Russian folk superstitions - good and bad. Signs about evil spirits. Signs and superstitions associated with cars

People have always believed in omens. Many of them have been transformed to meet the realities of the modern world, and some have been formed recently. Knowing about them, you can protect yourself from problems.

Signs and superstitions have always been passed down from generation to generation. Of course, many were just fiction, but knowing most of them more than once helped people protect themselves from serious trouble. Now we know perfectly well that you cannot cross the road that was crossed by a black cat, you should avoid serious decisions on Friday the 13th, and for the journey to be safe, you should "sit down on the path" before leaving home. These signs are time-tested, and in order to ward off trouble from themselves, people strictly follow them. In the modern world, there is still room for important superstitions, and their number is increasing every year. Indeed, many things and events happen in a person's life, and, as it turns out, many of them are omens. The site experts offer you a list of the most famous modern signs, having learned which, you can protect yourself from danger, or, conversely, prepare for a pleasant event that should happen in your life.

Signs and superstitions associated with cars

There are many things happening every day, and some of them don't just happen. With the advent of cars in our life, many superstitions associated with them have formed. Most often, we do not realize that even a passing car of a certain color can be an important sign that warns us of the future.

Many drivers, probably, more than once had to give a lift to fellow travelers whom they accidentally saw on the road and decided to help them get to their destination. However, be attentive to the person you decide to let into your car. It is believed that if the companion is a woman, then your spouse or spouse is not faithful to you, and if the companion is a man, then soon you will come across someone who is trying to destroy your family.

There are many legends and speculations about the number 13, and most of them are negative. Few people know that this figure can bring not only misfortune, but also, vice versa, good luck. If you accidentally saw the number 13 in the license plate of a car passing by, it means that soon you will be successful both in work and in love affairs.

If during the rain you have even a minor accident, this means that difficulties await you soon and you should protect yourself. Knowing how to avoid accidents according to the Zodiac Sign, you can protect yourself from danger and keep your vehicle intact.

Signs and superstitions associated with ballpoint pens

Probably everyone has to write something down at least once a day. Of course, in this case, you cannot do without the use of a ballpoint pen. Despite its relatively recent appearance in our life, many signs associated with it have formed over several decades.

If you are given a document to sign, you should pay attention to which hand the pen will be given to you. Left - they are trying to deceive you. Right - financial success expected.

If you need to purchase a pen at the beginning of any month, it means that a new stage of life awaits you soon. Most often this is due to a promotion or salary increase.

Negative attitudes around you can build up negative energy around you. Most often this happens at work, especially if your team is not very friendly. In this case, troubles begin to happen more and more often, and everything literally falls out of hand. If your pen is leaking at your workplace, it means that colleagues are plotting against you.

Signs and superstitions about the Internet

After the Internet entered our lives, not a single day is complete without using it. Of course, based on the observations of active network users, new superstitions associated with this system have appeared. It is believed that in the modern world it is in this way that we receive many important signs.

If you happen to stumble upon a religious site while looking for information you are looking for, this is a bad omen. Believers believe that in this way the Saints warn you of future problems in life.

If you mixed up your e-mail address while sending the letter, it means that soon a new casual acquaintance awaits you.

Traveling through numerous sites in search of the necessary information, you can try for a very long time to find what you need, but never find it. It turns out that even this is a definite sign. Prepare for a long and useless trip ahead of you.

Surely many of you do not attach much importance to the image on your computer desktop and rarely clean your memory of unnecessary files. In recent years, the computer and the network have become an inseparable part of our life. Like your apartment, it also has its own brownie, users gave it the name "homovoy". It is believed that if your device begins to constantly freeze or turn off on its own for no reason, then the little guardian of your computer begins to dislike something. In this case, changing the background image will help calm him down.

Modern signs for every day

Every day we go about our daily activities: visit work, go shopping. Even our purchases can become a sign warning us of something important, and meeting with a neighbor can take away from trouble.

Very often we do not pay attention to what people passing by are wearing. However, even this plays an important role, and a person's costume can also become a harbinger of events. Velvet has always been considered one of the most expensive materials. It symbolizes luxury and was previously only available to very wealthy people. If in the morning you go outside and meet a person in velvet clothes, it means that soon too arrogant person will appear in your life. Therefore, be careful and try to avoid new acquaintances in the near future.

When you visit your friends, pay attention to the flower vase. If it is empty, it means that soon your friendship may end, if there is a beautiful bouquet in it, the owners love and appreciate you very much, and if the vase was broken before your arrival, then soon there will be a serious quarrel between you.

It is believed that some minor setbacks in our lives portend major problems. If you accidentally slip in the bathroom, be prepared for the fact that your financial situation will soon deteriorate significantly. And if, while taking a bath, you see rusty water, a sign promises health problems.

