Lev borisovich filonov. Lev filonov. Research Interests

Filonov Lev Borisovich

(b. 1925) Russian psychologist, specialist. in the region. jurid. psychology, psychodiagnostics and psychoprognostics. Doct. psychol. Sciences (1986), prof. (1988).

In 1949 he graduated from Kazan law. Institute, worked as a lawyer (1949-1954). Simultaneously he studied in absentia for psychology. branch philosopher. Faculty of Leningrad State University, graduated in 1954. He began his professional career as a junior. scientific. sotr. Institute of Psychology APN (1955).

In 1963 he defended the candidate. dis .: "The dependence of the reaction speed of choice on the number of distinctive features of objects." Described the phenomenon of "catchy sign" and the open patterns of organization of signs, to-rye were called in Holland "the phenomenon of Filonov" (1968).

In 1986 he defended his doctorate. dis. "Psychology of the development of contact between people in conditions of difficult communication." Developed "methods of contact", to-rye brought to the instrumental level. In the present. time. they are used in spec. services, is the basis for advancing the strategy and tactics of negotiating with terrorists and is used in violation of regimes in places of execution.

1986-1990 in charge of the department. psychology at MGZPI, in 1992-1996. was in charge of the department. psychology at un-those RAO, in 1990-2000. head lab. psychol. anthropology at the Research Institute of Culturology MK and RAS. In the present. time. ch. scientific. sotr. RIK, prof. department. Psychology of Labor, Moscow State University MV Lomonosov, Hon. prof. department social psychology RSSU. For many years he has been the head of complex studies of personality and individuality, developing scientific research. programs, consolidating around themselves a group of scientists who form the "Filonov school". The "subject field" of the F. school consists of: the concept of an indicative statement of psychol. diagnosis; the concept of the deviation nature of variability; the concept of periods of occurrence of deviations in personality development; the concept of a model for the manifestation of hidden circumstances; the concept of communication technologies for the development of contact and escalation of the conflict; the concept of personality-mediated formation of a specialist psychologist. Recent developments are associated with the substantiation of the psychological and anthropological constructive approach in psychology. Under his arms. 38 cand. theses, he has awards: Excellence in Education (1995), Medal for Social Service (2006).

Main works: Psychological methods of revealing a hidden circumstance, 1979; Psychological methods of studying the personality of the accused: Textbook. manual, 1983; Psychological aspects of establishing contacts between people (Methodology of contact interaction), 1982; Trainings of business communication of employees of internal affairs bodies with various categories of citizens, 1992; Psychological-pedagogical anthropology (co-author), 2007; Dictionary of the Compendium of Psychological and Anthropological Diagnostics (in co-authorship), 2008. N. A. Ananyeva

