Signs before the exam. The most successful signs before the exam

Tips for students to successfully pass exams

We will tell you what signs exist for students and how to use these signs correctly so as not to harm yourself.

In the student environment, there are a huge number of all kinds of signs and rituals. The vast majority of them are related to the situation of passing exams - and it is not surprising, because the session is the culmination of the whole half-year student life, an intense dramatic experience associated with the “struggle for assessment”, and the arrival of the session is inexorable, like the change of seasons. Regardless of whether you are an excellent student or an eternal C student, whether you are passing your first session or your tenth, each exam is always an event. Before the exam, you feel great excitement, a certain tension, you mentally evaluate the degree of your knowledge and ignorance, you think about which ticket you will get. No matter how much you study, you always know something better, something worse - hence the lack of complete confidence in your knowledge, although you try not to show it. It’s only later, when you pull out the ticket, all emotions go away and clear, concentrated work of thought begins. If, of course, you were preparing for the exam, and your thoughts have something to work on.

Students have had signs for a long time, and some of them date back several centuries of their history and come directly from the cheerful medieval student-vagant.

When preparing for an exam, it is strictly forbidden to leave books and notes open, so that what has already been read is not forgotten. In general, you need to close the book every time, thereby symbolically “locking” the knowledge in your head. If you still decide to sleep the night before the exam, then this also needs to be done correctly. The surest remedy in this case is to put lecture notes or a textbook on the course that you will take in the morning under your pillow. It is believed that in this case the study of the subject does not stop, so to speak, neither day nor night. Although there is another version of this sign - exactly the opposite. It is believed that before going to bed the night before an exam, it is necessary to close and put away all written materials that were used in preparation - textbooks, lectures, manuals, etc.

And there is another good tradition: before leaving home for an exam, sit down on the path, placing a textbook or notebook with lectures under you.

But with wishes of good luck and no feathers you need to be extremely careful. Despite the general opinion that this happy wishes, they help some, and, on the contrary, harm others. There have been cases when, during a completely trivial exam or test, anything happened - and all because someone readily wished “no fluff.” It should still be remembered that this wish was born in an attempt to deceive evil spirits so that the hunter would return to his tribe with rich prey, but the wish itself remained the same and literally means “to return to you empty-handed.” So, it’s better to limit yourself to neutral wishes of good luck - this helps almost everyone who taught, of course. And one more rule - you need to wish sincerely, then luck will certainly accompany the wish itself.

Some students ask their family or friends scold them during the exam- This is also an excellent magical remedy that helps when passing the exam. How did it come about? The same fear of the evil eye gave rise to the belief that the one who is scolded will not be affected by the evil eye, and therefore will achieve the best results. It seems so simple, but nevertheless millions of students and applicants believe in this sign. But there is a clear rule: when scolding, you should never call a person a fool, a dumbass, a fool- after all, we are talking about an exam. As for the rest, you don’t have to be shy in your expressions, the main thing is that others don’t hear.

There is also a popular rule among students preparing for an important exam: do not wash your hair the day before the exam. It is believed that in this way you can “wash” all acquired knowledge from your head.

And here is another common sign among students, popular since pre-revolutionary times. It concerns the so-called “lucky nickel,” which is a five-ruble coin placed in the right shoe. You only need to go to the exam in these lucky shoes. Some people, on the way to the exam, also perform a mandatory ritual: if they meet a pregnant woman on the way, then this is good luck. You just need to ask her for the ticket number! Well, this sign, as they say, is completely “beard” and goes back to Neolithic times, when a pregnant woman was considered a symbol of abundance and well-being. In general, continuity of generations is observed in its pure form.

Famous catching freebies- an indispensable part of student folklore, and even if you know the subject perfectly and are generally confident in going to the honors diploma - still, at least once take part in catching freebies, so that you have something to remember later. This is done simply: on the eve of the exam, lecture notes or even the test book itself are stuck out of the window, and the student loudly shouts: “Freebie, come here!” or “Freebie, get caught!” Immediately after this, you need to tightly close your notebooks or record book and not open them until the exam itself, so that the freebie does not disappear. Some particularly distrustful students lure her in additionally by carrying candy in their pockets for freebies. Moreover, sweets must be expensive - the subject of bargaining is serious.