In the modern world, people have become more skeptical about superstitions, and if signs come true, then they consider it a common coincidence. However, it was not for nothing that our ancestors attached such importance to them, and some

No signs and no move. Not to notice and not to give

This is what folk wisdom says. And the word itself “ omen”Comes from the word“ note ”, ie observe. As a result of observing what is happening around a person, he accumulates life experience. This knowledge was passed down from generation to generation and was carefully preserved and the people trusted them as a sacred book.

Many signs have come down to us from time immemorial without losing their knowledge.

Each of us is free to choose: dismiss all this as an absurd superstition or take a closer look at the signs and take more seriously the centuries-old experience of generations. Most of us, passing the exams, ask them to scold them, boasting of some kind of luck or luck, spit so as not to jinx or knock on a tree, go around if a black cat crossed the road, we are afraid of the number 13 and much more. And who among us does not have lucky things, numbers? Who at least once in his life has not resorted to the help of fate, who did not believe in secrets?

As if everything that is associated with signs is embedded somewhere deep in our subconscious. We often remember them mechanically, unconsciously, or just as a joke. But, undoubtedly, signs conceal a lot of accurate knowledge and practical wisdom of our ancestors. They cover all characteristic, often subtle natural phenomena.

A lot of things that were in the old folk holidays and customs have been preserved in the signs, they help to foresee the weather, to grow the harvest.

In addition to all this, in the signs there is a unique poetry, in which the mind, heart, horizons of the Russian person, his way of life, originality and uniqueness are revealed. In the preservation and observance of Russian traditions associated with signs, I see not only practical benefits for the life and everyday life of a modern person, but also the salvation of his cultural heritage.

We know many signs that he considers Russian. All this is correct, but not all of them arose in Russia. Many of them have remained since ancient times, as a legacy that influenced our ancestors in some way, peoples with whom, willingly or unwillingly, the Russian people had to draw closer and exchange customs.

Even some old books were called black in Russia and were not of Russian origin. For example astronomy, astrology works of the West. Still exist signs similar to Roman ones. These include healthiness when sneezing, ringing in the ears, spilling salt on the table, etc. All this is identical with the old Roman customs.

I think it makes sense to start a story about signs from a human dwelling. After all, a home is the most basic refuge and shelter, the most sacred and dear thing that every person has in life.

Undoubtedly, the one who builds and ennobles a house is also the owner in it, but even here one cannot do without an otherworldly force that shows kindness to the owner and evil to his ill-wishers, in other words, faithfully and faithfully protects the home and is a true owner and even a member of the family. This is about all of us known from childhood. He was also called a homely owner, a neighbor, a homebody. Where exactly the brownie lives is unknown, but it can take the form of some kind of animal. Sometimes the brownie was seen in the guise of a little man with unusually thick arms and legs, all covered in wool.

Exists belief that the cat is a relative of the brownie and notices him when he is away on business. That is why the peasant, when starting a kitten, chooses it carefully, choosing such a suit that matches the color of the owner's hair. If the cat ran away, then the brownie did not love her.

The brownie can be mischievous: to lick the hair on the head of a sleeping person, after which "tangles" are formed, to nag the dishes to hide things. Such leprosy is disposed of with a linden stick or the like.

It is believed that the brownie becomes visible before the approaching disaster. And sometimes it falls on the owner at night and begins to choke. For salvation, one must fool around or read a prayer. By what the appearance of the brownie is, they judge the wealth in the house. If the paw is bare, this is poverty. He usually "piles up" to changes in life.

If you want to live amicably with your brownies, then on the first day of each month put a bowl of milk behind the stove or in some other place and do not forget to leave treats for him on holidays, and on Fedora's day, when he sits under a broom, you should not sweep the floor and throw away the trash so as not to throw away the brownie. In, which will be discussed later, opposite July 8, according to the new style, there are such words "on Fedora's day, do not sweep the litter out of the hut."

The brownie has a housewife's wife or housewife. She can cry bitterly at night for trouble. And also, the brownie and the housewife have many sisters and brothers living in and around the house. This is a courtyard, and a receiver, and a pantry, and a barn, and a field, and a haystack, and a barn, and beech, and a bathhouse, and anchutka, and a barn, etc.

Where did all these spirits come from, an ancient legend will tell us. It tells that the first people, Adam and Eve, after their fall, had children who were so ugly that they could neither say in a fairy tale nor describe with a pen. Adam wanted to drown them in the Euphrates River, Eve blunted for her children and begged her husband not to kill them, but to hide them so that no living soul could see them. Since then, all these children are scattered all over the world. They hide from people, and only occasionally they appear and slowly do all sorts of dirty tricks. But if a person treats them well and takes into account their presence, then they help them.

There are so many of these spirits and they are all very interesting, so you can talk about them for a very long time. It is not without reason that both the goblin and the waterman and the kikimora and the mermaid became heroes of Russian folk tales, and such characters as babai and buka are also present in modern children's poems and stories. They frightened and now scare naughty children and it would be very good if this had such a continuation in the future.

Probably, we spend a good half of our life at home. Therefore, there are many signs associated with household chores and objects.

