Cancer: Love horoscope for the week. Weekly Love Horoscope: Cancer Next Week Horoscope Cancer Woman Love

General weekly horoscope for Cancer:

On the way to realizing your plans, there will be many temptations that can lead you astray. Be careful when basing your actions on recently obtained information, there are likely to be certain distortions that can mislead you. If your head is full of ideas, try not to make any serious decisions yet, you need to wait for important news. In your personal life, get ready for pleasant surprises.

Cancer weekly love horoscope:

There may be a temporary lull on the love front, but don't be upset. Think about the problem, analyze the situation. All is not lost yet, and a lot depends only on you. Try to feel peace of mind, this will allow you to regain understanding with your loved one.

Weekly career horoscope for Cancer:

This week you will have to deal with organizing and organizing property resources. In the middle of the week, in an emotional outburst, you can spend a fairly large amount. However, you can easily earn more.

Weekly health horoscope for Cancer:

You tend to doubt, check everything and recheck ... The stars say it's good, but only if it helps you calm down. Feeling that these checks only make you more nervous or tired, say to yourself “stop!”. Trust your healthcare provider. As a last resort - consult another specialist found on the recommendation of a person who has never let you down. But only one - do not overdo it.

General characteristics of the sign Cancer

general characteristics

Cancers are born under the auspices of the Moon, which skillfully manages the emotional state, receptivity and intuition of its wards. There are two different types of people born under this sign: in some, the crescent horns are facing up, and in others - down. The first type of Cancer is characterized by constant hovering in their own fantasies, not imagining life in the same environment for a long time. They may well be called nomads who, not knowing fatigue, roam the earth in search of a new place. The second type prefers to exist in a habitable, safe territory. Usually, such crabs can be identified by their behavior: they are gloomy and withdrawn, guided only by their own subconscious motivations. In general, we can say that Cancers tend to constantly act in accordance with their brain impulses. It is this feature that endows them with mysticism and mystery, sharp intuition. They often consider themselves the only instance that was able to unravel all the secrets of the universe. It is almost impossible to declassify and understand the inner world of people under the sign of Cancer - only they themselves can fully comprehend their dark soul. Even those who have old acquaintances or even spouses in the face of Cancers cannot say with one hundred percent certainty that they correctly assess all the thoughts and actions of the Moon children. In fact, crabs are inherently pure and sensitive, often suffering from brutal attacks from the outside world, although not particularly trying to resist it and take a blow. For them, it seems more appropriate to ignore everything that happens on a deaf ear, pretending that nothing special has happened. Cancers are vitally important to live in a family: their dedication, love for children and ability to self-sacrifice can perfectly contribute to a harmonious measured life. These sissies should be protected, patronized, cared for and cherished in every possible way, however, they themselves will be happy to offer their care and patronage to their loved ones. Little Cancers are most often a delight for their parents, remaining emotionally attached to them for the rest of their lives.


Lunar children should definitely actively monitor the state of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. For this reason, Cancer's diet should be exceptionally healthy and correct, otherwise, constipation and indigestion will not take long. Uncontrolled alcohol consumption, smoking and excessive sleep can also adversely affect their health. The nervous system of these people is generally very susceptible to early loosening: in their case, mental disorders are not excluded, which, fortunately, can be cured without the help of qualified specialists. Lifestyle changes can play a significant role in healing mental ailments. Cancers should suppress suspiciousness in themselves a little more harshly, not allowing them to engage in gluttony and follow the lead of weaknesses and fleeting desires. Young children under such a sign need to eat right and sleep in moderation (if the crab is not forcibly lifted out of bed, it will doze off throughout its life). What is interesting: Cancer women are the easiest to give birth, which cannot be said about abortions - their Moon Virgins are extremely difficult to endure.

