Orthodox prayer before a working day. Prayer that everything will work out at work and everything will be fine. Prayer for difficulties at work

The unstable economic situation has made it very easy to lose your job. People hold on to any opportunity to have a stable income, no matter how small. Some bosses take advantage of this and give free rein negative traits of your character. Ill-wishers can ruin nervous system to anyone - even if the person performs his duties perfectly. In such a situation, one hope is to read prayers for troubles at work.

What to do to avoid being kicked out of work

What real help can an appeal to heaven provide? You will see how circumstances work out in your favor, as if an invisible conductor controls events from heaven. What seemed impossible yesterday will be achieved with ease. The ill-wisher will be distracted or leave for another position. You just need to be persistent in your requests for protection.

  • You can pray every day, before coming to work, during a break, and even during the process. After all, not every work requires complete concentration; we perform many actions automatically. It is at such moments that the mind can perform its own work - prayer.

The righteous princes Boris and Gleb have long been considered defenders of the offended. They are capable of many miracles:

  • stop conflicts with superiors;
  • protect peace of mind;
  • establish calm relationships in the family.

Prayer for difficulties at work

“O sacred duo, beautiful brethren, virtuous passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, who from their youth served Christ with faith, purity and love, and adorned themselves with their blood like scarlet, and now reign with Christ! Do not forget us who are on earth, but, as a warm intercessor, by your strong intercession before Christ God, preserve the young in holy faith and purity undamaged from every pretext of unbelief and uncleanness, protect us all from all sorrow, bitterness and vain death, tame all enmity and malice, erected by the action of the devil from neighbors and strangers. We pray to you, Christ-loving passion-bearers, ask the Great-Gift Master for forgiveness of our sins, unanimity and health, deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, plagues and famine. Provide our country with your intercession, all who honor your holy memory forever and ever. Amen."

The righteous princes themselves are well known to everyone as bright historical characters. At the same time, they were sincere Christians and always stood for a just cause. They always protected their charges and would help them from troubles at work.

Who else should you pray to about workplace problems?

There are so many saints in Orthodoxy that sometimes people get lost and don’t know who to choose for conversion during times of difficulty. Here you can rely on your gut feeling. Usually in every family there are the most revered righteous people. There are also well-known patron saints:

  • Angels and Archangels;
  • Mother of God;
  • The saint whose name you bear in baptism.

The Lord God can protect you from any trouble. It is not for nothing that the Bible says that one cannot condemn anyone - the Creator Himself plays this role. People do not always understand His actions and logic, but they should still trust the age-old wisdom. Feeling hatred toward your superiors will not improve the situation. We must ask for patience, for the Lord to allow us to see our own mistakes. Try in every possible way to get rid of negativity towards others. This is necessary both for the soul and for work.

Prayer for problems at work to Archangel Michael

“Merciful Lord! You once, through the lips and prayer of the prophets, closed the abysses, stopped the rivers, held back the waters, stopped the mouths of lions in the ditch.

And now hold back and slow down until the right time all the plans around the enemies standing by me and thinking about my displacement, dismissal, removal, expulsion. So now, destroy the evil desires and demands of all those who condemn me, block the lips and hearts of all those who slander, are angry and growl at me and all who blaspheme and humiliate me. So now, bring spiritual blindness into the eyes of all my enemies who rise up against me.

Protect my house in which I live, in the circle of my prayers to You, and save it from fiery ignition, thieves’ attacks and all evil and fear. Keep behind the fence of my house all the opposing forces and all those who blaspheme the name of God and those who despise me.

Oh, Great God, now stop all the plans of my enemies who want to drive me out of this city and destroy me: do not allow them to approach this house, stop them with the power of my prayer: “Lord, Judge of the Universe, You, who are not pleased with all unrighteousness, when This prayer will come to You, may the Holy Power stop all enemies in the place where it overtakes them.”

I pray to you, Almighty Lord God, protect me from the machinations of Satan, drive away all the machinations of the devil and demonic spells from me, do not let them annoy me, do not let them destroy me and my property.

I pray to the powerful and formidable guardian Archangel Michael, that with his fiery sword he will cut off all the desires of my enemy and all those who want to destroy me. I pray to Archangel Michael that he will stand inviolably guard over my house, everyone living in it and all its property. I pray to Archangel Michael that he will truly be a kind of barrier and an unbreakable wall, protecting me from all evil and difficult circumstances.