(b. 1925) - Russian psychologist, specialist. in the region. jurid. psychology, psychodiagnostics and psychoprognostics. Doct. psychol. Sciences (1986), prof. (1988). In 1949 he graduated from Kazan law. Institute, worked as a lawyer (1949-1954). Simultaneously he studied in absentia for psychology. branch philosopher. Faculty of Leningrad State University, graduated in 1954. He began his professional career as a junior. scientific. sotr. Institute of Psychology APN (1955). In 1963 he defended the candidate. dis .: "The dependence of the reaction speed of choice on the number of distinctive features of objects." Described the phenomenon of "catchy sign" and the open patterns of organization of signs, to-rye were called in Holland "the phenomenon of Filonov" (1968). In 1986 he defended his doctorate. dis. "Psychology of the development of contact between people in conditions of difficult communication." Developed "methods of contact", to-rye brought to the instrumental level. In the present. time. they are used in spec. services, is the basis for advancing the strategy and tactics of negotiating with terrorists and is used in violation of regimes in places of execution. 1986-1990 was in charge of the department. psychology at MGZPI, in 1992-1996. was in charge of the department. psychology at un-those RAO, in 1990-2000. - Head lab. psychol. anthropology at the Research Institute of Culturology MK and RAS. In the present. time. - Ch. scientific. sotr. RIK, prof. department Psychology of Labor, Moscow State University MV Lomonosov, Hon. prof. department social psychology RSSU. For many years he has been the head of complex studies of personality and individuality, developing scientific research. programs, consolidating around themselves a group of scientists who form the "Filonov school". The "subject field" of the F. school consists of: the concept of an indicative statement of psychol. diagnosis; the concept of the deviation nature of variability; the concept of periods of occurrence of deviations in personality development; the concept of a model for the manifestation of hidden circumstances; the concept of communication technologies for the development of contact and escalation of the conflict; the concept of personality-mediated formation of a specialist psychologist. Recent developments are associated with the substantiation of the psychological and anthropological constructive approach in psychology. Under his arms. 38 cand. theses, he has awards: Excellence in Education (1995), Medal for Social Service (2006). Main works: Psychological methods of revealing a hidden circumstance, 1979; Psychological methods of studying the personality of the accused: Textbook. manual, 1983; Psychological aspects of establishing contacts between people (Methodology of contact interaction), 1982; Trainings of business communication of employees of internal affairs bodies with various categories of citizens, 1992; Psychological-pedagogical anthropology (co-author), 2007; Dictionary of the Compendium of Psychological and Anthropological Diagnostics (et al. ), 2008. N. A. Ananyeva

More related news.

  • On April 11, 2016, Lev Borisovich Filonov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, renowned specialist in the field of legal psychology, labor psychology, personality psychology and social psychology, died. More than 10 years, since 1992, L.B. Filonov worked as a professor in the Department of Labor Psychology and Engineering Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (concurrently). Many generations of Russian psychologists will remember with gratitude Lev Borisovich Filonov as a gentle and benevolent person in communication, invariably honest in business and relations with people, who retained a keen interest in people and in psychological science until old age.

    Died April 11, 2016 Lev Borisovich Filonov , Doctor of Psychology, Professor, renowned specialist in the field of legal psychology, labor psychology, personality psychology and social psychology. More than 10 years, since 1992, L.B. Filonov worked as a professor in the Department of Labor Psychology and Engineering Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (concurrently).

    Lev Borisovich Filonov was born on August 1, 1925 in Orenburg, in a family of employees. Father - Boris Mitrofanovich Filonov, held a number of leading positions, was the director of several trusts, mother - Vera Nikolaevna Shumkova, worked as a librarian. L. B. Filonov studied at secondary school No. 98 in Kazan, where a lot of attention was paid to fine art. Pedologists worked at the school. Interest in psychology arose when examining numerous drawings of children and their interpretation by school pedologists with whom the young man kept in touch. Participated in the Great Patriotic War, was awarded 6 medals and orders. After the war, Lev Borisovich graduated from the Kazan Law Institute (1949) with the qualification "lawyer", worked as a lawyer and at the same time studied in absentia at the psychology department of the Philosophical Faculty of Leningrad State University, which he graduated in 1954 with qualification "psychologist, teacher of psychology." In his student years he was interested in philosophy, the problem of individual differences between people, the origins of the development of a person of a deviant character.

    Since 1955 L. B. Filonov began his professional career as a psychologist as a junior researcher in the laboratory of D.A. Oshanin at the Institute of Psychology of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. In the 1970s-1980s. worked as a psychologist in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the material for his doctoral dissertation was collected here. After defending his doctoral dissertation, he taught psychology at various universities. In addition to lecturing at the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, L.B. Filonov headed the Department of Psychology at the Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute (MGZPI) in 1986-1990; in 1992-1996 Head of the Department of Psychology at the University of the Russian Academy of Education, in 1990-2000. Head of the Laboratory of Psychological Anthropology at the Research Institute of Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    In recent years, Lev Borisovich was the chief researcher at the Russian Institute for Cultural Studies (RIK RAS), Honored Professor of the Department of Social Psychology at the Russian State Social University (RSSU); taught psychology as a professor at the Faculty of Legal Psychology of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University (MGPPU); was a member of the Association for the Promotion of the International Academy of Sciences (since 1993).