A very important action in Russia has always been the construction of a new house. The well-being of the inhabitants of the new house, and even their very life, depended on the observance and knowledge of many subtleties.

“Laying the foundation for a new house, erecting walls, roofs, finishing the house, moving to a new place, to a newly built house, a housewarming party - all this was accompanied by various rituals. The builders and owners of the house have never neglected folk signs, beliefs ”(“ Signs for every day ”collection, compiled by O. Terpakova)

By believe the builders are laying the house on someone's head and the one on whom the house is laid will soon die. Conscientious craftsmen laid the house on the head of a cat or mouse. If you do not lay on someone's head, then death awaits them. It was believed that while the house was being built, the owner would not die, but after 50 years, it was impossible to start building a new house, otherwise an early death would await. In the corners, and in the cracks of the house, combed or cut human hair or nails were plugged so that the house would stand longer. A live tree was planted in the middle of the log house or a green branch was added to make the house stand longer. All these and many other signs have been observed by people since antiquity during the construction of dwellings.

Before the housewarming, a black rooster or hen was allowed into the house and left overnight. On the second night, a black cat or a black cat was allowed in. And only on the third night the owners themselves entered the new dwelling. It was believed that the one who first went to the new house would die first, the same fate awaited the one who was the first to fall asleep on the first night. When moving to a new house, it was necessary to quickly arrange a holiday, to scare away the evil and to lure cheerful spirits. From here, housewarming began to spread.

Turning to folk signs, we can see that even such a simple household thing as a broom has its own mystery, and sweeping in a hut is a real magical effect. Sometimes one has to wonder how accurately the people noticed the connection between the material world and the subtle world at the most ordinary, everyday level.

There are many signs associated with household items. Do you know that a broom standing with a broom upward scares away evil spirits, and a suddenly creaking door promises misfortune, a curtain has torn to be a quarrel between friends, an icon falls to death, if indoor flowers grow well - to be in the family of the world, fading promise unrest in the house, soap bosom saves from damage, you cannot throw garbage through the window, pour out slops - there is a guardian angel under the window. One should not spit in the stove fire - blisters will jump on the tongue, if a girl likes to sit on the windowsill - she will not see her marriage as her own ears, the keys placed on the table do not bode well, the stopped clock will mean a change in life, but the one that has fallen from the hanger a fur coat - to a major quarrel in the family. I think that's all, this is not known to many.

But the most interesting object in my opinion is the mirror. The mirror has long been considered one of the mysteries of human life. According to Old Believers, a mirror in the house is a sin
And if you already have it, then leaving the house should look into it, as if giving instructions to your double to guard the house.

Everyone knows from childhood that a broken mirror promises misfortune. And if this happened, then it is inappropriate to bury the fragments in the ground so that the devil does not look into them.

When there is a deceased in the house, all mirrors should be curtained so that the soul does not get lost in the mirror maze.
Newborns try to walk past any mirror to avoid the evil eye. You cannot give a mirror. During menstruation, it is better for a woman not to look in the mirror - she will see her death.
After guests leave, wipe the mirror with a damp sponge.

It is good if the mirror hangs opposite the front door, because it reflects all the evil that wants to enter the house.

Many signs are associated with activities in the house.
For example, washing a woman's clothes in the rain or leaving it to dry overnight to lose male love. Lending money on Sunday will never get it back.

Popular wisdom will apply to cooking and the arrival of guests and behavior at the table.

Cut bread by weight, click hunger. If bubbles float on the surface in a cup of tea for money. In order for the omen to come true, you need to collect the bubbles in a spoon and pour it onto your head. The apple has fallen from the table - the goblin will come, etc.

Many signs are associated with insects that can be found in the house.
For example, red cockroaches - to sadness, black to a gift. Unfortunately, the rats in the house, and the fly that appeared in the winter - to the deceased.

Of course, not all the signs associated with housing and objects are given here. Probably, I missed something equally interesting and important. But there are cheerful books in which all the customs, rituals, traditions, beliefs of the Russian people are described in great detail. One of these books is The Russian People. Sobr. M. Forgotten.

And I want to continue my story about folk signs, but further we will talk about what is behind the threshold of the house, i.e. about the road, meetings and human behavior in these conditions.

When setting out on a journey, you need to remember that wormwood and verbena promise well-being on the journey, and also protect you from fatigue on the road. You can't sew up something before a long journey, wash your hair, swim. It's not good to step on someone else's trail, but to steal a lighter or a box of matches before a long journey to happiness. If you get lost in the forest, turn the cross from your chest to your back and you will find the way. You cannot walk near the construction site, because the shadow of a person falling on the wall of an unfinished house leads to death.

You need to get into a car or other means of transportation with your right foot, and before that, it is best for all household members to sit down for a minute so that there are no obstacles along the way. To crush the dog to trouble, and if the wheels creak, this is poverty or a quarrel with neighbors. It is better to go on a long journey after the crowing of the roosters and preferably on Tuesday or Saturday, and if it rains, you are guaranteed success. On Friday and Monday, especially if the moon shines on the left side of the departing side, do not expect good luck. If you want to quickly meet with the departing person, then returning to the threshold, you should once again look back at him.