God bless! Amen."

Sometimes the bosses seem very formidable, and there is a feeling that they can only be dealt with by supernatural means. To resolve problems, it is customary to turn to Archangel Michael. He is one of the few heavenly warriors whose name was revealed to people. This was done for a reason - a very strong warrior, the leader of many other angels, the Archangel is able to cope with many problems. That is why he is often asked for intercession.

When a person is given power over others, he often uses it for bad reasons. Conflicts happen in any team, but Right side doesn't always win the argument. The boss can use psychological pressure, blackmail, and even arrange a conspiracy with the help of loyal employees. One overwhelming task - and now he has a reason for a fine or dismissal in his hands.

In this case, there is only one thing left to do - pray for help to higher powers. There is no need to cultivate bitterness and hatred in your heart. Everyone has many problems in earthly life. They are often sent to strengthen will and character. So even for difficulties we must thank the Creator. Then the one who tempts you will understand that it is useless. And soon the troubles will stop. After all, even the most Hard times end someday.

Prayers for problems at work for Peter and Fevronia

“Holy righteous spouses, Peter and Fevronia, pious, praying for everyone who suffers and needs the help of the Lord! Take away sorrows, discord and squabbles from my house, save my marriage, blessed by the Lord, forever and ever. Just as you lived in peace and harmony, so I want to live with my husband, to serve our Father, to fulfill His instructions, to know His Kingdom. I trust in your mercy with all my heart and in your prayers for my family to the Almighty Lord. Do not leave us, spouses (names), in sadness, do not leave us in joy. Bless the family for a righteous life that is pleasing to the Lord God. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

We often bring difficulties in our service to our family. Fatigue, irritability, misunderstanding become the cause of discord. But a husband and wife should serve each other as a reliable spiritual shelter. If a crack appears in a relationship, it must be eliminated before it turns into a hole.

Saints Peter and Fevronia are asked for peaceful relations between spouses (and others). Peter was a prince who ruled his people fairly - he certainly never plotted against his subordinates. Therefore, you can turn to the holy couple with a request for protection against injustice. If your children are in trouble, Murom miracle workers can save them.

Prayer for troubles in the workplace to the Mother of God

What should I pray to You for, what should I ask of You? You see everything, you know it Yourself: look into my soul and give it what it needs. You, who have endured everything, overcome everything, will understand everything.

You, who entwined the Baby in a manger and took Him with Your hands from the Cross, You alone know all the heights of joy, all the oppression of grief. You, who have received the entire human race as adoption, look at me with maternal care.

From the snares of sin, lead me to Your Son. I see a tear watering Your face. It’s over me You shed it and let it wash away the traces of my sins. Here I have come, I am standing, I am waiting for Your response, O Mother of God, O All-Singing One, O Lady!

I don’t ask for anything, I just stand before You. Only my heart, poor human heart, exhausted in longing for truth, I cast at Your Most Pure feet, Lady! Grant to all who call You to reach the eternal day by You and worship You face to face.

Prayer for good luck in work and success in business - what is it? Who should be praised? professional activity went uphill? You will learn this from the article.

Prayer for good luck and success in work

A Christian asks God for help in every matter, so it is right to pray both in finding a job and that the work goes well. How to pray?

Of course, you need to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart, asking Him to help you find a job in which you can worthily, without sin, use your gifts for the glory of God and the good of people.

When looking for work, they also pray to the holy martyr Tryphon.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Tryphon

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor!

Hear now and forever the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory. You, servant of Christ, promised that before your departure from this corruptible life, you would pray for us to the Lord, and you asked Him for this gift: if anyone, in any need and in his sorrow, begins to call holy name yours, may he be delivered from every excuse of evil. And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the princess in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the terrible day of our last, intercede for us with our dying breaths, when the dark eyes of evil demons surround and frighten they will start us. Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand with the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that he will grant us also to be partakers of ever-present joy and joy, so that together with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen.


Thy martyr, O Lord, Tryphon, in his suffering received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God; Having Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save his souls with our prayers.