Another rule that is firmly followed by students is: don't take exams in new things, who have never dressed. It is much better to go to the exam in an old, time-tested, happy thing. At first glance, this is an ordinary superstition, but if the clothes are new, some particularly suspicious students are distracted by how they look in them, and besides, if they are also uncomfortable, then it’s only a matter of taking an exam, which they successfully fail.

And there is another sign, also quite old - to cross the threshold of the examination hall with your right foot, pull the ticket with your right hand, and try to start everything with right hand or legs to devilry couldn't do any harm.

In general, there are many beliefs and beliefs, and almost all of them are observed by students at the next session - after all, this not only promises successful passing of the exam, but also just fun.

During the exam period, many students try to be fully prepared: they prepare cheat sheets, cram the material and, of course, observe signs and rituals for successfully passing the exam, and stock up on a whole set of talismans. It is about signs, superstitions and lucky talismans for studying that we will talk about.

Is there any benefit to using all these magic tricks before taking an exam? Of course there is! By observing customs and traditions that have developed over centuries, students prepare themselves for positive emotions. Gaining support higher powers, they are more confident. In this case, the chances of success increase. Here are the most common signs of good luck during the session:

Before the exam, you should not wash your hair, cut your hair, cut your nails or shave. Everything learned can be forgotten.

You must appear for exams in the same clothes. For example, if the first exam is passed well, then for the second you need to wear the same clothes, since they are already charged with the energy of success.

Exactly at midnight before the exam, you need to go out onto the balcony or look out the window, wave your record book and shout three times: “freebie, get caught.” After this, the record book must be slammed shut, tied with a red ribbon and not opened until the exam. After completing this ritual, the easiest ticket comes across.

Attracting freebies is achieved in another equally interesting way. In order for the exam to pass easily, you need to sprinkle bread crumbs on the required page of the record book, or smear it with alcohol. Thus, the freebie will smell the bait and look into your record book.

To master the material, many students place their notes and textbooks under their pillow before going to bed so that all knowledge is transferred in their sleep.

In the morning before the exam, you need to stand on your left foot. On the same foot, you need to leave the house and enter the classroom.

You also need to pull the ticket with your left hand. In order to draw an easy ticket, you can count out a specific number of tickets. The numbers 3, 5, 7 and 9 are considered lucky. Many people count the 13th ticket.

There is a belief that if you rub your hands with something sticky before the exam, for example, honey or jam, then the ticket that you know well will stick to you.

To successfully pass the exam, you need to hold on to an excellent student who has already passed the exam for a couple of seconds.

On the way to the exam, you need to pay attention to the people you meet. If you get a man, it means good luck, if you get a woman, it means failure. A pregnant woman meets halfway - the exam will be passed successfully. If the first person you meet is a policeman or a homeless person, expect trouble from the teacher.

In order for the teacher to lose vigilance during the exam, you need to put your left shoe on right leg, and right to left.

There are many talismans that attract good luck in the exam. To attract Fortune, you can put a nickel in your left shoe. The essence of this talisman is probably that the metal affects certain points on the foot and, thereby, enhances intuition.

In order not to forget everything you have learned and to use your knowledge correctly during the exam, you need to take with you a talisman in the form of an owl or a snake. Since ancient times, these animals have been considered symbols of wisdom, intelligence and intelligence.

A string or thread tied with nine knots on the left hand attracts good luck in the exam. Knots have been considered since ancient times powerful amulet and contributed to the concentration of positive energy.

There are many other signs and rituals for passing exams. When using signs and talismans, do not forget that all this is just a means to increase self-confidence and get rid of fear. If there really is nothing in your head, then any magic will be powerless.

What signs helped you pass exams? We are waiting for your comments! And if you click on , the session will go perfectly!

29.10.2013 16:09

There is a belief that if you find a four-leaf clover, you will find happiness and good luck in everything. Just find him...

| Denis Ivanov | 5246

Any student is afraid and afraid of exams, even if he is the most literate and intelligent, because during the exam the most foolish man may ask much more than the smartest person can answer.

Sessions for students and exams for applicants are a very difficult time when you have to be nervous and worried a lot, sleep little and constantly prepare for the upcoming tests. Everyone wants to pass all exams with a high score, so in addition to re-reading and memorizing notes, many count on signs that will help them not fail the exam.

