one, a mysterious beautiful (or not so) stranger, your ex or current boyfriend, or a man you have secretly liked for a long time? Was there a kiss on the lips or did you kiss the girl at all?

In addition to these stories, it is very important to remember what emotions you experienced in a dream while kissing. This feature must be added to general interpretation the dream you get from the dream book.

If you felt incredible pleasure, joy and euphoria while kissing someone on the lips in a dream, any interpretation takes on a positive connotation, and a good prediction only intensifies. On the contrary, if you experienced disgust, fear or anxiety, then you should be more careful.

In general, the scenarios of such dreams look like this:

  • In a dream, you saw a kissing couple from the side.
  • Kissed a stranger.
  • Selflessly kissed your beloved guy.
  • You dream of kissing on the lips with an enemy or someone you really dislike.
  • A kiss in a dream is just with an acquaintance or friend.
  • You kissed a guy you know that you secretly like.
  • Kiss a girl.
  • You kissed on the lips in your dreams with your friend.
  • Kiss with your beloved man.
  • Just a kiss on the lips, you don’t know or don’t remember with whom exactly.

Such dreams are not uncommon. What, besides love and passion, can a kiss be associated with? It is not surprising that the interpretation of such dreams is most often associated with this area, however, not always - and each case is unique.

So remember all the details of your actions in a dream, your emotions and sensations, and find out why you dream of kissing in a dream.

Sweet kiss

As is already clear, the most important moment for the interpretation of such dreams is who exactly you kissed - a stranger or a loved one, a former or current one, an enemy or a friend.

Other nuances, such as, for example, scenery and external events, phenomena, do not carry any special meaning in this case and do not change the meaning of the dream.

For example, it was raining or snowing at that time, you kissed on a crowded street or in a dark room - this is not as important as who it happened to and how you felt. So concentrate on this fact - it is decisive.

1. Such a dream, in which it was not you who had to kiss, but you saw from the side how a guy kisses a girl on the lips, foretells that you will soon be drawn into some kind of adventure or risky business.

It may seem fun and interesting, but be careful not to cross the line, protect your reputation and conscience, and not risk your safety.

2. Kissing a stranger in a dream means surprises and something new. And here what emotions and experiences you had in your dreams plays a special role.

  • If, while kissing a stranger, you felt pleasure, you were pleased, then rest assured that pleasant and joyful changes and good surprises await you.
  • On the contrary, if you didn’t want to kiss him and felt displeasure, then be careful and get ready for unpleasant surprises or not the most joyful news.

3. Kissing your beloved, beloved chosen one is always pleasant - even in reality, even in a sweet dream. In addition, this magical dream portends love and harmony.

And if you have friction, conflicts or misunderstandings in your love union with your partner, they will pass, reconciliation and complete harmony await you.

4. If you saw a strange dream, where you had to kiss your own enemy, rival, rival, ill-wisher, or simply someone who invariably arouses your dislike and dislike - this is very interesting.

After all, the dream book indicates your inner willingness to give in and reconcile. You are probably already spiritually mature in order to internally accept this person, forgive him everything, and if not make him a friend, then at least no longer hold any grudge against him.

5. As the dream book says, kissing a familiar person, for example, a friend, colleague, neighbor - in general, with such a person with whom you would never even think of doing this - speaks of a clear and acute lack of adventure, new emotions and acute experiences.

Come up with something! Take a vacation, do something exciting, go somewhere new. Just stay within the bounds of prudence, do not rush to extremes after reading the instructions in the dream book!

6. I wonder why you dream of kissing a man for whom you secretly have sympathy. This could be either your friend or a stranger whom you see somewhere and have a hidden feeling for him.

A dream of this kind promises a novel - new and dizzying. But the insidious dream book is silent about whether this romance will begin with the same hero of the dream or whether you will meet someone new. But in both cases you will be happy!