Divine food, most blessed, enjoying in Heaven endlessly, glorifying your memory with songs, cover and preserve from all needs, drive away animals that harm the fields and always cry out to you in love: Rejoice, Tryphon, strengthening of the martyrs.


With Trinitarian firmness, you destroyed polytheism from the end, you were all-glorious, you were honest in Christ, and, having defeated the tormentors, in Christ the Savior you received the crown of your martyrdom and the gift of Divine healings, as if you were invincible.

One saint, Pachomius the Great, asked God to teach him how to live. And then Pachomius sees the Angel. The angel first prayed, then began to work, then prayed again and again began to work. Pachomius did this all his life. Prayer without work will not feed you, and work without prayer will not help you.

Prayer is not a hindrance to work, but a help. You can pray in the shower while working, and this is much better than thinking about trifles. How more people prays, the better for him to live.

Prayer before starting any work, any business

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Bless, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Your glory.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall down in Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, in You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

Our world order is such that without work, without labor, nothing will happen here. It is often difficult, but God will definitely support and guide you if you turn to him about this. It has long been noted that prayer said before starting any work makes work more fruitful and a person more focused. There is still no consensus on why this happens. Some believe that the belief in the effectiveness of prayer is “to blame” for this, while others believe that it really provides help from a Higher Power.

Why pray before work?

Prayer before work has a certain power. This allows you to solve work problems, ward off troubles, and make career advancement easy and fast. This applies to the profession, but in each specific matter, prayer is also necessary. What kind of work lies ahead does not matter, for God everything is one, there are no privileges. In order for prayer to “work”, it is important to follow some rules. The key ones are: regularity, reading the prayer from memory, meaningfulness, sincerity (mechanical pronunciation does not give results).

In all religions, it is customary to pray before starting any task and at the end of it. Also, prayer should not be turned into a formality; this does not bear spiritual fruit. Reverence is important, because it is an appeal to God. There should be no parallel extraneous thoughts, and if this does happen, then you should stop and start the prayer again. Some believe that we should not often turn to the Higher Powers with requests (in prayer), because they already know what we really want. But this is a way of communicating with him, and God's grace cannot end, it is endless, no matter how much people ask.

The effect of prayer

It has been noticed that even among skeptics, prayer has an effect. However, assistance is provided only in good deeds. When praying, you should not wait for momentary miracles, you need to be patient. There should also be no negativity, as this will negate all efforts. Systematic appeal to God gives great help, because man is his beloved creation. Of course, work should not violate the commandments, otherwise there will not only be no help, but you can also receive reward.

What prayers should you read before work?

Prayer before starting work can be brief or lengthy; examples of prayers are in prayer books. Having prayed, they get down to business with a calm soul. When what you asked for comes true, you need to thank God for the help provided, even if the result is not pleasing. Most people are familiar with the feeling of a “dark streak”, including with regard to the material side of life, when all efforts only lead to failure. Appealing to a Higher power in the form of prayer helps correct the situation.

First prayer

Bless, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall down in Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, in You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

Second prayer

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls. Bless, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall down in Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, in You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

When overcoming many problems that plunge us into the vanity of the “sea of ​​life,” we should not forget about God and the saints. They can help you decide complex issues, independent of human efforts. With the help of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the saints, the most difficult problems are easily solved.

Before starting any task, a Christian crosses himself and reads a short prayer to the “Heavenly King.” If particularly difficult events are coming up, a prayer service “Before the start of any business” is ordered in the church. There are separate petitions before travel (trip, business trip), medical procedures, construction, starting agricultural work, driving vehicles, and even before flying an aircraft. Any action should be sanctified by prayer for success in work performed for the glory of God.

Over many centuries, Christians have developed a tradition of turning to certain saints, patrons of various fields of activity. Numerous testimonies of gracious help from them give confidence that the prayer will be heard by them. How strong this request will be depends on a person’s faith, on his willingness to work to the best of his ability and fulfill the will of God.

Important. For a Christian, the concepts of “luck” or “fortune” do not exist, since they refer to the action of blind chance, and not of God’s Providence. “Prayer for good luck at work” is considered a wrong expression, or rather to talk about hope for God’s mercy.

