Innovative technologies in the ophthalmic practice of the regions. Development of ophthalmology in Russia and state stimulation of innovations

Nearly 400 people attended the conference, which took place at the Rixos Hotel. Among them were representatives of all regions of Kazakhstan and various cities of Russia, guests from Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Finland, Turkey, India.
The main areas of the forum were the organization of ophthalmic care and educational technologies in ophthalmology, modern issues of diagnosis, surgical, laser and conservative treatment of glaucoma and refractive errors; pediatric ophthalmology, in particular retinopathy of prematurity; vitreoretinal pathology, cataract surgery, treatment of inflammatory and vascular diseases of the eye, as well as problems of oculoplastic surgery.
The International Ophthalmological Congress was solemnly opened by the Director General of KazNII GB, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Freelance Ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan T.K. Botabekov.
Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan S.R. Musinov, who announced congratulatory addresses on behalf of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The first meeting was chaired by professors T.K. Botabekova, Z.U. Sidikov (Tashkent), M.G. Kataev (Moscow), N.A. Aldasheva (Almaty). Ophthalmologists heard reports on the first experience of using a femtosecond laser in corneal transplantation (M.S. Suleimenov, Almaty), the removal of intraocular foreign bodies (T.A. Imshenetskaya, Minsk), and the problems of forming an optimal cavity for an ocular prosthesis (M.G. Kataev), the possibilities of 3D visualization in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of dacryocystitis (V.A. Obodov, Yekaterinburg), the problems of drainage surgery for glaucoma (N.A. Aldasheva), the optimization of surgical treatment of post-traumatic cataracts in children (Z.U. Sidikov ), modern manifestations and outcomes of expulsive hemorrhages (Z.V. Kataeva, Yekaterinburg).
At the afternoon session, chaired by professors F.A. Bakhritdinova (Tashkent), A.N. Sergienko (Kyiv), A.V. Kuroyedova (Moscow), E.G. Kanafyanova (Almaty), reports on topical issues of ophthalmology were also heard. In the report of E.G. Kanafyanova reflected the main stages in the development of vitreoretinal surgery in Kazakhstan. Professor F.A. Bakhritdinova presented a scheme for the examination and treatment of patients with ocular ischemic syndrome. A.V. Kuroyedov. A.N. Sergienko, Kivanch Kungur (Turkey) covered conservative methods of treatment of inflammatory complications after surgery in his report. A series of reports on vascular pathology of the eye was opened by A.S. Izmailov (St. Petersburg), outlining the main approaches to the treatment of transudative maculopathies. A.R. Korol (Odessa) and R.R. Fayzrakhmanov (Ufa), spoke about the management of diabetic retinopathy on behalf of a group of authors G.K. Zhurgumbaeva (Almaty), a clinical case of laser perforation of the preretinal macula cyst was presented by A.B. Umbetiar (Almaty). The reports of N.B. Sabyrbayeva (Almaty), Dr. Arulmozhi Varman (India), G. Tokhtakulinova (Almaty). The issues of treatment of the "dry eye" syndrome were covered by O.N. Avdeeva (Chelyabinsk), A.V. Vokhmyakov (Moscow).
The next day, under the chairmanship of M.S. Suleimenova (Almaty), I.A. Dolmatova (Almaty), G.E. Begimbayeva (Almaty) heard and discussed reports on glaucoma screening in Kazakhstan (N.A. Aldasheva), problems of refractive ametropia (O.R. Kim, Almaty). G.E. told about the results of surgical treatment of keratoconus. Begimbayeva, Zh.O. Sangilbaeva (Almaty). A.U. Sharipova (Almaty) spoke about modern problems in the management of retinopathy of prematurity.
The following reports were read at the afternoon session: “Results of Acrysof Restor Aspheric+3 IOL implantation” (L.B. Tashtitova, Almaty); “Refractive-functional results and pachymetric parameters after the FEMTO-LASIK-SBK operation for myopia” (I.A. Remesnikov, Astana); "The use of the amniotic membrane for the reconstruction of conjunctival defects after extrascleral surgery" (O.A. Yarmak, Minsk); “Surgical treatment of exophoria with syndrome V without hyperfunction of the inferior oblique muscles” (N.G. Antsiferova, Novosibirsk); “Surgical treatment of children with concomitant strabismus based on the anatomical and histological features of the oculomotor muscles” (O.V. Zhukova, Samara); "The use of Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of retinoblastomas" (R.B. Bakhytbek, Almaty); “Peculiarities of surgical treatment of retinal detachments in children” (L.N. Orazbekov, Almaty); “The experience of teaching FEC of foreign surgeons in the eye clinic named after. Sergienko in India” (A.N. Sergienko); “Prospects for the development of hospital-replacing technologies in ophthalmic practice” (Zh.K. Buribaeva, Almaty); “Experience in the development of microsurgery in the day hospital of a specialized ophthalmological center in the Zhambyl region” (B.S. Doszhanova, Taraz); “Experience of HCMC transfer in Atyrau region” (M. Kusainov, Atyrau); “On the development of outpatient ophthalmic surgery centers in the East Kazakhstan region” (Z. Kamasova, Ust-Kamenogorsk); “Problems of the phthisio-ophthalmological service of the Republic of Kazakhstan and ways to solve them” (Zh.S. Iserkepova, Almaty).
After each session, there was an active discussion (not only in the hall, but also on the sidelines) of the problems highlighted in the reports. During the breaks between sessions, the conference participants had the opportunity to attend a session of "live surgery". PhEc with Acrysof RESTOR Toric implantation, corneal transplantation using a femtosecond laser, and refractive surgery using the FLEX method were broadcast online.
Within the framework of the conference, an exhibition of ophthalmic equipment and pharmaceuticals from the largest manufacturers was held.
All participants were given certificates certifying their participation in the forum. The materials of the conference were published in the form of a collection of articles.

See the conference materials and photo report below

Innovative technologies in the ophthalmic practice of the regions
Scientific and practical conference of ophthalmologists of the Southern Federal District

September 28-29, 2012, Astrakhan

The most important task in the healthcare sector today and in the near future is to ensure equal access to quality medical care. Citizens of the country living far from capitals and large cities deserve to be treated not far away, but close to home. The innovative revolution that ophthalmologists talk about so often should finally cover the regions.

In his welcoming speech, Alexander Borisovich Klykanov, Chairman of the State Duma of the Astrakhan Region, noted that the Astrakhan Region is increasingly becoming a venue for interregional and interstate conferences, where special issues are professionally and deeply studied, which, of course, include ophthalmology. “I am convinced that today's conference will allow us to solve many problems,” said A.B. Klykanov.

First Deputy Minister of Health of the Astrakhan Region Liliya Aleksandrovna Galtseva emphasized that great attention has always been paid to ophthalmology by the regional health authorities, as evidenced by the performance of the ophthalmological service: about 4,000 operations were performed during the year, 500,000 visits were registered at the polyclinic level, The School of Glaucoma Patients is successfully operating. One of the most important achievements is the dynamic development of such a direction as the prevention and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity. “Issues that will be discussed by the conference participants will help practical healthcare, make specialized medical care closer and more accessible to residents of rural areas,” the Deputy Minister expressed confidence.

Vice-rector of the Astrakhan State Medical Academy Vladimir Ivanovich Griganov thanked those present for participating in the conference and expressed special gratitude to the organizers of the event and personally to the chief ophthalmologist of the Astrakhan region, MD. Lia Shamilyevna Ramazanova for her great work in preparing the meeting. “The scientific component of the conference is very interesting. The name itself, "Innovative technologies in ophthalmology", causes respect and great interest. The second component of any conference is the meeting of friends, acquaintance with the city, with the region. We would like you to have the most favorable impressions about our city, about our people.”

General Director of the MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" named after Academician S.N. Fedorova Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander Mikhailovich Chukhraev, on behalf of the largest delegation, the team of the IRTC "Eye Microsurgery", thanked the organizers for the invitation to take part in the forum. “It is a great honor for us, since we have declared this year “the year of Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov”, whose merits in the creation of our institute and in the development of ophthalmology are appreciated by the whole world. In the context of the events held by the country's ophthalmologists, your conference occupies a special place. You are at the forefront, you solve many issues. The agenda of the conference emphasizes the common understanding that only by implementing the most modern technologies quickly and everywhere, we will be able to solve the problems of our patients.”

The morning session of the first day of the conference was devoted to the organization of ophthalmological care and social issues of ophthalmology.

The meeting was opened by the head of the laser surgery cabinet of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the JSC AMOKB, the chief freelance ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Health of the Astrakhan region, MD. Leah Shamilyevna Ramazanova. She presented a report on the topic "Organizational issues of ophthalmic care for patients with glaucoma in the Astrakhan region." The level of ophthalmology as a specialty in Russia generally corresponds to the world level. “We use the same technologies, work on the same equipment, use the same consumables and the same medicines, and actively participate in scientific developments. Russian ophthalmology is becoming more and more integrated into world science every day. Our scientists, our doctors participate in international conferences, visit foreign clinics, make presentations at foreign forums, participate in live surgery.”

However, in the words of the chief ophthalmologist of the region, there was concern that in different regions of the country there are far from equal opportunities for ophthalmologists to apply innovative developments in practice. This disparity arises from funding problems, which in turn depend on regional budgets and territorial MHIFs.
Doctor of Medical Sciences L.Sh. Ramazanova drew attention to the positive developments emerging in the region. In particular, Health Centers have been launched, in which practically healthy people are examined to identify violations of intraocular pressure. On the basis of the office of patients with glaucoma at the Alexander-Mariinsky Regional Clinical Hospital, the School of the Patient with Glaucoma was established, where patients receive consultations and practical advice, as well as the School of the Ophthalmologist, which gives doctors the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest developments in the treatment of glaucoma.

Through the efforts of the Astrakhan Society of Ophthalmologists, teleconference seminars are being held with the participation of prominent scientists of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “NIIGB” of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Federal State Budgetary Institution “M. Helmholtz”, FGBI “IRTC “Eye Microsurgery” named after A.I. acad. S.N. Fedorov.

The enormous work done by the Astrakhan Society of Ophthalmologists with the full support of the Ministry of Health of the Astrakhan Region has led to the fact that the share of glaucoma in the structure of disability has decreased and has overcome the 50% mark.

In the report “Innovative ophthalmology. Dreams and reality” Director of the Irkutsk branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “MNTK “Eye Microsurgery” named after A.I. acad. S.N. Fedorov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.G. Shchuko dwelled in detail on the main directions of development of modern ophthalmology. Today, these are femtosurgery in the treatment of refraction and anterior segment pathology, high-energy cataract surgery with premium IOL implantation, early diagnosis, microinvasive and drainage surgery for glaucoma, high-tech vitreoretinal surgery, laser innovative methods for treating fundus pathology and anti-VEGF therapy.

