A pot for heating water for a dog in winter. Original gadgets for dogs. Multi-storey dog ​​bed

The heated bowl is designed so that the animal can drink warm water even in the coldest winter. For dogs living on the street or in open-air cages without heating - an irreplaceable thing. If you pour water into a regular bowl, in severe frosts, it will freeze for several hours. Thanks to the heated bowl, this problem can be forgotten once and for all.

Features of Feed-Ex

The Feed-Ex bowl keeps the water warm at an ambient temperature of 0 to -30 degrees. The volume is 2.7 liters, which is enough for at least a day, even for huge breeds of dogs. The bottom has a non-slip rubber edging. The metal used in the production has a food purpose and is therefore safe for the animal. The cord is durable, has a special winding that protects against chewing.


  1. Weight - 1100 gr;
  2. Diameter - 315 mm;
  3. Height - 100 mm;
  4. Voltage - 220 V;
  5. Power cord length - 1.7 m;
  6. Material - food grade stainless steel;
  7. Power - 25 W.

Operating rules

The thermo bowl for dogs can only be used at temperatures of 0 degrees or below, otherwise the water will heat up unnecessarily and the device will soon fail. You also need to regularly add water, it cannot work without liquid inside, otherwise the heating element will fail. It is advisable to connect the heated bowl to a grounded outlet.

If we decide to have animals at home, then we must take care of them. Cats live next to the owner. There are dog breeds that also live in the house. At the dacha, the dog is kept to guard the site and it lives in its own room. How to protect an animal from freezing during the cold season? In our article information about the heaters used for the doghouse.

To organize the heating of the booth, it is necessary to bring the electrical network closer and install a closed outlet.

  1. Warm floor for the booth

Panel heaters for dogs

Manufacturers offer two sizes of heaters in a special metal case suitable for installation in a dog booth. The thickness of both panels is only 2 cm. The square panel is made with sides of 59 cm, and the rectangular panel is 52 by 96 cm. The surface of the panel does not heat up above 50 degrees, which makes it possible to use them without installing a crate. The devices work without noise and are environmentally friendly.

Film heaters for booths

More recently, film booth heaters based on infrared far radiation have appeared on the market. The main advantage of using such heaters is that they warm up evenly over the entire area to a temperature of + 60 degrees. The long-wavelength radiation of the infrared spectrum is as close as possible to the natural radiation of the animal's body. Your four-legged friend will not only warm, but also get a wonderful effect - an excellent immune system.

The conductor strips in the ultra-thin system are connected in parallel. If one or more strips are damaged, the heating system still works. Due to the high thermal conductivity of the carbon used and the maximum heat transfer of the film, these heaters are the most economical devices.

Installation methods for panel and film heaters

Manufactured heaters can be installed inside the doghouse frame. A layer of mineral wool is attached to the outer skin, followed by a reflective screen. A film or panel heater is attached to it for a dog in a booth with a working surface towards the inner lining, and then the lining itself is nailed.

The panel heater can be installed on the booth wall. For such an installation, ordinary self-tapping screws are needed, with which the device is attached directly to the wall.

To reduce energy consumption and easily regulate the heating temperature in the booth, it is advisable to buy a thermostat. To protect the device from the dog's teeth, you need to install a protective metal box with holes.

Warm floor for the booth

Such a heating system is best done during the construction of the booth itself. If the booth is spacious and high, a warm floor can be made after the dog has settled there. It is necessary to knock down a box of plywood sheets and beams according to the dimensions of the base of the booth. The bars determine the height of the box. A thermostat and an 80 W heating wire are installed inside the box. For this, holes are drilled in the base through which the wire is threaded and filled with polyurethane foam. A heating wire is laid on the mounds and a mount for the thermostat is installed.

It is best to use a silicone sealant for sealing crevices and soldering.

A special hole is made on the side for the lead wire. The lead wire is soldered to the thermostat and heating element. The thermostat is adjusted by 60 degrees. After the connection is completed, all cracks and joints must be carefully repaired. The box is filled with dry fine sand and covered with plywood on top. It is necessary to carry out preliminary testing before installing the warm floor in the booth. If, after turning on the heating system, the drawer becomes warm, your reliable friend will be warm in winter.

The cable to the booth should be routed in such a way that the dog cannot chew on it with his teeth. It is best to use a metal pipe.

Homemade booth heater

Craftsmen prefer to use homemade dog warmers. To make your own booth heating device, you need an asbestos-cement pipe, a 40 W light bulb, a suitable size tin can, cable, socket, plug. A kind of lampshade for a light bulb is made from a tin can. The size of the can used must be such that it moves freely inside the pipe, but does not dangle. The lamp in the lampshade is placed inside the pipe, which lies in the booth.