The romance, sexuality and emotionality of people with the sign of Cancer are simply off the charts. Although, the strong half of the crustacean society can act as tyrants and rude owners, with all the fibers of their souls wanting to discern their adored mother in a companion. Cancer men can be divided into two camps. Some are able to settle down with their soulmate once and for all, find a family and become an excellent father for their offspring. Others, however, will not be able to curb their own irascibility, capricious all their lives, dreaming of that fatal lady whom they will never be able to find in their endless rushing from passion to passion. The jealousy of crabs may not play the most successful role in their life: in a fit of suspicion, they can kill their partner and themselves at the same time. Moon Virgins, in turn, also tend to be divided into two types. The first are distinguished by their meekness, frigidity and submissiveness, being ready to wholeheartedly worship their companion. And the latter, on the contrary, are overly arrogant to such an extent that they are trying with all their might to convince the chosen one of the steadfastness and immortality of their own love. In order for Cancers to be completely happy, it is vitally important for them not only to love, but also to feel mutual love in response to their care, otherwise, their life has absolutely no meaning.

Compatibility with other signs

Cancer Woman

Cancer horoscope for February 23, 2020, Sunday

Hustle and bustle can swallow you on this day. An unforeseen trip or a sudden assignment from the management can completely ruin your plans for the evening. Short trips, walking walks will be successful. Any physical activity will benefit you. Do not engage in questionable activities that could damage your business reputation. Rely on your own experience and intuition in solving important issues, and not on the opinions of others. Hide your ideas so that competitors don't misappropriate them.

Cancer Sunday Love Horoscope: The increased activity of Venus will encourage you to do unusual things - for example, it will make you remember your previous love relationship. You will want to revive them with renewed vigor!

Work - daily horoscope: Stick to your own course and don't worry, even if those around you don't support you.

Family Forecast Sunday for Cancer: Get ready for a stressful period at work, but don't forget about loved ones. Leave the command tone and the habit of controlling everything in the office. It is likely that you have been very busy lately and therefore have accumulated many topics that need to be discussed. Now you need to speak heart to heart.

Cancer Sunday financial horoscope: Today, an unfamiliar person may suggest that you invest in a dubious event. You should not agree, especially if your friends say that this is an obvious deception. Be careful about spending, do everything deliberately, match the need for acquisitions with the budget. Don't make unnecessary purchases, try not to get into debt.

Health horoscope: This is a good time for sports: starting to exercise, you will feel a surge of strength and vitality, which you have been lacking lately. On this day, any things of "sunny" shades will become your personal talisman.

Color of the day Flea (Reddish brown)

lucky number 8627

Magical affirmation of the day: For spiritual development: I feel a unity with this world, my heart chakra is open to new impressions! I feel the love of the Universe and pour it out on others!

Cancer horoscope on February 24, 2020, Monday

Today you will discover the true meaning of recent events and which you could not fully understand. This is not to say that this revelation was pleasant, but a sober view of things is the best solution. Do not neglect the strengthening of partnerships, beware of hidden or "left" income and strive in every possible way to expand the store of knowledge and renew the vision of the world. A big breakthrough in the intellectual and social spheres awaits you. Today, luck will definitely be on your side, you will be lucky in any endeavors. But the horoscope warns - this does not mean at all that you should take unreasonable risks!

Cancer Monday Love Horoscope:

Work - daily horoscope: Your work schedule has been pretty tight lately. But you should not forget about your own health.

Monday Family Forecast for Cancer: During this period, disagreements are possible, with stormy scenes and a waste of nerves. Certain efforts will need to be made to maintain stability and peace in the family. The stars advise you to be more careful with the pride of a loved one. Do not allow harsh criticism and unfounded remarks addressed to him.

Cancer financial horoscope for Monday: Today you will be acting under the influence of spontaneous impulses, which is caused by the combination of retrograde Mars and active Saturn. Astrologers recommend not visiting stores to avoid spontaneous purchases and unreasonably high expenses. If you have been planning to make a large purchase for a long time, then the horoscope recommends making it on this very day. Today, the influence of Mercury is high - a planet named after the god of commerce.

Health horoscope: Monitor your health, especially the gastrointestinal tract - there is some likelihood of food poisoning. The stars warn that there is a high likelihood of injury.

Color of the day Black brown

lucky number 5209

Magical affirmation of the day: To find happiness: love greets me wherever I go!

Horoscope Cancer 25 February 2020, Tuesday

A new stage may begin in your life today. It is possible that the decision taken on this day will affect the events of the next few months. A dreamy mood will keep you from concentrating on your daily activities. Do not worry about it - "everyday life" will wait! Muscles and ligaments will be especially vulnerable today. You should avoid strenuous physical activity, which is fraught with sprains or other injuries.