Ph.D. D.M. Arsyutov, chief physician of the Republican Clinical Hospital, chief ophthalmologist of the Republic of Chuvashia.

On the organization of high-tech care for patients with diseases of the eye and adnexa in the Krasnodar branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "MNTK" Eye Microsurgery "named after. acad. S.N. Fedorov" said the branch director Ph.D. Sakhnov.

Of undoubted interest was the report of the General Director of the High Technologies Eye Clinic LLC (Makhachkala), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.I. Ismailov on the topic "Experience of a non-state medical institution in the system of compulsory health insurance." The speaker pointed out the imperfection of legal acts on health care, which do not take into account the specifics of the work of a private medical institution and, as a result, the impossibility for a private medical facility to enter the system of state orders for high-tech medical care.

Head of the glaucoma department of the Kaluga branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "IRTC" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorov, Ph.D. I.A. Molotkova, in her report “Organizational aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma in the Kaluga region”, spoke about the advantages of a unified system for medical examination of patients, which includes a primary polyclinic link in the city of Kaluga, the region and the glaucoma department at the IRTC “Eye Microsurgery” within the framework of a single IRTC system in the Kaluga region. The created system provides a unified approach to the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma, allows patients of the region to receive qualified medical care, taking into account modern world trends.

Ophthalmologist of the Pediatric Surgical Department of the Kaluga Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “IRTC “Eye Microsurgery” named after A.I. acad. S.N. Fedorov" S.V. Isaev presented the report "Ophthalmic care for premature babies in the Central region of Russia". The frequency of blindness due to retinopathy of prematurity, according to S.V. Isaev, is determined by the degree of development of society, the level of neonatal care, and the effectiveness of treatment. In Russia, the frequency of blindness from ROP is 54%, in the Czech Republic - 18%, in Japan - 10%, in the UK - 3%. The algorithm developed in the clinic for the treatment of premature babies, which includes the organization of early detection of ROP, standardization of examination methods, high-tech treatment, allows achieving a high level of disease regression (92.9%).

On the economic aspects of the pharmacological support of ophthalmic care for patients with glaucoma, Ph. A.Yu. Kulikov, project manager of the pharmacological research laboratory of the First Moscow State Medical University.

The afternoon session of the first day of the conference was dedicated to "live surgery".

The implantation of a premium IOL in the Invista implantation system, was shown by MD. Yu.A. Gusev (ophthalmological department of the Center for Ophthalmology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Moscow).

Surgeon A.Yu. Combs (OOO Eye Surgery Combs, Kazan).

“Micro-invasive macular vitrectomy using 27G instruments” was the name of the operation performed by Ph.D. A.V. Malafeev (Krasnodar branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" named after Academician S.N. Fedorov").

Surgeon from Rostov-on-Don, Ph.D. E.O. Chernetsky (Center for Eye Microsurgery of the Road Clinical Hospital of the North Caucasus Railway), demonstrated an operation called "Ozil technology in cataract surgery of 3-4 degrees".

The attendees also saw the MICS technology in 1.8 mm complicated cataract surgery performed by Ph.D. A.I. Fesenko (Krasnodar branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" named after Academician S.N. Fedorov").

At the end of the session, Ph.D. A.V. Malafeev (Krasnodar branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “MNTK “Eye Microsurgery” named after Academician S.N. Fedorov”) performed a 25G microinvasive vitrectomy for diabetic proliferative retinopathy.

Moderator of the session "Live Surgery" Professor V.N. Trubilin gave the highest rating to the professional skills of surgeons.

The evening session "Innovative technologies in surgery for the pathology of the optical media of the eye" was opened by MD. Professor L.I. Balashevich, director of the St. Petersburg branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "MNTK" Eye Microsurgery. acad. S.N. Fedorov. He presented a report on the topic "Accommodation of the pseudophakic eye". Professor L.I. Balashevich emphasized that a competent approach to planning the final refractive result in cataract extraction minimizes the need to implant expensive premium lenses. In Europe, 0.2% of premium lenses were implanted in 2011. “This means that doctors in Europe are well aware that a premium lens is not the ideal solution to the problem of accommodation of a pseudophakic eye.”

Ph.D. S.L. Kuznetsov, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Penza Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. The expander is designed to preserve the shape of the lens capsular bag and its ligamentous apparatus after cataract removal in the long term, prevent the development of secondary cataract, and provides the possibility of joint implantation with various IOL models. However, according to the author of the report, the issue of the final effectiveness of the ECCM design, including the possibility of its joint implantation with various IOL models, requires further study and longer follow-up periods.

A report on the topic "Modern technology of the biooptical approach to the surgical correction of high myopia" was presented by A.A. Boyko, ophthalmic surgeon at Tri-Z LLC (Krasnodar).

Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Chief Ophthalmologist of the National Medical and Surgical Center named after I.I. N.I. Pirogova Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.M. Shishkin (Moscow) made a presentation on the topic "Vitreoretinal surgery for melanoma". The speaker dwelled in detail on the possibilities and prospects for the treatment of choroidal melanoma.

The author of the report "Modern technologies of ophthalmic care for penetrating wounds with a foreign body inside the eye" is the chief ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.V. Boyko (St. Petersburg) reported on the dire consequences that such injuries lead to. Professor E.V. Boyko presented various methods for removing foreign bodies. The main conclusion of the speaker is that a surgeon who does not have a perfect technique of reconstructive ophthalmic surgery should not attempt to remove fragments from the posterior segment of the eye.

The possibilities of microinvasive 27-G vitrectomy were discussed by the head of the Eye Diabetes Center of the Federal State Institution MNTK Eye Microsurgery named after A.I. acad. S.N. Fedorov, Ph.D. BEFORE. Shkvorchenko (Moscow). The new technology provides a minimum traction component, no pressure drop when changing the instrument, a decrease in the volume of the infusion flow in the vitreal cavity, a high degree of sealing, which reduces the risk of hypotension and infection.
The report "Modern methods of diabetic macular edema management" was made by the head of the laser surgery department of the St. acad. S.N. Fedorov, Doctor of Medical Sciences A.S. Izmailov.
Ophthalmologist M.V. Babieva (Rostov-on-Don) presented the report "Experience of Acrysof Restor IOL implantation in concomitant ocular pathology".

With two reports - "Foveolar Surgery" and "Individual Features of Visual Perception of Reality" - Ph.D. I'M IN. Baiborodov (St. Petersburg branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" named after academician S.N. Fedorov".
The report of Ph.D. S.Yu. Golubeva (Moscow) "Prevention of AMD progression in cataract surgery".

In parallel, the session "Glaucoma: pathogenesis, early diagnosis, treatment and monitoring" worked.

The meeting was opened by the President of the Russian Glaucoma Society, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.A. Egorov. He made a presentation on the topic "Maximum drug approach in the treatment of glaucoma."
Reports “Glaucoma: five controversial issues” and “Neuroprotection in glaucoma: are there any prospects?” presented by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor N.I. Kurysheva, Head of the Diagnostic Department of the Center for Ophthalmology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (Moscow).

During the session, the reports of Professor A.Yu. Slonimsky (Moscow) "Application of biodegradable drainage "Glautex" in glaucoma surgery", Dr. A.V. Lapochkina "Clinical results of the use of recombinant prourokinase as an antiglaucoma component ab interno in cataract phacoemulsification in eyes with primary glaucoma" and Ph.D. L.G. Aligadzhiyeva (Makhachkala) "Cycloanemization as a method of treating terminal painful glaucoma."
The scientific program of the second day of the conference included the following sessions: "Innovative technologies in corneal surgery" and "Ophthalmoergonomics and optometry", as well as "Innovative technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmopathology".

The work of the first meeting was opened by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Z.I. Frost (FGBU "IRTC "Eye Microsurgery" named after academician S.N. Fedorov", Moscow). She made a presentation "Surgical treatment of keratoconus by intrastromal keratoplasty (ISKP) with segment implantation in combination with corneal collagen crosslinking". The main conclusion of the report is that the best and most stable functional results in the treatment of keratoconus are achieved with a combination of these methods.

A lively discussion in the hall was caused by the report of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.S. Milyudina (Samara) "Peculiarities of surgical treatment of patients in need of transplantation of the cornea with a sclera border" and the report of Candidate of Medical Sciences Yu.I. Kishkina (FGBU "IRTC" Eye Microsurgery "named after academician S.N. Fedorov", Moscow) "PresbyLASIK".

In total, 26 reports were made on the second day of the conference, and 49 speakers spoke to the audience in two days. The format of the report does not even allow to list all the speeches, much less to present their summary. We can only say one thing: the level of all reports and the status of their authors allows us to rank the Astrakhan forum among the most significant ophthalmological events in Russia.

... When the conference ended, and there was almost no one left in the hall, MD. L.Sh. Ramazanova gathered her students and graduate students around her. She thanked them for the excellent work in preparing and holding the forum and said: “Remember these two days: you saw and heard outstanding ophthalmologists, work of this level allows you to get off to a good start. You, young scientists, should become “generators” of innovative ideas in regional ophthalmology, and the quality of regional healthcare should not differ from the world one.”

Material prepared by Sergey Tumar
©Field of view №5, 2012


Conference Venue: Grand Hotel "Al-Pash" (Kuibyshev St., 69)

8.30-15-30 – REGISTRATION OF PARTICIPANTS (hall of the 6th floor of the Al-Pash hotel)

GRAND Volga hall (6th floor of Al-Pash hotel)

GRAND Volga hall (6th floor of Al-Pash hotel)


Welcome speech of the leaders
- Administration of the Astrakhan region
- Ministry of Health of the Astrakhan region
- GOU VPO "Astrakhan State Medical Academy of Roszdrav"

Co-chairs: Klykanov A.B., Kozlov A.V., Kvyatkovsky I.E., Galimzyanov Kh.M., Trubilin V.N., Chukhraev A.M., Shishkin M.M., Egorov E.A., Ramazanova L.Sh.