7. A kiss on the lips with a certain girl in a dream means quarrels and conflicts, squabbles at work or at home. Such a dream is a reason to be more restrained and tolerant, not to lash out, and to try to avoid conflicts.

8. If you kissed your girlfriend in a dream, this is also a symbol of conflict, but with someone close to you. Not necessarily with her, with this friend - maybe you will lash out at your family or nag your loved one.

As in the previous case, the advice is urgent - restrain yourself, do not be quick-tempered, because reconciliation is a much more difficult thing. It is easier to avoid conflict than to smooth it over later.

9. A kiss in a dream with a former chosen one does not, as it may seem, promise reconciliation and a return to a relationship with the ex. This dream foreshadows some adventures, new, vivid emotions and unforgettable events. Something truly incredible awaits you!

10. It also happens that in your dreams you kissed on the lips, but you don’t remember with whom exactly, and in your night dreams it somehow didn’t matter. Such a dream foreshadows a new, very interesting and promising acquaintance, pleasant flirting, and, perhaps, if you wish, the beginning of a romance.

A kiss, by definition, cannot be associated with negativity and something bad. In dreams, it often promises new novels, pleasant experiences and vivid emotions, with the exception of certain cases.

One way or another, you should analyze the interpretation of a dream with a kiss soberly, and remember that a girl in love, for example, could dream of a sweet and long-awaited kiss with her lover, because she cannot even think about anything else - and the dream only continues her dreams in reality.

But still, pay attention to the interpretation of sleep - and think carefully about how to use this knowledge to bring your happiness closer!

And the most important advice

According to Miller's dream book, kissing a beloved guy means a noble and sincere attitude towards him, which will not change even over time. But if the kiss takes place in the dark, then this indicates impending danger, debauchery and loss of respect from others. Kissing a stranger in a dream foreshadows immoral and immoral actions in reality. A kiss with the enemy, on the contrary, promises success in reconciliation with good friend. If a young girl dreams of being caught kissing a guy, then in reality her friends will turn out to be imaginary and will commit daring acts towards her.

Kissing a guy. Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

According to these interpreters, kissing a guy in a dream promises the dreamer the acquisition of strong relationships with representatives of the stronger sex, as well as the emergence of sincere feelings towards one of them. Kissing your own husband in a dream means spiritual harmony that will never leave the spouses’ home. If the guy with whom a girl kisses in a dream turns out to be her brother, then this is a sign of fun, celebration and future pleasures from a good and strong friendship.

Kisses with a guy according to the dream book from A to Z

According to the dream book from A to Z, for girls, a dream in which they kiss their lover promises a quick and successful marriage. If a guy dreams of a kiss with a guy, then this foreshadows a series of problems and failures for him, as in personal life, and at work. If a woman dreams that an ugly and unpleasant guy is kissing her, then in reality she will be able to achieve something she wants only thanks to strong endurance and patience. But if the stranger is pleasant to the dreamer - increased attention from the male side in reality she is provided with.

Modern dream book. Why kiss a guy?

Interpreters modern dream book predict a young lonely girl who saw a kiss with a guy in a dream, a new relationship and, perhaps, new love. If a girl dreams of a kiss with a guy with whom she is already in a relationship, then this means a lack of romance in her life. She should work on improving her relationship with her significant other and try to bring new and vibrant feelings into it.

Kisses with a guy. Interpretation according to Freud

According to Sigmund Freud, a passionate kiss in a dream with your chosen one means that his intentions towards the dreamer are pure and sincere. He will always remain faithful to his beloved. If a girl dreams that her boyfriend is kissing an unfamiliar man, then such a picture promises her the imminent appearance of a rival or rival in real life and even possible betrayal. If the dreamer herself kisses an unfamiliar guy, then this foreshadows her frivolous and rash actions in reality, which can lead to loneliness.