Cancer Tuesday Love Horoscope: On this wonderful day, the stars promise lonely people new acquaintances that will not be limited to one meeting.

Work - daily horoscope: Do not quarrel with colleagues, otherwise you can make enemies for yourself. It is better to engage in direct performance of work duties.

Family Forecast Tuesday for Cancer: Are you tired of routine and daily routines? In this case, take a vacation and go on a trip with your soul mate. An honest conversation that you have put off for a long time is best done on this day.

Cancer Tuesday financial horoscope: Bad day for money trades. Do not invest large amounts of money anywhere, do not make large purchases, as they can cause tangible damage. The stars favor increasing your wealth. Now is the time for the fulfillment of a long-term idea, the search for a new job or the implementation of commercial plans.

Health horoscope: There is a possibility of an exacerbation of a chronic illness. Do not expose yourself to unnecessary stress and high physical exertion. Take care of your health, pay special attention to the thyroid gland and the condition of the liver. Favorable time to start a diet.

Color of the day Abdel-Kerim's beards

lucky number 10063

Magical affirmation of the day: To remove self-restraints: I now go beyond the fears and restrictions imposed by other people.

Cancer horoscope on Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Do not be too proud and do not flaunt your claims to others. The desire for justice will prevent you from observing negative processes in your environment from the outside. The day is hard, associated with active struggle, defending one's principles, self-defense. In family relationships or in communication with a partner, problems are possible. The opposition with the outside world will intensify. You will show remarkable perseverance on any, even the most insignificant, occasion. It will be difficult to argue with you on this day, yes, in essence, and unnecessary.

Cancer Wednesday love horoscope: It may seem to you that a loved one has cooled down to you. But this feeling is false, he just has a lot of problems lately.

Work - daily horoscope: You have the knowledge and experience to make the right decision. Rely only on your own opinion!

Wednesday Family Forecast for Cancer: In the afternoon, you will receive a few news - not all of them will be pleasant, some will touch on your personal life. The changes that will occur over the next few days will not be spontaneous, but will be profound and will affect your future.

Cancer financial horoscope for Wednesday: On this day, try not to make unreasonably expensive purchases unless you really need it. If the salary suddenly turns out to be more than the usual one, or the bosses go broke on an extraordinary bonus, then spend the money on a large purchase.

Health horoscope: Follow a diet, give up animal food, you can starve. Of course, such a diet should not be too long. Try to reduce physical activity, otherwise you will not avoid sprains of muscles and ligaments!

Color of the day Mustard

lucky number 8251

Magical affirmation of the day: For development: I want to be useful to society, to be a necessary person. Every day I discover new facets of my inner potential.

Horoscope Cancer 27 February 2020, Thursday

Pay attention to the people who help you succeed and who support you in difficult times. On this day, some of you may find yourself drawn into other people's conflicts and disputes, which should be avoided in every possible way. You can start updating your wardrobe, for this invite your best friend. You will have fun visiting several shops. Anything bought in September will be a lot of fun. Your heart is where it should be, so do not be lazy to share your good mood with others! Your thoughts will be simple and straightforward. Try not to complicate life, not add unnecessary problems to it.

Cancer Thursday love horoscope: In a romantic relationship, you need to take a break, especially if you are faced with a conflict situation.

Work - daily horoscope: There is a meeting with a person who will provide you with career growth. Prepare for this event in advance, update your wardrobe.

Family Forecast Thursday for Cancer: The couple will have the opportunity, as it were, to return during their honeymoon. Enjoy this auspicious chance! The possibility of a conflict with parents or other older relatives is not excluded. However, if they do not approve of your actions, then this does not mean at all that you need to give up your preferences.

Cancer financial horoscope for Thursday: Now is an unfortunate time for investments and, in general, for participating in any kind of transactions. Mercury is in decline, keep your free finances. You can manage your finances at your own discretion - now there is no need to save.

Health horoscope: Try to restrain too violent manifestations of feelings and do not try to relax using dubious means (alcohol, etc.). Pay attention to food, poisoning is possible. Do not experiment with unfamiliar dishes, especially oriental cuisine.

Color of the day Pearlescent copper

lucky number 9295

Magical affirmation of the day: to strengthen the relationship: I am ready (ready) to listen to the opinion of the partner. I trust the voice of my heart and my intuition!