Suppose that we have already hit the road, but on the road we will definitely meet someone. What does this meeting promise us?

A meeting with a priest, a monk and a woman with empty buckets does not bode well.
But met with full buckets or another vessel of water will bring success.
If someone you know asks: "where are you going?" it is better to turn back because the word “where” can cause trouble. You need to ask "Is it going far?"
If a funeral procession is caught on the way, you cannot cross the road, otherwise the illness from which the person died will pass to you. And if you skip the procession, cross the road, something will certainly happen to your legs.
Meeting with the blind - to a fire in the house, and a person crawling across the road portends an extraordinary sight or news.

Very often on the road we are accompanied by any losses or finds.
Finding a nail, button or someone else's handkerchief is not good. And a pin lying on the road with a point towards you indicates that the goat is against you. But a coin with an eagle upward foreshadows happiness, and a girl who loses a hairpin from her hair will soon lose a fan.

If a Russian is going to visit, he always prepared a gift.
When choosing a gift, it was taken into account that giving silver - to tears, and gold - to a successful outcome of the case, but iron - to trouble. Stabbing and cutting objects as a gift could lead to a quarrel. To avoid a quarrel, if you still have to make such a gift, you need to prick the one you are giving in hand or take a copper coin in return. Wallets, bags, boxes and everything that can be filled with something empty should not be given, otherwise life will be empty.
Rings other than wedding rings - to separation, pearls - to tears. Flowers are always given in an odd amount, and if one of the donated flowers breaks, then the one to whom it belongs will face illness or death; you cannot give flowers in pots - they will not grow; stolen flowers last the longest. Giving a handkerchief means tears. Gloves can be given to a woman either by her husband or by a close relative, and taking them from an unfamiliar man means being captured by him. To give candles or candlesticks to the deceased.

If you choke on a visit, then in a year you will again be in this house, rather a visit to the same place promises the clothes pinched in the doorway of someone else's house. To spill a glass at a holiday means soon to be at a party.

There are many signs associated with trade. The first buyer should not be overlooked; there will be no trade; goods that have fallen off the shelf will be sold first; but if you accidentally cheat someone, you will lose three times more money.

Signs associated with the exam are so studied by modern students that it is difficult to find one that would be unknown today. There are also a number of signs for players visiting casinos and gambling houses. They all came to us from the past. It is useful to remember that when playing, regardless of the chosen player, there are ways to attract good luck, the tenth honor of winning should always be given in favor of the poor; otherwise, luck will turn away from the player.

Beliefs and signs in human life

Finally, we come to one of the main sections in which we will talk about the person himself, his fate, life and death, or rather about the signs associated with all this.

In order to determine whether a seriously ill person will live, you need to put celandine on his head. If the patient cries - to death, cries - to recovery. For the same purposes, nettles were placed in the patient's urine. If it turns black, then the person will die. There were many more ways to determine the fate of the patient and get rid of diseases. All these signs are not unnecessary superstitions, but are based on knowledge of traditional medicine and the properties of various plants. This once again confirms the practical wisdom laid down by the people in signs and beliefs. How to remove warts, soothe a toothache, stop hiccups, stop bleeding, cure lichen and much more, folk signs say.

Also, many physiological laws can be gleaned from them, i.e. dependence of a human character on certain facial features. For example, overhanging eyebrows indicate that a person has an evil character, the owner of thin lips is considered by the people to be a cunning and crafty person, while the owner of thick lips is sensual.

Particular attention should be paid to the so-called witches. Almost every village had its own witches.

Of course, many people exaggerate about them, but the fact that there were and exist female people with some characteristics and abilities is a fact. Perhaps they do not fly to the Sabbath on a broom or shovel, but they can bewitch, know conspiracies and successfully induce damage or people.

Among the people, witches even have a classification: they are divided into natural, involuntary, and "educational". Educational witches are girls who sold their souls to the devil i.e. those who received their power from someone voluntarily, not free - received this power from some dying old woman with special qualities, natural ones are those who were born with these abilities. And the fact that witches have certain traits, such as evil eyes and long thick or red hair, a foolish character, etc., is possibly somehow connected with human bioenergetics.

It is known that hair is a conductor of cosmic energy. Believe that this is not a prejudice. After all, it was a woman with her thick long hair that from ancient times was considered the bearer of something mysterious, unearthly, wise and mysterious, to which the path of a strong and domineering man was closed. Maybe evil eyes, which have only 4% of the earth's population, a magical symbol associated with the characteristics of the human biofield.

To discuss this topic, you can delve into the jungle of bioenergetics and thereby move away from our topic. But the fact that witches to whom a lot of signs and fears, legends and fictions are dedicated, exist in reality and do their dark deeds. Such women can be called whatever you like, but the fact that they have a special bioenergetic power remains a fact.

A special place in folk signs, as well as in the life of a Russian person in general, has always been occupied by the family, which means love, wedding, married life and children.