1. “Organizational issues of ophthalmic care for patients with glaucoma in the Astrakhan region”, - Ramazanova Liya Shamilyevna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Laser Surgery Department of the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the AMOKB JSC, Chief Freelance Ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Health of the Astrakhan Region, (Astrakhan) 10 min.
2. "Innovative technologies in modern ophthalmic surgery", - Shchuko Andrey Gennadievich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Irkutsk branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "IRTC "Eye Microsurgery" named after academician S.N. Fedorov" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia "(Irutsk), 20 minutes.
3. "Organization of highly specialized medical care in vitreoretinal surgery on the basis of the Republican Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Chuvashia", - Arsyutov Dmitry Gennadievich, chief physician of the Republican Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Chuvashia, chief ophthalmologist of the Republic of Chuvashia, (Cheboksary) ,15 minutes.
4. “Organization of high-tech medical care for patients with diseases of the eye and its adnexa on the basis of the Krasnodar branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “MNTK” MHG them. Academician S.N. Fedorov of Rosmedtekhnologii ", - Sakhnov Sergey Nikolaevich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Ophthalmic Diseases, KubGMU, Director of the Krasnodar branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "IRTC" MHG them. Academician S.N. Fedorova of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia ", (Krasnodar) 10 min.
5. “Experience of work of a non-state medical institution in the system of compulsory medical insurance”, - Ismailov Muslim Ismailovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, General Director of Eye Clinic “High Technologies”, (Makhachkala) 10 min.
6. "Organization of ophthalmic care for patients with glaucoma in the Kaluga region", - Molotkova Inna Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Glaucoma Department of the Kaluga Branch of the Federal State Institution "IRTC "Eye Microsurgery" named after Academician S.N. Fedorov of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia" (Kaluga) .7 min.
7. "Ophthalmological care for premature babies in the central region of Russia", - Tereshchenkova Marina Sergeevna, Ph.D. V., Bely Yu.A., Trifanenkova I.G., Sidorova Yu.A. (Kaluga) 7 min.
8. “Economic aspects of pharmacological support of ophthalmic care for patients with glaucoma”, - Yagudina Roza Ismailovna, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Organization of Drug Supply and Pharmacoeconomics of the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov. (Moscow) 7 min

10.45-11.00 Presentation of diplomas to sponsors of the conference

P E R E R Y IN (11.00-11.45)
GRAND Volga hall (6th floor of Al-Pash hotel)
Coffee break.

CITY Hall (6th floor of Al-Pash Hotel)
Co-chairs: Trubilin V.N., Malyugin B.E., Boyko E.V., Sakhnov S.N., Ramazanova L.Sh.

1. Welcoming speech of the Chairman of the Russian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons in the Southern Federal District - Chairman of the Russian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, Chief Ophthalmologist of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology of the FB GOU DPO IPK FMBA of Russia, Head of the Ophthalmological Center of the FMBA of Russia, - Trubilin Vladimir Nikolaevich (Moscow) 15 min.

2. "Live surgery" (teleconference). Moderator - Chairman of the Russian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, Chief Ophthalmologist of the FMBA of Russia, Head of the Ophthalmological Center of the FMBA of Russia prof. Trubilin V.N.;

12.00–12.20. Astrakhan - Moscow: "Implantation of premium class IOLs in the Invista implantation system", surgeon - Yury A. Gusev, MD (ophthalmological department of the ophthalmology center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia).

12.20–12.40. Astrakhan-Kazan: "Glucolight drainage implantation in primary open-angle glaucoma surgery", surgeon Alexander Rascheskov, (OOO Rascheskov's Eye Surgery)

12.40–13.00. Astrakhan - Krasnodar: "Microinvasive macular hole vitrectomy using 29G instruments", surgeon Malafeev Alexander Vladimirovich, Ph.D. (Krasnodar branch of the Federal State Institution IRTC "Eye Microsurgery" named after academician S.N. Fedorov, Rosmedtekhnologii).

13.00–13.20. Astrakhan - Rostov-on-Don: "Ozil technology in cataract surgery of 3-4 degrees", surgeon - Chernetsky Evgeny Oskarovich, Ph.D. (Center for Eye Microsurgery of the Road Clinical Hospital of the North Caucasus Railway),

13.02–13.40. Astrakhan - Krasnodar: "MICS technology in 1.8 mm surgery of complicated cataracts", surgeon-Aleksey Vladimirovich Klokov, Ph.D. .

13.40–14.00. Astrakhan - Krasnodar: "Microinvasive vitrectomy 27G for diabetic proliferative retinopathy", surgeon, Ph.D. Malafeev Alexander Vladimirovich, (Krasnodar branch of Federal State Institution IRTC "Eye Microsurgery" named after academician S.N. Fedorov, Rosmedtekhnologii).

P E R E R Y IN (14.00-15.00)

GRAND Volga Hall (6th floor of Al-Pash Hotel):
The work of the exhibition of ophthalmic equipment.
Demonstration of electronic posters.

CITY Hall (6th floor of Al-Pash Hotel)
15.00-18.00 EVENING SESSION.
Co-chairs: Balashevich L.I., Kuznetsov S.L., Shchuko A.G., Shkvorchenko D.O., Akulov S.N., Malyshev A.V.

1. "Accommodation of the pseudophakic eye", - Balashevich Leonid Iosifovich Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the St. Academician S.N. Fedorova of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia "" (St. Petersburg) 15 min.
2. "Implantation systems in modern cataract surgery", - Malyugin Boris Eduardovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Deputy General Director of FBSI "MNTK" MHG im. Academician S.N. Fedorova of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia "" (Moscow) 15 min.
3. "Lens capsular bag expander. Clinical justification of the design." - Kuznetsov Sergey Leonidovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Penza Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Penza) 10 min.
4. "Modern technology of the biooptical approach to the surgical correction of high myopia." - Boyko Alexander Aleksadrovich, ophthalmic surgeon of Tri-Z LLC, (Krasnodar) 10 min.
5. “Vitreoretinal surgery of melanoma”, - Shishkin Mikhail Mikhailovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Chief Ophthalmologist of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the National Medical and Surgical Center named after. N.I. Pirogova, (Moscow) 20 min.
6. "Modern technologies of ophthalmic care for penetrating wounds with a foreign body inside the eye", - Boyko Ernest Vitalievich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Colonel of the Medical Service, Professor, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Military Medical Academy. S.M. Kirova, Chief Ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, (St. Petersburg) 20 min.
7. "Microinvasive vitreoretinal surgery for diabetic retinopathy", - Shkvorchenko Dmitry. Academician S.N. Fedorova of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia "" (Moscow) 15 min
8. “Experience of Acrysof Restor® IOL implantation with concomitant ocular pathology”, - Babieva Marina Vartanovna, ophthalmologist, ophthalmology department of the Rostov Regional Clinical Hospital, co-authors Akulov S.N., Dmitrienko E.V. .Rostov-on-Don), 10 min.
9. "Foveolar surgery", - Baiborodov Yaroslav Valentinovich, candidate of medical sciences, ophthalmologist of the surgical department of the St. Academician S.N. Fedorova of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia "" (St. Petersburg) 15 min.
10. “Individual features of visual perception of reality”, - Baiborodov Yaroslav Valentinovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, ophthalmologist of the surgical department of the St. Academician S.N. Fedorova of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia "" (St. Petersburg) 15 min.
11. “Prevention of the progression of AMD during cataract surgery”, - Golubev Sergey Yuryevich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology, FBSU National Medical and Surgical Center. N.I. Pirogova, (Moscow) 10 min


Co-chairs: Egorov E.A., Kurysheva N.I., Slonimsky A.Yu., Lapochkin V.I., Molotkova I.A.

1. "Maximum drug approach in the treatment of glaucoma", Evgeny Alekseevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogova, President of the Russian Glaucoma Society. (Moscow), 30 min.
2. "Glaucoma: five controversial issues", - Kurysheva Natalia Ivanovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology, FBGOU DPO IPK FMBA of Russia, Head of the Diagnostic Department of the Ophthalmological Center of the FMBA of Russia, (Moscow), 30 min.
3. "The use of biodegradable drainage "Glautex" in glaucoma surgery", - Slonimsky Alexey Yuryevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Ophthalmological Clinical Hospital of the Department of Health of Moscow, (Moscow) 10 min.
4. "Neuroprotection in glaucoma: are there any prospects?" - Kurysheva Natalia Ivanovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology, FGBOU DPO IPK FMBA of Russia, Head of the Diagnostic Department of the Ophthalmological Center of the FMBA of Russia, (Moscow), 20 min.
5. "Clinical results of the use of recombinant prourokinase as an antiglaucoma component ab interno in cataract phacoemulsification in eyes with primary glaucoma", - Lapochkin Alexander Vladimirovich, ophthalmologist, State Budgetary Institution Ophthalmological Clinical Hospital of the Department of Health of Moscow, NCC “Lege Artis”, co-authors Lapochkin V.I., (Moscow) 10 min.
6. "Cycloanemization as a method of treating terminal painful glaucoma", - Aligadzhieva Leyla Gamidovna, head of the department of the Republican Ophthalmological Hospital, co-authors Gafurova L.G., Musaeva M.S., Makkaeva S.M., (Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala) 10 min.



9.30-11-30 o'clock - REGISTRATION OF PARTICIPANTS (hall of the 6th floor of the Al-Pash hotel)

10-00-13-00 GRAND Volga hall (6th floor of the Al-Pash hotel):


CITY Hall (6th floor of Al-Pash Hotel)
Co-chairs: Malyugin B.E., Ismailov M.I.,

1. "Modern technologies for the selective replacement of the affected layers of the cornea in keratoplasty", - Malyugin Boris Eduardovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Deputy General Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "MNTK" MHG them. Academician S.N. Fedorov of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia "" (Moscow) 20 min.
2. "Presbilasik", - Kishkin Yury Ivanovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Corneal Refractive Surgery, Federal State Institution "MNTK" MHG them. Academician S.N. Fedorov of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia ", (Moscow) 15 min.
3. “First results of ekismerlaser correction of presbyopia using the schwind amaris device”, - Ryabenko Olga Igorevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Ophthalmology, GKA named after. Maimonida, co-authors Eskina E.N., Rybakov P.O., Begizova F.V. (Moscow) 10 min.
4. "Femtolaser extraction of the corneal lenticule", - Khachatryan Gaik Tornikovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, ophthalmologist, ophthalmological department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Clinical Hospital" of the Office of the President) of the Russian Federation, co-authors Ioshin I.E., Artamonova A.V., Molchanova E.A., Zadorozhny S.V. (Moscow) 10 min.
5. "Clinical efficacy of cross-linking of corneal collagen and photorefractive keratectomy in keratoconus", - Ismailov Muslim Ismailovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, General Director of Eye Clinic "High Technologies", (Makhachkala) 10 min.
6. "Peculiarities of surgical treatment of patients in need of corneal transplantation with a scleral border", - Milyudin Evgeny Sergeevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Samara State Medical University, Head of the Department of the T.I. .Samara) 10 min.
7. "Analysis of modern methods for measuring the central thickness of the cornea", - Pozharitskaya Elizaveta Mikhailovna, ophthalmologist at the Clinic of Eye Diseases, co-authors Nerpina M. E, Pozharitsky M. D. FBGOU DPO IPK FMBA of Russia, Department of Ophthalmology, LLC Clinic Eye Diseases” (Moscow) 7min

Co-chairs: Balashevich L.I., Kushnarevich N.Yu., Leshchenko I.A., Derevyanchenko A.I.