    Research areas: legal psychology, labor psychology, personality psychology and differential psychology, social psychology, general psychology. Professional activity of L.B. Filonova in psychology began with the study of the processes of perception. The topic of his Ph.D. thesis: "On the dependence of the reaction rate of choice on the number of distinctive features" (1963). In this work, the phenomenon of "catchy trait" and the patterns of organization of traits were described; in the aggregate, these phenomena were called in Holland the "Filonov phenomenon" (1968). Later L.B. Filonov focuses on the analysis of the peculiarities of the communicative interaction of people in the conditions of the difficulty of communication, characteristic of the sphere of legal practice. The theme of his doctoral dissertation: "The Psychology of the Development of Contacts in Conditions of Difficulty of Communication" (1986). In this area, L.B. Filonov developed a methodology for establishing contacts in a dialogue, identified the main stages and principles of interaction in difficult situations associated with problems of legal practice - when interacting between a teacher and a pupil, in a situation of interrogating witnesses, as well as in relation to persons suspected of committing crimes. At present, Filonov's "method of contact" is used in the activities of special services, is the basis for advancing the strategy and tactics of negotiating with terrorists, and is also used in violation of regimes in places of execution of a sentence.

    In the 1990s. Filonov worked out the problems of psychological anthropology, in particular, the model of the diagnosed personality, the problems of psychology in the legal sphere. Lev Borisovich's students continue to develop the teacher's ideas, rightfully referring themselves to the "Filonov school". The contribution of Lev Borisovich Filonov to the development of psychological science is made by the "concept of an indicative formulation of a psychological diagnosis"; “The concept of the deviation nature of variability”; "The concept of periods of occurrence of deviations in the development of personality"; “The concept of a model for the manifestation of hidden circumstances”; "The concept of communicative technologies for the development of contact and escalation of the conflict"; "The concept of personality-mediated formation of a specialist psychologist." Filonov's latest developments are associated with the substantiation of the "psychological-anthropological constructive approach in psychology." Long-term research and teaching activity of Lev Borisovich was fruitful, under his leadership more than 38 candidate dissertations were successfully defended. Lev Borisovich Filonov received awards, among them: the badge "Excellence in Education" (1995), the medal "For Social Service" (2006).

    L. B. Filonov read at the Faculty of Psychology of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and other universities courses: "Legal psychology", "Psychology of personality with deviant behavior", "Psychology of communication", "Psychodiagnostics (graphology)".

    L. B. Filonov published over 100 scientific works, among them the main works: Psychological methods of revealing a hidden circumstance (M., 1979); Determination of the emergence and development of negative character traits in persons with deviant behavior (M., 1981); Psychological aspects of establishing contacts between people (Method of contact interaction) (Pushchino, 1982); Psychological methods of studying the personality of the accused: Textbook (M., 1983); Trainings of business communication between employees of internal affairs bodies with various categories of citizens (M., 1992); Psychological and pedagogical anthropology (in co-authorship; M., 2007); Dictionary-compendium of psychological and anthropological diagnostics (in co-authorship; M., 2008).

    Many generations of Russian psychologists will remember with gratitude Lev Borisovich Filonov as a gentle and benevolent person in communication, invariably honest in business and relations with people, who retained a keen interest in people and in psychological science until old age.

    Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University

    To cite an article:

    The staff of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. In memory of Lev Borisovich Filonov. // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 14. Psychology. - 2016. - No. 1 - p.143-145

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    Filonov Lev Borisovich,01.08.1925 - 11.04.2016

    Doctor of Psychology, Professor. Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Honored Professor of the Russian State Social University.

