The most secretive and deceiving signs of the zodiac. What's the best zodiac sign? Characteristics of signs. Astrology

The zodiac sign rewards a person with certain character traits. Some prevail in a person, others, on the contrary, do not appear. Someone easily makes contact with new people, while for another it is a whole test of character.

Secrecy can also be one of the characteristics of the sign. There are several signs that are considered the most secretive of all. But everyone has a different reason for silence.

Twins when meeting, they seem incredibly friendly and talkative, but at the same time, at some point they can become quite private. Gemini tend to withdraw into themselves in moments of anxiety, when they are threatened. But at the same time, they always openly make contact and discuss problems.

Cancer closes in and is silent in moments of experience, when he is hurt and uncomfortable. Representatives of that sign keep their experiences deep in their hearts. He really wants everyone to be happy in his environment, and if something goes wrong, it hurts the impressionable Cancer very much. Often he is able to immerse himself in silent observation and wants no one to bother him at these moments.

Libra feel the inner need to protect their own borders at any cost. When representatives of this sign do not want to show their own emotions, they go into a closed mode. Sometimes they just need to be alone with themselves.

Scorpio is a person protected from all sides. He does not particularly perceive the problems of others, preferring to take care of himself. By his silence, he always gains some advantage over others. Representatives of this sign are able to use silence as a tool for quietly manipulating others.

These Zodiac Signs often become cold, secretive, and unapproachable. Their mystery is both beckoning and repulsive at the same time. They cannot immediately open up and trust in a relationship, therefore they often hide behind a mask of coldness and detachment.

The representatives of these Zodiac Signs are difficult to fully understand, since they do not trust their partners 100%.


It is very difficult to understand what Gemini really wants, because this Zodiac Sign can be loving and attentive at one minute, and become detached and cold at another. Gemini is very changeable, so it is impossible to predict what they will want and feel in the next minute. They need a partner who accepts their ambivalent nature and changeable mood.


Scorpio's worst fear is that someone might hurt him. That is why this sign of the Zodiac does not trust to the end and always keeps many secrets about itself in the soul. Scorpio often portrays impregnability in order to take a dominant position and protect themselves. He tests and tests his partner for a long time before confiding in him.


Sagittarius masterfully knows how to fill his own worth and be not only impregnable, but also elusive. This sign of the Zodiac is very fond of freedom and independence, so he does not even allow the thought of some kind of restriction for himself. Before a serious relationship, this Zodiac Sign feels free like the wind. After getting married, Sagittarius calms down a little and comes to understand that there is nothing wrong with that.


Aquarius can be hot or cold. In serious long-term relationships, this Zodiac Sign gets tired from time to time and longs to feel at least a drop of freedom. Then he seems distant and distant. And if Aquarius becomes uninteresting with a partner, he simply leaves him. It is very difficult to see the true emotions of this Zodiac Sign, as he is not inclined to show his feelings.

There are several mysterious signs that constantly seem to be on their own mind. The zodiac gives them certain secretive traits. Sometimes this is great and should be respected, but there are other quiet types who use their silence as a passive-aggressive weapon of defense. Here are six astrological signs that can be the most obscure.


People born under this sign are, on the one hand, the most sociable, and on the other hand, they can be incomprehensible and closed. Gemini withdraws when they are threatened, but this does not hurt them, as they prefer not to discuss issues.

Suppressing the urge to speak is contrary to their nature, but they are instantly silent if no one is listening. They give up easily and do not like to actively fight for it. For all their emotionality and friendliness, Gemini prefer to protect themselves and choose the path of least resistance in order to survive.

If Cancer is closed and silent, then it is most likely painful and uncomfortable for him. He always experiences everything inside, quietly and behind the scenes. Cancer wants his environment to be happy, so that everything goes right - and when this does not happen, he too painfully digests any situation. Cancer perceives this world as their only responsibility. He very often plunges into silent contemplation and wishes that no one ever bothers him.


Libras are fiercely independent and they feel the need to defend their borders at all costs. If you cannot recognize what this sign actually feels, then it has switched to closed mode and does not really want to demonstrate its own emotions.

Libra is sometimes better to be alone, to throw on a veil of mystery and just not communicate with anyone with very personal and deep questions.


Scorpio's typical attitude is expressed by the phrase "I have nothing to do with this." This sign knows that its true strength lies not in what it talks about, but in what it hides.

Scorpio is not a particularly quiet man, but he is completely closed and protected from all sides. His silence always gives him some advantage. To be honest, Scorpio uses his closeness as a tool to manipulate people quietly.


Sagittarius can be as warm as the sun at noon and as cold as an iceberg in the ocean. What causes them to become cold and quiet is the suspicion that they are being cheated on or being lied to. The companionable interlocutor Sagittarius will instantly close if he does not like you in any way.