Report on the work of the Optical Association of Russia. - Derevyanchenko Alexander Ivanovich, member of the board of the Optical Association, ophthalmologist, director of LLC "Medical Clinic Likont Yug", director of the optical network "World Optics" (Volgograd), 5 min.

1. “Influence of the accuracy of refraction assessment on the prescription of correction and the results of clinical trials”, - Nina Yuryevna Kushnarevich Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Ophthalmic Ergonomics and Optometry of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Ministry of GB named after Helmholtz", Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia (Moscow) 20 min.
2. "Modern aspects of contact correction in children", - Leshchenko Irina Anatolyevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology FGBOU DPO IPK FMBA of Russia (Moscow), 30 min.
3. "Asthenopia - modern approaches 2012", - Kushnarevich Nina Yuryevna Ph.D.
4. "Change of the architectonics of the cornea under the influence of orthokeratological lenses Paragon CRT 100", - Ryabenko Olga Igorevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Ophthalmology of the GKA named after. Maimonida, co-authors Eskina E.N., Yushkova I.S., (Moscow) 10 min.
5. "Selection of correction for presbyopia, as part of the treatment of involutional eye diseases", - Derevyanchenko Alexander Ivanovich, ophthalmologist, director of LLC "Medical Clinic Likont Yug", director of the optical network "Mir Optics", member of the board of the Optical Association of Russia (Moscow, Russia). Volgograd), 15 min.
6. “Peculiarities of vision correction in presbyopia, our experience”, Oleg Yurievich Sripnikov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of Volga-optics LLC (Astrakhan), 5 min


Conference Hall (2nd floor of Al-Pash Hotel)

Co-chairs: Izmailov A.S., Tultseva S.N., Vakhova E.S., Yanchenko S.V., Polunina E.G.

1. “Trends in drug provision for ophthalmological patients,” Nazir Sagdullaevich Khodzhaev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Center for Scientific and Clinical Work with Branches of the Federal State Institution “MNTK” MHG named after. Academician S.N. Fedorov of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia "(Moscow), 20 min.
2. "Modern approaches to the management of diabetic maculopathy", - Izmailov Alexander Sergeevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology of St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Head of the Laser Surgery Department of the St. Petersburg Branch of the FGU IRTC "Eye Microsurgery" named after. Academician S.N. Fedorova of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia ", (St. Petersburg), 20 min.
3. "Experience in the use of intravitreal injections in the microsurgical department of the GBUZ KKB No. 1: the possibilities of caliber 29-32 gage", - Malyshev Aleksey Vladislavovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Microsurgical Department of the GBU KKB No. 1, Associate Professor of the Department of Eye Diseases of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Kuban State Medical University, Chief Ophthalmologist Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory, co-author Yanchenko S.V., (Krasnodar) 10 min.
4. “Occlusion of retinal veins. New opportunities for diagnosis and treatment”, - Tultseva Svetlana Nikolaevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology, St. Petersburg State Medical University. acad. I.P. Pavlova, (St. Petersburg), 20 min.
5. "Treatment of retinal vein thrombosis with angiogenesis inhibitors", - Kabardina Ekaterina Vladimirovna, ophthalmologist, GBU RO "Rostov Regional Clinical Hospital", co-authors Akulov S.N., Babieva M.V., (Rostov-on-Don) , 7 min.
6. "New approaches to the treatment of macular edema in retinal vein occlusions", - Sizova Maria Vadimovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Researcher, Research Institute of GB RAMS (Moscow), 7 min.
7. "Complex method of monitoring and treatment of exudative macular pathology", - Abdullaev Shamil Magomedovich, head of the department of laser and refractive surgery of the Eye Clinic "High Technologies", (Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala), 10 min.
8. "Modern view on the pathogenetic therapy of blepharitis and blepharoconjunctivitis of various etiologies", - Vakhova Elena Sergeevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Pathology of the Anterior Segment of the Eye of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Ministry of GB named after Helmholtz" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia (Moscow) 20 min.
9. "Monitoring of the ocular surface in the postoperative period: the effect of fourth-generation fluoroquinolones", - Yanchenko Sergey Vladimirovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Eye Diseases, Kuban State Medical University, co-author Malyshev A.V., (Krasnodar) 10 min.
10. "Dry eye and meibomian gland dysfunction - from theory to practice", - Polunina Elizaveta Gennadievna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Therapeutic Ophthalmology and Ophthalmopharmacology, Research Institute of GB RAMS (Moscow) 20 min.
11. "Comparative characteristics of modern methods for diagnosing the syndrome of "dry eye"", - Trishkin Konstantin Sergeevich, assistant of the department of ophthalmology, SBEE HPE "Volgograd State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, co-author Petraevsky A.V., (Volgograd) 10min
12. "Peculiarities of clinical and functional changes in optic neuritis against the background of multiple sclerosis", - Eliseeva Elena Konstantinovna Helmholtz, co-authors Neroev V.V., Lysenko V.S., Zueva M.V., Tsapenko I.V., Zakharova M.N., Brylev L.V. , (Moscow) 7 min.


CITY Hall (6th floor of Al-Pash Hotel)

1. Abramov S.I., Kozhukhov A.A.
"Comparative evaluation of the subjective results of optical and surgical correction of simple myopic astigmatism" (Department of Ophthalmology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education "Institute for Advanced Studies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency").
2. Babushkin A.E., Orenburkina O.I., Chaika O.V., Matyukhina E.N.
"On the issue of intraoperative prevention and surgical treatment of ciliochoroidal detachment during antiglaucomatous operations" (Ufa Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus).
3. Babushkin A.E., Orenburkina O.I., Chaika O.V., Matyukhina E.N.
"Differentiated approach to the surgical treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma" (Ufa Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan).
4. Bikbov M.M., Bikbulatova A.A., Mannanova R.F.
Analysis of clinical refraction in the long term after aspiration of a congenital cataract with IOL implantation (Ufa Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus).
5. Boldyreva I.A., Kuznetsov S.L.
"The results of drainage operations using" Alloplant
for plastic surgery of the conjunctiva" in terminal glaucoma" (GBUZ Regional Ophthalmological Hospital, Penza, GBOU DPO PIUV of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Penza).
6. Karamyshev P.B., Ramazanova L.Sh.
"Study of the clinical and economic feasibility of screening for the detection of refractive disorders in children and adolescents of school age" (Department of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology, Astrakhan Medical Academy).
7. Kozina E.V., Bronskaya A.N., Malafeev A.V.
“Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of surgical and conservative treatment of macular edema of thrombotic genesis” (FSBI “IRTC “Eye Microsurgery” named after Academician S.N. Fedorov” of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Krasnodar).
8. Kurskaya T.E., Malafeev A.V., Krylov V.A.
“Surgery of post-concussion cyclodialysis with ciliochoroidal detachment and traumatic cataract” (FSBI “MNTK “Eye Microsurgery” named after Academician S.N. Fedorov” of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Krasnodar).
9. Milyudin E.S.
“Peculiarities of the technique of transplanting the cornea with a sclera border” (NII GB SamGMU, Sokob named after T.I. Eroshevsky, Samara).
10. S.I. Nikolashin, O.L. Fabrikantov
"AHMED™ valve implantation in the surgical treatment of glaucoma" (Tambov branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "IRTC "Eye Microsurgery" named after academician S.N. Fedorov" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia).
11. Ramazanova L.Sh., Salnikova A.I.
"Implantation of an additional Sulcoflex IOL in a patient with operated on/at glaucoma" (GBUZ JSC AMOKB, Astrakhan).
12. Solodkova E.G.
“Long-term results of corneal collagen crosslinking in the treatment of progressive keratectasia” (Volgograd branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “IRTC “Eye Microsurgery named after Academician S.N. Fedorov of the Ministry of Health and Social Development”).
13. Starikova D.I., Toubkina S.G.
“The effectiveness of the complex treatment of amblyopia in children using the VIZOTRONIC-M3 device (BUZ UR “Republican Ophthalmological Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the UR”, Izhevsk).
14. Trubilin V.N., Sinyagovskaya V.V.
"Method of combined coaxial-bimanual aspiration-irrigation in the removal of lens masses during cataract phacoemulsification" (Department of Ophthalmology FGBOU DPO IPK FMBA of Russia).
15. V. N. Trubilin, M. D. Pozharitsky, and S. Yu.
“Theoretical aspects of increasing the efficiency of excimer laser correction from the standpoint of the “cascade” model” (Department of Ophthalmology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education “Institute for Advanced Studies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency”).
16. Fokin V.P., Balalin S.V.
“The effectiveness of early diagnosis of primary open-angle glaucoma” (Volgograd branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “IRTC “Eye Microsurgery” named after academician S.N. Fedorov of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia”, Volgograd)
17. Tsurova L. M., Milyudin E. S.
“Implantation of the LIOPLAST orbital insert in patients with anophthalmos” (T.I. Eroshevsky Samara Regional Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital).
18. Shunkevich O.N., Melikhova I.A., Boriskina L.N., Balalin S.V. "Analysis of the causes of increased ophthalmotonus in the early postoperative period in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma after microinvasive non-penetrating deep sclerectomy" (Volgograd branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "IRTC "Eye Microsurgery" named after Academician S.N. Fedorov of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia", Volgograd).

September 28-29, 2012 in Astrakhan (Russia) a scientific and practical conference of ophthalmologists of the Southern Federal District "Innovative technologies in ophthalmological practice of the regions" will be held.


Registration of participants:

9.00 -18.15 Hall Grand Hotel (ground floor)




Administration of the Astrakhan region

Ministry of Health of the Astrakhan region

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Astrakhan State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Public ophthalmological organizations of Russia, the Caspian countries and the Black Sea countries

Head research institutes GB

10.00-11.15 - MORNING SESSION.


Purpose of the meeting: To familiarize the participants of the conference with the state, promising methods of planning and management in the system of providing medical care to patients with ophthalmic pathology.