Horoscope Cancer on February 28, 2020, Friday

It's time for you to radically change something in your life. Think about what you would like to get rid of, and resolutely refuse it! The stars do not recommend to sort things out on this day, to intervene in any conflicts. Today it is strongly discouraged to act rashly, without preparation. Elderly people should take care of their health. Great intellectual and business activity can be an impetus for new creative conquests and success in personal life.

Cancer Friday Love Horoscope: Today is your chance to make your loved one happy, especially if you are thinking of buying something that can cheer you up.

Work - daily horoscope: Today you have to deal with routine matters, carry out previously given instructions. Creative people may have a crisis of new ideas, which, fortunately, will not be too long.

Family Forecast Friday for Cancer: Give your loved ones warmth, which you have a lot - arrange a small holiday for your family. Marriage will be exciting and full of passion. Lonely representatives of the sign will finally meet their man.

Cancer financial horoscope for Friday: An occupation that you previously perceived as a hobby may soon begin to generate income. A friend will need financial help and advice. If you can be supportive, don't leave your companion in trouble.

Health horoscope: You should not abuse alcohol and medications, there is a risk of cardiovascular ailments. The stars say that in the near future your mental activity will increase, as well as the ability to process and memorize new information. This is due to the activity of Jupiter, which will positively affect neurons.

Color of the day Light purple blue

lucky number 11779

Magical affirmation of the day: For insomnia: sleep comes to me as soon as I go to bed. I sleep soundly and without waking up until the morning.

Cancer horoscope on February 29, 2020, Saturday

Be honest and extremely frank with loved ones, do not hide your problems and do not try to solve them on your own. The first half of the day will be relatively calm, and in the second you will have to face an insurmountable circumstance. But don't worry, everything will go away by itself. Do things like study, home improvement, creativity - all of which bode well for you.

Cancer Saturday love horoscope: Free representatives of the sign may start an affair with a work colleague, but, as the horoscope shows, it will not be successful. So think in advance - is it worth burdening yourself with a relationship that is doomed to failure?

Work - daily horoscope: Don't be discouraged if something goes wrong at work. All the problems and obstacles that you have to overcome will help you gain new invaluable experience.

Family Prediction Saturday for Cancer: It is possible that you will need to change your social circle. It always happens when a person changes his interests, becomes wiser and more experienced. On this day, you should be careful with loved ones. Your harshness and overconfidence can make the relationship worse.

Cancer financial horoscope for Saturday: Now you should not solve financial issues, and in particular - take loans and credits. The stars warn you against rash actions! On this day, you better not go shopping, as there is a possibility of spontaneous purchases, which you will later regret.

Health horoscope: Excellent immunity can protect you from most diseases and viral infections. But this does not mean that you can violate personal hygiene requirements! Vitality will be running out. The desire to help or take someone under your protection can lead to an oversight that will remind you of yourself for a long time.

Color of the day Dark purple blue

lucky number 6951

Magical affirmation of the day: To find love: I will definitely meet my other half! Very soon fate will bring me together with the person I will love!


You can be compared to a great river, which on the plains majestically and calmly carries its waters, rages a little further in the rapids, and then falls down from a great height with a beautiful waterfall. Cancer sometimes itself gets confused in the abyss of its own feelings, unable to cope with overwhelming emotions. You are an amazing sign of the Zodiac, who stubbornly prefers your past to the present and the future. Almost all of your life is your family; everything else seems to you a pleasant or annoying appendage. Sometimes you yourself are annoyed by your own insecurity, but firm decisions are not your strong point. And yet you have to keep yourself in control all the time, constant mood swings eventually cease to touch.


Constant emotional outbursts cannot but affect health. But there are also positive aspects to this, sometimes the smile of a loved one can heal you from an illness. Your diet, like your whole life, depends only on momentary feelings, so you should take special care of the digestive system. Astrostar recommends: Eat as much fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. Your healthiest foods and supplements: butter, lemons, almonds.


You are immersed in love with your head. As a rule, you do not have moderate feelings. Your planet Moon gives you a special charm that is quite difficult to resist. And if you have fallen in love, then you will definitely try to give your loved one a real fairy tale. But do not forget that the concept of a fairy tale is different for all people, and before you act, clarify this issue in advance. There is nothing better than to please your loved one.