    Chief Researcher of the Russian Institute of Culturology. Professor of the Department of Labor Psychology and Engineering Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology and Law, Faculty of Legal Psychology, Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University. Member of the Dissertation Council at MSUPE.

    A well-known specialist in the field of legal psychology, social psychology, psychodiagnostics and psycho-predictive analysis. Founder of Russian legal psychology, the author of many techniques that are actively used in the special services, the penal system and in the practice of other law enforcement agencies.

    Head of the section of psychological anthropology of the Moscow Psychological Society. Full member of the Academy of Imageology, Academy of San Marino, IANPO. Member of the Association for the Promotion of the International Academy of Sciences.

    Member of the editorial board of the series “Pedagogy. Psychology "" Vestnik PSTGU ".

    In 1942, without completing the 10th grade, he volunteered for the army, after training for artillerymen he was sent to the front. Demobilized in 1944 after two wounds.

    In 1949 he graduated from the Kazan Law Institute, in 1954 - the Department of Psychology of the Philosophical Faculty of Leningrad State University, in 1963 - postgraduate studies at the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.

    In 1963 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "The dependence of the reaction speed of choice on the number of distinguishing features of the object", in 1986 - his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Development of contacts between people in conditions of difficult communication."

    In 1949-1961. - a practicing lawyer, advocate.

    In 1955 he began his professional psychological activity as a junior researcher at the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

    Since 1963, he headed the laboratory of forensic psychology at Moscow State University.

    In the 70-80s. worked as a psychologist in the system of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    In the early 1980s. worked in the laboratory for the study of the causes and prevention of delinquency of students of the Institute of General Problems
    education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

    1986-1990 Head of the Department of Psychology of the Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute.

    In 1987-1996. worked at the Department of Legal Psychology of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    Since 1990 he has been working at the Research Institute of Culturology of the MK and the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Institute of Culturology): since 1992 - Head of the Laboratory of Psychological Anthropology, since 2000 - Chief Researcher.

    In the 90s. taught at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow State Pedagogical University.

    In 1992-1994. - Head of the Department of Psychology at the University of the Russian Academy of Education.

    Since 1992 - Professor of the Department of Labor Psychology and Engineering Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

    In 2002-2012. taught at the Department of Social Psychology of the Moscow (now - Russian) State Social University.

    Since 2009 - Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology and Law of the Moscow City (now State) Psychological and Pedagogical University, supervised the master's programs "Legal Psychology: Technologies for Working with Children and Adolescents" and "Legal Psychology: Forensic Expert Practice".

    Research interests:

    • legal psychology
    • social Psychology
    • psychology of Personality
    • general psychology
    • differential psychology
    • psychodiagnostics
    • perception processes
    • features of communicative interaction of people, the development of contacts in conditions of difficulty in communication
    • personality psychology with deviant behavior

    In 1961-1963. studied the professions of perception in the laboratory of perception and memory of the Institute of Psychology of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. Described the phenomenon of "catchy feature". The dependence of the reaction rate on the number of distinctive features established by L.B. Filonov in his Ph.D. research, was named "Filonov's phenomenon".

    In the 1960s. also conducted research related to the problem of "human perception by human" in the laboratory of perception and memory of the IP APN. As a result, the main ideas of the concept of the resonant nature of human perception were formulated. These ideas laid the foundations for the science of interpersonal contact - contactology.

    In 1964-1969. together with V.Ya. Dymersky and L.B. Ermolaeva-Tomina dealt with the problem of diagnosing a person's character by handwriting using graphometric parameters. The task of the work was to establish the possibility of manifestation of personality traits in handwriting and the possibility of determining them by objective methods. The principle of separating male and female handwritings through a number of parameters was found, and relationships were also established between individual traits of a person's character and the characteristics of his handwriting. Thus, L.B. Filonov created a system of domestic graphometrics, using objective parameters to determine the nature of a person by handwriting.