1. "The main directions of development of the ophthalmological service of the Russian Federation" - Neroev Vladimir Vladimirovich, chief freelance specialist ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, director of the Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases. Helmholtz” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Head of the Department of Eye Diseases of the Faculty of Postgraduate Vocational Education of the Moscow Medical and Dental University. A.I. Evdokimova, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, MD, 20 min

2. "Organization of ophthalmological care for the population of the Southern Federal District", - Ramazanova Liya Shamilyevna, head of the ophthalmological department of the CHUZ MSCh Gazprom-Astrakhan, chief freelance specialist-ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the Southern Federal District, professor of ASU, MD. (Astrakhan) 10 min

3. Opening speech by Peter Ackland - Head of the WHO Agency for the Prevention of Blindness and Low Vision (Chair of The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB)), "Priorities of the IAPB - Europe in the next four years" - Janos Nemeth, European Chair of The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary 30 min at 10.30 am Internet connection

4. Glaucoma. Ways to improve the organization of ophthalmological care in Azerbaijan" - Elmar Kasimov, Director of the National Ophthalmological Center named after Academician Zarifa Aliyeva, Chief Ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. (co-author Namazova I.K.) (Baku) 15min

11.15-11.55 - break


Demonstration of operations using the latest technologies, equipment and consumables from leading domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Moderator: Trubilin Vladimir Nikolaevich, Chairman of the Russian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Institute for Advanced Studies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Professor, MD (Moscow)

Presidium: Shchuko A.G., Kalinnikov Yu.Yu., Oganesyan O.G., Konovalov M.E., Pershin K.B., Anisimov S.I.



12.00-12.20 Cataract phacoemulsification with volume-replacing IOL implantation. Surgeon-consultant Galeev Rashid Sagitovich (Penza)

12.20-12.50 Posterior layered keratoplasty (DSAEK) with femtolaser support. Surgeon Malyugin Boris Eduardovich acad. S.N. Fedorov» Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, (Moscow)

12.50-13.10 "Implantation of the original model of intracorneal segments DVALI KERABOW in Keratoconus". Surgeon-consultant Dvali Merab Leonidovich (Tbilisi)

13.10-13.20 "Posterior layered keratoplasty DMEK". Surgeon Prof. Vincenzo Sarnicola), internet connection from "Clinica degli Occhi Sarnicola", Grosseto, Italy

13.20-13.40 "Penetrating keratoplasty". Surgeon Pozharitsky Mikhail Dmitrievich (Moscow), Internet connection from the Medical Unit Gazprom-Astrakhan

13.40-14.00 “Pattern laser coagulation in retinopathy of prematurity”. Surgeon Sidorova Yuliya Alexandrovna Internet connection from Federal State Autonomous Institution Kaluga Branch of IRTC Eye Microsurgery named after A.I. acad. S.N. Fedorov» Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, (Kaluga)

GRAND-VOLGA hall (6th floor)



Learning objective: the problems of diagnostics, conservative treatment and modern aspects of optical correction of patients with refractive and accommodation disorders, strabismus, diplopia will be discussed.

Presidium: Strakhov V.V., Trubilina M.A., Ryabenko O.I., Koltsov A.A.

1. "Modern methods for monitoring the progression of myopia" - Strakhov Vladimir Vitalievich, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, YSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Professor, MD. (Yaroslavl) 20 min

2. "The use of Zenlens scleral lenses for visual rehabilitation of patients with induced irregular astigmatism after various surgical interventions" - Ryabenko Olga Igorevna, FIAO, ophthalmologist, member of the board of directors of the European Academy of Orthokeratology, chief physician of the clinic "OftalNova" (Moscow) 10 min

3. "Orthokeratological lenses and their influence on the structures and functions of the eye" - Alyaeva Oksana Olegovna, ophthalmologist, head of research, OphtalNova clinic, Ph.D. (Moscow) 10 min

4. "Modern principles of correction of spherical ametropias, combined with astigmatism" - Alieva Madina Abdul-Gamidovna, Head of the Department of Functional Diagnostics, Laser and Refractive Surgery, State Budgetary Institution NPO "DCMG", Candidate of Medical Sciences, (Kaspiysk, Dagestan) 10 min, video report

5. "Modern opportunities and approaches in spectacle correction of vision" - Koltsov Alexander Alekseevich, ophthalmologist, consultant in medical optics, Grand Vision Company LLC (St. Petersburg) 40 min

6. "Maximum eye protection in the era of digital technologies" - Trubilina Maria Alexandrovna, ophthalmologist, head of the optical department, "Professor Trubilin Family Ophthalmology Clinic" (Moscow) 40 min

14.10-14.45 - break



Learning objective: to present modern methods of surgical interventions in the pathology of the optical media of the eye, taking into account the additional technological improvements that have taken place. Determination of the optimal timing and scope of surgical interventions.


Presidium: Chuprov A.D., V. Ferrara, Sdobnikova S.V., Usov A.V., Arsyutov D.G.

1. “Vitreous floaters – vitrectomy in eyes with full visual acuity?” - Prof. Dr. med. Hans Hoerauf, Direktor der Augenklinik Universitatsmedizin Gottingen Georg-August-Universitat Abtellung Augenklinik 15.00 - 15.15 15 min internet connection

2. "Controversies on Epiretinal Membranes" - Dr. Suleyman Kaynak, Retina ophthalmic research center, M.D. (F.E.B.O.) Professor of Ophthalmology, Vitreoretinal Surgeon, Izmir, Turkey 15.15 - 15.30 15 min internet connection

3. "Possibilities of femtolaser surgery in ophthalmology" - Slonimsky Alexey Yuryevich, head of the surgical department of the Ophthalmic Clinical Hospital of the Department of Health of Moscow, professor, MD. (Moscow) 20 min

4. Transition to Digital Microscopy 3D Heads-up Surgery. Reasons and Tips” - Dr.Vincenze Ferrara, Infermi Hospital, (Italy) 15 min

5. "Efficiency of surgical treatment of epiretinal fibrosis complicated by edematous form of AMD" - Chuprov Alexander Dmitrievich, director of the Orenburg branch of the FGAU "IRTC" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorov” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, MD. (co-authored by E.A. Lomukhina, A.N. Kazennov) (Orenburg) 10 min

6. "Criteria for the functional effectiveness of vitreomacular surgery" - Svetlana Vladilenovna Sdobnikova, Head of the Department of Vascular and Vitreoretinal Pathology, Research Institute of Eye Diseases, MD. (co-author Sdobnikova L.V.) (Moscow) 10 min

7. “Morphofunctional results of surgical treatment of large macular holes using the technique of an inverted flap with convergence of edges” - Denis Valerievich Petrachkov, head of the ophthalmological microsurgical department of the Samara Regional Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital named after I.I. T.I. Eroshevsky, Ph.D. (co-author A.V. Zolotarev) (Samara) 10 min

8. “The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in macular hole surgery at the Tri-Z clinic” - Goryaev Liji Davayevich, vitreoretinal surgeon, Tri-Z Clinic. (Krasnodar) 10 min

2. Session "CATARACT SURGERY" part 1

Presidium: Dvali M.L., Temirov N.E., Ioshin I.E., Belikova E.I. Galeev R.S., Rascheskov A.Yu.

9. "Debatable issues of phacoemulsification" - Igor Eduardovich Ioshin, head of the ophthalmological department of the Clinical Hospital under the Office of the President, professor, MD. (Moscow) 10 min

10. "The place of open-bag devices in intraocular correction" - Sergey Leonidovich Kuznetsov, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Penza Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education - a branch of the FGBOU DPO RMANPE of the Ministry of Health of Russia, MD. (Penza) 10 min

11. “Comparative results of implantation of trifocal intraocular lenses” - Belikova Elena Ivanovna, chief physician of the Eye Clinic of Dr. Belikova, MD. (Moscow) 10 min

12. "Diversity of Bioptics Methodology" - Dvali Merab Leonidovich, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU), General Director of the Eye Clinic "Akhali Mzera", Professor, MD. (Tbilisi) 10 min

13. "Pseudoaccommodative MiniMonoVision" - Dvali Merab Leonidovich, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU), General Director of the eye clinic "Akhali Mzera", Professor, MD. (Tbilisi) 10 min

14. "Correction of aphakia with multifocal IOLs with a low degree of addition" - Temirov Nikolai Nikolaevich, PhD, ophthalmic surgeon, eye clinic "Lege Artis" (co-author Temirov N.E) (Rostov-on-Don) 10 min

15. “Optimization of the stage of femto-accompanying of cataract phacoemulsification in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome” - Tyazhev Mikhail Yuryevich, ophthalmic surgeon of the highest category of the 2nd ophthalmological department of the Irkutsk branch of the Federal State Autonomous Institution “IRTC “Eye Microsurgery” named after. acad. S.N. Fedorova» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ph.D., (co-author Shanturova M.A., Shchuko A.G., Yuryeva T.N.) (Irkutsk) 10 min

18.15 - end of the evening session of the conference.

GRAND-HALL (2nd floor)

12.15-14.00 - AFTERNOON SESSION.


Learning objective: Particular attention is paid to the current state of the problem and the tasks of organizing ophthalmological care for children with extremely low body weight, the choice of optimal terms for diagnosis, laser and surgical treatment of patients with ROP, the features of the clinical course of posterior aggressive ROP, modern possibilities for surgical rehabilitation of children with ROP, etc. The audience is provided with comprehensive information on the most controversial issues of eye pathology in children

Presidium: Sidorenko E.I., Markova E.Yu., Sidorenko E.E., Rascheskov A.Yu.

1. “Circulatory hypoxia is the basis of the pathogenesis of the 1st phase of retinopathy of prematurity” - Evgeny Ivanovich Sidorenko, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. (co-author Nikolaeva G.V., Sidorenko E.E.) (Moscow) 15 min

2. "Effectiveness of aflibercept in retinopathy of prematurity" - Sidorenko Evgeniy Evgenievich, Associate Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology, Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Voyno-Yasenetsky (Moscow) 10 min

3. "Long-term results of surgical treatment of retinal detachment in children" - Sergienko Aleksey Anatolyevich, ophthalmologist, Children's Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory, (co-author Malyshev A.V.) (Krasnodar) 10 min

4. "Modern possibilities of surgical treatment of keratoconus in children" - Markova Elena Yuryevna, Head of the Department of Microsurgery and Functional Rehabilitation of the Eye in Children, FGAU "MNTK" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, MD. (Moscow) 10 min

5. "Experience in the use of angiogenesis inhibitors in monotherapy and combined surgery for active progressive retinopathy of prematurity" - Aleksey Yuryevich Rascheskov, chief freelance specialist pediatric ophthalmologist, head of the ophthalmological department of the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences . (Kazan) 10 min


Presidium: Egorov E.A., Lebedev O.I., Golubev S.Yu., Malishevskaya T.N., Yurieva T.N.