In addition to cheat sheets and studied material before and during the session, many students perform special rituals that they believe will help them pass exams. They adhere to various signs and perform actions that in normal times may even seem a little strange. But what won’t you do for a good grade?

Signs before the exam

Signs of students- this is the connection of any phenomenon with whether the exams will be successfully passed. For students great amount superstitions and will. Some believe in some of them, some in others, but, one way or another, the vast majority of students resort to interpretation of signs during the session. There are the following signs before the exam:

You cannot cut your hair, shave your beard, or wash your hair before the exam, since you will certainly forget everything you have learned;

On the night before the exam, you need to lean out of the window with a record book in your hands and shout “Freebie, come!” several times. It is believed that the stronger and louder you shout, the greater the opportunity to catch a freebie and pass the session with flying colors;

You need to turn all the chairs in the house upside down. This omen is believed to bring good luck;

On the way to the university on transport, do not skimp and pay for the fare. Your generosity and conscientiousness are also a good sign for a student;

Tell all your loved ones what time your exam is and ask them to scold you during this time. This is done in order to confuse the evil forces and not allow them to scare away good luck from the student;

If on the way to an educational institution you meet a pregnant woman, consider yourself lucky and the exam will be successful. But a meeting with a policeman or fireman does not bode well, and you will have to work hard to get a positive mark;

On the morning of the exam, before you get out of bed, make sure that you touch the floor first. left leg, as this will also bring good luck and luck in the exam;

During the exam, pull the ticket with your left hand. Then be sure to pull out what you know.

Unusual student signs

Signs of students very varied and may differ in minor details from one populated areas, however, in general they are similar for all students. But among them there are some that cause bewilderment or a smile among others.

You must come to all exams in the same clothes, without washing them between them;

Pull the ticket while standing on your left leg and closing your right eye;

Enter the audience with your back;

During preparation, do not leave textbooks and notebooks open, otherwise you risk forgetting what you have learned;

Do not look at the grade book, do not even open it;

Before going to the exam, sit down to study to strengthen your memory;

Do not step on manhole covers on the way to the exam.

Thus, student signs are very diverse and sometimes it is absolutely not clear how they can help pass exams. But in addition to signs, there are also special rituals that also help to ensure that luck does not turn away during exam tests.

Rituals before exams

These rituals require a lot of preparation and planning. They can be used not only for passing the session, but also for other purposes: . Make a wish to take an exam or test while sitting between two people who have the same name;

Go to the monument (preferably close to educational institution) and rub his nose;

Place your textbook under your pillow the night before the exam. It is believed that when you wake up, your knowledge will be much stronger;

Don't forget to prepare a talisman and take it with you to the exam. This could be a randomly received ticket from the bus with fives, or a token from the wardrobe. Or maybe it’s some kind of thing that makes you feel more confident.

So, exams are a very difficult and psychologically difficult thing, no matter how confident you are in yourself and your abilities. Even though you may know a lot and be prepared for the exam, every student has a certain amount of uncertainty. Then everyone resorts to rituals and observance of signs, thereby hoping to attract luck to their side and pass exams well.

Signs may change from year to year, but the belief in an excellent grade remains!

Experts' opinion

Golovin Nikolay, chairman of the primary trade union organization of students:

– Student years not only give you knowledge, but also teach you to believe in miracles. A session for a student is like a parachute jump: there is a sea of ​​adrenaline, the mood of the teachers is changeable like the wind and most importantly, some people land “excellent” the first time, some are helped by a “reserve parachute”, and some have to continue flying with diploma of incomplete education.

Students, no less than paratroopers, believe in omens before their “session flight.” This includes putting a mountain of textbooks under your pillow to help you remember it better! Eat plenty of chocolate to keep your head working! At midnight, shout out the window three (three hundred and thirty-three) times: “Freebie Come!”

And lastly in the morning, before leaving, put a five-ruble coin in your shoes so that you can pass with an excellent mark!

I sincerely wish to all students that the signs will help them to pass the exam perfectly, but still, “rely on the signs, but don’t make a mistake yourself”! Prepare for exams in advance and rely only on your own strengths!