    Since 1979, he has been researching the psychology of individuals with deviant behavior and focuses on the analysis of the characteristics of the communicative interaction of people in conditions of difficult communication, which is typical for the sphere of legal practice. At the same time, he explores the development and formation of asocial personality traits, the psychology of juvenile delinquency and, in general, lays down foundations of social developmental psychology.

    In the early 1980s. L. B. Filonov integrates his experience as a lawyer with psychological ideas and creates a contact interaction methodology and a technology for conducting training on establishing interpersonal contacts, which he describes in his doctoral dissertation. "Method of contact interaction" formed the basis of the practice of conducting negotiations with terrorists by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is used in violation of regimes in places of execution of a sentence.

    At the same time L.B. Filonov is developing the first domestic training course in legal psychology, which was later taught at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

    In the 90s. worked out the problems of psychological anthropology, in particular, the model of the diagnosed personality, the problems of psychology in the legal sphere.

    For many years he has been the head of comprehensive research on personality and individuality, in particular, research on the methodological, communication and empirical study of deviation and deviance at the Russian Institute of Cultural Studies. The possibilities of using a complex of methods for studying individuality are being studied, new principles for interpreting the results of experiments have been developed. The results of the communication line of research are used to remove barriers, reduce psychological distances and establish trusting relationships. The stage-by-stage nature of development and establishment of contact is revealed, the connection between the measure of influence and the formation of asocial personality traits is proved.

    Since 2002, he has been researching the problems of psychological anthropology at the Department of Social Psychology of the Moscow State Social University. Recent developments are associated with the substantiation of the psychological and anthropological constructive approach in psychology.

    In the course of many years of comprehensive research, L.B. Filonov, his students and followers developed and standardized 12 psychodiagnostic techniques.

    Lev Borisovich Filonov's contribution to the development of psychological science make up:

    • the concept of an indicative formulation of a psychological diagnosis;
    • the concept of the deviation nature of variability;
    • the concept of periods of occurrence of deviations in personality development;
    • the concept of a model for the manifestation of hidden circumstances;
    • the concept of communication technologies for the development of contact and escalation of the conflict;
    • the concept of personality-mediated formation of a specialist psychologist.

    Reading courses:

    • Legal psychology
    • Psychology of personality with deviant behavior
    • Psychology of communication
    • Psychodiagnostics
    • Graphometrics
    • System analysis
    • Technology of establishing contact between people in the conditions of preliminary investigation
    • Psychological methods of exposure: interrogation techniques

    Main publications: more than 190 works, including

    • On the possibility of establishing the characterological characteristics of a person by handwriting (et al.)
    • Psychological ways of revealing the hidden circumstance. Moscow: Moscow State University, 1979
    • Determination of the emergence and development of negative character traits in persons with deviant behavior // Psychology of personality formation and development. M., 1981
    • Psychological aspects of establishing contacts between people: the method of contact interaction. Pushchino, 1982
    • Psychological ways of studying the personality of the accused: a textbook. M., 1983
    • Trainings of business communication between employees of internal affairs bodies with various categories of citizens. M .: APO, 1992
    • Legal psychology: Educational-methodical program // Collection of educational-methodical programs. Moscow: Moscow State University, 1998
    • Contact interaction training: Educational-methodical program // Collection of educational-methodical programs. Moscow: Moscow State University, 1998
    • Psychological and pedagogical anthropology: A course of lectures (in co-authorship). M., 2003, 2007.
    • Dictionary-compendium of psychological and anthropological diagnostics (co-author), 2008.


    • 6 government awards for participation in the Great Patriotic War
    • Excellence in Education (1995)
    • medal "For Social Service" (2006)

    Participation in the competition "Golden Psyche"

    • "All-Russian conference with international participation" From the origins to the present "130 years of the organization of the psychological society at Moscow University", September 29 - October 1, 2015 (in the nomination "Event of the year in the life of the community", 2015), winner
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