Work and career

This is not to say that you pay special attention to work and career, especially since they distract you from home and family. But if you decide that work and career are important specifically for the family, you will take on the job with such zeal that you will be surprised yourself. All for the sake of success - and let your family be proud of you, dear Cancers!


If you yourself sometimes do not understand, what can we say about others. However, more often than not, your unpredictability is not a drawback, but another force of attraction. With Pisces and Cancers, a wonderful union is possible for you, and Scorpios are able to ignite a real fire of passions in you. Good relationships will be with earth signs - Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus, as well as with Leo, with them you are united by practicality and a down-to-earth view of the world. The rest of the signs, alas, are not very suitable for you. You speak with them in different languages, although your devotion, your sensuality can melt any heart.


Cancer is a female zodiac sign, so Cancer women are more likely to look like true ladies. Surely your idols are Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn. In general, in clothes you are modest and neat, you have an innate sense of proportion and style. But when going to a party where the star of your heart will be, you will not hesitate to put on your most revealing outfit - HE must certainly notice you!

Cancer's date with his loved one today is bound to be special! The day inclines Cancer to turn off the easy, well-trodden paths. He will simply not be interested in sitting at the same table in the same cafe as usual, but to break loose and go with the chosen one to another city, go to the cinema or have a picnic in the yard is what Cancer needs. As many fresh impressions as possible - the recipe for his today's harmony in love.

Tuesday is a great day for Cancer to start doing something new. It doesn't matter if it's a new love, a new stage in a relationship, or a new romantic acquaintance. Even such an innocent thing as buying a new dress can turn for Cancer into a change for the better in his personal life. So the stars advise Cancer on Tuesday to go ahead boldly. As he moves towards change, his potential grows!

On Wednesday it will not be easy for Cancer to feel like a romantic - the day does not incline him at all. However, in order to do something for their love, Cancer on Wednesday does not have to light candles or go to battle with the dragon. You can just show your loved one small, but such pleasant signs of attention - for example, cook a delicious dinner. Or give something that he had secretly dreamed of for a long time.

On Thursday, the stars advise Cancer to discuss plans for the future with their loved one. These plans do not necessarily have to concern global things, such as a wedding or the opportunity to live together (although you can talk about this if you wish). On Thursday, even discussing the simplest questions - how to spend a weekend or where to go on vacation - can give Cancer and his chosen one a pleasant sense of cohesion. And what could be better than moving towards a common goal?

On Friday, the stars advise Cancer to make an effort to diversify their personal life! If the relationship lasts for some time, their acuteness gradually fades away, and so that love does not give way to habit, feelings must be renewed. New impressions, acquaintances, travels and just romantic walks under the moon - all this on Friday can pull Cancer and his loved one out of their routine, lighting a passionate fire in their hearts.

If recently Cancer has let its relationship with a loved one take its course, then on Saturday it is time for him to start regaining the lost control, and for a start - to assess the situation. It's not bad if Cancer on Saturday measures their relationship with a ruler: weighs all the "cons" and "pros", evaluates their feelings and actions. Such a logical approach will help him get to the very essence and will answer many questions.

On Sunday, if Cancer wants to strike up a promising love affair, all he needs to do for this is not to interfere with fate. It is enough to answer a smile with a smile, not to look away, and not to ask the offer to meet: “Why?”. In other words, Cancer on Sunday stands, contrary to his habits, for once and for all to trust the instincts and the course of events. And maybe a little more often than usual to say "yes" than "no".

The week is full of exciting events for you. There will be many different stories in your personal life. You are a sensitive person, so you cannot easily cope with all the twists and turns of fate. But all this is temporary, so expect only good changes. An unstable relationship with a partner is noticeable at the beginning of the week. Don't even try to flirt, romance, or think about love affairs.


Be serious and don't be afraid to take responsibility. This week you can solve even the most difficult problems. Cast aside amorous adventures and frivolous entertainment. If things don't go well at work, it can affect family relationships. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to settle business affairs.


There is instability in the relationship. The reason for this may be financial difficulties. But it's good that they will turn out to be a temporary circumstance. After all, a good profit awaits you ahead. This means that all stress will go away, and you will become more confident in yourself. In love, important events await you.

The week may seem quite stressful to you, despite the positive aspects. Try to worry and worry less.

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