1. "Retinoprotection in ophthalmic practice" - Egorov Evgeny Alekseevich, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Pirogov Russian National Medical University, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences (Moscow) 15 min

2. "Glaucoma and dry eye syndrome: clinical patterns." - Lebedev Oleg Ivanovich, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Omsk State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences (Omsk) 10 min

3. "Glaucoma: a patient-oriented approach" - Golubev Sergey Yurievich, branch of the Military Medical Academy. S.M. Kirova (Moscow) 10 min

4. “The rate of progression of glaucoma. Obvious and Probable" - Malishevskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna, Head of the Department of Organization of Medical Assistance, Regional Ophthalmological Dispensary, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology with an Optometry Course, West Siberian Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education, Ph.D. (Tyumen) 10min

14.00-15.00 - break

15.00-18.15 - EVENING SESSION.


Learning Goal: Innovations in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma. The program of the section will present modern achievements of leading ophthalmologists in the treatment of patients with glaucoma. Scientific reports present new technologies in surgical and laser treatment of various forms of glaucoma, which provide a stable hypotensive effect, safety of intervention, and stabilization of visual functions. A variety of approaches, the latest techniques, innovations in the treatment of refractory glaucoma in the most difficult clinical situations are presented. The issues of surgical treatment of glaucoma and combined ophthalmopathology are widely covered.

Presidium: Erichev V.P., Chernykh V.V., Alekseev I.B., Balalin S.V., Anisimova S.Yu., Zhuravleva A.N.

1. "Lymphatic structures of the eye and their possible role in the mechanisms of development of primary open-angle glaucoma" - Chernykh Valery Vyacheslavovich, Director of the Novosibirsk branch of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "MNTK" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorova” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Professor, MD (Novosibirsk) 20 min

2. Pigmentary glaucoma. Modern concepts of pathogenesis, treatment and prevention. - Shchuko Andrey Gennadievich, director of the Irkutsk branch of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "MNTK" Eye Microsurgery "named after. acad. S.N. Fedorova” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Professor, MD (Irkutsk) 20 min

3. "Clinical and experimental substantiation of retinoprotection in glaucoma" - Erichev Valery Petrovich, Deputy Director of the Institute for Innovation, Head of the Glaucoma Department of the Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. (Moscow) 15 min

4. "The clinical significance of determining individual intraocular pressure in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma" - Balalin Sergey Viktorovich, Volgograd branch of the FGAU "IRTC" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, MD. (co-author Fokin V.P., Balalin A.S.) (Volgograd) 15 min

5. "Diagnostics and treatment of pseudoexfoliative glaucoma: previous experience and modern possibilities" - Anastasia Nikolaevna Zhuravleva, researcher of the department of glaucoma, Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases. Helmholtz, PhD (Moscow). 10 min

6. “Sclerocorneopathy is the main link in the pathogenesis of primary glaucoma” - Igor Borisovich Alekseev, Department of Ophthalmology, FGBOU DPO RMANPE of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, professor, MD. (co-author Strakhov V.V., Yaroslavl) (Moscow) 10 min

7. "Long-term results of perineural scleroplasty in advanced glaucoma" - Sergey Igorevich Anisimov, Scientific Director of the Eye Center "Vostok-Insight", Professor of the Department of Eye Diseases of the Moscow State Medical University. A.I. Evdokimova, MD (co-author Anisimova S.Yu., Arutyunyan L.L., Novak I.V., Belik V.V.) (Moscow) 10 min

8. “Long-term results of combined phacoemulsification + IOL with femtolaser accompaniment and non-penetrating deep sclerectomy with Xenoplast drainage implantation” - Svetlana Yuryevna Anisimova, Director of Vostok-Prozrenie Eye Center LLC, Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology, FGBOU DPO “Institute for Advanced Studies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia”, Dr. .m.s. (co-authors Anisimov S.I., Arutyunyan L.L., Novak I.V., Belik V.V.) (Moscow) 10 min

9. “Results of implantation of multifocal IOLs in combined glaucoma and cataract surgery” - Kirill Borisovich Pershin, ophthalmic surgeon of the Excimer clinic, doctor of the highest category, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, professor, MD. (Moscow) 10 min

10. "Selective laser trabeculoplasty and phacoemulsification of cataracts in the treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma" - Jashi Benta Gaiozovna, ophthalmologist, Volgograd branch of the FGAU "IRTC" Eye Microsurgery "named after. acad. S.N. Fedorova" of the Ministry of Health of Russia (co-author Abrosimova E.V., Balalin S.V.) (Volgograd) 10 min

11. "DALS operation as a modern technological approach to fistulizing operations in primary glaucoma" - Lapochkin Vladimir Ivanovich, head of the Scientific and Clinical Ophthalmological Center "Lege Artis", MD. (Moscow). 10 min

12. "The choice of strategic directions for improving the quality of ophthalmological care for patients with glaucoma" - Malishevskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna, Head of the Department of Organization of Medical Care of the Regional Ophthalmological Dispensary, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology with a Course of Optometry, West Siberian Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education, Ph.D. .n. (Tyumen) 10 min

13. “An expected miracle. The first results of the use of the Russian latanoprost” - Alla Olegovna Tatarintseva, head of the regional glaucoma center GBUZ GP 17 (St. Petersburg) 10 min

14. "Management of patients after antiglaucoma operations on an outpatient basis" - Alekseev Igor Borisovich, Department of Ophthalmology, FGBOU DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, professor, MD. (Moscow) 10 min

15. “The method of shortening the tube of the drainage device in complicated forms of glaucoma” – Imshenetskaya T.A., Vashkevich G.V., Yarmak O.A., Department of Ophthalmology, State Educational Institution “Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education” (Minsk, Republic of Belarus) 15 min .- video report



Learning objective: Within the framework of the proposed section, the possibilities and necessity of modern methods for diagnosing post-traumatic changes in the eyeball, the problems of primary surgical treatment and the possibility of rehabilitation of patients with eye trauma will be considered, the necessary timing and scope of intervention will be discussed. On the example of specific clinical cases, management tactics, the possibilities of surgical and conservative treatment will be presented with the aim of the maximum possible rehabilitation of patients with traumatic injuries of the organ of vision.

Presidium: Eremenko K.Yu., Monastyrev A.V. Gorbenko V.M.

1. "Modern approach to the treatment of penetrating wounds of the eye" - Zaika Vladimir Alexandrovich, ophthalmic surgeon of the highest category of the 2nd ophthalmological department of the Irkutsk branch of the FGAU "MNTK" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorova” of the Ministry of Health of Russia (co-author Yakimov A.P., Yurieva T.N.) (Irkutsk) 10 min

2. "The choice of the method of ensuring the patency of the respiratory tract in a patient with combined trauma of the facial skull and contusion of the eyeball of severe degree" - Andrey Vladimirovich Monastyrev, Irkutsk branch of the FGAU "IRTC" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Health of Russia. (co-author Yakimov, A.P., Yuryeva T.N., Oleshchenko I.G., Gasparyan M.A.) (Irkutsk) 10 min

3. "Radio wave surgery of strabismus with insufficiency of the superior oblique muscle" - Gorbenko Valery Mikhailovich, head of the ophthalmological children's department of the Volgograd branch of the FGAU "IRTC" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ph.D. (co-author Fokin V.P.) (Volgograd) 10 min

4. "Clinical results of opto-reconstructive surgical treatment of patients with penetrating wounds of the eyeball according to the Clinic of Eye Diseases of the SSMU for 2015-2016" - Eremenko Ksenia Yuryevna, Head of the Traumatology Department of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Clinic of Eye Diseases of the SSMU. IN AND. Razumovsky, Ph.D. (Saratov) 10 min

5. "Reconstructive plastic surgery of orbital fractures: own clinical experience of the trauma department of the KGB SSMU in 2014-2016" - Grishina Nina Ivanovna, ophthalmologist of the trauma department of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Clinic of Ophthalmic Diseases of the SSMU. IN AND. Razumovsky, Ph.D. (Saratov) 10 min

6. "Improved individual tactics of managing patients with lacrimation in the KGB SSMU" - Grishina Nina Ivanovna, ophthalmologist of the trauma department of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Clinic of Eye Diseases of the SSMU. IN AND. Razumovsky, Ph.D. (Saratov) 10 min


Presidium: Shishkin M.M., Chuprov A.D., Fabrikantov O.L., Chernykh V.V., Amirov A.N., Simonova S.V.

1. "Integrated development of telemedicine technologies as a factor in optimizing and improving the quality of medical activities of institutions" - Chernykh Valery Vyacheslavovich, Director of the Novosibirsk branch of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "IRTC" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, professor, MD (Novosibirsk) 20 min

2. "Implementation of telemedicine treatment and diagnostic services: analysis of legal problems and existing experience" - Lositsky Alexander Olegovich, head of the organizational and methodological department of the Orenburg branch of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "IRTC" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, MD. (co-author L. Borshchuk, A.D. Chuprov), (Orenburg) 15 min

3. “Peculiarities of providing high-tech ophthalmosurgical care to patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy in a federal multidisciplinary medical center” - Mikhail Mikhailovich Shishkin, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Presidium of the Board of the Society of Ophthalmologists of Russia, director of the Ophthalmology Clinic of the Federal State Institution NMCHTS named after. N.I. Pirogova of Roszdrav, Head of the Department of Ophthalmic Diseases of the Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians of the Federal State Budgetary Institution NMCC named after N.I. Pirogov of Roszdrav, MD (Moscow) 10 min

4. "Algorithm for improving the quality of medical services by evaluating and stimulating scientific activity" - Fabrikantov Oleg Lvovich, Director of the Tambov branch of the FGAU "IRTC" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, MD. (Tambov) 10 min

5. "Ophthalmological service of the metropolis" - Simonova Simonova, Head of the organizational and methodological department for ophthalmology, State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute for Health Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow City Health Department" (Moscow) 10 min

6. “Tariffs of CSG for ophthalmology in the CHI system. Problems and Solutions" - Arsyutov Dmitry Gennadievich, Chief Physician, Republican Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital of the Chuvash Republic of the Ministry of Health of the Chuvash Republic (Cheboksary) 10 min

7. "Fathers and sons" in modern ophthalmology" - Demchinsky Andrey Mikhailovich, head of medical projects of the Laboratory "Sensor-Tech" (Moscow) 10 min

10.00-13.30 Scientific and practical conference of ophthalmologists of the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation, the Caspian countries and the Black Sea countries "Innovative technologies in the ophthalmological practice of the regions."

9.30-11.30 - registration of participants

Hall CITY-HALL (6th floor)

10-00 - 13-30 - CONFERENCE SESSION


Learning objective: The session is devoted to new aspects and debatable issues in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of corneal pathology, corneal refractive surgery. It is planned to consider the results and a number of aspects of surgical technique in interventions for various types of corneal lesions, modern non-surgical approaches (laser treatment, contact correction), indications and contraindications, strategic approaches to the choice of surgical treatment tactics, organization of medical care for patients with corneal pathology . In a short and concise format, the maximum amount of new and up-to-date information on all sections of corneal refractive surgery will be presented.