When trying to understand why you dream of a kiss, it is advisable to remember everything, even the smallest details. After all, the manifestation of feelings in the world of dreams can mean different events depending on the nuances.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a kiss in a dream

Miller's Dream Book interprets a marital kiss in a dream as harmony in the family. Kissing an enemy means improving relations. However, if the sleeping person is caught by surprise during a kiss, you should be on your guard. Hypocritical friends can cause trouble.

According to Vanga's dream book When you dream of a kiss, you should prepare for changes in your personal life. For a young girl, passionate kissing means complex emotional experiences because of her lover.

Ukrainian dream book interprets kissing as trouble. Kissing someone of the same gender is a warning. Dating can bring problems if you immediately trust a new person.

There is a significant deterioration in health ahead - this is what dreams of kissing a dead person mean. It is advisable to take preventive measures so that, if at least not to avoid the disease, then to avoid complications.

Dream Interpretation of Medea as well as serious illness interprets a dream about kissing a deceased person on the lips. Kissing with famous person- respect at work and among friends.

French dream book considers a kiss in a dream taking into account the initiator. If it was a dreamer - a smile of fortune. Someone else kisses - an unexpected but pleasant event.

According to Veles's dream book If lovers or family people dream of a kiss, it’s worth taking a closer look at the other half. Treason is possible.

Women's dream book interprets a child's kiss very favorably. There is peace and tranquility in the family.

Freud's Dream Book interprets a kiss in a dream as a reflection of intimate contact. However, the deeper and more openly the kiss happened, the greater the disharmony in sex.

Why do you dream of a kiss with a guy or a man?

Partially a kiss with a guy you like can be interpreted as a projection of real feelings. At the same time, if in the dream this demonstration of personal sympathy took place in a dark room, the dreamer should take care of her reputation.

A dreamed kiss warns of the possible secrecy of a loved one or even deception on his part. with my boyfriend. If this happened in the cathedral, a proposal to get married may soon follow. But before agreeing, you should find out more about your chosen one.

Also a kiss with a loved man interpreted as an increase in income. Moreover, they will be received in a way that is unusual for the sleeping woman.

tender kiss with husband- a positive symbol. You don't have to worry about your relationship. Harmony and balance reign in them.

Kiss with your lover, the relationship with which is not formalized, may also be a warning symbol. Soon there may be some cooling of feelings. To avoid it, you need to analyze the actions and emotions that cause a negative reaction.

Kiss with someone else's man doesn't really do you any credit. The meaning of a dream with such a plot warns against dissolute behavior and slandering others.

A dreamed kiss warns of romantic temptations in reality with a friend's boyfriend. However, you should not give in to temptation: love passions will very quickly turn into an unpleasant disappointment.

A kiss promises pleasant events in reality with a friend in a dream. However, if the sleeping woman feels something more for the guy, this could be a visual reflection of her romantic dream.

A kiss can be interpreted in two ways with a classmate. On the one hand, this is the help of friends in difficult situation. On the other hand, a warning against harsh statements addressed to anyone.

A kiss signals discomfort during communication. with the boss. To achieve success in the professional field, you need to overcome your own complexes and confidently demonstrate your skills and abilities.

Generally a kiss with an acquaintance portends that the sleeping woman can be surrounded by passionate amorous adventures at any moment in reality. However, it is unlikely that the person from the dream will become a partner.

Friendly kiss with brother - good sign. This is a good relationship in real life.

If a kiss happened in a dream with a man, the relationship with whom has already been completed, you should pay attention to your feelings. Probably, subconsciously, the woman is not ready to believe in the final break.

The past still holds in its power - that's what a kiss means with my ex-husband. It is advisable to realize that it is time to live in the present.

Kiss With ex-boyfriend means not only remaining affection for a once nice person. Due to problems unresolved by the dreamer in the past, those who are close to her at the present time lack attention.

A kiss in a dream takes on a slightly different meaning. with a stranger, or that person with whom such a manifestation of feelings in reality is unlikely.

If you dream of a kiss with an elderly man, and even more so with an old man, the dreamer should be careful. The plot warns of deterioration of health due to neglect of common sense.