Saint George is considered the patron saint of the military, since in earthly life he was a warrior. But his name can be invoked in any cases where protection from adverse circumstances is required. We especially love this saint in the Caucasus. Peasants living in difficult mountain conditions pray to St. George the Victorious before field work, the beginning of grazing, and to protect fields from harmful insects. Knowing ambulance from the saint, even non-believers turn to him. Banners with the image of St. George the Victorious always accompanied Orthodox soldiers in battle.

When required strong defense V dangerous work, it is enough to read the prayer to the Great Martyr George with faith.

Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious

Prayer to George

“Oh, all-validated, holy great martyr and wonderworker George! Look upon us with your quick help, and beg God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us, sinners, according to our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His great mercy.

Do not despise our prayer, but ask us from Christ our God a quiet and godly life, mental and physical health, fertility of the earth, and abundance in everything, and may we not turn the good things given to us by you from the All-Bountiful God into evil, but into the glory of the Holy One in His name and in glorification of your strong intercession, may He grant our country and all the God-loving army victory over the adversaries and strengthen us with unchangeable peace and blessing.

May His angel protect us saints with a militia, so that we, upon our departure from this life, may be delivered from the wiles of the evil one and his difficult airy ordeals, and may present ourselves uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of Glory.

Hear us, passion-bearing George of Christ, and pray for us unceasingly to the Trinitarian Lord of all God, so that by His grace and love for mankind, with your help and intercession we may find mercy, with the angels and archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of the world, and He will be glorified with the Father and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Healthy. Saints who were monks who renounced the worldly to serve God and instruct people are called venerables.

The name of this illustrious saint is known even to non-church, non-believing people. Having pleased God with a righteous life and unceasing prayer, St. Sergius has great power to ask the Lord for success in everyday affairs, and especially in studies. As a child, Sergius was unable to read and spent long periods of time secluded himself in the forest, praying to God for admonition.

One day the boy saw a monk in front of him holding out a piece of prosphora (church bread). Mistaking the monk for a wanderer, Sergius took him home, since his parents loved to provide shelter to travelers. After praying, the guest asked Sergius to read a few lines from the prayer book. The boy fearfully opened the book and, to the surprise of his parents, read the proposed text clearly and distinctly. Since then, studying was easy for him.

Before starting studies or exams, it is good to pray to St. Sergius.

Holy Venerable Sergius of Radonezh

Prayer to Sergius

O sacred head, venerable and God-bearing Father Sergius, by your prayer, and by faith and love for God, and by the purity of your heart, you established your soul on earth in the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity, and was granted angelic communion and the visitation of the Most Holy Theotokos, and the gift of miraculous grace received, after your departure from the earthly, especially drawing closer to God and joining the heavenly powers, but not retreating from us in the spirit of your love, and your honest relics, like a vessel of grace, full and overflowing, left to us!

Having great boldness towards the all-merciful Master, pray to save His servants ( names), His grace existing in you, believing and flowing to you with love: ask us from our great-gifted God every gift that is useful to everyone and everyone, the observance of the immaculate faith, the establishment of our cities, the pacification of peace, deliverance from famine and destruction, preservation from the invasion of foreigners , comfort to those who mourn, healing to those who are sick, restoration to those who have fallen, return to those who have gone astray, strengthening to those who strive, prosperity and blessing to those who do good in good deeds, education for children, instruction for the young, admonition for the ignorant, intercession for orphans and widows, departing from this temporary life to the eternal good preparation and parting words for those who have departed to their blessed rest, and grant all of us, through your prayers, to be delivered on the day of the Last Judgment, to be delivered from the right parts of the land, and to hear the blessed voice of the Lord Christ: come, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world .

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nikolai Ugodnik is known not only among Christians. His prayerful help was felt more than once by Mohammedans and pagans. This is one of the world's favorite saints. You can pray to him for success in the most different areas: travel, trade, justice, successful marriage and luck in financial matters.

Various prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Characterized by durability in Orthodox faith, Saint Nicholas confirmed his chosenness by virtues during his life and miracles after death. He did good deeds secretly, so as not to have praise from people.

Sailors pray to Nicholas the Pleasant for a successful voyage; there is a known case when he appeared to those dying in a storm and tamed the storm. Also, through the prayer of the soldiers innocently condemned to death, Saint Nicholas appeared at the place of execution and stopped the executioner’s hand.