For 12 hours of operation, the heater consumes only 480 watts. During the season, it takes 6 kW to heat the booth, which is quite a bit. Your four-legged friend will simply be grateful for the care.

Homemade heater for a booth from a light bulb (video)

Zlata Belaya | 6.11.2014 | 1769

Zlata Belaya 11/06/2014 1769

A stroller, a treadmill, a heated bed ... Some of the ideas of manufacturers of gadgets for dogs seem absurd. But what can you not do, if only the fastidious owners were satisfied.

What do our four-legged friends think about this? Will these adaptations be useful to dogs in life, or is it a common whim of their eccentric owners?

Whatever the answers to these questions, some gadgets are really popular and make pets' life more comfortable. Would you buy something like your favorite?

Running wheel for dogs

The popular hamster toy is now available in a version for dogs. Instead of running your dog outside, you can simply let your pet run at home in a wheel.

The dog is moving and the owner is resting - isn't that ideal? However, will the dog be as happy with this game as its lazy owner?

This gadget looks like a regular treadmill for humans, however the reasons for using these gadgets are different. A person runs out of necessity (to keep fit or to lose weight), and a dog runs for fun.

If the pet understands the purpose of this technique and is interested in it for a long time, its owner will be a real lucky one. However, at present, this type of device is mainly used for the rehabilitation of dogs.

Small dogs are often dressed like dolls. So why not carry them around in a pink stroller? To some, providing pets with such a service may seem absurd. However, as they say, a dog is also a person!

With such a collar, you can safely release the dog from the leash. If the pet disappears from the owner's field of view, it can be easily found thanks to the GPS transmitter built into the collar.

It is enough to have a mobile phone with Internet access and know the number of the SIM card that is placed in the collar. You send an SMS to her number - and you will receive a link to a map with a marked place where the dog is.

Electronic Wireless Dog Collar

This unique device allows you to control your dog from a distance. With the help of a remote control with an antenna, we can send all sorts of impulses (sounds, vibrations, weak electric shocks) that will change the behavior of the dog.

The electric collar is widely used in dog training, especially for the purpose of correcting their behavior.

Camera for dogs

Wondering what the dog does when you are not at home? Clip your camera to your collar and you'll find out!

Some dogs also hate getting wet in the rain. But this gadget is needed, rather, a lazy owner who does not want to wash his pet after a walk in bad weather.

Pets who love to bask under the covers in the owner's bed can now do it in their sleeping place.

Cooling clothes for dogs

A bowl of cold water and shade is too little to keep your dog cool on hot days. The manufacturers thought of their four-legged friends tormented in the heat and created special cooling clothes for them.

Food never gets cold in such a bowl.

An ordinary bowl of water is a relic of the past. A modern dog should have a drinking bowl with a water circulation system, for example, in the form of a fountain.

Heated carry

This thing can be useful for small dogs that do not tolerate cold weather.

This device has a built-in motion sensor, thanks to which the lid rises automatically as soon as the dog approaches the bowl. This keeps food warm and fresh for much longer.

Multi-storey dog ​​bed

Soft and high - just like a king! What else can you wish your pet for happiness?

Based on materials from the website www.polki.pl

Dogs kept in private homes in the yard eat and drink water in the same place. In winter, feeding your dog this way can be difficult. These create severe frosts when the water in the bucket freezes, and the dog has no opportunity to drink. A home-made device for heating water will help to solve this problem, which will additionally need to be improved.

Materials (edit)

To make a DIY heating for a dog bucket of water, you will need:

  • a metal cookie box of a suitable diameter;
  • light bulb 40 W;
  • threaded tube;
  • screw;
  • bolt;
  • wire with a plug;
  • cartridge;
  • drill;
  • drill.

The main heating element in this design is a light bulb. It heats up enough to keep water in a 20-liter container liquid out of the cold. The water itself will remain cold.

Step 1... First, you need to drill a hole for a threaded tube in the box. A wire will be threaded into it. You need to drill a hole in the side wall of the box.

Step 2... After that, insert the tube into the drilled hole, thread the wire. Connect the socket and insert the light bulb into it.

Step 3... Close the lid of the box. You can walk on the sides with silicone sealant. This will prevent moisture from entering the box. This is important, especially considering that the dog should splash or turn over my bucket of water.

Step 4... In fact, the construction is ready. Now you just need to place the dog's water bucket on the box.

For the safety of your pet, be sure to plug the homemade heater into an outdoor outlet equipped in accordance with the rules and requirements for this type of electrical appliance.

If your dog chews on things or wires a lot, protect the heating wire by tucking it into a piece of old hose. Check the wire itself periodically. Most likely, you will use a regular one, which is not designed for sudden changes and fluctuations in temperature, exposure to sunlight and other things. Under these conditions, the outer sheath of the wire may crack and be electrocuted. If you find such changes on your cord, insulate it or replace it completely.

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