These people are capable of being unforgiving and cruel. Just one wrong move on your part, and you will be thrown out of the life of a Sagittarius with no chance of returning.


Quiet Aquarius is always plotting something. Do not try to get close to people of this sign - their silence will act as a protective shield between you.

Aquarius does not see power in verbal communication, but this does not mean that he is unable to express himself. He knows how to convey his secret thoughts in ways that do more harm than the spoken words. The silence of Aquarius is a threat and a danger. This means that they are planning, developing, designing and preparing something. They should not be trusted, especially when they go into silence.

At the first glance at Cancer, you will never guess how many problems, phobias, complexes and even mental disorders are hidden in it. And at a second glance, too. And only if Cancer recognizes you well enough, only then they will slowly begin to roll it all out on you. Many break down and run away, which further reinforces Cancer's belief that stealth is the best tactic.


Gemini has a completely different tactic to hide their real feelings and emotions - all this is masked by the endless and intense "information noise". And Gemini is ready to tell other people's secrets with little or no remorse. But when it comes specifically to the feelings of the twins, they masterfully evade the answer or change the subject.


Scorpios know very well what you can talk about yourself and what you absolutely cannot. Just so as not to give the hypothetical opponent an advantage. Moreover, they also know how to keep other people's secrets, simply because it is better to use compromising evidence for their own purposes, while it is possible. Nothing personal, just Scorpios perceive their whole life as a huge platform for intrigue, working according to extremely confusing but intuitively clear rules.


Aquarians are great at understanding people. But if someone tries to understand them themselves, they close. They simply go into "complete unconsciousness", fall silent and stop keeping the conversation going. In some cases, they stop communicating with this person altogether. Aquarians prefer not to let anyone into their "inner world".


Sagittarius seem completely open-minded, cheerful and outgoing. It is, but each Sagittarius has a theme that he will hide from everyone. It even happens that from myself. And any attempts to get to the bottom of this problem will be angrily suppressed, up to the complete cessation of all communication. The main thing is to immediately identify this topic in order to outline the boundaries of personal space.


Libra is constantly working on the image. The image of the "All-understanding, all-helping and all-forgiving" person. But what they really think at the same time - no one knows. Even for really close people, the inner world of Libra is a secret behind seven seals. And any attempts to get to the bottom of this matter are gently but resolutely suppressed.

Each of the Zodiac Signs has its own weaknesses, which they are trying not to put on public display. All Signs have such secrets, but sometimes the secrets cease to be secret.


Aries hide their dependence on other people's opinions. Yes, in the end, Aries make their own decisions without the advice of others, but they always take into account the words they hear. They hide their doubts and fears in order to appear strong.


Taurus hide their love affairs. Even the closest people, they will not tell the secret about how they called their ex or ex when they allowed themselves to drink too much. Of course, it was terrible.


It's easier to say that these people are not hiding. They get real pleasure from leading everyone around by the nose. Be careful with them, as it is impossible to get the truth out of them.


Cancers don't play like Gemini - they just don't tell strangers anything at all. This is necessary to protect family and friends. This Sign is the most secretive of all - and it can be understood, because there are reasons for this. Love, for example.

a lion

Leos prefer to hide their dreams. They don't talk about their plans and what they want to achieve. They also hide from others the lack of skills for anything. They will do something better, but wrong, than admit that they do not know how.


Virgos hide their money and thoughts. Money so that no one wants to borrow from them, but thoughts so as not to show their hatred or negative emotions. Virgos often behave decently and friendly with those whom they dream of chopping into small pieces.


Libra hides the mistakes of the past. Few people know what bad things they did when they were younger. They also hide their true opinion about others so that no one knows that they hate someone.


Scorpios hide their love feelings and their true intentions. They can play in such a way that no one will guess about it. There is no such person who would guess what Scorpio really wants with all his heart.


These people hide their selfishness and supreme indifference. Naturally, they will help you, pretending that they are the saviors of the Universe, but in their hearts they very often do not care about the outcome of any situation.


The representatives of this Sign are similar to Taurus and Cancers. They hide absolutely everything, especially their feelings and income. They don't even show their friends very often that they are their friends.


Aquarians hide their personal life, namely, plans for the future and love affairs. Few people know who Aquarius is dating and what they expect from the next couple of years.


This Sign is full of secrets. To begin with, they hide their incredibly strong laziness. It is also very difficult for them to talk about inner pain, fears and worries. They like to live easily and independently, but they hide it from those on whom they depend.

Everyone has a lot of secrets, and only a few can talk about them. All people hide something from others, and only the closest people can find out, and even then not always. This is the nature of humans and all Zodiac Signs. Good luck, be open to loved ones and do not forget to press the buttons and

03.04.2016 01:00

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