Victoria Verina, 4th year student of the faculty foreign languages :

– Signs and superstitions in exams are good topic. It would seem that the older we get, the less we should worry about such things, like experience and everything else. But it’s not so simple, even now, being in the 4th year, most students have their own special rituals. I won’t talk about the banal ones, I’d rather mention the funny ones;-) For example, in the first 2 years one of my classmates always wore a loaf of bread to the exam white bread, so what, after the active brain activity You'll definitely want to have a snack.

I myself listen to music in the language that I have to take, for example, German.

Another classmate carries bug-eyed plush toys with her in her backpack; she started with one and now has three.

Signs may change from year to year, but the belief in an excellent grade remains!

Students are people whose lives are unimaginable without signs, because otherwise they would have much less fun living. And it is clear that most often these signs are associated with the most stressful time in a student’s entire life - the session.

There is even something like a joke: if you enter the classroom and they ask you to pull out a ticket, then most likely you are in an exam.

But when you have a student card in your pocket and the session is yet to come, then there is little funny. It comes to the point of real heated debate about which student signs are best to follow in order to pass the upcoming session as bloodlessly as possible, in terms of losses in the record book and in the eyes of the teaching staff.

Clothes, underwear and the smartest person - as a guarantee of good luck

There are, for example, people who are convinced that they should go to the exam exclusively in new clothes, or at least in one that had not been worn for a very long time. And there are those who believe that the exam is such a special time when you only need to dress in what you wore while you were preparing for the session, since this shirt or trousers absorbed knowledge along with you.

There is even a sign that says that you need to wear new underwear for the session, although it is categorically unclear how such a belief is justified.

There are also student signs that are based solely on a competent queuing strategy. For example, in almost any group there is a person who is able to pass the exam with an A, simply because it does not and cannot be otherwise. An object is being prepared for this person. For example, a fenka made of beads. This item is declared the greatest treasure and is treasured like the apple of one's eye.

At the time of passing the exam, the smartest and most capable goes first into the audience, and before entering the room he is given a lucky talisman so that he, so to speak, charges it for good luck. When a person leaves the examination room, he passes this amulet to the next one, and that one to the next one, and so on.

Hunting for freebies and other attempts to pass “thank you”

It’s clear that you won’t be satisfied with baubles alone, and besides, it looks and feels far less spectacular than catching, for example, freebies. This ritual was performed, it seems, by our grandparents, because this sign is considered the most the right way get a good grade.

The recipe is known, if not to everyone, then to many. On the day before the exam, you need to open the window (exactly at midnight), lean out further out the window, always with an open record book in your hands, and then scream loudly: “Get caught, freebie!!”

Another thing is that you are not the only one so smart, and at midnight a lot of windows will swing open, but there are not so many freebies in the world. And it will end much faster than all those suffering will catch it.

How to lure her specifically to your record book?

Yes, everything is very simple, you need not only to scream, but also to offer the mythical creature something more material. For example delicious cookies. It is placed in a plastic bag, which, after shouting three times asking for a freebie to appear, is used to catch this animal and quickly tie the bag.

And how can you use your newfound loot later? There is also nothing complicated: when you come to the exam, you need to quietly smuggle the bag with you, and then just as quietly untie it. The freebie will be free and begin to fulfill his immediate duties. Some students so sincerely believe in the effectiveness of this method before the exam that they even manage to graduate from university with honors. What is curious: some, having caught a freebie, forget to release it, and as a result they receive not five or ten points, but less.

A nickel in a shoe and left-hand side: everything is on the altar of luck

A classic example of a student's sign during a session is a spot in a shoe. We are talking about a coin worth five rubles. Although, for example, in Belarus such a sign will not work, since there are no such coins there, but they can be replaced with fifty, since this is also not very large money.

By the way, a coin under the heel is quite an international sign. It is known that back in the fifties of the last century in America, students had the same superstitions - they put pennies in their shoes before going to “give up.” And naturally, it wouldn’t be America if the story didn’t have a continuation.

Entrepreneurs, having learned about the passion of freebie hunters, even began to produce special... shoes.

They had a pocket in the tongue, and these shoes were called “penny loafers.” By the way, this model has still not lost its relevance, since students love such superstitions before and during the session.