Presidium: Shchuko A.G., Izmailova S.B., Slonimsky A.Yu., Pozharitsky M.D., Anisimov S.I., Dvali M.L.

1. “Acute keratoconus. Topical issues of patient management” - Aleksey Yurievich Slonimsky, Head of the Surgical Department of the Ophthalmic Clinical Hospital of the Department of Health of Moscow, Professor, MD. (Moscow) 20 min

2. "Femtosecond technologies in the pathology of the cornea" - Izmailova Svetlana Borisovna, Head of the Department of Transplantation and Optical-Reconstructive Surgery of the Anterior Segment of the Eyeball, FGAU "IRTC" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, MD. (Moscow) 10 min

3. "15 years of experience in the use of intrastromal corneal segments to stop the progression, correction and treatment of keratoconus" - Dvali Merab Leonidovich, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU), General Director of the eye clinic "Akhali Mzera", professor, MD .n. (Tbilisi) 10 min

4. "Modern approaches to the treatment of keratoconus" - Zolotorevsky Andrey Valentinovich, ophthalmic surgeon of LLC "International Ophthalmological Center", professor, MD. (Moscow) 10 min

5. “Correct approaches to the treatment of the most common pathologies of the cornea. Personal opinion" - Hovhannes Georgievich Oganesyan, Senior Researcher, Department of Traumatology and Reconstructive Surgery, Federal State Budgetary Institution "M. Helmholtz” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, MD (Moscow) 10 min

6. "A new method for the treatment of keratoconus" - Aliev Akhmed Abdulgamidovich, Deputy Director for Innovative and Scientific and Clinical Work, GBU NPO "DCMG", Ph.D. (Kaspiysk, Republic of Dagestan) 10 min internet connection

7. "The use of femtosecond laser technologies in refractive surgery" - Kopylov Andrey Evgenievich, ophthalmologist of the laser-refractive department of the Tambov branch of the FGAU "IRTC" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorova" of the Ministry of Health of Russia (co-author D.D. Mayorova) (Tambov) 10 min

8. “Results of myopia correction using the femto lasik method using the mel 90 excimer laser with an integrated frequency of 500 Hz” - Jana Gertnere, Medical Director of the Eye Center for the Correction and Rehabilitation of Vision Dr. Solomatina, MD (Riga, Latvia) 10 min

9. “Our experience in implementing RelexSMILE technology. Smile or grieve? - Eskina Erika Naumovna, chief physician of the ophthalmological clinic "Sphere", professor of the department of ophthalmology of the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FGBOU DPO IPK FMBA of Russia) and the department of eye diseases of the Federal State Institution "National Medical and Surgical Center named after. N. I. Pirogov of Roszdrav, MD (Moscow) 10 min

10. “Personal experience of correction of myopia using the SMILE method” - Shilova Tatyana Yuryevna, head physician of the ophthalmological clinic “SMILE EYES Augenklinik Moskau”, MD, professor of the Department of Ophthalmology, MSI (Moscow) 10 min

11. “On the issue of myopia correction in the Tri-Z clinic” - Aleksandr Boyko, ophthalmic surgeon, Tri-Z LLC (co-author V.A. Shipilov) (Krasnodar) 10 min

12. "Comparative analysis of refractive-functional results of Topo-LASIK and ReLEx SMILE methods based on FDA materials" - Igor Aleksandrovich Remesnikov, chief physician of Astana-Vision, Ph.D. (Astana, Kazakhstan) - Internet connection 10 min

13. "Screening methods for assessing the state of the ocular surface in patients with contact lenses in the practice of a refractive surgeon" - Maychuk Natalia Vladimirovna, senior researcher of the department of laser refractive surgery of the FGAU "MNTK" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorova" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ph.D. (Moscow) 10 min

14. "Clinical and morphological classification and surgical treatment of endothelial corneal dystrophy" - Riks Inna Aleksandrovna, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "P.S. acad. I.P. Pavlova of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "(co-authors S.Yu. Astakhov, S.S. Papanyan) (St. Petersburg) 10 min

15. "The role of modern laboratory methods in the differential diagnosis of chlamydial conjunctivitis in patients with refractive surgery" - Dmitry Maychuk acad. S.N. Fedorova» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, MD (Moscow) 10 min

16. "Our experience of perioperative use of eyelid hygiene and keratoprotection" - Sergey Vladimirovich Yanchenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Eye Diseases of the Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, MD. (co-author Malyshev A.V., Sakhnov S.N.) (Krasnodar) 10 min

17. "New drugs for the treatment of corneal dystrophies" - Riks Inna Alexandrovna, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "P.S. acad. I.P. Pavlov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "(co-authors S.Yu. Astakhov, S.S. Papayan) (St. Petersburg) 10 min


GRAND-VOLGA hall (6th floor)



The purpose of the training: to familiarize participants with modern innovative technologies for diagnosing, medical, laser and surgical treatment of severe prognostically unfavorable retinal pathology: diabetic macular edema, age-related macular degeneration, neoplasms and others.

Presidium: Sahakyan S.V., Ioshin I.E., Izmailov A.S., Trunov A.N. Arakelyan R.S.

1. "Intraocular melanoma - modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment" - Saakyan Svetlana Vladimirovna, Head of the Department of Ophthalmo-Oncology and Radiology, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Head of the Educational Department of the Department of Eye Diseases of the Federal Department of Professional Education of the Moscow State Medical University named after. A.I. Evdokimova, Professor, MD (Moscow) 20 min

2. "Personalized approach to antiangiogenic therapy of patients with AMD" - Igor Eduardovich Ioshin, Head of the Ophthalmological Department of the Clinical Hospital under the Office of the President, Professor, MD. (Moscow) 10 min

3. "The role of the local inflammatory process in the pathogenesis of proliferative diabetic retinopathy, who can be the next target molecule for the development of new bioengineered drugs?" - Trunov Alexander Nikolaevich, Deputy Director for Research of the Novosibirsk branch of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "MNTK" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorova” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor (Novosibirsk) 20 min

4. "Tactics of managing patients with choroidal neovascularization of any etiology" - Alexander Sergeevich Izmailov, head of the laser surgery department of the St. acad. S.N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Military Medical Academy named after A.I. CM. Kirova, doctor of the highest qualification category, MD (co-authored by A.M. Zagorulko) (St. Petersburg) 15 min

5. "New possibilities of anti-VEGF therapy in the treatment of retinal diseases" - Budzinskaya Maria Viktorovna, Deputy Director for Research, Head of the Department of Clinical Research in Ophthalmology, Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Professor, MD. (Moscow) 10 min

6. "Intravitreal injection of angiogenesis inhibitors during removal of the epiretinal membrane with concomitant wet form of AMD" - Stoyanov Yury Nikolaevich, head of the department of vitreoretinal surgery "Diabetes of the eye" of the Krasnodar branch of the FGAU "MNTK" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorova” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (co-authored by Kurskaya T.E., Poilova E.S.) (Krasnodar) 10 min

7. "Modern ultrasound research in ophthalmology" - Kiseleva Tatyana Nikolaevna, Head of the Department of Ultrasound Research of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "M. Helmholtz” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, professor, MD (Moscow) 15 min

8. "Principles of diagnosis and prevention of early stages of AMD" - Budzinskaya Maria Viktorovna, Deputy Director for Research, Head of the Department of Clinical Research in Ophthalmology, Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Professor, MD. (Moscow) 10 min

9. "Modern approaches to the treatment of chronic non-infectious posterior uveitis" - Sizova Maria Vadimovna, ophthalmologist at Eye Microsurgery LLC, Ph.D. (Astrakhan) 10 min

10. "Resistance to antibiotics and antiseptics" - Loskutov Igor Anatolyevich, head of the ophthalmological department of the Scientific Clinical Center of Russian Railways, ophthalmologist of the highest category, MD. (Moscow) 10 min

11. "The effect of non-enzymatic antioxidants on the stabilization of visual functions in glaucomatous neuroopticopathy in patients with compensated intraocular pressure" - Svetlana Rimovna Kidraleeva, Medical Advisor, PROFIT PHARM LLC, Ph.D. (Moscow) 10 min

12. "Evaluation of system performance for ultrasonic vitrectomy" - Dibaev Tagir Ildarovich, head of the scientific group of Optimedservice CJSC, assistant of the Department of Ophthalmology, Bashkir State Medical University. (co-author Mukhamadeev T.R., Rakhimov A.F., Aznabaev B.M. ) (Ufa) 10 min

13. "Dirofilariasis of the organs of vision" - Arakelyan Rudolf Sergeevich, Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases, SBEE HPE "Astrakhan State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ph.D. (co-authors Kh.M. Galimzyanov, V.F. Postnova, A.S. Arakelyan, N.F. Salikhova) (Astrakhan) 10 min

GRAND-HALL 2nd floor

Session "CATARACT SURGERY" part 2

Presidium: Kozhukhov A.A., Malyshev A.V., Kuznetsov S.L. Sysoeva M.V., Komarova M.G.

1. "Modern technologies for the rehabilitation of patients with capsular aphakia" - Abdulaev Aligadzhi Badrudinovich, Head of the Department of New Technologies and Plastic Surgery, State Budgetary Institution of Non-Profit Organization "DCMG" (Kaspiysk, Republic of Dagestan) 10 min Internet connection

2. "Refractive disorders after implantation of "premium-IOL": some aspects of prevention and correction" - Maychuk Natalia Vladimirovna, senior researcher of the department of laser refractive surgery of the FGAU "MNTK" Eye Microsurgery "n.a. acad. S.N. Fedorov, Ph.D. (Moscow) 10 min

3. "Protection of the endothelial layer of the cornea in patients with primary EED, during phacoemulsification with femtolaser support" - Kozhukhov Arseniy Alexandrovich, Chief Ophthalmologist and Head of the Center for Ophthalmosurgery of the Medline Service Clinics Network, Professor, MD. (Moscow) 10 min

4. "Multicenter study of the results of implantation of new Russian-made IOLs" - Sysoeva Maria Vladimirovna, ophthalmologist at International Ophthalmological Center LLC (Moscow) 10 min

5. “The first experience of using the START rating scale to determine indications for age-related lens surgery” - Marina Gennadievna Komarova, head of the ophthalmology department of the SM-Clinic diversified medical holding, professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Ph.D. (Moscow) 10 min

6. "New opportunities for pharmacological support of cataract and vitreoretinal surgery" - Sergey Vladimirovich Yanchenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Eye Diseases, Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, MD. (co-author Malyshev A.V., Karapetov G.Yu.) (Krasnodar) 10 min