In order for the bridegrooms to marry, according to popular belief, the first person to match is to wash the toes of the shoes with water, then wash their hands with this water and even wash the bride, saying: “A hundred suitors will follow your trail”.

In order to test the purity of the girl, yellow lily stamens were imperceptibly placed in the food. If she is not virgin, then she will fall into a daze. And here, the well-known omen about sitting at a table on the corner says not only that seven years in girls to sit, but also that the groom will be with a corner, i.e. with a house or apartment, as well as that seven years of love is not reciprocal.

And the omen about over-salted food went from salt: as people love salt in food, so would (name) love me - said the woman who poured salt into the food prepared for her beloved. Many girls even nowadays guess on a chamomile, saying: “loves, does not love, spits, kisses, presses to the heart, sends them to hell, names them, erases them into powder - on which word the last petal remains, it will come true”.

Very diverse and numerous signs are associated with the wedding, because a wedding is the most solemn and important holiday that determines the fate of a person.

For example, a marriage entered into during haymaking was considered unhappy, so at this time there were no weddings in Russia.

If during the wedding the bride drops the handkerchief, and the groom picks it up, then he will not live long, in order to protect the young from the evil eye, salt is thrown at their feet. Whoever steps on the rug at the wedding will be the main one in the family. If the church crown is put on the head of the bride, the marriage will be strong, if it is held in the air above the head, fearing to crumple the veil or hairstyle, the marriage may be unsuccessful.

In marriage, it was possible to test the fidelity of the wife. There are many ways to do this. One, the most interesting, I will give as an example. If you put a magnet on the head of your wife, a faithful wife will embrace her husband in a dream, a faithful wife will not be able to sleep. In order for a husband to love his wife deeper, one needs to burn the collar of his shirt, and pouring ashes into the drink they say: "As the shirt clings to the body, so the husband would cling to his wife."

The pregnancy of a woman was popularly revered and in a number of signs this position of a woman was reflected. All of them for some reason warned and protected the future mother.

For example, in order not to give birth to a terrible child or a freak, it was necessary to eliminate all troubles and unpleasant objects from the eyes of a pregnant woman. And this is easy to explain from the point of view of modern medicine. After all, if a woman feels and sees what is not pleasant during pregnancy, when her nervous system is the most fragile and prone to disorders and disorders, like the whole body in general, then any unfavorable factor can affect the state of health of herself, the fetus. At the same time, it is possible that the child will be born with deviations. Therefore, cheerful and loving household members tried to surround the future woman in labor with beautiful objects and pleasant impressions. By signs, the people determined the sex of the unborn child.

It was believed that a woman in labor suffers for the soul of every person who knows that she is giving birth, so it is necessary that as few people as possible know about this. A woman in labor should not have more than one knot, even the braids are unwound. A very good omen is that at the birth of a child, the father must plant a tree, as the tree grows, so the child will grow. If the tree withers, the child will get sick.

This gave the parent an incentive to take care of the tree, to protect it, not allowing it to fade and die. How beautiful our cities would be if at the birth of each baby a tree was planted and had its own care.

If a child was born weak, he must certainly be christened. The shirt that was worn on the first baby at baptism is also worn on all subsequent ones, so that all children love each other. The baby was forbidden by sign, kissing on the lips - will remain dumb. In fact, kissing on the lips of a child is not recommended purely for hygienic reasons.

Each such sign contains a secret meaning aimed at ensuring that the child grows up healthy and develops normally. Already, if only because of this, it is worth believing the signs and knowing them.

I would like to talk a lot about the signs associated with those who surround a person, i.e. with wild and domestic animals. People believed that birds, animals, insects could portend the happiness and unhappiness of a person.

The stork brings newborns and builds its nests over a good house, over which happiness awaits. Perhaps this is due to the fact that an aura of peace and well-being reigns over the house in which kind and loving people live. And feeling this favorable aura, birds build their nests just above such houses. And where there are constant scandals and quarrels, where angry and nervous people live, an aura of evil rises, unpleasant and does not attract birds and animals, and the inhabitants are more than people sensitive to such factors. That is why the house above which the stork's nest is - a hotbed of well-being and mutual understanding. And this fact was also noticed by the people.

A dove flies either to a fire or to news, and a dove will not fly to a bad person; a woodpecker near the dwelling portends death, it is a bad omen to meet a hare on the way, if a red cow walks in front of the herd in the evening - the next day will be sunny, if black - to bad weather; if a pet animal does not have a name, then it will soon get sick and die; a cat of a tricolor color promises prosperity and wealth in the house; if a chicken cries like a rooster, it will be in trouble; if you destroy a swallow's nest, you cannot avoid a fire; if the horses sweat for no reason, the owner will die; mice squeak - for the wedding; to kill a spider - unfortunately; the roosters crowed - to the news; a bird to cackle - to bad weather; if a swarm of bees flies into the house, then within a year someone will die; a pig towards - fortunately; do not hit or kick the dog - convulsions will happen to you; cockroaches in the house - to wealth.