And the left side for students is the same as very true friend. Many people simply become left-handed on exam day, but they don’t engage in shoeing fleas, but start doing everything the left-handed way. They stand up on their left foot, brush their teeth and comb their hair with their left hand. They close the door, hold the mug... In general, it’s clear.

Naturally, they enter the bus, the classroom, and the university building itself with their left foot. Standing on your left leg, pull the ticket, and naturally with your left hand. True, problems begin when people begin to prepare for an answer - not everyone knows how to write with their left hand. But until this moment, people really do everything according to the rule, and sincerely hope that such behavior will bring them good luck.

There is even a logical explanation for such a strange sign. The fact is that it is on the left side that a person has a heart, and the heart is what feels, not thinks. There are even a number of students who are very hard on themselves on exam day, they sign left hand, and the right one is generally put in a pocket or fixed in some way so as not to accidentally use it. In general, being a student is difficult, but no less interesting.

Is the ban on washing and shaving good luck?

It is unknown who and when, and most importantly - why, came up with a sign that prohibits a student from washing, cutting his hair, or shaving before a session (or at least before an exam). But many are confident that the knowledge they so diligently accumulated can be washed away. Of course, this is rather stupid, because many students do not observe such a sign at all, and wash themselves, dressing in everything new, going to the exam. And they sell it perfectly.

But there is also a clarification that says that students who are going to take the exact hands test cannot wash only the left half of the body.

And accordingly, humanitarians are not allowed to wash the right one, although it is not very clear how one can wash only half of oneself, not to mention cutting or shaving.

Regardless of which particular sign or several at once you decide to use, never tell others about it. Otherwise, you risk reducing the effect of a lucky bauble or freebie in a bag to nothing. Miracles do not like to be told about them ahead of time.

Video: Signs for students

It is probably difficult to find a student in Russia who does not know about the existence of Student Day and does not celebrate this holiday on January 25.
Let's remember some superstitions and signs that students use to successfully pass exams:
Exams are perhaps the richest period in a person’s life for superstitions. The most famous signs are related, oddly enough, to personal hygiene. Students are not recommended to wash (especially their hair), shave, or cut their nails (and, again, their hair). This sign also has a “scientific” explanation: the teacher may not recognize you in your new guise and will not believe that you sat in on his lectures. You cannot change your clothes (that is, it is believed that if some clothes brought good luck in the first exam, you should dress the same for the entire session, and washing your suit is highly not recommended).
You can't read notes while eating. This is how you “jam your memory.”

In addition to “lucky” clothes, students use a wide variety of talismans. Someone puts a “nickel” under the heel (the number 5 is considered magical). The nickel should be “Soviet” and not modern; the current nickels are too small and can get lost in shoes, or, worse, fall out along the way. Someone takes with them a talisman, a toy, a pen, or a keychain.
You can't come back after you've left the house. If you do return, you need to look in the mirror and stick your tongue out at yourself.
Another layer of student signs is associated not with luck, but with freebies. It is believed that freebies can be lured and caught. To do this, many generations of students have been leaning out of windows at midnight, opening their books to all the winds and shouting in scary voices: “Get caught, freebie, big and small!” Then the record book is slammed shut like a trap, tied with thread and carefully stored until the exam. During the entire exam, a relative or loved one should hold their right ear with their left hand.

I really want to attract luck and knowledge in a dream. For this purpose, students sleep on notes, tickets and textbooks (put them under the pillow). If you put a textbook (or notes) under your pillow the night before an exam, the material itself will penetrate your head, so to speak, “by diffusion.”
When preparing for an exam, you should not leave your notes and books open so that what you have already learned does not “dissipate.”
Many signs describe rituals of behavior directly on the day of the exam. Which foot to stand on? Don’t forget that you should get out of bed in the morning, leave the house, and enter the trolleybus with your left foot.

Before an exam, some students tie a lace on their wrist “for luck” or a knot “for memory.”

It is important to know how to cross the threshold of the audience, which hand to pull the ticket with (here opinions differ radically), what to hold on to when choosing a ticket (options from a tree to an excellent student), what to eat or drink before the exam, and the like. Before letting a friend go into the classroom to take an exam, the rest of the students kiss him on the nose “for good luck.”
In the classroom, it is better to choose the most attractive corner or edge of the table and take a ticket from this place for all exams, using your “lucky” hand.