Lecturer: Alekseev Igor Borisovich, Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology, FGBOU DPO RMANPE of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, MD. (Moscow)



1. Astakhov Yury Sergeevich, Rukhovets Aleksey Gennadievich, Akopov Evgeny Leonidovich - “Assessment of the influence of local antihypertensive therapy for primary open-angle glaucoma on indicators of regional and systemic hemodynamics”, Department of Ophthalmology, St. Petersburg State Medical University. I.P. Pavlova” (St. Petersburg)

2. Dudich Oksana Nikolaevna, Krasilnikova Victoria Leonidovna, Naumenko Larisa Vladimirovna, Marmysh V.G. - "Restoration of the orbital zone with an exoprosthesis with fixation on intraosseous implants", Department of Ophthalmology, State Educational Institution "BMA PO" (Minsk, Belarus)

3. Kadatskaya Natalia Valentinovna, Marukhnenko Alexander Mikhailovich, Fokin Viktor Petrovich - "Comparison of long-term results of various methods of intraocular correction of aphakia in the absence of capsular support", Volgograd branch of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" named after. acad. S.N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Volgograd)

4. Kulagina Anastasia Viktorovna - "A clinical example of a late response to ranibizumab therapy" - LLC Clinic "World of Views", (Simferopol)

5. Malinovskaya Inna Ivanovna, Imshenetskaya Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Sitnik Galina Viktorovna - "Complications of anti-angiogenic therapy", Department of Ophthalmology, State Educational Institution "BMA PO" (Minsk, Belarus)

6. Napylova Olga Aleksandrovna, Yazykova Elena Yuryevna, Ramazanova Liya Shamilyevna, Shamratov Rakhim Zerifkhanovich, Protasova Kristina Andreevna, Pavlova Elena Aleksandrovna - “Personalized excimer laser correction of complex myopic astigmatism. Clinical case "Ophthalmological Department of the Medical and Sanitary Unit" (Astrakhan)

7. Nugumanova Alfiya Makhmutovna - "Telemedicine in ophthalmology: theory and practice", Department of Ophthalmology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "KSMU" (Kazan)

8. Nugumanova Alfiya Makhmutovna - "Analysis of the use of over-the-counter drugs for the syndrome of" dry eye ", Department of Ophthalmology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "KSMU" (Kazan)

9. Nugumanova Alfiya Makhmutovna, Khamitova Guzel Hanifovna - "Comparative analysis of wearing soft contact lenses by students of different generations", Department of Ophthalmology, FSBEI HE "KSMU" (Kazan)

10. Protasova Kristina Andreevna, Pavlova Elena Aleksandrovna, Ramazanova Liya Shamilyevna, Napylova Olga Aleksandrovna, Shamratov Rakhim Zerifkhanovich, Yazykova Elena Yuryevna - “Our experience in the combined treatment of exudative form of macular degeneration”, Ophthalmology Department of the Medical-sanitary unit of the Chuz Healthcare Center (Astrakhan)

11. Pavlova Elena Aleksandrovna, Ramazanova Liya Shamilyevna, Yazykova Elena Yurievna, Napylova Olga Aleksandrovna, Shamratov Rakhim Zerifkhanovich, Protasova Kristina Andreevna, “Treatment of endocrine ophthalmopathy with prolonged steroids. Criteria for the effectiveness of treatment”, Ophthalmology Department of the Medical and Sanitary Unit (Astrakhan)

12. Ramazanova Liya Shamilyevna, Napylova Olga Aleksandrovna, Sinchikhin Sergey Petrovich, Protasova Kristina Andreevna, Pavlova Elena Aleksandrovna, Yazykova Elena Yurievna, Shamratov Rakhim Zerifkhanovich - “Pregnancy and childbirth in women with myopia (literature review)”, Ophthalmological Department of the CHUZ “Medical- sanitary unit" (Astrakhan)

13. Ramazanova Liya Shamilyevna - "Possibilities for solving the issues of organizing ophthalmological care for patients with traumatic eye damage on the example of the Astrakhan region", Ophthalmological Department of the Medical and Sanitary Unit (Astrakhan)

14. Ramazanova Liya Shamilyevna - "Preliminary results of a study of the effect of chronic helicobacter pylori on the course of inflammatory diseases of the anterior segment of the eye", Ophthalmology Department of the Medical and Sanitary Unit (Astrakhan)

15. Sizova Maria Viktorovna - "New trends in the treatment of uveitis of non-infectious origin" - CMG LLC (Astrakhan)

16. Sitnik Galina Viktorovna - "Femtokeratoplasty", Department of Ophthalmology, State Educational Institution "BMA PO", Ph.D. (Minsk, Belarus)

17. Fokin Viktor Petrovich, Efremova Tatyana Gavrilovna, Nesterova Elena Sergeevna, Akhmedov Albert Eldarovich - "Analysis of the results of surgical treatment of macular rupture", Volgograd branch of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" named after. acad. S.N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Health of Russia (electronic poster) (Volgograd)

18. Churilina Nadezhda Yuryevna, Pavlova Elena Alexandrovna., Protasova Kristina Andreevna, Napylova Olga Alexandrovna, Yazykova Elena Yuryevna, Shamratov Rakhim Zerifkhanovich - "Our experience in the use of selective laser trabeculoplasty in the treatment of open-angle glaucoma", Ophthalmological Department of the Chuz "Medico-sanitary unit" ( Astrakhan)

19. Shamratov Rakhim Zerifkhanovich, Ramazanova Liya Shamilyevna, Napylova Olga Aleksandrovna, Yazykova Elena Yuryevna, Protasova Kristina Andreevna, Pavlova Elena Aleksandrovna, Pateeva Nadezhda Alekseevna - "Our experience in the surgical treatment of large-diameter macular holes", Ophthalmology Department of the Chuz "Medico-sanitary unit" (Astrakhan)

20. Shamratov Rakhim Zerifkhanovich, Ramazanova Liya Shamilyevna, Napylova Olga Aleksandrovna, Yazykova Elena Yurievna, Protasova Kristina Andreevna, Pavlova Elena Aleksandrovna, Pateeva Nadezhda Alekseevna, Karamyshev Pavel Borisovich - “Prognosis of visual rehabilitation in the correction of ametropia accompanied by amblyopia”, Ophthalmological Department of the Chuz “Mediko -sanitary part" (Astrakhan)

21. Yazykova Elena Yuryevna, Napylova Olga Aleksandrovna, Ramazanova Liya Shamilyevna, Shamratov Rakhim Zerifkhanovich, Protasova Kristina Andreevna, Pavlova Elena Aleksandrovna - “The impact of tear replacement therapy on the quality of life in patients with glaucoma after cataract surgery”, Ophthalmological Department of the Chuz Healthcare Unit » (Astrakhan)

22. Yarmak Olga Aleksandrovna, Imshenetskaya Tatiana Aleksandrovna - "Surgical treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in the only sighted eye", Department of Ophthalmology, State Educational Institution "BMA PO" (Minsk, Belarus)

Hall CITY-HALL (6th floor)


Information Partners.

Symposium: "Diagnosis and treatment of socially significant diseases"

Lecturer A.V. Myagkov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the NOCHU DPO "AMOiO".

Date and time of the event: 09/27/2019, 9.00-11.00

Venue: BUZ VO "Voronezh Regional Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital", Voronezh, st. Revolutions of 1905 22, assembly hall.

SYMPOSIUM: Stukalovsky Readings 2019 Optical HUB»

The first module of the report: "Progressive myopia: desired and actual!"

"Theoretical aspects of progressive myopia". Dordzhinova B.N.

"Orthokeratology: effectiveness proven by time" Andrienko G.V.

“Mild but effective. Bifocal lenses in the control of myopia. Shibalko E.V.

"Drug therapy for progressive myopia: a road to nowhere or a choice?" Myagkov A.V., clinical examples of ortho, bifocal, multifocal lenses. Drug treatment (atropine or irifrin), physiotherapy. .

Demonstration of clinical cases.

The second module of the report: "Non-spherical aberrations of the optical system of the eye: there is a way out!"

"Optical possibilities of correcting regular astigmatism" Myagkov A.


In September 2017, in the city of Astrakhan, under the chairmanship of the chief ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the Southern Federal District, professor, MD. L.Sh. Ramazanova, member of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, chairman of the All-Russian movement "Mothers of Russia" V.A. Petrenko, head of the Non-Profit Charitable Foundation "For a Worthy Life" O.Yu. Pavlyukovskaya hosted, without exaggeration, a world event in the field of ophthalmology - the international scientific and practical forum "Innovative technologies in the ophthalmological practice of the regions."

The geography of the conference stretched from Irkutsk and Novosibirsk to Italy, Turkey, Latvia, Germany and included eight countries. The forum was attended by the Chief Specialist - Ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, almost all the chief ophthalmologists of the regions of the Russian Federation, heads of the leading Russian research institutes of eye diseases, ophthalmological clinics, ophthalmologists from the Caspian states and the Black Sea countries.

At the international forum, six high-tech unique “live surgery” operations were performed in operating rooms in Russia and Italy, three of which were in Astrakhan at the Medical Unit of Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan. Two of these operations were carried out for the first time in Russia. One - FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE WORLD. During this operation - "Phacoemulsification of a cataract with implantation of a bifocal optical system", a unique invention was used by a graduate of the Astrakhan Medical Institute, Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergey Leonidovich Kuznetsov. The implantable “Bifocal Optical System” made it possible to restore the ability to see as in youth to a person with lost vision.

The implants for this operation were developed by Sergey Leonidovich together with domestic manufacturers from domestic materials, this is an absolutely Russian unique surgical technology, absolutely new for the entire world ophthalmological community.

Operations carried out within the framework of the conference were broadcast on the Internet online, and the entire world ophthalmological community watched them. In real time, experts asked questions to operating surgeons.

487 specialists gathered to participate in the international conference in Astrakhan, including the chief ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Vladimir Neroev, chief ophthalmologists of the regions of Russia, heads of 3 leading institutes of eye diseases of the Russian Federation, directors of branches of the Fedorov Moscow Scientific and Technical Center for Eye Microsurgery. Interactively, online, more than 200 researchers and practicing ophthalmologists from 12 regions of Russia and 8 countries of the world simultaneously participated in the forum. Active work continued for 2 days. More than 100 original scientific reports were presented, 22 electronic reports in the poster session, sessions on telemedicine, optometry, glaucoma.

The past international scientific and practical conference showed that the systematic work of the Government of the Russian Federation on the implementation of socially significant projects has led to a turning point in the healthcare sector. The development and implementation of innovative technologies have become a daily work, thanks to which ophthalmology in the regions of the Russian Federation is increasingly integrated into world science and today has reached the level of the world's leading clinics.