This section of the site contains the most popular folk signs about home and housing. Do you want to better understand what is happening in your life? Read these home signs related to the construction and maintenance of housing. Of all the signs about the house presented here, you can easily choose a sign of the day for every day.

Signs associated with the house, well-being in the house. Home signs.

Before building a new house on the ground, in order to live happily in it, the owner and the mistress bury the head of a rooster in the ground, better than a real one. But if you do not have such an opportunity - make a rooster's head from plasticine or mold from wax, decorate with feathers. This ritual symbolizes the sacrifice to the gods guarding the dwelling. The ceremony is performed secretly and in the middle of the night.

Before building or laying the foundation, wool and birch bark are buried in the ground at the front corner - for luck in the trade in horses, goats and cows. Indeed, at the time of the emergence of these rituals, the richest merchant traded in cattle and timber. You can bury a few small coins or grains so that money and bread are not transferred in the new house. Taking into account the transformation of monetary units, it is allowed to bury the American non-new dollar together with Russian coins. Tradition interprets that those who did this were acquiring an irredeemable silver ruble, but what if you get an irredeemable dollar? A piece of bread, a pinch of salt, a particle of honey are placed at the base of the house.

At the place chosen for housing, several handfuls of rye are poured for one or two days. If the grains remain intact throughout the entire time - this place will bring good luck, if not - the place is unhappy - you need to leave it. Where the classics and antiquity have been forgotten, the pagan rite was replaced by the Christian consecration of the first corners of the frame or the corners of the foundation. The corners represent the boundaries of the room. A warm corner is a synonym for home. Cutting a corner for yourself - building a hut. The threshold is the border that separates the home from the outside world or the wild side.

Beyond the threshold, fenced off by corners, a person is guarded by a domestic deity - a hearth or, simply, fire, the cult of veneration of which goes back to the worship of Perun - the god of thunderstorms.

The threshold, along with crossroads and borders, is considered the most mystical place in Slavic mythology. This is the place where two roads converge - one leading to the house, the other leading from the house. This is a collision of two realities of entry and exit, one is patronized by one force - the hearth - the other by the force of violent winds. And the place where these forces do not act is the threshold - the line of alienation, the place of non-action. It is there, according to beliefs, that evil spirits dwell. Therefore, magical rites are pronounced on the thresholds, and many signs are associated with the thresholds. The illegitimate dead children were buried under the threshold so that the priest, entering the house, consecrated the soul of the baby with his presence.

They do not greet them across the threshold, do not say goodbye, do not sit down, so as not to anger the home god and so that evil forces do not attack. Merchants should not stand on the doorstep so as not to drive away buyers. At dusk, they do not carry garbage through the threshold after a departed friend, so he may no longer come to you. But if the enemy left - anything - under the threshold after him and spit and an angry word can be said - the threshold will endure everything. Envious people usually throw needles under the threshold of the house - so that there is no health, salt - for quarrels and torn money for lack of money. So check what you have there under your doorstep!

Household signs associated with home and housing.

Do not show your money to strangers, as you can quickly lose it.

It is not advisable to stand on the doorstep, so as not to "stagnate" the well-being going into the house.

After guests leave, shake the tablecloth outside.

They do not sweep in the same house with different brooms, so that wealth does not spread to the sides.

It is desirable to help the one who is loading: this leads to an increase in well-being. But avoid helping those unloading.

Sitting on the table is a sign of poverty.

The debt is repaid in the morning, not in the evening - so that the money can be found.

To make money flow, nails are cut on Tuesday or Friday.

In inclement weather, it is better not to take anything out of the house.

They don’t give money on Monday, otherwise there will be expenses all week.

After sunset, money is not counted - so as not to decrease.

They don't put money on the table - to a loss.

Do not sweep in the house after sunset - to a loss.

You should take money with your left hand, and give it with your right hand.

When you pass under the bridge on which the train goes, you need to put a coin on your head and be sure to have time to pass under it! You can still clap your hands.

When you give alms, say to yourself "the hand of the giver will not fail"

The broom in the apartment must be kept with the sweeping part up.

Do not whistle in the apartment!

In the wallet, fold the bills evenly, do not keep money of different currencies together.

Show banknotes for a young, just born month, with the words: "Month, my friend, give money a full wallet!"

When you open a new pack of cigarettes, first you need to turn one of the cigarettes upside down (so that the filter is at the bottom) and you need to smoke this cigarette last.

You cannot wipe the table with paper or your hand - there will be no money.

You can't leave your wallet empty, even if you rake out the last money, at least a penny, but you need to leave it!

If you take money for a growing moon, and give it in small denomination for a waning moon, then there will be more money.

No money is lent on Monday.

You can't leave little change on the table - to tears.

If you give a cat or any other animal, you need to take at least a small coin. It is better to pay off the debt not in the evening, but in the morning - money will be found.