When praying before starting any task, you should remember St. Nicholas with a short prayer.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Troparion to Nicholas the Wonderworker

The rule of faith and the image of meekness, self-control, the teacher, show you to your flock as things are true; For this reason, you have gained high humility, rich in poverty, Father Hierarch Nicholas, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

In any work that does not contradict the commandments of God, it is worth praying to the holy elder Ambrose.

Healthy. Elders are people who lead a monastic, righteous life. They receive visitors asking for spiritual advice and prayers.

The Lord listens to the strong prayers of his ascetics - the elders. Ambrose of Optina, lived at the end of the 19th century in the Optina Monastery - a monastery in the Kaluga province. The Lord endowed him with the gift of clairvoyance; he knew the future. Even to the person he saw for the first time, Ambrose could give true advice, warn of danger. Crowds of people gathered at his cell, wanting to hear at least a short instruction and ask for advice in making a choice.

Many letters have been preserved that Ambrose wrote with love to his spiritual children. When planning a serious undertaking, it would not be amiss to read the instructions of the monk. Perhaps the Lord will instill the right thought through his prayers. Before reading the book, you need to pray to the saint.

Venerable Ambrose of Optina

Prayer to St. Ambrose Optinsky

O great elder and servant of God, reverend our father Ambrose, praise to the Optina and all Rus' teacher of piety! We glorify your humble life in Christ, which God has exalted your name, still existing on earth for you, but especially crowning you with heavenly honor after your departure to the palace of eternal glory.

Accept now the prayer of us, your unworthy children, who honor you and call on your holy name, deliver us through your intercession before the Throne of God from all sorrowful circumstances, mental and physical ailments, evil misfortunes, corrupting and evil temptations, send peace to our Fatherland from the great-gifted God, peace and prosperity, be the immutable patron of this holy monastery, in which you yourself labored in prosperity and you have pleased our glorified God with all in the Trinity, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever forever and ever. Amen.

Saint John Chrysostom

Those whose profession involves giving speeches (teachers, politicians, bosses, TV presenters, etc.) will be helped in their work by praying to St. John Chrysostom. John had a good education and was a priest in Byzantium in the 4th century. At first people did not understand his learned speeches. Then one woman said: “Your lips are golden, but your word far away from us". From then on, John began to be called Chrysostom, and he prayed to God to learn to speak simply and clearly. God gave him a wonderful gift of speech and persuasion. Over time, John Chrysostom became a famous preacher. He was not afraid to speak out against the vices of kings and rulers. At the end of his earthly life, God glorified him with many miracles.

Read about Saint John Chrysostom:

  • Prayer to Saint John Chrysostom

    O great saint John Chrysostom! You received many and varied gifts from the Lord and, as a good and faithful servant, you multiplied all the talents given to you for good, for this reason you were truly a universal teacher, as every age and every rank learns from you.

    You are the image of obedience for the youth, the luminary of chastity for the young, the teacher of hard work for the husband, the teacher of kindness for the old, the rule of abstinence for the monk, the leader for those who pray, inspired by God, the enlightener of wisdom for those seeking wisdom, the well-spoken oracles are an inexhaustible source of living words, for those who do good. - the star of mercy, the ruler - the image of the wise, the zealot of truth - the inspirer of boldness, the righteousness of the persecuted - the mentor of patience, you were everything to everyone, and you saved everyone.

    Over all of these you have acquired love, which is the bond of perfection, and with that, as if by the power of the Divine, you have united all the gifts in your one person, and here you have shared the reconciling love, in the interpretation of the words of the apostles, you preached to all the faithful. We, sinners, each one of us having our own talent, the unity of spirit in the union of the world are not imams, we are vain, irritating each other, envious of each other, for this sake of our gift we are divided not into peace and salvation, but into enmity and condemnation.

    Moreover, we fall to you, the saint of God, overwhelmed by discord, and in contrition of heart we ask: with your prayers drive away from our hearts all pride and envy that divides us, so that in many places there will be one church body, so that, according to your prayerful words, we will love each other and with one mind we confess the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    Healthy. Before anyone good deed Be sure to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, as the First among saints. Her intercession will certainly bring success in any godly endeavor.