Kiss with a boy warns of the possibility of getting into awkward situation. They will make fun of the sleeping woman for a long time if she commits rash acts.

A kiss with a stranger in a dream and pleasant emotions after waking up are a good sign. Possible find.

Why do you dream about kissing a girl?

A dream in which a kiss was remembered with my girlfriend, promises joyful events. Life will bring amazing surprises.

For a female dreamer a kiss with a friend when meeting in a dream - a good sign. There is a fun period ahead, filled with everyday happy little things.

A dreamed kiss is a memory of past feelings With ex-girlfriend . Emotionally, the dreamer is not ready to put an end to it.

Kiss with a classmate in a dream should alert you. The sleeper has problems communicating with others.

A kiss is a warning with a colleague in a dream. It is because of the actions of this person that the dreamer will find himself in an unpleasant situation.

If you dream of a kiss with a girl I know, soon circumstances will suddenly change. Fortunately, the nature of the changes will be favorable.

Dreamed kiss with an unfamiliar girl is a warning. In reality, someone will try to deceive or seduce.

Interpreting the kiss With a woman in a dream it is necessary to take it into account appearance and age. If an adult dreamer passionately kisses a very young person, in reality he is ready to make a dishonest deal for the sake of profit. Kissing a beauty - financial well-being, but if the lady is disgusting, her health is likely to deteriorate.

A good symbol is a kiss with my wife. Family life in the coming period will bring exclusively pleasure and happiness.

A dreamed kiss is a reflection of friendly feelings with sister. There are events ahead that will bring you pleasure.

Where did you kiss in a dream?

It is clear that the dreamed kiss On the lips is interpreted very differently depending on who was the partner or partner. But no less often in a dream, lips touch other parts of the body. A kiss on the head in a dream reflects the need for tenderness and care. The sleeping person needs support, and there is no shame in asking your loved ones for help.

Kiss on your cheek is interpreted depending on the initiator. A joyful meeting will take place very soon if the dreamer does this. Someone you know kissed on the cheek - a symbol of unfulfilled obligations to this person.

If you dream of a kiss in the neck, this is a hint. You should be more decisive when communicating with the opposite sex. Kissing the eyes means finding yourself in a romantic setting in reality. This is a symbol of tenderness and care.

A dreamed kiss has a good meaning head-on. All work started will be completed in the most favorable way.

A kiss signals too much pride in the hand, and in order to attract sympathy, it is advisable to become kinder to others. This story also warns businessmen about the need to avoid making dubious transactions.

What kind of kiss did you dream about?

Passionate a kiss in a dream calls for a rational view of people and circumstances. Excessive emotionality can damage objectivity and ultimately lead to disappointment.

Dreamed kiss into a hickey warns of some complications in relationships. A conflict is brewing between loving people.

After all long a kiss in a dream predicts the appearance of an insolent rival or rival. However, it is advisable to take control of your emotions and not create scandals. The partner remains faithful, but nagging can change the situation.

Some detachment from reality means French kiss in a dream. Constantly having your head in the clouds can be harmful.

We need to think more realistically - that’s what a kiss means in dreams with tongue. It can also be a symbol of a fleeting romance.

Dreamed first a kiss in a dream signals a longing for the past. This is a reflection of the dreamer’s slight melancholy.

Romantic adventures in reality means gentle kiss in a dream. This is a sign that representatives of the opposite sex will show increased attention in the coming period.

Violent unpleasant the kiss symbolizes the habit of giving in to initiative and submitting to someone else's will. The dream suggests that sometimes it is good to defend your own opinion.

The romantic character of the dreamer is reflected in the plot of the dream, where he gives or receives air kiss. It is also a sign of unpreparedness for a serious relationship.

A kiss in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. It is quite difficult to interpret it, remembering many details of the dream. Therefore, we sincerely wish to kiss more in reality, and not in dreams.