A little money must be constantly kept under a tablecloth on the table - money will never be transferred in the house and there will be no losses. You should not give and accept knives as a gift - this is enmity.

You cannot wipe the table with paper - this leads to quarrels and to losses.

Also, you cannot knock keys and put them on the table - this leads to conflicts.

An open umbrella is not placed in the bedroom or living room - this can be the reason for shed tears.

To avoid a quarrel at a party, cross the threshold with your right foot.

They do not sweep the floor when a person dear to you has left, so as not to cover his way to your house.

Do not play with a knife - a fight may arise.

After the sun sets, no new bread is cut, as this can lead to quarrels and lack of money.

The salt shaker should not be passed from hand to hand. You need to put it on the table.

If you have to give someone a needle, you need to lightly (jokingly) prick that person. This is done so that there is no enmity with him.

So that the two brothers do not quarrel, one magnet is sewn into their clothes.

If someone is called by the name of a person who left, then this person will be angry when he arrives.

Folk beliefs

Looking closely at the habits of animals, birds, fish and insects, a person discovered some patterns in their behavior, a connection with natural phenomena, with events in family life. This is how signs and beliefs appeared.

Noticing the bathing sparrows, we conclude that it will rain. And if a black cat crosses the road, we take a number of protective measures. What is behind these and other beliefs?

The sparrow is a cursed bird, you need to drive him away from home. This superstition is rooted in the legend of Jesus. During the crucifixion of Jesus, the swallows carried the nails away from the cross in their beaks, and the sparrows brought them again. It is believed that since then they are cursed and therefore do not walk like other birds, but jump: invisible fetters hang on their paws.

The black cat will cross the road- not to see luck this day. It is necessary either to turn around its axis, or, breaking the rod into two parts, throw the debris in different directions. You can cross your fingers on your right hand, placing the middle on your index.

The black cat is one of the most sinister symbols in Slavic mythology. She is directly connected with evil spirits, with witches. This motive has found the broadest reflection in folk tales and in literature. Accordingly, it is believed that a black cat crossing the road can bring bad luck to a person.

Plant beliefs

For a long time, people watched the healing properties of plants through the eyes of healers. To this day, with St. John's wort, cornflowers, folk healers cure diseases so effectively that doctors are surprised at this. Both kings and villagers used the services of herbal gatherers. It was believed that many plants protect against spoilage. Without plants - trees, shrubs, grasses, flowers - it is impossible to imagine human life. Therefore, many signs and beliefs are associated with plants. An entire pharmacy and a pantry of vitamins have been discovered empirically in nature. Signs and beliefs associated with plants can be conditionally divided into four parts: in relation to nature, to health, to evil spirits and to human habits.

You will see a lilac flower with five petals - eat it. Fortunately, luckily. It is believed that happiness is as rare as a flower with five petals. Therefore, having become its full owner (eating), a person consolidates his luck.

Whoever plants a willow with his own hands near the house prepares a spade for himself. It means that this person will die when a shovel can be hewn out of the willow he has planted. Belief is one of the sparing ones: the pussy willow grows for a long time, and by that time you can really die of old age. Things around a person have always been endowed with the ability to either help or harm, depending on the situation. In the same way, attention was paid to how things behave after parting with the owner. For example, it was noticed: if you give someone an empty wallet, without a single coin, there will be no money in it. And how many beliefs are associated with sharp things! The people have a particularly cautious attitude towards them. Around a person - a huge number of things, and each is endowed with its own character, habits, characteristics. All of them were noticed by the people, in order to then reflect them in signs and beliefs.

In order for money to be found, one must look at the newly born Month, while holding on to money or gold. To become rich is a normal desire of every person, because wealth gives independence. Therefore, with the opportunity to achieve wealth, the people associated many signs: here and long hair, and a fur coat with the pile up, and ants, and even cockroaches, and the cry of a cuckoo, and washing with water in which golden objects lie ... The full moon resembles a large coin, and its light is similar to the color of precious metals, which contributed to the appearance of omens.

If something is missing, you need to tie a handkerchief to the chair leg and tell the Domovoi: "Play, play and give it back!" Soon the lost thing will be found. According to the legends, the Brownie loves to play with things and sometimes - not out of malice, but out of play! - forgets to return them to their place. This belief is coming true.

Before a long journey, you need to sit down and be silent. it-to a good path. It is quite logical, because it is at these moments that a person is once again intensively scrolling in his head: did he take everything with him? Have you forgotten your documents, ticket, keys? Did you leave the house in order - water, gas, light? Silence helps you focus.

If you came back for some reason halfway- before a new exit, look at yourself in the mirror and stick out your tongue. You can look under the rug, rug-helps too. Mystically, the omen is based on the fact that the returning one must certainly deceive or frighten the unclean force (which looks from behind the left shoulder in the mirror) and let her know that he is not afraid.

To protect the house from sorcerers and evil people, you need to stick a pin or needle into the door with the tip out. Belief is associated with the attitude to sharp objects as a mystical protection from an ill-wisher. It doesn't matter if he sees the needle or not. The main thing is that the owners are calm, knowing that an evil look is neutralized.