    Christians experienced in prayer will advise you to read the prayer of the Mother of God in front of the “Quick to Hear” icon in everyday difficulties and problems at work. The icon received this name for quick help, served to believers.

    How else can you pray for help in your work:

    After a working day or at the end of work, passing an exam, project, report, you should definitely thank God and the saints who were addressed the day before. Gratitude is the key to God’s acceptance of future prayers.

    Watch a video about praying for good luck in business

The Holy Fathers taught the Orthodox to spend less time on empty conversations with each other, and more time on conversations with God. Reading Holy Scripture, repetition of holy words cleanses from sins and leads to salvation. This applies to all areas of life. Prayer before work gives God's blessing, makes a person more collected, and makes work more effective.

Who to turn to for prayer before going to work

The Lord builds us up in faith through the Holy Spirit. It is customary to call upon him before starting work - no matter what it is. Of course, the deed should not violate the commandments. Otherwise, turning to higher powers will be sacrilege. The prayer before starting work can be very short: “Lord, bless!” It's enough. But if there is time, it will not be superfluous to pronounce the appeal to the Holy Spirit in full.

  • It is appropriate to remember here the Guardian Angel, because he was sent to a person to be near him constantly. Helps not only during spiritual work, but also in Everyday life, of which there are many examples in history.
  • The Most Holy Theotokos is the patroness of every believer. She is, perhaps, the first person the Orthodox remember among the saints. Since Mary was modest and worked hard in her earthly life, the prayer before work may well be addressed to her.
  • The Wonderworker Nicholas is one of the most famous saints in the whole world, revered even by representatives of non-Christian religions. He was a simple-minded man, although he held a high church position. Contacting him will help in any matter.

You can choose any other righteous person, but you should never forget Christ. After all, by His power the saints help people; they are not magicians, but conductors of God’s grace. If you don’t remember the prayer by heart, don’t worry, contact heavenly patron from the heart.

Text of prayer before going to work

“Bless me, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall down in Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, in You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen."

What makes words powerful?

In order for prayer before work to bring good luck, you must follow some rules.

  • You need to turn to God regularly. This is the only way to establish a habit and receive an effective blessing.
  • At least some of the prayers must be memorized. It's not as difficult as it seems. To remember better, you need to understand the meaning.
  • Requests to higher powers will not be meaningful if a person does not understand the words he speaks. Take the interpretation, translation into Russian. Dedicate half an hour to reading them and understanding the essence. Neither God nor the Christian himself needs mechanical pronunciation.

If a believer is only at the beginning of his path, experienced fathers advise him to pronounce the holy words in a low voice. This makes it much easier to concentrate. During the process of prayer, one should not expect miracles or a state of euphoria. These are sensations that are far from Orthodox teaching. The main thing is to drive irritation and resentment out of your heart. Having said a prayer, you should proceed to business with a calm soul.

Prayer before starting difficult work

“Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls. Bless, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall down in Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, in You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen."

Prayers for finding a job

IN modern world Employment has become a difficult, tedious process that is fraught with many stresses. Even professionals feel insecure. Many people read prayers before a job interview, this is correct. This an important event cannot do without blessings from above. The Lord wants us to work righteously, benefit ourselves and society, and take care of loved ones. Work is part of the world order, so God will definitely support and guide you.

It can also be difficult to join a new team - new environment, responsibilities, leadership. Prayer before going to work will help you calm down and gather your strength. Think - if the Lord is with you, then not a single person can do anything bad! We must trust the Creator more, asking that everything be arranged according to His will. Any matter can be resolved peacefully. Any place can be a blessing if you position yourself correctly. It is important to maintain a balanced state.

If you turn to the Lord often, you can receive great spiritual help; success in earthly affairs will accompany the believer. At the end of your work, you should definitely say words of gratitude - after all, people are alive thanks to the fact that God wishes them well and helps them! Gratitude will bring to the heart the feeling that man is God's beloved creation.

Text of prayer to Saint Tryphon for job search

“O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, hear our prayer now and at every hour, servant of God (names), and intercede for us before the Lord. You once healed the princess’s daughter, who was tormented by the devil in the city of Rome: save us from his cruel wiles all the days of our life, especially on the last day
intercede for us from our dying breath. Pray to the Lord, that we may also be worthy to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, so that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever.”

Prayer before work for good luck and success in business was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

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