The national traits of the Russian people imply the preservation of the traditions of their ancestors, which have come down to the present generation in the form of signs and beliefs. The veneration of omens is more common. The word "omen" comes from the word to notice or observe. In a broad sense, omens denote the transfer of accumulated observations from the older generation to the younger.

Signs concentrate a great deal of practical knowledge related to people's everyday life, observing the weather and nature. They have preserved the traditions of ancient folk holidays and all of them, in one way or another, affect our life since ancient times. Russian folk signs have something in common with the signs that exist in other countries, which once again confirms the commonality of human civilization in cultural traditions.

A similar situation develops with the category, which is usually attributed to beliefs. If we compare signs and beliefs, then the latter represent not just short remarks about life, but sometimes whole folk legends are concentrated in them. Beliefs are associated with mysticism, which is present in the world around people and affects their destinies. Therefore, in beliefs, as a rule, there is a deeper meaning than in omens. However, they equally relate to various aspects of human life, and the examples given will reveal the depth and completeness of their influence on the modern state of affairs.

Signs and beliefs about brownies

When a person builds a house, he hopes to become a sovereign master in it. But the fact is that the main owner, the Russian people from ancient times considered a man with the affectionate name Homebody. No one knows exactly where he lives in the house, and what appearance he has, but according to popular beliefs, sometimes he can take the form of some kind of animal.

You need to live with the brownie amicably, since he is considered the defender of the hearth, and very active in the sense that he can express his dissatisfaction. For example, when they say that the cat is not in the yard, this may mean that the brownie did not accept the animal. This is due to the popular belief that the cat should be the first to enter the new house. This was a kind of sacrifice rite, where the cat plays the role of a sacrificial animal that saves a person.

According to legend, the first one to cross the threshold of a new house, or to spend the night in it, will also die first. Following the rules of bioenergy, the cat is able to identify places with positive and negative energy in the house. Choosing unfavorable points, the cat helps to neutralize them, but the dog will indicate favorable places in all respects, suitable for placement, for example, bedrooms.

According to legends, the brownie becomes visible before the approaching misfortune, and his wife, the housewife, before that can cry loudly at night. The family of brownies has many of their relatives and helpers, such as a courtyard, a haystack, a barn and others. The story of their appearance says that these were the ugly children of Adam and Eve, whom Adam wanted to destroy for their ugliness. Eve begged him not to kill them, but to hide them from human eyes where no one would see them. Since then, they have been hiding from people and “working” as brownies.

Signs for the home

Continuing the theme, there will be signs and beliefs associated with human dwelling, it should be noted the great role of such a necessary household item as a broom. According to folk traditions, it is under it that the domovoy is located. Therefore, it is recommended to take the old broom with you when you move to a new home together with the owner, who will preserve family well-being. In order for the broom to be able to protect the house from witchcraft intrigues, you need it to stand in the corner in a position with a whisk up. It is worth noting that this also has a purely practical meaning: this way it will wear out less and last longer.

A sign that prohibits whistling in the yard and in the house is associated with monetary or material losses, losses. It is also not recommended to clean the house, sweep and mop the floors immediately after guests leave. This is due to the fact that in this way you can wash away their traces, which will close their way to this house.

In the system of Russians, great importance is given to the threshold. It represents the border between the inner world of the house and the outer one that surrounds the dwelling. On the doorstep, it is not customary to greet each other and say goodbye, because, firstly, this is contrary to the rules of etiquette, and secondly, signs claim that this can lead to a quarrel and open access to the house for evil spirits, rejoicing in your troubles. And the sign that it is impossible to sweep the dirty linen through the threshold of the house is also well-known, and is reflected in the well-known saying “not to wash dirty linen in public”. In fact, it is forbidden to take the trash out of the house after sunset, because it is fraught with losses and poverty.

Bread and salt

People have always had a special attitude towards bread. This is reflected in the signs. It is believed that bread subtly senses the mood of the hostess who bakes it, therefore, in order not to offend it, you need to be in a good mood. It was impossible to clean up until the bread was baked, this promised wealth leakage. For the same reason, the knife cannot be stuck into the loaf. Bread should never be thrown away if it is not edible, it is better to give it to animals or birds.

An indispensable companion of bread - salt is also a heroine will take. Evil spirits are wary of her powers, the so-called quaternary salt is used in various rituals. The well-known sign that sprinkling salt to a quarrel has a practical background. Since in Russia, salt was quite expensive, so it was highly valued.

Everything that is associated with omens is perceived today by people at a subconscious level. They can remember them mechanically, often just as a joke. Many treat them as superstitions, nevertheless, they go to the other side, barely noticing a black cat, or knock on a tree so as not to "jinx" anything. Russian omens and beliefs have always been distinguished by their sincerity, some researchers noted their poetry. But the most important thing is that people still believe that their execution will help protect themselves from evil forces in our high-tech, but such a fragile world.

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